HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-08, Page 4APO t e
1di that upoi c Thticrn ct tbe
O tbe said con
out to aidt�ipoi
such tered b&uk on 9
igned by,,Tre.iurer
yin tallwaY
. 111,:i .
.' Twenty'
ott to the %%ten .of
• .01i4(0.,.. 040,0,hereby
, ..
rant e..,..stor ' rti
N111114 roe
, - ., .
: yu, ertil ,
o the , 0 1 14-0 o
. .."409)t,j , .D 1Jven,stritctedl,
TOW11 Of . 4, 0:the': own0 ' 'role, o iome ether P ,int oa the
. . lair Xtiver: or'LnTe alurpn.ITho
u n4 401.nict Twenty thousand, dellar2e,„_0110.4
've and f.t.,00) to he iativaneed to tno '0100 The.
„- '- --- f'St. Marys and 'Western' Ontario n
w•. Y. Company aSset Ottt .itt paregratt
t 044. Opt-tw. ,
hat ii at -any within pi
Laryi months fter the 'goat vaktifIAO Of this
o . said CortiVanr,enter .:.into
nn greementiit1i "
t-tho4owA81441- stio „t
/e5Alp 4xia maiAttilu atatlon
ration of the Town* for the proper-haud. o
the sum of pscxigcr8, express and freight', at
, 020,0014 the roadway lebaing from the -P.o$
oeideds-wJtch i thc Office 'Or Village- known P. Winchel,
ebt inten o eaa to the- liost Offlo
. the procceds known as Blimvilie at zotne DpintAu
foz the tin
ration to.
tOd" to at
the • d,
eb azth1*44 and
to *eh
payableeiit may be payn
pQne pt at :Brit
ujon the date ci the, izue tbereo
and as t both prhieipal And intcr
est shali be It itt-annual testa
znente within twenty years from th
thereof, VOA in
of amount * tha
amount payable f
.jacij,mI and interest n,Anr,
enr shall be a$
may be to what' is payablc for prinotli„
e r ot tnty
.years, as hereinafterset to
baid debentures *0411 btar interest
at the ,rateof rear per 'cent. per
unr from the date of
arid:- the said • interest 'shall .b
arable yearly :On ' -the ".4layt'-ot tbe
.1,1 6 i-nowths.
hposis— N
is, desirable to 1. at they. will Cr # t, • s-
e th 1. debentures At one timo ' t a-titatiort An Freightbuildingone.oyear 03, m0.4.,. :h! .,,... ,a 0 , is
, or. principal Of the Sal ing and -Cattle Yard ' .9 the ig(ki.-
said yearly tutus being of .sUch and "vs:borne, at some point 04..neare .ti:;:titi:hrgo.°0e..:.:ivikt:tsCLtinhi:pe,110;011.n°16'irdbo t'ColtiapoultdtIii:
c yable b yearly *ulna, dor-, per .14114114g ofs, Passengers,. nturtii,. there shalt be raised no.'
0 ._pf.#04 ,of twehty 1'4ra, . be- and .freight at .06 'boundary line .be,, ly 'hyr A-004141 rate -on all the
thc,. ourrenCY Of the *aid deben. I tweetr-the.ToWnshiPo'., Of.' Vionihard:
ive -attiOunta that '.the aggro« iy. as Possible 'eu_a011Y -distant from
e wit , a. vo...io.....eseh star i. the Villa gee of litrittOri ati4 - W004- Illnloo .illifigrt4obri ' b.:111rd four cents,
43!:::ttitS: :
And4. e 1 hvon ' And ,Aliall-further,,:a.gree that.
, .
, _At - *-4,1044
ut ,uidiorti i. 441 -• **47114447611001Mt4 _lc::
os*ible' .te e. t e toile , are for 'the proael . Ititcre
, * '0, :each Of the other nineteen. d 'Cattle Yards, • for, , the properii, respett of the eaid debt, as litho
of aahl rottio4i 49 9)101Va in r ,handling of passengers, express .4.
utt --' _hereto annexed. . • . freight at, toree' point 40 the Nilittge in. Ilcitedute' 7:4'11';''''' b"ket° .1"311exed• '
- 1 V., llirtittfaiii 6f'''',ZacrlarrIttWithaltIttrt.tter-coeencie
;ecjutred to i e otitiallY- bya ant a "IffreTilliiittifttlOilit t4-474111
rlAte for paying thesaid, debt 1taliway, 'the erection of the-, . said
snd interest 'is the Ant0 of Fourteen Stations, , freight ;buildings ' sidings•
,-0eats, 34st*4
o .. twenty y*Alls, '' ber 0 ',Art shell‘dePosit with the
, Ettrelts the amount, of the Treasurer of the Said Corporation
Le Ole. Property of- the '1Cor-, the sopa of Vitro Burtdredr-Xtallars all
ti of . the Township -Of 'thi., security to the.13414 ,torporation that
•a!ocording to the_Innt,* revised .the said Sum of $20,000 shalt. be re.o.
' Itoit is ,sttAtliti.;.00. pild to the said Corporation without
01.00,es-thO--tieliV--.Corimcost-df-the--said-.-,-Compaor---4alla -- .to
no. net now , an debenture carry out its agreement, then, and
vtliatever,;,. . " .- ° . , •' ri Snell case, the Corporation of the
W.1.10HEASAhe said Company' said Township of Usborne through its
11r0Dose to erect, .enolp..and 'Otointalw 'proper' officer* .s.U11 enter into an
.st Station and 'Freight 'Building, Sid- ,A0eenterit with. the Said CoMpatiy to
lig and cAttlst semis- for the proper
felindling of passengers, express and
freight at the roadway loading 'from'
ser of the said debeitt
hem to enquire for
any or all. of the conditions ilete$,-
der the -vit. -sions--tifltihrtly*.-:
w. to • entitle. the• said Company to
payment of the said money or. any
part thereat'
• 8 ' That this By-law ,ehall come in-
to force end. take effect on:the day/of
the final passing thereof. -
. That the votes of the Electors.
of the said Township of, Usborrte en-
titled to vote on this By-law be_tak.
en on Monday, the Twelfth day of
April 100% commencing at nine'at-
dilepoet sditoatiah4001412solm000)f tTowenthty6 joint
Thous--tuinoetult vinivtehoeiefloor:,kom,t, inn,iahrtedafetoaornttitint,101
credit of the sal& corporation and of the 'etole day • at the. 'following
:•..w.keOntieri laces within:the maid
itt41wa,-some7Chttrter .
Village„ Exeter*: o '1.4t$ ..Iteturtfing, o1ficers4-
Aret_shalt fitrther-agrea-that the • -mittIllog-subdivielow No. 1, Town-
Twentz_tkouOnd 404ra (1101,000• Ai
-11i114te-paid-to-frialaarC7ozuvin. fr4fOrte-it"01/0 •
(ornpan 40110W5 -144144/10004044101111,04$51000Y
thereof upou _the • collo:1.01011_0f the firUorney
tave-y-"-'1--tbiLseWrai way--,fr ft;
ng, iding and. attle Town of St, Marys JO tbe Town of 1.taborne. Thos. Washburn, D. O.
_pro, per„.itandlog..., of gangs or to.sonte tither point Ina ,the 1140 Ilarryt_roll.Cleric,;.„.bro.L.4,..4'hib....
Vidarsiingitetween-LtheS9-w* t3Le1.1291' theD.11.of 134nsburd nina tioonle " .milittritironers,ari • lo That ,Srituird.rty, the Third daY
ont is nearly iitS‘jtoOtible eq. 6. the cOMPletion ot the Purchase of April 1009. at Two o'clock. P.
t trout the Yillaitea of other ac uisition _bt the necessary
rfe."0"4144111. rig °sy itEM Ta"r11:46=1-417-714.' Wiaigne th" Town,hj -Irs'ailn.be 'the
Ethe odd' 00m- os le the ,Village of _to ex.; Vire
ttrther agreed that they tbouotid aellittrs 04400) ul'att. the tiiort where the Reeve shairtittenci
t, two .*nd .niointoitt totePiction of the grading, of the said to appoint venison's, to attend at th
,,Ftttiabt---00-1141Age 81diug-ati4 awl ,J14-1,31(1....„AaiLlitv/14 rtYtt various pollirw-plittiit-aferesald,
fax tA3 prope.r hand, tueu$Antv 'uollars twoit991.# uPOn: i.--ent at the firtarearnwing up of the vete
senteovenireas 414/.1140 t COUVietidn of the said grading -o1. the by the, Clerk on behalf,of'Persons
1'o:tt in'the Village of E. said portion and of the. Payment -1Y teroted• In -promoting or opposing the
The St- garis Watorn °Mari° 'Passage -
#nratsmAte said Company
company of the sited of- this- Byltivr respeotivel and I
to enter='4itis-717-tirigreeme ea-tTrilvirurtwilat9tre-ot÷tb titian- Of \the' *saidTOWnaltip
' of Ton, ole of ;said road nod the Purchrit$ borne tshtli Attend at' bi$ offico
etion of said road. And the
Vivo, thousand dollars (0,000
inediately after the said, railway'
L. in operation between the Tot** of
Mary s and the Town of Sarnia
ot some other poiot on the gt. Clair
tivor or Luke Baron and when 'said
union, buildings, *freight eidings 444
•j 1 citth yardz. are..cOMPkted,rendr- trft•
•*rwe 41110W:0,st heading on
to tho; the moiteY ter deposited shall belong
• 7„ tio sal& ftrporation.
Any pc
The p
f the
0 I her', 0 ster
and ti the land a
vc rheintit c or
tablet: to -night and
bettcr in. the ,morning,
etion f the aiid rottd o
he tirit dar of Deceinbr 1911, t
AgrcmnL to becntercd into
tin Month4 from the date of
sJtl passing of this ,.By
EllEAS • the Vii
e that the' Said
as&nt1 :dollars ,
au of the 'tild -
a The.St. -Mary ° Ain" the agreommt shall further
stario bray CO, in *lc : provide that if the debentures Issued,
itt tb Vilagl of 1xrter nnd 3. ander the authority or ;this .13y-lawl
rquirc , aid Corporatio, to i shall not yield the sum of ''• Twenty
entent witbe ,, th-,,,,-. thottaind dollars, A*20,0003 - thin
a pay the saidletin.of „and in such east, the depotit by thli:
n dolint0 0010.,(00),4 r,lid COrptlAtiOA of thil Pr9teedlitf
id C us*, as follows: kivei'41ittr. debentures shall be-attepted
d $;4,000) thereof' t:04 fi tb0 \COrtir0,11,' AS, Dett014,00.00 by the
of the rvey of :Vorporatiort of that • part of said
trent the -row/ op Agreertr?ot requiring deposit and the
TOn'n,tit $0,1111A Ot to 4 said c otattoonY shall hrcert such ' Pro.'
On th o at- Mr ceeds In lieu of Elia Mint of Twenty
tic! *Pitrovnl, Thauliand tionara 00,000, bit .tho
tit., he Board rt ' said Comptto I on final seftle
To the Editor of tbclime
tritistivarriVitf115 ... V* 9
aper "Progrese and one who JAILtit..,"rt 0,,,b
usincssne i
- taxes- an- itatb RO'crier' ades''-'"Erpa
'tv. a
fit toybrood ,too. .03....or potiiiikr of the: , 4.- -RP rtme,--of our -7- -3. "
rig men
nlinda of 'thers4taintit-the-Itallwar-' _ ....... ‘ir,41111_,Aa.mrrie_. '
„ e.'4_.
the 10 la-nshartlr-------4.---,
ligif ...1_,AOSIEer.,•4 ... di .7Crartrenittrfirtre
eir015-pOitiOnl-the-,inindi d 110
li engtai. Bator n in arti.ri d
vitets I Faro be
I 01 00,_77arcivoakadfit.,„alssufn
Niagara Valle, X. Gooi
it :re
Writs good fOr . 00
onatOrates to other
lie'within nlne niii*s*hoiite
k-47tratitaarber,v'04,1.:*rothr6114 :41r4c:rlautioPitto‘rblguie:414tit"itt,1
7:11004 0r. ost.t..s.titilsaitneg133
r. ,.' ay ,,o. re.our . 41;
In, ,oettain_distrio14
quarter section. titorrg'side,--. his lionfe..1
Lead.. Price $3. -fter• acres Mates -r
Must reside six' months intach.of ail'
ears from ditto or litd*otosta,ettto
‘toguainft the tiMi4fitialreit *I -earn,
deSesteati . patent4,
), and oultivtae,
fittiiiere.s' eextrra. . 0 ha-
o or.
4):4376W-3 tIGiiire
14. . 1 • I r.
US I 1310103/ give tbe.tai5t$45 toilvhat ‘,A „,x1unlivr tat Young people . open
't-Woulti,andost.-corrected tonle/ itiliW -0,tono91- evening -Pleasantly-at - the
repteiontatioxitiwith- regard to, llio, home .or Air, Aaron -Davis, of Sainto,
the railway. / -:, . few of the older ones ntkov
teinideedr• near
lite also acus MC 0 ming it, sale, of 131r. Anthony O'Dwyer
L.,* oromi _ OM .1141111.1.11/ bra1064.4.6,1‘,H'Adiaiae, '
.thlenrearet.oneewtiiothis ..niVrattsin-• Drainage
fly -laws. 01 tit' "itiu col' tauoityver niito-arto.24oreosol dresni zits':
Oe must be very sure ot the identity innstr 9)11.1%.,. . • . .a.
of "ltritepayete% 'They, will also find . Next Sunday Bev. IL 4",..-Ifair*will
tbat bia-irr4tod-wift-tost-thir rpcirattoh-ittr-fpetiat..sermon--for-th ,
I pansitterably Will he rtudered by .0Ur cele. 1 inaMusic(Will re than he is M. f. of this rhureb. 8Ptt141 Eater
estimating it nt.,
As to opposing it btooroso i an for brated choir under tile Ittidership` of .•
from the Iota ' f ,the toad: now, Professor Milton. A 'aro gathering'Prr -flsta,..
Viotti-411'e fraeci no qimville livotiir4vtt °piss ',Mau a lith IS• -visit it
or it if the rortd had -b e' nends itround his week \
I. 3; \Imam, DpoI Age
D. Wiroj
Depot. "Toronto.Ost..
a rt AprilinterreVix
the ,;tinion .‘33;etery.. nu) Xondays
APr,11stbt-Ireitinwed by It-ltrgo .04
*Hug of relatives and'friends. The:,
limes sincerely sympathizes with th
dear ones in th
°untilmet at T
Must Tite Wave -of ti
4,0 04..ettiiii-otott
,-Ton Tuesday,: tbei3tb
d.iy of ri IVO?, to stun- tar the num-
ber ot
t s given fax ttn4 againstk
this Ilr-]aw.
• .1.40TXCE
The 141:itivo is a true copy of tke
propotied Ism been
taken ...into tonsideration, and ,whicii
Will be finally,....passed by -the Council
ortUE"Vrtkpotation o1 ibe
ofOsborne in the event of the *merit
of 'the -Electors being obtainedthere.
to, after one Month. from the first
publication in tile Exeter Time* news-
paper, width first publication was ox
the .1801. tur Of. Starch, 1000, fetnit'lli'
the hour, idly and places 'hereinfiXed
forlakheir the votes of the Elector*,
A. will be held.
ted at. ''....rsbortie this E'iftenflj
tett 100,..
-tbe.Corporati.on' of the
Ip A" referrecj to lit:tbe
Now eeltittline
to the bonus system 011 rincip1e .and
lookat the resultsof benueing in
the neighboring villages .and . towns
will show how intelligently !epode
vote ort the qaestion. bratty ..who
wilt vote for the bortirs itt Ilsberne ore
•Oposed.. to the principle and cafl .it
totteitr.' Are
. date by their . -votes what their to
tras 'my; privilege td Attend- Wle
of the, meetings le the T6witt4hip of
Mies I gotnerbY Pt visiting' a
her mother's in the village this week.l.
Mr. nod 1,1rs. a, v..ziinson sperit
Tlitaielny evening, with blonde at.
Blimville.. 1, p4,1,.„,
VioreSsor 11W4(', at ,Exeters .,htis se,
eared several:0441e aroundhere 'and. wirk
U.111 be 1irt itt--t1w44,4111,!:,lutut.
All oar preinineitt-riirinertfAn
tired merchants ore. talking about the
new railroad'. The majority are
Innushard and th' prirt4ile tidvo; .ftwor its it, will be a great convert.
tated by one of theltrintittalspeakere ten,ce isVek$bOdY Around here,
it .
lfavor its.itrw, twW'I'.i".'ever„ A,O0n141114114..1toblitniweek. -Iltrktire- ruct*.i
Mind, the right or wrong of the btohnsL1n' to
y5t0At but look out tor.selr. that
the prinelere_br•whieb we are Palpitationot the' litart,
goY-rfl Mit Hike, tiro $tionta not VOU100, train/filings., nerfonit. •
their,„ meetinge, by singing Go e cold hart& and 1'44; pstu ii* ths turned to bi
th:'Ptititt, ..but open, with • , the k snd other 'forma ,of ' weako
vra3cr-GGd 0V0 tk ,peopie. relieved, by Cartier's, Iran ' rtut 243. tk
tante '3Vr.nker made guitea Mitts specialty f:rotttolronbleod nerves IL.
pread as to the amount 'or taxes,
rd. would- reeeive...frottt the: . tbe
plaeing it .at Over ' #.2 00, o
ti In •
Trilithit. TOP*. ZO PA. ON
ip hall Aprit
vitt reflai
ertdit aLoblveicti4ortiria
te arthydierli.c_
kziderntfolL and *Of:07
af thiC0 cement concrete bridges went
,..genritftec'elvetlit'fruum4,30hnfr40.10. Griffiiey
'son, f3t. Marys, 1310,00:Looby,'
'Dublin, 1400;00.0 'Enelt" arthenitted
'41.iffereittplan of 'bridge tertetritettOk
anti there vas a-tliffererteeof opinion,•
tor-to-whith war' tWbe!t•-• bridgeT7ftte
thT6hjeiultileenrier of To, Y. Loeb' r_Vrra*
Ated specifications for ten -tint wor
sawe as last .ytar, evrepktinit„ar
Us by iron .or oteti rode trabedd
itt the Concrete. • rii°'tivino:1;;"
n tot
rond itt condition for 'Ore
livtbeercot:tinose:0- ‘tiit.etttfrotr oybe:istru. oloi"
work oomplttcd by Oitly
appointed for tbe
'Itcnry Dougall, Win
bo llarj, "Walterdy,
ko, And' oir. Nirm.Waj
1:*:. Morgan, si. 00
t Methritatil: Thos.Pass
Frrd Ellerington. Noah .11
'Mir- I. -Philip it
german K'yle, Wes.
IL Itodd, Jost* 'forst
n • es *till% IVO ,
il 4 Joints Oot
talk. r
,tor at
it Torn
'.1.411.01 •
- 317161
., ,
orn th n.'wo 4 r.rm..
lautbA, a Of. be)
ruincinlt*It .4e$, YVA
, .
, t •
' . ar 0Lt moitb
t ,Xv, e
b to frAl
on Sunda
sing Witli
inttt1td t� 0) i
hrw''to pr�durt
for thr? s
,-• We
e t
a Ito,. m14;0.
fability sad
Tato la
powerlsil ,'i'sui
wbiik 44$01$1