Exeter Times., 1908-12-31, Page 5,ar13, A 0.4 r a cj�d Ireral iosts lob. we oUer 0 w lituttalati CaIf also rood quality,. +regular 00 .15 eaob. usontnnt etc In Natural thohleo atmbAitrachati. Seattle D. *0 ake a aUlrahle, XMAS UM/flara.. glOite . Ireroblefa. 0014 lOrti .ifur 001tari. 04101 Vesta; also' 4 coMplete line up 'to oda •, u '',40traoh' " '.. I 0 LI, Grer Lamb &ujt&jIe forlett li 'lit itbe to, «.... seur grey la.. , Pe. .0 ) iltrifor $2.50:eiolii ar---somet in e stock, ir 0 et .41 lo, e Aatrachan Irt 1' and Xe.veres, Mu I.iayjy W reoats,, etc., maup 'with le and ;kuality.,4whioll w&II 0140;$04* 'The- thalenee of our.o halt nem, $4.90 hale for #.00; 43.00. for 1.504 Ate. Y,TiI1 tico regardle00cf -rt1 1fl, VJass_iJ1 Sro tionOra . LADIHS'WEAR Our tock fa we11 aszorti' Xmas season hftvingopened new line of ata0,7; Col kat Deltas,. 14 noto%i, Ov'ete. - ,Gol Coat,s4 05, .Ju5tAbe •1In to Ma a n oe emotion for 'Xmas Fjnkbener $8,A. Amino 8. Gajer 6, J. I3uI1iva 53, Emmex rolkO014 49, 1.. Lehroefder 40. 4,1,ETT. Teacher. 'T1e rcp• ort. Of the Public School tor he :teep,th at04eemher la as .tolioWa1 ceiletk 040k$ per7,C04kPi PaS3 604,Rog...Son 4t4 Division Class IV;Iloutir0, Oestretoliet 77. Pass -P. Hodgins L. 13rown:,63,;14. titan 62, our stook fore4tt bildren and Misses Coats hale, ;range of siloa ,coate .fiv:e a .4io.. Onelhalf is ..- 4,- hildre r of wbit and Iored ar cloth 'with k madallloyet01..--jcgla to 4.00 tor41.50 040 . be - Our ma 43 ook--or---Milo; Cut Gloss, Glassware, oo, has arrived. The patterns aro, exatuisite. Wo..);a#e never showna tri1t01-141Mge el--have4u201, tra-Caleo, 101..seleotion. to date- goods for Xmas trade and yjlI bo 401044ed to ovriorr-ottr-line-r-- Orocerlea, Fruits, Etc., We-bayo pa. jaF-attentjon t. ou aro ers• opar root and havo ho 64-t:littoW01-Balliffit Prunes, Reels, Nuts, „Extreets; fitmons.- -404 all -readY. at riebs.-40r-your-Zalas-roluir meats* ,IptifiSlall, li*011itetlirkr WA.,N11,610:11 20,000si of ,Turkeys, geese and_ Ducks' between Deo. -1st and 18th 1 6 '1WLU ay the hi;beet marketpr ices in cash or . trade.. W"e se iiOn'fo-buy ClOVer and 111,mothr .si61. 'White t8ezuza, "Ojjoj 1hiter, Eggs and ,Dried APPles at full 'market value in caah oar trade. 4 4'4143°Iicited ' c ZWICK . . . ,citt,i,s. Ix; opkors. lUdI 80, E. Trcjtz is; - s IIL Pnkb in , hsh-6-1.01;•,,,,,Guenther-4.1 • Tast jraenteil ;of money. .the a shwa oi bc ty:fitt tbefrwedcling- er. of our our* inn bve rfering With our 8treet Arustee*- of our so -A4-1)r.$1001nalltbeln-- iot +a the lights slon tbe boys OVO known. 150014/ ga,therli... of Mr. eat dialat., oft ;Class at fir.-410norio. O. Oestrel- cher '013, V, 0-11I1 70. PON I. Viroitt .68, R. aclog 67. Goiser GO. Claes pweitzer 61 SfeSturt ray 60. PL iL-Ilonoxs, tnalark•-•00,-,• Vasa--1:0;-••illeatrer,-40;-• R. Clayk, 11. cate itisAon rx„m.,..„Ntob.o.J.$0,PkM.. IlfolVir1 - CIass _XI, !It*: 414Vt 040'14-44iith..Xt- dr.-414c. • veon,.: C. inary41.---taavson4.-; dittltr',41+11)Vf.' Elfeallt4- fi* iunsi i3Iftr,' Jr.,lu B. Ifiroilfri, L. Sarahrook, Ill% NIT. Appietiiint G. "W`iiiro* Class A. 1jIhir W. Shell. 17SS JJ. X.- 1,14.1tr4E14,-+ Teacher. • tiro %ill Norm, of Zurich, paid the tOWA n Ming *visit -over the ;13171.1P,i,s.irssN„:., "frog the 1hisiness, College at .ion 40111.)0,,,,, peeches, m y &supper* _Scbp1 Ippon* neatki4 bort Z ticker, d af) se ultzmann a e4" Seallitft om e :by tho tflssrs $ratus,. alo leatunw. 0148,1131 741,p4'..,)Nrit millootr4t!Wm.- e • 111er, -4 he :Iglases Tilile nr; Theresi filer, 11r.J .;.11c4r$' "libter and daughtcr, til0 Alinnie;wen Chriatmaa ,at the ii�me ot ..D4r. and risn ttaas lostiot •Zurleb, Ireland' end. tamilh of .ifitrat- are, 00013410 03,0 touti ien(ls ere. exidi;rg, he %hoesTieman. issacilligq#: IS (Me rOieditorir'. the guest. tb'o ckr,10,:fr,f4Arr rtr r'S c or,' Ur. iI., Zwickeringot' the Mims. „bon. 'days with relatives • lii--.ZOndon. Vja Grand trunk Olvirty.Syetteltt ,between, all $tations inanada,,.aleo ,to Zoatreat on& Pori Buffalo, Mack nook, Niagara 09./s Suspencion firldgco N. Y. - At Single Fa.ie, Good Itainx,7- 34.,160.8 and Jan. tat, , ADM retur limit Jan. 4, 1909.. At Vire, ond One. -third. gobd :4oint mDc. 28i, nos to Jan. 1st, 1909. Fu tion.,trout, , 4++,4Tru spec ive ouies. Xt. Villa 31413. ;West 4err, of AV' thelsea, 'spent' Sunday •14st.in -and around the village; las--Ettin4a Wein and Mr. Webb, of tomion, spent the bolida7s at the former's heinui 'Charlie Wind who has. been' orklog" in- Detroit- the past ar £Wwock3. he parental roe:* .Mr. Garnet' Baker, of London, paid ur 'town --n-flying---viitt-On"--Mtnifs Comrncrce to, at pent Itmatv 4 own. • *44::Mis. t3azn Brown oPer,it Sunday at loathwood at the home of W. Siebert* 611 Ober- lira• - 'Venal* the' Jtoliilaya Detroit- -llarabiti , , revenie zcW Cand,,it COIcl Cure Tablets- are said by .druggtat to have Lour $poojoi t000itio--44*** tages over all other remedies for a cold. First...Thor contain no tuin ine. .vothing harsh'. Second--TheY.'dtve 'almost Instant r +3;4itiii,vieastintto thei ta Igo tandivirriarth-A largeibo Preventirs-st- 5 .0400,**,- iiirreititilih-thli ing, th.e holidays ac hs nonio r* and_ Airs. II* 1Vi11ers end s�n a ;arrlja, aro spe21diflg .44 bon tficr pren • �L ves440,r; r. moo 4114 Nitit*4 nur-t-trotr-Mtirl:-. ; ,oronto, or_espentling he haida %.• Clithe c n, tth huicF ii petS:1111" serv;v0' wrill ,ciontra71.4eneel:44-i on 'Sunday. evening in the Zymase/Leal. Methodist ichurch. .110y. ,n4, Aleatt, of Creditou. Itev, Mr. rnd Urs; .of Zur- ich skid C.hristraas ,%vith Rev.. Mr. and Mrs. Edi, _44,4 61qp. Wombolib_o • 3 1°41 (:r" -.f14 Mr. i411"Ifortwltl:: 01101g ;PA 6 .4 'Watifif ley I tail i; be tor - _ $0 Goods all tbe latest,ibadev and Ladies Coats - --groliaved atthe very towte offered in Ladies Air Coate Arta Cloth Zot. . . PeariAlturte of ,Altaa ;Ladies College, St. ThOtus*. ia.apon0y4.;th.e, holidaysher ..botae bete. " Mrs, Ernest 'Oise has her Amulet- .4pPettterr trent .North 'kohl.. 44 a *loiter. , • ebildren. of-Michigan,IV in-. ' at —I. "IC M 06 Itaitlidg gnu so, visited hituA.I4ts)04,er64140r. iL3te4s_a_tw0 log - into the •reShieuee just ea of the EV.nge1iCn1 Oltureh. '- oticerton-ltubi -A VorY quiet but Drotts wedding WAS 501eninitaa: Jon ;Christmas dal At high nee% at .,••*01, the-4tionie---of.'"Ur.-4aid•-tfra--fkorige-, -.111,reetti 1-41b.ft'Ot NO* ilarOurgo fortnerix; of ett Vashworo or* atria& to Mr. lattertiWir Teakettlea Ouipldors Suge.): Spoons Berry 4 q Te** Desert Nut Cracker " KnlyfI and F�rk Pocket. ;Mike* • , Solaiora ai2ey Table Lem Vaiioy Ranging Lan Approtirige and'Utatil th riteteirfor ratnC . • len, arty Win ern Als rt has grata forover. `.• Wrng /aim- w e by the Assign do. aryl, of Exeter, tided ,VV alert rid Mrs. 0ohn,h rite inson are tending the WeildinIc. Of his, slater Markdale* an i :with re alive* --tOt iii1;";11 the.' Albeit .Gitnnitig o Whalen Oars*, Davrit.aohnitolt of Uoin. re rio voiting friends at ,Vsitity.' • Otis*: Istortey_, and doughter sp-nt Christmas with friends at ln ,ot ! Ors. Janie* llern,..,of E'sete were tb ghosts of Mr* .41bett iflR • Vtias.13:"este longford,..of Port ta- lej WAS- the guest at •Atiests StaleY. r4 itihristnim aertie.,Ratlierhy. of Ntriochot- ettl.,10s Stiller, of gelly!s into. aililtr fte, • dog relotlyo °rade. to 1iore , ,trips, ti matt rth. of Eh *eche i:fhCrI'nd mkt% rep w. Whet's. parental roof. r*, 'Christ* L'inkbeiner, ot Lonclon, .spent t teur da/ts • Wjth )j parcnts. 4.1t: Matt i thia week open411111a few fin.- -Palre'Weln thatiwriti , Sunda y with °.his parent* at .F_rellitor ; East, - - Miss &rnh Smilb, of I-oondOn, tfOrtt-'4 or. =Ober -Miss . 2 MSS '14014144 Trick returned to lier.giutielt 4 Stratford otter, apend- izlg p. rouple weeks ,it ber turpo, .11ittui1toth, are spending A few days with-the--•lett tiai-Viitorf4 IOWA, Evangelical onurcn IA 0-1V1IllinXIOttlA6dIS ogranintes 0.yer .xivou, in the ton totter; with Said; -Ehintlay- &hoot, The .off;sers.unti tommit".te;itho- had 0kurg0 of . the ,Proirelnroo deserve great prtilaef The large c14 spi*loW* ,ebureh was tilled , to. .overflowing. At the leisnie:Of the ,progrannte an n- 0440_,,utt-theLlir A' large gorris+Chnir to tbe zp'rinteni1int Mr* 3, JI. noltarnlun etenzatt Oct. E B. Bean; the ltnnuf inbehalf .ot the Sunday heal. Mr. noltsmarin made * suit. aibe /mit_ Mr. and/gra. C Zwicker,. attended a fatts:ly roan:on at . X • attended, ,the .'1)hwood'rntertai lution.t !given .on. Xmas Eve. f4kat:ng is the order af tite day Mr. ni1 Mrs* Otto Iirawn t' Sktudin.it' Ith Jo1ifhya *WM +friends in end toround Saginaw, 1:Xr!„ -The-fl1nt3aI ,:eleetiOut Of , Offieers isl of t .4tun Evin. 8.4, vabei4ufl Suntio:fare toorotott, last ..00d,f.tesulted as fo1- .1101.40tmokt V.,.lee*, urd tjfle ig-, the trustees ot the at. parate achoot at • St. Zoteplii; The rouble is due to tihe tact that a lot' of taxes remain unpaid on the city -property, and the council have' b kettle ounoll .etsted within their nit* ,tut be decided by law. r. Wait .goier of the- 4 fresheia •iflc. Stanley, L, apnding the 11011. ya *0-71 ra Istie Antal of-titulau and Moes literinerMan. Topbrinsr. anrl Idles antaliof Iladen. end -Mist .tifOr gifta front friends And de40, We wish Mr. axld Mts. Jas. Cooltertoii n ter/ lent; :ad hzppy life ii6d--"itiff,r-"Gbilti-fieheift-bliesiii Steinman. New llumbUrt. ..are sistetr 41, I ponor. and .Mrx. 1,Va1te ibm W38 etrotitilSafit. WAS, gowneil in oreata trolwele'vbell Also pii4uo no4 *444$44"4-4 - it.h0; .113::4000,170,0uumirialoolno:Ltitid4iiiototiota:stamuniteralitan_ltientica,"0:4Litettlt,'. et,the bride's, horde ttici, two ,iyelott: -1 tak-rrrr4-sntro.;-'27ro house -was-'biottutiltU111.` tkicoratad lhroughout with. holly. and .iveddlifi beat. The bridereceivea..mstis• +beano,' '...3,04:TrArrtrzarr .2: em the” - rf 0res1 visited, lit* Sutber-Ia.nd a fa* day* laiit weak, Mt. *44 Mn Ilettiod ThomPoon yery pleuantlyentertaineol* ruluther. of e t frienditou Tuesday el'eP iItttf di laitt, Week la Uteri new liontaii • lee S. E. litolntyre.1ilh1v 1'04 ge...ditstOrt f Rat week4 al biailth up that itw relativesiny toilm_the tirrxied to "le • 0the M t CC Oof T� the. Elector* of 'Stephen. lIavng„iterted two 'terms on • the Couneil Board of Your towookil), hitt 10 tolicit, a. continuance of Your isupPort for 1900. It will be--impo eible (Or me to oat on all theo1e0- ri ands ficetfullY :affirm. 1,11),,, BANDER aye a oed r Ziportitasoem asoce onc We wish you all a py' '" ''''' itel:Altiodgitta.-. eritiiiiiiiiil s y friend . from London, art 5pe:lfli!Ig .New ' Weaes IvitiV'tbe ter- inert*Jerrentc,'ltrr.-'-ariit-'Ivtrt.;jli-'"--:A- Illosigin** '- ''. ":: .. - „ . .• • .14:r. end Uzi. qulm. Love i)ent. the 6 votirgetotteris, tit ' - - Mie0 Stephen:far lint month of Dee t .. • V.,4Addie, ,Iliek -501; • lig* briatinas ilioli,draty..6:1,.I,!rliiiro:tht00.1:sit:oft0 other*, ',Xtebb; ,:04--Thol. Turnbull' . fie MeIIin 06: „ Vilr; NI • ier'llit; G. 1LcLn�Jiy10.4„: ret ; f..i 0 46 oi'-.:_s*. #.'.;.' - , T bsolutlyKo LONO _ zits- - loside.Ou 'ThIj fen holds the alar, is di In' Alleie -Craig all - 'The . * t, tu of'Edgar • ItOtero When Alas l'ri 4.bea1*ti1ti1 -