HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 16*.t.-•;v•wlAfigg*I4 •:t ri ; tlial weI: kir stnall'inanYellOal deco tion genuine hand painted. $5.-504 MAO, up to $2.0 for n range Of fancy._ China Jardineres,:ttUat, make, ou mrondett come,' Lovely Wbre rite; ',`"AliAroatit,..1**470,41t3ligl range of .Ohlim Cake 'Plates 13tleOlitrifereitereilOWni.. ol'es they area lovely 80, 135.; un to $1.75 for a range: of Salad and Fruit dialtest:that for:;effect and :tarenp1vunbeii r col • ..10.00-and15.00 for a range of Ladies neck fuh, that Will tickle the trings of 0,41, 01,007 bag. 2. for 'white 1hIbbet,b Lamb i$et long thrQw and large Ittm $12leo= Fur set long full throw and --targe-pillowill\uff: swell. - 3.15 for A lorTC1 lot of new net waists lined and 'trimmed with fancyFillet Ito ealies of ey�•':;ea ...a, 000 ' Xt viit Sa.urd.y OCCflbbct',•,S , , Efelgt,Oents hest *00., grand piano, nearly tie*, tor alt obeco; also good carriagelio-rae, splendid driver ; n1stt-tr.0,14. toiLkkg Ad .To -day .is filiattkegiving\ $1a,e thitedtitates. tleo. Se well ,entortelhed umber of ftle TuesdaY , ,o s • fainlly t — o-ilt. CrOatu an • _ Jas.. : they are lovely.. and quantity they • cannot • $201).2,25711.00; Up ta 9,50for ba• very- • _„:_theadeeat. tet, of Toilet .Seta; heavy.. _ you'll seein tititei,-Atrals-, 0. WtAst luier--Y-111' *0 ara tinot*:st les-to-pleir-frmn, #4110autituritintOis-whatm - ,-,-47400,-8, to,J0.00*......„samAL.,...., . the .sit for our 1138 pelee ua your. say., j)n1SetTtheSttiV setM 35,50 and -We. for A, range -a- I Are truly-works.of •a -rt -and---------- Ladies- Tan, •-Brown, -end - controlled by ourselvestor Black Leather Belts , that iTAot Mitchal4 visti- -bet-cousinsr,tbe,Alisses,Vew. tjA4 htr. •and D. McInnes ore g te.ta:livca ISYracusc, „Dien - On r r f rosto4ftice. We sell good rubbers the 1)-aintymode. •IfiendatOt hfonday tia floderlcit-.4n-X-crinestlar. OA legal hustnaSS, Miss Stubbs and little son, of In- trer.e_tbe [meats of Dtrs. J. R. tl„ , btriv-h. • r. re . n r0- visiting_ Ina' parents, here left i•las "ritdaii-terbreli3Oltillit-Vratnitei-Suske.u. As a $00141. et gubseribere the "Times Will' he sent to any .address in Canada from now ' kiseter. . • are certainly big values., -- -- ape teatt Spoon Trays-in-UW[6 areliandies.' oo,c,, for the finest ----togo-oryievirriAtigette- Roli Traystheyompbeaaltila-7Taes von 11 bCe in Exeter, to - $1 25 up to 6.00 for the moAt beautiful lot of fancy Parlor and table Lamps we have seen every Lamps bargain. ' nm LiSt611'' nea r. ly all . aour Ohio an& Sauey Glass • the makers, that amaze a big , stimitig to our custotners. . ..•see them, wilrmake you want them $1, lal lines in tnen'a Kid gloves very suitable for 'teas gifts -Just ftnOthcr Word Buy- your Xreas biroce'rles from us we Can save you some od monev„._iouy, roCerlea *Ira we sell Redpath gratidulated sugar and no -other its hest , -We want all kinds of ram Produce; ' It is just as good as cash; Butter. Eggs', Dried Apples, Beans, Poultry, etc.. etc. :We again- tall tte)i .--ourgradeft--LWA •_Good Material,: Tine Finish,. • and •Accurate Adjustment are , Grade Watches. .0nualiw a question ofpFice, but quail- „Iike.atlythmg Aseitisft17, ways cheapest. in the end• . If yiku want a good ••••••••••••••00.114...... • • I^ • • CALS, • • • -.4143,144. UflL an. Ian of water at thesowor house Wedneaday night of last 'Week ;was the Canso of tile lights. being Phitt oft goes, in the evening. • • , • Not-belkediets gave einem aft le VIII at tr, lune t•tti asseniblY in goOmmel'it hall- last 4.4741c'ek 06titt40 inorninir• This • CaII, •*.t the new Barber *hop northlarttopolitan-lottct-for-a---41-canq shave and. a good. 4.1r•mit: 41$0 clothes cleaned and preiied .rtrvik2 r. atm, of 81: Marys, for- merly nt Exeter 43 engaged in a big lawsuit at rforonto, jn which he is Sons, fruit ,0-13-411-11W, ioi gictnilgittolltral-11;trileiCOt c, con- • - mitiAgud twthem. The amount. envolvedis-$16.4132.F.- 4otem• again' at the -Exeter Bar - Store.. A . on this time. The goods have er- r:n(1 at. Exeter and this Cracking, Bargain Sale will begin Am Saturday the giith of 14410011)er. 9:1115 rattlinx Vita's liAtigon etlierulti stoCk Must be cleared out at )er- Tony s u °*.‘tW: • Cr sley and Bunter, •ithe' cyan- ftilleAtemenee a series of reviv mee lugs Ilintilralitilleiltrat Methodist -Church neito Sunday. • IlOward. a. Sonnet• eirt;, playee st this offiee, but now avith the Nielson's Bank at qt. ,Thoraas* th's Week r0-441Ved A- SUUStraltial 11:1- 13271-•:t86, to salary. •4: hose lwise *weather prophets who • now hit the vagaries of theweither 'st1te-4114 the. present %yeah .„ la: none other than Indiad sunnier, - don't care if it 'I7Ato. • 'tour weeks _to Christmas. Milt.,MoTaggart,• arrived home frOm the west Friday. 1ii4.Cou1tt7 Council Mill* meni ,gtideriCkpeeember •ard, r.,4114-rmlittagui. -town .•••- --Ititlisr-Delve.v.---who-hais-been i4uite--111 • 4 wxy-oheia tever 1 mprrb Cos* • Mr.talid 1Vhal W. V. Demurs, at ilarquhari-spent-Sundity--ailth !friends- in_town. •;• •;•-• Eitiiideirtirpra ,iti_Nith• big_ S901 coOn511.11or J. lleamen. • • -- itnieslAhozupl f the St, Marts Methodist (31211440h .last iffunday. • Mrs. D. johns! returned Monday, fter-,.--vItatitatr: 4ler=danghter-,:-----Artr- Goodison at Sarnia. • ' Nir.lend M. Will Etodgert, of Par. Inbar. vietted_w_tlLi Mr. end f4is. ilodgert eunday, Douglas Stewart, who bad a slight attack of appetulicites last week, is rapidly to t Unix _better; • - --1461 Israel Itraill; 4 former Exeter, ',„itowtt-Set • The tOoderioli tow •„ have deckled to Auhrolt a 16.001 optiontb'f- law at th cotriing municipal elec. tio 4,114 • . IliNk Arthur Zoi* has securid a Rion with Plavelles ComPany, of Mrs. McDonald, of Chiftmo, ti'vvho was. visiting her 'parents. Mr. and Mrs. John. 3nel1, 'returned bob* ,last week. • ' • Mrs.W. A. Voce. lielltuuth Ave. Londen, silent the week end with tot friend, .Miss rlorettee ,Bissett, The , \unieterrled ladies hsvo ane meth lett in which to ProPOSe. o wait another foor yesrs for the Men. opportinity, rfoole arab, the liviidator ot the ork fLoan 0ao says iby tie*C.aumo IIA 1 J! W111 bitve ditidend of eo sent* on r the thitroliolders'of the the -dollar. • 414 rent. 3. iV. Oroderi Mr.. Earl SOoairtnan has lately ibeen relfaiteirtrtr thtrpositlotr tur-telicr-of the Molsonts Dank at Alvinston'iwith an increase .of salary. nor' is ono Of Exeteeryboys of whom xve should feel vsoud. Re, entered • tho bank here as junior and by Ms:close atten.* tics to the interests Of litc bank, it was nOt 10110 before', be was moved to Alvinston.to takea' more respon,.. eble position,. Ile has o doubt oceries and oo -an Om hose my old south of the ,Times Ivry large stock of be sold at a sacrifice below cost. - The firms name hereafter will be WILSON sable in shaving. • it stays the wrinkling hand -of time- and, keeps 'the skin fresh fair and .Mrs. Stancombe last 'net* to 4 bar reeognised.his wort ti itave giren house mut lot at the Corner_ 0! Vic- him hi" well claskistred pion:Maims, torte. and. Carling streets' to nom We have net the slightest doubt that listlforAjaute,.,y631,44,4eoutzspothRr, is t4 tak's UossusSiOn next summer.• rung of .the ladderin the ibankers Ntremon's*Guild, of the Trivitt career and in due time reach the po. oriel -church will hold their annual sitlon AS 01011Attqr. * bazaar in the !Teton Ilan on 'hide". meeting at the Iiiterary Saciets Dec..4tb. Afternoon tha Item ti" to e. Program In the ,eyerdniri-ndratssion-10rlx-id:4447ibotttirerm-befh.2741307maltillticitt cents. 4.10,,XiXtu3--Aneetinft,:2fgr4'....XM4 401#10W.,,TW6LrfoIrtir*.Ctialrillrift 81 rtsPota-ed;-rftitirVfe-F'r- lanes :.and.r.A.„ Willie that We haVe an 42.kt-illorne,-****Verriedr----4PC prAeh li;nn e _4477 ifirl-TERF2ift -etriliverair"--T 141 marriage last ,week, Among /their tgxs_sts. friends-from-the..4 roun vTUWs, trailikbara" • our Lon on. ' .1.10me!".-Dec. 1 th. igd. air1---A..-Z-1104gert+-oxPLAts.,to le attune. rilre Viuh schction. 'Wein thav-Aveelr.---to vlBit the --larittaPa1-ad-lhe-Vorth"1-4-iistruntent -otties-inr-thir-VolttdaSitife.C.Wit4Alff fetVitg-6-1,--;fournat,-,ka,zzo instru- xpcctation of disposing of hie United medifit iterb. Hanlon.; insirtutiblita -States-patent .extt31s4on Jenne Ifienn,; Ati0t1 Kslie Cohlins Silo Curb. . • and K. Bissett: Glee club.selertion, • cp en c zse murder ot Olak Moutiek, in. a !bus near Clarkson oppril 16t11 last was last WednesdaY Oland 'guilty' at Ilfaini-ntoit:-titiliFttentincett4o---3b.rhatirt4 ed 0.111i.rerV Iltb. Mr.. Samuel Oanson. and farnil$, loft., Yestenhy for London,where hia has secured a lucrative Mr. ,V•inson has ;been •a resident 0/. Exeter tor over thirty years and wo. wiih hftijnjisJi success. .Mi..now Ikons. brotb-ot-J,-G,-St1tnbUrY, of was 1 atUirdayf leete president of the Ilutort Old Poyis itssocistiati, Ur, It.8. Crocker, au old tzeter boy twos appointed, to the exeCutivit "tetntiaittoo •• ,Phrstial Cla,as. **--1 xeoeurttnt ie. id boys, wishing t • r . c1a .their tom" ftlee. s Terms,' zoning men 41,00 for cours0. tosi $1.00 .0"ottrse to VOMMenott Ptc! 'the 'Miele Tiu Cibin Company. !cloyed to tt, crowded house in Ibe viper% Ifouse teat *tight There was a .ttiericed ditterettue•Ite# tureen &lie 'show gtiday night *la tito one WhiCit Pinta\ 1104 litIOIN atreekil age, tbe toter coniptrit , being by far tire better one. Vbe totter who Aries tO run his farm .without a ferni #41)er Is, not dc* ing illinself �r Ilia fartu, 'Make Tie .Ezeter tit* 1440, nee*. and in addition be titre and add The W,ekly un to If Ourlist tit, rotting. for tbe tomi elm ou 1111,e..Onhy $1•80itr.7014 • tbjpers i*lkitte bacin be cxtrnc't- ittad:bit wapr, nthe motzth of t tl -bttlni,dlires ftghtlj. auction willstraw in 4' Miutitt 01 tWo II eXtriost the 0 I , , by MS'S H. 1,. • Oregdry marks y Mr.Weiderthainmer.-t!elt tie Martin. rtes.: O. f3att, see. nn1 ReporietThe first trieetink of the Y. M. 0. A. since its organization was held in their pawns (Senior's' Ilan) on Ale dair evening. There was afair good representation or young trona The next meeting wilt he held. on Monday of next week aittl a good rt» tat ilouse and Lots for Sale ,Large brick' house, 'with every con» vertience, hard and soft /water, also two lots, with brick stable and drive house* Apply at Tien43 Office. is eitreell,'-ik' 'I” me, Tile AIMS ei the T�cnliT�ir e to awake it as Interesting add structive as volsible* "PliPqat evs Ctrs and different form* o'c'-ittrittto 'cleat* are to gac .Pnt In. Tim Aa. clittion rooms will be OPen two nIghts fl Iiiveek 10 start ,and these will be to t1iemernbrship nncb in+ terest -IttereIttft. "•-•'1),IreadY * 'deal of enthusiasm is tieing...44A and 'before long the stsseciation boots to 'boast of a good of triettlbers; liver,Yonep come.out on Afttqldat tittito3 )attXt; • • Vite Man Street 'choir called at the :home at Mr., and Mre, 4letiac Staten on Monday, eirettiag end presented them. with * ./titclien shoWer. Mho 10110Winginusinaloluelitlens forintd pari Of the long „program, tb lirst t mtvittitoottitt-tid-rorritotir ',answer*, "tir'01. tie., lint hero' are elsttOng *nit *114WOrst as giTett_bY fle of thi natty: Part of a tilb.siTtO ell: what 4 'tight shoe tioes oesli;,4teinething to keel) ,itht at le in the ijaetttreo.o docri, :orbs 'ot tirtars should h* -strong; to - e'-• a sliMoilt Whitt t'lre"4"PtiiiiIe lk meth;tarit to tat: What * **at)* vin6 dotsio.riewI three lii$1t6r4 of 0010 • *R0,40,1d4iittid*: wbat a PO east "41.45**Wear iti4t4 41. 'Vegtleiblt". Up* :11111.4011 n ew MOO parientillth -Taft th, and in good state of -to•-.1ohn-tilrodarick ono. - h Si -11.; • able Xtnas gifts. •.OalL & d „hoar thorn d ' •ge ottr prieett. A number, .of' New Vie1 half, rice • og*na • ---rtr-reP duces mos O and 'bunion voice, so • • Each re7.• , coal plaY*".. over ” four Minutes. proPe e.ittetopyl" 2d5rtvcrtit #foi: contemn:at a 00 Towsisbrp ot borne. frhis is 'choir°, iprioperty, is ell al-lna,ted--4141 two gooti-apting. rens, all seeticit• to grass. If not sold privately on or before -the tatli ot ciluoitLim_noVernber.,twatrwill jtsohekldllakbY • PrOPertY wUI be so1i1 in part or bulk to suit purcbaser. Vm. Westeott. proprietor. For +terms and inortlott- e• 1141111("rbitr. "r''°4tntett""tteti°1114 h _Proierq f,e1ongnd to Lho-Tate Mrs. Ansi. godgort *n 14 being • Urea by Ole bY the executors to ' 01006 up the estate.; On UioligetraSet are substantial brick howte, storey and it half, utioll front. stable end' barn ft* 'fruit tread& good ell and For 44irine and particulars appty to Wni.-Ilodgert, larquhar,.'or Al -ex Busselda NVItis, tarn* '000 ictS: of 122 serteeit:4- 'ate 1St the 'irillsge, Of tlimsille on the Bt. MarisArrierel rOul. eortitenient to g nerd *tore, 431atkimith,' *Non>, and rnintitc1 walk from".the Meth**, ohst;cilittreli, mut 'Mile from Tiliblitt chooI.046 port,' Consists , at .100 with IriCk hense, Urge' toktrt wj(h basement, , drire,,,theti,oretintlf 10 es - bush. ohotnisnot Tbe her part .0onsitita Of 22 acres. 040-liouu, frame „stable:at tirettitrd weU.All .004 land in ,gtOod. *titivation,' POstiession re&:1144.4-For ternt* an vflicri tierntt * Di ' ?Rik urnitatr, entgrade of work itamp. padticaI trittnin 01001 estkrtt Ontario, We have three Depoirttnentt „ In cernancI otos Mitego ,teachers as well'as oMce 4414hitantst, ua1 LnstrucUon., Suter tie*. 'freer 'Write for it ELLIO & UCLACHLAN, ti :;,:ou aware that 75'pi ent .o..f the:flour 'der that Star Flour It.m: If& and,ito it is.mad� from Otti: best . Western Wheat and :the best Ontario. mixed .ha1f4ui _ setc for bread 13:Lakin ,t uslngit