Exeter Times., 1908-12-03, Page 5Mutb tathoro .1 gore hit 9 c .hand us ,srri. -and,,slie ' woreIto satin, A Or- ectore Od trimaAnss - of u . . WI' lace . Wits c it cluster of Volley lill ,•.,„ ant:Aker totnuet consisted of Ibri 1, t0,4*. and lilies .of the valley 1 'fn bower. cfret. .wbjte chiffon -: idd 0 0 .-,4wil .- -Offers 75 c ats, at ft Just Teeelved oevcral irtioo 'dark alltiby,•Coalts twhich we offer Cheap. !We .thave a te'w Itussian:Oalf coats. /with fAstracitan `Collars also China .pog tFoltsetrood qualityregular fiC20 tfo $4. Sale price $15 each„ „ No "have u g and asseritotant o naffs. luffe, e e -litl iNatural attble Vox, Grey Lanb. Mink. Astrach lectrio 13ea1, illeatria 164c, einti pIi,......., ch. WOUld trnke a ettitable XMes .., .,,rt. ,-it triah,,,.; # r . ' '11-uttrids adiesnnd c111dren 1116"Ver3CO1 'cles.„ See out *gra,. Unit): csi e liir $4.00 faueliti Or 0.50 nay, .o.--trottid--euggest---ooroethiog-in 4he ur -line for Xmas. eirefielits. ' .ieihav .11 - ?ur Jackets in POrelaP- L---Elcc- TjC - Seale Astrachien with Sable 'Cole and 'Reveres, Muskrat and Fur- iaed Coate. It will viii you t11,3,00k ver our stock- before playas/silage „ * -0114Itait and Allison CoAll ..-___. -..trerauge-of. saice------coa - one-idf lifittA0t- es treeef muftleree o•neee.handkerP, eel - tars, :Jur cellars,' fano* vet3,Ate., also a ,complete eine of up to do. overcoat. suite, oto,,, Made itp erith let yie :and enaliti whjch will fault you. ' ms.k..14NERit • Thethairincetref our stook at half prices, $4.00 h ta for $Z00; $3.00 for $1100, etc. Wi Clear regardless of cost. -*OW "' well 53orte far -the e,of Silk Waist, FancyCol- Eel Ruchings, Gloves. Golf Coats, etc. Just the line to teak* e selection for Xmas gifts. ..Xxnat Ulnas., Glassware, -etc. bas arrived. The !patterns are exluisite. We.,ItieVe never ehown a better range : than thie am:teases\ We have made a care- ful selection of upto date goods for. Xmas trade and will be 'pleased- to show you otit line. 1.0.5,1e-TrAgsPt Wj aye1-apoolal- attention AZTAPZEr-dePAEtillardAriare..1 choicestistock or Alajeine, gjklig*. Dates_ Prunes, -17Felii; Nut, anges,_ fiemcins, etc., all ready. - at ;lose prices for your Xmas reluire- rnente. av xiirttUriartVlaite-aild- o ed • Ateat .0loth Cot, some with - medallionsetc., regular 00 o $4.00 Co -r Af.fit) each. Ube DRESSED.POULTRY Waii,ATED 20,000 Zbs of Tutk:eys, Geese and Ducks between Dec. 1st and 18th he highest market Tricot in cash or trade.- • - to buy Clover and Timothy seed. White Means* QIos,- IfterThlaintsWinlirtarttYlititIMIrfrfetrWtirtliirdr" A. Can Soilefted /Iv _ mioulorm.,-0.2toc tomm. ortvnity Time 'for Buyers. 114tAte teceived SitkIpillents 6f- Xrtlas Goods that l'ed-and-sorted-up-in-every4ine-of-goods-we-s winW g are some of Oteaders, thps:— J it .ds_ Goll ts, fancy wli,Xloixds Woven. udervretrand (*levy .Reeeifeedseetifty ship. merit of Zuni% Ties, Maniere, Shiite, collars eettsand knitted coats_ 8,e:ever iushionablee peclitl -Winter Nitta lit different colors for winter sport Sulfa odd Overcoats eweguitt-justreeeill ed. Overcoats In black foe enenefeem. SOire(t-to•-, Also showing other colors Showing a full range Or fashionable furs in Stoles. Ruffs ------tind=Thrtrwirettradeeeet Thick.. -full. -furred, ex-. lietivNMity,711tMeT fully --2.-410XIMUllkeekt... moderate prices, Fur Coati for Ladies and Gentlemen. S cial • rice.Jn1nr,1tnecoi and Fur Cellars. BeStRObet _To th_oosefixtm04.50 to $22.00. Latter 1. best manufactured. tlattorytottona;LEnds-rull flow 4to-10 Yards t -ountof 00X. • • , f -Qoodsat -a big -aiscount _ getting a,- Suit for the .401iday's if so. 11 ay you tO CGIT )EST COST. you satisfied in 'and spy , Onarttaiiily pu rr lar« home in 6eflfo.. 11..a3osa te„. sail:stink Iter Gi.hlcr *Ida -.Week lit rev.ival on s. Gott. Oestreicher. Of 'Dash woo , acconatianied ifi her sistarldra. 'Lantr,le, af ISIk'ttri,„ glob, spent , few dile in, the village renewing ac. auaintstsices..- ere. W. Siebert...of PaSitwitod, and peter, Pr Zercali, With their byname :spot 'Sussilay vinage \ Ur. ans. awl 5, oar worthy - the guests of Mr. and re. f18;. 'Drawee eve, is. ,God x1014.1141! week at - 'Our etorea are oominencinr, to put tcutllng the meeting of the county the their ..7*mas-ilecor4ions._._Iteractn,- Jx1174.,,Athe.,„torty_pureilLati .halto.. , The ealTififfir Will \Meet here 11 advantage. , Sitordartind-uttlinakott"thez--42th.,i,- ItualnissilorAlui,Yet will. -ite. accomPlished feet in . the There eves enough excitement - e our usually quiet- burg wcokaa. Mr. Ed. Weiner, lof - --re a`St 'Seturilar to attire the, ensindingen...'eyeek .with relatives herotants a. eithjecti for ,conversatielefor Lie came. flop 4a:tem:II. tbo-.ttinefir. lbrotiter Norman,: who died _en ble watt *over a Celt. VOW this calf Grace -hospital', Martin an reelf4O' . as-f-viot-era..tordinary. -critter, but, 44„, remains Were 1?rought leske for„inter-' a arose between gePiseY and. a Sol- ment, • stein aret-is supposed to have a red" Mrs. Christ. 'Voellter and 4o1n igree a foot long.'. It -.tent ver i old Vinkbeiner, .or Detroit, spent a few but :from the reputation of ite pre - dais in the village. - dceetsors, !promises to be , a milker of fOottleib thown -has ham con. exceptional rarity. hope, its value. fned , rt.s doehlserooniefor leweeleese „„Xtelien_sn fthe other of the 'calf %yes ee01,_ ziteerstintelotnillirces'er.e.- feltreSeist4. • A'• siztViiiise-preety-wee--oyen. Tat ebb- iauait--ortirtia AactudelL, at,4A1,T,,,aluit„jiTinithataar.apitt, the 'dial. but was to g.trtiallit OPther rengea .in 1-,-0014101: p , veil 4.- O., It,: r 'guest in -room e *tendocoitod_trirations were 4elloett .11r. Vinkbeiner.. sod to soutuern .P01149 end OPOO ttbIr return 'Will reside in Waliensbu Pena. . • ; • r.-41 el 14.-1 leveeing _last I week _ix honor., AiL4Ohrt Par Pan 3 'EttYr... irnt ttL-tirr- Wein.. About torty young People flelire-Wtti-thit'ivilitrivitar world -was tool; mart in the social games. fele. awaited With much expectancy. Tbc wein has *been in the employ of Mr. birth of this animel, famed for rt, Vinkbeiney for about seven stare. The guests ()everted for ,their homes during Abe wee sine" hoikra after an enjoyable oveniug and wishing John much success In ithe future. Wise 'Lizzie Finkheiner, hello has beenin London, .has returned how rilftirgifestrigartrakiettrilts" her iparents. Mr. face. Merrier spent Sun'day in Dnshyooit John Smith and children. le- t ee • . r. ea at igeom, ft uhtren rett halo ui itnusie tgyo', awliaits e Mr. Wm. Ehlers \spent, Monday at er lost , timewill in going after hit the Ilend en business. . .hovine, xbut imagine St his, distlein and ettened on i n day,Tbee. 13th In the 'The new LitthorI ehnronli, j1ra .2 ' vi shots- This is fast Work and., Wiillsi is delightal as. being cOintitter ed the test. shot in .thls vicinity. essrs. * 714111-1., , ...eW-1'1,,iroltro f ZOrlubs SPent Ilfithisi in tO.Wn. Are. Gieliler. of -, Zurich, prbir-ph ja' :the Evangelical .chttroll, ;alit Sti - day, -Rev. Eldt teliing his pork, •.te Win. iit Zurich. - _ - Ur. Chas. Sari:bib, of .Zurich, /xis- tted his _parents here on Sunday. village on :.Monflai on .'butiness. , Mr. Art Awl 0Ohn pill, ,iif Iienden was in the and Mies whey.' .._ ----........,.., LA ..,,Jzit 411L-KLAMI.,.... V1-4, ?Tx • ' •:**13-rAik.i,,,t04,41: ' 30tlalt .13 ar& 1 ei b. . ,, tzlif4r4t-str-tielbAnts;eateuret -•,,, ositlon . as school,. teacher- for litho? duties. commence the tiret*,o 4iiki iii:67: iN:ti'.' '-4;111'611,3iihiPttii-;4•70,,,, / .e.% par, reei-i-FccetErvielterileat. tfrrr.Cor., rriveau'S • 51Yer ...eundaY. , 'Painters, dearatorti'irliVilaasr- , f4,-.-- tera from: !Landon raild, St* .WItolusee, are busy this week nuttinin-the fin-- ishino touches on the 'now Lutheran, chureli se -Web', is to ' be, opened on. Sundey. Dee. 13th, . . Mrs. ilosepli Snell and daughter, Vioseleeesedicse-ivereevisitingeMeeexad, tift-IF-41)avid----14-vean,4ett=on rfeiiilser -1—ehisii.Dentieene tkiel --Itt.T.-t-P.:-.-!. eAv thc to-vistit friends iir -Parkhill - .. arlf-eittir-ti'' Itnallls of the...genera elori-41-- . L. Itavelle, which was destroyed by fir:. on Satutday venting last. „ surprise to turd that t a ,sap. peered during tie nnight, haying evi- deetly iheen take!;), Om its . mother fun, The °Whet,. of ,the. cow . (Wes hastily hunted up, .but lite disclaimed uo-YejoloseledgzeokAlet-MMITelit9P-til ef-the calfshire-Severlii-Personswere- 'nterro,setted, but -hone of them were Zr 'fridtit r - Mich. • Mr. ilierbert , IIaist - s fteeesee , ',being one or the culprits, was , the, panied !them here. i recipient of the. sharp paint Of a boat. , Messrs.- Ira Drown and E.. Mahonad etesented the linpfiteptiod, neetlY ;t)ent 'Friday in Exeter on business. , starting another row. The highways ' Quite a nuniber interided going and sideroads4were:searobees out the black eeuirrel hunting' Monday, but animal remained under cover. The 0 -wire!! to the .wet weather the outing' stealth WAS continued ail i'day ;illad was 4)0stPolied until another year. s ort of the night, and when *the Mr. Geoeflledford was in Sarnia or. 1.,..e.11asrcihiunientirrrtistiWasrnetinbtarotolde, tshi4e0ea_pif lord_ twi 1cac ...for._Sarnite. the _first Lilie____ ose,4ntotiir.-- R-91raft-clt -ma of "Abe year to resume his' position tickled vhert they„-.'frfund the young with the Goodison Thresher co.i fiti,ont beast wifely ,restored, but the good Ba ve.r. I. IStuith. Of namilton, areut taatat11..r.carodliea silnir. kept nt;..ti; b_tnl:e!xychint!.:ecar Sunday iii the village.t. There . were special iii Temperance on a keen edge ail the time, -While %h -S-t irifitiraTe` ',iiTd--3-F'-ati----iiiliiiity: ttittii-"...t-eitii-iieIn'-iraiirn.,iirttb.7----6-i- I sermons In e .Evangelical . church ;he twriter 1'not awareasto -, ' the On Sunday Iast. In the afternoon a names of .tbe "culprits" it Is spfa to program eves given by the Sunday say that :the tngliehman, Zraok end e*SilEifitli- -------- 7,-----7- - - "TWIff-lereeive-w efir--t'b'Ti,'-''.--i!offi-ii-ii7 dr vim, .ntonlbers end _friends or 'the. -the-titalie estit not wialiiht the billet. reffio, ._4,-,,,hyreilga-,up, ilsof#4HcoracootiAlAhe.iiillieutantatliati --t iiii.:e:Iii6iitajfitr-ThitrAill eatAWITtrreo... . , solno 135 or .40 losidg of earth on the lawn. The committee • who . lied ,old taithioned war .4t* Ocaink, eillige'-iGt• 4131-e- work -41"erre--*":434it• welt --s10.0140.;_ iti•:.elistifiittliftinge 3. , heart itrikidneees is ell Wearer. Dr. efereitlie-ewey in whiter -every -thing was tione. The beautifying -of tee sh000 meet, painted oefetree ergror, lawn,..twilt. urently 4441-Litr_t110:44_Pta-r: iv-ifr. w ts-trimittiftr. wide 'of tthe parsonage. Mr. anti Mes. V. '.11/aek visited 'r° StiberiPtoitte3hp,ereatgoirealsith. tigitirliirdeir ith eNtre.A,I .: ..T-Clar . Ailsa --.Craig -the weak Inside or vontrolling ner. over), Senility. ves./ rt isn't so .difficult. sais Dr. Miss J. Johnson of Exeter '.v•''s • ti tit t eeborne of !,!r. and Mrs. Jos.. awsoii -giver Sunday. ' • . See tr. AV. Olark's ad in trhis issue. Itetta YA011.11,9: nxtoSe, ,aiivte lb./maker colimon _ _They have ,a full line of ranrges, Iteaterit, tinware* Ind Oiler- thardWare. Mr. files; Penhale and ,eiSter, bliss morning the service will comraerice at: 10 o'clock and, will be conditeted in German. .D. 0.raf, of gf. IMettltht'lltr""rtir.fittivat ViCe Will commence at 3 o etoot. 'rile English service will be conducted ---bieneve.,419.-Eireelrestseevilles,-00 and the tlernia ebyeltev. V. Seltrade s smv001).. • .CIIRISTMAS WILL SOON$E HE E We ere *7 pplt-i- iienr wants, our store is fille 1th ail the ings- to m p or4twholidar _ lindlottrsebirity.90b Dreas t litettiO4,1.49 and Olptineat price' to eult everybody, e Coats' and Jackets. - ArtaveiverbariadIrt everreatpreei-c—qgct-iii Valvoline wiirbe of!ered anrIttlotle-Jaeketss.welearee Fur Ruffs. We haye large assortment in Alasita Sabre, Isabella SOW, American *Ole* loafella OPPesurre etc., etc. it special prices. ,e ,r. thelmlance-orthe-sesison-ae..weelieno -inten neifsepriciesellkiell4hene----Callearlyeandgeb - - Pinalumilhbo otteredlo ejiroul.e41-tegb"i‘tine. lb ilikodk4rehiers4aplftirtlattUrge0711111.ter-r-'z"- ..:::_antc01_,M.4".0.iOrnlItltrolderkiLliannikt..,..up.-They.-*111,plesse you. • Botot Shoe. Department • \. Out Shoe Store is full of all tbe needs for winter 'comfort, in Rubbers, Oyer. ishoeS, Ceirdigeass. Rubber' Roots. Felt Shoes. Fancy Reit Shoes and Slippers, *leo allikbade of iitoote and Shoes leather for Ladies and Men, Our .prices arcu.will find as low as the loweet. Satisfaction'guaranteed , Christmas China jtist kceived a consignment al tho finest French China; These make lovely La!nAelfreareveseveurtatieettgolefeliereeteeleesetigeeteritt ps,' Fancy Pialee, Cups and Saucer, Dinner Sete, Toilet Seta, etc.k,etc, Mr. rind Mrs. Wm. towisover dim -- Mi, W. IL Welted bad, the M -for taiiiiAste-40orttriCAltill4 _ xi .1_,Alet,.trielee.',Xe'e a b. heart or kiiineYS, if ohe gees .At. Lt correetiy. Each insitle organ bat its controlling or inside tkorve. When- , these. items :tail. then - those o1Zn must- ----surelY ter. ••ithetie vital . truths are iIdftzgi dringirlsts etywhere to it • Itesti-ttiet. Wit, it setti ImOrovetifeat will Pre ptly fit Surely to 11 ow bId bi libWey Ida,„.opegedayeJiv Lige . , .13FiWing ithe Joiniing machtnc- Te• finger .artes glut .csonwatiy on :itito, .1,7.110 _time It_rapitify apprartehittp was ,siety vp„.iinfaje Dr. :McCue -.MSS.. what; sattother',intinieityll 004100 Wilt. iid It .la view doing ite Well et can :ctttela, ie irtiure,. 4 toem100,7-**'-utice The beentiful boMit. of Mr. „ti *kg. Charles Do- Muth, g031-614.004- , stlitticErArei-,FSwisevitleiT,Vs4 _Witt ..-1.th0 sceste- ffueeday Ifeirambor 24, of the wedding Of their ditaghtar May to Wedey. Vinkbeiner -tortactir at Creation. %U. coarotnordi wate„:4"oloontotiod.- at -1 P. in. by the& ** G. Ch4fOritei:i21„tIrt_Ntetbsor SwiLt.tvalef A. in 4bit ,pr iht .of it -larva ..lauulber oe and invited cruestc. was allow and tihite wedding, tire ot' Yell** ,Olikitienthettintal tine. , white tome isiteriet-Inte the ;art'. ..deeotattifigt of eselt POMO* ingev. • or , o ora a In have charge of the service which -commences at • 8 o'clock. !These rainieters- have all been former pas- tors here. Music will be furnished by. the Dashweed' rind Tavistoek choirs. ' The regular annual business meet. ing of the 'Young Novice. Alliance of the Evaegelical Aeseciation was kilayeniehtelese. At et. -devotional-exercises-theefollowifig-Of.- ieers were.,4lected, Bon. Pres. Hers Eidt ; .Pres. Martha Oestrel- eher: .1st Vice. Pres., C. Milligan; 2nd Vice Pres., Emma Tiernan; Ord "Vice Pre -s., Martha Carling • 4th Vice Pres.; -Ethel Kellermann ;, 'Secretary . O. W. Graybeil Treasurer, Wesley The TINES fr.oneeleW bars .or rrlends are oat the tenifES,, kindly tell- xeeliela Offer. ie▪ stockeirall-fresh and new, VNew PatiSiri0, New CuLante, New Peeler quTko to-, 4 your Minas Oakes. All sold at close price. • • d Everybody is invited toicall and iike a look through our larger and well assorted stock. It will do yoU good and do, us good to see • you Elighest prices pad for Farm Produce ee Al. Mr. Ilawicins, the Present ireeve. hiss tiot elecided asto whether he. /Will fug eitein for the office or net. It be Vilt$101 it. 04..1.0i el nokilteiht i blit that 110 OM titdt ity Wit A .. .. '1111F -lit; -.4W IrlatMet.'-..,:b6,-- .. tot slitesid thit be the ease, i1. Moir. the representative trolly the, 'north out will no doubt be be 4'ne Can., ttilito for tho ottioe. lifo4rs At'' ' it* gently nod Andre,to itvill *le u!otbtt..-,0a*ia. *AO P., ect-ra- ,- I me is spokefl of ts v�ber 146 *Spirant.' lloweter. OODflUStLSII day -will tell the tee. .. p never think or er thin brea4, yct you otr- have it, and if it is left oirthe tab it is thc iirstthng that is miie&.... nt.lhow-wisheist4srtidv-bet-,--- kyou can live without ”r, othh*- with less hateiship—think along . lines and the absolute nectiolty O •read -comes fulitie• to you. Ana because ielt a mem. its hould bt7 the best its quse1014 Flosr Oya hae,cotivin that it le the is for bread. , Try Ogitiries IU .144, • ristmas. OA Cards Are the ratot beautiful we boe ever show . Itware flt�1lf*4 *14i4* r.*tst fn • enottoitmIumi-u-i •— , .. •