Exeter Times., 1908-12-10, Page 4.n1 the aszej
TLo. Coward an. ' tV4
,..._ in irectiden Mogi . . a
The auctiore sale ot ,.r... Tbos. Dur
le eveaerday Wlia iVtleSY Att
&fl41 M..t.tritk entend inovin
0 .Venton. eres. hOuse be.. ltbet
' Ilegee '! e , , ee,.• .!...., -
114.' ank .Dujdie,.aL lirLSC.Z8s
Ul i.t lo.ne. O. , e'
h t 04, •
of medicine *flat ir 'uo
.tnrie for title moncj aa
oua strengthathingpIuts
Carter' a Smart Wod
• )44041'.' cin
oltoWin e,*4-;-ee.,
, 0 I,.
..1. ta,
fOROEMDEJt ex 19
gets Ift$tt ll
It'Veln.tVehl 0 •
loot ..week clurin,t
(1 by W. Th.(te'r90!....Ofstiic .dyaamo,
punctured ' and' t e • *Vac . ' 15 '
rt''.1*. '001,:r 3 .'ears Olitco-'‘tt ig,* •P
. 0 awl ,was of very heavy ,..iron.: t.
the Se of loft coal is yeti hard
u 0 ava
_ burg
'CALL 4 P - 4,5 i Weur '•
' ttelit - a u
of people came in to0PaY t et 0
°Wiling Dog Store' # Afr. los. Hawkins Saturday morn-
ing returned from Goderich, wher
he spent the Ind; 4ttendihir, .cou
council meeting. 1 e
Mr. Walter Hero, ex -merchant of
• Elie:LAM paid a„ visit to' the village
Cfl LUX41PJ.
t ltratraY44e-bi
cod a good time. Dr. C. A. Kamp-
gave an interestingees well as
ii:Istructive talk "on Itud,yard
1,,ch" was listened to avith---tainute
_rfohn_fi.,._galsetwotod de -
•in e ed an: address on ]Io*10 rat»
Wee. ,Weelearale,sev reee
to the effect, that the n-
eaeergeigulturalepeellefee would do
11 if they could procure his tier -
90 ti3-74-ilmabor of the travellinZ
leCturera for the Farmer's !Usti..
I Wes. flis convincing- - brgunee.nts-
---eeee-eamie-loeiest reationlugli- howeal A WWI-
ItliOrOughlY acanainted Jwitk.thees
deti-';Unat niso`;11):01 Attc'''‘1414 of 0%4
Werience .rather than a_atudent of
LnS -f
taMard Asthesities_pn_Uriculsture
t r na. Dawson has been in the
,vicinity negotiating' with the VAr-. Vreventies, the new 'Candy : Cold
jous milling „comPanles, with- a view Cure Tablets are said by druggists
of disposing of his !bush on- Ws farm to have four special specifio advan.-
o00upied by W. A. Irk, ' Boundary, .tages over all other remedies for a
. eare regret to learn that Mr. Thos. cold. First -They contain no Quin.
Panzer was unsuccessful in his sp- ine, clothing harsh or sickening. ....
. (plication as teacher of ,the Ble.lfort ,
,, Second -They give almost instant re.,
Ambit° school, Sliskstshawan-"It " lief. Third -pleasant to the taste.
'first jou 421:t 044,w1t Am !At bucto44446.1tattru,„44pago,,104.43,
Our syMpathy is tendered UT/1r, for r.,.. 1. cbtidy00. eat] by w.s.
and Hunter meetings in Exeter4
The ditchers on the Pyca drain are
nearly through Id some a the men
_Allite _plat) home. The Weather wag
remarkable' fine or the job.
—The k.le'0..'et-Ple-tteld-etheiretiortual
meating_laategrida.Y...night .end elect-
A couple of .our yoting .men. !while.
sea...emelt-night last week, had, the ,
misfortune- to upset their buggy,
breaking the top of it. Ile more
• Miss !Laura Mrood"'returnell -home
irrday eViMingfrone,,,Acidericisatter.
spending a couple of weeks. with her
r, Dr. irlodgson is vielting her els-
314/4"4" air" Preven,ties-at 25 cents. Also /in*
eit tor the real .oretion. to ealth and
entail 3 v r N
' Tara Abner Fullerve sale passed off
sees eatisfactorily last fWediaesdaly.
• although the weatherwas anything
---but--4avorabe--14bin -Zed
• %Cod prices, pork and heef being
beyond the means of an ordinary cit-
izen. •
• 'The Eirkton Milling Company' who.
Maize been subjected to dispaettging
•rtmarks can tIOW afford to smile. Oar
-e•-• t
'they guarantee to grind your grain
to milt you.'
TXLa ether in this vicalnit,y needs
Mee W. at Elliott last week shiP-
PO a carload of horses to Montreal.
numbereif_zerahere took in tine
evangelistic meeting' in Exeter Sun-
day evening last.
. Mrs. -John ,Coleeill, who has been
suffering from inflammatory rheu-
matistri' for the past month, lis now
VII the mend. • •
local prophethave had dreams and
' ewe rain. ahedd.
.vereary sermons at the "Anderson
9ST.ethodist church, last Sunday!,
—176'ntlag---ittzer- Li) ---tr-Dati----rr
• ------treaccontateef-overfloweeatecoPY
eviltehe emblistedelitesiextea
• • t 1'1•
near ,Fenston Fads, is visiting her
brother, Thos.. Oliver. '
"Miss Sarah ieil has been, re -en
•tan -;" "i etho ist-Ohtirctr
position rwblc1 she has held for a
nessan ther part and to the reat
eatisfaction ofthe congregation. •
Methodist Sunday School- will beheld
on, e, COM of tilisementheeSpeelat
The old fashioned Tee of dosing
weak etornacle, or stimulating the
heart or kidheys is all N'vrong. Dr.
-----Shoop-efirst-eicainted-otet-eliis-erro •
rEhis is wh his rescri titan D
hoop s restorative -is ree c en-
tirely to the cause' of these ailments
..-.the Weak inside or controlling ner-
ves. It islet so difficult, toys Dr.
Soo. to strengthen a weak stom-
ach, heart or lathier -44f ono goes at
.rbeeorrectly. Balch inside organ has
• ft s controlling er inside nerve.
• 44117hen thesa nerves fall. then
ose organs must
b (These vital truths • are
ading druggists everywhere to
---dispensand- zereenmenal-,4)r....-Sluseete
-Restorative. Test eit lof..tlatye, and
lot Sold by W. 8.
John iGerher,"
eeorenterart. Of a '41.-
Mr. and %re, Ed, Nitilbeitn, of
'Haden, are =visiting the fatter's •Xtar
sats-4f,r,e--and.--Ilree David. Sarver**
Santa e ila e,
Rev. S. peach, of Stratford*
and 14\ev.,,it II. Dean, of Crediton as,
t :“..I c
Ifere NOIllie en mom
Installed on ;the • rural line, \ The
wire is,. up and the rest of the Work
will.be done as soon as that phones
feur-subse. • s..on, 'the nem' „line
opine to ban . There are no* thirty
and as many more wl e
want A. telephone in the next few
, • .
y ng 1SOU -
aumbell died On Friday - est aged
months. The remains were inter-%
ed in the• Hensel). cemetery Od SUM*, •
teirwrir tteairrettill
cholera. -
Tho Momap's Mit.
of the Methodist thuibli 'here. have
/vitt a bale of goods to the Deacon"
ess' Home, Toronto. for distribution
The annual meetingtof the 8taidly-
dey evening, when the following of -
Ci \vete e •
year. Supt., Wm. Anderson. 'Asst.
Chas, Vairball: Veoretatry,- Rebecca
McCoy; rrrects., irb04, n0y40 vbrar,
Him Uuo. Daynham;',Drgartist, rledi
• (Last Saturday while Geo. Heywood
• was assisting Mr. Holt. 'Robinson
tope in iter, mouth, %vilest it bit him
Oa the first finger taking off the
a e ,; ea • e , •
It. 1Lck: ANN tat IVI4X• -Mtaltan: ftirea
mediate clateses 'Misses Flo. EsserY,
Allie Hicks and Annabel) Swann;'
Mace and !Laura flutt as assist
-Coughs-that are tight.T• -or -dist
• -1-iineeneng1
certain hc1p Rom Dr. ShoopTs gil
Itetdedy. 011 t115 ACttittlIt trtuitglOs'
ver yw bc '(? • are favoring, Dr: Shoon's
Cough Remedy. Anal it is entirely_
free from tapiurit. otiltiroforne, or our
other stupefiing drug, The :tender
leavea of a hararaless lung, °healing
utoitittainoult ebrub ;rive to Shotifs
"Irteliirlirtitrafffer Pritifiete"
lice. Those .leaves have( the power to
calm the ,11101,t, distressing:
to soothe), and trent the tenet leetive
brenchial ruembrene. "Mothers. shcild
-ewe, ea tete% 4..eilteenioneie AltrAISAVA
Mudd Dr.ltilienta's. It reit wth re -
feet freedom be given to even* the
..eoengeete-trattese -Tetet-tt•
telfra-tultate-1-----Sold by lar: 11 Hewer.,
for the Vae lc or ere'
weeks 0with ther sister. 'Um Suthe
earland. now vleiting relatives lit
MjtclieJl, but intends returningto
[before' leaving for her hoolg.
in the west. .
Oessrai« Matfatrti ' Joh titou. but-
Mrs.- tai.; J. aloes has returned
to her borne in 'Goldfield, Nevada,
after spending mix weeks with her
father, tate nerriard ithomS. 4.1
,Leettitt ia.Vee...2,LeWeceiffreyeeo_f- -Tendon
ettitoba is spending A.
Our (Sabbath Elthools are arranging ..for Christmas entertainme • ts. •
:1.41:4,:e.1:0414.17(fct• :1411flve 6 eP
eePS s
X 1 ioufkg .tpigs.a11"&"15 h, •
nEkilrffi,-,- Binder, ine
seed ( 4 • t vatar, welki
tOtekr..1 X11.01., -
two 0-rurrol barrow;
eboxetesragoneet' 'aback-
,rae.151; Democrat ; Vuggy, reel;
artaper t. (log and dog •. power; cutter
• ay fork, rope slings, pullets .end
car; sale van and 15.0 Palle tand Stiles
large kettle.- forks,. hoes, etre, aka*
some household effect', "
rettenfe. ebardwoe
us -good 'Wel in good alafgaiiif
cultivation. . Fell plowing done and
nine acres co, fri6lItts.whrit in.
frbe terms of the' farm Will efiLIECTioNs Parts. of Conada and in for
made knowzt Plaice -
I ,Sattais• o an libilar7WthT.
will be given on futtri ing,
ed *Joint notes. A dieco t_of 5
en per , annum will-• a owe for
cash on credit amounts,
MRS. WM. vitiktivrs, JOS. WH E.
ue .
**Fr ,.....4400.0.00,-00.4.44435*-trotkt,
clal Schodls of the Province, is the
-01intoneffluainesseCollege.--Tbee Boo -
cess of its graduates has not been
excelled. The new. advertisement of
this excellent echool is to be found
on page eight, We understand that
any young people who are laboring
under the false impression that they
can do better in a city school, svill
be given free transportation to the
great Electric City of Peterhoro,
of the pottlidi011 as to UtAillifACtUring
OttltPlIts While .atteUding the Peter -
Moro. ,41311,1141tWX011,12.1401..MAY.A.§,
minded a.quarter venturer n 0. they
• •
• W. E. Stanley iti745 in Cobalt last
week in the interest; of the Cana.-
Owing to a pressure of business a
Ilene B. irermant, Vs Sa• of this Place,
o t tb s. ion of
veter' ari •inspector tendered lIn
- c_Dominton- Govermnent.
G, W. Ras, ke. R. G. S., of Brazil,
Stanley -Opera iloUse.Friday night.
he. interest or the ill • Co. Was
()rand :Bend
re-are--thaerineteet-littlee-run- _of
sTdighing just tow Hope it stays
• d at W. 13: Oliver's 'on E11114414 -r
council on eriday.-Mrs. Pit-
-etersoir Is lyingezeriousiyeat.the bona
of .,ffer daughter, Mrs. Robert Vol -
lock, -and owing to her advanced age.
her zecoverY is. very
Havelle having got. matters straight-
ened UP. interlis starting up again
* in Brenneea gall for the winter,.
and sto doubt in the upring .he will
bead more :commodious store,
..z7.--*IPROGItirSEILta- •
The Contra, Business College, . of
,areat practical •training school of
-AVestei'tr--Ontario.-4hey have--thro
departments. Commercial,.ehorthand
and Telegraph.V. and the coutses give
ea are thorough and tgactical
4 Chair
graduat aro in demand. The Mans
agentent are extensive advertisers.
'being firm thelievera in the uee of
printer's Ink. coStheir card Vise -
where in -our - columns. '
_ ,r,nr xcu
BUM lampee....eseved:on. the United
antt 0410r -661V COnntrien bnetight and said. 10
Exeter Branch ISFACHaniso41 Manager
EtVz_.‘ Ea** num gkealitnti
Eititutsvia. 20 Years.
U. was Saurtertsost at how the
Thelliart " ifortloesirCI: blood
, disease vdth whi I bad been indicted
for twOlve Years1 h1nl, coasettedesstore
or dim token all' kinds of Wed
mineral water resorts. but onir got tem-
19liet. The? vitmid helArne f Or a
t alter discontinuing tne inedi
ptozns would bretk out
`b Op'
looseness of•thehairi swellings
. 0 tito Or l3outh
America:, two bandied in a manner-
• redeseferewell banatitt to
;1704441.3itt thOtt 10age
....uratigi night. .
Zd order -etarelessou 'floe -et-
their clergyman, who has-been irf ill-
- health, the %Presbyterian • ociogregae
Aeon of thisogaca has decid?cleto- dise
continue for a limo the evening
serteres. .
om nervousnesS and dyspepsia
hould use Carter's tittle Nerve
Mlle,. which tire. made expreisli for
sleepless., nervous 4y.ipeptie. suffer.
▪ Prl
. ,
BEFONC 41---Tutatt Actillits" oe42n when : • -- orion-vatonstrot-- '
etc. I had Oleo up, ia
. friend: advised mete consult you. oleo hod cured of a similar &ease 8 years ago,
1 had 'whop% but took his *deice, , in three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up
Mid I *came encouraged. I continued the Now MirateliTsursturr for four months awi
44 Xilek end of thot time every.symptom bid distippeortd. X was cured 7 years ago and no
• Otos of any difeStelabWr-Nrzoy; Ihrorrearirolknotontod-ood-hmithi. 1 oertaltlir
mu recommend' your tnatment with all iny heart. l'Au can refer any person to ine,
preeeteeee but you,: can, uoe this testitnatibe 0 lica *tau'AY' 1"
-_, _ . .'
. Mon. SIUN and rilrifATEDisoonsoi URINARY* BLADDER avid KIDNEY contlerits
FR :.:___- ola,,..11.arie ou loot hope? Are yon Intending to Marry? gek
• .
1.442willWrWoci7V-hat it hos donator lothets it wilt do for yeti. Vonsultotlen
NO matter who hnstreated you,write for an tioneot -opinion keen of:Charter
reasooable. Bookiihea.4. ' 'Nnoitor," iniustrated} OD vlsensenor Nen:
. ...... „
140 NAMES USIZ-6-''Sittiillifit '' 4 - * . _ - _ , _ e _
eloottloa !Ist *eel 40* 110,40 Tookfit EWE.
inewspsper or in,agasine i t1II
All. fiour made fronl wheat'
ilaut there are. clifFerent, „
Nth 43 -
you Wyss' witittiq4 mut?
MCI to stand enth &140--zazt
• peittl3 among sIt Bot sliest
eirer iog
• • irst-as-antlri roar vrict
w1tt1ea ba.4r. Cutting luskse kiaw.
2.rximangicit1t proltice!st
e aid and 1.• 4Y-fikly-fitar trontreal,
It is in_ it class entirely J ttSelf.
It is the greatest- and farm
uner -printed to4lityrt-It imijjy
inarvl irattALur.-4-
in •the, „Yeter-4n-that-great, wackly-'
dollftr invested ,for 1909 will be
the ibest dollar you ever spat.
. •
llow.:nit is titerterort o 13.s.. No.
• I s%trtr., tor the enoteth \of Noe.
Iap.s Voe.Oforeion OreeleY 184 :0145s
-Vera. Hod son 1St ; Willie
Mr• Rober•
t Higgins last week par-
-SiticalietlftW -I ,
chased the lig oyti1/44...1uptry, ‘roto,
linu-lIeltr on of - the poneera
or this section, is Very III at his h,r4
;qr. Hobert tialrYmple is oo
to hs hild. on;socount-of.,illin
Itev. W. M. Martin. of"Hactoir-
letver preparatory serinoti
'0e, 1$, ,= '
Mr. liernard Thoinson,,Wp
dilringt=the tast we*
erithIY iniproveit.
Isti$s Itargaret Os)
W'rolteter viSiting h
Thei fowl sUPPer and
nuder the auspZres or
e-.nutritzous p operttes or
ird-wheat-in •it nest -an
uniforrnly light, wholesome bread -
\or—pastry because its 'quality never
vAries.. If* your grocer does. ,not
perfitalt grotod int411 tbarpette4 WO,
**Me el the essoitilis Ls' a kl:Az
cuttl ed fat
en, ex.
vratd"... s
tedtedoa este sate -
„ .
reuse sett li tea frei grem Arri„
dirt 4troi &mkt futtei4s. etrftctly
fiiiie4farritlt cube*. Calk* trreelift,
teiecity and tOtOtilaeso to these
teeth« To et potentoto
it tett it is **mai** by £re
nth ,11,•rA • „i
—the re caibu qit1cer Ike
onsmoption reallt, htittle 474
crionly atoll teetk„ • .
A *Cy hos teen (2100ii tO taxi A.1...4
rcatcit per cent. uf ,tittilipA tott
t root**1 ekctrtt,
s(y;:f;tranoSsniliPerldmotili'l°arna;nalailavt-r 1 ibbo lo DYle Is° tr a imethe eo' beadAngli)°,,tele7ieatfnaaKt. 01011041
artitobs, Saskatchewan, or Alberta*
Att,,omPlitcAnt_ntlistAtrileAr _14 ,persras
at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Seib -agency for the district. Entry
,tvrtain:. condition'.. y---xel112
son. ',daughter,: •brothersor, siskr
fintendLng otnesteride '
ion ot tbe Ian
of 1115 batne4
snitYeesdIvointhilltillairrInit *Mt! ft least 80 aor.I
so!etyowned slid oreupleki by him'or ,
f*ther,,, mother. son' ,Ottiehter‘ '
1.brion.tb. et4r;tortinicidsti:triiit, ts. lioni:ea. itaao
in good *tootling may 're-etottt *
,-Iriarter section' *alongside .1:date's:Wt..-
,Years fromdate of hgme5tead entr
.(inottlfling the time requiretl ,to eitit
hortreettepavidi opria,itreani_.t) tt,rid. • c:Litiirta*
- --Atheterseeseer svna--nsa_exeguatelit
tits hoillestead right and catinc[t.oh...
„tain_epre.emption nry take put.*
ebssed .hornestead in certain distrititii
Price 0. Der acre. 1)utieo,00-linitt
res1410 sax.. _tOonths.„in 040:h Of Orcl.
esrsi oultivate fifty tttres and oretV
hose worth $3001)1:W. ,
ixpotirottoilati.siCloinititkr a the hdoet
If thotibta elibileetteatet this eidiet1il00
• lek lietd
hc 1andru1
• pito.-
A rot
tberirilnet 182; a
tdr misstit exim
San I(GillgeerOalt $4e
. iTohn 1.1Cna1Ps
W114IIl1ft 181; Vivien' firoote.'4101.,
WISlaughton. Teoielie
ars...t1L10. Voir (1**.ot
tt the 1Jt& last Week
uple of deys-With
eelkeve.erent '
eek Wending,.tb
thr 1m1�4.1n,
• n
,larg e4
resen fed 0'67 A eul o
Artot:on„ nf a sieat lne fencg
;`,tim • Zkl,t1/anelit
testfarit .t-;tv
tri,istS or Tthef.its,ith af Lf
AVrittevs, o
15v1,11 .3i, ,fr''001
t • left, toy looreet; 'together
Ir lilt Mkt 'Id,. atia s male •
ret 1. tett thet 4fro. 13
te seattlestiallt
ktcst es . t eI
Anently 4 1 to thk
ield it. tic tuinitpst11
t:oiis in .lanulry Lot TUe' Mbtb
ltluor"Wiwi . At*to 1ued$
ihit .V0141
'rbere gr et t)re'leitt' ft'tr
p -1k in AaWW4two in punt .
1 nnd Eant, At .,J
i , '