HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-02-25, Page 7LITUtt
o tock in 1h6. otiun that th
*ix bc grwn in
the o intont,
•a a
t t'Or0-.7,01
Vonu1a ajywhore in
, o 1
a.month in • ho ,repe`
w here.
boro'- tI utt
If .
coming rat/0 1 t
' The. (Thu'of the.Dominb
Biflo Association i*,in favor of o
rapid . into _
rwiident -in
Iibrflt&r to the; half -1)r
ked sbs tho dleiitrYakoT:arroathe'40vIou altypo f4n; '1)u
ht. Old Town.
Tho ha an' other
ri charctcrist.ics are th� amt
00 oxcattle- were uncban
quality easier; cows,
Virrn. and slightly
higher.It pi hanged. Calves
;inch o
Op aid. largo r I$, 20 to
C 0 11. lit I MOO,
e,iznf8.ot Price
hzon Oha1ottetewi
A lio accoun
rnbcr 30, 1OO,, to be ,413
expondture. • $43,215.
rceOpts, #0,3,,601. - The-
m41s th„nge, ofsTipineltal actoyaniat
numbr of salary..
were 4looidocl on by-41i0.-
Cotiuoily '
botiIb lndian. . _pow er
moved, all but, ono keg;
thinIting usolesft, wa
tit .to throw the- keg into the
furn3co as fool* whoa 44.1. etsis
ant. 'warned bim of. the r tlarger,
Fireman Billy Lunn experimented
and the result*iit explosionfired
the entire keg, blowing his 4414*
frigmerta and terribly injuring
g) .48442*
d with *
a .were on
by the .
The ,Dominion Coo oznilaor
decided t� offer the. Steel Com
to. carry out the • original eon
or make 4 Um one, and to PA/
oss-iuourr •tho ptirobase
ere- nif '
ort,:o ju
. lice; iutereati • public work' and
10*.•Por. :roads.. Education co4 $121,15"
,--•7:it.1...-..i.,---::,,,--; OA uL, ...;-Thos_14)..y_oxklkt.4.444_„_.
cluded h °min '
ion ' subsidy
4- . _ . ou = . :contniercia
ers, ;. tiesTfran04---A
her coinpa *0,000; banks, -
$7,000; Juconie, $8,000.; on land, •
._28:*.00;y roads, S11,000; Succession •
dut.ics,, *MOO.
” rl.tamen,
show* that the \total numberth39
o Dominion during toe Year was. '•
- of Tier dozen, ed, 11 to 1
new vossel(built and rogigtered in
per pound.
o. .1timothy) $10,,60 to
m0414krAng $8,410 tons iegi- *11 per ti
on track tom 41,144
with a total estim*terd
-• $O to 10 *.ton
1,11.81,460.,; 'A The total. n , rac
isaola on the regilter-hooks of the. rOtatoee--Ontario .0° Per -bag,
iinion ab tho beginning of last dressod, 12
r4s, 1,08 Measuring 408,,OSS to Ito per poun44. foWl, 10 ,to 110;
Tho nuniber .of.teanu,rs wasfluck8,_10 to ldc goes°, ,12 to 10ov
$.t -:1214(
wo u nr:Vondoli
Ofl Thursday resultod in 'tho arrot.'
--larg-4rriara er of wonien.
Mr. Austen • b
rum! tariff: refo 44ment
to the- A.:Wreak in -the h Coot.
ach six mons.
;Ilion*, and
re half
14ch nearly three
for public, works,
-history- of -t -the
rovAno The ublie debt had
Oen redueed ,-front $11,000,000.,000,000 to
ii0,1100,00t.witWa year, Tho min
;stet proposed still a greater -di-
loPurolot, when tho.,A. B. C.
4te, Ix' minister styled the
British Columbia
The judgment of the Privy - -gown-
tit 3.0. -.the caie. brought tor Mr.
ThAertson, of Toronto, to have, it'
declared that- thee °rand ' Trunk's
charter 'requires, it to give * two -
omit rate ' ;tliird,olass cars be-
tween Toronto and Wfontreal, -was
ivetr-oriNirednesday- by -Lord--Lore-
'urn. His Lordship said the ,sec.
tion. impoing%third class fares zit.Vigo cents a -mile force.
Tho whOT0 question was whether
the 'se;ftion *as imixasistont., with
the Railway Act of 1900: If e held
;that it was not and also tha the
to rovook. 11104 Pi t IMP!
whether th seetio:3-
e tes
AuSrolla 8hOwlog ,Ctreaatisreo
itg Edward,* Int It
o u
e»day, said- that the dignified
appy Visit_of Xing Edward
lin orid'Aeiagreement with
had thared tho horizon in
wt.'41414 dolt- vrtelre.,_juktitied
�aing Viat tht Deacetui di
s andpweful affort* of
r wouldalso vetoed in
.The Federal V is satits
with. lir. Thilklane's prof%salis
;for tho creation a an inippria
sox.- !no public are Allowing grett#
interest in the itcheino of an ilirritt"
44, the Empire', but are •4vvaiting.
particulars.. It is ttuderstood that
ithe ProP)8a1 fIllly omply 'with
itihe natnitterial promiSes rill410
The, Unitod State* Senate,. 03m-
mittee Foreign Relations has
favorably reported the -fisherio
treaty-- , •
Tho tw-i.tint-lottecratelsetvaro
Newfoundland gt.nd the •1,140.1'*
Stater lam\
45 Ing.tOn 1)445 a dit •CtUri
Arizona and New. Mexico +o btate,
St400----4-tarV.inV:: 1 !t7-4
osed to have come from riar+
wore found in.*, tar of load ore at
ktot N. J.
An extra session oitthe goitod
States ;Congress to undertake' tilt
• Earthquake shocks are rpirtd
from AA*, Minor,Itunga
West indiese
-Stations' :rtiiw- opera
par tinoncon tho.Atlantic and P
At toasts... They 'sent -over WS,
messagei "during tho year..
. , /*Ai:4E8T OP-str,4mra .
Tuttiout, .riye matirettoot Ilas
.. • iiinats `New 1e:too-rd.
--.4-idesPatthlfrom'areit Tor .
The tnrbino :flier Mauretania,. of the is
,ottlunitt:1;thWiamo--aboaM-of-ther ,t41,,
-Amb ro go * ' Channel lightship at 10.35 Le
o'clock on ---.Thursdity ---;kigliti. •thus
er,at.e4evt. ocean: '..:4.*.records,.,:,,_.,:iiii, , :::lat
.i3Olie-Iter-ovin-recoid"-- -fa * .
winter 00ili41100014104-'bpetrto. i -rrnig
hours and twenty-five mientksi but $it,,, Il.e0 P . *, anti,
She also hauled ..down, , the' Agates- , +coos, bPring 'wlie.at ptCnti, Isee-s:
bold by her .oiater *hip, tlie lama!, 'oods#.$5.10r Mailitaba• 5tronge bak.'
Iiiiiik-.44d has. sit'the new record .40i Winter •i*vlioat -*tints;
. "6 or* I%
, 4,
Ifarns—Liglib teiziodium, i34 to
heavy, 434 to 134,,,,
backs, Isch3,,oriV; bierr41,, ootto i° bacon,
'1rt44 —2T1 .3. roes, 12e; tubs, 15.1,34,0;
p3ils, 1c4
With Trii?otit Cut, 117andered
Car Toots and Died. ,
A despatch from Winnipeg
formerly- of Itenfrow„
bat who was working ,here
$hree ,years 44- 4 barbo,' commit,-
to&suivide„ ilo waa sufforing from
t. have cut tho uu1ar vein yitb
2) ,114,,A1.4`le
razor"-Jdtl"1h. idly
+weakening froxn 1oss of bi' ho
wandered blindly to the car tracks,
AwhereelLand,„after briof
vulsi'ns, ldied, The, tars', after-
cru.6,114:1 -4414,
ont-roal, Feb. 3. i'era,
hour and forty-six minut4 et
than- the Lusitania's best time
over the, course. Another achieve.
meat of the voyage was it•-elay'a run
of MI knots which breaks all re-
cords or 414. Our run,
1ri •br$ait li** ad
'with sale* of
*24;short* air
$1.6; Mani-
rio n, 110 to
to. 25;
uniorTo slvm .'0111:414,11S
escindlnit Patine Vessels*, Will:
\ be rtititpriett,
swatch from Montreal
s_aunouneetl at tho h&dqu
rs of the Canadian raci•fic Stea
iptt-that,---arangoinents arrir *littler
;way for the equipment of all their
40 1k-rine443
Mire 4.1-a paratua off the largtat
ittwit-h fl.
beafid-to-inatA I thc
11,01* Mon Bu It der ;Ear' th.Nwkr
44, In
from a ontris
broken if a- result
cave-in a gravel pit
-zwest .of -.11-w4- on
Thursdayflutit men with fever -
al' otlitt-E---werts
gravel from the pit, when. the • •
occurred, completer bury-
ing Denning and Lyons. They, were
take))out with difficulty . Denning
0.1 only lived a few, ininutes,-While
f0Yons -escaped with a broken leg.
Denning was 4 married outin with
aPParatus--will-bi.uble to and
Oates' fo'llvelunulredmil
so that1/4sItould in future, anyAdisas
ter overtake any of tlIe vbstels they
will he 'able to send toesaagea for
nisd to any ship4within that radius.
1413/ 11$B
The Setatia' ri of State Promal a
A des
state, s
ito bei
t tato a
gneflt of t
an eateuaiott' of the policy whi
alp Inaugurated' whew Manx
acireAzio woo treated tiecretor
tor imperial and colonial :torts-
sporalenee, It is understw4Ahat
.Mackenzie will $0.'doputy
er -of the new department,
bo under the ,adminiso
0144114,_ :PA t_ Ott A
• ItrIttalt 4401611fai
Oc$patch front' Ottawa I
extra 44 -the Canada- (4a/tette
issued on Wednesday Awith the,
to tin -cement that tho Goternor-
'here o ral,in-Cbutioil ha* digallowed
110t4. .riesehlieture o Vtb. nth ro-
,*II ids -into that
11:0 was province, and known as the "Natal
Oiwakl Bahn 1 yezrs if age, was
draw a four - b tapping
inach no in the, Standard Vitting
&Ott, Ar4tvit • COMpanY,*4 factorr-en,
Thuraday Ho. was extricated by
hie; follow.workinent :and found in
'htfull mangled '• condition.
R14 111# W44-1-0 tOly. mu 4.,
*10 shoulder, and in his e o
arm: there are t*Ebones brtiken
and ototne badly, tern. MUsetee. fln
has a. gaping. 10144 *treat bit
chest, and a number of woutag
It hiret.-41tritITtler-.4-11farva.
spattli fron
40 Wa iuluatr&ted
da, when the Inv
tate left by. ,Ifro.
bete Court
Jiro. -Celina'.wa
penniless, -with
,Ciit5*. •
Pro -
valued *X $41;400:.
left *laid** aott
ntehibiren, twenty
nee from
rninga at the washt.ub.
Montrealesp*.ch front **y*
Lug o Co-
flouso on Thur*'
strikiug bis bead an b
ture **•-the conetruction
of tito
Great Northern
toba„and one 0)4(40 aldeti f01:01ever
to conetrutt 4 lino from Winnipeg
woo; VI Brandon, theneo, to Lik
horn, and rly_bou
r o
,g-tven ,o o ons rue
and ten, yeara orapletion. It
it believed that tlze hill mes.ns Rill
New Illit. ..is preparing ./Ar his 'invasion of
, h from Ottawa say Canada en in extensive sc
IttP1W, soct*tarY
or. for *111111 whith TIIEICE
ucell e°ere
this.asion le
t of Ander
iya 0
-n Vvednsday night
.; . 4 1.n
i'Sar,d Pond
' iee,gavewayi, another wasboo-,
saged'.'lgad' several:peraona who
-mpte4:to rescue rrt 'flart',
MISSed being -enrolled', lit the ioy
st0rs. Th�-childreiv • drowned
ere Rangliflda, I4Ilian andnnsin and To'ph
t*,10t Sothittiogiert.