HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-10-7, Page 2HEmi.'.[.lv.s?l CTol Ert, I880 SCHEDULE OF CONVICTIONS Made by fusticos of the Peace xn •and for the County of Huron, for the Quarter ending 14th. day of $a(atomber, A. D.1880) pursuant to devised Statutes of Outario, (chap. VG, Sec. 5. ' 'rF. 0,191E O1 PaaaillOpItxt. 1 ' do I NAS:n 'or 1),LFS:r1)A\T. NATdR17 Or CIIenalil Dato of 0011v1et1oil NA:1Iv or CONVICTING 'MeseIea on JUSTICES. Amount of :L'ime when Penalty, paid or to bo Fine or paw., to saiJ'To'V Diailag0, J Justice, I Whom paid over by salol 3usticos. - If not pnul, why het and Colwell Observe. t1 )!1 , i1 ani', -. 1 2" a 4 5 6 7 '8 9 10! 11 12 18 14 1.5:Samusl 16 17 18 19 '20 21 22 23 24 25 2C 27 26 29 3t 3l 82 BB 34 35 36 37 38' 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 68 59 GO 61 62 631Wm. 64 65 66 671Edward 68 69 70 . 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86' 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 g4 95 tie 9; 91 91 " let. 103 10; 1.0i h;. loi Loi l0; "0i .0t .lt .1. Constable Sturdy Jansen Peubar Yule 5tti nes DX Gregor 4.4 t` Mary McGregor 1° Sturdy Thomas Fitzsimmons " Theodore Taylor Samuel 'Weller Kenneth Graham Coustablo 8turdy Norman McDonald " " David li'ltchil " 46 John Holbery is " Daniel Mclunes ElighOonstabioTrainer .Thus Sheriden C"nstable Sturdy John OlialweIl " Daniel McInnis Hugh. Moore W E Parameter W. Papst John Linplatar .. " Mrs. John Hunter Robert Hyslop John Graham Cuapeetor Yates .Tames Love John Stewart James Mahouoy " Johu Jessup Annie Hawkins J. J. Wright Constable Sturdy Catharine Moore Douald McKinnon John Bain . " " I. " 1larrin Aldrich A C Semmens Edward Marlton John MuLec,d Constablo Yule " Platt John Craig .Tames Scott John Craig Janes Scott Sarah Whiteman Malcolm Nicholson :1dward Hogan John Robinson T. N Daucy John Finn +a 'wee Wild George Dawson F.''Segmiller Peter Smith Win Cotton John Armour Coustable Paisley Robert Henry " " 3 McLeunau " " .John Phippen " " I;dwar4 Willson " " John Lockwood Hugh Cane Wm. Ferguson " " Fred Elliott K. A. troll " `• Dunstable Paisley Wm. Greet " " George Beattie Tulius Carson Alex Gorden Constable Paisley Robert Henry William Wade John S. Roberts CouotableGill Joseph Kitcl)eu Inspector Ballantyne Charles Stalls Annie Snowdon Sarah McLeod Constable Dunlop Dau Coleman " Wm Clennan " ItJohn McCallum " " Wm Olive inspector Ballantyne .fohiuMeourdy JI 2, Graml Johne Douglass Countable Dunlop ' D A McLeod ". Feter Morrison. " Wens 1•.4Oalluin David Beat William Mustard Dotal Williams ' Charles Mason Langany 'Thomas Jordan Constable Davidson Tamps Higgins L• " Grace barker Constable Davidson John Erwin A. Talbot James Moore Constable Davidson Ellen Leach •. 4aty A (Jonas . Henry ` Henry McIntoshMcluJoseph McGee Constable Davidson Willtani Johnston Thomas Rockey fames Johnston Robert Watson Robert Ferguson Mary Ann Ainsley t lleanor Jane Waltes Robert Croup].Wni Johnston Francis Carruthers I Butt & 3 Woodlow James Cochrane Jahn Currin James Cochrane •"' Anderson Stephen Yates William Wiley Constable Gill John Lewis ,[Brigham John Newcombe Mrs Brighan ds Ellen Alfred Roe Arch. Cody ' Inspector Scott Edgar Veal Radom Wallace iameg Glenna inspector Scott tai Roe " " iL rederiok Frey Malcolm Wallace •Jharles Dobson William Coulter fames Watson Simon van Merman William Bell . " " Ment) Bell Valley Gill Robt. Brown jr. Samuel Polnroy William Bunter ' Wyndel Kertch George Lowery .. .. Tohn Vittle inn Cnllerton Thom as Be.lnett Tohn Holyhan Daniel Ekaiis 'Tamnes Miller Duncan McCabe' Tohn Rope " Tohn Doleu • Hobert Philips . Mary Ann Phillips Math'as Thomas ?,dwar4 Graham •. " William Graham 4Yrs. George Graham Martin Henry e• • " Wm Blain rtobert Lennox George Haggitt ieury Wohluiek William A Zeut , fohn Malunis Jliver Johnston iamnel Longheed aleorge Brown Nilham Joins William Payne ,harles Heuiy Nicholas Gook t(urdoek McKeuzie John 13opwoo4, Drunk e ..2 " `t Petty larceny Drnuk 11 `• " Grevious bodily harm Vagrancy Drunk False pretences Violation of market law " 41 Assault Selling liquor without license •Prespass iu garden " " Non-payment wages Drnuk and disorderly Nonpayment wagos Assault Perjury Drunk and disorderly ses Gneiss, to animals Assault Non-payment wages " " [FInron Assault [found adrift on Lake Having in posession timber Assault Stealing fruit from orchard Breaking a window Drnuk Soiling light bread Drunk and disorderly Drunk " Assault II Acting disorderly Drools 44 Larceny Drunk Assault Statute labor tax Breach license act Insulting language Drunk and disorderly " " Furious driving it " Breach of liquor law Assault and battery Drunk and disorderly " It F rious driving Wages Assault and battery Assault Carrying a loaded revolver Drunk and disorderly 44 1426 Insulting language Keeping a house of ill fame Being an inmate of house of Drunk & disorderly [RI fame " " Assault " " • Forgery Nou-payment wages Assault " Selling liquor without license Drnuk and disorderly Wages Deserting employment Keeping liquor for sale Fr'(11'nt slay milk to faot'ry Selling , liquor In prohibited •' •' " [hours Sending skimmed milk to Assault [cheese factory Assault and buttery • Assault Abusive language Broke pound Taking pins and bteakine Taking plums [plum trees Abusive andins'it'g language Larceny Wages • " , Abusive language Cruelty to animals .. Larceny '• Non-payment of wages Assault Profane & insulting language Drunk and disorderly Assault Cruelty to animals Larceny YJuly 2 2 2 Junel8 Aug 20 10 10 11 13 13 18 80 BOD 1 8 8 4 4 June23 23 25 July20 27 27 Aug 10 13 31 31 Sep 2 9 17 14 15 Jul) 24 25 28 Aug 1 t 12 16 16 10 16 18 24 3 13 July 3 Aug 17 21 Jnnel2 16 16 21 21 25 26 Aug 26 26 Sep 11 Aug 17 May 25 Aug 18 Juue10 16 July10 Aug' 13 . 13 19 Sep 4 Junele July 9 17 A d g 3 9 12 12 81 July 2 Juuell 30 July 8 8 29 29 Aug 6 Junel5 Ang 19 19 July19 Sop 7 Aug130 ' 30 Sep 8 Jaly17 17 17 Aug 26 May 29 29 July 12 12 Jnne21 Sep 18 Aug 12 July 21 Aug 3 B, L Doyle, Esq., Mayor of Godereas do do do do Doyle and Pollack, Esqs. B, L. Doyle, Esq,, Mayor do elo do c'a do cls do Pollock and Mosely, Esqs. Pothook and Adamson, Esqs. S. Pollock, Esq., J. P. 8. Pollock and Adamson, iisgs, Christopher Crabbe, Esq, do Jro do do do do do de do do Crabbe and Doyle, Esqs, C. Crabbe Esq, do do do D. A. Forrester, Esq., Mayor of Clinton do do do do do do 40 do de do do do John McGarva, Esq., J. P., do Beattie and Wilson, Esqs."' John Beattie, Esq., Mayor of Seaforth Beetle and Strong, Esqs. do John Beattie Esq., do-- Beattie and Strong John Beattie, J. P, do do do do Alonzo Strong, Esq., J. P. do Wilson and Holmes, Esqs., J. P.'s B. Wilson, Esq., Mayor of Wined= Neelauds and IvTeKay, Esq. Wilson and Holmes, Esq.. B. Wilson, Esq., Mayor. do do do Holmes and Wilson, Esqs. Holmes and McKay, Esqs. Thomas Holmes, Esq.;. • do" ` ao ' - do do Holmes and Wilson, Eggs. Thomas Gidiey, Esq;,' J. P. A. Hunter; Esq., J. P., Brussels. ` do Shaw and Hunter, Esqs.. ' -• • do Hunter and Leckie, .T P.'s do ` Hunter,` Shaw and Elliott, Eegs:, • Armstrong and Holmes, Esqs, . .Robert Armstrong, Esq. do Peter Thompson, Esq. McMichael, Irwin, Ross and McLaughlin F. W. Irwin, Esq., Belmore. • , do do William Mallongh, Esq., Dungannon do . do do do • James Mahaffy, Esq., Dungannon' do` James Mahaffyr Esq., Port Albert do .• James Braithwaite, Esq., Londesboro' :r. Petty and W. Carlisle, Esq.l Heneall do James Foster and Thos. Wilson, Esqs. William McMillan, Esq., J. P. Hazlewood Young and Wiiiainson,Eags. E. C. K. Davies, Esq., Hentryu• 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 • 1 00 1 03 26 00 1 00 20 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 •Forthwith 1 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 20 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 20 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 34 50 5 00 1 00 , 50 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 .. 24 05 14 05 3 50 4 00' 7 00 • 3 00 1 00 25 00 1 00 • 20 00. 10 00 20 00 20 00 • 5 00 . 4 00 5 00 1'00 7 $0 ., 2 00 25 5 00 18 86 11 62 • 8 95 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00. , 8 00 One weak. One day ". .+ Throe weeks One week One weeks Forthwith One day Forthwith Forthwith 0 0 m milted Two days 0 o us witted Forthwith Forthwith 21 days 20 days 21 days Forthwith Forthwith W i t hdrawn Forthwith Settled by off Forthwith Case dismis Time given July 2.4 31 28 Aug 11 Aug 16 30 80 16 19 Sop 3 I 13 Forthwith i Settled out of License In Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Foithwitii Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith One month ,Tilly 25 Forthwith June 16 July 8 Forthwith Forthwith Ordered ' to Forthwith D i s m i seed E'o thwlth Forthwith A d m i t t ed Settled by. Forthwith July 18 ' Forthwith Forthwith .' Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Settled by Forthwith 2 days ' 2; days Forthwith : 20 days . 20 days 20 days 2orthwiith .1 p m mined 1 o re witted Settled Deft. Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith 15 days . •Committed Town Treastir'er imprisoumuut Committed one wee». Committed two weeks for trial for trial Treasurer Colborne do Plaintiff Diallers warraut issued not yet re Town Treasurer Town Treasurer by plaletiti Treasurer Collor no Dismissed With costs set of def't each pay own wets and Treasurer Colhorn sect there being no prosecution till 18 inst. Prosecutor Treasurer do do do Treasurer do do do do Committed to jail Treasurer Treasurer leasurer Clinton court spoctor Town Treasurer do clo do do License inspector Town Treasurer do Sent to jail Town Treasurer Complainaut not paid Town Treasurer do 'Measurer Treasurer Treasurer, do County Treasurer County Treasurer Sent for trial pay 14 dollars 0ounty Treasurer with posts License Inspector 'treasurer of Exeter liability of $25 and paid the same parties before trial Or in default of distress 30 days in License Inspector East Huron • do halt to prosecutor, half to treaelirer County Treasurer da : do parties before trial Constable Mclutosh $6.90 E>:alf prosecutor, half Co. trealtlter Proseontar paid • Coitnuitted for 80 days hard labor Proper parties Imprtsoument10 days do for trial , for trial paying plaintiff $5.62 and costs Treasurer Hay Treasurer Exeter Treasurer Grey $1 fine Township treaenrer, $2.00 for trial Not yet pawl Left town c10 Not yet paid Not yet paid Left town Dismissed Not yet paid. Dismisses do do do ' Not yet paid turned [paid Committed, afterwards Dismiasod ..further service l)laintlff blessed from [offense No fine; being nibs Left country ., Not Veld Absconded Sent to jail Bent to jail pent to jail Dismissed and costs [$4.7i jail at hardlabrot,costs and costs Grey and costs • [hard labor and costs or 30 days Case not peoven Withdrawn eoinplainaut hereby certify the above to bo correct and true, to the Lost of my knowledge and belief. Clerk of the Peace's Office, Goderich, September 15, 1880. IRA LEWIS, Clerk of the Peace and C. a .A:, County of Iluron, ticap,X EgsomwoaaSroo ^ aagc vg o o..•C m mm.+ " B O 0. Er 1.4 1dm, "F. `oK+sr(^ +o+uPaa.2aa2 uocm axgo;ir •) mee.21mee2b.^ ^ai0 F:4"40g Jo Zwe401,44 PURE PARIS GREEN. AN ]D HELLEBORE DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES OF ALL, RINDS• •.-AT THr—. MEDICAL HALL, ETER.., W. B. SELLIITY3 Prop. Call aid see the Plower Planats, {