Exeter Times., 1908-12-10, Page 6Vto0q, d utpd onZ%iPW ' u caltdis 4000 oeial tnd eornniercutl. ztccess q keen.as .victorht , and the vanquishe time when nevea and bo ina , ras o it) �I�ieOOfl, tezrogatzon awthebedor 4.040 „- and don't atij to tlie 00 drawnwas up, and 1 never ex ed to SVC tho U041 �f it'agai was Ot0T4d0a by our farnily tk,etor, and tied zevcraL other remedies', butwith no benefit,and I telt very monarch- i the Czar ,of Russia Th Pet m for the needs of ise.' Jfl *ddition tbc press and, the Dor. egteh baNTO 110 4110W44 V on 'why any nian or woman ear GraveL It is pur Kidney .ueh be either eured or sgaiteit y, the uc of ner CalvinSuyder, well ter, 1[esay . .onrnent wbero of trthheoi royeroallutd Trua ailway xn, at St. (lathe Ines, At rio, situated "The We ." where the ills of life are al- viated by bathing in the alin quentiy ntij their U 0 ent ngileges •sr r ny tem of ,pu 0taftek manuscripts r zrds see o e chipmunks stayed hidden. le gusts of wind rattled amo eeds and tossed up dust sad nit,' OuTat Y$ but ut'was toe st ay before-theLhafwa Viethrop, the road crossed a li eek at MI easy ford. Kerry w preaching this creek when ilt .0. cloud dritting e a, winked from the 'edge of it. ;Harty:did not Mind getting wct . tatt thendet-iterMs Were- another matter, .And yet it was as far bad; riPw as it WAS te..Wiutliro ;, and be.- sides, he -hated to admit that he WAS 'afraid. 8.0 he- crossed the creek. The lightning 'Winked and shivered again, and the day grew darker. Th� Int5 cloud sealed to Pitch and the e,d esof it t a *dif Men r.ct, o faster, his heart bea hard., The airgr�w colder', and the c*minend tIin to all. tre,eble There is no mystery about the urea Dr. ilItame Pink Pills niake: They qt /111 -11113 -Wood, way ted the nerves �ot.o he dieazo Tliatis wby- they -61-re $4611 0111trion aiThitntsas anaemia, pimples and . eczema, in- digestion,_theumatism, neuralgia, St. Vitus dello, paralysis, and tho irregularities in health ef growl/3g giris and women. Sold by all -me- theme dealsor by mail at 00 cents ' box, or six .boxes for $$.50, froin the Or Williams' Itlediein‘ Co., lireckville, Ont. PAY-S�EET OF KING 0110°u o more ram. fen, , - ever, and at last he reached Win- TAB PAY -SHEET Or.`KIN. throp, rode up before the hard - Stare store. Ife found the propti TS A ,!'llISt." tor outrin-lismti---looking--curious westward, wheneellarry has! come. ."Something funnyhaptening out out way, son," he said. 'You -Wait e cVcttann0-1* to ey Mar OonLrastcd s/ito4 WilL;11 begg '415 these g ner0 rgaunu a 11.1, malleF ont,nttiti$ proportion, The Kingbut the 413troo' a e ives uate to keep -kra nation 1 got a bo of PIS are bcg e 1 81 heard and use L)odd'R rius slighb urinary disorders, you never be troubled with GraveL you have Gravel,Dodd' - *sin, 'OA ‘0,41.00tin'tolt,etlieo4h45ttoesel e- for. tweak .P. a 0 e` the refit .exc ' Detform.their , TA contributing usually disordered diget3tioC en's Irp," e Pills, prepa eientds %:trineiples,': 00 sti »indcd4hat. et in_este411-- n--,thcui pass.thrGugK and act upon the' to own "concIuively that1 there aro v1hg1ijiYImd1iswbici7 Value that cannot It :11roidca : cure for someYeVt1414 gry leet and ignorance :ed upon 100,22# itOW01/02', we known that otahlo Pills, ,41istill. from roots -and herbs, are a sov- reign niedy. -in outing all disor, 0 dent has a salary and allow ace, o $24-0,000, whilst the President of the `United States has to uiake beth ends meet on $50,000. And yet, with " all tlfeir enormous -ebines, sem° of these great poten- liaties of the earth are not half s,o happy 40 many a tertn y411,4300. a 'ear.—London -nits '"-0"-3w.olaiV,Nramtvaiw o Bents sucb -terrb1e advantage to the praetieal joker as that ,of a sea voyage, and there is none on which bis jecotifies become more unhe able. The following incident em. bodies one of his most ambitious "efforts. When we vim in tho middle of he Guf of S th ve estinlat li'atute .'.7. nat tets to, oa , we ve, to;,,-,t1W, we are oueei d * enough to deciar antisa1e prepared to be 0.0)t to their power iu this Guest—"Waiter, . take bak this qof*eitk. It isn't cooked. enough." Waiter -71'I thought you, said you wanted it underdone, Gues n eidonel Why, it's so .ra 'ear it bellow." „ , *.filoOt 40 '10zu sot*, sous to the- itit;;Iont thVeolnovg1000411r4000tinV winter., po1dt li tot.***111r tOk0 hatefe t ray A. ne1.ctsd ooId Is toioulilescowf. 3345 SCOTT &TREITrTWt0T0, Stook �rokers &FinaflC1agaflti ineomeof, $4,800,000 Is listot Considered .Excessive for \ Tbey had seareftly gene into the ,shop, when the ram came down in fifteen minutes as Sally had never Teen it. The whole world seemed fell of water. Thislasted for fif- teen minutes; and it was aceom- • rank& by a-strattge roaring noise, which „puzzled -the storekeeper as _much _as it did. Hsrry.Then .the acknsahl must havo the ails7"---Ar the storekeeper let go.' When he left Winthrop he fowl the- road ahnot..svastietlzeut ike a strip *river was run o s a * -Gernian-Easperor as f Prussia wants to have his salary raised. At present he receives from the State 4050,000 as German Emperor Ana 444011_10 as King -of _Prussia.. The last increase, whi0 amounted'- VAS MatI0,1111 intho sOCQnd year, of 1118 i-eonesarc hold ilt/On life is a ir very first sYmPtema of trouble Ilaby's Own Tablets should be gi-v- n. . -Tins niediet_oe mite, sour stonittili, indigestion, diar- rhoea, Oonstipation,,,lecthing troll - Wes and other minor ailments. it Tall ood_for___th w her 00% AS -the vell-Vova:thild. hers have the guarante9. of 0, 1E0 tom:lent „analyst, ..thatAhiS -mediein contains no opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. Mrs.. Cressiitan; New Hamburg, Ont., ea,ys.:,— bave ,Ps,c0,..130,4Y% Own lkableti for stomach trouble , and conitiiiithitr with marked lot:lavas. 1 reel that° My -little ones are safe when - 2.5 effifi fatf this nature,. on - tent to sit and believe., but many ex- cited travellers dashed out of the alging-room to have is,100k, at th 0 --for .continent. They- ently citate:"baCkin the worst of tempers, saying that the chart* and all lier authorities declared o a 11 111 d that tilers was cortex I in sight. - "Wal, i Iii'say the .shore;" returnecl the ehampzon joker. .‘ guess there's land right under u not three-quarterief A mile a ---- ---- -------- - y, 11'10914*.ren,4145411 0044.0.0004041431%;t1,40014) nint10401.4.iiko i. yr idei..of 'a' sane man is .One who n be in love 'without acting a „.prctty important.p dna t•bl!t P14404, 404471 -et I"- a stranger. "linportant exclaimed the, native.. "Why, you ten ete--having he , Weather her wells up as ithe thought he made Often what appear.to bi. the m occurrences of lifc prove tc e-most-.moreentous..-Many ar ti'iposed to regard a cold as **Ugh deserving defel consider ttn. an' this ne leeten Yong* $tr9,1ct, Toronto' poostottoitu to tit. iterotivri Istirons 0$14 pprtmutl 101.0criti t htttivt- • ipt.lorsinist OittOto• • 2iLD_Itemts1.14, ri* tchintr4,1 41'1414040 A incorse exceeding 04,500,000 net a despicablik.isum even, for " -hat those .:W1:10:' IS. DAV eXcessiv* -tone here_iko, beatent sal dirty. But it was whei he reached the creek that Harry s most surprised. trees e don-mionstshed Oat in alt soft of smaitioni;--only--tw-o--e three alba smaller ones had been left standing. . And ' the water; hieli bed. been �nly & fey/ inches t, before r - vas uite:' frightened.- But one - emained clearly an his mind .ifather- tha Ati S,--211-bket—UrttA Prinee into the .eteek, and slipping and g,'4,--the-steadst Old Ilene wet -thto The 'water ennui so high . that Hrry had to draw up his legs„ but thit was *II ',\„ nd ouee,-on thc ather side, ho 1)44 a clear road gone more tlian a when Ile i aril him nearedid v he:t the taeh other. that,i \his father. tried -"Atv. its face was White. " Link so," aff Tfarty, In a 'That was an is father. "It.blew 49w ,ft-trillf, a 'iro,4 tb.ug.t f& 1tse ty3ing. 'titer isat zy Shoat ) Did you, .t t� 1. tilitop 'est,' sir, Royal Family,' and that verylittle comes frow:the Royal domains. The goiter has several hunilte uniforms and his tailor** bill runs complotc /Monts of alt. the Prus- ilan regiments -horse, foo and ar- tillery--bz1d* the regiments of those of whirh he - hold* honorary rank itt aPpeio mnt i- perfect,o houldet a unt- lorm. itself,. to jowclled accoutrc- anents 1t or APTOCRAT. When., ho travelS.it is always in mtiph slop 40 Ceremony and et - °moulted, 1 rm., retiutto., Hence his ofleia1 nue is not - 'Witten ttiV0 00- O 141. p flea paiaeen, and nutty houses, and innumerabk firma' and- forests, ii&fis:expopttd a maintsin tho.By al theatres mci Catsel,; andyinuat als'o foot bill for• the Royal toneettlf., .0- is-tery-1 'way ;If 1(z ithy rets. Only a few. lkrr Wilhelm Ifildebtend le state worth .$14,000 ar n 'hard rash *gift 'mate t of a West Prussian lan Colonel litletop Was under nful necessity of administering a9tig41ti4)n-44-4' is la ors, be said sternly to the, u(fering • victim.: *Now, tell me hy i pueialied you "That's it,'" obbecl. "you nearly' pound 0-0ut -01.--tnef-and-rt O. know tvliy -Ykut 11,14 horse and cattle Cine of passing merit, '''..A.7hotse d cattle rancher still find ntatters reatly simplified by using this OiL Mark Partin owe had a lovely time in Veniee. There are no tabs there, you know, •beouse the 'street*a all full. of water.' One biros a elia r4.4$ cognaza reme y • or of-the-tbroat and liatat• Aina "X whh 1 Jolt* hoyir, eould mike you very,- very haPI! L Jkit3ai.kyrite to your lather and esk him to.simet your -dowry!" t ' ,.!w&ys i4 For f U •X.1OT1flltO. 4.1.1:11* Vic "111—'14/171 10' tht snd VbI4-<*' UAW tl -arc Infiatttfitt,'u1.,- itifintil__";14Letqfifttt OM, rAill 11101i• Ca/ ettero 000114t3tiOlif eOrri'tP.,d.t4. Oland lute over rex .,to- the cultivation ,ountri',-14iPetoes" Coachm\a/t. t horse,that has stopped at hou$0 to, former patient Hilo on, you fool. dead." The, t -yon yati may be tie (to Aelici,mie and *atoteil than :r gtes.farther. - tboi .ithSem L,rftc tar you in ihls way. .0.op • tb the chances are lt ears t,eatmcn* tote* 0401 sole* ireelited,wIth tries Y.Pf"Pit.htit„ 'dress cloein't my on. 1.'„iiust.ehin or litet Jean' ,3 0rum rn ran mean the complexiou 1. )fl 'Sit TflOt at.44': nly one, opinion' as ahtyof Mother Getty mivator. It sat 7 dust, . - ry 0 pop thingi they rnake ;others roles'e onl heit the dr.g. it witd Are,you.a ufttrtt with tormit ca, keittleof ott ty /tort" differefic ety that ty they Us Ed Correctly, ofopin- tt there. is lus Worm lx - sure and fame nd - - _ de ad ded to any' WWI Of *Ow *nakea t .oloter iststy. oind ineresse* itS value as a'food. A Ouse BOVRIL, in" the gm/4 impiostement with roasts or al ttECOG. aftor ktkswho hay uaI retiu'i1 lion