HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-03-25, Page 8u 17 new l)or1oga.are JeJ, �zeenro uro 1 t) seix0i) s bere ywiU astook t "of1 We$31) 1 e flt the badina arev trueto ua re t fr�zn the maker�, tan is qtuLo er.. -Tallor MadeSults- fortirems 10 greene. NaVys and BIacka; made from mirror flubbed • cloth trimmed, with mat ditobi • tun wtleanEtimelesults ecUon. Drop in and itee our new line; like them - r. 1Iry.11eoper left CharIevoi Mich. :btelfrtelut011 441O0114 0 ended 4 banquet1 Clinto Iast eveni the 33rd nu reimer , hos." 'Cameron 1 to Itobert Cole. e Madan' c wift be had at London %tang- 34,440 e. . 1tv .E. IT; Currie „ 'clinreh 'x)extSnada • Our tieW *Spring Rate are moving. The ' -..rhapet sat moderately _large with entirely new• etfeeta -tilininW Very* flat. 111 cbargo audsbe.wiU.bft.deligbt. uplyribelt new lea: -every day‘ 4; 41;0 trecAn roOnni are up. 0-yettr opinimvo It's,not ilo*Iiteap, but good— j.JJ1J . 004;1000in Shoesis. what We offer , you. „ Every pt1r Je aold under a.. 41.-414,041431,0e* Ouratatioedint the 'rnekero.. 'rout Motley. 0, thikkit you are not satioilerl. , Pair, ten% it. • . , ,,Dresay Young, Men 'Wear the - _ Do yen? We are soleCie#Ing ent.for Exeter New spring Shape)) now here. . 'Ili &week and -the * se Ifieads.say tbe top le - not 70t. Rave you go your supply, We d. _knoer_i Miss J!IJJL NY f, iln _auk_ tlits week sold 4, o rfkrm-64Arr.',.ra-l'W lien e -s s the --commercial .4t4g ttrir-Mareb 0 to.B.m. and Ufa of °root° were 'here last Monday .attending.t neral Of the jate Jamcs Ford, father af vt tit n p'*s-,Pr.loted all the lourer, thered. bc-on--Awful-lotrrif-g ading, but- the there'd he an al -- Mrs. tingh lietas,'• of ' Winnipcg.;.Avhe penl the past few- ronths . visiting n4 Jot oa Andr'ew treet, Exeter. t1000 or 4 20d entraJ 00 the Moon I)tevailiflg periodi of d gars, 4-- v411-1$0 to stor un or ,,several. ,week ,4 , aet, Dat h ,t$ e e 1 o 27 hto 29th, o o con4 I of rflin, turn- Lg te snow in northe)art,rn will *Ora' eriet*-tia7Over '1; country. .. . , ro _Oen).- , 14;it: moot wta. of iio ,boopetto of the travelling ublie. Qalls at the office,' 11000 418cheerfully attend, n ow, ling' Bro.. arrow, of .dropped 4 t bis b ' iithratbie.wit on TkInn4 riorning ot last' weekT, TNIr.iMcklrz- nu `bid not 'been: Weir for -a week rvions, being away fron* bis Officc uffering from, neuritic ' Mr. Dickin- o• 0212- *resident pf Godetich or e ast Eeven yearat Moving there-, fort* a partnership, row, orthe70, rin A tiined to e o n:....._. i pson, the ' 011,Oli touted Judi 11 r,4.. tIrw-urlicierrted-a •11 urday nights, by Shrubb the Englieh • runner, by over Six. Isp,s in . a .12 mile --race; . - - _. ,,_ 4' ,,. . ,,:,.., I-. Melville iloway, who bas been ',Ing -his parent,' during- the past •,Iett Tuesday morning for 'Weyburn„ fiask., where- he has 'a lucrative poSition. .,.. ,- - • Vir001) Fort ,SALE.—We are ,now prepared to deliver to Any part'. of the town first clans ei02 1310b44. 'Ali ordert, 'promptly attended to. _ 11. GILLIES.' It Would:A ,, oleic" much aitteeenee to the, town clock. whether the, gov- ernment advanced, the time or shoved it back n. couple of weeks. None of the diets show the same time anyway. ---- - Ong of 'the local shooters. not ft meMber of the Exeter Gun Club, had 1 •4e_charge_Lo.idAistirett_IIM: last w eilialt.W--)Y410ett...11.00V-kr. tuna ' -o-iltaientift ---tirriOtE4- posea. .. .. ., . . Ilev. loc.-5.1-131iver, of-Sainine.w1P preach Educational sermons in ,the James Street Methodist Vburtit next undsy... Bey. Going will go to Sar. Dia and eentiutt"-iiin11414. serVites 1ln the -Methodist Ourehes et that town • iitiir t zi,---. ;-,, • --- -- --'-7-7----'.-- The Awnottip, 'of Illanshard ;flat ch:inged the date for voting' on t by-law from 140111Y ,Aril tith, Monday Aprit nth. the same date it tbe taxpayers- of • tTsberne will vote on a similar by-law. . . •ekinson bg tblt count,being Southern A.lberta Farm Lands • . i*4". elihavo aocure4 control .of the 'of4razt W103/41. ttitifO' AvanntA. This 4 is all level prairie and Can eon,. be - come and talk it over. clue prices ire rii;ht.- Zoxid sold to " • sultpueelmsers in aectsions or larger blocks with • • • privilege of *election. This land *till not be on the We have private etwitts,ehed tor tilattraini eJgaflonaon thsirUug�Ih-.of:44)AL: ,--Tor .111 • The limited, in the-X111011C- *harder :ow* which 100 attracted so much at- tention in Canada, bits been poot- Dona until next month, when It I limit the \matter- will bi ilropped oritles-bdin, to find the realurderer of the. F.04/61-Wttif Itilb$C1tr h*MbN'n Inspvctopot schoolsin C4 gary. knit been OPPointed' to a'.4,e'e ureshi In the Normal School of the city, 'ibe Gov*Mnent is *ending Or., 11. in April Oa a tour through tb flititeti-fitateit and Eastern Cart* dd. to visit the Vest school* and tot the best idoto and inetbods. ev A. 11. Going left Monday cven- ing for 7W -roil -to ' te-7-stiret-id-14-4 meetingo[ thelloord of. Retell ictorla 1,1nlversity be is a member. It 1/4 2quite- paaIble tbat the, yiarpoitttlaeat of rks014, t404 one Of the!. ,r)rotetto, ht,.04,*itt. up. flew--Jak- -n wili be r nber44a hitting tated Contrterrefiq withDr, recently oVer, bibical Mat Zealand Gavernnt "fray the *tint • "r, „or opnrp�ae. willr Y Tb money far ,be to bit note rill 1* raii'ed Lor the J. 14 ina 'JO 1Lmut4i tionors urvived b - vita clazistand doing tiOnA- new; also cornfort41310 residence. 111, health reason for .Selling. For term* and pertieulars apply to A. Exeter, Opt, IN'*14 t 224$22 222201122220. In 214202 A222012,224 emplOy2241)your glodnOt Otis* wrote. luerabtette 22 t niouxt.ptioniga at it r-gr144 Vingham, to whombe was xnarried abOut n year *go - iu addition to his, .Pruminenct as rk, laWYVV4, 41114040. rather a retiring disposition, he wae most highly esteemed by ft larges rir- tht, of friends* and the news -of his death will come aia idiotic to Mani in. this county. Zn,pollates Mr, -01e15.- insoi ftr*s nConsetrative and AV41$ a rwrsonal friend of _Premier Whitney* WA ith whain he ndroid law in bls earl, ler years. J72224:VIS Wrordo One of StcPben oldest and most lespected citizens, passed *way 'at hit home on the 2m1 concession on Saturday. March gath,, after an illness extending ovefr two rejrs from Ilrights Ditease*. aged 67 year* Mr. rot& was born in the parish -el EgsfeirdO milefrom Exe- ter. -England In 1012.and in 18$2411.1nt with his parents to Canada stilincOa --/be family drove Arent Qu bee to Lnodon, And after sojourning in -Lo a -ix instinths, - family moved to thiction, ,settling an the homestead in Stephen. In 1867 was nwrie4 to Carolit' &oh serond daughter of the Mtc John •After their nrriage Vo' Jail for weed coral '4'to 1 0 and four -daugb- s borne: Zs* n' Monroe trail . • Herbert, OA the. :-boni td; Mr Prodiii!rx Lwiitorit Mts. 'Pred I If ° Toronto, s,,tre'. John 'Colwell* Of Cfattal Ilutte; end Mariam Greco, at hOinec Ue ors and stators,- -411.- Exeter; lorm-Steilhen; M im1 8tanlnkr, titepben_tind ,M PDFATTY 1, Itatugg likee to do the ;family baking when you buy her the Star brand of flour. AU the. delicious- things she. bakes taste set,..good- to .yon 'that, you ASX 11:WU 011OCE11. for the kind she likes. It lathe best white flour ori the market* and costa 2no. more than the, poireet. We have A, lira*: 'NC 0014 brellrailascb001; Withspiendid equipment. Instructors are ex. potence& Coluiles InVomnier. visit Shorthand and Telegrat)lor - oblate thorough, up.to OTIOE TO DITOItS- oftbi%eSriburr,ogate C.our of the floun. Ly tate the.' tnattkr of tlw Warn.. Crawford. • own sh 1 - - borer,' decent?! hetebv given tear „ fr. lve(lilorM antl others elalms g Just the estate a tbe late William wford. Vba died on or about Lh:23th t dal' Of. latttiarri, leen ire -required tr Or-about.the-13th • of, April. 1001 to $end .by Airenaid or, deliver, to titesselto matt Stanbury, of tito *oion Arporiettorii...int.,,the,Ztetati * their -Surttam eel* t 04ntyld, b-yihG t. Am4-titrtirer- take -not1.70- that-iCtr - pith mentioned date tile *id executors *ill proceed .to.- diStri- ..bute web* of the deceased among the pettiest entitled thereto, having rehord only el4tims ,ttrilloit the tholl thou have notice and that xecutors shall not. be iiablo t n Pers.* It tot love rved b! them nt the timeaf bn • loitrItit4Intr**Iirs$L,11111t*Sr* o1eIar Ditttd at eter tufa r I8110'N' 401‘ - I April Itit,.a.ad tontirm. oon4 *,Mtny Ontil.„Sept *Mart& sutlers, Write • or, our free _ratalOgne. tm*atany time,, ELE410TT &VOLUM:414 Principals, • 'is lifto-ts oil temptatIon. Re Oates luto thIs *orld without ,bla coneent and out against his willand the oaeL li -ceedingl, rootyii: The rule otOontrarki is one of th� t feature* of the t he is Very little the kin tint. and When he get* es the little girl* and some o ones too. Ito rase* s largo fitnily Greed by the rremiOr.i.„ but it he small cheque he Ii& thief. But buying this right Piano from ht People attho tight Price hun neither a clittalp. a thief or O. manager.And his children will rise ion lectoi.etiN strotted to sell by public auction taven Preehyterieneburcit m5nae an Saturdays. Moth 27th, at One'. ,10,14 sharp, the.following viduable pro- perty: rtuggy, totter'IntrAe040 re) 2 set* bedroom ...furniture, bed rnattrcse, S toilet , t stoio,--7-wood-vbestilirtfo*V-weo4; rior end hell hatirrintAismiut, Oil 6- tv?#03-"-'8' fruit ty ndth ling; Theres's amoniethin unid be mnde right . ClIVS• UST/4,M COD LIVER .011, Zir211$ iez tbe week kt, emoied dients art ph inrd helpful t -physitiona 'fle,t drurtjfrtn sefl 1 DIL' 0 ) Mt tt!fl , will be 0 t, flours IV. 01a*Ses prepery fltt of 4nr*---*Sr--. mut 0 r*tVisit Seturdo,Y Mart ,..... t Wt I'Atti X , . ,. at homes *leiter)); it suit—