HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-03-11, Page 7RErouT 'TU0
a discover
.Pelle', south.
, arid' Market
o'cloek by the
oilee asked tev-
2exiwho W114,4001
duty sitauld take place early in th4
night, not far front the 'centre 0
citer the feel
at nothing. Lt will 'he remernber
in the first pleee'thet the, man. w.
shot her ',sister appeared to' De,
thug; though she litter said be was
not ap common tramp, °It has been
thought bs,s,sotrie in the •fasse of the
-t0' ,
awing by signs*. w
rznan sesseithularY
n my forfailed Ko,„' rt°htet4r0P,.r°'and
P t
'Ontist's ottieo atPortage I
--SoilietY Veinal
irnprush o migration
bas already st9ted, and large num-
hers of immigrants will arrive a
isfalifax this we
ch to my's,
ingot up and oho
e ban sane
d el
17 0 YR,
etri IieNT
• lion dollars.
.-'04alt#6 bta11 tolioraiiiLo. white, 490
-straekr-sTeren ossas4
0116 of cati:0:10. oats 480, Oollingwooils and
c my dusty
11*()1;o03 aX140°.%2°*.'*q,Clu Ill°, virt°.°4-821inc $ Out,
unbuttoned 4 Corn -No. ' $ ,American. yellow
, , t
rite on
the hoasis and theJ3ecQnd
ttley on /the temple, au.1b
4.. s
jjipird by
tensified„ and the, police are at their
wits' end with ..ty„.0.13uoi, case on
;their 'hart s, '
, 4
luborillan 4ined at Now York Central W41 'lluY. MOO
tillandsManitoba. Tons of Rails. -
,ykienipegAgy,A ,sIss,spate r rn New Yotk soya t
nvestigation by tho polies, of the ihc New --York CcntraT-ilailroad
rcumstaiices azinsding the announced" -onsiredifeTtlaftbWit
e o Galician lumberman I had arranged to KY "101,000 tons
amed X'an Czewski, ,whose body ot steel rails for 1909 delivery. This
as found near the cordwood tamp:is the most important contract
1. ilands on Tuesday with his placed with the steel companies
hzoat eut, shows, that the deed since the rate war began. The order
murder, with theincludes20,000 tons already deliv-
robbery, as the dead man ered to the railroad. The 'remain-
s winter's saving in his pos- ing 81,000 tonswill be delivered
esion. Ile had a wife who lives between now and. August 1. The
n Jarvis avenue, this city. • Lackawanna, Steel Company „egete
• ssossussisssisssitsssissis.,,s-s, IstOSstemaseststheseed$441se..,Istlt
- Oates Steel Corporation, 42,600
• Itigsanu_ k-tho-Alg0ma-Steel-Comps,oy,
• if Canada, 5,400 tons, and the
Idekens in Manitoba.
• spatch from \Wiunipeg says
futureall spertemen exe
sorqsidiug ms_a_sp
icenso. fee :of $1 to eboot prairie
kens in this Province. The funds
will he utilized to siup-
rt the Gaine Protective Associa-
Many other somewhat radi-
„arnendments. suggested by the
ei4tion were accepted. and
on these is one to raise the big
BC license fee for foreigners to
and. for British subjects ta
s- •
is dead•
:At„the institute mee:On
at nntreal
ed the total mineral 'preduction,
Canada last year to he. $87,323,
After junipmg "the track nea
artlancl, N. IL, an 'engine, '2'
ver• -three times and landed =
river. The engineer and.firi
'eat idown with the engine, bu
escaped unhurt, -
g -*/
-Large quantities.ofs-diseased.,mesat
from the United 'States were re-
ceived at the Port of London,
Mr, Arthur Dewar, Solicitor-
Generallor Scot/and, was returned
as mePher for South Edinburgh in
the British Commons,
Mr. -Stott Dickson, Ilisitalist, car-
ried the CentraisDivision of GIas-
'ow against .thes-Press Tradc can-
to by A -majority of 2,113.
Ett ISPARTBSisssessis.
as ratifi the United State
sisce ni
then, .
Quite casuafly,'Irtemarkeel that
beast's' "not sr ,..1011#031*Yifir
officer,” • Ito:•-st
interested me.
st-he. mention ethe o
all the men sat up,
,their tunics and buckled
a. *anti
the m$riThg,
the sifters:mon,
sts - • --
you going Weide/styrene-1'i
was y next question.'
si,"`. they replide; "we are go -
mg' to swsslit to Weiderbrona,„ sand
there take the •train to klitsch.”
'What 'evil, pains prompted me to-
m the next tenisilt- I cannot tell,
but although uttered in joke its
consequences were. -perfectly ,
"X, too, am going to Iliederbronn,
ApSes 0,50' to $0.50 for ehoiess
-VA Vlos,9z-0.41.91:_st9k-
hand-liieke419 $2.10 to $2.15 Per
' s
EEdward's forthcoming -trip toBiar-
ritz is not a holiday, but clue
oleIy to rcasonsof health, his pbyt
' 4014,44 ng 1909 stroll ly isr
ed Jo"' speed March an
Anril in rent. Britain.
machine for* generating electricity
from the sun's rays.
The Pennsylvania, Itailroad!sire-
Tier- oxen rat
er _pound. _
Ear-NIK airto-$11
per ton on track here, and lower
grades $9 to $10 ;sr. ton. s
• Stra*-$7 to' $1'..60 on track.,
Potatees-62 to 05e.. per bag on
track. • -
Potiltrys-Chickene, dressed, 12 to
-14c per pound ;_ ovLL. to 1104
Anoka, 14 to 15e; geese, 12 to 13e;
-turkeys, 17 to 19e, per pound.
tailod estimate of omparative
cost .of the alterna routes ant.,
iii0F4rftififr 1reTtit,
....0burobill and from wit Lake 'to
r Port -Nelsons The Fort Ohurehill,
route, aggregating 465 Miles., will
-cost,- he estimates,. $1,1,608,000 for
thationavo a
distance -of three.tten
and ninety.seven miles, would ices
approxinmtely 4%07,000, but, the
68t; •No. to'57%c ;
4 white, 5614e, Barleys -geed to
Malting, 09 to 74e. .
-$1111WealtfoTAtaxch -9.-Wheat
No. g Northern, t1.18 to $1.18 *;
July, $LOG% to- $1.064 asked. Rye
No 5 bid.
P041 en
With regard to the lielso
route,Mr; Armstrong inakes the
rorn j:
forination kobtitinable tt,would seem, t
that, cazial could lie built *long •
the, Nelson River, which would.,0XI.,..,
able, ocean-going vessel* to enter,
a stfr tit Hissigen"As
ouUi si
. *Li tit°figlit belestete.nd
he fled River to 'Winnipeg.
Brantford witnessed its first
nese wedding and, the local Police
eys-setandards......, filets , sump ess.-
Minneapolis,. March 9. -Wheat -
May, $134%; July, $1.154; cash,
No. Is hard, $1.17% to $1.17%; No.
Northern, '101.14X, to $Lier,i; No. ,
2 Northern, $l.14/ $t01.14$1;1414,4o..
3 Northern,
Bran- .2 3.50.- Flour -First
patents, $5.80 to '$5.90 Second pat-
ent% $5.05 to $5,75; first clears,
$4.50 to $4.75; second clears,
on stetting sso, ',-
rounded by officers o law,
vse- oasts -vielPitiiesen. -Chinas s
Man,' and Zs aralt McLaughlin', -an
Irish girl -of nineteen, Were united
in the bonds of Matrimony. The
ceremony, which was performed by
Rev'. U. It. McCracken, riaster of
Alexandra, Preshyterian Chards"-,
took place at the polite station,
and was was attended by Police Malts
L* to , Chief Sienna.
and other officials, lir addition t?
havginelsirsobowyerp*- 4
The bride who irn,s' arrested on
with. vagrancy, and was given tbc
„,- • 4,
pttets, 20 to 21c t
tubs a Taiga° rolls, Trfirral STL'AltS.111-PrTirlfit
- .44.0,4704-4,ervagLet
n o e paurched, I carrying my Eggs --Case lots of new laid, 26 - • Subsidy Bills
mbrella as if it were a, sword. to 27o per dozen, st\'espatch from Ottawa, says:
re tin 4 grassy slope,' we Cheese --Large cheese, 13Y. n
-e ar Han itfr Brodeur has given notite
. •
-up to.the-top .at.a -swings poundsandstwins,---1.4e, -cift_o; re-s4jutroli-; simnpoweibig ale;
*Servia line -Withilraisn- -ger De. fort shows a decrease of Vs
mond on A-ustrIts. ‘' 297 in net earnings for 1208. still. observing perfect
" Government to enter into a eon-
,•Wail sworn A at in sten. short dist-
110G PRODUCTS. ss tract for a subsidized line of steam-
. A despatch, from London sal!: visobinsten as prements .et & ..solitary- soldier, of , .
It was learned 'eoiselusively 111 United .States, on Thursday. _ regiment, lying at full Bacon -Long clear, ny to nye ships between -Canada and France.
, 4 t 2
Per pound in ease lots; mss pork, The •aggregate amount to be paid,
London on Viredneeday thaServisi President Pefiosevelt has received on a bench near the entrance $20 to $20.50; short cut, $23 to $24. it) not to exceed two hundred thou -
in accordance with the adyiee 0
the powers, has withdrawn her do- a present of a -gold -hilted :jewelled to u wood -tunic unbuttoned, sword,
*nand for territorial conipsinsaticin hunting 'knife, -costing' Vl.„112,50. unbuckled, ,./sed 50 feta. Hams -Light to medium 13% to Band -dollars per ' annum, and as
14e; do., heavy, 1.2% to 13se ;• rolls, least fifteen round voyages must be
Detiorit's lake passenger \ fleet. on essehmg sight of the art- io% to lie; shoulders, 10 to 1.0%e; made during • the year, with the
at the hands of Austria-Hungary. will he equipped with wireless peosehing squad, up he jumped, hacks, le to I,0%e; breakfast bacon, subsidy rate of $6,066 per voYage.
The semi-official news published in telegraph- apparatus whoa naviga- buttoned iiii tunic, buckled on bie- is% to 16e. , The intention of the Government
Vienna to the contrary is therefore tion opene; • weapon, stood rigidly at attention, Lard -Tierces, 12Xe; tubs, 13e; is to enter into & new contract with
erroneous. The question, of the Imports into New York for Feb end when the "regiment" came by ,pails, 13%c. the Allan Steamship eCompany for
autonomy of Bosnia offas not raided , ,
marlast show an increase* of fgt./fled op," alli tbe if St was the most ‘ .4..4-.4 a fifteen -knot service, replacing
-its -the re -presentations• -made by the nearly sits9;000:000„ss-seis- the --aturats thingsm wesrmia- Busrbriss AT mox
month last ear, • - __Zteme.snotsstlt notsassrord_p TREAL: the -present twelve -knot ,Thessessw_feet ifgryiee iasdesign to
powers at Belgrade. It is belie,vs
. sensthas 'off-
UergtaialtiVattitowtrtiantr ---rtinfoltera- 0' -
11, ring- e Apon---"thesintifitaVolt. he cm/
• ern No. 2 . '1 to 51,/c. extra No
ranco-aansaisn treaty. -
• er diffitul- discovered° an, undergrodad route
peaceful tIL
settlement of •
Nalt-Augtria414411 r.WhitWisf.hiteEttlitYtt-are--4MPO
00ds the leading file begun to sing -feed -toy
0 --th-o-:bihers join». to tio!.4b.; Qatari° ikto, 2, 80 U:1'60%14 IN UNMAIthE1), GRANZEL-
, 2
410 tile United States from
wn cu nnri ed '"-• Ontario Wo„ 3, 49 to. 49%e; Ontario
ingg here from Dublin a short tune
•ago she has given the police con -A
siderable .trouble. Chong, who is .
keeper, heard of the girl's predi-
cament, and through eouusel made
the offer of rnarriage. It was
promptly accepted,
Found in the Celirt-yard at Spnnisk
- Palates
A slespetch „from London sayst
Telegraph says that what was pro.
lighted -fuse watt
, B
ntshiL)IoltelVitMortliecT, • e r li*IsSir • a, man 43.3.stSsiss3504,11aritteilest barlest,1.14-1r ectro-zsive.wss..,,
time was, were nearing No,, 4,s 48 to. 48Ye' No, 2- bterle7,y-othu of Railway Con.
'esiireiiirr 'Wife s to sera ; IiiCkiiheat: bax1O-80e. ru
• Dinizulu,Tfln tot the. Zutus
lour-Manitolla-13.1ning wheat Pat- . A cletpatell' from -Tort -Arthur
Plkii •
The house of "John .111eNeil at Flos prts,rtlsLnr harbiwriag. reA464,
TT/QUAKE 111 BAST. retie°, C. B.,s caught - -fire at '11 span feitis that the\sareetutnit,.
between France an4 Germany res
• --. .
garding Morocco milt be detriment-
al-toSpanish lute est*in
Lindsay-Ceiiidable „1st t'lltitsPlfal
• Sorione Condi-flee.
says s At one o'cloc on Thursday
morning ConstsitoJohn ;Short
was beaten most unmercifully by
a gang of five men, and as As re-
sult is now in,Itosh Memorial os -
II \ *o ' clo ck on Wednesday, and two
Jage Was 60,1t.r0y0t1 bieStr childretr, a boy and a girl, (aged two
0 and -throe years, respectively, .lost
we .
's- - - - - Weil' lissits. The father was at work'
teh from London says:, in e pit and the mother wont out
ith received ' here from for a few minutes. When sherrn-
.4... Turkey, on on Wed-. jurnsdAhe. fauna theshousesonfire
;hat" -The - i'llitii-Tar and filled -*Ith-sintokess-_Tne -chi
Jerusalem, has been d'ren were found in a corne suf
arthquake. One theated -and Partially burned. The
the Le
0 way with.
• fd. the Stis
,t'eted under the
a tungl
of the
e If the -pt,
Court& Are 10 -e -d
Appeals fitited*
as at present; hero some cOniftig.:
Olt $)
' hherty
thesubjet is involved, or in eastin
here the4rudges of -the -Appellate
'Maim" consider the interostrin4
'of such inagnitu4le that the
appesl is warranted. .
.A Thgh, Criminal Coilit, sitting
otahly in Toronto, exeept, during
vaation, giving ten Sittings inif the
instead of four, is eonstitut-
pital. Foreniest among i15 *55*1
was -the-ft *Joust-. Michae
0 r in,. who has already tett
is--,in---Kingston PeaiitenUsr
Ind Sing :Sing Prison The 0
was given by the o .mori
cn, whdn' Carlin, it is alleged,
ceedcd to attack the conitabl, as
sisted by his pals. , The oMcer
ly bitten. The men i
aw ex-thoiiitli471,17 i*,
sensillailirty, but he Iptlitt
the „, ,.
Y $
military fashion, ,under the .conts
mud °Le foreigner armed with an
umbrellassuot even a silk onel
•A diseconeetting thought arose.
'What will happen if we. chance
actosa a Cierroan oraeep-and bow,
in ay broken• German can I ever
ho.pe to tp1in this extraordinary
further delay, tesid to
ILI TatiStsgeritrmis-liote.
over there," - and bade
lie and amiable Saxons,
or Is taking time bythe
sainted, and basin
got ont o
rounc the. corner ,
itUl ing with tho r
of ocksiearkss.
„ vryl-theRoyal Ps1acc It.
wasle e moved to a laborator
a -it -was sstsmineL2--Thesitatalt-----
exp ode& few moments after Om
examination had ended. The-.il '
dent sreated the 1:004 aiStittlets
VitoriaQueen l'ite1W4:46 nowat Seville,
Mit' et- men -ftristin
rs SI • * 4 says•tamer a e. s ory o members t Oy*, are
8Pring wheat P ; •atents, eeontAst by John Munroe, who has inst living in thepalate. The gte text
$5.30 to $5.50; ° Manitoba strong
cons- .rorn- superintending the Ikeerecy 0.1 mikstrit,striest regsssissift the,
bakers', $5.1,0 to $5.40; Winter erection of „the Gordon( ,Pulpwood .effair, It is understood that some.
,wheat patents,., V5.40 to $5.50; Company's rnilis at ,Goose Lake.' arrpsts iares4y. 'ova been '
straight-- rolleresss$5° tas$6710;sx10., He saps that at s prate near there , .
in hags** $2.35 to .$2.,454 extra, in isa buiying ground inth sithich or sissie,s'stlz •MEN LAID OrPs..
bags, -$1,95 to $2.05. V &Di- placed in up/nuked graveit the
t°ba bran' $..21;, d°‘ eitOrt-ls $24. tipcliee of fortysonesniett who have GrAsiti Trap*
.4,t4 itatog-L.-.!-
shorts. $21.547 to '*5; Ontarto 141 work, an whose nettles have not .desiatth from TA.Andate, On 4.*
oaf 'Sas; Motod-utouti hat-lornerliaci-bitierrintert xlculic:ParTark,*17:4?Ft
dliPP $215 09L0i Pur° gtain. .beemiearn .the mmpany, sasmen. were Itia .off
28 'to e50-rinOtr 14ifeW incoflas, snd-einiemw-Ittioirt; andnesds, Inernitiss the inevel
tirYilte.,13Stilltel3r carteearinn'erly2s7*"21tel si"n 'without "ligitn3* 5°"46 of
telnil°r1111 l'cc(7t4insT 1314/°rm".
4 anY To the illicit .4)1 tendent Treleaven and laki
Winter creamery, 20e; dairy, Anwhigkoy ,szt, Itunr0e, attributesott .werc Dr:Action)! oit unmarried
tub94\ 186.; °US T11.0 nearly all the acodents.
OWfl fliD ivalki're
h� noticed littl
* patently
Torouto, Mar. co', The export
'adeis a little quiet, , 4.4tb. only a
lots - ,of Shipping 'tattle Coining
L, hut lees, steady around $5 to
rtbolls a little easier
round *4.50- for beavyweigbt
hoictpetlunodts $
ot, Goknticohe sr 4' c.1aotityl,e,
jodd piffle'', 01riaiut,tolinte
turn quail,. r loads
t 4k' Ito,
n 14; r; eels butcher
W* at 1375 • ,anYthing
uteber bulis
delivered hin Sonnet
in the Legliblature'„
1, •
the *moui
hese coA
'ndred i,
*Wits .
Is, wording
t• iWti. $12
u It
moll,' 41
gatlhfl for a,
vatem. - These agree
ritt wilt be ur4er the. control o
, 6urts, whi
ity them'ae