HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-03-11, Page 6A eve your any* at't hiuk-to dxfr1riig i&bun. r * Arv'ed vet svi. (ne o ' enfeebled todes a: .nryeu. air Of Mr. EAiiiilitilf 4 "A feWryeare ago myhealth began to edgreatly from. Inward' troubles, andin itbete0 ayear's time iny whol Bystrn wa er , uppIy X) o , r tie o f. .cmtion of thi *4,800,000,nd nplii1ied in 1 , It is conceivable reject rniht'be underi kokin all ray c&lled it ,w ante thee reams-in,...it-flowl" houses, and then therowere . over heir sides, tfl Afol. and ' from the windows cot tettiMt—fitter4Ittniti water, and steps le afternoonunt looked over the ture ot thi ame condtiq -waand-t,hat stord. her to her pIedi my friend told me and , take the PiUs. I took them re: ulax • rt.sev-era --- on us - rrirstr' nal troubles een fllieted were diappearin;-' enne tuways iny. Whole system Scenic's" to have water -book Pie* gained' new strength. I warf..ted to. and told heralit make 'Certain that there. would be he sailimth City wa4 no return of the trouble and X zon tioued to take the:Pills-for -4-lieetv thought it could be no atter I had really 'fully recovered. take the hOok over to -the •Slnee I have preyed for 'myself what just look at it ,a very ,tevit Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can • She looked -at her hands, have recommended them to a' num urged.. sb�ul 0ons r 250 in two * general te*fosti4et lt•'.*111tra avt0004 ro uld not, eighty such' en, but any reli the lei to you ken tWo bo Little Foil othen nevi y not gcography ays, it's never going ow, np; tit 'cause oi low lyin 0e r es-. z I Artic . irc Tn ; - , „.. 0,141,:irker_44 te11.01%* at. osure Rz . is - your m * ,Y..."411.1rt isting in Ertgland, othcri hundredyears he foresa -ontig` ed'utitries and the deeay clUstries,dependent on go otter meant to tell -Aunt who ',Ave siiien fair, An an *bent` it when she came have proved with that Dr. Wit e and he Voti4 20re she would Ihmot t when she was so lonely. She' hoped she would say that. Wrong thoughts are like little Tits; they grow andgrow; and it lvas not long befo *st Madge tiadtbe book Sproid out upon -The and was turning the leaves d a certain' picture that she Iikcd so well. Just ea she found it,he. heard nurse tolling. It would never do for her to come in Aiut Jennie's room,—,the knew what would be said then, --so she reached out and took the tongs, and laid them across the book to bold it open and ran up) -to the nursery. t 'happened that nurse a lovely surprise for her i thway of gamerand-trinne! time for liabyiiro Sold by all 'Medicine dealers or by Mail -at to tents A box or six boxo for $2.40 from. The Dr. Wil. hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. z Itegulur Pitched 11;41es Between Rival Preeessionisls. The average man is rarely very tolerant of street demonstreeions with whose principles be disagrees. Frequently, „as„ a result, *bricks are thrown, or even more dangerous missiles, says an 'English paper. At ,Barielona, for instance, on ATitne -7thr-,1898,-- certain Anti.slericals entto the lingth of pitching dyna- mite*boinbs into they ranks of is. toil- e' 4to_et„ d put the book but she $ so it 'Woicri LeTp hide away brother's birthday elSent,,AM1. thent it was tea -time, nd-stif they were eating supper be: ro_likt.x.emeAtiora, There was Aunt Jennie smiling sweetly at -her, ..,tust.0,03t, when she went up-itairs, ulL--zkit-And=-4-he-waterAieetk be tong* seross it thoughts- ere like plants, nd AS she eat there., looking `ler Aunt, the Wit': seed -thought o to grow and tell her she had It seeinkt torow *up in her throat and choke he tilt that 44 could not stand anuther minute. g!,Pleasti she tried. and h�r aee an(1 ran to Aunt J her 'Ueda iier Jai. nt to tclI all about it—and rigli ore, 14=t1",, Isewhere, "Skeleton, ,Artnies were . 14,111 the. stet/ earet ou,.. and enrolled,-itod regularpitchedhat. ennit 'togs" hor on the .ou te rn Ittecessieuiste. At *Wortliteg iaith- - torG'ararinaiTyieottlritstrirtut 0 when rt. At Brighton the catutitltiest in emmection with. it fortnight's fight. ing amount' to over 100; while at a forms arri age ems impen.ding. Russia is oitt t recognize theAllenby alto -civil marriages and to tremolo', di- vorce cases from the of the religious to that .43t the gift' courts. At present, stfosu who con toots civil marriage - in snow*, u used differe4 remedies, but no relief 'unfit!, hakTried n 'Within -two weeks there inge or the better', n sts n hreertionths I was a well and happy woman. • • "All the praise is due to reruns. Ieruna. u tuternal- systemic remedy. It will relieve catarrh in its roost Franoe, or ranee, his first marri. Germany can, on 'bon considered invalid. Man • 71.1,1,p.,,,traso-wrr,- wornan prides herself her abilityr to understand Jthin thelo a4hought. powanAidetFiloiltoittigu,41aftira40‘,:nro,:. 'leo • ter he eiive aisI kidneys"... restori 'them; t heJtIdn1 41,410 -sr rtie power per r e These valuable Ingredients enier into. the composition- of \Parmelee- s Vegetable Pills, 'And 'serve, to re - der 'them the 'agreeable., aid salu- taryfepriiiirt so etftheeyotaivree. aa Therettte y iarein their action. • - A' fellow may writ AS red as a , 0 ,,,111 MOJA Ot� Were* stAng th , OA" —0,4440;t* cur*aUa4 - bout your ton Gabe h Ia1 ou trouble4541ittia1:tart:iir'ec;bwhat 4i zilic S Se L- u df-ivearnre-e-tbein:S o auic on them deacons'. (*co w Dat's all." d* O,” answer a'4 run over ever saNY any roto* short it }tt, It* if4Attle U011/41 The Government has now4 tented proposals to the Daum& greatly faeilita,ting divorce cases Which will be tried before is civil- judge-irietad--of. \reliiiiiotec-syriod or consistory—and also elaborating gehernel for civil marriages. - Comes' Evidenm or the Grea s Ktdile Fi11s4r1OIflg. . No lenter.Age: than JnIy, 1851., recession-or,.Oratigeitietv.-inAfve pool raised- so fierce a riot that the thoroughfares theough 'which. it passed- were-strewit thick 'with.';the- adTand dying on both sides. -A, similar march • of Orangemen through the; streets of 1c1fast, too, a -to -the frightful cunilictri August, 1864, in the course of which nine persons were killed outright and 150 wounded. Otd-residezitt.-X11.—East, London,. again, will .retnetnher ,the dreadful* -riots *directed"' against the .ritnalis. tic processions in what was • then Itatelifilliglyvattrznearly— century ago; white, at a later date, the open-air processions of the Sal. Army aroused even fiercer 5entlneflt in many Parts o Eng - At Gravesendr Guildford, and into 47,104w.v.lien,444t ed rsa; I taw the u wore lu*t as kin4I ..,,go.f.•• believe ln Tredegstr, t o rioting, that f g.tttforo the aikul,g, 'ed the breaking up of a proc soon you to telt .ine- your., by Irish roUght,.relelted in the en. by Irish roughs; resulted in the silent A Iv saelf,ed and klemolighetl) with los eanit," Lf,oand ,MAny ,minor casualties ise t away silo*, it to mo .timer.,j1 tt to pun' CyiWs fasititl*1 CUTS4 • his rni.urn*tlsrn • And VialoptilL Ay_ the *plit 11.11*,11s11.* Kt& Findlay, Mai., Mar. 8. (Special), --,Cyrille Maginel, -ft wefl known farmer 'Tieing near -here* furnishes further evidence bt the great work Deeld's -414114 Pills are doing in "I suftertiel froin Rheumatis and Diabetes," Mr. Maginel says :in telling' the story of his cure. t,tIsty sleep was broken and unre- freshing, and I wAs tired and neer., ous- -time. I was treated- b doctor but he failed to .enre me Iteading_ that D Ititluey Pilis wee() gocx fTkdiaezin , urine, lcd m to try them, after using twelveboxes Xitiey FiUa have made a -: mat of me and am tiler* Liteld's Kidney Pills „ re no cur all, They Ore' sick kidneys antI that is t is-cliimeet for them. •"ek kklnQys-Aro-the-root- -of iMcrone, 11$44.14in- • tt 'can'thave the work of the kidneys to stria' the impurities out - of the -blood., Dodd's Kidney Pills titre Diabetes !wallet it ie A kkluey 4ireaso ; they cure 4Thournatism because it is omised by ick. ,kidneys failing to grain the tie Acid out of the (. • -Alsi IDEA. \ Jn eveloping the idea' of trtith- 6, a, teacher asked the ques- tion, boamtlibrin Ihe-wortd-W-d er-sare time the liardesti A little irl raised her hand timidly,• "Well, Emut 1*) "To get .nitirried.° 174,tomantts Sympathy Are you' eietsusaviet. Fs our -doctor's bZU * heavy, AnAnt.ndlotteV yolie pal* =Yr 074041, burden? :know wtntt **An to oltiteitt* watottn-4-1 bay* been o tool, bUtjottrned,how-to want -so rctsva your Mir- *nd Vett Via stop In* can 40 this lOr roe 444 *.a*Lit ' „, *21 on: teed do kt Wilt* Or 1.z:rod. -044.-410,4041e !Which.,Atuteirlt-PIttettit. In tar bond* to he given ewalci :retkittnt tht. one boz will onro vote -It. ban glane t roo41. OW -14V; . ..N.Irbitfig)i'' MY' ,trytto, et:mt. -OCean of y Vifo* fist° under f trisc biers, ke-the-TorpkVEntitg- hinery, hot.. properly super- nd left .to runitself, very ftni itr- the wri h digestive ga,ns. Unregulatedfrom time to time they are likely to become tor- pid and throw the' whole. system out of gear. Piirmelee's Vegetable' Pilis were mute to. meet such eaftelt They reatore the full the flag- ging and bring into or. 110 thlf A n roan doesn't e to Oee- Sunday morning,' -Iv -everybody had one to church, traveller undertook to the landlord of country inn how t idiom thret-elittirelit torWITwine from the same cask. A The two Went down into the cel- lar, arod.the stranger' 'bored a hole in the 'cask, over which he asked -the landlord to place his thumb he then bored a second bole, Which *nine bot had to stop ,up with his other . thumb. - then set tct work on -the -third hole, when it apparently struck him that the, landlord` would not be equal to the task stopping that ar14,41e-.-ran- out. -cf the cellar "fettli. tap." Ij , never returned. and theinn- ktpi':b*d to *tot:, --ther-45 ts- o until his family had ro... .1uracd from .440,40. The,. -reitiPQ had b that :time, of course,„- de. amp with all be could lay"hands iciness -hale come. and gone, ickle's Anti -Con. qumptive Syrup continues to °ten- s for coughs and colds, and is a, preventive'of deeay of the lungii.elt standard.mecheine that w4eins. its sphere of usefulness* • year by year., If you are in need tome. thing to rid yourself of A, cough ar told, vOtt cannot do better than tiy lij.51.11,'511:9YruP. Kind words 'never .other kind live forever. . any sounba ,aum sold!." itr-osraikvi out* . •.••1 0 0 041 before you look—then look • Ard *Cc The foto** "I� AteldtioLXIMtOrk, _width alto Ws tolartitiett mitts,104,4104 *re i* on* yst* rolls fot 0744404 *int htimfly tit ^ik OtItT t. prophileitowf°wItoe14,7!'ittf w'eriaheopati- ent tiihc 11 u that in a short space of time alt y," rep1kd the river* in this VOUntri would dry up 7,14: WOUld titt thOtt cpiripttlis vo. happen in the 4 -r -s- be* " roptlitett boinies4 4,744 bowing a box ot Zant,Etuic bandy 1* piwnition, that has *avct * nit* 'moth worry. and cxp ts. never_ any lolowInvwbat 'may tes4aue to if neefttecl. ef the hloodlott, or. tt4o , the 'spot your AkrisgrosrPs-, Avorsgit or tUrill' 10104014Wk.:Is gqititt. but, mak. prf.t2y kftsitktY **AO.' Wilitisp,tet04 ---.1144dV; tot extern or sithwitotato. , With ' to ,rOtre *Mt rich - he • Immolate IN, :401 O of them Yn arini an minthieh strength*. "every 1xorni Ar6' itublett ion ettfistil)atiei 1 Iiiw klylhe trouble wUdsap- pear. 1 better oeca- sional doe a Tablets given to wel, ebikiren will keep, theat trouble* ftwasti *hs Allaq , ti2tri< P ' of 5; ) %31‘.-ttr '