HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-03-11, Page 44 , , 4114, tty , a ildiT0 'WOO cele - it the lwnie qJ Nrit and II' bnstone,_, b 11, when their ." ' s unLted in o . o I.4arke. us. ;'oung farrnr Of iita Lznony wltich was f wed 01SzLUi tokjA • I , p1easd to•report that • Jiunter i improving d ilia ss oagoll, tot tioilWic Veletirated„• Lectures ital. ergo Ica 1,evirs of ms *Otures of the Land and Vibl cones. ,4 'splendid time 1 txpaotcr •IWO 144 00.141. • eo. Cudrnom LLIId friend ter pent Surida, John4, &ftfortI andai the, •041.es itawkins. Ilington Skinner 27, 1W becni� un Ong' ;alp* mother ito4 famiIy mourn the )oe kitidlath spen tUU(1 Xrom Berlin' wbere -1i ha ben for fitamMerla ' We. ar pleased *port he ba greatly Improved.tipicer, of pet tha.grt4t.a.111,r aro*. lars. !Philip Andrew . IraproVi clesire for--farnilng e and 1ii wife alIy siottled on Abe eh: baen't11007 b0100- for over SAWyc elt, 'mit' life On tbe fat _ marked with man.the.,:h4dS : it* pioneerilfe,butMri.t X-- oes P. TOM,. i 0 *a ride Y gneets;,., goWn-of lath ti wit% ra " . r d net,:•an riled w te' coma., ia ,Ilittic e Weiss, Ans* ring hcarer, wa be only nicely atter ,her.recent illness. 7 i nen. , helda- late' session on . . . . 1 0 t id fillet ove Saturday .afternoon rY ng so cow, 0 gitts were numerous and Vide the.' 13pdaw in connection: with. the-ProPosed new '3141road. - ..., . „. l, gil empvi-on is here It ., 4, -known ,,:e.:.c.,-...,44 ' au.,Oil O . 33.ernard Thom ig,01. itiV0i) the01101,Ving ,VAlliatil , , 11004411 simple tind liarmless,°prescrio. s. Miller Edwards is:spending i,..), tion, 'which' any one ,Can , easily pre. OupIc ot weeks with, relatives atiet pare aVirtuneq--- - ",.,,L riends. n• Zueart and vicinity. ' 3,01144. Extract Dandelonii, one -halt ittle.-of Toronto. -is visiting ounce; ComPolinct gamon„one ounce; ter, is. Wm, Moflougall. 'Compound Syrup qtkr. al)Oxillat tlirce perehouse, of Saginaw, 144ebo, J ounces. bo as visiting her b other;-'Xr. 11. • XII; by shaking well in 'iL. bottk ]Iark „ of .Tuckertnait royally* ‘ en- and take . a teaspoonful after each kstried, between 'A: o 4 three meal and at bedtime. 'itridak"trilrelir',MVope--,T,' _,..4t,_ •• itiatutho!!* ball 'hOre On ,,Fridayof !evening last, be obtind froni arlY good Pr seri- --Mtity s red neither pains or ion Pharm at moult cost, and. b ,. „ _ fact,t nCUJY iill rernained five in the Moving gave evid- ce of their 'appreciation. john.Goetz, of QriIIia, former- iy attires -and friends. . We regret to state that Mr. A. druggist. Is and -has been quito seriously 111 airing the Qat week, but we hope soon to see m around again*. « univcrsarY services were held in. tdel 'VrOSbyt4riaXi church on . Sob- batlti,when-the Rev., Walter Xiehois of finer church, 'St. Marys, ohtd morning ani evening.' On oi'day evening A 00Adert was.. held under he auspices of the Ladies' Aid when /farad Jarvis,,the cele- ted-tflOr,, of Detroit, assisted by .a 1lanthc Walters, reader,,* Oflo- rot o,. the,programme. merly of t V g latIve nd friends n 1lensaI1and s. ca Llairlif 5 reiat Fog4. together 0,44-' Sauteed* lying' a Jarge antOnat ut PrO*. ty and wealth, To n.thp-ir happy too, was born 11 Chikareu'' twin survive, $100001. Arthur Ibert. iiia, Mrs. •Ue(rge Sqdlreo; Mrs. ito. ills°. Alice.' 4 ,. "WO .,.and Lucy at bowe, innnin:wa� in bleyearand ea agea widowIi'ber yew. On Jan. 27Lb. 1200i 010 r 1 0 . . itz�rlands4 payabe at current heques and information' mooths old -00491.41, their diarnond wedding. *deli „ -farnily thereAre 44'grandahit re and 1$ , grat, grandchildren. The fun- eral lotticItteeton_VueS1,14 and was 00,1144004 remains • beinglollowe4 .,to. the: Zion cone by ti'large. conioniSe.efliorrevting re- latives lattve,:. and Okada. There'wexe 6 oVesion'a niuMber of 'earriage with- friends--; trout' iliotaxteg. . One notable' Inettlent connectlienk Wit bas occurred t 11 although t deceased hate .on 'e 4 tt.' 1110ta anklnanct sick HOMESTEAD 0.1401/41*10$ Any of 0, .1. artirlsyTykl;9114 Is *40;tee.S,ey'e'0,;1143,1 r sectoni of availabls Douinion land in P.S.,Gi,auateVictorIs. lin tr. oflhie und rekl�nence.DdlatAttrr- vA finless to to, This pleasant rnhLture, it taken reg- ularly for a few days, is said .to 'over- come altuost any 011$0 ot ItballikatIOON4, bees voice. 'The voice Which eetibtAg loving ,wer 4 ne.41.1._uud. swelling, if any. ditnia- .Tifsde many hearts rejoice. Jaws with each' dose, «tiiitti retro •- the learh-Mrlailen, crimson ent results are obtained, and Without' with yellow Injuring the stemachl, While there. Fallen to. mother. ear are many so-calterikthenniatisrare,- Ilearing 'upon 'Itil-bretikt'the-breatli itedtesi patent medicines. etc., *lento • of Spring.' og • whioli do give relief, Jew *really Emblem of:death and birth. givik.vermonent results, and the above Death; for the 'days -of fruitageno doubt, be greatly appreciated are ;ended, • , bY many sufferers here at if -his time. Life, for it speaks of preleas garn* Inquiry at the drug stone,' of this. -. • ered store; neighborhood elicits the information The yellow leaf is but the faint re. that those drugs are harmless and flection. can be bought • separately, or the 0 glory in the bright forevermore« druggists here will mix the prom/ - mourn him now, as husband, tion for oar readers if •asked to. ,friend and father. ' . • s-trternory-it will te-torever-blest,7 13Y hit If our 'tears and 5404 mingle tQgethc!rI,--- lWhas gone to be um Sub-agenqy for a-diatrict. Entry -bY Boyal•Aistran ra nosPara; proxy may 1* hatd at the gea01:0-.00 and residence, ',Oki • 11?1d certain condition. by father, mothot. Andrewstreet! 'Riot IIIEUMATISMI Ix' -4-- Just at this season -when the col y wilder i$ !.iving way to a made .. t. rheureatiaal, sciatica, aaa'al 'nitierito 'come Upon their, victims with eneWerterce. - • tOi'yOU -feel pin lo-tbe .$01nts, back, wrist. o Isothere,i place a liberal supply of e hand, and rub it well int th Tart. trffected.- The -penetratiaowcr g .of -this “lembrocat10ro1utims, 1. e.gedingly' 'great, ttrid once having eaclu,31, the seat. Air the pairL It • re- moves It s eedil it also erids' the iffness whic 1 3 8 unp easant.• , Frequent rubbings of the afflicte iris With Zain‘lluk wilt not only to., but wili strengthen the •issufan4 enable, them to resist cold darap.. The ,following Cri,'80, will ow hew Zam43ak bringSlceate to os4, tertured by ,rhetirosti.sla- treet, Fort Vjlarn. Ont, - 00,141 hrollowing%my Autiesnifl attendingAtc. Y?urtify 'now u4t V it 001111d$. 0,11tetY 84S-311 ' vantics,...the little Cindy co1d 'Cure �ertain and d.I..ndnblc safeguard.. FreVeatiO4.at the,. -"sueere-isttage!,, will as wellalto stir:eft hinit.Off all -CO coon .eIds flu promptness is alt - Important. .1Ccep Preyentics, in the, pocket-or-ptirsoii-fir-ifistsrit, use; I • 111104'' Road atteid- tbe shootiiWin.ttch. Id ttottert, up by lifeesr. and rocy Passtuere. The tritto.qtrql o lua„eventso„.the inq or a turkey, whiell was! • Wrn. of Soden:Li-with- of 11 tittt.ot itt., The second Idiot for OA itrte,14to:r -stiv flitnklu and IN l'a$;ttilor as eft tairs ef • thO'-rostPeti:Ve Its: leg id provide for fly? t Sheeting' ten - - tArgeto re retiLlted in 'a tie. It to 'hoot oil, five tar., t fie, V. 1 ksmiore g out..by _Ore larget4-,..,..1. atbnn bly 'served the Oyik-te 1,413 SS( nger trMns 1 Oft0a got .wet ough with rrni And steam Oho .tter in *inter), This with hours' of )11,--liv-itchouscs:in-Antimer was no: o `ht---the-riusett_ my_ ..45 ht?Ltini in ,both knees, left .84Ioulder.' . got so ba Mild "no- longer Work?. and was "during whic dor itikl treatment of •my doeto ” to get little- if Any better, no t was tate *glen 'Zara-lluk was recom- td to zw. 1 LId in a eaPPlY,- trb mv irrt,Itt 4oy, it began- to cure 'Weir inever7 night ta wiien a few boxes had Wen tiseiti 4nd i-wasfree „again from the DAti 41,1141 titrgietil, of rheumatism. h3Ve had no% more- 'trouble from the d3E0 and "rinhisitatifigly terom. twirl 140014 -t0 ail Who suffer frm hplinotinn, Chuscular *stiffnesk alt7.15, ,a1,46 cnrc ringAworm, ultetk, abieer oit suppitra rcatmett for 1 ° folks' • Went—. et- Akio ' 0 litipatieus„rhearraiiism# biliousnessany and alt trouble Ityt.rotiOinsch and boweli. . Take an NR.tablct,t04, ?I/Willed better in the inersiolr. Get a 25c '11 ' , . r ector-.Taylor-lor., , a r -Wrig afl of it L ,w, ea.ng,,.._, ,___ portrom a th g -,,. to b 1 b ne , ,,,,,,,,*:7,41.1147, Ihd7iktvldet.ltiraston„ the prescription. b 0 lex?„ickoltiling(h. teats* iveltliwir..(44 Tc:unith'tig.::::iastairldeeilli,tie iwrge,',04.7.v4-0' the-.3toun,..._ foil; ..5.ititt au 41116 ' ,relief ', comas 'verb% an , . 7CSi„ , kn.---.7' . -„-fol'-d-riEgi'-Tia,tntghrhfir'Sa(Qji4)O_it, everywhere as Dr. , Shoop's, Cough' 'tAd weather being disagreeable' not mcd)r- And heSidesL it is' so . very large crowd gatherea, but those ' rongtili-lairriiiesS,-ihat—mothers '-tbn-t4s-'*ere'L-Presott----ottios, e v -e.,, tt with .perfoct ,s4fott oYen.. to „„se,lveisto even Tupper ,hloaself ttu6. - -1.4iiiiigeit- 'holies. The 'tender, :to llurin -,4, lirettY goodtin—ici. Clir*14, vaves 0 ...-0, situple ateantalg .sbrub-,- -the left-hand-ouLthe-old-4 give to• Dr... Shoop's Cough Ilernedy its that it was a few hours imst*,m1 -,- 'A rery--PrOttY--wetionW-7w,as-sote tgelock„_ on 1.Xednosibsf ';`-rh--*;Witiren'oF--01:11, br.1 *yds, Vf.r. and 111ra John Itodgek. Fu1larton. When their eldeat vamt-tlie-brido-ofPar;, Shinthard. To. 0* isttaing. _endelsoli0-weading niatalt ef- feolently Art -of -the -bride, ,Atte ' parry entered the polara verY *pretty "Arrangkand stood ' rix-04way emarkable ,turative effect. A few night, then they a .re Prue to elw.r, of 0. and white, The .bride was her. da ,- fp:sic-v.111- tell, SoldTi--"W„,- B. hOmes-thaoktag- olantl!'-for—tlx *anal thet-Sparr , rug • p e• R e of Toronto . of the groom. The 0011510aVA r AS Ms- Wesley nage, rOter of the bride. The bride was OCOvaillgly attifiaUFtitTrf76-xn, a tulle _t_timoka. *44 efokui-- Ifsfaque and, taffeta ribbon. She tilso-,woro :a 'veil fastened. withorange blossom, Omz, --teSt-alett ar4IY. prPY truth. NO vomiting, no4isLire , safe- and ' leasing are • 506 loWey•-• threeof years. live within nine zniles Stead on'ttifarrnof at solely owned awl, u his father, re r, 'frti tor, brother or isister. In certain districts a bornestealn .1n good standing. May pretompt quarter , motion siongside his ho stead. Price *3. per tete. Orties-v, !lust reside SiX,IUOfltllS ineach of )4X Years from date, of homestead entry (irtiguding the time reqUired to earn. mestead patent) end cultivettes, ,estea , t ma mra. Lie ha least 66 acres Lby In Or, iomestethlcr Who "tiat:-.4**Aftited *tilt'vrtnurti ;:.O.V.e4111. tak4L-C12 40,4;41trattiii11401. Price per .acre. 'ZfutieS.' u reside six Months in teeth. of titres ,,rears;-*UttiVate,Tlifty--,.4tcressndi.erco a house worth 041:42 , , Depnty *Itit*ter of t4IFklaktiOr ;Ire: ocuirboomil"-r. 101CSON "vistas, _Baud Scitan0:00 �oari .0ommtonotosio, oBanksey .141114°.•410afiloweit. otlaImI .STRIS • q who is a judge of good. clothe* vas not fnU to appreciate'the exec e-11-11667-cil'ou.a..,f)pring -.pattern Our display' of 'new ;loadings, pantingst, Yesting*,- $pring approprliteno$4....„ it you. are *pa judge of .goode atitt, the, 'makeup we ein:certit4Inlyr. please you with: a suii Altrdotheik If 10.11,1,,Ateina-alailger ofgoodaor ft, of- Ontario and 11 Iuate,of Toronto -‘ Unlit r Dickson At Oar Offtccs in Dr. .1,flaiderson*ii al Arian flUborllGanfiWi morsMutvainr 4ik Dome for the. mourn that. we 1404ifo' Eftai ups-reptitationotollingthotbeit goods vi00. d knowing,11.0*.tinake -them and we Hy* u • to our • utstion. You Vs era c buying , your- neasura ndyou iiiay leave the rest entirely' to us. Give u an opportunity to demonittste to yo that we know our bustuseifrom 7. We aikkyou not to buy you Spring Suit until you ..cotne And ikEt5 what We (An do for you. 401114 fCSS IS reborj, and )114dolp1i..„„:„ Allt418, 'llatttatOr 1*1 ll1bbet, rullarton,s4d LoOtt« . 'Mrs. M. E. 1srron, ef Ne,.in1, Ont., 1 "1 tIrtuist sty our son would 'have ' pUve'S grave long ago en for PtYC Helms tl * arvere S Wrikt In. re fkriettslY se atter La and carried han white Carnation* lute parages fern. was pale blue11k mu tied* bou utt A. fluttkin. *tor 11; IT. Vetm, a surnptuo eyed, ,sperit. • OS and eokrcAt tbr rlIlIng worksrs in t ido travelling mi loth, with :hat ill reside on their- Mmi ltoad, Their Issed at Jt.n. hnPPY *00 itet wish of 1*44, t. your 'kook , rot then