HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-03-25, Page 6s„ rot -704E4 '1 don't rtow , but itefiv t $110..13,0 .443i,00.00, 2.‘ ; 11 8hin for us almost alw 35 we aro only willirig to try. lrm would you like to go on ar pleaVAI• Eates.wassesuiltug he rain I" asked the tIr ir u Prite. I "Why, Aunt Bert How tieuki wbgo oar' ' .ibers or um»rc1I1au" laughing. "You may put yourrubber boot, -Bobby, an and ask your playmates travePwitb-youssilsyou e g Wi ert of treatment -sand all the time the trouble, is bectiming more firmly rooted,--sharder to -cure. There, is k7o.nossurO,- tc, -,,P40*-tbga4140-, tism-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ---acts_directly on the impart-, 4k . blood. 'Th4y purify and .44,0 a • , itr-o4 nrinary troubles luckd it. Next riiornugrs opc v #.6 0 g oneniabooti , e:ed , burned by e r employervsitd her arrested, and it her room the police, found 7.0sirtseaslissasstrts Psairso - ,earrings, a gold watch and amino, and a handsome necklace. The wellery is suppos,ed to have been -pi innir r friends. ,"I suffered intense pain from gravel and otherurinsary-troublen rt...s...-11illes.sstiontlutsM:ssAlristssresiri says. "But seven /sexes of Dodd Kidney Pills cured - me -completely. I heartily' recommends Dotld's Kids sssiesss avel.. or r*...msstY•-• trou- ;-"In the . summer o I. -becamelaino in ray -ankles. but thinking I would sopa get ov,es esAttatkassslisLyStetsostetsks1401s,41 tJ: late Doesn't Always Lead to Peace, awl Quiet. yste-thee.-6g11„.._qas . , ....i......*:1 P untr.. N obby - lookes1"-rather doubtful, Pain and ' .Itits.Instead o get- Tekar is the home of the stasass- 'Jut.110-Irony-and soonssisessbadsois ting better the trouble inereas 'iladendoas 0-cctipSs the khors to the wore watehing amity stitch up four and'T thins "Constilted "a "doctersvs ) .setitlisvest. Both of these 04V-blac lonstrips 0 brown palser on the .pthi reunced it articular rlietunas Arabs,. speaking different 'angst g ,' . s-s-tiossshvisteds-systo. ...ti saaststicasedsme or_hi " 0 itiktit,',IsT6A.--41ie-brouglitsatstsbls.Pss,s44and Asissa.getting. tetter ..-. asasslive--- a MOE tir .pile of _old magazinee, egvoral pairs' Paill an‘l'tlui'sweillug keoume woe on sour milk, vs-ffilirthiCiliiitTridtaas of scissors, and some . paste and until I was hardly 'able to hobolo repssrkulturalsa,s well ste pastoral. abeut the benne.. On brushes. • ' • n ---and- dra,illetialike ' 1 i ---iii-SZ * *-ou..nia inornrng A7'ab-----iiintble=to bear, 1.. — '711MnifiX-'. - . a - • tt 1491,1S315. wish. These 43) ssee et3 1/17.t0,1111 nagazines are ful of pictures ta en -ersi--Pstirmt•-ot tuna tbirdts-broten- without benefit' I began to think 1 interesting countries all over. who stood On elevated platform, the b d -d was doomed ito e a cilpple... One world. Wherever you decide to from *bleb- they 'cracked loudly daa cous y in-. advised me to try' largo s‘/xins.Adtil.41nisais ;sits just 11)&1(31 the pictures you can that have any connection with 1)1:s ;W4n1$1 Pink ' Pills• She twenty feet long. • , the place, and .paste them in your...84'4P 1 take-4kent-everY spring -as The 'dress of these Arabs is a cots little books, and you Will have a t°aie for IYY- bWcid, andt4eY. ton sheet hell in by a belt in which artiieli of the pleasure. and excit 'nuke at new person of mes' After •00y carry txooked . knives. • , For -- anent of ik real journey, with none, "ci-a 17"6"13.1tal 1llec44-edi-"t - ether weapons they US4' .s041fg, , sot its dangers And disconifetists. Isthem---sishad takelL---tkrse"-r----klit spearassandstwordts. Firearms are . x4:011.44.u_foroasi. jittu ,whil boxes 'before I noticed .chartges robibited.s, lesiginga st,k 0,44 ‘,...194, 10111.1 coins huls-L!'71---T--"sran 'itt*17----thsert-rts seeenissas , • cars':'iligiii:- ti p'ect ,folvad ,irou.altirionie aiiii-4,7,-Itsswriktos,-----A ifee-,appry_..,.,.-_,.... used re ore Doxes thcre, was a HOW quickly the next two hours w°11-derfu ig,'Pr" . . la., in my ;Is - think. . $ • Luba dttion. Not -on . y'ankle t . Many of the scars come . it' in whieXt_heittseri.stand rains and fingers were! . wsi,11,-Iilit 1 'O-V-kuirt ii Bus woman and ha -,d not boon as ;sou. face to fate and cut each ot Ise , Bobby scent to California. is ternatelY in the back till one cries s $est picture was sr tho itsuZsgst; in yeares. la sierrking of this te-: a doubt Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills "Enough I" - Limited" the train in . which ho doctor. afterward he said- that no NV re views of Western cities that had enriched the blood thus driv- . "'"+---,---RvxnirE pirtoGurs chose to cross the continent. There --CONSE S Ier palsied through; and when ho ing out the painful disease." reached the sunnland he filled Not only rheumatic sufferers, but y ,_1103100000514,2:00tcgopr,in tiweroat all who have any trouble due to halter . on the "Pacific coast pc- 'WeldC; -3Vigterr'• ' 41-7-ilrfrolaret blood can find a cure through the eelsior Life Insurance Company. . /tures. of wonderful flowers and fair use of Dr. Williams Pink which is published in this paper, fruits that grow only under south- ern skies, placitograihs taken at an Pi115" Sold by all medicine dealers shows, this young Canadian Com- . or by mail at 50 cents a box or six pany to be in an exceptionally „ostrich -farm, and .rnany other boxes .for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- strong position at thesflosek of the 'things of interest, until the last leaf of thjourney-book was issyss Medicine Co., Brockville, year's' business. The 'management e cov- ""-"1"' - trod. . , Ont. of the Compatty it to . be heartily . :Elsa went to japan, and she 'col- — .'"----4r—' -congratulated en. the progress raade eted • pictures of bamboo houses Tilt Els,IGLISII CO3IPLEXION. in the past year and. the growth 11- renswithsehery - rand ,splendid standing of the Qom- * • - ii. a -innate revictss„priiitie- 5.--io ....—. .....s _L---s—splssSistw--s__:---s.-,s_--. --- rth • tr.. it1offs. .-noteveartVsfaits-Che When ,Aunt Bertha came, .in . again, N - - - I might- it--;-zbirt iittetir.tugay,--Oatdoor,--eaerciso-ancl-the-Iiiii,_ tho-,sleatat Igo,- in_ trho. pastyear Jumbles, and,the way the cookies' pie liWi are for the moment the was 44 per cent. less.than expect —lc/4w setisedisissivart-siersnefeststsse fadsof-sthestashionable ,Parisienee. and pipers cent. less than the pre i -traveller had returned in, good A leading' French actress when ous year, which ishows very care - health with, sa. good appetite. ss,.. recently in London so greatly ad- ful selection . of ,risks. Expenses Youth's .e„osupomou.: - mired theseomplexionssof the Eng- have atm decreated-sigspef cent , • lishwomen she saw that she and a illustrating-vnitchful management. . ---s-st--s--s--s. number of her friends determined The , increase . of insurance in • -------s-fm-EN-ct g-Eraityg-8--------.- -to-cultivatessIst-means---4-walking force-amountiug-to-.10. Ptrsisca • and plain living "English cora- , Practice is the one pres-ervative ,plexions." ' - * ':eiss-s, -___ s..._ _ • _ . _ . , '-oent-ja---410.41 'Austerity to a thief is tits -evidence have. had --svanderful effects, and' of honesty. . . Flitting still is alWays the: ,most trying eituation in life. - s ..Whensleve:slies. it ii...better than When hatred. tells all the truth. Love hak* langeagesthe dear can .. • tor and eanspea The best evidence of a healthy soul .isitt, hunger for work to do. s grefsy man Must buy the riches of experience with his own coin. No Man can on any more. than Kid_ney. cure gravel by . curing -the kidneys. The urin- ary organs are entirely dependent tte.kidneys. If the kidney n are ssgood working. order -they cannot Alter out the, uric acid and it combines with other products of the body and clauses gravel: Veal - thy kidneys dissolve the stones and 441 thing influe On the) air pas gea 4114 *flays tir irritation tit t eold,ind eventually era from the system, as 0, -trot Mrs, Gramercy -"What de we need for diltuer I" Bridgets-"Shure i WM Co StolthioSr. 'I o , 9 tunas , *Kb inove: Italia teitqw most of Pal* ii.d,retirraluoti 0,a ITrA:70742741.0iit:1:u."41ttes::7::bli:„i711. 0:11:pboofT.,ir.b,e, 44, To,..my ,... , t,i who knows what not to sayhasn'tbasn't tense enough not to say it. , • Itstiett (11:m31%111 abysms taro my coultIla and colds. oast hushais_td-sr-ss.--go, 10'eds"--- tkt7EnTIP,Ptilelig afieirttialat-eieinte-d"ot wer ,exclaimed Mrs. Mur- phy, dashing the tears "from -her eyes. "No two policemin cud ariale him." .fleesatits-senitioreseurestruslii1W1179 etttra mr coughs and colds.' "And- tosi that you are of age saids-diss- Zt=i0-11117 tattier, "1 ant .1t141.49.14z-4:',-Lor • ha o keepmoney.r- re- •tnir -tan- fre- -"EASY. Mrs. h'at's Yer o Xt. tike -401,11-' nowt qatstg_t__ : 410- sPame 11, 1. Ra -fitter got ov t jobT Woman's ,Sympathy Ars ion discouraged? Is .3rohr doctor's/ %Ill a ))eavar ilhauclal loud? 1* YOUr Pgo a. heavy- Ishysilerstli ,bigsleuT I know_ what these mean to dtlico,to women—I. be. ben, aiscourseest, too; but learned bow to care myesit x. want to retinve your bor- •t n&---Whrhot-end ilitrottln-and-stop the dottor's bul? I cats do, this tor you an 1I If Vaxt vill-,-99sitst *Om • you need do. Is, to welts for hands be glitch -4* 4SA50X,x41,140,114,4 tri‘e: - it -99 II -ia Pills That Rave Benefitted Thou- sands. -Known far and near as a sure. remeds in the treatment of indigestion and all derangements ef the stomseb, liver and kidneys, Annual Report of the Excelsior tParmelee's Vegetable Pills have Insurance Company. ' brought relief to thOusands when ifiei have [failed. In - Ile Anil now every fine morning one may see quite a number of ladies, both of the theatrical arid soeial worlds, indulging it "footing" round the lakes in ifielletiiide•woegae.sain , 4 the snorts Athletic have adopt"( jj; _:vrktirld postrtnnr-resenibli That Worn by lady mountainef,**, , _Stout, square -toed boots are con. iiidered necessary fin. ,"footine,' and, veils are discaMed. Together with the morning ws4k the morning eels( "'tub" ii an rn •-;,. he Can carry in'his own heart, . lish.eustein more and more wide No man can take Iniquity into his practised, it it seekers a cre0 ed, and keep it out of his char- ter & "British coullase$1011 lussus.g.4, .•i - It, - A 1 aetr. ., . iir_ gymnastics- at home.,-- The d& No prayer meeting is long enough voteefs of -the new fad dispense that does not reach to the market ' with the now more than ever fiiili Otee. • ' ionable corset during their morn - The things, , you resit', stand for lug exerPlse- . sares.reaseelest te_those----yoli-.-ruis tkit. . They* neve_r iiii_roont..at-theito the tnati who thinks it was iiltMay for one, , ' 1 . The man who hasn't the vigor to r , (trier, a les/field, dons usually pikes Wesel says ys use his 'virtues. Bs, est Own' Tablets .for My ' Th weirare cf the world- may de- , little- one, and , therefore nd artlY on whether you can never need. a dottor„ 'Whin tic in. the rain. tny baby isjeverish or 'rest, int _46r4i, 1 -Teta- ‘ fffir111;#4C116-4ririi ''an its tlzari.. :0 ' t in * tOttPle":,ef " &kir , :rsnd * sms, *glit.*: ' umerable testimonials can be produced to establish the truth of this assertion. Once tried they will be found superior to all other pille in .the treatment of the ail- ments for Whieh they are pre,. ecribesl. s - Lads> --"Do you know where Johnny Tuckee lives, my little -400" - Is• et Boy -"Re- • ' . . . • 4. • , Ritri-overstbeslist of Toni, friends and will 6"i -ntirprikd at the4 number you could dispense with. '1 • and the • addition of 10 per cent to A sago* tough dr#9.11 steep and sioutforli - At first sight it Would-seem:that it must be an unreanortable- man-. who-wiruldndsratilt--witsisashouse bectinsesitsbul ones inore-roem- than- Waa . mentioned its the advertise-. eristnertnitWiti:Ktt"firsts titsiostsal GitiVEs Roo. 'nom without hulk. sows srtio, ges co., Lttio Torasti LOC. AL4t0 ENT -S. WAISITEp • Ettl*T0.4-Portraits,, rtvnwtadArt,S1*cialtias, Stspprotitii. Instruritiona Catalogue snd - — forrWtS014,LiirXTieti4 s witiato. g letterny h 41.4 ef: i house, 3 s ,sit se, that being sus th size he ., r. a. professed to want i _ t.' -- ' - - ' -- - prolia"lo Mr niallr out,ofrep-dr; "The house that you finished a and the prospers:five tenant ,. went few weeks ago is the biggest of Oa back to the agent's office. lot," said the teal-oat/Ito agent. "I. didn't want a six -roomed "Perhaps that's why it's so hard house," he said. ' to find a tenant." "Yea," answer- "That isn't a six -roomed house," ledeastehde.,,builders "it's last but not answered the ageot. "Yes it is." Its Power IliTrit-began ebViitifir'untreS How many medicines loudly blazs the kiteben dining -room, parlor, o iled as panaceas for all human and two bedrooms. That's five, ills ha,ve come and gone since Dr. isn't itl" Thomas' Eclectric Oil was first put 'Wes, but there's room for im- grows with Ago. .77 - "“1/ut' I sa..'Y it is not,')". end the upon the market? Yet it remains, provement, and that's bigger that doing more good to humanity than any of the others," said the facets - many a preparation more highly I ous customer. "Can't you . show , s vaunted and extending its virtues me Something -else I" wider and wider and in a larger - 4rele-e-very--year. It is the sneak TOori9tr--"WliAt are those -bells - ' -Urchin- ---!' !Cosi •-7474614^J. _ --The fellows -who -begs a girHerits lock of `her hair, doesn't necessar- ily turn thief just becanee he pick Titst+Sis Ks Itssett_pastr is..lukrudeet The trouhlo Avis hose bud to womb uul.99 obssek. Allosi`t Lung Balsa* cure t Us. worst of cs1tta. It- latlaismation sad, clears the sir wasps - Brown -"i hear you ire the hap- py father of twins?' Jopes-"You are ruistaken.-1-iiin-the-Tiather of twins." sets and 17 per cent to, incom.4404,,ite soros. sot %alias siiatiework mites:logivai InAmLel hteb 61:1 ibbrIat 121g, rIrs able activity coupled with a wise sisisis vs ow sti eons conseivatism. -....- People who are too old to learn recognize -his own mista• kes, napast Curs rill *Ways *have. ontlived their useftilness. ours eceens gad Lolds.* TiltsThististits-Prisiesthere • - , 1 lideviat , We have our opportunities, but most of us manage to dodge them. iried hei *ny when ' 0 . *ins .raske tlkt niit4cs ing retell meeting. 1e when we' are on influence at &l cern- r „everyday right to'. but yuu liame,n0 rght row thth zhtdows n ani(beia the thi t .TheseT*blets proznptiy cure olie, indigestion,ponstipsi- ion, diarrhoea, ' destroy worms.' break up colds, and make teething easS,.. Good for ildren of all ages. 8pk1 b editine 'dealers ar by at 25, cents 411' box from Thc- William* In 11rtekville, Qnt. , it 0 NI rewimstwito have becri ituzny putittion the P° P ° - eertlisnuty be_sessighe teitittaff,' 'haw endured so long or Met with so mtteh favor -as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, .1Vide- Itather braves' Worm Exterznin, ested ator does' not retiire the help of spreAti use of th,an has att any purgative medicine to complete the elites Give it a trial and be conviticed. „, , .11* sobittbsti (or othe ti Iktsistbol rutin their great value, and- they need sattim•sliisowenn,emod'**4"""""ithem lid th radv ti' en th emst sc_____.R.,eoss,sissis by doctor* kosplOils. clergy r e er an. seetreeer etriessolos at. ems, e people make a specialtyof killing time- for others. The never failing maditine, ITol- lowaya Corn Curt'reMoves all kinds of corns, warts, de.; even the- most difficult to remo*e cannot ithstanititfiirieofitterfli rreinedy.--= "ere t," saki -the pa youth - 1I suit thve tome to sat for you t -&hand. She I fair as lilies, sweet -as honey- suckle, tndr as a tiolet, charm - g IP P Mary you *re .talkin e4 h this. Ilaving tirmly • (+stalklike(' themselves in•publie isiteem, they now rank without & peer in the list of standard vegetable preparations The Jew is not more ,particular about the preparation of , his Mixt than the high- caste Indian. In pfember last. hits. Highness Sher° 4, - Trimmer 'Waiter '6t-24Telialit; ark, to EnglAndi and ,two Cows d t> he procured -00,M' aiiirms ind milked by s. member of the r te's own suite, before their ma4er could enjoy a nal. Mary's papa stifened. "And ,nritiy r he atk snested lhjtt *skink, sent t5 Vi736.14 m're on may, sir," replied t oung man.simply 'It, frothitit*. - Your •0rthiogrip, A'nzo A Wonsan is no ell. `TRE EalliiNtirST 'CUT. is German Emperor Must Now Pay an Income 'Tax. Dy a vote of fourteen to thirteen, the Finance CoMinistion of the Reichstag has decided to abrogate the 'rivifege 4)17-ia-eitititiiiii- Wein to:fawn _hitherto' etijoyeit by the Kaiser and members of other Ger- nlan 'reigning housta. • dTettdme seet etrai:utug 1\ttocurtoening re: 4nis tpitrehomet-: orrimissiores action, will hence nry p1aded in vin that forth be obliged to pay exactly the me direct tthtes as are collected froni private citizens, including the increal stti,Therr,,,,a,:zip,10sts, and twee*. 011 oduem ion from' taxes was an ic AIISe that t it. eptietml for *ii.themitives of ex • argritoeilVthat t eti would be tixible uTh ronditions, ire tree it Aga carritd mitlotarityt &Pettit Poles nsOlsodyte-pillin eu,sliasstlitistliknea clesSsill.,_ TS,* itust9r eon, lo swot tits boo BRITISH AVERICiitit DYEING Lai 11101/Taasth in. United States and •abroad Aiitoities — bile League. Pamphlet • showing dealers' priecs of automobile tires,, ,also application blank, mailed ups on recipest. Home Office, Buffalo, N.Y. Departing Guett-"We,"ve had a • simply delightful time!" Hostess "I'm so 'glad. At the same time, ret that -the -rain kept -all -our Mr. Freak more, the groat) W*-titrri**Ketdout, who twat many th. Cinstant itespsteties dining tmo tea Boer War, *wall& butith to hn *atm* tivisoutheit thou 4414i4ournett-to. :day& Ziisuobuk sav