HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-7, Page 4The Maisons Bank ixo(uteottA'rED nY AOT Ol BAnWAties ', 1805, Oap Ma, $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. T1RpoltA3 WoutarAN Esq. • Prest(le'>tt JiR•1t+ ,1fOb$0N $Q., • - - • • 1' ioo•Pros, DiRL''CTO1iS. Ilon D it Macpherson. ti W Shepherd, Ii A Nelson, b (P, Ski Ewing, *lies Williams, F, Alt >t.e itat a tN T c > .t t+, }'.4Q,, Ge tt 3F a•a alar, Jos, i i r.tob Esq., 11 t't gjur JI'.>atiw,ai Bratton. M. Hu�.t1eo0., Esq,, , • • • - - Ittspeotor. I titer3ran.r.al. 'i1ENR'1 <C. ;all -VER MANAGER, ' LOANS TO FARMERS. Money °Avrancod to farmer's on easy terms, outhett• owe pronustOry notes with one or more good eu- 'dorscrs. No mortgage required as seo'urity. SAYINGS BANK D'''PAILTMICN`d' IirtorrstR(Monet on aeuoslts. Drafts ou United States bought and sold, stark. Al a Exchange bought and sold, Collecbious made is atll parts of the Dominion suet returns promptly rontitted at Lowest ratee of exchange. f,.ul Exeter August 15t1 18413, smaviesmoesmeosorstiaaosomossoisassost THIS PAPER R he laid 'net fllu at Geu, 1'. 1LOWGLL .� 00'3 Newspaper Advert'i8ing Bureau (10 Spruce tieing ontrao advesmuy�►®ICK. tieing contracts may be made for it is (?lie gfeteti uazg,5. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1880 LORD MoUNTJ1ORRIS, an unpopular Irish landlord and magistrate, is the 'victim of the last agrariau outrage, lie was mardered on Saturday last, while returning home from a meeting of ma- gistrates. There was a number of suets fired at him,and when the corpse was examined oue ballet was found in his head three in his neck, and two in the body. He had reoeutly obtained ejectment decrees against two of his tenants. The assassination has caused a panic amongst landlords iu Ireland, and intense excitement reigns, County News. There is a ladies' turn society in Sea forth whose special object is to relieve the poor in the whiter. Mr \V.n. Cresswell, the Seaforth artist, has been winning 9o1deu opin- ions u,ud prizes at the Torouto and Provincial Exhibitions, 11r. Wm. Ireland, of the Mill Road, had t•lte cushions stolen from his bug- gy while stopping at McBride's hotel, Seaford:, 011 show day. Mr. J. B. Henderson bas ureset>ted the Expositor office with a twin pump- kin. We hope Mr,• Henderson slid not luteaid tt1 inttluultte. The editor of the Expositor is big on trust this year, Pumpkius, pears, &c., having been presented to him mal'. re. There is an aged resident of Clinton 7)ho has •been. in; Canada since 1834, and yet has never during that tune loaded or fire,' off a gun, although he speut ten weeks in military service during the viae1 enzie rebellion. ,41r. atoora,ofBrassele,hadhis pocket picked of $13O dollars,which was titlleu from him while' to a creed at Harris- bnrtgb station, ou the Great Western Railway,. ou Saturday last, both Itis hands being: engaged at the time early- ing peaches. The first of'xregular series°of mobth'- ly cattle and horse faits was• lielil a't, B, ussels Thursday.. Nit.et.y-eist head of o,.ttle twat eleven berseil sera au sale, of which bury.- were. Rold. Some vary fiue horses• were offered'. Sevsrai prizes fotaithe best of emelt were given. The fair augurs well, for the future. Nub satisfied, wi•tll• the Canadian Quoitiug chanipiouship medal beit.g iu its peewit quarters,,1FLr. D, Dodd, of Loudon, has remitted the necessary en- trai.oe fee to J'smee Rennie,. Tnrontt', mud naming Mr.. S. Mason as bis nm - Ore. for a match with Mr. Wallunehaw, a blob is expected to take place in the* t(,wn of *Ingham about: the middle of 'this mouth. " Detective Paisley, of Clrutnn, and County Detective Pope on. Thursday ttrrestedat young gnats named, Arthur Pugh, whose parents five iuthe vil- lage. He has been wat'king in Clinton at btaoltsulitbing, and a e'hort time• ago stole a satchel and came buck to' the village. He was arrested; in Mr. Quick's slaughter house.. audl taken to • the station t'for to his removal to Clin- ton, The Wingham Advance' says. —A young gid named Abel, who sage she' came from near Fergus, where she had. been living, a farmer named Mo. '1'avi h, arrived at Wingharn a little. more than a wook ago, and on Thurs. day af.ernoon she got into an empty .house la sower Winghatn, where the' was tieken (,oris. Some of the women living close by having heard of her being there, got her out and took her to illr. lY1'•lou'e where' a Yew minutes «'fterwards she was d'eliver'ed of a child. Her friends are -reported to be room table people, a►t,d tha'y•hekve been poli. Great Britain• MEE1 N4k Q ' llaN1,AN AND Ti3ICX ETt. A meeting of many well-kuown oars- men has been held to witness the final deposit made in the haycook-Blackman, match, Hellion au& Trickett were' present, and shook bands amidst •en,.' titusiastib app1anse, '' 1'icket'b offered to take two to olie that ho will be vre- toriolss fit his match With nankin, 'lthe latter refried to accept this, sas' well as tw'o'other bets offered by Tric- ked. Dont tins 'mitered for the Amerl- eau prizes in the '[utornatiomtl Regatta. 'CABINET titAti'(9Es to It+N'Cr'L?IsNti. Sir Charles Dilkts will probably'euter the Caltiuet as First Commissioner of Works, Int that event iie'ottard Court- ney, a member of Parliament and also an ed`ltienai writer on the 'l'i'mes, till succeed Sir "baryes Bilk'e as Under Foreign St cretary. the 'appointment o' an advau'ued ?ratl!nal 'Foreshadows that the policy of Mr. aladstone will be entirely' of an auti.turkish oharaot- er. 'THE LIFE OF THE t(lil) LIMIT, ('P IRELAND THREATENED. A letter has been picked up at Bal- li; Uollig, a�Idress�ed to Lord Lieuten- aut of Ireland, kn which it cautions him that Ile •aod his retiuue are to have a care of time steps they take for the next two months, It threatens the lives of several prominent landowners, as well as the destruction of Dublin Castle. Tire police are keeping the matter as secret as possible, as they assert the handwriting ie well known to theta. , _ r DIG ESTRAY.—CA s1E ON LOT 15, Ceucossiou 10, Usborzie, about the last of August, a whits pig. The owner may have the same ('n paying expenses and provi'ig proverty. JAMES 1cOULLPUGH. The new F -onch Medicine cures Spermatorrhtra IMPOTENCE and all nervous complaints re- sulting in Loss of Memory. serious impediments to martiage, gfrsat depression, etc. 78c per box: a for $2. Sold uy druggists everywhere. Whole sale-LYMAI' BBL S. & CO., Toronto. Sent by mail, securely sealed, On receipt of price. Address Lnieeriol Aredicine AeeneV. Bosf:38I'A. T:ironta �Y.Sr.I,h�ldrbq>' V' a1da JOHN BACK having purchased the stock of Messrs. i3, & H. .Spicer,. has removed to the ;tore letely oe- en ied by then;, rim R8 FINE PBOTOGRAPRY. FRANK COOPER,. AUTISTIC PHO'1'OGRAPI EAL. ~studio 874 11tekntund Street, London. %1U the latest tmprovements iu Pbotograpby at this well knownatadto. Good. people of Exeter and viotn.ty tactile and doe us whOu you 00m0 to Laudon, autt WE 'WILL DO -YOU JUSTICE We are '' LIGHTNING '' on Children. wixIaovT a� EQv� i b`✓Y.E.r' - A ' a� ' kJr Send fot- rrentaraexi>lalniug;eer Yew $yseer r Of oa ; lint E"OMA:YITO•A atria** the iemaitlttoroz thea eason. of is.Sbi• Agents tow ,wnnderf)>1 sooeosaa. i0 ivnerileue Ens To 1000 m"annwr,Me, tJO nreilkituakrlu,c:0, T stttudartl. Atrtiress, (04.41 � � W..e Y a�t„^t The Hear i'Rt1t Y'u . Co,l 41 43 anti 31 Shetae etts4>, N�,mtvi4li, C'eni a t •_.__._ wi l.itobta Parties v) NEW^� � /�, ^�'�'' STAND.. r .will leave On The MST TUESDAY or Every Moak., I woullkae(Iputint 'sly ezrstrmeres that i3itave'? e- movetl lux. ouro: EC *MAY'S IMPROVED Fanning). Mill PATENTED 1879. nuttiness tae W.. H.. TI T'I''S wan, ST11.NDa. 1(bree• Decors soutthof the l'ost't?flue, antl.,has olfenett out'.Ohoieostockto£'fresh I1IEIt ttAND, G.i11:I E:':1 SEEDS. S:n,_ Eli hr.. and Titee(Ikleh'ierotl.ires, e:v.char gs:. Fee TARE E MA,CIII ES i' 0� E..,: " M NES Manufactured Soley by W ` 71: 1' OLE,- Oshawa, Ont. :n Fr E. MAT' .AGE✓ts"T, EXElf. g:dTdo. Harperrs Bazar GRAYrS•.SiE'•EOlfir3' MEDICINE.. TRAL(E.MARI(.'shef'i)ati]tigllsli-rRAD P^,ARK 1 iiieu ;^)fan airtni,4'. mil WOtIku0s r. , a =, " SporniatOrrh e"i, *�. Diivisi;:t;suybot autla.l r Distl>atful- L:000: lOeineTV . ���i�[�'t Before-Takln^'Uuivot'Aal' Letfei-- q2 etude, £'rt'.v iu Lite a,Ol' lStkln', L'aelc,Dinsit ese of v isie'n, Presoisr ire end age, me.: Many. other Diseases that lead to Insanity or p 'C,ius117111>tt'nlr and 0 Premtature grate. 1.ase "� »su•tieulit re iii war paiulrhlet; which we de, ire to send tree by mail to every one, t The Specter, ,:ttetlieine is solelhy all , }rn' a fists tit '1 lfor paokago or six Ps okagonifor$3. or wi11)0 sent' by marl on rece•it't'o£.bhe•nx>ney 11}•,,,litressing They are - adectio• 'PHIL G1L:t.Y a ISD1('INI: ('0 y '1uli0NTO. 0z.,CANADA. T'���^^ 1 Seill in Fiteteruy all tl Ilgriats, and every. • FIT ANY I_ �1' �' 'r .t? „�1�, 'where in'lanatla quirt the United States ')y whole sale and retail tlrt)gains. and so adjusted that title- moot'inexporieneed,with N,13, -Phe demnndef oar business hisve•meees-'' the aid ;f the printed direetieus which aocom- :stinted onr removing to Tonouto, to which plata, l any eI el snit, can sectue•a perfeet tit.. They are please address all future communion -toes. cheaper: thausauyothers, ONLY 20 CENTSi FOR. . Al COM- `. REN SAL'i.i Next . party on September 7111 1torpurtie tlars ap1>ir'to JNG Is'$OX, G,,W, R„_Went, Cetitrali-i t I+'dieE,Sf, Choice °° wily Grocery„ CI. WON DZIAN, Pi JJTE, S'UI'T O LCA ([� ,�? / u%�%� Q �7 Agent ferri xeteerr•and vie Mit:, I' j, (.=ti'(! l � . PA C'K! N !� IOP V E 1' Y • is m. 'lJi y IFI - ..ED 1:)•e would also. tall, special attention to his well �! assorted stock of Fauey (3n, ds, Berlin Wools, Fingering Yetrss,Knitting. Colton in all co'o>w.. - Knitting dime e order: A good supply of hos- I. ier0 always ai+lnuxd: Pleas', es11 and examine . :toes and prices before purchasing elsewhere:. Opposite:Eausou's Meek. North of Post Office. Ail kiude Flour and Feed Always on Hand. I'LOWEIt, :1• IELD AND' GARDEN. SEEDS • in great variety.. JOHN BECK.. 0: z Laving added to ray prang mnQtnnerv,and'pro ' STAY PUMP 'OARS.. G. BOLTON; - PROPRIETOR.. eere,l a large quantity w first-class pump logs,.I 4 am 1>re>iared to offar an article Superior to anY Factor in tAr' Coney; 1- I .. audatprioesthat defy competition.. 1A/ ells andlt CJ Cisterus dug on the shortest nutice. Before pnrchasing call at the Hay 1'timp-Works rz-Shop--Ane-quarte mile neve sf, Exeter,. T,ondon Road, Huy ' jv':"UTb0E. .i. THE OtNTARIO' ti Loan and D'ebonttire Co'y- (OF LONDON, ON T..) Have removed fe their rew nfgoe, Corner of Market t,ane and Dundee Street, next door to the Moleens }tank, and are receiving regular monthly rmnittaures of Entdish capital forin- vesbuleut in mortgages on Real Ettate.. STRAI�UT LOANS AT i; and 8Per Cent: aneorling to the class of security osier ed. Savings Bank Branch. INTEREST''ALLOWED;OM DTu .'0S TS.. Ap111y personally or by letter to, W.. F. BULLEN, :Manager London.. Ont,- , . THE. EXETER, Prada. Mill, S.atsh DOOR A J) LTA KINDS OF TURNING. ' Dena Warder. lteinemberthe place avietjertnn, he:. Direr!' EQv'z. d 2 0$ Lt Vr . CAZTEXELD. tt.0.k tr� ilegt fFelt Ff sving commenced b1rsiness'for the. Fa[I andWin,terTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of: Polk, subject to the folitrwing regulations We w'illttilte+iii two t>omnds p110 hu'll'ed if 1 dry, au,1 three pound If soft. Shoulder stuck, twenty -live cents. If any of the hung gut is left in, 2>i cents extra will be deducted. No -pork Witte bof&ght at an price -IT wa itn9, Wewant all Hogs Cutting srigllt through breast to,head, and Hams opened ontto tail, PETTI. I arson' Block, Main- t., .Exeter, s. • This.greut uousehot..iMedicine reut(s among the leaning necessaries: of lite, 'These fume u Pills purity the Moon, rind set must powe.riuliv. •y0tao(.tulugly on Lha Livor, Stemaclt, Kidneys . crud Bowels, giving tone, energy, awl vigor to these great Ina .spring S el lite. They 1100 0(113, Oticutly recommended its 0. never fuilmg remeuy iu un eases :there the cnustitation,fl'om uhatevr a . cause, has bee,>1.10 impaired or r ealiouri). They 'are hty- are wou.lerfnliy eUlcaelous in all ui,tuents WO. "(5011artlto females • of all age; and. as a genera F.aanily medicine aro misurvacsed "1"...1S. • VI, Its searching and healing Properties aro known• throughout the world. , For the cute of ba -1 legs,bad breuat1, old wounds e -eav„ra•Ciesne, itis all infallible remedy. 1f offectnally rubbed o11 the neck and chest, as sa.t into meat, it cures sure throat, Bronchitis,('ougl-. 'Colds, mud even Asthma. For (1landnla7, Swcl4 lines, Abut'ssek, Piles, Fistulas. Ooutlhenmatis,:o and every kind of Skiu Disease, it has never been known to fail. 'C11e1'ilis tad (Hutment are man- • ufactu ee.only at 538.0XFORD STET1T, LONDON, And are Sold by all Venders of 7,1'iedi cines through- out the civilined. world; :Lich dheetions in alum -1 every lnngunge. The Trade Auks of these Medicines are regis- tered ta Ottawa, Heuc°, any One iu the British PAsecsstolts.valto.m ykeep the American COun- • eO Bits fhr sale, will be prosecuted. I,se Purehn sere should lea: to the Label on the- Yotsran(P Boxes,. If the address is not'S38 Oxforii • Street London, they ;tie Spuriou NOTICE ' ,O, THE PUBLIC.. Uen.bra Drug Store. WINAN'S OLD STAND.. MUST RECEIVED, A SUPPLY OIe' THE. VERY BEST Medicinal Wine & Brandy' That bho market atterdt. HYD OI INE t: 'RTi.11iam Dreivr rilurniture Deal®xt' having been drawninto the Furniture Line by deemtfuluosi and falsehood le:compelled to continue, the business and is prepared to aoll•oheapor than any ather'hou-o in the Comity of Huron. Au ex- amination of my large stock, which is not excelled outsi lu of the cities, and a oempai loon of my. prices -with other factories, cannotfall to.00uvinee the -puede of the truth of what.I say,. Every Asticic Marked. Dr),vr, is ine Very Lowest Figure:, Thavr fast purchased a first-class New Hearse, and am prepared. to attend funeral's' Coffins,. . Shrouds and all'Undortakiug Mafer,al hand Prices. very reasonable. Society Emblems; ouustautly.irt stock.. Be'sure to giive'w,e-a cull; and I will make it to• your advantage to bark your Tl urnitnre front rue; 1,ternetn'ber'the place—north of Molecule Bank.. Ai new remedy for consumption.. A 1'twge,, cheap and good 1'nt.of Shoulder'Braoes always. ern hand.. 'A numeroue variety of' 1.'• R EJ S 7 :'J• 7 And a goad fit guaranteed, . NJ) one requiring a Tuss nerd go to London., 19 completestook of Dings: and Druggiete" Sundries, also $tatloNery,Fancy Goods,Solreol Booka;,et`c ALNArs IN STOCK.. • C 'T1tA ,;Tcl..S• T64 ,: (,W r1AN'S DLO STAN D) 0. Wf:: DREW. OLD E'STABLlSHE ] [OLD) ESTABLISHED XAMES PrP D' OG'TOBEB, 1880,.' ILs,tvm. value• 112 Black & Colored Cashmeres ;t :0: al'stra value in DRE S,S GOODS VELVETEENS—A11 the Novelties in §pots, &o,, •'° Raven and, Blue Black Velvetw,Cheeps. ..: 'MANTLES -FOR THE. M ILL1O14.; "hfi1fiiiery fitoek'ndveli more complete. Ladies, don't forget our Show P41 befolot dying. See our Canadian, Seotoh, Irish and, 'Worsted Snitings. Our cutter rr'qual fo Ca „(tatter of Ontario." AA are welcome to • ' t ',go-.'. , IAMBS E+ S "t✓AAlioA, A4 , r