HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-08, Page 5V4, p esse.'escsss-s•e, tr . ett,i itts up?t0,144t Ust retelve Lace Curtains We httaie & -*dry large otoek i thiiiine. We made oxtenawo porch hart- a beautifui,tartV,-OtP,!tte.r!"* ,.9%,144:C00119-4,2". -,:zz,:0*1,,c*Zpthq,fi,^.',,,i,f4f4K.‘,..QViriii,1,44.:-.7. :44 ' •"SI g -Y. --- Our r,y nepartmens a noVf in xott spun; utt er the c Argo of Wsa • Wehave the largest display we hewsever shoWn in the most WU. s we could procure, po not fail to givethis .department c0411, c our stock and compare 1IFSin the' priceif. Dress:00011i “seJetsgLesessonepletelinosofaltilwilatstitsfabrienedAadessiet; erdeit 0-1(Cole`Over tbem. Our -prices areright. We have also"04, FtIta, Vottimarleoi:Groginirns, Silks, Etc, Do notlail to see our Gent's Furnishings and plothing; all lines complete. ' We are opetito buy Butter, Eggs Potatoes, Onions,' Clover and Timothy Seed for which we will pay the hiKhest pricets A otsli solicited. • sEVangelleat'. *-;:nesit! Y 'MOrnisig - /tele J. A. Schmidt. of FM. apied, tilln,itAf • Mioe lie Wein, who leas lbeen istintlese for,,ther'paste yelereAseepen epectevelientari Eroaost. t.er under t c Mrs. Claude 13IuOtt and childien 1.rie , ret.--.71ed home' after sending 4 ivv.- visiting, friends at Ver.. ' e* texue no Aellsh% arid -that VI gone feelin" n rrigbteneda, t. the eteant breaking, the PrI010.,oi d several,. PalCIAof 'VOA* lin ran OS.w-1Y '`wagou's liatness. Yen, up hop o d a. few bags re, vexbefog well scattered along the road. 1 n4Stsbegan to fion;kouot, thi,taxmers-,In,thia,sootion, . eXmlieSesisinks.1 commenced p owing on Monday. . Itantip Vegetable A very pretty weddiros took place coMpound. Then - 1 felt felt as though new life bad been reeonunending it on Wednesday, March net, at- the hoMe of Mr. and Mrs. :Richard Baker when M. Clarence liellermann est son of Mr. and Mrs. .Geo. Ionia Chas, gwieker has edded to his already eomplete seed plant nieces mill of recent ioventien for the rair.- peSte,ro,,:taktno.„.og.t.,:.01-the-foreig .45,004474914 - • 1W-i*:A*40,, plants In Ontario for locale dealers, We, It. 8weet, who was visiting in Tarniship....returnetl 1 Mr. Albert -Morlock has added a a lathe, which he 'purchaeed last week 'front the It. Petrie Comparieesor Tor- onto and it will be. used for repair. week, especially for natithines. tXI,. Morloale can 'low boast of having one sorstelie-- best - equiellied*:*thistiesfia-,e;this" oneafeethe vie-arr.; and-*-W-iiow A pesition' to da all kJnds of repair work on the shortest notice. One dasS,last weds per,eons en- tiefest-the (borne. of, Mr. Rebt. Sweet Ivhile bk., was engaged doing chorea and helped themselves to whatnioney they could find and not being flatitl- -ified visited his cellar and took some fruit. This is the third time Mr, 'Sweet has ,misSed fruit in a similar :inannerz-ththieves evidently-kmwzr. ing by ehiseneensiethatelee,ekesapaezot iig but what i siieete 'Ile' vot object so much to them helping th.ens. selves to 4 little fruit.. hut ,hei would elikezethesnertre.restuseeethaeensine pays 'he liasea sneak' (.neesidosezesho h chaps are. ' and Mrs. Inines CIazi. Mrs F. -W. Clark and Miss Ethel Clazk- at. Anticipating the phenomenal demand which bas arisen or Satin. Surface Fabrics we have secured some-exceptionai- desireable material and we invite your attention to the ellovrinti Sada cloth in d'Very.shade you desire at scc per int • Satin Pu4hcssq, a veryriew and. hia.v.y_maieriaLfiv_ -41- ,01)# .0 4; es vosop er Weavels P.,11110A%-.411u4lAW. des. Panama• \'s in the new shades, special 7.c. -Chiffon Pana - as in the new shades at different prices, p.iteAt..g1.11.14,41:":-.0,0,14.TM -4 bas, PoplinsitriciAu*Waid afl jjiii1ai1inesAiti be Zi -d biiea ht, prices. _Silks, Satins. CrinkleCloth, Zephers, Gingham, Linens, Wash Goods, etc , in big variety. Give Us a Call IrtelostmAlityke, Mil. t, A falfa Seeds, Dutch Sets tathinds et produce. signmanfrof-buggies-frotirtive.of-theleadingefternintaritr- _the Jatet styles and designs, .Any person intexdiog buying will -do rell to look over our stock before purchasin . No trouble_to Ahmgoode sdrteisiattlrfirgiattrarTait :ONTARIO. W0.0141136 to Farquhar seeking *more congenial occupation and leve-wts-shalitikothe work vt stye undortaken, Otke_porpoe do treht aftairlie---iiillatibiWse--thatifilrnar-ii -Mistakes oiy, 11 ba of the head and not of the.beart. -We -adopt the oTd - t Goods at Right Prices." It has ' been & principle with us to ttatitl by Our tieighborsif their occupation was legitimate and on this principle we solicit your patronage. . piing is at hand and if you. want Stieds for Field or Garden, Shov. els Hoes or Forks, Oil Cake, Stock 'Food, Suli)hue or whatever serye you well. • - I.• UtfLI Mr. and Mrs. *Triis.7.rrevethick and Master Victor spent Sunday with friends at -Sharon. Rev. J. dlart, of Eippen. will preach missionary sernions in the Methodist church on Sunday next. Rev. Robt. Rieke will take*ItevniftirtN work at Kippen. Mr. B. li'aist has started his poet' driver. , The regular meeting of the Stephen council was held here on Monday. The Ladies' Aid, of the Methodist church intend giving a concert in the church on iMoriday evening nexti They have arranged a god program h esefollowing--aressexpe tee& est -41arteetlisoloisteand-selo- cutionist, of Iletisall; nor. Stead - &lent, •-rne--iie-expecte Admission .1.1 ands,25 vents- . country , for cure of all forrus of female coin' Is Lyd E. Pink - haves Vegetablo Compound. It has f .ycar. and to -day i _ uiyo thet feints -16.4 thousands of women who ,have been -troubled with displacements„.inflam- P...4.1,,,AltOrdi dtles, OUo.pains,,i1)ackacigti, itrtildiatgetrtior1411g.4auedivitnefre,tiunsgp, rtolastiarletiticontee -Itauhrpkpets' tioilpowrbteltdo :447.71.00Buirr: after another means tail failed, inediately after tbo teeetnony and If YOU areSufteringfrolnanyof filen cOn gratui Patrons were offered th-e -bride-and groom led the- way to the twee given Lydia E. rairs-rillr'veg°e,11 I dining eoom where rO4refihrtlentS were e...--_--.s....-4,044_,...1,11„esLZILP-=elteseskerelleattiiiii ledeseeeee-uv: oehundred'und the -gifts were lboth .iest :,:eet°141rfse'llIreeke" amw, levet nurnersins saiSCattatly'es:;giFesTileTeseeteTe Mese, for its 'She has glade present from ZuriChi. 'Creditori and 'tliotisandS to health, free of .STI'ON Miss ,'Slausie "Ilartleih _ends Alma "1111"P.N. DIGEEN-DS. Sunday. . vid site, Ifriends. in Zurich on 'rent woe eat anything ,your stone:Itch! fersThii e,,4mnai; friends of Mies Tillie Eh. plenled to learn that she cralees ivithout 'fear of case of In- els recovermg rapidly from her illness. oodeerAill reement--o, vithe-Exeter-friesids-- Miss Annie Seliton spent Sunday • digestion or .Dyspepsia, or that your • —Mr -A. Ed*seffer .1i. 1 '4.914,64, Ditin'tY-tfet1041- after Oita'on friend- 1r town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Volker, of tZurich, t o. tiraybeil spent Kmiday in Exeter. Mi. and Mrs. ,Kurtz. Of Greenway ficitt isS Tina Willert officzatcd t tte organ. The bride ivorc white i with the customary veil and orange blossoms and carried a lientititol liouonet ot .whitio carnations., Miss Amelia-Eblerg. b:IL5ter Of .tho hritIC,A0t. ed as bridesmaid, wearing blue silk and coaling white carnations. Little 'della Raker, neietA the bride made awariar;,earanit. Your meals will taste gocid and anythino. . you eat will be digestede s et sc'.t'Ii.H.RsI...S4.1.1sfztsuseeteo.t.-_Anrneie' ito,acjd. or poison Or_lts_Entft_S.4_40,1t, causc Belching, Dizziness, *a reeling fullneSs after eating, Nausea, In- digeetion (like a lump of had -in stom- rt-bitrare-W aaCtitreisenstocaseitmedizieffiRG or other symronptonta. Ileadach ,. absolutely unknown where this offer.- ecspiees ttf' the rimitibox base ball A box soeial will be held under the es ft the stomach 'are . tire remedy is use.d._, nit/pepsin really club in Farquhar Hall on Thursday, does all the work of 4 healthy stem- April Sth, 190/ A grandl Program of rtch. It digestslettr meals vhen your first class talent is being arranged stomach canft..:'' tacit -trlatigule will1 fin'''' During--ther ty'llifig-the. box" tl-gest all the food 'eon can eat and weft be sold to the highest bidder. tAd- leave nothing to ferment or sour. - 1 mission 15 cents. Ladies bringing box- ': " - Get a „large 50 -cent case oT Pares ep free, Everybody 'welcome. Diapepein fromyour elruggist and . , start taking today and by tomor.Farquhar rovesyou will. ttettially brag about, ' The young men and boys of the 1. your' healthy, strong iStornach, for neighborhood have organized a base you then can eat anything and every. ball club and are going to -open the -- v thing you want 'without the slight. seaors by having a-boec social. on eit devinfort t mittryL_41124..,e Ihirredety evenintteitsenil.flirs In F0,114...* _ .. "PC:falt9ISPOrnelltitit177444 iii"I'teotirer -is- 11"-ThfasiLugar blisli hams -kept —a good gaingstarbescarrie44W. ithoutsth 1U8flYe.People-bneye-for -,seineetimesesse! riutturei, OL' rniy Artifiiiritz-;1------;:trdwititfe-tric-itifi—Tua ---tiita -my\ pollee& • • - ierestarted . his...big. Fevered. rig. on _ .. , II 1 a • ot this «Section - died. at his borne west of the ,village esApeile netheelesstetilryeee a siesuresived-Whi -ssevidows-Ove-se and two daughters. The funeral was bold Tuesday, interment %being in. the Mt. atrutel cemetery. Imees,-of• Perlshilleetteet. guest of her sieters Mrs. Ohn,. Zwieker. Mr: P. W. Clark, slur gehial har- neesmaker, shipped five sets of har- sreaseelnet week to Manitobas- 1 Clark Is it good harness maker and untleretands his bueiness, thoranghly and line one of tbe best equipped _shine_ • e unteteene&esthe_orese from the west shows that his replan, - tion has extended to the far west. At present is kept very busy with his tpriteg work, but rtlurays find tineseto_ show -goods -Iiiiitstate new or •te. • MreArtesZwicketeetrareller for the hfetortnirk Tlisenit Co. visited over Sunday with his friends here. Att. in a clover young man anal there is no doubt but that he will make a re - imitation for himself in bie new Ittol ii6tt A4 1314,11. ZWItkOrthis week ship. Toronto, Quebec and other pont, -mese eneeserstereemeteseeseetsieeeme.s. TheseregithiremonthlyeMeeting-orsthe- of Vinkerain Tablets. Then ask. your 3 fire lxisurance ceropany un -'s -held here Doctor if there is a better on rain here Monday, 'Considerable business cart* -AiReistiotiv LiattoiLL,_4- „pressure -vt4kittutl/Mited._ somewhere. Dr. Shoop's rink rein; *Preveritics-.those Candy Cold Cure TabletS cheek heed pains, womardy Tablets -will safely tend quiekly check pains, pain, anywhere. Try one. and all colds and the Grip. Try .•theiti ,e1•20 --(or 2iles_elomehysAyesesemeleer once d` seol 41P-230.,..js'014,1 ar_o_ et! a -specialty of Millineiy all the lowest. a duce n Exchang • WANT -ED. -A car of Potatoes this week. Highest prices Paid for produce, Just arrived. The .0nest and .largK st assortment cfFancy Suit. 't- pttcrs and colors. Calsfaefilr'isittbliiirTinttei49PC513%-tla,t'sifr pritig suit. Prices right. AU parties-mtend 167;764i= well to give us a call. ',Sole agents for Ideal Woven -wire fencing. -4 . Iiiiiirffirltb5rTingMr5"*7r ' TIEMAN & EDIGEOPFER Corner Store," -,_ DASHWOOD eneing . and Paints We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your spring fencing with. • We handle the celebrated Page an; Peerless fenemprilso7Coil„ Barb -Wire and-ifogYencini--- . ce-s-45- rea-sonabWics—yOlf. &MIR elge Where. -numb - cliates Be sure to get our • rices -on Fencin --Aprg stock orlIartiii---Senour ready' Mixed Pain log per cent pure enftic Cave.11ro n -Cavo ItreVeS Zan:4111A excellent for Iturts and Bores • Gr-ni lie iCv.'e-tIrown-Cave, of 0 all; AShblede.Itt-Voueli, who is better ".-nown,.• In n othe- ,Cowboy riaro..et." has ,xp1rie.iuc -• *aloe iting I „ 1. is only my hay to iet great blit t have it in c:)n1tar1t ittojarntiltik handy TiFe.-Tror bruises will:0i I .lutVe rsernartslt* A I dspdy bc lust - use Zatailiii etttSSt leetStsfit. !�n tbnt,-bn (*t? tCtiIjgfl eame. tiOltn witli Itrist, aria' it, tn Arms. n Ittameditteir t ere ard raw: part t artielluk has yielded me far more etriarkable results and generally roved more reliable than anything I could have done in the way of mere oirstment37- or. erahroentions, . and I ,4 think it ,.nnecpralled for skirt injuries and diseases." eleare'r.- evidence, than the above • trpro431144.....uvii.satowit--aarotiet .could 'be rteetled to prove the urtiroe merit wladom of 4I1Wa3'e keeping hrindy• a box of thin wonderful balm- , ,Ztien.Oelk f t -hire's own bea1ng 114.01.,,ntir cr,:set.ers. • eh:Seise:Ifs." b ole' 04,244m-Iluk for poison n rie d ic *slarittd St box or es4.. see. riTre U. it. 'Elliott 10,119 11,29 11.11,01 SPitili on Monday for treatMent. si)itai. on Monday fro treatment. Ve 4opefor tt strottly rieetiVery. .Mr, and SidtiPLY Androo' antt- daughter,. 'Gertrude, or ritrovilte,.. ted- with Mr. Thoe. 'Mitchell on SUnday. tfrt. lArreley Ilodgirei. of St. Them. :ILI 'wag 'ttlynt of is.frs. 'Thos. Willis rt:It .Extensive "preparation*, are lit4ng nittle for the litswortb League' tea -meeting on Good Fra - day eitottitItt JO be foIlouJ by an 11- nktritted let‘h2P, Itoti.196tirl -.0t -:-- tewst"Ilittoring 011 t2c he pOititii r,f intereit tbrc ti a-. letente o ondar, J1,0* " f res. 'Y4'rywbere 'l1 re for Drie oQ free for price miss- Margaret - Maw -has 'returned. to the west, after visiting her dur. Ing the winter months with relatives. Miss Itattle Sutherland was in ton - don last week visiting friends. . , Mr. *Ind Mrs. Joseph Ellis left last week for ilinscarth, Man., where') they will remain Anti! the "fall. -11r.:-3ohn Welsh tooved last -week int9 the house recently •eccep104 lir Arries Coxwerth. Miss lessie Buchanan, wilts has been attending the Clinton Collegiate Institute, is home owing to illness. Mrs. Albert Pee, Mrs. E. Digntin and children left lust week for the, west. " ' Mr. Aiiidreee Iferopitill, of CoOks oeunty,- Milfttesettt. ovisitedbit brothi, r Zito,Itcznth1lt attrizig .tyie past week,. • f "rtheuroatie Poisons are_Anickl r. ThIrrt -iiii-eunrat-t0' Rein tAid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop,*bbokm let on rheumatism plaittir Ala Jnter ostirigt7 tons just how this la clones some sufferer of nal* botile better still. writo Dr. Shocii- R*elzte Wis., for the bdok and fres test sant* . ,pies. Send no money. just „foht *vita. 'Or. Shoop_and givt_virta• anffeter 44, ' plc-351nt SUrpri5e. SV. 8. flower. "C• gOVIVN' hihk4i-but It tttab1 iii hat $.1 by hildtto Veiitut ' • hur, i visiting her IPareLlts. Mr. and Vesper Wainer.' Miss Lydia Faust haste milted fro visit with friends. At Cart4 •ob The 'little- sevenqtrontli .old CIIIM if Mr.., and Mrs. Louis Jittreir.• l!ttarch fltith. The tifire VP: the oympathy of All In thelv 6ti.vtnittio. . • " tatheritieiteinath. a. fornier 7tiont-of-Zorietr, died at -ROY le in Saturday, Unfelt 2111r, Itt tbc 4.otro1 her daughter* Sti$0. With whoM•she hat irt* for fDwy�ajs. Thi " • 'ted-had*--;eetteltS Mr. John *Tata' tit** mt.,: retnrnediat t o 6 in o n atteresting report o( tlw grc' u oeittl convent .Maple *Iron Ole the la tto are ft ty,'from la rrip ror 44.)*r nrt * rtk., t 4 In bu1nesj, bre for fo the iitst. be lired retired. 11 kis cfrath Is mournecl