HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-7, Page 7r�. r
1101'013E1117, , 1 Bit
In the exclteiieut of battle the fall
of tt cuniriete is ieetroily beetled, arid
half a ootnp'tny (night be wiped oat
end the other 'l iUf fight on witliont the
lt')owledge of it. Jena Only after the
'°foul mouthed ortnnou'itiel the uuarder
one inmketry have cowed their work
that the hideout face of war stuittivs it -
pelf to ere -dna men shudder tura titre
lativiiy. Soldiers who have enol gone
:IVO!' a b tl.tle field or been one of a
burial party have mi red hag the grim
11e -wand awful% of war,
After Gottyeturg, ono of tftut1)14'i n
;htiiiel pitrtiay birie(l eeieltty Ft. td*rid
,;nitliere in one trench, 'r'irt"y were iii
frolic a New York rtigilnent., mill all
eeedniugiv fell dyad int otie edliey. fi'h'?v
w0 al1n ist ill to line. talc'le 'up but
little truce thitn live won. fs4.11 %vele
.%shot above the hips, end trot Cite cf
'them batt lived ten militate; of:er'i)eing
bit. dere lay whet was thea a' frill
'half comtrt )y of mon, wiped out by
'one volley ae they edvanoeel to (tlntrpe,
Some had their mi leets so tightly
grasped that it took the Full strength
•of a Ulan to wrest thorn at'atiy. liihors,
'diad with arms outstretchecl•,and others'
;vett had their hende +cbtspeitt over their.
',heads, and a never -to -he -forgotten ex •
,pression on their white feces.
At Fair Oaks, tire Third ? .iohigen
with fragments of flesh. When 'the
eaissou exploded the head Of one of the
victims was blown into the air, and
fell into the water within a few yards
ukt'the gunboat.
lies SUN 'JIM'S BAY MARE. - •
'I've Coale all the way from Ortunau
to git tt little Jaw,' Feld a 1nan with a
liereewhiti under hie ttrm,blue overalls
in his boots, and a grey • stubby beard
1 on Jut Nee, am he entered the -Allen
kf on se Tea ding -room y'eaterday, %there
'namber n f the boys were talking+poli-
ties. 'i4 ,abbe steno u' yen folios kin
dive the right Bring witi out cue:dick,
min' with it la.,'h'e• f•f.'
: he si'ealcer'tvas a AA -lint) Wil firm
efttile soetlt*1're part of the county,
ff1 stud his sit: i itn are netecl for their
sharpness at a'barguin and a readiuess
tortrtttte'ihorses,eiews, waggone, farms,
or enythiug that belongs to theta, at
any uuil all tulles a onstumer may pre-
: lent'l:itusolf, •Mitt lives ou a farm a
utile from t1it old Mall's.
'X%'r see, boys,' continued the speaker,
'11Iv boy Jim had a hay mare that he
traded a yearlitf bull and a cross•tuoth
harrow fur. She was a good critter
• rasions, and now when even stn ape d its first realbaptihit of fire. 'lite _% an no mistake. '%~anted that maremare
'anyhow, sez L • So I went beck to. the
lot to draw her elutes off, Boys,
t'11 divide toy farm up between ye if
Jinn hadn't drawled then] 'deicer Wesel!,
an' the wtire•tt foot was its tine fte where
slate wits born.
'Now, 1 ain't no Wity:4 Iliad at Ain,
boys, for it was a fair turd square dick -
re', a& it shows there's stntf's in him,
only he rnught a left the shoes on the
nitre, Whet I want to know is,, Olat't
t got beak at tele camp neetiu' folks
some way for damages ? II it hadn't i
a beeu fur !quite tunas Jiru bunt at the t
rueetlns I'been loolda' out for him. I
but they throwerlme way off my guard.l
The way I looked at it is that the campC
meetin' society is responsible for me
lodiu' my $100 aid two $15 pigs. Can't
I git back et 'em for trespass, or false
pretences, or exoessary afore the fact,
or amble' ? Caul I do it, boys?'
Ir the pnhlio are fairly and f'iitllful-
ly dealt title they will Colne to ape
pr'eciate it sootier or latex. This fact
is well illt.et'•ated in the experience of
of Messrs. Tucket & Billing:; with their
well known "Myrte Navy" tobacco.
Throughout the manufacturers of T. &
13. have stood firmly by their original
idea to give the public the best artiele
possible, at the lowest possible price,
and iu the large demand fur their to-
bacco the public: have manifested their
.:boys ball been`'heIZi bank on former o'e. the wast way kind, au'Made Jima apin•'aoiatiou.
neap o' good offers 'fur her, ant be
woulati't bite. Last Wednesday he
llortnnity they went foo' 'the enetlt.;a;i
posted in the edge of the woods on thee eume to tiny House kind o' careless like, I
No other medicln
double quioleaut1 with yells and Cheers.;
A part of alae regiment had to swine.
Across a glade, and while so.(lainst lost,
fifty or silty men in tale space of misty I dawn the road a ,whistlin' the 'Sweet
•seoouds. tine company last twenty!.esm
y -and --BY' kiud'o' to himself. $Whets
'men who wout down together in ore. Itcarried in y lacudliu' I sut down on
spot and scareely 'illaved a limb areaf t1liuo. Details of 1 ve loon were :trade
from ettell company to advance asp
%;harp shooters, and of these fifty men
who pinnged into the woods as a•skirm-
islc 'me only six came out alive, Red
every one of these tuns wouuded from
ole to three tilnes.
At Cold Harbor a -shell explodeii in
• an Ohio regiment advancing against a
battery, and s eteeu men were wiped i
• vat in au instant. of these nine were
biyyyyvn to frr'gtneuta and the others'hor.
"ribly mu!iheted. The battery was `f r-
'iug from. thirty to forty shells per'ttlin-
ute, and this was the work of a'singie
one. Ono discharge of crape in this
sa�ne fight killed fourteen men tin a
�llltchigati reginteet, lurid et New York
regiment Which went in 'With [fib men
%utile but -Faith Clap B00. %Ott one here
of ground the burl:ll pretty ifutind ever
•i•700'dead 'tuen. En a.b t-tff'rvoulls where
the, liues had claathsd, mere then
e2,000 deaii were'fuunii:in rt space filo
•wider than a imenare tit veiit3y'a It eve
quote throe times as lout..
At the battle•u'f S•tvtsge'Statien, clnr-
iing •;41oO1ellau'a'change o,f base, a solid
-1thot1re1'frene a Fedral field -piece into:
'che heeded au'1irifan1 y column march.
ii.ngbby fours, killed twenty-one men
hand a horse before its progress was
checked. The first ten men were re -
tweed to a bloody pn1p, and the others
crushed and bruised to death. At this
•eaule battle u rebel shell exploded uu-
nIer a Federal gun and killed four artil-
lerymen, dismounted the gun, wound-
ed two men, the butt of it flew off at a
tangent and killed a second lieutenaut
of iufautry who was eighty rods away.
At Fredericksburg, as the uniou in-
-fentry marched iu solict masses up the
valley beyoud the town, the Confeder-
ates opeued fire from behind a stone
wall. The fighting along this line was
over m ten minutes, and 5,000 Feder-
ls' lay dead ;within tale reach of each
other. A shell front a gun on the hill
Pxptoded in the midst of some New
and sat down onitlle front stoop. I e the world was ever
riven such a tent of its curative qualities as
wits a clloppin' kiudliu' wood far mora- 3hosoitltld's i & r Senur. In throe years two
in'. flint -sot there a lookiti' up and millions four hundred tli•.+usand small bottles
of thisruedicine were distributed free of charge
by druggiets iu this cortatry to those ailleted
with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe
Coughs, Pueuutnuuia, and other diseases of
the stoop Ray him. tile throat' and lunge, giving the American
"dim,' I set, ''yon better let your people undeniable prof that GEnnIAN is raur'
Will Cure them, The result has been that
poor old. father have ti""buy mare o' Linguists in every town and village in the Ca-
yourie,' sez I. oaths and Uuited States Aro reeommeutling it
•arida Ilud just started the suoond
verse of the 'Sweet By•and-13y,' bnt he
whistled leer.all the way through afore
he answered lee.
441 ben a tbtulciu' o' letti.n' you have
the matte, pap,' sez he, 'suite's you got
yerdiotrt sot en her so,' sez he, 'per-
vidttl' w,i kin git up a dicker,' sez he. lug eel nine.' iu liie. hands by au East in
'tI%m had been guiu' to Camp meetin' din miss ioua4;y the forluttlle of it situple vrge
peaty steady for a week buck, an' I table refncdy for tliu speedy aud j minueu-
alit radical
De -
for twe •or tutee days an' when he cou.ie tally and ail hurvuus Complaints, alter have
around:so nice on the mare question I lug rested its wuu,leifel curative powers iu
Malls to wy teiud that nee all:' the old thonsauds of oases,1me felt it bis duty to reake
wntlaan would lea him jinx ' tee mourn-
ers''fore •ioat.
'•Jiro., 1 sez, I. kin stand $80 -..for the
to their customers. (i0 to your druggist and
ask what they know about it. Sample bottles.
10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. 'Toreo doses
will- relieve env case.
An old physician, retired from practice, ilav-
%trend he was .gittiu'seri.uus. He hadn't Cure for Cousuiuptimi, Bionelntis,Cattarh, ilst
theta, and all Throat ain't Lung Atfeetiois, also
beer: •whistllu aiothin' but hymn LULIes 1 cure for Nervous i)e-
it known to Lit; suffering fellows, Actuated by
this motive aid it desire to relieve • helium suf-
ferirg. I will send free. of charge to.oll who de-
sire l., this recipe, iu Gentian, French, or Eng-
lish,with full dirteetions for preparing and us -
mare,' sez I.
isle: Sent by mail by addressing with stump
"Jim gl(uieed up the road and bow Homing this paper, W. W, S11BSAI1,149 Powers
need a verse of 'Opine }e sinners, poor1 Block, Rochester.
anal needy.' ' Thou he see ;
'Pap; sez he, 1 kuow i orter let you
have that uaare for the figures,' sez he,
'but you knew I've refused double that
for her,' r.ex he. Au' so he had, boys,
'jun,' sez I agaiu,'I think I ciuld
raise the eighty about twenty more,
tnekiu' a huudred,' sez I; 'but that's
all I km do. Remember, Jim,' sez I,
'that I'm yer father, and I'm gettiu'
Old, au' my heart's sot ou that mare,'
see'. .
'Plunged in a gulf of dark despair,'
hummed' Jim, lookin' plumb' up to the
eery. I guess he got away with two
verses store he said anything to tae„
RD' i didn't interrupt his eingiu', Then
hesez : -
'Pap,' sez .he, I'll tell you what I'll
do: Give me $100,' sez he, 'xi .1 throw
in them two I3irkshire pigs. au' the
mare is yours,' wee Ire. lest as she is.'
'A. biirgain says 1. ;The •pigs is
yours; sa' I'll be dow,u.after the Clare
.to -morrow,' sez
Hampshire truce s, kiiled ft, sergeal>,t, '1 counted .oat the hundre 1 sft' give
u corporal and twelve privates lupe i it to bints, fie ei:uv the pigs dome
wounded six others. Before the Tj:irlop with Mire. .They wee won th $15 apiece,
troops orosaed the river, and white ,easy. I, poul�d hear Jim whistling
sbeli:ng the town,a shell struelta. house 'Hold the Fort' till begot smile away.'
anboundiug, killed several men. 'Jemireit,' 1. sez`tu the old woman,
Perhaps the most destruative work i;'Jetuima,' sez. I, 'I never thought Jim
ane by a shell among the troops oo. 'd get pione, did j'du ? taut .-1 re got
purred a few miles below Vicksburg,, tho bay mare,' sez I ;'au' what the old
A Federal gunboat was fired upon by boy Jim was thinkiu' of 1 enn't see.
light artillery from the bank, posted iu bite's worth 5250 any day in ttte week,'
plain view, There were two sill-poundere I sex. 'Religiou id tual(iu' a fool o'
working close together, and seat had Jim.' sez I.
oruiur early I went
fired a eI ot, when the gunboat ;ripened ;Well, next m
with a silty -four pounder. The shell down to Jifn's to get the mare, Jing
struck the plus end exploded. The had gone to town. I see his wife.
guts wore throw( high in the air and . 'I've bought the bay mare, Nancy,'
came down a wreck. The eighteen I sez.
wen around them were all killed out. 'Yes, knew ye have,' said Naucy,
right, and fifteen other who had been grninixi' all over her face. -
lying ender covet' rushed up just es the 'Where is elle ?' I sez,
Caisson exploded, Of the 'fifteen, eleven 'Sbo'e down in the stone lot,' sez
were killed outright, three wonnded, Nancy, grrunin' inore'n ever, I
and one escaped tztihert, but so dazed 'I thought it was funny that the,
that he eat down and waited to be eapt• 'nate should be down in the atone lot,1
used by )1;, boat which palled ileitiure, but i wont down to find her, Boys,
Two of the tvuunderi'died the next day, fnuud her, She was layin' behinds As
leaving only two then alive .of the big stone beep, t1ea'ler'u a door nail. I
thirty, three who pnuipoae(1 the bat- went back t,o the hose �` ?
%%allot.liathitig sults left of the gull- 'Why, Nancy,' see I, 'the bay tj:laro'a 1 �„
eerrieges but splinters, and the guns dead l'
ti'euteeives were terribly battered, " '0, yes,' time ,Nancy laughin' as if
The ouly remains of the caisson that she'd split, 'sire died yeetercllty torula'
could he found Was the hub of one with the Colie,' set; she.
wheel filled with broken spoke$, Most 'Boys,for a mniutlte was had. Then
of the dead had been blown into Iran.- I collie to sod sez to myeolt, 'I'11 be
,uts, %tori the bne13ee were eoye ed
At Law, Solicitor,,ec. °Alae, P'anson's Bloc).
H • LAW. Solicitor in Chancery, Notary
Public, Conveyancer, dm. Orllce—oyer Exchange
Sauk, Exeter. Out.
11. HUTCHINSON, Member of
Ripe College of Phyalefans and Surgeousoi
Outurf.e. ,t$a, etc.. Oelce next door to L• Carlings
stain tetreed Foret•,r
the Couuty of Huron. t,iice,nextdoor tc
sf v..X. Carliug'f,store , Exeter.
toW. BttOWNING M. D.. N. C.
• P. 8, Graduate VictoriaUniverotty Offlcc
Ind resideuce. Den.iniot, Laboratory. Exeter.
14 C. r4MOORiE, M. D. O. M.
• Graduate of McGill tlaiversit', Montreal
Diticeand resideuee,tuxeter,Ont• Office I,pure—
s to 10 a. Al and 7 to 10 O. lu
DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. 5.
0., Victoria. Sb. Crediton, Ont. °face hour?
roan 9 to 10 a, m.: 2to5p.m.
!'r LU'1'7, h[. D.,
lN_J • Ufaepat his residence, Exeter.
11 VERSI 1' TrinityCoileg, t)ember0oilege
euv5icianI•apdsurieout Ou... rIkea tiirkton.
: %
1 .r
" .7
'ax0I1 �� • ,y
Z e to
Y.fi)l '�I I I,, ` I
GIMAT CASHSBLE. 1Titvind, disposed of u y
stare, and having to vacate the same, t s ill dis-
pose of my whole, stork at anti under cost, Sale
1.0'cuit,tione a tV,,bo, lay, aline .lth, wly stock
comprises then e :;,
st ,ods to the trade, end this
is a nese ,>w?f'nrtt„ilty'to procure 1 ara•Ate never
before ofrere:I. Cull early L cala%bunk(d vett ha
regular me Cs AN tstnn,l! •p r ou lite'
toed 'f I clout it t, a are' w]aoes must be settled. to June. W. 1), "`i otdtl.UGELOiq,
5 1. . f3 $ m t?, , laoDudes ilt.,i+onaou..
err The public are cautioned aettinet a custom which
is. ptceteng (mite common of late anions! a certain class
of medicine dealers, and which is this ; %Yhert asked f •r
a Batt'
of I'cin-Einer,
they suddenly discover that
they ore "said out," "hut
hay another article
ju=t as
gra& if not better."
hieh they
will sunnlv at
the :;ant
nice. The object of this deception is transuarent! These
eubsti'e es are made un to sell on the great reputation of
the Ftitt•Ttlllert and being cmmpnunlied of the vilest,
and cheeriest drnee, are bought by the dealer at about
half what h' revs for the genuine Pain -Killer, evhtch
cnah 1+•s ]rim therein a to realize a few cents more profit
Lter %'male unnn the imitation articlethan he can on the
i enline.
Ths P1.I5K)g.,FR is pus 00102 05 nnd os bns5es rettibngat
ag and so cents respectively, --large bottles are therefore etre u.e...
D. LAwRE t' AST & DL.TA, RI! R ii
�AV1N srugtoil twenty yews etwoenhfeanc eat wit £SfL:i-
5r9:A or JP "I'1'5I KS5E•, and been treated by the most eminent physes
pians without receiving any benefit, I was compelled, as a last resort, to
experiment on myself. lily sufferings were so intense that Itis useless to
attempt to describe them. I commenced compoundin roots and herbs
and inhaling the odor from theta, ,,hon I fortunately discovered a most;
wonderful remedy and sure Duro for AtS'4'A1M& and Li3'r.O Ii;.R81..
I now offer to all afflicted, the benefit of ray disaevery. I will guarantee
they will never staffer with that terrible diseaao (Asthma) Fi V Ea
At 1.'i 1117CR.S. and will be. able to lie down to sleep and rest co,nrortrbly.
Asa further guarantee, l propose to any parson net fully satisfied. after
�p using ono -third the contents of ni
aokogo tin either i1STSI11I t. or CAT/1.01114z, to return the remaining two-thirds to the proprietrw,
' and the purchase money will bo refunded � b • return mail. I will ear fur- _ = ther, if the foregoing proposition is not satiefaotory, sand your name and
address, and I will sand you one trial package Free of croorge.) Should
your druggist fail to keep his remedy, I have a largeaupplr on hand, put
up in strong packages with full directtoushow to use it, which Ican.send
by mail to any address on receipt of the price,
$1.00 per Package.
Sold br Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally.
CD IDIND mete era AFI+LICTeD W110 1)0)1 TIDED 1T s,.r 1norT r'r..d9e
Rev. I. B. HOWARD, of Dundao, )A,atrio, Cataria, GEO.COB.1 ..upteCrrrk,Ohio,—Idpherebycer.i.g
acknowledges the triumph over proiadioe in such that I was nfllieted with Catarrh iiftosn yon:e. i
handsome words as these: "It has boon to me an used about two-thirds of a package of D. LLIioxtt"s
unspeakable blessing, fully accomplishing all that is Asthma and CatarrhRe:Away, and am now enti,ely
claimed for it. Many patent medicines are a mere cured.
catch- onnv so that people lose faith in them. In- 0. Y. HARD, Cashier Wooster Nat, Bank, Ohio —
deed, I wondered at myown credulity in sending for D. Unarm, Dear Sir: Havingboeueeverolyadlect-
vourmedicine; but ItoughtIwould ventureadut- ed with Catarrh in the head, Iwas persuaded totry
Jar, and I am thankfnl for it." sour inhaling ltomedy, which effected such se. a, -
W. T. BROWN, Monroe,T a•a., writes: D. LAY- tontshing caro that I give it public testimony as b
CELL: Your Asthma and Catarrh Remedy has Cam- in • a suocessful and speedy cure for Catarrh.
pletely cured my wife. She suffered with asthma 11 D. =DWELL. Dnton.y Oily, Cal.—D. LsaGELL,
Isom the time rho was a year old, which is now thirty Dear Sir: Tour Asthma and Catarrh Remedy has
years. proved robe all you claim for it. I have no language
S. A HOPKINS, .70p/in, Mo.—D. LS-I:DELL. Dear that will express the amount of benefit I have al -
'Sir: I have used your valuable Asthma and Catarrh ready received, and I wish to say to the ceneted:
Remedy, and say with pleasure that it cured mo. .No humbug this time.
Please make my statement known to the world.
Such testimony should Convince the most doubtf, t sureror that my Asthma and Catarrh Remodr is
the wonder of the age. It is my own discovery, gathered from the fields, and contains no injurious drags.
Address D. t itNGELL., t Or. 31r& 3e 2 Astor MouWanse Offices, N. Y.
those who intend
purchasing to do so from
the . manufacturer. The
dealer who buys to sell
again meat uecessarily
have a profit. We claim
to givethe parehasers the
benefit, which cannot fail
to meet the views of the
Grangers. Our exnousos
are less than tbose of cite
mane taeturereoonseg+lent
we car, selleheaper.
C . (.E S. GIDLTYt
mid -'ttrnitnre .i1•: an'llfactuxers4
WE Id* 0 LD
calf speciala,ttcnticn
to our uudertai;ing ael'Lrt
reent,wbich is more 01 it-
pletethcinerer,aew hive
added several uow aei•i
t F t of late The boot cera.-,
caskets ahrousi.S2ud Wady
anernl rerluf_itr at the
t lowest prices. our new
Hearse is prcueuucectr,r
A competent iud;ee• to lee
ifSecond to nor fu the
of all the Different Societies.
John Drew's Furniture & Undertak ig Wareroons
EMBALMING FLUID used for preserving the body'in warm weather or for shipping. Any
person wanting Parlor, Bedroom, or Dining Room Furniture will save at least 20 per cent. by
calling at SOHN DREW'S FURNITURE ROOMS, opposite Central Hotel,Exeter.
J'011111 DREW.
'D5?MING the Wool Season 1 offer All Heavy Woollens, including Blankets, Tweeds, Grey -
and Holme -made Flannels at Old Prices. This is a rare offer, as the goods have is ad
vauoed fully 50 per cent. To prepare for Stock -taking,
All Summer Goods will be Cleared Out
at an Immense Sacrifice, positively for ONE MONTH ONLY. The Millinery Departnleiit is
managed bya first -alias Milliner, and is fiitled with alt the latest uovelties.
No o IT Should Paul to Seeit
active than over. A Perfect fiit guaranteed'
r.: J'tTi ' AT _ 1 AND
A. Larne Stook` of Banded and Pl)tili Fence Wire, Seed Corsi,
litlilgatifin Grass Seed, harvest Mitts and Tools.
Highest Price Paid for all kinds of .Farmer's
,Remexl,ber the, Old Established Mouse.