HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-9-23, Page 88
J:'1cNia.- The annual pinto of the
Mi. Carmel Oattinlie Muttoh was held
oil Thursday ttftervoon lest, on the
totvuline between Stephen and Me-
Gillivray, about 2}• miles east of Linc.
meek. There were chant 1,000 per-
l�ase, ea sous present all of whom entered
' heartily iUto the festivities of the day.
--aoi Otte of the most iiitelestiugf features
of the days entertainhneut was the.
election fur a cake basket, ptu•ehnsed
from, 1Ir, S. E. Janes, of Exeter, be-
tween Miss Barry and Miss Breen,
whish resulted in favor of Mies Barry
by a ttmjulita of 180, Pictures of Sir
John :Macdonald and Hon. Alex. hlao-
lil nzis wel•s also offered for sale, Of
Sir John 182 were sold, and of Mr.
Mackenzie, 02. Tue following is the
prize list
Putting heavy s'nne, 40 lbs., 0 en-
tt i s.--lst J. Met:auto ; 2uci A. Mc-
Putting light stone, 10 lits., 6 en
tries. -1st A McLean ; 2nd J. Mo-
Tossing Caber, G entries.--lst J.
Mcfsstte ; 2/el. J. Doyle.
Three standing jturant, 6 entries.--
ntrieai.-1st A. McLetlil, Parkhill ; 2nd J. P,
Ale Imes, Parkhill.
Foot race, 1st 1Irgh MoEachiu,
Parhbill ; 2 td t1, Meelorianck.
Al: shooting matelot at glass balls els,
wee le hi, or whioli the followill8 are
scores :
P. Cortin 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
J. Cerny 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
A. O'I)+vyerl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1
A McNamee' 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
Pu 111eNemee1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
R. Grundy 1 0 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1
T. Loughlin 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
H. (tune 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
F. Jones ! 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Curtin aeid O'Dwyer shot off for
first and second prize.
P. Carlin 1 1 1 1 1
A. O'Dwyer 0 1 1 1 1
Sent anywhere, pont free ou
reeeiip 1 oi', price.
J, GUT(*(1—,
Bookseller, Exeter.
The '1 o tate Belt ('o,, )L11140111, Melt..,
tS ill v l tlu• t F10111.0 tot1Elentro 4 alalia l site to
t*r,a ,thiol'.. town :lit cit s trial. Speceh} e•tth•t•:4
h trtt.u,Te'r.b rli.'y ltieau what they say, write-
to them without delay.
\ ny look shabby when von can get a snit of
clntl s for $1.4 at Cr. t W'','. Southcott's.
Tire larevst bast and cheapest assortment
of su e i' ler ba le ee in. Exeter, at Central Drug
Stora C Lurz.
A fine assortment of fall tweeds at G. dt SF.
S,,:t'at 'tt' , Give them a call.
Fee .11 arrival of a 10.pu,li.1 stock of Boots
and Shoes et Mas. Euue•tt's,
:For a goo,l`rl'-i ;; wait; of chvt114. ao to G.
ct W. fiotltl halt's, 0. Suutheott's old stand,
Main S1r e r t, Exeter.
3I.. S.1..7m.,e Vires a large stock of watrheM.
elooks. l ve try, sih-erwa..re,'etc.; on hand,whiel,
h" is seqin,-.: ve'r c cheap. Those tlt,4liing t<
1 rind a 'Anything in tint j.nr'ry hoe would
look t" their r adv Llttttge by. Galling on him and
e't''ni in'. sauce.
P:trt unr for will do we,l to cal;
•_a 1 see inn ll et Pickard's stuck of .tall ant
' intc Dry Goo1s, and Clothing.
A young man who lets recently taken a wits.
s•tr, 1.0 didnt find it half s:r hard to ;:e' uiar-
ri,•d ly 1.4:. .11.1 t) ,4 furni'tn•e. He did' not try
John brew's furniture store, or lio would no,
st,y titer.
Par -'a'imrs for eating eider, at the Con
tral Drug Store.
1' xso*;ar,.Mi Geo,. Th" tau in't'ents re-
moving frolu Exeter to take a position in a
drug stem, in S..aforth•
SOLD.—On Tuesday last, Mr. Diehard Davis,
of d.v t r.sn1iI a first -prize two -and -a -half yens
old steer, for That was a good price,
but "Efr. Davis raises good cattle.
TFIE Pa!:ss.-The county press waS rep-
resented at the 011nw Tuesday' 1ti': by Mr. M.
M Tr.+a11 of the E.rpoxitnr.M Netlin, of the
Seaforth Sun, and Mr. E. Holmes, of the New
Oja rex 'ers will kindly overlook the
one.71t14y of reading; ia'atter in this weeks is-
awl,- The far bto;a ;tat in so m'u!h extra jnl
work tit all the hw1,14 iu the nifroe Aver,
required to supply the demand.
MANX Y,,u.—Our thanks are due Mr. Geo.
i ish' , of 'Gsborne, for the present of a ba;
of large eating apples. air, Fisher never fur
gets the • lei .t.r.+, and we will always say t.
gaol word for hire. i'lxe apples ware about at
large as are grown iu this section,
I T'owx.—On Tuesday la -'t London CJri,r,
of Police Williams and De.tective Murphy,
the same eity, Paid Exeter a visit, and were 12:
consultation with c nstab'e Gill, of th's town.
No doubt sonic culprit trembled in his shoes.
'-$1rssio\ATT 1t,F,sa'1:16.-011 Sunday evenint,
Iw-t..i ..ermon was preached in tne;B.C.Clim el
bg It -:v. 'Cr.:A. Paseoeiin behalf of the Mission-
ary , rc ;+'.y. On 11-ri.lay everting the .Annual
Missionary Meeting was held in the B. 0.
Chm ch. and was addressed by Rove. Pascoe
Grandy, Wcbber and Whitlock.
Arrnurrno B>;t1aasnr. —Che Tuesday nigh;
last son parse» or persons entered the stun:•,
of Capt Kemp, evidently with the int. nett o:
btrg•1ari.inr ft. ".After ri, ti toren exnminat
tient the i e$,-tuer'iixig it was found that no
thing was fitiaatuig,^; the wo'11d.bn burglars ha
iet; evidently been rdiscurbed in their atte nth:
and taken a hasty leave.
A Ctl.+,r,'ri onsite --t tail bet frorn_$1(:
to ii1O0 that -1 -will hold trot at arm's
h'nsitlh ;i heaviai• cvieie.;iht than 'any prat,
in the county.,. of Heron. The diel•
l l:'Ige til remain open until the 15th of
..)ehtobe.r. hof' ret eee to he made to
the . undersigned, Tiroeras•
.1e. W. Parte, peetanasterat Leman
affirms b,'fe re B. Stanley, E q., the.
he had wither in band, not or part in
tate 'letteee of Wtn, D'llirlillly, which
lire oppetere:1 in the public press,
Tdie cattle buyinegs hue heat quite e
rr vivid at ;lilwa (lade.'No r Engen than
fifty-four cars wet e leaded and shipped
for tJiverlir,tlf at rite close af the weak
eledinr ieptettlbor 111h, :ncl frilly half
plat nember prepared f F;nrly in trio
sna+ceading week Thompson & 90. and
J.i,trry Craig the shis'tier:s.
A few nights sinee a party of coon
4hnnters, not a hundred miles from here
,carted out with tie the avowed in-
tention of killing at least half a dozen
ef the ring-tailed quedrepeds. A1ftei
tramping the swamp for sante time the
dog beget to exLibit shins of uneasi-
uess paid sudeieoly started out witty
lightning speed towards a tall elln where
he set up a tremendous hnbub. Un
fortunately none of the party could
climb worth a cent, and consequently
were iu a dilettante as to how they
would get the coon acme, but fortun-
ately at this juncture Master H. Sol -
don arrived rat the Von 11e, and being
shown the tree the conn was on, began
to disrobe himself of his super-aboncl.
.Int clothing and start d up the tree
but soon stopped and came down, do-
claring the tree to be unclimbalele. An-
other of the party now volunteered to
try and it and succeeded in bringing
down a splendid specitneu of the coorl
tribe, thus ending the sport for the
UNwrrir..—itr. Westcott of the Mon-
treal House, has been laid up for rev•
era' days. The disease boiug : a sore
S3iasi3 Ur.—Ae Master Samuel
Steaoy was proceeding along Grange
Street, his horse being somewhat fret: -
done, became unmanageable feud
breaking the shafts, and otherwise cte-
rnolishing the vehicle. Samuel eeoap-
od unhurt.
TRAMP Imnfr.—A large party gather-
ed here on lsatur•day evening last, fist
the purpose of rooting out several
tramps whose presence had become ob-
noxious to the farmer's of this section,
1,‘Ir. John Moir was elected Captain,
and they proceeded to scour the bush
in all dirrctiaans. After a diligent
search for two hours, Mr. John 13e1l
ted hie ting Pluto came across three
Inuglyen c enaced in Mr. Neil Stewart's
grove. Attrr bluing tliet'il e. eon nd
lecture on the et stir of their ways, and
twee days to leave the neighborhood,
the c:hmpany dispersed hoping to be
nemole:,tnd by tramps in the future.
[The above was received too late forlastissue.]
Mr. Daniel Holmes, of Godel•ich,
has 1)001i a passenit0r conductor no the
railroad between Gadelrich and Buffalo
steer einee the line was bong, He was
en the Toronto line a short time pre.
vioue. IIe hall never bad an aerident,
although he has travelled 1,275,001
miles. He hos never, lhoen went of
['.trey, nor east of Toronto. During
his hili* public ettre:lr, he lits nev+y
inane off duly on account of aicitneaie;
and lras only'beetifrom his post tries
„n pleaFnre---to ' 1 !chess ter in 1861:'
i,t,A to uhielgo in 7870.. Ile lies Batt
in his pods site three snow shovels'
he'in+itieg to ihe,G. T. 11..Co. for thir
teen years, arltl-two Iatnps for twenty
yevtrs, :
He tvae never treated by a
petseensrer wliilo on r�uty, ILIA has only
been Cis,* a hotel ie '(Ioderich.
gyor the County,
IT$1A4 OF 1411:SYS F1iosi XW1t08 EX-
On Sunday last, as a party of
ladies and gentlemen' froth:. Goder-
lcth, were on their way to ,Blyth Camp
Grouud,one of the number, Mr. Frank
Davis, narrowly escaped the breaking
of Inc leg, between the spokes of the
wheel, as he mounted the wagon in
Mr, McQuaide, shoemaker at Bea.
forth had his hand severely
crushed by getting; it between
the rollers 'of a Machine for rolling
sole leather 00 Friday lhtst. It
will inoapae;nte limn from work for a
week or sot as the nail of the thtnnb
was completely pulled off,
Mr, A, McD. Allan, of Godericli; is
in good demand as at jtidge at the fall
exhibitions. During the week he has
i.e,n acting, as expert on fruit in the
professional list at Toronto Fair, end
on Thurcaciiy he was booked as judge
of kolas tit Seaforth Show. He will
be in charge of the ag riceltural di
partmeet of the Provineial Exblbitivu
nt.tlnlnilton, aucl will also judge the
Aitsfttnningmill agent was stopping
at a hotel; not more than 20 wiles
.front Brusscle, and no doubt entltttvors
ing to emelt a bargain whenever he
saw a ohance. Well, it happened' that
a certain fernier was at thesame hotel,
at the same time, and what troubled
the ferule{ wAs how to get home with.
Out -walking, at last a happy thought.
struck him and he resolyLd to calix
"fanning twill" to tho ag,er'ft. The tp,
shot ut tee conversation was th'tt the
fit -ening mill man lhit.ohed ftp his team,
drove the man home, fanned 10 or 12-
besllele of grain with the mill and tbei
—why, the farmer decided, "he didn't
think he'd buy." The agent smiled a
t;niilo that was child like and blunt,
yet naughty thonghte'wet'e in hie rtllntl,
at the idea of axing so ltieely sopa.- jt a
Ou Saturday last as three $eaforth
tallies were driving along the Huron 1 d
il'ad, and when near Stapleton, their
horse became unlnarageable, through r Ia a
the broaltiug of one of the slltt,t irorie,
and threw all out, eeverely- bruiting;
them,. and badly wreokiug the vehi'cie.
lair.:[ lnusford kindly carne to their as-
sintanoe, teed them onnve, ett across
to the G. T. Ir., stopped the train; and
got them taken to their destination,
A telegram dated Montreal, ; Sept.
12, soya :—The body of an ttnl uawP
WW1 was found near the Vietolitt
Bridge yesterday, It a vas much dis•
composed. He is supposed to be from
Ontario, and evidently had been in the
water for some weeks. 0 -ie pocket of
the truneers was turned 11151de ont,
from Which some of those standing by
reasoned that the deoeasod had been
robbed, and on tho nody were fretted
the following articles:—A white piteket-
haudkerclhie , with the name "Jones,"
Old the initial, "J. 11 ," or "IL," and
the numbers 5. 12, 72 ; a entail ticket,
the name 1teevs" being alone legible ;
a brass hotel check, numbered 5 ; n
gold patent fountain len ; comb ; a
bent briar pipe, and part of the God
erioh Star of March 12th, 1880.- The
man referred to come f rom England
about a year ago intending to settle its
Dueota but afterward changed his
mind and several months re tided in
(xo,lencch. He wee -a man of unnsu111
intelligence a,nd culture, but of a sone•
what hypoehondriachal temperament,
though he didnot evince any symptoms
which wciyhd lead one to snppuse he
wouing oonlinit suicide. IIis ren! name
was John -I1. Juwes.
SEI • TB111ilER B8
t , :1 • +
Brampton nd Thomas
.t`.\.. g 1'ioul t1- .1't tl
.....w .0 -----
\V' i`E:u :I I,".xiC
line Been aiiphintetl agent for the sale of the following •iattit•i':ai uhaunfaetn.cd by tins
at. Thomas and Brampton Agricultural Works s
reproved Royce Hepiio r,
4VVOU 7_
as t'l*.A. 'R:,d" VA4
These ere all ii'arraraac1, at:ttl have gsixletl a wide rcpnta'r,n•i : '1 tc ,ft.ttion rnaranteed
no sale. Any repair:3 or fanny of tura above iunl,lc+iaclits can be obtn,it,„t Irmo Kr. 'Verity
F i Latest ty1�
Eo Newest N we Le ig s
.�„.,„crE^ :s .'3 pi'`",
—V7111 e:Gr»4 chi vivo ALL c, , j -q• r .y 1 r+ u>, ., _
.,�:.� sass. r-� x:.waM �„+., ,. utr aea.y,'ix tu$' u
r)«0 Piece of -.9.,TF!Kr e(ki ,foo
0 0
s 0
zunuisrt AFFAIB1.
London Sept. 19. --Turkey and her
affairs are once more the loading sub-
jects of European interest. Pubiio at-
tention is centered ou the hlatvill,,,seee
monstration at Dulcigno, from *hid
the slightest spark might light tip' tits
flames of war through the Haden)
world. If anything is proved by the
pressure Which bis been brought to
bear on Turkey it 'is the`duplicity ;'glint
Ulnae;city of the Porte. It is d'rFaoult
to call the crew. of. selfish erinsti'i•atore
nt Constantinpple t[ gevernnrent, but it
is prob+sbly,the trnth. The Sultan 41,
timid and incapable, and though 'hent;
ofie-of the 111460, dstrpotic's. of aufarte his
conrinet is as vacillating; land ticriorope
as'that of the Stuarts, or still later,' ,el
the Bourbons. Like t11em,Iwihile never
gn.iuiug ft step towards the objects in
view, he ooutrives, nevertheless, by
selecting utiserppnlous Ministers, to
have his own • naheteady way, but tie
result tenet end in the dedtruction of
the Emp ee. Turkey tem no friends
h Eateepe. L' :ery nation is busily
tz7u)ating preparations for her appronch-
1t( 1otV'nf'tlr. Even England, at one
time pledged with the lips •forthe in.
tegrity and hhdenendenee of the Ottom-
a u Empire, receives with satisfaction
Mr, Lxtudetono's deelaration that nnlese
Turkey governs in areordaneo' with
European ,principles that it c011 -es to
exist,” Turki,4i hetegrily at:d -inde-
pethdc'uoe meet shift fur themselves,
1_..1C ,
Beautiful range of ;CO',fi.C1I T'tVEEI) (finest stock ever shown in the City) from $15.
rr� e� ,[� �n�� a show an �++
uw�d,',1„ . .-`, ev+�i.e• t X00 , c 3.sin 0ir1 04 tTdt r..
Suits Made c
:Gude from the Latest New York Styles. Prices from Ii.
e`.6'a 1'3't e1�•u 11vSfLJir,"vi>3� eL- T ss i�,t•
It is preyed treat the Albanians have I' t ?r l sees S 4i Tett, t,
ail along, been ins+rated froml,Constan-
tinoplt•. The ontburets of 21ahomedan
taaaiicism in Albania have always cor-
responded with the strengthening of
the Sultan's . Riza teat. 11a,
who was sent to carry out the cession
of Duloi;no to Montenegro, has been
giving every assistance to the insur-
gents. He has assisted !been in trane-
porting supplies, provided them with
arm., and encouraged then 10 d'ril'l
under Ins very nose,though their avow-
ed object is to thwart his pretended
mission. Finally his soldiers have
merely gone over to the insurgents..
Rise Paalha,hiinself is now e prisoner
in the hands of the .Albanian Chiefs,
who naturally doubting this sincerity,
have condemned hinr to death, by way
of a start, and are ready to cut chis
throat should be show the least dis-
position to disobey then, The even-
ing papers persistently endeavor to
make out that France would not tttkr
part in the naval demonstration, and
when the-..:F•rencli.iron.cladtt. turned up
they asserted tbat.thev. world not act
With thoee,;cf the,, other powers. :ell
this is absurd. Prance having once
Oven in her adhesion, accepted the
programme of the Powers which are
preparrd against all evontualit:es.
The united squadron is now un-
reservedly under command_ of the
British AdmiralSirFredericlt Seymour,
and will move on Dulcigno and the
Montenegrins, who are 50,000 strong.
with four batterie., to take possession
of the city.
The Contineotal Powers seem to he
squaring for the next war. ]t is evi-'
tient that Russia and Austria must
fight for the dominion of the smithery
States and the poesesi;ion of the Balkan
Peninsula, The project for ran Austro
Dalian alliance has been spoiled by
prism attire publioily. There is no
stature! harinnny between those Statte',
France is to trinrrae real;, the pa's ori, as
she offends& Italy';ii Life ',POO' ,affair.
.... r�aj} � s,
TtiZ noNnJTrO^i l7 1_ ... lrn.
The cotdi:ion of Ireland occupies
the first elace :in to lie nfi'eil•ey': though
the agitat ionle not gonet'iil, on account.
of the eicoelleet harvest. Profos ionttel
a itatore are still working, rind ,infest:
have more effect in winter. Wihile
aFa"an'..yl 1D rES.rm,.'n'�^iwa :,rt¢`S Ei�.*''}fi k31
I't,vrin,g, par. t.:t'ca the Trot sol rhos trarl3u:,
W, II. T.ntt, we ccxv agar; ..lThv to the Pubtfe olio c
Best' and Choat'ast S s
of reaty made work eo' offered in Exeter. Wo
'would ala re.Ynilyd thn=e 11r v tart gar first -stars,
hi••.ue-Ula Io Boots tont Shutt: voce 1 ar:d r.eggcrt,
that we can supply the , l,t u w .tr t who give sat.
isr'acti,rn. .
r en it ng done at 0 t't.t r ,to ell:i iriafaetinr'
ana int e,l. r"an awl e' f r vc1!rsetety. non'
forger; t(zu place-4.aorett's Ulucit:
(;.:It., Acattli'T', i Jl a a l'; fu If.3;1I'-•
Bxetpi 1'elir'uanxv 0 188th`
a:�r u ,atir>:a
festal oniraages• are eitilrhet achievements
of the .Berry :tad Couuenhara patriots:
as a rivnl)ing in their reeeect those of
the Albanians earl Moete+ut'lriae,-
' Mr. Pitmen marts vii a regular earn -
pingo at Cork to tr.orrety. It is hoped.
that, he will uni atel a ernctica,l pian for.
settling lnlitl irnnLl,;s„
The Itish Milt; berh, as tt rule, have
been wonderfully Peetterr to*, and expre; c
confidence in Messrs. (ilndstone,.
Bright at d ,.i'esrer. Tht•y confine
their rnaledictiour, to the Wings.
A Court of Enquiry, Las been ap.
pointed to esquire in reptted to Gen.
13urro-ws' defeat. 'T'bis.is, rdleemed a 1
satiefttetory step. The Guvtralment ig
undecided whet to do in .regard to
Candahar. , fie stra.gical value consists.
in its blocking the only,woy to India.,,
It is. contended, hot, ever, that its per,.
inanellt ocenpat•on wouid, entail too,
.Thug deu on Intlifr, a1>;d :the
itselfheavy. a .,
it' probable the rig' .
is l• ,bn 1 e t to I3 h.ih #roops.wili;
retire to the KK110Jult 1'>tsa, teitingY;,witli,e.
in etriaeit,g clietarnoo end posoeasings
tnititary control of the valley
•Sit• William ilareonit• is dl!terrnina:cl,
to stop the imprison tnent of children.,
Ile declares the pi -lance laltifafe to,
e. Chief :Baron Fitzroy Kell3r,a Ito. died'
yestetelay,: is last of the Lord. Chief
1301-0ns. • After existing 800. yt'axs,, the
title is now abelislaed. The olhcein its
pew ,form as worth; 4os.cma ($tai,000)
Cer'ntlfuto. It will fall .to a ];,iberat
lawyer, trabe,bly Attorney eener8I