HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-9-23, Page 7"EPTEM13Elt 23, t$8'0 HOW HE GOT STARTED. THE TIMES fy.&S.GIDLEYf ,,rnitnrcth Ile Caine to onr reporter this morn- "(,T'1l.d10x`trtiKe3rM> aria -WOULD Sa1Y TO ing—ft fine, bluff, well•dressea young hilow., evidently in good eitcumstaue- �1 ea. 1 read in your paper last night,' said; be, 'that Police Magistrate Denison furnished a young vagrant with sufflei- eut money to start him on the streets' qtr.; a newsboy, and that a oily reporter .augmented his pile, Is that true? "Certainly," 'Well, then, God bless then: both,.. say I. That's the way I got started in life. The policeman picked me up on the streets of New York one Light what 1 was about ten years of age. I find no parents, no home, no friends, no money. I was brought before Mr. 1lerr ll at the Torahs Count the next morning, I remember it well, and can't forget it. Hunger, terror and dil,spare made me elequont, and I told tuy story. Well, sir, a tea came into his eye and he wont down into his pockets and brought out a shinplaster and handed it to me. There were a few lawyers and "reporters there and they passed "round the bat, and raisral taro tl rllars and added to it, and then I wits turned out in the street. I w ent straight and got Something to eat. then I bought a boot black's outfit, and from that I rose throu411 the grades of mes- senger boy, clerk, bookkeeper, said junior partner to have a llusirless of my own. If it had not been for those hind-ltr•arted geutloineo io the Tombs that uloruiug I might have been dead slow—or aorr,e--a thief. God bless the mei ctful judge, says I again. A IIOltltIBLE MURDER IN IPE - LAND. Boots and Shoes Hats The Cork Constitution of September Ladies' & Gents' biota w110 Intend 1,husa p to do 9e from t110 olanufactnrer• 'Jbe l3. :LLor s. u n ]rays to soli utu n,uo-t iT4°;"M utt•f[1• 1 ave a plop. \Ve +;lnim to fx(•th 1) 0'011r�et'r) tbo 'S1 Wliieli 0x11.11 1 tail t„„,„1,, m; ct the "t`ikti e of the .0111. 1151�hnN1,•5 ue id e 1111111 thrid of e.1 f: ins nu st•tt11'11;nuuee?tle1bt we cat: set 11031,'rtr, Emblems ,NI FraniJti'dQ`t•Etib'era yk,r T,''; WOULD onaapeohilatteutiot ou 11103. undertaking dogur1 utent,whiail is inure com- plete the a o ver, as w 1111 00 tdl tell suvoi•nl new desigtlt of late :Che best ooitin. easkete e:hrouds anti ever) uuera1 requisite at tht towostltviees. Our nem Amine to pronounced b3 competent judges to be se00310. to nor is the provinces of all the Different Societies. THE CANADA CGiVIPANY'S Drains ands • orale. In order to meet the ,resent depressiou,tho Canada Company offer for side or lease, ou easy terms and in certain cries AT REDUCED PRICES, All thea: La.ade re -alarmed or boneatte.t, by rho " La1•,e Burwell Drainage Works," in the Township of I3osanquet, Stephen and,\Littillivoay, in the Cu;unties o LalnLtuu, amen sod Iliddltses cespetr ivuly, Lista oflands may be obtained, and plans of the lots may he., soon, ou application to Mo. John Spt dotlaan, EYeter, rlr, Goe•rgo \V, LIolyull, of Vie" liohwe111lunse;' t\'0.1er htatwu Cr. T, hallway, or to Mo, John Irousicte, of Grand iioail, Poo Lists Prises, Torino or other iufurnuttiau, a1>i11y to tlld Comiootesiou ore, t7andc�w C'oimpauy, Toronto, G, \V. ALLd., 1L, M, : t01'u'A1.1', l:onuui-sie>u:rs. Canada Company's Cflicee,May 10, 18 U. !ha THE WiTODIDEE raruvrEns, rAnzoonits,. T,; Slit• ONLY `l,°ITh1. Castox4 m Machine Oii.,, TIIId Vti,I;iY BEST IN USE, FON ,S'A'LE AT TIIE DOMINION LW.IIUPA.TORY,. SIGN C IP THE GOLDEN MORTAR,, Main treet,.. Exeter. John Drew's Furniture &Undertaking Warerooms, OPPOSITE CENTDAL HOTEL,. EXETER. NOTHING LIKE IT EVER SEEN. PEOPLE CANNOT ft E ALIZE ITntil they call and make all examination whet Real Bar- gains are offered. Everything at the Lowest figure is the in- ducement we offer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COONS 1st contains the follouiue particulars of a horrible murder at Lougitrea, a mountain district near Woodford:.—"It •appears that two brothers named Power resided at the village of Lnnghtoher quite s,\lnvenient to each other. For the past two years they wore daily quarrelling about land, and were sev- eral tunes before ;rho Chairman of Quarter Sessions and Iocal Petty Sos- ' •tions Court. Since the Loughrea June Sessions the two brothers showed .mil 'TER Signs of much enimosity and ill will to- ward each other. Ou Monday evening the two brothers were engaged iu cut- ting bay in a field, when a quarrel arose about boundaries. After quarrelling for some time the eldest brother (John) rushed at his vietiin with au open .scythe, and after nutting off boon legs from the body, next cut off the head with the scythe, after which he fright- fully mutilated the dead body with the same weapon. Shortly after the fright- ful occuranoe information was given to •the police at Woodford. Immediately • after receiving the information a large :force of police proceeded to the scene of the tragedy, where they found the dead body with the tread lying beside it An a frightfully mangled way After -examiuiug the dead body four of the police prbeeeded to the murderer's Louse, where they succeeded in arrest• ing him. The unfortunate man was taken to Woodford, guarded by a strong force of police, where he now remains awaiting the inquest." and Caps, Famishing Goods, Clothing, Crockery Glassware, Hardware, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Io CARLING, Main Street, Exeter. JUST RECEIVED AT THE GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOOK OF GREEN, JAPAN; YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEA, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLE3 PRESIDENT HAYES. The validity of Mr. Hayes' title may always,,be questioned, and his admtnis- tratio p criticised, but the payment of WIG dollars gives a valid title to one bottle of Dr. Yierce'e Golden Medical Discovery, and its administration can never be eritised iu eases of coughs. colds, incipient consumption, and gen- eral debility, for leading physicians of all schools endorse the Discovery and proeoribe it in their practice. Sold by druggists. II Sever Fails.—Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry is as unfail- remedy for all kinds of bowl corp plaint. CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, COFFINS, CASKETS, and BURIAL ROBES and :ALL ;KINDS OF EAiBLE!13. E:IIBALMINC FLUID used for preserving the body in warm weather or for shipping. parson wanting Parlor, Bedroom, or Dining Room Furniture will save at least 20 per cent. '.:: calling at D•ItEW'ti FURNITURE ROO1tIQ;, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter. JoEN l)1..tw.1 V/VA IWO`+ !'WOOL!! '(TOL!!! !! BITTER SADCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS. 1 YE, MALT SCOTCII3IRISH AND COMMON WHISEIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, The Fountain of Life is Ibte Nona, Keep the fountain pars •Rad ;eat the tributaries of health erde ip good pon- dition. Burdock I31po,d Bitters will olense the blood from all impuritirs, ,expelling Lcrofula and all humor's, tones up the .debilitated spltem, toga• latirg the liver, bowels and brings )health to thea pk43. Wholesale and Retail. (..A, MACE Main Stroet,Eseter. -- :o: DURING the Wool Season I offer A11. Heavy Woollens, including Blankets, Tweeds, tlre, - aud Horne -wade Flannels at Old Prices. This is a rare offer, as the goods have is 1:•t vauccd fully 50 per cent. To prepare for Stock -taking, Z Summer Goods will 'be Oieased. Out at au Immense Sacrifice, positively for ONE MONTH ONLY. T13.e Bgihinery Department is managed bya dist-Clans Minima., and is billed with aU the latest novelties, OdY Should Fail to Seeit The ORDERED CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is more. active than ever. A Perfect fill guaranteed 3.-L" Ji.7ST AT�I--1AND A. Large Stock of Barbed and Plain Fence Wire, Seed. Corn, Hungarian Grass Seed, harvest Itlitts and Tools. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Farmer's Produce. Remember the Old Established House. JAMES PIC KARD SAMWELL PICKARD Ate daily opening out large quanti- ties of Fresh, Seaso able DRY GOODS, 315 s*t Sboas, Eats and Caps, A splendid range of BLACK CASHMERES BlackLtistres Pompadeetr P11/.1rTS, WIN CEYS, TWEEDS, IMPILISIRM THE EXETER TIN AN STOVE: DEPOT MAIN ST. 0 ITARE this opportunity of thanking my aumeroas vastomers for past tav5rs, and tviehto notify them and the public generally that I have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stock of STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, &c. &c, and have moved my own stock into the building lately occupied by 1tlr. Johns, in the Post Office Block, where I now have one of the largest and beat assorted stocks iu the county, ors oa in:o SHIRTS, DRAWERS, &c., &t3,, &C., --AT S ; WELL & PICKAED'S Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves TIIE BEST IN THE MARKET. Also a la,ge variety of Tinware, Lambs. Lamp Clmmnsys, Coal Oil and Cutlery. Eastimates given for Eavetroughing. Carriage Plating a Speciality. Depend upon it will give you good value for your money. 0 The`very highest price in Cash paid fox Hides and Sheep skins; 1:=" Remember the place—the Exeter Tin aril Stove Depot, Poet Office Block, main Street, Exeter. Exeter, January 20, 1880, E H. SPAKCMAN. SUBSTITUTES!, The rnhlic are emtttdmed aeninst a custom airier* is d-•n•'•'"r (lite common or late amine a certain class of medics ne resales. anri which is this : When asked. for n h•+rie r f P,tin•Kilirr. they suddenly discover that thov are "sold aura" "her have another article 11Itas e••+�. if r•"t h-+ tor." which they will sanity at the same. eco. The n^jeCt of this deception is transparent. These F111,3 1-te,s al'. milts nn to sell nn the great reputation of the T:'in•Killer: and heing comnoundecl of the vilest and ei'.eneest drags, are boneht by the dealer at about h11f ho rias for the genuine Pain -Killer, which mall"s him therefore to realize a few centsmoreofit pr wr •t`te neon the imitation article than he can on the gen•tine. Foe -CHOLERA MORIitIS, CRAMPS, AND ALL SUMMER OI. BOWEL COMPLAIN"I'`• PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER IS uNeQUAt.tdtn, IT CURES ALMOST INSTANTIX, i1+! PAto.Krt.t.Et11A pot 11p in 2 00. and g 02. bottles •33 is and 50 20013 re,ptcnvely,--lark bottles arc titcrlwre .,.:u,,,,, FOLD BY ALL MEDtottiE DEALERS.