Exeter Times., 1908-12-03, Page 8n. 0. -
Prete ST 0, $2,75.
ur $1.4_0 "to *AA
0 t `
ev o
It %%ire fiorsl doc.
for Xnmi preien7a.
. p 145 for a
vauge of 4hina. Plate*
best we ve ever hown,-
'Yes they ere* lovely lot,”
up to $145 for it
of:SaIAd 0104
,- tbtt-Int•-• effect and
ttre imply unbeatable
1.00,1.26, oa 1.50 for
n. 0., l letaseFeeneyechin
I v
:emu it
thelot. o ToiIet Set
you'll see in Exeter, 40 din -
estyles to pick trove,
e fot-our-109i
Dinner.Set the bette seth
are truly works'of are and
controlled by ourselves for
35150,K, and 760., for the
daintleefia orrawchrn-&-
levet:Ye range of Cellery and
Roll 'Imo they are beauties.
$1 2.5 up to 0.00 for the moot .
bee 110011 lot of fancy Parlor
andteble X41:1;1P1/ We have
every talnP &bargain'
et nears
ly ail
Glass •
4 -ewe
the makers, thatineaus a big
eaving to our custOmers.
eh Qtt�r
45.1 f
furi.- tbat tickle
tic) Iarge
epillow ult.
$17 for a lovely Grey Squioel
rum set long full throw and
large pill+w Muff. They're
43.15 for a 1o•ireI3t let of new
- net waists Silk lined and
Dice and losertion..
60, 26.00 and „ 30;00 for -
1uga, for •xichnes, style
tx nt.fty they cannot.
50c.foz'Ladea fancy' Collars •
"Beautiful' that in what we
ay- ofethena.--Vettue„egtvet-
weever'nay -•
36. 60 and noc. fore. range of
I-441es Tau, -Brown, and
Black Leather BeIta that
are tertainlys
60c. Men's, Ladle's and Gent's
110w-Thoenix-shaped neck.-
•=fte,RfrFaTid.60ee'We4t‘eff- &et*
Ties you'll bee In 'Exeter, to es
-° nen -them, will make you 4'
want them.
*VA 1.25, and 1.50 for 3 spec -
lel lines in won't: Kid eloves
very suitable for Xmas gifts
Just liallicr Word s
J$1.0 , your alas (traceries
from 1311 we C$13 save you some
mariolre.ottsio. '
we sell Redpath eTandulated
sugar and no other its beet
by test.
*Lt099(1 '1110r C ale°
clothes 'clea ed. and pressed at teas
natio rates. .l1VI1CK SV CI3N're
, Collector W. 3.a3issett will be at
.the Town nail every Friday until
FrIdey, Dee. lteh' end also on, Satur-
day, Monday =et, aes , Deo. 12, 14
and 16, -
1'1101113 No.
One doer North, of Post.0Mce.
WI sell good 'libbers the Ittaintymocle.
tng inen $2.00 far •course,
.00 course to comenertee Dee.
• 0 srecial todueur
subscribers the Tines . will he sent
, to an -y address- in Canada from now .
until Jane 1 1908.for one dotter.
saayee24„., .
boe rel. spotted, °white ' aria black,. -1 ' prcipriattileSS.,
mad. w.
.1. . ii ,
tX4 11C2X*J"01:41 1-rotrwiTh
ward given if retirned to Ed. Willis
Exetiir.. . ---otty-Ivods- tehoice-ftil
tbe name Brattoigart. Satitla --i-.10-
„ e . alp 'Brushes
-TEACI1ER WAXTED - _, Mirr9r,s,
hen. State 'anal:130cm and exper.
For a. a. T,,,. st trownabip.ciateP• ii •
Wit Out questisn our ' including choice Toilet
Everything in Ebony
ience and Saar”. ereentede- -3Viake ale, 'line ie large"fl• °mu' ,TanrlMaturelas,Theseene tttebllfei-
lineation to 'Alex. Itavelle„ Trustee. I Plete. Prieest-that. make
*Grand Mend, Out, • preseett for a lady.
. 25c. -. $3.00. , 41.50-4500. .•
ct-Thena, zhattatext
, 71
A visit to our; stote cannot Tail to- -offie- many- --valuable
suggestions in solving the popiexing• 'questions "What to
- buy fora cityistmas_girt at a ...moderate cost that will
_combine all the Iessentials of elegance, practihility and ap:
the diepuirl marathon race from the
American. It's. great wealher for
the Degas.
• Only end atonth more in this year.
' Mrs. A. Evans, of:London. Is vLslb
intr.friends • -
• The -county eouneil ntectittg •cieets,
ilson are visiting in Cargill.
-Wass-Donthron- eteenditig
-dayi with relatives in Densall.
rialto"! lirli_ilatnes-Wonthronr-of Itoranto,
. visited Ills sister, during Ole past
• Imported Perfumes,
Leather Goods, Post
Card Albums, Muse.
Stationery, Xmas and-
-New Ye'a,r Oa,. Oat.
eendara Booklets,
Shaving outfits; Glove
• and andkerchief boxes
. *25c_$5.00
- , sugg. EISITJF it is Wonderful
mike desk,
able eXmas
gifts. 'Vail
them a u- il- • t „. :VOCO s0.
get our batural. •
prices, A Each res
-Netv - Dieett e9- --1-47014111.7
halfsp r i c e over famr
needles and minutes.
GREATEST VARIETY of Fancy Soaps, Perfumes,Toilet Are
- ticlese- Xmas -and -New- -Year- Cards ever shown-ln.-Exetere,_
Watch -,our. -w4.41*-.
7774, 77.1t17, •1#,,..7.7o-nrc, „f,
• payers in town Saturday,
township treasurer and ,collector bi
inge,bere Ito receive the annual a
eessetents. , ' .'s
etc v. Sanders, of Talci.crtow• ' Wilt 1 ". - . ' - -
1..,vo charge of the eervices in the The Ladiee' Guile will hold their .• - srI'OMANI* of • .pretty Xmas
Trivitt Memorial chttrch next Sunk annual bazaar .on 'Friday_ ofteen u. Cards now on sale at Tag .vtatrry
aay.. Rev. Collins wilt go to tuck. and evening,. Deceettit., ht. the To 0 • lifiss 'Mabel Taylor entertained .4_
Hon. 4,:bnissiell 100... A wood- • erti- number of fiende on Tuesday even,.
now 101 tat be day. •
museirz, livi 4,,Itectudt, 14,t, ''' :r7sins. At7r. tcahildioril:citi outailltruirbitsygthe_rtoPlehonvelotoriittooRe,ttispr week the our
Mr. Harry 'Morris. ot Winebeee D, gram ',provide. .
_death at his home in this village -o
local talent. , -- ,
......,,,-.00.--..... ------one--cf..the-snostp-whisua
F,njoyine rrooth tra.ste 10e a tube 'known pioneer fanners in this part of
thie eveek. Cole's dente, Store. e._ t the country, in the peeeson of Mr.
Friday night to Pal the 'Weal lodge
teeefteeleeeete fileiriberit
are Telnested to attend. ' • .
'Look!, Stewart is pay4tg tor
choice •turkeys •14c; Choice
gese 10e; Choice ducks llo;
Mr.",elentes Northeott retureee Sat: 1Cirilliatiir. -.464-66;8-4 Deeinfra-Witebero-
*Irene Welt from the (Nor thweet. near nc.ocxville in the -county of Leeds
'PArit bring inc 'a 1.41-mits rapb.
LL attention to week,
1MS .v-e-esi myriad' wig been ems,
Fin/rpm:us—• pickya as saleslady with Snell
• Rowe.
• ring--the---in---windstorm4as
Week the -smokestack of -the Gillis-
inUl-was blown over.
ili oonibin m our Hie"
'Ciao Wittihis.
tion of rice, but qual
tyilike7 anything.etse- itis
ways the end
t a' good
Mr. J. 0, Stantiliry -was in Toron•
tier( ?with some legal matters.
?Ari oiteph. Snell and daugliter
left (Murtha, for atitton._ ',where
they :will remain for sometime.
.and iirs. IL N. Creecit,ritursk.
ed home last Thursday atter/ epen.ds
ing their honeymoon in Detroit.
nd Mts. D. Itoweliffe .-and
n towii Sunday and Mod,
teeming. of Clitsionwee
In 'Iowa Motidee looking after the
• interests of t1u lokal branch
Mesar. 'red Kerr Jelin Triebner
and Van liartieib took in the shoot-
--4-tottrnatnent---st- ---,Parkhill -last
___ - ... _ . -
!The bachelors and lienedietS in-
tend . giving ten assembly in Me-
DOntisll's hall this Thursday even -
- 'Do/vies 13i -evert is ependiree et
week iteith friends in tletlaali. flei
nour*iriatovcrinit from 115, tectnt
• 1111408,11. '
Mr. entt Mrs. T. j'. :W'iliten return-
ed fiat -iie6it from their hoiteyozoott
triti And hive taken op; their resi-
dcnoc an Simeoe streets ..
Med 'Weather eluting Ow best
tk has been '6hard on etibter
es,iii,_,Atir icoruplailming that cittAn-
Are rotting,* especially the
• rding-itlia-voting-onzajOtat-'''
b)-laW in Exeter at the coming.mun.
itipet-elections. aid it -is, zot-likely
the matter will be tried her6 this
. A little then in Philade Atte wbose
father is --a prominent ta6rchstat end
as such never loses an oppeirtunit,
tishm -out- -day -asked---his-intither
"Maythucy and I play at.. *
store in the front roomt",
asaen tritt.11"0-4110t1,10r4,111:=I-Ott-'
be very quiet." "All rig it," said th•
youngster Pretend Ave 4191'0
advertise."• • ,
— •
Evangelists Crossley and- fflunttr
did telt couunence their series
meetings t3unday es expected, bclnig
detained in trOr01140' Until fr110
elist II be littettert 13411: t1011 b0 WS! 13310sed b I
theett----e'Velst 0`.--ote7 andfrfenila, upon
lest Friday.
turned Saturday froM an
tri-y--ttresster -Kt-points. s
Met. nee. nesteen, et irtegIns, is
ittrne.att 'week. toeitittititer
father, Mr. Roan. Vraene ted Other
"friends and -relatives. • -
It thas _ibeen stated that Lorne
eggs? G-T•kee --ineccem
?melt, tioe with the wreck mear -Toronto,
has heart heard frotn. being located 113
CSI TeXAS. •- ' 1
Dr. Who eves rettfibed-
t*1314 mother's house duritm the past
t*o weeks suffering, from sevor.
0,14,sar._ of...bronchitis. is able to et
t„ CIS OttteCts to leave for lige-e-
ll a `eoetde -
e re sk tiag-ot Mro.
in the, year.1830, and consequenetly had
itttitheed the -tips age. Pt 470'. Years -at'
ourteepean.he_ee se,..weste&nd settled
ceu on wne •p EirtilhWEVATCh
at that time was In itS „primeval,
monitor itrong .congtitution, whi
epaltficatioreesupplemented by -ambi-
tion and rare businese .tact and s.bils
117, heeetincleared,tind so improved.
teefatete-etie Weblike: ir:.onte .ofetha
finest homes eIn the country, st the
sieve time acquiring a competency
which eerved him well his lest dtkys.
eeteddidielerneeibout twaii.L7yearit
ago and perehtteed & residence In
ettere.where he continued to live until
tha-liaeteet.bilsedetath.. licwouLan u
right I/3413, being etrletly honorable in
his dealings With hit fellow men. AI -
though he encountered and enduied
tho-many hardship*. incident to pio-
neer life, he -retained hist faculties to,
remarkable ogre* .,the, lett and
being of la locotte and: iivoise dispoots
treterittn eltureleattreleyeleorn
in the James Street church 1.1
evening. Ilevs.,Voing and Pe
changed PrilpitS in the hc
Mrs. Ruitell held eVangcliSti
vices in the Jemee Street obu
Monday evertittg and on
rossley 41'ynit ihuntcr-comnuniktsi.42„
pi'te of the 'Simmer'
r, ihe calendar is remit'
kit the aeeraach of cki
is re*.
christwas ttlyttitt
vette, tuercbants,
eristmaeeigoods asteo-e!
cessary to -pont ith
lee or buying eel
:cfutoll ,Avnadit sualvot-srp
reenetee 'the nilvei
The Times indicate
the\ lloliiiay season
tutierS 4111 scan the
announcements of, '
wish to Purelittlies,.
Miss Ocrtrtide ,t.
tor of James LaW
se, „ married ..64-
d formeri$' .0
artonnt •of:'till cittIE
ette Nittaltittit
liams of
rizO for
• they
th to
:their Ohris mat tt
na uggestiont.-Vothfonrk,
. .
re 'Rig litankrttpt Stock Sett at
the -„Exeter Xlsrgairs Sto.ro *111,00tfl11
at -
tiS- *flos wesiesild to.da, wh_gris
&tee -another. lot of Dry. 'Mods will
tee stiated on . the elargain Tables.
'til tbiticeleielltUeetleted-atelt "
IfitfeettneeeieLL -Oa
All the *hop furedtureeeeill oleo be
offered et belt pries. Lh& state for
sale or to rent. also a let of firSt
ciess model. All. go ferAtelf price,
1. W. ertommioN...
glictrkas `predict Fieteher, fors
illeteeettdie Ont., diee- On
tive.14Ji (137 ot * :took *1t
e home ot his. toe lew-Meleolte -
'lees. of the firm ot M. Gflice
"Giatteeise at the street
73 years, 1I reestths. mut . 46 sieve*
tr.„eletchee.bait "Mtn ailing fax two
a half Year/4 *tutDr. Gordon.
eineknow, had beet” .trestting bite
fnt catarrh of the etomaelts The tie-
ete tette to Canide from ',1Iutton.
*Wick. Verksititee England. 14
•rear 1044 )40tat1nst itt
- mre4 t.Kitdasa
County, *ha $c
bete he, tethiedfo e art,
Moos ot 5 tnontbl
*ram, A iiiria0liret\fOr
din wh
almost eet houses,
hold •word, Mr, Horton was \twice
tnerried, both wive,having pritdceits-
edhlat, zaasay /ears, the 'trait being
Mergaret Gleti, &cleat (laughter ot the
late 3*ohtt Olen, of the township -of 13* -
borne and the second Was Ifm-- Sjuish
Stanee-ett,"---/egetit011. ft* Ualitiet to
ett011tlIthelosiCof-1,-kIntimittoi laving
father, four daughters', We. Itobisrt
Cole, of the township of Hilt Mt*
John fies,We, of V,Attilk4 Mrs. Hugh
Mc Dougal an the old lionisitead and
D Atkln.on. of Etreter. In rek
listott he, was an Episeopoillati and th.
tinpreesive *yoke at the target
ed,feuteral,..ditSaturday, kyolten
ducted by Rev. W. a, Collins. rector
of Vivi* iternoseti church. The res
Want were Interred in the 1100.*Pot
In ftier art:*
0 1140,40, .Wah e V410 CO*
t4 eoft neater, also
ts, th helelt etable aed drive
House to Rent
On 'Andrew St. norith-ofetbeelit-
diat ,parsonage, turerace. . in *meet
ba.t.hz,eacork=wand in . good sULte of repair
APPIY to John iBrotlerick, S.erepta.
. Property for Sale
Sale ,
ChoiceePropeity in the vithige of
Factiri-- dtascribed:-* as -i.folltars---tthe.
easterly 26 actes of lot 16 in the. Ist
wells, all seeded to grass. Will -be
catered for sale by vablic.AttotiOn. on
ocoother nth, at 2 o'clock, a). m.
at the Central Motet,- Exeter. !the
1•131)erintat",,pee_iirellr"-h 1_11:en:0,..w.4.ttaetr6.1".• Wiraen:P,aueErr"rtt-Wwzaii„estinicelirett
der iet sale or tby uperving -..""lr
alivnteit: are
cent. or the fitint used i
der that star our -is in de
and, as-it-,is-.mada_
best Westerii Wheat an a
best Onts,riO. mixed
is SeCtInCtle no
be convinced.
Mouse and --tot—For
• Sale In Exeter
Tliia trofeetle lellottgedeto
Mrs. Ellett ilIceigert and is tieing
the exeoubart to
0105c up the -estate, sine ,
ars:eanbstantial brick house, storey
met a half, good frame istsbie and
eitifelletiletreeeeleftterell and
2.5 a an acre of lord, '
For terms and eattioubtrit apple to
Wm. lbelgert, Vitriol:tar, or Alex
natter t. Itusetidele.
. .
Tbit tarta0*11.111Ste Or oresteita.
It t'llt47.1intitaiiW'
general sitore. o•a
a- few' =minutes walk into tljc etb' ,
odist cleteele one mile , from publee
echool. Otto part consiets of 100
acres,' with briek house. letge hale
with hatentlent, drive ,,bed, orehard,
10 'ores biteh. aburelettot of .wwtter.
The other pert conelete of $2...sterese
v.neer.iiostite, trail* .etaeles, orchard
eeevellse e„All_gosed„I*n4 hierpod.totaN
oultivatioile ireseesidert. -gift))
etereft 1000. For feeble and other
intrtiestiars aply on the eiretubeet.
A/61117-4 JOIINS, Treerietor,
a pavor_ In
'UNA toodern
• 'Yale *drool la We.tora Oft
Widely uPerlsocee totos.by
. The_triAnn,
Graduates etelnentiy
There teleete01
Chicago and retutn °Sttlitt kom
;or ow -count, Jof International Uve
Stock Exposition, good going Noy.20
30, Dec, 1, 2.34, 4, retnen limit Deco I
arkitobecalitkatchovati'osint Albers
the attractive route it via Chicago
and 14 Pante,. Minneapolis or Duluth.
VNICiltrif Depot Agent,
ar 'rte 3. D.,110001411,14.1),.,
Toronto,,,,‘ Ont
covigtRtim. SLIORTI
.Our gradttatet are In
Eittwiness ("ollege Lecb
ell imt office Maitt04..
agniticent catalogue, It