Exeter Times., 1908-12-10, Page 1xton,n7Xmas-Week but canr a -muck better now when:the pro** are not So large; , -This ;s Chrstrnas month; The gladtinie Of the year. It inakes,.U*-tignif of our sfrier4sTaukt -*---On4er-iihat we n buy theirs for 4.:XtUitt$ or New Years, present Make this Store your headquarters to do your \\holiday AO.. ing Un4:you wig And us Well prepared to supply your tve .-.-. /4-,...- ihowj ',•i_vit- ons ixt LAd , oltiven are Awn hire in the New pointy 06 0. From 2c. up to sx each, 7 -Vitt! arsilkerchiefs _Over,100dozen of the nicist ra0E01101*evor shown,. • are -showing -son* very eo Scarf* and .F0,00inatook ,for Xmas. Nothing Prettier SwcII *OrBelts t ekv- hewc, all j414 arklireci Odd are the VW tie*lest-thirlir out for Xrrios. lreoM35e, up:to 75c, each., isitev‘;' 'White Waists' nice rot of Nevr' White: Waists for the Xtruni. thorn --Latiles-010 AiVrit'Y'S in demand for this time Of theeiyear, Kid, Cosh- . Anent, Suede. •and Wool la Longrand 'Short lengths,' Millinery Clearance I eurprIiooutbetthi itii*Cotue,te we aree lour Muer eels do it, you wjjI `. certainly get some bargalue. It all tfluet go at lome. prke. SO you Win get the henitite of our loasett We are not counthighow tough !Iv,/ '14 nias 'have& ot af 336W ties. Soineirr-akeseparata /rem 26e to 114.00f New suepeutler0in arate boxes; New XIII and IdOchat Gloves from it to $S; ce , fancy Pox" Shirts" papa and everything theymay' u st -eta forget that Weave- liettiquartess for 'tura, and there 10.notking better or more useful_foritimatcprogan_ irhavelchig-stock-Of 10*Iined gags, ,Rtaff_s_. -.-earbeana,0400-thOgg'11184:0011tAVentikir• triig on our Fur - • lined Coati. They are read beauties at h. Ti union evangelicrsi_ rterViCeir, Nitufbers, are' „alreadt, ,Mantfestiog at tic gen. a, 'Week ago under the, their desires, for. 4 nelkIr =and Christ lrection ot CrosalcY 'and 'gun, _ deepening -in .spiritual power. -Ulm- inclination- towards- that which meetings of Sunday were of ipeCial good, to .make the best use of the interest, particularly the 'evening grand opportunity for decision. meeting, the jamesStreet church be. At the committee, reeetintr on Fri. ng . , Parties NV42.16 here from !lay evening inacoonection with the St. .Arattil,J14.40m....Hert00.1.4...0011 rolisley-ande..alunver,.MOVvin liati and other places. Themeet- ig.Air:013. ohairman otetreat -18-1 Ps- GatUng Oun- finanCevom-ifaittee Vere aVpolreted, dresses are delivered. audiences and' -McCallum. Mr. Prior Was , appointed ,he ;who remains ---untouched 11.%; - any, as Chief, usher -and Mr, of the sharp ehots sort /bring at ran-'' assistant. Efear Mr, Crossley ding In the meet. ing. Itev. -J. i. Hunter wmll .be in the Main Street 'el:lurch Purulkf morning There =will he 4 meeting Or mein only in the Main Street Church next Sunday afternoon at 0.45. 4ddresses ' Crossley sitet rfuntia tUtnnat.f=f,, 4 -ci,ai belng, i1ed rgc 4 10. o wer. liere .e wkaltY i•Sr:airS\ A '' Santa Jau aa his head quarters at Deerinies rs. Berlin wool at Cirtt _The first retilL,Nrinter- Aveatho,r.ot i4 'ounce.lie*season arricred on Tliondaor. : e ay twos otormy and blustery. many farmernd others would like * sleighing at plesent is not had,but (to have wain; tang, *ells went dry diiring the vast fall and there woe .uffielent to keoi np thet 1etsf:17, remember Statham hag .-When your Xmas candieS, The frjcfl(15 of 311‘..sMt - er41 a e George air, torinerly of t I place, -have -received the • -finnoun'eee merit 'or (her marriage, Saturday, ekA:l_nr tratio_.tilitto,wzmicke.Cattei; Moir Arai nwperintendent- of the largo imspitals in New York. Bev. A. 11. Going, 93. A., (pastor of tlic Jams Street D/Lethodiet einireh, hAsiii,t0eioenn7i.tendmertehdolz,thze...unanion _Artitat11343., •di-t.-434124"044,64-P411411,1i-:-.41,t4,..,;;M: 1'i 0"-A $ettre Itey. X;oing• idom, either .keeps :siren tort of range f •;r1:0;Itsir'srLeuntIt t.himselfes 2: c i ;1;1'1 lit- tle hope for ever piercing.. it. , • While Mr. Croisiees song and Ser. • mon thrills -the heart of, the Eaten - and awakens in hini a desire for a better life. t.9 . R. KINSMAN* L. D. 8 D, ..11.13.,:nOrrergr4dtjate otToronto University, - — urgeon . ver GladMan. •ft.Stanhures • 1 Meatic ani. approved principals. n to dentistry,' Office ru d on Main littr&t.4 L at OW* • ,cfraduate 1CtTUfl mel4art, 14411414101.41011. t."0111"arr Afioelite torener liaroirs Rrightv $16 1)fr., ACM 74, tin So Honor Groatiate,Toronto_141.! y„:twt1--yursrvoirdeetrihys •-•'" • IMET132, Oneir, Sales .cort uoted1 t0. Torino rawrothie rdersjIk1 be t at the TIlisIte Mee offering 'scut big Bar ti-nost le 'In O74-481,CRO 140.11 SC1100,14 DEPARTMENT • Form II...viten* rs, Katie Collins 82; ibutir illitartr0-; 78 Tom, Sanders, 70; Pass. Alva Me- MOZ,Ird*re 43; Beattie Martin, 71: TobA_Gestreiehor- 70; Kathleen SteiWire. 4$1101/, 6J; Al! ,t00210:7 0,00114,,49.1„-Altna... Mifterson,ASI a, Rom, 65'; Ida Marchand, '65; 1.3Iittu /10,4-7,tlert 64; Eddie 3one5.,62; Au -rt 61-4 Willie -Vilna"; j.:13I3 Int ltc'yniI..r;.01;1,14r1 copcland 6._ _en_ rr.I,t _119.11,114t Gladoran 67; Staley Ib!cFaIls 61. o. -enrolled 08; 'Aragjpj,,- ltli srAw„ Itottit-AlL ,Tr. II.-Margnerjtc Vicirard Vi: Mary Day 67; Edna-001ms OS; Ituli4 Jr.sel Marshall 50; .Tack -Ilurdon. 47. Pt. II. --Milton IChid, 'Itra? Pat- terson. Barold illoYle, 'Grace Carling Wilfred Beadle, goys (Norsworth3r, Vera Marshall, PrisollikV01114 Wood No. on roll Averagee-ittenden VItl. • • Jr. lionors„ Alio Taylor Rhoda Cieriti-Sli 89. Pass, 'Violet Welsh alerbert-lifector 11: Mildr.ed ardy 03. Sr. Pt. 'II. Millie Mr ---Ors27MairorWa hi 77; Pass, Irene Easterbrook 74; 11 lc Iform H. -trotters. %Villia Monteith 0 84. Tom Penhale 70. Pass, IGladys has- given the matter serious corral& Etratioirivitd-itraraeceliW, -.the=ball to take effect next Ju'atthe arose of the General C.outerexice fy▪ ear. In speaking of the Uncut for a _hockey team to represent London in the O. 31. A. this 'winter, the sPort- ing editor .of the !Camden' Pro Dress speaks of a husky man attending the business college for cover point. Ile. probably refers to our own Oa littrir---41`01140%44t4iii4PArol; ere lasio-doubt but. that Sandy- will -de- liver the goods if he. is A raeniner of thP-4.earo.-- 111.OIRN IIEDAED ,At Zurich on Nov. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs._ Dennis Bedard. A 'ItAI)Elt-At the Doslien Line. Xiay an the 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Bader, 4 1404. ItARAS-rn Thor. Goshen line. on the !tido 1114ta itO Mr. and Mrs. Sarakas, a daughter. . MARRIED . _OUNDY4'67AfTLIAM-At the 110 --me 0t. the brides parents, (London. Road TnIjij-twoorw---ednisaraJha.-rdtk Walter Dimness 72; Jr. Pt. II. Cif. Restle 71, Ethel Case 79, Marie: Dunsford-68, Zoftus Itern 08, Arthur ..L.7 to Coleman. 07, illarry-tfreibrier 07. Vic- -r tar. Seteot el:Larry Carling 00. Hub. f Art-40410-1;3(.1tOftWell,-*140416A,' 62* Noon rd. ltallet Veorge in Ce_rnish_SA: 411.4, VeraEtWeet. .73; ;Stilton fled - a ance-34 - Yrfr- • Wood 76, Pass F. Beaver 73, E, Wood. 68. Connefercial g lIonors, 11, PoPc.$5, P. Ittuiter 80,0ass(fa.tiande ,fOr(1-10, ' Commercliti irandford 03. Form j. ,illonors, '' • lery 80, W. "*We'ismilleur 179,.,C. Wood . A 76, nisi, W. Stewart.74, A. Diasett 74, M. Elston 74.511..Sweet 72,R. Deari.- ing 72.11. Puke 71, LJftacay 69, -14. r.6,11.':Iroggarth 100.'1:11. lianton 60. No.' ow roll 44, Comuter- cial 12. Form 1 32, Daily Average 42. A. M. JOUNSTON, IlOOM IV. A. H. Doing, Gertrude Stathamto M. IL, Cu. •• " DItO enursTrE In Itibbert eri Sunday, Deg.: .6th. David .0.hriatie Aged 88. Stephen, on pioember --Ith-,--119087-ilitoseir1reit1e,- aged, 410 years, 4 'reenths...„and.„8--4431.-- Following is the'correct reportof the standing of S.- S. No. 13, nay,. for the month ar-Noteinaberi___Narnes. in order . of merit. jr,i1 Rarer Pfaff ; Sr. nr; Annie Green, Grant . 1. e 3143 Carrick; Jr. '1I, Mance Hooper, Mr. Hooper, ;Sr. pt. II,. Norman. Carrick, Alice Pfaff ;Jr...pt. II Cora Ford:. Sr. pt. /, Maudie Me a 4 Tog', EireT-Miritte, , . ,re H. Armstrong, Teacher. 'The following the coll'o6C !port of the starAding ot the pupils o Sr, Bissett tea .4, Stephen,, for the 'mint Clarence Ileywooti--64._Efitei Brick- lof 14sverober. Namaro in order of wood 80. Pass Preston Bearing 10, Merit';- 1V,, iterbie Kraft, Harry 46, 4tlithel17-Saf.uovig415".: TAMA 11,4iltri-,D41711-111,444f--4eviteli, 13, 01106-7--nitirre-.4ine--imer1ock. Otto J3rown. Garljng 88, �iulu.BueIl 83. ireali Set- Gordon Cornish srt .nron lber, jr. 111, Euler Rae. trier,. Edna- -Am.y Ilrt ' Silber, ligZeiris Smith, Sr,: II Eddie Cornish. Philter.* Mortook and Joseph Schwartz oven iTogY nrokenshire. !Stavin, C4'axworthi. Emerson Weiri,, Annie Aultin. Jr. It atWo :Clara .1torlo4 Adeline Wen, _INe AL, -and7lilary Wilda even.Cornish. 11,101V:in Wein,: right •Mable C, leinison. Teacher. Z111LEY'8011001. REPORT .Foliowing i there of 5. l. emorit1 af QVlfl1her Narnc,s ar in order?ne, tit.. V. . Peri; Si. IV. not* Arch..lgoega,lass BlossOnt tidersotu liers,1,0,.1Tortort Earl Tretfryi, At'ora Vjitit •And Myra 1WOrttAti .friestn, Arthur Iit. itt ati*i n ton titc u al1,4ohit ibrtiz„ Jay it10 Rota C.rni' . rrilanche Oinin Mlle „Neil, It; It -01100c 11Yria; itiertry.. Pt. 1. Ar.! thur..Tte„Etrysk...lia - -ber c .ers. n1a,u_/8, Irene -nor 01'5, ass. Ariel Reveries: 72. Leon Treble, 72;.rlorry 70: Glob% Dissett, 00; :Mary Acheson. 09: 1.tav,. sell Malkwill 08: Nalip Jones 07; P. Merherfon. de Vtela Atove 62; Osse Wnlker .00; Vf No.. 1.4_ erttga---ratendsnetv. 31. ItclOM V. ; Muriel .14nes, Pl: narr.ir Sad!, SG; Lola Tas1o4 87; Blanche .41nanCe 87; Irrio Swiitt 81; Ernest liarve 4; Oliver ifetlkett 0.1-4 sr -41h4i*Ann lat Ort 76. Paw. Thor ti telt rear 13, M. liforil 62, J' III.- Honore, M. Beatrice Ilodgert 86: Luau: It dden Et; Piorence Itowe- 86; liar. 85; Manson 83; Wiwi Day 814 Anna; a 1 10- Pests WOW& Mack 7$: M.., Ieywood 73: Tdillio Marehaild 16; Rosso!! Plynn 69 ; 'Maurice Senior 69; Nlbertn 1C,n7gh t '63 :11401e' Handford 85: ,Zagar Herter 0: 'Annie 0107 Fddie Andersen...62 ;Fati3O •li'Ve4tynortril a.- on rI14 060 43, - 0.1111'c noon VT rgirpdc ; d eee tbIs'instru val haotrEecte alest iron Sleigh Bibles e ,!1inton. nlcL.4vitli a piiinfii-ttcet ent. Re ‘Vt1/1 at ItipPen Putting up PetWor )111.11-4017---431114Pitlft-----OttrPOs when in some manner a gas pipe was •foreed through the end of the sec- , 'and -finger, on (he *.left hand. hc " bone male einesred, Re had to drive er-Brucefield-to lave IliT-4-vound DOES TDIS CATCII YOut, The present roar has been a ver, and the -newspaper 41114 is fro'. y among the last tO tie Tho debt is usually for stibscrIttions, to the paper Lor ane or two year* And Oat beitg ..the delitar eps putting it off, often through rgettulness... Thole little, amounts ii4wever, a ggregate 'Jorge sena Tile cost of kcppititt-ytt--n-IWeeklf-i- nit4tkA ett-tilr tee ppearpeali.,*J"_22,Lnitt, mantitufaa1:14avaitu.4reVirs:norkthe iklef tw nee and ,taxes must ibe prornPtr biletentled. to, lind..!the subscription loreked upon as one of the twitreni :which, thirty or forty of the cost may be drawn. glitinks are due those who liavc katun-, 111!, nc1 in ner ar or tau ifanee4 there aro vet). ,Illariscittnooltihscroor v ttt rukoon „tilt:11)kt quit. IX' 10 eireinria. 181 tragtt Johhers-an& Dealersin- Shelf and` -General, Hardvvare„ Paints, 011 6iiss Nails, Sinks,- etc We make, a $ ecialt Call- imd-beiconvinced tbst it Is The problem- of-wilat,to give -can be solved by warnin- g"- our stook. -A t suggestions for attractive hristruas-Gifterunusualrne*,-,pleasing-tuticles-,--t • peal to people of taste, are to be hut at prices that are wi in the reacbof everyone. ti•.JmitePerfluncg • • a, vex Attodom7.0 erry,Midow-Ti won made, strong and pleasing appearance, I:tach 0,425 to.00, - • - Leather Hand Rags, Sterling Silver, Sewing Seta. Eben' Militariltula-Sett4 -AutoStropliafety-Rar-o-The-very- ...razor-m Books. ' orrn .flfloiter4,11ano-r*, Alraa k 86;0.19rence 'Wood 03: Mind Jaelzson. 01; Mei:Jeri on -Edith Paris 79; IIrr Znoti Allay joltriS ra.•JloilI 7/1; fl Car te r 18 *11 W4.144 OSy ho*. rat/ ro tvin: leit 5. Dorothr n or VI Al, o oil want th.ow very t.(iiporlor re. e question, hit eit- hut in Your • A Lrel , • na exPense I tiro Mill, most suit- °duet:on . fetidly :or to all other,, . to,lr .$40w, oat beat qualit$ tetii us fir iniri joirLIWittifi png _.1)114.4.44,,-4• 11 lisill, • 1'zstion oiritwouti m 048 more t,o ttio.cbi14rp low to soy el .T4VIA5 via wooffi gip* thst1300 „ 'Vera DOI:rice Zane Jbr, IitCkr. 4AIbri,t F1rI.r,