HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-08, Page 2store *t' the 1t
FcId lnu4G his mil 0
Lake .St;ret 0
el , p
'thc edge Of the
cd an bumblo cottage.140'
eprC3Eed to.
Oh, no;• 7,o
is without
out heart along. wit
*Oppose you couk
ent 0U, a
80 UICtI with ute s
g oint of view,
ol are finding
oils *mong • the nobil
parts of the
)3011,0 into buiiness for
ooni, kit�hn, .an
v1uLo)rn,Vflth eorre5pondin
hamber177'a c ti,'
--ta. loungO , , An'
.65id6 & d1eerful.4, t
uare feet .s vis
.00,000 97,ic
ear' in L
gr dopartinont
Tcinamaker, in New
tot1y India haw1, thou
uow worn, darnod i
n uiany
Plates, and was evidntly a ,reIie
Of 1A4zitter daYs.
There 'sills WA an atom oicolor
which dro'e
y. 0was
e of her'son,.
veiee shoo
ich she 8trovc
haIf.s'week as
° firs1
11r0e (1°
avings into A
rtUo dreaming .thathcy wer�to
0tho olien i o s, And
01.*Ost. • theblind 1-
-r ...ent -
Theprgper thing
oursclf on a1. sides
r ow -40
u *Wit *fret resuI
ind thcn plan things for yourst
n& littlet :but sticking
upIe laid do
* eUrrzOIA 't;
•neediework c1ase$ :14
yi thorough one. • ,011
'gin:. With plain -..n
en tak�.up in tbcir or4cr enbroi-
r4dressmaking' .
drzwnthradW0rk, niid'‘
tangs 14 the Emerald Iste ot r
c1ohing, tho making oftrouMr1
ethcbatteY with" almost every
o ti•o. hitn, and se
10w rocker by.os, tablet wana young
is . painfully sixteen
young- Western heroine Of
ving rown very rapidly, she
unusuahly tall for her age,
ond her s rength,
in, 404 there of, an awkwat
Stoop in her shoulders. Har head
is well.plisped, but, with its wealth
• 01 ebon hair and broad* full fore
head, it seems fir too large for her
Slender nook.
tjeattires are' harp her
-or Or'
keel i
her baiiiU T1rua1 -,
tongue was liko a two-cdgod sword ready
at day, 1 have derivcd soin'so
:oft 'from, one thing that; you toki .say to
er.`-that-yeti would never be, guilty
of the seine blunder that your mo
ther-tnad6,-that` you would never..jIu
• rry a man,: touhtl,net, at the kn
•tablo ItO
Ewtbcr t".
Mit the girl rnad no reply. /for who,
head .had Intik upon the - table: in York of her and he sat motionless
in durab 'anguish. ($0
Did she -remenitiOrl: :On
I *
to144rihef et forget that
o thought me 80
rilIy nsibie regarding illy,
e family inan„, i• leant, to
w that I not been unmind
our0lLuture welfare., Some
mother's r
ou know, resido in ew
akiug" au**
ani One, alloWitag
pursue sur cation until
ttrself are atta .teschs
received sr re.
_intinit4tht young
PoO Of
,yoar Ortttnate
owns vs, their ' from *
Tillage in 'S iiito Whin
the grandfat • of •- thei e*Pn
owner plied hammer and. 410w*
for pound or two 41 week; and the
wer arithle
employ over 2.1;000 bands at -wages
of *gool000 week, . are the out-
growth 0 4,, vet/ small factory ou
of the great firm
Su liet,t0 thirsty
errels" of ale.eyex
• ,r0 smutty zeou u',
reatits n .t tr
*foie sowt fun —
will• dotty} ut
greater . or le
treatment is rel
differen line
er nose good4 , .11t4,41" o care, , hop
rendered very uriuguw traxin
.—or-eilonr114014"lart autrbstrns 111,0 ,oatoas , had 46.
.tit_11.44140n4._t_iyihwo ii1„4416,reit tushes,ltir.:4inpeo• '11.-noo4.44e ore ter' boloss--a"7.
the in-
Oitli'r ttom:nig his .
.‘1 protrude' aiiI g —
work, 464105OW anal en
ar rolls over ' her pale 'cheek
to er alli
. y it-hettVier -blast of -w e -h&d been wi!d wit
usual shakes ' the little dwe I
. ,„ andall ti
ing to its foundations, ,dashing too indignation of years ove
rtfn i okthe window' panes wit ',tut woman's hard lot,
t, ,-. or -like- tra4*lorth in an. irrcpres-sil
i otawby,*;----v
*Tau tA,.!41 .bocautto be,
s jrat
as we, ,e
r o
*2t. had 'been au unapt,
byTIO'100r mo
for tbo take of.
Q. thA
ewersnit supp lea his ne
bis ,seat on. tho Ennis.District ea oe.
eil. n„wnien th
. Itaiirookj, Ta0-,
04 has been appointed's, mag-
istra _for County Armagh. _
The -Oetttli is anVout10041 Of Mr.
)iloAvinnoy who—was for over
a bity ,ben adreea -.
in tar to wit; no.,« bluer
stout, formalin. t is
the b . ud, o - of
PlYitigt , nt.
Mon, the for II/ )?to-
. ,
red. Spread the w4 goon out
on ht:barre,.#00i and sprinkle' itn,
Sligo market,
Jantee "idose,
cure-allu has bee4 fined 1.1190 for
ing 28 * qualifiett p youdiazi .
Ivetntiy, .
0 Guirdians have ap.
.ut Itathslown,
t a of 3' a
- 1661.1 7,11 le
11, 0 !A
r manuneth bum,-
w 4Istrib
isixi sit rt*
u choose qi 8,000 -workers,
• cwspapir shop in 't
ushmatt Were re--*
• 0Ir any
packing newspaper
TAW "Dr 0
in is li I 20.
---fer* . ,
on $44* t rang jro
en„all is well in tned,
rain- '
houso nicns olstf es-WD6actriu:Ik4ea:x:it*.n't
. aengaii**14,00,4;ril).
* •Q., • • kin of. tor gof 1°th
f tb
10-611:is n
*Aar 'kiwi' and fast .sYStem: 0
' trc
find out what faCh gArrt A
viduitt tastes' ire and to dovelc
her in cOnformity with,
school P
tho oiiht, Iait0t-Otatitcr417,
4'7 dO. P.111111..- the Iuii"
lighted artiatitally decor
enoughram out to
dsya Atter
«1 fre� fro**
with bins --
Leu than s oent'
o *Si ”
titian Nauaistst*
fog, cOvorin • Tbr-jo
meni, but without glancing u
"N4}sthet, not,really; but the
ioupd of the tempest!, sends e. nerv.
thillyover :th0" Mika re.'
lied * hollow tone. --nit must
be rib's- out. of he, aI-
retch g arro
herself the rigbV\tojudge'
ely. '
in to believe:, as you
ea on, without *pro*
'r r Council Iias
atrong protest
thecxtr poli tax impcted on th�
ratepayers of the count/.
Thee police mode * rsid On OW.
, t$ ill, OOrtgrittil4
_onpper: Lipett Erne, reten
. ,trefs were fs_fliii -
.1 f •
our days and &
eznploy Iar1y40Sint"
in his inall factory in, Newgate
Street, o . To -day 'his sue.
testers keep '41400 pairs .of hands
busy And have,* eepitat 01-$7,800,.
000, . The Cadbuty, tot** . usitiato
es t - that two eirera-
f pupils in t
nseguente, t
lon ong
lap for
fl in the *oho°
eentb to their
• .•
is keen 0, t
ts oi tbe OI
0 boys
171iie brkl�
• rail***
onto of the W
swelit *way.
their , twee
hility was
tion. Lying
lite. 1 guess yo
bav� had
o): rt
Ceuta aocuse me
ssays, gore Dora n
it; though 1,
ideal 'upon my
didn't teinsider th
been laid by for
chouses' foi
cluses. ii Ennis.
Dcl'vin Guardians
Misi lizabetb
thc position of nurse in
The rs.ziui farm o
this new departure. 8
ways taken *n interes-t
might be e Icorn
but it hu only bo
* years that.he
pducatkn&l works opitt
Were rill*
4oving nature
to itwith *5 Iitl*
that, and 1 *1-
ney, when 1 had
15, near
b. 10; *tall
ton; Mr.
of' tourist celebrity
r'..when he first strL
the roa4 to fortune by.cla�apeni
fs,cilitiea for travel; and 1
'hut sold his
pill froni s fisit-tub
triarket. late of eat. Itelos.
1;11,inChiu* is provr'd by
iwiflgtutious imperl*l .d
41he sons
ho ar over 70 yt*r oF
o be sea Irom the ea
f(h ninth k iS to be