HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-7, Page 5Octoi3u3 7, WO TIIE TIMES 5 rsossissgassmommoshmitimi_imemieriesseerrasimsessi JOIIN FAIZM ---- wrsozzeiazz DzAzza. WIN IiIQU OHS, CIGARS,1 ETC., FTC. Dealer in Groceries, Flour and Seed. Carling's AU, Lager and Porter in Casks and [Quarter Casks. —LABATT'S ALE AND STOUT IN BOTTLE AND QUARTER CASK— :Red eign, Wain Street Ezeter. YOTJNOER'S, TENNETT'S, BASS' AND GUINESS' STOTJT AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK. (24 126 Dundas St., London, Have received 30 cases of FALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting of IR.G7-ntade Clothing at $5, $B and $10 a Suit MANTLES c.ir; DOLMANS IN THE NEWEST STYLES. Heavy Corded Dress Goods at 10e, All Wool at 25c, White Quilts at 750, $1, $1.25, a splendid assortment of Scotch, nglish and. Canadian Tweeds.— All Wool Tweed Suits to order for $10. Send for samples. CITAOPMAN'S, a cheap place to buy Dress Goods. Give us a call. THE EASTERN QUESTION. • A REVIEW OF THE SITUA1TON. Nev York, Oct. 6-• A special cable from London to the T,ibune, says The extraordinary tutu of atf•iirs at Dulcigno is naturally Cho chief tome uf European inlet est. Though the lure) ean powers were unprepared fur the emergency which the infatuated ob- slioacy of the Sultan and the timidity of Iuutenegro occasioned, there is very reason to believe that that peril- ous gnu ti, ge ey was t'orseen by at least the Eop,Ii.b and Rusgan Cabinets. It was km, W 11 in t he best informed circles many weeks ago that Gladstone was ready to Carry out his plan ol cue:oion as proposed during the Bul- garian a: itation, namely, to sena the fleet to CoLstaniin, ple, and regiments were even nand for the purpose of forcing the Dardenellei by a flauk movement if necessary. The hesitation or Frative, and -the indiffel once of Austiia and Germany, coupled wilb lisgivitigs of the peace party in the .Brit:sti Cabinet, isd to the adoption of e hid:owl:ye dernonstiation at Dul- .cigno. In fact the demonstration prived to be only moral I uasion in a ivallike form. The fleet was compar- ativety useless so long as it was for- bidden to land any marines to take possession of the town, and it served no other than to show the overwhelm- ing force of the Powers, Now that the demonstration has failed, the Powers are brought to fano Gladstone's thorough going proposals. Single .111111(1A, if need be,,England must den-- custrate her poser and mluntnin the reputation of her great arra in war. There is every prospect, however, that when the cumbrous machinery of con- tert gets iiito motion the ironclads of united Europe will be tient in sight of the Sultan's palace on the Bosphorus, iu default of timely submission. Mr. W. A. Ingisbam has sold bis fine farm. on the 'Norwich road to Mr. :Newton., from Dereham, fur the sum of .$11,000. Mr. Jas. Young, M. P, P., and Mr. McDougall, Registrar of Waterloo, have returned from their trip to Mani- toba. Mrs. ,L B. Ou•lletts of Anderdon, is suffering severely from a nervous shock acoasioned by the recent nitro-glycerine explosion. • The barns and *buildings of Mr. Geo. Shewfelt, of the 6th eon. of Kincardine township, were lestroyed a day or two ago by fire. Loss, $1,200 ; nsurance, 4600. .m1,4 It ETS WHEAT. , White Wheat ... $cott .SPIVENG 'WHEAT ,0 01 tot> 04 0 90to 0 03 ... ,., ... .., 0 05 to 1 00 00(1 Chaff ::,... ... .... ... 0 9)) to 1 00 Barley ,.., ,„ „, ,.. ... 0 45 to 1 55 ;Oats ' ,,„ .., ... ... :0 28 to 0 30 Clover Seed-- ..... ....—..... .................. . 3 00 to 3 25 0 55 to 0 60 flggs .., .„ ,.. ... 0 15 to Li 15 Butter ,.. ... ... ,.. 0 17 to 0 20 Flour per bbl. .,... ... ... ... 6 .50 to 6 50 Potatoes, per bog „. ... .„ 0 50 to 0 60 Peaches per buff ." ... 0 SO to 1 (6 Apples, per bag ... „„ 21 to 1 9.5 Drfe,dA.pples pp b... .„. 0 07 to 0 07 llog,s,d,res sad porl00 „. 5 00 to 5 00 4 00 to 5 00 Hides, rough „„ ... 7 00 to 8 00 ', .creed .., ,,, ,. 8 00 to 8 60 56 to 1 27 Calfslcius „ A, „, ... Ei to 001 Ray per ton ..„ ,.. ..„., 7 OU to 7 tid Onions per bash ... „, .., ... 0 60 to 0 75 'fiord ... .r. .,. ... 0 10 to 0 10 Tallow per 1b,„...,—„,...„,„ ......... „, ..... 0 05 to 0 06 Wool,per lb — — — ... 0 28 to 0 80 Turkeys per 1b,,, 0 07 to 0 07 .Geess.. , ,', ' 0 05 to 0 06 Ducks, oar Uoir.„,.....„., ........ . .. : .. ... ,0 40 to 0 50 ST. 51.A18VS Fall wheat,,pet bushel ..... . , 0 00 't 92 Spring wheat .,..,... ...... ..— ...... ..,0 05 to 96 OBaatrlae.„y , ' .' „ „." ,. „„ , 440 to 0 55 Peits.,.........,,,,,,,1',..5 to 0 55 . 60 'to 0 03 • . ' 7 50 to S CO liggii, per dokeu ,„„ 0 12 to 0 15 Batter ,...—. ... . . , ........... , . .. .-" "„" . .,... , 18 to 17 Hided per lb ,,' • ,7 00-00 850. Drealied litigii „ii . .4: ... 4...o., ........ ; . ,,.,. 4 75 to 5 00, Potato es por bag, ..... : .... , . ,..... ,.. 40 to 0 40 Sheen, eking c.” ' , 0 b0 to 0 90 :liStim* per ced,2.... ................... ':,,.., 2 ISJ to 2 60 J. H. CHAPMAN & CO. SAMWELL PICKARD Ate daily opening out large quanti- ties of Fresh, Seasonable DRY GOODS, Boots ad amos, Hats and Caps, &c., &c., &0. 2 11z Es -al a 211 t;:. j 0 .L.Aral Erin OVS' V' 310113 Val 1) 0 0 01 0 Te 0. TRY & BRUSSIti A splendiil range of CASHMERES BlackLustres POnlp odour P R Lir TS, WIN CEYS, TWEEDS, frsidNaiings SHIRTS, DRAWERS, &C., —AT— SAMWELL & PICKARD'S FROM NOW to the END OF 1881 ONE DOLLAR. The Mail is in the front rank nf journalism, and ahead of its rivals in Canada. It is the best written, the sp'eiest, the newsiest and most influential paper in the Dominion. It is a credit to Canadian eatsrprise,--lhampton Conservator. THIS IS NO BOMBAST! Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, 0 Therefore, read, purchase, and enjoy it bargains. \Vhon5 say 1 manufacture my own fulfiltam I 101 prepared with my proof -sheet that the people can inspect at any time by calling at my Ware rootu s where they will see a superb Ole play of Furniture in All Its Branches ,nanufactured by al ys•flf :5:53307 ,mammed qatistiO 503111, wit'l good workmanship. I. der :are not usatisfying the youtdo with a 019.94 of Fo,Mture that cannot be equalled for quality or price in xeter,all blowing to the eon trary,notwithstanding. 0-- W'fl YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAII. Nearly opposite Ketnp's Tobacco Store.Main Street, Ereter. E S, AR1YEERS, USE ONLY THE Castorine acItine 011, THE VERY BEST IN USE. FOR SALE AT THE DOMINION LABORATORY, SIGN CF THE G -OLDEN A.IORTAR, Main t-;treet, Exeter. EX JUST RECEIVED AT THE TER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF THE WEEKLY MAIL GREE6.1271,ysoN —THE— Cheapest & Best Paper in America' Wo have a few Farm Annual0 for 1884on hand. TheSo Annuals contain more practical Agricultural information than Any thi ea dollar subscription Farm Book in the market, and we will give them FREE to every new subscriber sent iu as long as they last. But WE WILL no MORE! WA will present every subscriber to the Weekly Mail i,.for 1881 with the CANADIAN FARM ANNUAL for 1881, which will be published early next year. Therefore, new subseribers1whose names are sent in immediately will receive The WEEKLY MAIL for -Fifteen Months. The FARM ANNUAL for 1880, - And the FARM ANNUAL for 1881, anriOollar Address, THE MAIL, Toronto. THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT MAIN ST. 0 I TAKE this opportunity of thanking my numerous customers for past favors, and wisbto notify thorn and the publie generally that I havePurchased Mr, D. Johns' stock of STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, &c. &c, and have moved ray own stook into the building lately occupied by Mr. Johns, in the Post Offiee Block, where I now have one of the largest, and best assorted stocks iu the county. Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves THE BEST IN THE MARKUP. ,A./so a la.gevariety of Tinware. Lampe, Lamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cutlery. Bastin:mum given for Eavetroughing, Carriage Plating a Speciality. Depend upon It will give you good value for your money. The very higheit Piii`e in Cash peid fox Hides and Sheep skins, Remember the p1ate--t!le Exeter Tin ara'stoveDepd, at Of6Cie Block, 3/tain'Stfeet, Exeter. , ' • , . ,li. SPAEGMAN. Euisr, Annoy 2,0, 1880. and BLACK ITEAA-3, RASINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE, MALT SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. n. A. MASE Main Street,Exeter.. THE WORIDEE of the DAY 0— NOTHINaLIKE IT EVER SEEN. PEOPLE CANNOT REALIZE Until they call and make an examination what Real Bar gains aro offered. Everything at the Lowest figure is the in- ducement we offer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY :GOODS Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ladies' & Gents' Furnishing Clothing, Crockery tilassware, Hardwattii Groceries,. Wines and Liquors. " CARLIN, • Mitili,fgti6etaiettio • ' .1 .1 , t, ,•1 ,