Exeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 150 1,4 Alligt.„4 IZiOS Or **K3T OFFICER :011A A , RLt ADY WIZ° AORItO V PROM Pleire"liettee • -4.-.'174.ttttp.tem-ilvgoor-to44.4xtorto - t , iug.liJj . ' tit i cx. ' .only , ors. 0 hr ,stt t. , eliarch Isk i' $ .#41,0t0 or cow! biers. To..Jay, .whin an, Pilteniti30 tO be rroieccd. efforts are-mada The -British 'thaireellor of the xclieqner says that the total num- ber. of claims received by an old - age pension_ officers up to the Oth tc, enlistinit..aupport... the: .greAt.,. those who by wealth- and birth are aturat leaders. " , 'The- Christian 0114E4 Was estalt- bed amid the tinniblest, and Poor- st ClaSseis of society; its Lthoomak- .crs, its washWomen,, its fishermen, on, jt.)abor.er boozeJta. saints. In found it. honic id won iti sucees I P.A.,..POPP not Until the Japan,, •of 300 year that1-entive teds'ait'emperor o rought empire under its ,s -way, hconement it did these things • A:ORURO-11 OF To -day it is largely grown to. be church of class again. The plain people, the laboxing, people, and lust, amounted to $408304, a. themselves At 'fancied -0444p tf,..,--not Pc-ea:me-from-En freni,----kelandi.,-49,012 - land •and -13,615 foul' wales, * rt-tliiirst -year, The•-ap-- pertsio pliestions up to now nearly reach , tions which everybody deplores. that figure, but it is possible that I They do not find the churcti fulfil - .Considerable number of claims.' ling its divine mission and doing willbe rejected on scrutiny. 1 its great work. It seems to them re -number of to be a church of the world to -day, with its teaching and preaching at t wit it ram tee. , a e not triilt4tous, lie7peoptecthey"itrO' IInXlOUS aetl_wistful fes, soinethin erld a , go;n ' ' o , the'.01`411-lheitY il• Or 0 gospelof elf.sac# . c hie 4 both., Prom 0 'a. i nien may coitip battth,sre ligioUs organization is the one ho in. whieli the rich- and-.- the -poor,- .0e. Mg .and 4 • ow,,,,. e . weak the strong,' - li -4Utt. ., Lord:' is alike A. ab,.. 11,44trt 9r, TILElki ALL. The church' Will fin4 itS saints again' , M9,11:„0 e 6 i tlie '° standing after r le a e into the room. Tho ., ledge that her maje ding mil the gentlemen left ible mode it impossible for o It 41641441!,nt,97,1rji,t9,1,19,11.4nith" •,, ofT„,,,,A.g 'VW/ ...V art.0-0.1 4, g , t This quiet but --signifieant acti of the girl queen had ft, most bone - 410 result and by. the Jim° she iarried society WA'S already, hP,gin- .. . want .antelioration-.0L-theite-,40is The- relativelY applitations 'fro is due to Ale 1Iat that ,age and upwards in. jreland than in ah- a church of the lo -called higher and "Ada,,41„otodeglat stratura of humanity upon to otindations of the wotld are here are more leisurely 'fictions of society. of the census or 1001 the pro- 4ion ItetApAnk. ef tte„Astal pormlation is given as Mrsis WitI respect. to persons_ of sixty-five years and upwards; England and Wales, males 42, femals 51; Scot- males41,•fernalcs 50; Ireland, males 64, fel:miles 63. \ The high Proportion of old pee- p% enumerated in Ireland -s, says • the report, main1),,,accountedfrnjgr8tior- . enz- A FEW FIGURES. !flore-zro 451 systems of short- .- -hand. • The best ostrich feathers bring 425 a, pound. TwO peerages a .year become ex. serv a 0-14, gueetis arrow how wandere4. into Zedtt WAti-outrimarily entel*e fiblyreaYie:;i aottreattvienutcl; ins aflve olltild:otir each. After the first wiiipping\Rer liuru dered-tlicrinan--to be tic - cies ne re nemies. At thi$ '1$04W011 walliOrt with dress, 41.1X 13340 0\ tb1r Orti 1 t\ir. orts ot rosiest ice. Wes erit's Lars.14ver PIUS. r taking two viola of lowinces of V50,000 .per, annum are t 00* : Itite new Irma, and tan eslert-ossileit4ireet-4-at often driven to.desp ration to keep st ,01YreeGin' ona thom t9141.440.1 er,with4h0_44 \ th4r ce ..?,°4 cent* per visl or 3 for $1.00, at 'fi4a,444,41,1k afl a, t1pA 0 la lu 11 -one-of- -guet recently invited to Prince of ;Wales., at a a country lion* Scotland. he did not iridoinitablc bird beat itself upon the cm an 13-iit"to the 'upper eoul not but adudre the onvearying persistertay with which it strove to escape to freedom, but its efforts woetenureutfutrile. Not that way lay the Jig ma. hu "ir20.7-orway— would give access to t e high a vents and the bright stars. The church must go hack to the , • humble people of this land she is again to lead the nation to the high heavens and the bright stars and what lies beyond. She must humble herself in order that she v. Cyrus Townseed Brady. 10 lat v4 1' wee n o h field o ttle, but video ly those in au 9 .11ritielyWarellice-do-aot-share the view. The Army Coeneil has, *et approved a new cavalry sword /woo= firm, The new ?ea 0 which has bteiernalritcsubmit.ted by a - Wad.” itrtietertbtertap,1814curved an broader b1aie. eh•-lia•ebelqt.407 fe.721-Xlf littIe modification, or over Ulf a cell- tgry. In the new, grip there is an ingeniously made' recess 'whereby the •user.obtops. power for thrust- ing. The grip is checkered, pro- viding an excellent hold. The manufsieture begun JCIU00. nt wars Ve- e 0 peo o been told, avails` s era u, prophet reflecting -*idly the aw- ful state of things existing in aris- tocratie social circles of the -capital city., We are reminded, its we read these words, of the -similar state of affairs in Rome shortly before the downfall of the empireniany cew. ate . , Whom will he teach knowledge/ " the ing a cheaparorneter, practis- ed in Prance. -Take fi.grams•of pul- Nerized camphor, 4 grams of pulver. ized nitrate of potassium,- 2grams k,f pulverized nitrateAmmOnia,.. and,, dissolve in 60 grams of alcohol. Put the whole in a long, .slender bottle' • Hoin ordercd no N -left tied to twenty.four boin drink, f DIED FROM TORTURE. Seen after he was _taken dow e c refuse4 toeqr., This w a repeto OE.U(i at 4asst fiery (iticC firrit p_eaki,asd Z the ilagsto .4* 'Without food ,r Court • charged ith catising. the - at ‘cnst, wa taketcfurthertill-it-reael ed the' -0erznan .court, where -fterr Horn WAS sentenced -in May mat. In -appealing against the sentette Herr. Horn brought .several wt.t. ness9s, who declared that Zeda 4.*a3, not in pain'when. tied to the Rag -staff,' but only cried out when Eur' peons -were within hearing.. la ...... a ,. ;',. ,, , ei I, - nnoisseu owns,- aQ she immediately 'phone to two swag - pr rit4 ateliers;.' She ex - was .- _1 violent garine cyurry for,vt,anovit.a70,7mtnlitTirmweetreffic o. di lady's boxcts an dispatched to tailor-made suits and SO forth, The tritinddinner- troekt:-:heaigown. tux: ante_ nt&ht they wore PO404 lict rklY wore • tocott zie;_k,shaneiLat ., . it was -again car ,o t e . . Pe -k- ,, *rime Th.paptqfr an return= m her -fiaryship's London-lidua her--ara-lo-wl-riu—vvV'*ch-liipT" plied it. My lady's rival; who was furious- ly envious of the unique display of creations her ladyship had exhibit- ed, realized that there was only one bowie in Dover street whielt. could urn out a rose-leafeharnumse tea - gown of the order her ladyship had t'( cboo1 S or tulte Orierrtal, In Details. A itiange seo-iy is given by a slib. 'scriber of a drama said to have - happened ,in a ;fubboApore (India) village school, says- the Poise Akh- bar. A few days.ago one, of the teach- thrs-air. -.When-rain--its vomits oftzer school hours, „ mocking retort, of the nobles an the soli parbe es wt ten gra u- d t Oor. 9. 27.• to go eel e a .prepare 1. priests whom he has thus sevelY re- ally to mount, little star crystals his dies lemon. when tho _rest of, A buked, and who apparently inter- forming in the liquid, whielt other- Verse„1.„ Woe -,The Ilehrem word. --runt.-hiwirith-their-seeffing-replies.' 'Ise-remelt:m-404r --if--shigh,--win the students had gone aii-OY and thus translated is a simple inter*. Tirco t* nes through 6 .6 reaching the rouid b -1/4garliiiIrt6--watclrtuvu"/"Ir 0 quotation111 tion indicating di/stress. , I*r P — erl 'es' master shut the boy up in a email I the next verse. • , some thick, as if fermenting, while Crown of pride-Barnaria, toe, partie forms on mezzo, teem an email e is am - d d di 11 if dorsi I to. steeep upon p +repo , me ;A o fin lid t t f " le house, t well k a We have the identical thing you desire," they said. "It is one o Dotted's," sand forthwith the gar- articular erefore, at --She was andsad -she wanted Ifew They Were Discovered and.-- Atirned to Their .Owner.i t --Y54-11.VJn‘', ••• "notes, re- rbo lived at Nanterre,. near Paris, were_ hidden by her in an ,old en- velope, which WAS placeld in a uea awo,-.412.4..toesneut-of-fergettul- the .envelope found its way in - o a dust bin. nzngieoW turned out the but tossed- asider the tattered envelope without in- , lam-- Some---eitrters--happened o pass that way. They p!eked up rer, oi e emarking. , the_other_l__ • "Perha s there is a fortIne in- . ,i414 -Air. AC/tea,: Ine'lthlvYa,'-ParlIduexceptainetla "that is the identical garment Lady A. ore tit thei--Didce_01.-41's house party ew ays ago. - eau u as it io, oshould not think of wear- „. crowned the"siimmit -of ..4401,v gives si ericis' repeated mono- ' r eitweff*ihi&lt 'not :entirelt_eertain. _They are midi vineyards. and gardens ' -w• Y7. -Drunkards of Ephraim -The the- annunering word"f drunken men, solute aristocracy of the capital no thine mock the wegritiorars-repe., Aweepings of London's thim- 'make 1aniti&Uy 40,000 tons -of hip rtiti . , it adiarLa hood of .Negapataintliving is so eapthat beef costs only -three pound, mutton two -cents, to five cents ur cents a dozen,.. buttervecents a poun an Unita and vegetables ia the sai:ne Mar -14,4 to ' stance; pineapple. ten cents a rloz- -*.en *14 new potatoes, five cents a adirig-flewer--o s--glori. beauty-,441eMents- of 14141 and - tiiiintegisitiOa-ifere."-.41resit ,evident on every hand. 2. 'A mighty and strong one ..w rilra , he -who are we that we it -lecturer -tY---'thii-inati4 Are we newly torn infants1 Is it Referring to the Assyrian po sarY t9: rus t.tItit '64;x6sat 401,1ads-4von°*re nt tri " 14--tettelte 71 Sayi, but_by men icor strange lips. and with ste ering tongue- \%anertng lips!!! e . triprobriinnints--ended-siti the prophet replies to the mocking irterruption of hit hearer* by titement on hu apost&te1POPl0 ith the hand -Or, A vcith vio- Or, "for with - '4, Trodden under foot --By the in. vading army of the enemy at the time of tha 4.151101106 pointing- out- --that -unwelcome. judgment against the nation. 4. The first -ripe fig before the mmer-It is-4,-.1amiliar fact tha by_Jeliovah himself to this people in Palestine, sljn,_ other fig preduet still there uncouth language, preeeded by is few scattered fiis eats of the Assyria invaders. fruits. These "first -ripe figs", are 12. This -The course of -action ed. still esteemed 4 great delicacy. voCated previously by the prophet, *sets, Nahum,, and Jere- miah, as well as 'Isaiah, refer to this -early fruit (compare Iios. 9. ie. 7 Itah-2 Jer. 24. *doltet cal fot *a they art t ere I All the mos to the, tIlie tu re, In the '41is atdetol bgin was-arta,AtetaittpOrri 11 lithens atrept6t by, the d teng , that ,tlay The day of jti and desolation. • leliovali of- hosts beeome wit of glory . -A ,,beatitifiii pro. n figeritiVe language to the nnznt -residue. of the faithful Jehovah altall-redeem and to 0 he bilagelf liecome. of beauty, strength, and r. And cven these -The ton at .841ein ainong, whom the priest ' the prophet.are /rt. d to because of their t*irig the, fritusi lade** of thr pople. It th• and oft -repeated Message will :be followed 14' a severer word spoken is the ret, the only mlarie of avert- ing the Impending clisatStera; and this ajOrte. is the onispostable means of bringing refreshing to the ex. bausti,d nsti�n and city. 3; Therefore-Beeause the warn- ing of the prophet hits been, (113re. arded the punishment and 4estruc. tion foretold will surely Come uPott' the thy. : Fall backward Retreat . front .their position and be -Cast , . down. • '• • Broken* and snared, and taken. - Defeat and Atitt titter de - 013004 1611 be. the inevitable:out. ome of , the cotilliet which, their apostAsy iota 440.hovoth will in; the :iota bring upOtthern. e • durin fair weather t 6 I tte f 1 th a r 3 re use e mass the. liquid will reliain c ear an t4. &rtie1saitcsLaLUieJ*L r-,ga-ve - him severs .tuts '.bad_to:killthaloy_ and s was' 'nffertn r sti, he requested his .teacher to 11 him by ti,:atene- lying in :the they said; so by way ,of revenging .thernselves on the unknow joker And not believing the notes were genuine they tore them to pieces and threw them aside. Two market women came along shortly afterward. With the shrewdness of their class they cognized the scattered pieces of het theium-irthli.Wiiii"-i-tisary of Police. Shorasisistants in, the smart haus- c.a ar as perfectly trained never to show mirky's° as the best ser- vant3. The young hcpwornan merely remarked that she was sure "Mrs. X. woe mistaken.” Ptietti"diee tahretihneou'ise' " Elqducersitnigo.nwwb at vitae% wal gat s it is on.t et and y-thip.,•=113e- act in thc, traJi and e e utezit tttio:Imateoa oels auckel never There„they were niece& to ether and it was found that none was inissinv Two hours later the notea it° curiously discovered were re- stored to their owner. FlUNISIIED FOR HIS RASHNESS -The ,captain of a merc1iskittnis67 • you, sort," he said. All rghL rny man," replied the skipper.- -"Where have you ThiiI Tenfiirel"' "Australia, sorr." "Well, you must bring me your character." The cliaracter was obtained, and Alibernian was-ivese41ng_i1 nother VliiMinervtere-foWn-lieWiiir"— ,"Cunard, sir." 44What couTltry I" 'all those books cin• astronomy ou her4ilitittir4sihtuLL- are not ours." "A pleasant little surprise for Ott," responded the lady.. "'You ow dear ou said this mernin that we ought toetu y astronomy; and -isti I went, to the bookseller's, and bought everytki,ng could on - It was ,soine, mitates before fie tn,k"" he :then said 416 I never i ste. must study tistroio said we must study eeon0-‘ — an wept to bring the stone. The mos; eattherdlylifted the stone when a black serpent rose up land coiled itself round his arms. . The half boy, seeing that d and some passersby CAtile. there, Seeing the boy in this state, they irttarratd-the-rellice4--who rtache it ere Inimediateff nate master was in that condi- tion, Seeing the police, tile ser. it -his -prisoner and-the-rnarz r was arreetf It was at dinner, and. thcre had Eeen ihieken, of which the littlo daughter:of the house had pttk- t'fl. with great freedom. ,'I went some more ehieke "I think .you have lzada much AS is good, for you,., deer, p Iriineete mamma. " ou,can t have Mort now but here is a wishbone that you and rattinteri, can pu 1. • That, Will be fun I'. You pull% one tide tri(1 pull the other,_ an whoever gets the longer ,eird ra have her wish +tome true.. Why baby, you've got it What was your with, ear "X wjsh furtome niore e token', taid Franee, promptly COMf ria," said Aft. J'ones, no o • his *Tarrying days, ".it re o' forward." ' Shortlyafter, a the two men weresirilhing the .decckttogeth:: heair sea,' -the -Englishnia*,-.wrsis swept overboard'. bucket arill All. Paddyof= his tInci then cal... ow, there's my old clothes, "Come ' esPonded the com- 'Why can't you make them. over for wander. to is rap. "What's up eliildrext„inattiad,41,gban liaw , . away remernb*n that . "Because they' e worn out when Cuparder this I" queried you're done "with b,ein,". answered . -vertainly. tfireTiAlitslr; It4I-1111e- =Sting Yez tuk-hira 'without a charae- over things for the children that tory, , won't hold together *.you could not "I did.; anything- *misfit' rt. it. yourse11441Marl. itiLY0.4-11tet.,± "Ile's,igone overboard wid _Xer fort I will think of eorinuing my daughter fo your are you must succeed in doing some- thing." "Oh. I've done that, 1 itecesded in 'kissing her last night, ter ,she had assured, trie that I n.ve your approval.. sitf W4143 a !roman, that's, ;A Paull 8,370,0t4 square miles, hieh liaved is a ppliti,y• rued.y . 052„450 areas Europe., Tbut 7.4as-in .41031. Ohio warm :gallon of vinegar weieit more Ill MAY Ur. Jones went, Prolee*Diri winter than in summer,. as the tOg through the elesetst leeking for cold c53ISCS the fluid to Contract. ,sonietinrig.. he :couldn't And, ”and • be screamed, 'where alpaca duSt.toati" *de' kti 'O'er .for Johnny M?..•'Well,--where's the browi linen one 1 bought last, sufivier "Oodles -bag tt," niunibied Ikee Jons, teemed to .have adif culty in r rt eta at that vast iiiade it, into A nk gets more "etijoYinent. r 1*ugb asked t1. a5tonsLcdI subdued', woul Mutt retiwht‘t you have' 1 1113'Alk bat oU hairtift r for the baby,. have , e W' II tO ably with Israel,. !le betetting sift hvir f Ite:eu. drunketiness. 4116*(41 up' of 'witie, ilter "confused with Ily absorbed .iii, theit ,, ..ks; The meitmn. is n.,t:tietir., Err , sioli.43#teivt-.. t ' sapPosed di 1 ' thay eiai* t V'er tontiOrtib - rogests,* Tlli • 0,4