HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-04-08, Page 1before Esterour
weIth of beaUtitui Milllnery
Order YOUX ,New lht Now.
ton r I II'
t ic ,
r V
tteroler;Jr. 1 4 e
nex-r 41-1/14".1. 401:1/1,9v# 0 p .
e tillted'lllerfrIvn, °tit..., ellit ' ,ribi , 14 It
. OP
voter should turn out
tend . 0 It.. i'uu 1:40;:,:r:t- ' - hP;001;kboatpood gladly*
ortng for a r. I 000,1 40 A
e in
0 •4r,--,-.4014Ifilf04,t„ XV
0 I u o -..-,,,,d
, „ „, ..
"b tbe woehl , eit 'A
a NIA of great servioe. to o 1'
44 but not ,.nearlY as Much
is prorairied'hY the proposeft-0eV
Loftus r
ladys. Verdi. 7 Gladys IC oat
Aubert Jones 60; cl,„Case
on roll, % Olt \ ()alit ftverage
, Oregon!, wencher* •
rm AmorS, W. ii1ery, 93,
arth. 430f .):t. ,,Pcaring. , C.
uft 80 Sweet, Eitt Itootir,
;, Areismillero 117000.*
• Deoring 77. ,Tass, M. E1sto
• Grieve, . SoUthe
ssmore 67 E, ff1oey,.
Stewart 02, Vommerciasr,,
iL wy-,'*fat
A e
an I pux lora Pie 'rbc,
0 Ile . Xesinero
ue. Atttnan,
eldt, 4 limm
. nry. . tIlecker
I ra lturotsi
suer. ,Ilelthla
tra egand.
hristina „lie
rt suer,. Tillie
1 ueher,
tathe ear.,think --Yo
hinns* S tin . e And the busY, house cleaner
start,oon you
will find us ,ati ready for the big rash In
0 0,,ot,: ..itticti a vrtuell-irrvaarpilts:ot-ttiat
• :largest' stock of tom 0s ,.. ,,, Lace Curtains L:
' . i„...01010.thaituRzetc.r.-04,
, 'best Oholee,'
rge stook of 'Union \
o 0047 and:Prassele,
ofild ,•Misse
ao. ,60.
oUors. 'Ore.Bissett, $2; Ariel Dev.
`Pre& wrePherson1....7
rowney, 76..Pas*, ;fames Nvellori.
tmeel1B411cwill, 73; Nellj Zones, 1
o MO, If$terti*O0k, CO? -No.on X0
33 Average -aittentortee 30.
nook V.
AttrAO$ of those gettng 75
an ever. Ljnde-Itarvayi Muriel
'0*0 sixty
,t. dver5O. dheront
ga04Or 0.00a-trOM In 'the
VOttrtaina we hale aver
och- az*. 1150...
tiletett &Wt.
roe. o • tbe preticb de.,
flB we have ever shown, la
widths 4/4. to
11 be •great '141
Zineleum*, ^doll
fdttO IS the hest Mode.
Os 11
Rug, re e
3x4 3z4, 810 yrdt
• Velvet Rugs Ski&
•4x4i, yards.
11 Rugs -for Mats.
In all SW* of Tapoettwiri
Wool, Brussels. Velvets,.
minster :and Witten"' all at
law pram".
Naines of those
er .cent but under -L.,7& 1tta
01' , erneat
gert' 'and T ()triton Venni
qe go ns 75 or over.
Uarper Rivers, Willie Iltaniog, SU:id
Day, WiI10 1<yeld; "Labelle Itandford,
4uriceLSerolor,• 'Edgar .Itorney an
01400 BOW0* Names Of .thOse .204t.
mg over 00 per, •cent hot' under .75;
,Lula iledden 'Alberto. ltnight*. Int-
. rice nodort:Mildit4.1hyytooxl, nua
'Deli, Zessie-,IlrlekwoodO, Maggio Cost,
Gladys ,f,:tow a, ....Ztt1e_noVele.1.
• "
• It0014
enior Class. 4,1000re, Alnlaaolc,
Edith -31)414s, 86; ;Marjorie ;114s..-
85; .Florence' Wood, 81; ROI
Cookson, $14. %laud IIieks, 79;
,4", Reed, '78:. lilArjorle Seldon, 70; Them
4; Clarke., la., roes, ilarty Peoples 73;
En 13 Sinitli. /V
o detect. Iti °lir eyes as• ace el
measureser rd if#h his mi
your own
o to a blacksmith to
LVO him wake you 4 snit. or clothes.
o you think -your eyesare easier to
Zr. DjyjIon, 11onors,Lfla*efte, 8
Fitton 7.7.; roes, !,,,Nari • ,Yfeidenham-
mer,; 724 DOM, fifouideno 08; 'llertlin:
0ttIn, 62. ZruMber -enrolled 30,
avera attendance 33. • ...gannets
Kjrjnta,j,• Teaoherill .
te-Ptetiffd7L85"f urdo_th 85
ing 741 Grace. Carling, 73; MAY Pat-
terson, 12: Russell 'Marshall, 84. Br.
pt. 11, Wilfrid noodle, 81 MOO
ciI1a.CQ3ljig%oo 87. No, on roll, 4lk.
average Attendance* .32.•• F. W. Vow-
• it003r,
Jr.. Second, class 4. Rhncln', r.
, . elet,
Vrel0h; 80; Alice Taylor -0x,ew
-Kaight/8T/IIIIIICW4114011; Ireiliere
Ilector 604 Lillie '1,trit1ker
:19; Louis Fik 78;- lie-Dovls, 141.
Irene Iveeter 'Claes 47.,.
vin Cornish* 00; CzarI Zfarhess, 87;
Clifford Matfett, 86. Loon raimer, 86:
illie grown 10; 0inrencs Morley, 76
• Vita Sweet, 12:: 'Leon' .1)earing. 70,
Milton Iledfora 118.; Gladys carter, 62
Jr. pt. 11, Vinnisaltnighttligt Iftanle-
81: !Priscilla Cornish,
Pt 1,,Gertie 131410. Earl lifeGeto 75
, Josephine; Davis tr-, Molt!. flouldoe„
10. • Nos, au roll, 40; AVOrage atten.
dance, .$111dred V* Martina \
.° No :
Tbe 1011‘witg is the correet
No .1 Us rot -tor thet,
•suoUtit of north. -Coutirivation
Alberta,r)osip 2301. Ilertie /loupe 210.
Sr. 'IV. -gthei- Shier 113; Ott". Shier
tit;t: Isabelle Turnbull 183, Jr. IV.
,AtIow Copeland 20; Oliver McCurdy
,032. Sr. III. Leonard II -orris 307 ;:tr-
eanor tON Jr. 111. .Thnie
Vollogh 200; Reggie Ikuipe 211 Ida
rrtint 205; O'sestr Copeland .171.
If. 'Donald /I ,
ies org
64440tOko! ‘43,'he O.'oacl°10114,11" age,
b 41
ere rend An
The fellow
tut order"
zoad,'')/rhieb ore*, . the townsbilt
4 about the oontiv, tui a station,
strailar incilities at, o point'
The volua•thiS road,.. will be' tbQ
to*Ash'ip. CitanOt, .estimated, it
will, eventually 4 direct 'line be-
tween 26.arni and ,TOronto, tho0 gkv-
" 'it; which IS; without
41 4th, ....mAtette
thc 'acorn , has
y Feby. 13th
nanuro and hauling 4 oime to
tern, 0,00c Tho.alectrie light co,
reet rahts,
8; 00 series.22 47,10.; TO:
al tine on IrebY. 1.0G Town_
lighting. 3.00; ;Wank •Molleft*,
00).15 cents; Thos. Brook,
,,4.5.;W4 J. :00$0t4 titil$4,t3Ary, :SOO,
" T. $ 1.110‘0 for trot pa,: 0
140' lihrarz
11): 0
erne -
r acoonlit, 3.00l W. one,
aLary,.crnetery, .29.00; In
AII;to '413.30.
'Per inotion447161i
accoun As prose
arkica:11.0- -
d by T.
11« -eon. for glai amounting to
04.4.0 and interest t5 cents be re-
orr.4l. as the eothc that- this
ainount is an over charge. ,. 'Carried.
Per tuker...ttarling that -in future
the eleetvrio light VII molt be pre.
sented s1owing tile ,numDer of . are
and series 1ights btirningLencli,nigli
of the week' and ital....act
-A* -fltdj.let:aluu
/.1 -e -all -m- on,
'J. -S11.100.14
'The new barber was doing t good
'Moines+, -lost Saturday night, but
nt ry ag the h 4
eaeh o Ores. Is there oggh ratepay-
err • o not .crinsider. this'it
hogutelle, if ,he thought the
road wout ,inerettse.:„ nine .of hi
ice e t _
; centre! -'..?where
Usbe me people do most of their -trod.,
in shipping, land with better
f mee...._Amt:_.. better rates)
the,.xetr bier wij! be v,.ble to pay
betterriccs for live stook anc grain
f',1 will make the 'increase in *as.'
Sslitent. Of $3.50 per year Sink into
81hgennirt:itgenneint 't.
ljaborne, i OA% Vintthelsea
'..-r-v.04,) •
20 15 0110
one lf hel$
that ah summits, , ithous
pound ol:. butter.. and a ider-
hie' Portion -of the money receive,
ram-this-produet-hr pOid-out-to-re-
c telt.reeeived .eneh month fer-erenin
sold totnes .mighty 'handy. T
transport this butter by vehicle from
Winchelse4 to Exeter entails' con
.siderable. expense, 'when, with a sta-
tion this will be done away with 4041
%the...patrons reeeiVe the benefit.
• In the •pnOonger trade it will Oise
e. :benefit. 'The 'Osborne people
like, other. „peopte_tatte.,Arins
rat tiray,---but i110 inconurdenew of
driving several miles to reach a sta-
tion takes away considerable of the
pl. asurek
The 1iy4aw. is apparently a good
no and AU 140401 event 'available
voter should Or* out and support It.
e and •Oglir. nooks,:
g to rtoci
VI:air/VC Is chatfe d arty°
Do not taitto call a
alvaliled safe lock shingle which we are selling for
4.5opersquare, withan absolute guarantee
om r ther
,50 yearn. h u . en..
inontrwbur, e 7-4
orthtlialt at.7:4141441111r
ilfe--*As 'despaired of. Miss ,Alnuter
was UZ W43 tor in Vaborne and' although -of
Do yottvent thioixe tei* lust xto? Then 36)11
customer; We've4fronl1sed ou satistaatiottsoubt
4.1 .ftee-vr eassr.„ etV.PugP.P0
WJrnIen last Iionday afternoon.,
tain,'yoking tn411 from r
,ihott tigo and:tad' the mlifor..
Anne. to.havit.4 Wheel heat from swift.
driving and and was delayed on, the road 4 V.crY AtUiet atid geniaL diskesiAon
for part rtwirititbr
vo 'cora/JAIL —7—Member 01.Lhe_glkuillyi,„-_,Erethe
tlening A, jartte,„ chnrib-7,„-the funeral. Was• held IttOtl-
-gftthered nt *the hoine of Mr. A.. Q.
thirryhill to speAd. 4'pleasaut soCiaI
boor previous to to .his, departure from
,our3ini-1it;"1-..4 VeryTliitereafing
:iprompto prevent was rendered., Ur...
John "Oeibridge ninde it *err 'Ott
:chairman,. In •hIS, address • he. told
of hOW he Onto to these cparts fifty
flire year.e. .ago, and found
4uttne;- 7,744
now 1fve
Ightr is-nbout-to Cj'ifit4;11YStlirli'firlititc11.;
�f spokt- in very high terms ,ot- the
superior ,,I.4ualittes.:vt Mr and M
,Iferrybill,-'0, neighbors.: Ale t
cafled upon W. W.,,:,-13:ert:tok.read.--
presentation , to '
ilerryhill totaled, in, it taw well chosen
words,: This :wait tollowod by spiey.
speeches•from Samuel lileetteyt That,
Durdtoi.' Wte.D1brldge, Wm. Hook,
TiteS.,.0011c. at,A0140004,. and
140- interspersed with muslc nd'
• ;de Berryi1t, Mr. olph and
Elini .330.1kwoll. Not the, • Iettat
oyAb1e part et the ettelog was • of ,the dalnty Jens
icb:followed the prover*. After
ding 4,,,,,,s00141,lour tbe party
JO. up* till feeling that tbty bad
*pent a very .pteasent,eventog, Ti
-folloWinglalte ',caress 'tondoroit
and Mr?. J3erxybilI:
•Winchelata, April Iiito 1.900..
;d lor ... A. .
.1;e4rPSI - t Oct; eve.of
4enr ;departure .from our toldst.,,,
i.a ,few of your ,friendtk 404 „fieighnOr**
4.00 gathered, hotte-te,,,extirezt- to .:tott
:Cur deep, and Abiding affeetion,:es•
As our high approdation of ;your
,. , , . ,
4eter cetueteryi the, funeral 'being
conducted by. •`.1,teir.. flobt. Melo, of
Creditonfin the abeue of the pas'
tor xt0F. alk;--SI*Iii survived by two:
brothers And two aisterik Itichark-ot
gzeteriLEratittet and Nancy, on the',
horiesten4 And Mrs. $0.03),'" Ilrock, of
Wiucholosott. •
ev.-Fair IS 'attending • the oon....
s of
WilliatnjOhni.ler tearing .:down witat
•townshipo,'ths, horassttatt- of _tho 14to.
Geo.--,A,Adrewt Th bullt- the,:--horn$0
.44.,tx. year. age and it was ocou4
picd 'eootrieetlyr up to the, 'Present.
The lumber in the house was liv•etxie,
tellent eondition, and had teen
.sowed with sm, old fashioned it
BAIS, Mr. 4614k itttoidt,:orgadort
moderu structure on the prenilse**'
owuibip all 0 on Mturday
and trunsacted.oonaiderablo illness,
*Oen was present uppoaing IledrOOM
port of the engineer ,on the pito
• The matter was finally laid ,etkie
oer to.steure tint advice of the Go*.
t neterev'tni ths matter. -Con*
oi for seversi new bridge* were
let LOOby 4 -Wag le; of Dublin.
frs. Sarni. Pyint .1ns been OA
sick 'hit with a slight attack of
• The voting on the Railway Iiy-Is
will take plaess', next Monday.
sure and 'tome out 0114* ettit yo
ballot in talerot 14.14 t IS a wort
Mr, W. Ilatten, of Zion, psrcbas
We havo startedagreat slaughter sale
prising._ every articlo of furniture in opt.
stdeli-stii; great reduction
44. 0
lug 'eras
eat tti leerer he
those itt ted r4ur4
ktuitzorn 0
sary en.
fi'elemeri fl1odth And
0."ntt rAsIspore, Ma ltortor
at Cole,
Jr. .114 llorfen
1exs,ri4r. Jr. It. oiLo Mohan
on. Joy k. 4r, It. Zoe
1 Nell. /41140 A