HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-7, Page 88 T!MES. "4. 06,01311It .1:18M • NOW ItEADY LOVELL'S ADVANCED Cr C RATr'I•L '"d PRICE, • - • $1.50.. :0: Sent anywhere, post free on receipt, of price, cT, GRIGG, Bookseller, Exeter. Ite , eter airte . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, ,IAO. LOCAL NEWS. TheYo.taie Belt Co., Marshall.,1Tieh., Will send their celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 clays trial. Speedy cures guarantee,,. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. • Da. B. V. Pierce, Consulting Physieit n to the 'oral's Dispeusaq and Invalids' liotel,of Buf- falo, N: Yt1 lies re8iguecl his seat in Cengross that he may hereafter aerate his whole time and attention to those applying to the Wont,t:'s DuressA1ty MErICA.n ASSOCIATION for the troatuieut of Chronic Diseases. Nutt Dz ws,-=•Wo must do:igratulate the London Free Press on the handsome appear- ance it presents in the new dress of type which it domed a few days ago, The Free Press is the best daily in the west,and in many respects is equal if not superior to the Toronto dailies, We are glad to note this evidence of continued prosperity, and hope the paper '1 ill increase in circulation and influence. ADvanrlsrao—The days aro now past and gone forever when any firm can repose upon its celebrity, Come etition and advertising have revohtticelleed business altogether, and when energy clireets both, old houses fuel the pinch severely. There is nothing like keep'ng ourselves we:lbefore our customers, Says the London Printer and Stationer, an advertise- ment should bo like a continual invitation to a feast—eeduetive and satisfying in result.— Further, ' good goods will always pay for ad- vertising, new customers will come again. ATTAALPTED SUICIDE. —011 Saturday evening last, Mr. Charles T. Wilkie, a boarder at the Lorne House, Exeter North, cut his throat with a jack knife. The gash was long, but not deep enough 'to cause death. Medical assis- tauee was summoned, and tris wound attended two ram lambs for $40. llrlly look shabbywhen y„u can get a suit of to. , At the present the man is doing well. 'The A new post office is to ;be opened at clothes ler 6 l at U. & W. Southcott's. cause for the rash act is supposed to be the Middleton Corners, Goderich Town- Tnn largest, best and cheapest assortment usual one, heavy drinking and • consequent • St. Mare: SksIoifs AOOWDEN'r.—While .Nlrr Adam Johnson, of Dowiue; accompanied by his wife and eldest daughter; 'were driving into town on Saturday horning the horse started running at a terrific rate when near the Market, and while oouiing around Beatie's corner threw the occupants of the buggy out on the hard rt ad. The ikr'se pursued its bourse down Qneen street, atlrl a voting man named Thompson narrowly escap- ed withihis life, the hotee just grazing him. Mr. Johnson received a very bad out on the side of Inc head, near the left temple. Mrs. Johnson, it, is said, received very severe internal in- juries, and their daughter was out and bruised, but she is thought not so bad- ly injured as her father and mother. ITEMS Over the County. OF NEWS FROM HURON' E1• CHANGES: THS; C.01.1,:NELL STLAM: • ENGI, Z; OE, aIIRESHIN.G The Signal is a credit to C}oderioh, Grape thieves abound in Goderich: o More light is wanted on Clinton These ere all'Warraittctl, trill leave gained a wide repttldtioil . F;atis[actlon fmarauteeil streets. ; Ito sale. Any repairs or hop/ of the above implements can bo obtained from Air. Verity ‘6 Mite mice sell in Clinton at $1 per *. pair. Ou Thursday last Mr. H. Snell sold HAGGERT & COCHRAN. Oranzptori, aril St Theatiao Ag1'icultur !-t1 IMPL1 MENT WORKS, 0 :NA R4 W P1. vIll RIII` '' Hit 'beeti dpliointotl dderit for ,tlie sale of the folloe`ing artidles muff anicttii'ed by thi# St. T1lthuae and Braulltttih Agriettlthral lVoi'ke Xt'rlpr ovd RoyeE1 Reaps, a o w Lark vit to TIGER .A. :RAKE, MACHINES: of shoulder braces in Exeter, at Central Drug Store,' 0. Lure. A fine assortment of fall tweeds at G. & W. Scn tl,cott's. Give theta e call. Fresh arrival of a splendid stock of Boots .and Shoes at Chas. Eacrett's, For a good fitting suit of clothes, go to G. .& W. SoutLcott's, C. Southcott's old stand, Main Street, Exeter. Mr. S.E.JoNEs,has a large stook of watches, .clocks, jewelry, silverware, etc., on hand,which he is selling very cheap. Those dishing to parohase _anything in the jewelry line would look to their advantage by calling on him and esataiieing his stock. Parties visiting our fair will do well to cull :and see Samwell•,ta Piokard's stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, and Clothing. A yuwng magi who has recently taken a wire, ,says he didu't find it half so hard to get mar- ried as le did to get furniture. He did not try John Drew's furuiture store, or he would not :seer that. Preparations for curing cider, at the Cen- tral Drug Store. Tan brick work on the extension , to the Afethodiet Church is nearly completed. • On Friday evening, 15th. inst., a parlor con- cert will be held at Mr. W. H. Verity's, ander the auspices of the L. A. S. of C. M. Church. 'We learn that it is the intention of Messrs. Aldrech & Cathcart to start a newspaper in Bayfield. Those gentlemen are centainly very enterprising, and deserve success. Mn. ANDERW Meanness, well known to many of our readers, and at one time school teacher at Grand Bend, but now a student at Knox . College. Toronto, preached in Goderich last Sunday. Tae E Ladies of the Methodist Congregation. Kirkton, will furnish an excellent warm dinner nu the days .of the Kirktou Fair in the Orange, Hall„ at the entrance to the grounds. Price wetuty cents. FUNEEAL Sxaxor--The death of the late Mr. J. Brawn was Improved last Sabbath by Rev. J. R. Gandy, of the Methodist Church, who preached an iinpressive and able sermon to a lame congregation. 7,'eusuis GIVING DAY.—A special sermon wil he preached in Christ Church, on Sunday morning next, Oct. 10, in aid of the Algoma. Afiseicns, this being the day appointed by the Bishop of Huron as a day of thanksgiving in the diocese, A speei Leourse of sermons are being de- livered by the Incombent of Christ Church on Sunday evenings, on "Glimpses of Heaven." Seats provided, and all v'eleome. Service at 7 o'clock. ''A course in Properation en Bible Mon and Bible Times, Nor Gacielno Ur.—We have been informed by Messrs. Ladley & Wanless that they have no intention of closing np the woollen faektiry here while making repairs. The factory is very billy now, wed a days' or even a mouths' rlleness could not be thought of. J3otowr.—We see by the New Era that Mr. $fc'Taggart, of Clinton, hest sold a magnificent , Sir Archy carriage horse to lir, White, of liodgerviile, for the sum of 6175. Bf". Wnite is.a good judge of hoes ftesu, and wolf warrant that he bas a fine animal, It is said that a prize was offered at a show down south, for the best looking editor, As we were unable to attend, the prize did not come this way.—Clinton New Era, We beg to inform our Clinton friend that he le not the editor of the Exeter Times, and therefore—but, do. A Romeo= Freest.. The visitors at the South Huron Exhibition held in:Exeter, this year, will remember the haudaome driving team belonging to Mr, John Shipley, of Hullett, which took first prize, They have been pur- chased by an American for the henbane' sum of t1:.J0. They were worth every cent of it. AR;it Memos,— Che youngest son of D. Mc- Lennan, of Blyth, had the misfortune while perfertnnig on the horizontal bar on Tuesday, to break one sof his arms, Medical aid was at nuee summoned, and he is progressing as favorably as eoetld be expected.—Record.— Mester McLonnan'is a of Mr. D. McLen- nan, !menet(y of Exeter, and the family have the cytep l y of the people of th is locality. mental depression. TU Sronrxs1IEN,-"-It may be'necessary to re- mind some sportsmen that changes have, been made iii game laws. The killing time is now fixed is -Deer, Oct. 1 to Dec, 15 ; partridge, Sept. 1 to Jan, 1 ; quell and turkey, Oct. 1 to Jen.1 ; woodcock, Aug, 1 to Jan. 1 ; snipe, Aug. '15 to Jan. 1 ; (Incite and geese, Aug. 15 to May 1. Sportsmen throughout the country are awakening to the truth that there will be no gatne in the country unless prompt steps are taken to carry out the laws, ' Baez 0AIN.—Messrs, Isaac and Wm. Car- lingaud,D, Johns, who have been away in Munitobp< and th e Northwest during the past iuont1 , returned home last week, looking well after their extended trip. They all are warm in their, praises of the Great Loon Land, and confidently anticipate a glorious and prosper• oua future for that portion of the Dominion, Mr. I. Carling, we believe, percnased about 5,000 acres o[ improved land, Mr. Johns ywne 640 acres. Messre. Robert Sanders and Jamas Hoivprd.ere expected back in a few dave, they baviug accompanied the three above- nq ned gentlemen as far as Chicago. 'uBZLIABIL1 1 . }iy Tat %TAILS.—A few days since.a letter. came !rem England, addressed as follows,: ' .Mr. Henry Westaott, ' Huron District, British North Atnerica. It will he observed that " no post oMee ie given in the address, and one would naturally oppose that it would be almost impossible to find the party for whom it was intended, but it shows the knowledge of parties possessed by postmasters, when it is stated that it went to two post offices, the second one—Exeter— being its proper destination. 1 Stephen. Editor Tianea,—DEAR S11i,—I am wil- ling to match Thomas O'Ronke at hold- ing out a heavy weight for $100 a side, I will meet him at the Ontario House, Limerick, on Saturday, October 9th, to appoint judges, referee, and stake- holder, sign written .articles and m:,ke a deposit of not leen than $25 a Nide. The match to come off in either Exeter or Orediton, not later than the 15th of November. JOHN MADDEN, ship. • A. court of Canadian Order bf Yore!. ters will be organized in Walton short- ly. Shoddy pedlars infest the vicinity of Seafortll, The old market house in Seaforth is being fitted up as an engine and hope house. The Expositor has beeu presented with a pear which measures 114 iuoheg one way, and 10 the other., • A reading room is to be •opened in' connection with the Brussel'e Meehan• ic's Institnte. Mr, Chas. Mason has arrived in• the County with three imported Stallions. Mr. R. Rose, of Ashfield, had his leg broken at a logging by a heavy log swinging around and strikiug him. Mr. D. McLennan, is' buying `vhetst at Brncefield, Duncan Livingston, Morris, 'owils`'a ewe which had a lamb on the'29th of iast.lfarch. She, had anotheron the,. 28th,of,Sept., and ie suckling both.'• Mr,V 1n. Campbell,. •vf ,Harpur'lley, shot a;finte, large deer in' the 'vicinity' of Seafort.birecently, It ui•ouaht hitn $12: He:etruok' it at the first' `shot;'' though it was ,over 200 yarde off:' ' -.The editor of the Clinton' New Bra antittipates trouble between himself and better half as to which shall make the, fire in winter mornings. That is the meanest thing yet. And to ptiblish it • hi the paper, too I We'll not bet'bn Mr. E. Ii. White attending his cattle on the Clinton eheit ground, Mr. James Snell was attacked by one of the animals, its born catching hits on the left eye- brow, close to the a 't+t; end inflicting a painful wound. The editortof the Blyth Record wants * baby show at She fair. And the aforesaid edittti' le an unmarried man. 0 tempnrrt, fvlj fiuire& Sir Wm. It G. Colles, of Blyth,died on Sunday of last week, at rL p, tn. Mr. Colles has been ailing for the past two or three years, in consequence of his having a severe fall from hie door step, by which he injured his thigh. Up to a few months ago he had been improving, when his disease turned to an absoese, from the effects of which he did not recover. The fune- ral took place from his into resi- dence on Tuesday, and proceeded to the cemetery at Minton, accompanied by the Freemasons and Knight Tem- plare,of which he was a member. Hibben. It was at fit st rennrted that the man alio was killed on the Grand Trunk clear St. Morys recently. was Mr, J.din Henry, formerly of Hibbert, but latter- ly of Manitoba, who was thought to be on his way home. Tbie report, how- ever, tutus out to be incorrect, as Mr. Henry is at present working iu Emer- 5011. :ay. t)ASTARDLY.—On Friday night of last week, somepersonpersons maltreat- ed Mrs. Marshall's cow in a shameful manner. They not only shaved the hair oft her tail, but cut it to the bone and left her bleeding until morning. If this was done for a trick it is a step too far ; if for revenge it can afford but poor consolation, as it is perpetrated. ugon a dumb animal, which cannot in• cur hatted, The cow is perfectly docile, and any one maliciously inclined could easily injure her, and furs. Martial' is a widow who has won the respect of all her neighbors. We cannot conceive who were wean enough to commit such an outrage, The act, however, must have been prompted by malice, and done uuder the cloak of abject fienished cowardice, and the party:who did it could not face the real object of his disapproval and mete put proper re. venge. _t` -,•Y PAI Visitors. to ' London • are • requested to call and iiispee'$ Out , stock of Clo-ths,:and Tweeds for Ordered Clothing 'Ready Made CClotMng iii Great VarityPiT Gents' P1trnishi1.g Goods, & . WW.,tbo ' ;dig '-iery 1atedt New Yofk styles for children's wears NOT it THE A:bD11ESS. .4 ovum's BAPIstro 164, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON. 8V0TS,SHOES £ls113 HARNESS. go:tug purchased the Root and S1,tle trade of W,' H, rott,wo cazi rio4VV offer to the Public env est One Best an Cheaiest Stocks olzeal nig a well ever offered in Exeter. Wt would ready remind those in want of grainless, homd•mada isnot' and ehoee, sacred and +egged, that we can Supply them Vitalfhatwill oft) sat- isfaction. Be airing done at latest rattle and satibfaetltin guaranteed. Call•and dee for yeeIreelvea, Don forget the place—Eaorett's Bled C. EACEETT. I R, ABRAHAM. ExetAr,'B'ebruary in, 1593. CIOUttT OF REVISION, NOTICE J ie,hereby elvent»at a Cmrrt will beheld pursuantte the Voters Lists Aet, by his Honer the Judge of the Otrunty Court of tuft codas, trf Miran at the TOWN HALL, CBE1)1TON, en MONDAY, 28th DAA' OF OCVODt B, leen, a8 12 o'clock, noon, to hear and dekeltrtine the several complaints of errors of onrieeldbe nn the Voters' List of thejiiunioipallty erf Stephen, All pereenn having business at the Outfit are :required to et• tend at the same three and place. u. PROI1'.rY, clerk of rend Mtliileipalft•r. Dated at Stephen this 15e day M October, 1880. WIfNTtit MILLINERY MISS GA LICZ Han received e NM stack of Beaver, Camel Hair, and Felt Has, at very low pricer, and Tateot styled, Apo a iu14 sine dlnewest Tfiieminffs 'I+liOHe who favor her With a Call will be s88'e tee get something Verdi their!, both in style mid' Price, Fancy Goods. Molten deft Volta Braids, Perlin and:11666Y3' Wools, Otto/reins end Slippers, Beak Com'r:'6 itltc . llraid Find, Cardfredrd. Mottoes, etc., ete These Goode tntlet Ise eleared out, and will be seri chsap- &thani they cin be got anywhere else In town, J.(*ARIA CK. MAIN ST1tEET, - - - EXETBR . A tT C i X 0 S A.Lta OTICB 15 I1EIi{l+1BY GIVEN [T• n ioR1 ! N tbete (,Burt WM be meld pursuant to the i + Voters' Lists set, by his Honor the judge of the Couutr Court of the comity of Buron,at DRF; W'$ HALL EXETER on TUESDAY, THE TWY:STY- norm, ,'Resp and Swine,. sa'xr'it DAY:OF OCTOBER,1580, attwolv0 0 aleck uoon, to hear and deteimine the sevaral Born-' plaints of errors and omissions in the-Voters`Liet' THEFOURTH FOUTH A NN T:As',,SALE Cie" of the Municipality of Exeter, for 34 C, 1 All persons having business at the Court are Valuable Shorthorn Cottle,S.tnllians.Mares , required to attend at the said time axed place. Cotswold and Leicester Stredp.Pah i,di China.and•:•• CATTLE, see_ m BA CBIAT. Berkshire s' 3r, under *he aeepinca of the MARRIED, Clerk of the said municipality. Dated at Exeter this 7sh day of Octob tr' 1880. HURON LIVETOC atSS f ATlQt KSLLY—Rv,Yfentris.—On the 29th ult., nt Crediton Village, by the Rev. John Butch- er. W. William Charles Kelly, to Mies o 2 N n bM gti r .to41o,.F 5„, .Re C a. el, a aw es o 1C e 5 S m 'it p°o F • ,'till thea ,1 Look at It' Susannah Reynolds. All of Hay Town r it o ship, County of Huron. c t E 0:g =i oca TRIEBN3IR—SANDllite —At the residence of the rt m " o a a bride's father, on Tuesday, Oct. 5th, by • * ' c o the Rev. E. J. Robinson, Mr. F. Triebner, F ro R`i to Miss Fanny Sanders. All of Stephen, ° a 6-5 .. WENtEL--EILBER—On the 28th •nit., Rt tho oc, residence of the bride's father. by the m a Rev. S. F. Afyor, Mr. W. H. Wenzel, of K g F (reliten, to Mary, second da hie ,of 8 .' Frederick Eilber, of Stephen, DIED. DILLtNo—in Usborne, on the 3rd inst., Mary, wife of Henry Dining, aged 23 years. GoDgoLT—.In Ueborne, on the 4th inst., Mrs, Geo. Godbolt, aged 69 years. SALE REGISTER. Tdecday, Oct, 12.—Farm and farm stock, the property of Mrs. Ann LeGrise, lot 7 con. 11, Stephen. James Olte, acct. Saturday, October 16—Farm stook, &c.,.prop. erty of Job Sims, E,} lot .13, S. B. Ste- phen. 12 mos. credit. J. Oke, sue. Monday, Oct. it—Earth stock, implements, furniture, etc. Also a number of Ching geese, unequalled by any other breed. The property of John Ross, Int 6, eon 2, Ste- p phen. 12 months credit, Jatpec Oke,auo. Made and8oidby us only. We are also showing as usual the largest and best assorted etouk or Stoves and Tinware Pc be seonin the cnuntry—conrieting oC Cook Stoves, 'Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves 1n endless variety,. A full stock of Tinware of all kiuse, Au'immonee aseortmont of Lamps and Lamp Goods Which wo are gelling at enormously low prfcee N,B.—Highest price paid for Hides add Aiieep skins in ease gr trade. BISBP't' 1311QS. Will take placotsponthe. Show Cal nde,• Goderich, - Ontario,,, coUxrx or nionox,. oN, WEDNESDAY", OCT And Following days, Conmencing at PWM, VF, o'clock, noon. Amongst the Stock will be found the valuable. nuro laced Princess primo bull, Privae of Benham f8921 04,182, oleo Crag"H. including, the Duke or F1mnurst [u005] 23735,1tosen et Sharon, Goodners;,. and other unite ars of fashionable pedigreefrorn, the noted herds of Messrs H, Snell, At,rilI, Sproat,. 1'lleemt Washington, and others. Also several splendid thoroughbred stolliene and brooding mares, among whish is "C3odorieh Chief ,' a half brotherto the celebrated Canathou trotter,'L,ney," whose record is 3.21 There is also a Iurge selection of ImprovelStock, which will he offered aftef the sale ofThorough. bred e. Goderich is beaut-fuily situated on tlio banks of the Maitland River, bounded on the west by Lake Hums, and is the torieluue'of the Buffalo and t i oderich Railway, (Grand 'Trunk) which eor. - necte at Clinton with tine Grey and Brm,e and Great Western Hallways, The No:tic-we et '1` aus- portation Ooinpnny's Stenarrere enll et this sort. TJ Pali;--Twoive mouths' credit, without inter- est, will be given on, furnishing security satisfac• tory to the owner of the stock sold. A discount of 8 per 00nt. will bo al•owes for sash, There is ample a000ntnodation for boat man and beast, and the hotel rates aro •,very Ca•nson- able. • , The Asnoctation will oncleavor to get Reduced Railway Rates, Catalogues are now randy, and will be forwar 1• ed Onapplication to M Y, MAN, AN, Secretary, Seating'. J. Bl(4c111:el11 esident, Clinton. STAN t1184iISAHAM, Auctioneer,Goderleh,,