Exeter Times., 1908-12-17, Page 7rally titectvt person who Sac ' be certain cpaation5 for, Cli htmas . tit kitchen,. 2 ' 11' Or ei ar'Ma w4vtitil l't , laBting tjualttic9, the. wo ,, rnonth n advaricei the United.Stats ce nuine calor- iutported theriand, ', Al!•Iargo; 0 'usie. '..* lay in ,.'., o kue. olI in 1744:41-1,e; • paper \lly wifi4i„,andat 1, of!: it g t rv spa, on . s kull, 1048p40114irol,1.41!boduee, o The ole-heer , oovered fxoin th, so °oat atual 7 his a 4"re"olrilirc: concealed o 144000 'w O within0 e uistorner ar allberty 't� help mselv f who ' o choose out. of e 11 viaed fret by . that bi n soda Io , „ , , i , water. al our ' ereaM $ Lt, tui nd add, h then add hall gar, Qfle talilerponu cinnarnon,andr , 111 more ienscs thano eavo nothing to be deire.J hile he origin of this e ost hi obscurity. its:PRP . 0 Irequenters 0 thought' Would write o. kaosr'nt t I hit** As. tv" ths-nu*-0, trealtipdwi(1,.. id 11 ,• • *musk* tutd at liir. ltr ikthelS11. s:adao!.. AndtheyWero..very iuuh aIarmsd I.•.w.** ihrostn• SitdAuVhea xcattldnetwslit,' Pr. Worn. yer 140 glIP0P10 would\ 0 '000 1,011 tiler Throiigli rack of nAtinan.pam,. 4 itch thing SOU1 to.rught Cilthtteitild lives ' very drop of, anguish pre,acr1 patut-womaeSz ; tl „nem.. uid Wise me ough thedarkite Uast...-11,- Star little Christ, who is t� cho Was Yettr soura e 411180 -meteor 7wounds- ia,ad birth Lighting an endless seal A little' child „has ea 0 ear Thc 11 had a bodyguard ol aev- raL u usly-attir alled at tho varivus . i bcin adMission 111 CX - in , an min 11 lama e . one- ide ,. ed out, "liere is id to bo onu common ontiiri bscu4 I fondant-, he bnsis o bonbons,atpoiutcT tigar witb. ono ding Qne--fourljh o tartar., Stir o $11 nts with a wooden sltoo laCe on thc fire and let it coat rbjl. --Skim thesyr )inot let the sugar gra sideshe of the kettk, and a Ordabire the idea prevails that a ilver coin from, the OhriSto Maa morning offertory is sovereign ti for 0.0$ ill that human flesh' n A,ceordingly,,- an. hou se. 'who' happens to have -an ail- ing • . &or other person in AS house hies -him totheeleramai. of 0)0 pavan o nristmas mornit.t tit light. nto narrow • leglaze =AB t 411401kt-40r to ilosophieal mind 'Chrititmacis corne4 of errors in whielt 'is go 'about porchazing •,ts for -those who- want uti utilities for those . who, tuts, and both. for. those who ber t, Itrlstreas spirit that slither. or custom stale. sot•,„,,Imeriten ie in thc ehOOSirtg, and -the j 'reform that is .so devoutly r b Christmas socio. *gist* ,ought to be directed to- wards Vie assistance of the ehooser Tather.t 'towards- theiabolis 00141$ gif Inn rt u e re- uneenand the - *is * lie*ize; nted by. acts,..and .vi g„ Emerson says", to. ray of beauty .out*alueg any Utii. though he, 'ar.trnits that the -ye. cissity of the prospectivel reeipient is *treid to the gift. giver,. -"since, if .• the -at my 4100r Is without s1icea 11 hkfott not to .toroliOet wheth4 paint b07.r.„2 ft- ivi to the shoeless andshoe f paint, but the 'bless. king. shines -through al Ad makes the Christ. ,ore tsger with. the sou year. to 81%1 o flowers tigSnti liLtic figure. Thi5is recipe.: To one. pound o ugar ;add 45,..rau Oh, --feat on :the:Point of„*Sil r ble*k*ifniet beat well. „With :four aratee :eggs ;Ahe Juke and .gra rind of one lentort and one pound SOtiv.: O•tintis-Cre ser.st oral 'Ur& on small pinata are, rolledoutthin404,,pressed osef the with anise and left, over tight, wben 'the molds are removed and the Cakes baked ,on -buttered Marzipan.—Tho confeetion with.. ont Whic chiltro max Would no eomititte, nia-40- ' I - he Wide world was thatght4.8hnt'14*', tit'ottenl,vcireninw.‘,.a, onld tor , t deer; , sr lid. our' 'best' it- fectioner:s adclin 'haif 4:M110a 0 WOU Ow* 0-40004.-0 bitterAhnonds-peit Sne. Work the sugar itt gradually, roll, out Ort'a sUgateds• 1)040, into , ese: rd and juL into I ced cherr'is arc tho-topi 11 in a 1 : , 'in the oven. 11 it Lro is done. • • „Quaint Dutch Ca child. rd of Holland at welt aa tht4i' , dd- trs , Consume groat quantities' nOr 'What they tall St. Nicholas take. '. :men French do the great- er part ofheir feasting-and!gi y for t'hildren,, they serve dclicious honeyea e made after jliia failtio,,Y:' Three quarters 01 * pound of 110110r is heated with the same quantity of sugar, a half pottlid 'of sweet almonds, both pounded t�\ paste, are added; •four ounee* of candli'cl lemon .peel -and the grated rind, an'ouriee, each of cloves .and cinnamon, Ounce �f sodi.' For flavoring the.,favorite rose water is added: to the *Mount lot half a teacuPful. Ploui is kileatin. ed in, *bent a pound and* quarter. Whenthe mass, oold rplf out, p cherries -corer the top, and ha.ke. in rm. ,hen. --Mix Ono and two pounds. of. gr&nulsated sugar,heat *lowly„ and' boil 'for 1fteen 1141144es,, thn stir until toll sprtut orettitt r 'ori too, plae In van, and stir frequent- ly an even light brown other pa.n pteee *tiro an a oil Ming. n . •For this eoin the epplieant re- ceives -t • veted-saeramer.int-ehill ,ing, Which, on,t*eing taken home' htn* around , *4 ailing_ onots ne ttd 311. popular...loop:posed ,to effect” siLnipitto. cure:for-the' complaint, no matter 'What it may be, ups IlOur, 0 000 and viiiiuij 0i aoPtil,14e,three hours. Goed Plum Pudding. NearJ hr' eus o!- brad -crumb, halL f suet, (ehopped 0 .c wound on , of a * cold. 'water., This is"ia rtant 'When the bolt). chid (.2.38, degrees 40n it tOrgt a $06 bali in' col 'ter, pour it slowly' and .a slightly oiled , platter, an ' t, • not. on ages. on LO sot'aside. to coot, On04#4 to hoiden at thi to#111i4. emit' men. e co 1-,k •lc:Change has to be obtair- lecting atm pennies' any differe0 .Inaidensi anging-the'4,4p.pers for e sue 's raisiris 0110 CUp currant up.thinlpi n thor-4 then n,dd tFc crumbs, tbre-quarterz teas or;.einnariton,, quairtera.teesPoon vleves, one - teaspoon mace. When *ell 'ratted again, add the well -beaten h�ZM it the t and tio:144_40134w,oWveith.ots r 7451 irnft.atioiI!I of Dr. #s Norway line -st:iyorsor, lorrutitn, Apuit alo,;yaletti*0-Own.wgrOjilti,teingr 1:Af*tf°1rhaittIr:ad1 tlo"beate of the cg. ' Steam ix t fon a, 0 , ooden-s ArSt-bico cloudy a then ehangee, a wbtc ere thou knead it 4001 'Perko Put the fondant into an earth wara_ Pa/fort untilon re ready to it -4t will loot! a leps make the:centres of the • hon. hens, take a.smalt quantity of Om on au w -in 6 .panut; of nut meats, to forn lls. Other centres can d -tewtfo Juiee with some of the ratcd rmd,. or a teaspoon of raspberry or tams* om jam, et., with -eOnfeOtionor a aiia, fill very stiff. Let tholifairts stand Ova hours 'to harden. Melt some c of the 'fondant in a bowi- hot -wet - poundalean.b.oef iii 'water unUl Ititeleti d then chop fincly. one pound fnely ehoppcclbeef suet, four pounds recto n, cored and hopped atioes,',,'three pounds sugar, ree poun4 Currants,. „t*O,poinarla •'aiSiflS,One;grated iVitmeg„, bolt a. eapoon ,ground ,the grated' ind w0;2oranges, and one Ion - In Yorkshiro another curious rempdy --use be confidently re!' liod on; There,. any time, between, Advent and Chostmas Day, it was th cttstom to earry round * surrounded with evergreens, „ ers." us -daers, urry ifor :the mar - body who was generous enoUgh to make , ae,contribututn „WaS allowed the rivilege,,of-taking It leaf from t a ox; ['1113 leaf was tirbtriftt infallible' 'remedy -for -the. In toothache. UOM MAfl1' Tooled Le ve and ade, from ea dn containing Inexpert - May be etled. A tt roe feet Music, caSC4-4111 an copy, on pap. ace leather on jieceuf marble or soaps -t.otio."with Pattern On top aind trace all lines with a hard pencil. riiilunt' wet leather -10:1111t0 *fit on ,Asirong side with *;-14-Ainge or scft .ver „all hues nut pick, pressing bzrd. -lott, tosthg 1 . et !bring out the Merely placing :and pounding *tittis. are, 'used, Itar.: _ g letters' owersara utwol as formerly obaorved in the same at 'county- of Yorkshirewas the urning atthe Yuletide leg.. With - . _ much quaint +quaint, ,ceremony, „.s myster- ious, but substentiatpieee of wood , was brought,in on twelve nights' in -,Sueeessien,. and reverently . placed .00 the -4rott:_, There at. .itatt..2110 just• -Uand ,—*•- -to„ be seen again: until the foiative sevoii C11100:. roundonto.tbdrei.tettitnitilt • the monolog appearedon the\-firefor many sOceessive dowels; but what"itsts the zneaning0'1 the oxl rdinary -cerontuflyitobody *eem- fid to know, Or,: at any litt<ft: eAlt Itt 1*0 pieturesqUi eounty of, ..Verby a strange custom stilt *urn.: vireo; the origin' otorhielt is lost in antiquity. , fltistutatt Eve,' *Midst general mertirrieist the holly ,whieb,:htain been brought in for Ow tt wrted out by th bled itues.44, r,Mitriety i p1 it there sh i mon'of the fort and reittoi aw if the ea Lhe ter, t lis- oranges and two Ienions, berry, jar itt * e.ol place. Lemon Janice Meat. Take four e •thin,, and - boil the rinds until 'tender in a little water. Squeeze the iniee in one pound sug- ar, add *one pould.-TCUrrantt. one' u c 'agar; 0 eggs, % Ib. liuttor stoned raislus, 1 teaspoon ,-- juico lernonsi and X ..1b. orange peol otnnamout nutmcgo,. ,g111gort; oarraway, mace, the juice of one lemon and X. cup of water. Work 'butter to a .cream, add 4ogar, add yolk*. well 'beaten whites* lastly, 'add, !flour very siowlY.... 41304.1 ill' a eartr*olf' '4J'111, taine I;v4o e an OrUS grate or put through a small -coffee mill, tlielall-be found to well rep. , pay the extra trouble. This cake vouched for by an old-time cook, whosays of it: "The best fruit sake I over tast0d. "Piunl Pudding.,441alf-ib. raisins-,-- Yv lb. currants, lb., boef suet, OZ. granulated sugar, i oz. o. lemon peel, ).• oz. e. orange peel-, l oz. cit. little grated nutmeg, mix well with , tour eggs and a little milk; boil • wite fast for two hours_and a half. ;If 3 oz. orange pit -el andf„.1 blanched and chopped, and the rat. Ton and lemon -peel are outittekit- will vary the flavor- pleasantly. Servo the pudding either with the usital caramel #01U06,or-witli-whipp, 5--tilightly.sweetetted-.0 tor e ice ined „osi.vor rk and diP th cs-• 431 an, -0110-4 moo. Itein---out-atrf-ty them on oiled , paPer. \Alien they at $tiffoued-theymean bis dipped a be _treat e , Cream x11 loud -Wilt over ha yr, ft .1a few . r i or win- ter green, end' drop the tip af spoon on oiled paper. ippecr Wilittits....Milt and or the fondant,. 0,04 dip halve *lints, as hon -bon ,..centres ipped. . 4 delicious fondant is 'insid4 by 'ng--Maplet fluor:- instead-, 01 -7 -the d mooned pc- el when tnzkiog tite. pies.' • the days when our mot1cr*ercyoungnoClri5 Merlardiir-was complete -Without- at. earthen Ur of delieiouts ol daiutl ea follow 1.5 pave year old recipe: eu granu1ate %sugar, one eup rich eream,-one-half tospoonfut soda, on elf 'teaspoonful salt, ,one tea. ut vanilla; add d043iti flour .01 rather stift dough. about . one.third in s. Cut into . squar e opera, cream e two ctips of sugar, three4ourths of a cup ot.Itour ovate, three.fourths of 1, aira: e riftei a It of tartar and talt. Ittfair sour, cream 0164: on the' back of ring .catofully to remove " - When in the- mixture is - 17 vnooth, move to the front' stove* and boil about Onteo, er of It initztes,* until a soft nn,hall *hon a l'etw drops are, put to cold .water. *move from tho ire a'nd 'Theta, nut a er thetruld tutscand--flavo 000t) an cut into stinf; :---841tana -.ch000lates oak ight a maU *Mount of the . best.' sultana retsina in $4,• -little aVnretnwehithS. tthsell'44g04111rrs4)u*ntritlitnilb'sioli' zold cronlje stitrittvor4liehtbrityit ' voilliu Mold.. the fondant into, ,eirialt-ionrid- Ulla: with a re8 itantr—untirthe ou1kfile:41s. ' and firm} ,then clip into mter hotolate and drop onwaxelted bit.' ONION WIEAVIEll, lr011t01$ On Christmas day „pito ions in a row, name etch at oath, and put salt on their to 06- 01) which the salt i* melterl insidc of twelve days will be 'wet tnanths. oden lig that canno Ohba notoriety, sometimes co ore t an the othe,r kind.. ane y acroas, eay- ineb Margin uncut a '4eparato- At slit* by s through. Fry hot lard until .raw&y seeds may 'ring., if desir red sugar, They abould bo ting, ut realty onug tboubtftdxss rites -4 mien at eve gt4sista by express. On remo voritsgs. m Iriend'es, Le • vtruch *oune4 that -