Exeter Times., 1908-12-03, Page 6her would • At** kt 0 tint:knw he knowtitan which. brinet thuht the clearest and -world he almost re kie1t ' or * folly in doubting•' uture 4 obljter4 t} memory et that omei Then then tht bcic door ba ()felled! . It wasa whuik; ahorn! "hock. But t1iere wa� eonilrnieti Rt4, I Fr.e.t-rtv, js --:- 'be 00 inued. 140101) t01410Z 0 �e,4 t Mor hi; „ 4 Ar1eai 4Q City 11*11 Wie 000 0 0 itt" Coneti t not Le C44'10014 tit " Vitti eleass but Ger. er*Pen efl rot** 1 t • "1 .dont tbiz*41Or eous,:,,S 0 ))3r s pitying express r015 Ile wa-1i the generUtyof.mefl -s-writhed undcrilty. It its • him with:this irritAtion of.a. resit. Ile, however, controlled himself 'suf- ficiently, to enipiires-. • "IV ta11 fair, blue-eyed soling Iadjl" - The d.eseription elicited a second • edition of the .pity -third of the • head shakiug, a- the woman an 'That's- tbe It is cli'Ooult to keep a watchful eyeon the safety valve. The mills - nation witliin him1,Wa5 -seething to •boiling gut. Ifiii:was getting up - ,• Ideate -to- rapt o, iMtrt --iinalsressitur-thair his-guneltiens-wo): - arranged on, the, princiPle at the tiihuiar •Foffer. His-biurted70 "I- tell- you,. you are wrongl Her. nameis Misslifirvins I" CoMbination. of ,everY unpleas- ant wrinkle that the. Insinan face Allt:Siming-tor he re lied, with'die-7 tresitupTeso - .. r i a •0 e 0 ,. . Ii t r the iiassengers nta great 4,4istilantHin the guar nti=_Ja.,...L.1 ,_10 - .0fl__Iiemi have been with 'justness wane to A, sardine packer. Entrii)a men of.the.bundle of proof, to ed o post- bv the railway niart-oirntr. rival • rev° e. ice:ninon look�d;deterniin 6 ire* e`174-irilifr."—• • . • 4'1 try .over ot4i„ he .okairt, house.' uctit—,e ortur • • By. setting his taco estward, e tko,rwo sinkrtinent which rus si hour -be , Mg On; 30AXMOY lineing the station road for a tools .pbtoo 143 • :used•Icir -tliat'Vtill taker 00 lxx7 more bent*. • uu nulo or 504 he -would (omo out 0114 e .ajoiahig rtoms proiae 'Net u f et_rorig4 it, Oven in London, was au easily arrange matter. Crossing the, hand wjth a Piece of silt,. is as elective ,witb the aver - ago tiara eeit is with a gipsyrot•tho mount to ,tios, parade bY A worked ithereby. The whieli-,faced his Beat. ° by Stit'post ,the worn -rag. vsliwiltritmeretlissredst -14sisteirchitsteffeetedthis-arra .rotoreao040,...this (4041. ),, tile allure at what n ii0 The Gap. By Walking .along staircase leas wiIl 4lan.be sands„ therefrom, .past tim-private to the tii••o eons, at the rear of the -- se.pouito I a mark* t. OWneee he would be able to eourtlieuse. At the top the•stairs,tbat pays for star yid, rdo Atouid • he steps Is' 11443tehle,,fir"st7aotftthret:ghr :r..tb::"1-' •be for ,door, with PeOPhol0 in it', ' y. bird that has any crop.. inent by five -miiinies to eight; are The walk would do him goo minutes before the .shedeled time laughed a little at that-:las for the train's departure for Lon: Ita if, he thought, anything -1 aviag lighted A cigar, in whole world would over do him a the shelter of -the- wa1tinK1301fl, doorwy, he inittoned_snp-his-c eat/ Laeu ith.a.,..sstsundLt101...re prepared for Atis.retum ;walk home. sviarts acutely .; the only surgoon attached • As ---buttoned up, cigar able to .alve is emerged from --the--station's precincts, he could not fail to ob- serve the lights in the back windows ,CM-krrEit. clettitit0. The "bungalow It was a fitful night; one on which stootLthresi,imuttre*-'::**Alt.',..**_* . teoavellred swiftly. - One That he should have aVroided,:liii rLitlive-411inking-4,Veci hisse4iSnascomes thro , • _gratin 11 1.---thii-o4 et- the ,prieder , Iiight);.1..iP against i -fiI4!d ithe a fornfor14„.,44setrattebels:tinthe priore rix7411,1 be wil n h to suit tim old a u - un intlettdhaeritkgitst,ta,,ptiet411,0e In rowd-thoAtrsellhl -11:Tttusittirt -sol7twhaPt-Itehnet - 4 4 Ara' ekt:iS ,e If6 names, slit NoW-I come to Ter:sera- ber, 1 did once. in a. shop hear her called so-ssalled so by her ov:n child." That was• the last straw 1 the safe- -ty valve -was discarded. _ 'Her -own -child 1" • "Yes. The little girl who's al- " sm,.,,,yaer, one with the sty at some peol7recliThrtift- -AmasernentttionstatiaticoaD pointment A combination o describable ones, ma. e •un out with- -, "Then -then she is married All the subtle devilish suggestions in her came to the surface. To em- hasize the point of her ansistet, s ow had-shalting was neeessari-r "I, couldn't say as to that, sir:" ° She smiled too horrible smile ther-3 igome-naturevirresw tibly. She really could not resist --October lodger or no lodger: "Thank you. That will do." Ile managed to dismiss her so, and the landlady left the room. She was fearful of having gone 'little ,L7 ,this -lici.dr=rtrtiparat* oulr _ „ crrnot----Ini-seenz---Xere e was in no way different fro other hid the lamp of night; the ilium - moths". who flitter round. candles. iaation of the heavens INAS lett to 130, MOTo or less unconsciously, -he the stars. ' was attracted; slowly walked in the There'was sufficient light for Mas - direction of the light. The little ters to find hitt was over the break - god -with--wbsgs-is experienitett • waters without stumbling. At times, in the 11Se-of the magnet as the dart., though, despite. the. brightness, of The corner of the. roail,'.whieh the ti,100e, eyotiiitsv _dimly. with as viftness bred ot eager he knitc15; own. is.respressible folly the while. burstin hlf be could on rise rra big relief it would -be '1Valking, smart walking, was the. only relief. he experienced; physi- cal exertion was reputedly an anti- dote to mental chteiterneuts.-ille felt sufficient ester' ..to have moved on indefinitely.. 18 bed he could walk on till hs fell tOM exhaustion. In •-thatAbo faction; test, at anTrates Rest lo that tumultuous tide. of recrimitta. ing; he was for the moment stromY tion surging in.lus brain. incapable of movement. Had hisl 'anger was directed against existence .depended on a forwavi 'himself ; no.,one else, jt. upsprun 0 tho Ita•ins-with----wittell----t .. =. • .. . . n't beniovcct by tiLo Iiandlin wore manacled- ttakcn up by -t Another object o Any apace is seen is a straitjacket made of poultry pack tight ivi rebitier-,;or iff canvas, withiron rings -which excelsior. . can be fastened tothe chains. -- - .co-operation in "soffit) 1 e aniesr inseriptiontsand-pies -.4 ., poiiitry„. i net sessi ,, - -'11tar tttes---Imoden bes lag_,- ,.. . , .. i , .. or or two. JA • ''It t -- 0 war 0, iiiiftrin ' -*lir '11'3-1-aut harebeen hanged prornise a fairlr--regular -supply:- Close by is carved "Edward IlaYt dressed chickens and freshAggs, December ti, 170”; and another see if you can do business with inscription runs "itrancis.Brittaint them. Many wall -to -40 city people June V, iisS. Fray remeirsber "tho would bo glad to- get such a supply. , poor debtors.'' . . A good honest commission man be distinguished the acluart5 °4 a every firm: that advertises. Take an comes next; don't send to any or On the :floor of ,tlie first cell ?tan chessboard, el't In thcl solid °a1c1' old established business in prefer - 13, be tracetr rt'sliew4"4"worda,- Vitt4ruill!' 4444446)*°44* 111.'/V.1 tte reached. Suddenly AO of the house ,was opened. By the tglitivrthisspassages-behindAaAaas a man and a woman silhouetted in in actions of a farewell. The woman had ber arms loving: ly.round the DIEM'S neck. She fer- vently kissed hint -his lips - again and again. ger sorrow at the part- ing was apparently of the deepest kind; at times she applied her hand- kerchief to her eyes. ' Not a detail of the incident escaped the Wen- ... he-nute40-431.- ' Masters stood quite still- watching - them. Not an act due to ill -breed. rectctl y year: :0'401:a etea SOnr t,Wen. draughts by e Lig eiTposerto e pera,ture. II have' been under the tret- ment of specialists and h...We ustd m n di:iimietorreetto!nrien4.7 dilas.eatisp.: Y -to-.tr o Montreal,Toronto, mom Victora whose duties include tupervision of the Domini° noto e" is" two u e 1 er denominatio to the latent reeeiv emir* • NEW BILLS VO OLD. When bank needs a n Ior fatten:4401pp niision otos it applies to the, trant seceivevgenerat-iir -its' dis- trict.Arta puts 1AP the IregrarY easb ;1" the egtie of an additional -W in the tails, of al notes, turus Abe_ a t recenter. enera anil is hzwd- ew- return. Any old ot OAPs reeelViari-fii Tait^ e y we,-0-0Asausinated-by easo or torn in yours(' of use, are carefully checked over by the local. ssistatit sreceiver- al and for. "After some besitaticin, as I had doubts as to results after so many failures, I gave'Peruna a trial, and am happy to state that after using eight or ten bottles of Fermin I am ,mueh improved in hearing, and in breathing through the nostrils." _AlitOK91$1111L4ealighti. of beer, ti promptly. 0 willing to take just below, in )1;47a "0040picking,*---re-the,,04.Ti eriCare the *rads, oho Burn at- dealers- only ., too_ willing ou the_beeefit of their expe step, -Death would have added an- other name to his list. •,walkedtowardsthegat0. p •-01TAM'a piisitTlins; the Worassn's ,arms cling- irho dosing . of the door liebind ing around_ the man. his landlady -was- unheard by fle didji�tmove fronr-the-dow-on-that-ros,d+-well-that-they p sitiOrt, itt= whick_gie_viammxhad viterCOO (vetupledlacto prevent -their Iefthizn for inny,-Very manyinin. Perhart---Abw-iroir utes. jthat had entered into his soul tray- roure atlasf he _rose, lifting his „" tiled via his face. That would be caught sight of bis own i!ount-lor the Seared -10a on it. -reilii t e-tbe--1-see-0 -almost..tried......ont.; ItItero was So So different. \ Ah. So difteren • such a deathly pallor on his fate.. id lie -thought her. Had linked His mouthlAtiss parched -as Ss- un, in his mind, the:perity. of the hara, mixed- a with her -This whisky and 8oda, drank it off. Then was the woman he had rctused , laughed, Not is pleasant,..laughi e_pf_thoset_hnilt up on sob. Then setifir -the- orcIr tird'T •NVbat a fool he W4510 carol bitterness and salf-contenipt--:went from the fact that he had been such a, fool, ouch an utter, absolute fool, ull . .4 „ tingly he told 'himself who was ever so before him that his pen seemed animated whei he • handled -it 10--Jleseriber-her,----, ever sought useless \salve. What a thoughts -ed ed with keen -A-vrontatii-- just, as be_taid_always_hatk_to_the pure„geileless herGine --pietitredAliera.stilttlieltook histbeek=liad-hel-been-e thoutit how chaste -and -good -sot 1A,_ift01040_*40 would have been One prisoner broke 111 thus t * To cup 15 empty, To oursorrow' But hope it will Be filled to -morrow. _,r__sigroLd.* hires 1 mew -Carr,- smuggriirIT7 pictorial ellortaincludo churcheti, a elude repreisentatiois of thol Tower •of.lieridokl. an anchor and the triple emblem og the rose, shamrock and uunadreit'ris:t.ln;roadwa of* nce$ and tee him. It's often more sat. isifactory to do business with a man \Fou have,seen: ' Grade all -dressed poultry • eggs. Do not put in anything that look t doubtful, bet It thought to be good enough. Keep out sick' ind deformed .birds. Send nothing you wo`iThCatiNflish-Swarc.01 I that would do at home might he better to be left there. -F, O. E. in Oinisksin -Dairyman. --- .litz.bellitsdeittlid. been He, Who hadever w:th his glen written against womankinsi-until -work- as- beiinr, that of a woman. hater-40-1tave-tailen,aucit_ati _easy. %learn it; siretivifireart her snare for him! The thought was ftt et-tn-thirinaddening-iever-in-pe pure :s last heroine was, .orr papero of tho greatest heartiness just then. he laughed again. The same laugh: I The couple at the gate parted with the Same choking little catch. the watcher was not very clear how. .in. it too. 'What followed being---hy rehroel 4.4 lit be bar Toss his ideals a tort -of indescribable -veil •r 111:19t ago;long selves's°. But their,,death is hard; I most hidden from him. Dais's', as -they live 6n -unknown even to our- was his condition, he, wati eogvtitt• „selves --to apOisr belere es like ' sat that the, matiierossed the road, tome new star of whose existence . ran past up the path/ray to the sta. -ktioss ss-ishing-----Miskisis,--our.tioli. _Then tame the_ setind cf a , grading star, and we sere -when itwhistle, followed by the runt:}13n3 sinks be/ow the lisirison -fate-lof the- depaAing tra as children crying in the night. . rooteps Ile knew tltem sly at The mantel Cloek • etim6d seven as, ha'il been his acqnaintanee Masters' attention was thenA4long. the gravel path.; their thereby drawn to the fact that it, the door of Ivy Cottinge was shut. was halt -past that hour. Lodg- The 'blackness of .the nigtt e)uld ing.hotise 'clocks are noriiithout !not have, been' • 'heavier then tile their peenliaritiess the fulfilled sure hi thoughts ins, was alone with. Ideas bition of. this particular one was to ',of things seemed to grow reore en. Then canto before him her fa those:sweet, eloquent, soulful eyes! Well, he endeavored to comfort bianielf isitts the thought that anV man would, have fallen a -victim- a he had done. The amotint of fort in it, though, would have as,f..ixig-pIac on .5 edWs There was an itiaerlYing-r for the failure; Granted ideal ttas shattered,. be 1QTY,A.11,E AlrA 'BLOCK. It -does -seem Auter. -mrbrother, Aiid A man may e -squire-hettlidi Aud he a block -head, too. . 1117:-.1 greatrnerits ofyourErnu1 slon, especially to all of a, pulmonary nature. It bas saved many iivcithat otherwise would FARM NOTES. Clean JR) all the trash in the °retina. -Mow ekegAtel..)20,-,,any).- Piro all ru - catcIFa field mice. thts,mari who succeeds as-au-exts.niu. -veliittiler must ketp stOck to consume the 'bulk .of the prodaets_ot the term, and no de. pirlmentroffarmitsig-calls-forqtreat-- er intelligence add skill than the profitable--Teedinir-orciwit:- Wheth- tror--m1114--the-g profit will always result from 1 feeding. . digest".ratton given .'to cows, . • erittar ted-Iiherallyrso-AW-te producc- the -host results- in -nil len triding on, gel of his iraYi.i now th st Poor sort: of reli4f.a in. The, coeflora the co t line bro bt; hiIr*. iitilt 4ta standstil . *The ell ga ret.tf ts. I d V sacia ,fiAstrALLovlygtoov*Avit, Thelehtter we'lijperiet soraile Ote';v4?of tbgXAture's sudden iii- q fiaiie id in his oceedings 1, pro. ,11. terve Worrsptndiiag interruptiqnv duced osagbt.• in las lae think attotArt W , er t he was.. , worn • r , bought over. Ili1, • ,tvo nough without her )a4 her. He would ` eri hoot het still. .. . - bc ppy 9nght of lies elean out. id of his hoot. That, self, was the cortee Lfe should be for him ,tsc'reenher, ever , id.strength so r2tpldty Wcderfb1 to eAtytO igt that gest-child - t adtdt can 4e, lose eov7rt e Sq e they are always spring poor. Pverfeeding and high fecding ,do an. the same by any means. ighifeeding means givhss! tho ani- mal all the food .it can prefitably digest and assimilate, and, in order to practice it successfully, there must be a variety of food. and the t,ItAredheirdo4if;wenotwtou; xparoluetri_yfifei..1,troa ncl butter, ' having a first-class colon; but,di f for,tl et hatinroe f nuritpot errorlIve r(iLtiyi4 fed and in color. hese failings ism _ten-, c d by artificial coloring'. ssind n inferior Inittet from t, - Its 3 -0170,11:t1tri4t1itilqr and healthful qualities of firstselass hater. 'Honesty requires that verything Should be Idf4bL.j!st 'ha itoluS.tooret no 151,titt4i16 .Atteltor ...thseetirisinstreet...ont. That °no Ivey to put monetiiit44---the- pocket. U eietp tante: .thrsio:sotibit: tit)1 .compktely a41d1 when that /3e. trsrm4rilLtliat thae4grilnePlat"oejoeci" r. hto ed is not warmth„ -but. from storms. titieep oteeted from the told, but stortnix they ought. to have oteetion. A, very allot* struture is a Shed opt.* on one **yard in front.. It'retiot 1 wered with straw or bay, bu h f than that, and a mote on 41, Alesirebie. Buita ruttfld the -shed. again: ChOCkeda: e conitructed fr purpose, with a patent chimne that none escape into the air.. 4iArtort THE CI:MORO:O. The system of checking is me hacomplete,rgeoithe ed workth the water tie, tv.sx,:n,h o aro va ' ful supervision and Aire $ •trtot:3,0CondarillAa.4:151Y!'141:that'.11,,. act_ortItt the cc xn 'void be to anybody it is over, is d* d with which forever puts it Out o bu nem SAY BILLS ARE CLA the official3 of the Finance I) pertinent contend that. t ' iibli has no cause for t as to ofidition of the * tyttitc4 to the purpose intoded. The .g f;rtfe-Tleanae; andmore-13nl'orts ratrion,,mus • o intelligent farmer,seatotiot feed the; of the Immo ration,toa 'growing animal i teil, Itt,t41)1.4-milem.eno. .„.cou that lie does to one lie. is fattening 't"'"Ieb"4:t.'h'irsP:04eLouin't;47‘), e'verio, for the butcher, or to the tow he is keeping for milk. If a beekeeper has taken away too find*- that,- (taitl,SA bees are lack- - u toroturnto tbeGoVerflmCflta One _ r two dollar-billswhic has. seen *' serviciss-simply bca pozIsles--*---to-prevent hoirdin u supply -7* will be necessary to fced. There is nothing...better, eavs an old bee - man, for leintor storks thaw gran- ulated sugar. Grape sugar may he ill right for feeding in warm weather„----Aen thi-b--ee-iittifsity,- but it will not answer for wint4r stores, as if Itaidens-in the tells; itta-the -bet, ,s1-not-heing-itble-to-bri with which. to moiliten it, will starve, even if every comb in the hive should be solid with grape Whitesugarcan bo'inade into a syrup by adding one quart of water to four poureis of sugar, bringing it to a boil *Iv/ •then skimminglt. 4 conthtion fIt or pu . So tar as- -eit-thi--responsi yL-for • hills teats upon theta -en There is no law by which *tlitvgcra. - -ermosentsis- sue new, not --government-eart ecsmpIe by, lies, keeprng clean. ; And in this can-do a. great or Woman who defaced Dozr tette it to any,„ Thc king ii:ILI:(felite 15 °141*:\ ttie o,nic Nothing is easired without one rtifieial,serviee. flcerkucc is -the hest interprete •IN*11071t-ftioh"ig hrals wounds quieker than helping others. Paralysis of etatsektice is often staken for the rel),,to of-0ot'. t'take.* srtrillyi titan -the htrd t' ertnin.tannerr,, to nialie Ion saint. itit3-a min- *Ito 'prides Ilium on Ids ixtite *Alight. to grettbat,he rialseiess. man wh lor.lg,4 j- kis pea i$ often' $! hi to,* mi$14)744n*11 .t.) Our own sins grovi?'fast behind ouz tiaelts -while we' ire azing at the faults of our neighbors. t!* lit t 1 ready,lo cons. " All that the r (IQ is to take.lais oltl, silver t ank, or to the assistant liteeiver. ersersil and ,demitod not toist f and he Will gio,it governumot ttAttor-teilfern ooth by usage and is in dee course e taws,remelted , and eat gain. , The o1 litint tilt* vatetu it enebles haVe an swpte as e on hen tiis cigsr and 011 booking oCe—' fa bebelieved those wall 4 rhtaii lLr corn