HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 14uir 0 r el : ividuel pontB of eaeh o 0 attein isu A 11 eat 0 city of from hose 'that prov the'best la • 1nderstan thii, And wbenhe fer sele'cted, t r pri * t b :,... , takis:'thern thai egg , . equaBy iu i ' 'M.Lb" munon Ihki de et' ring for,the 0/41 *it 4ujhira it „lade flame, 'Are you reatiiim it siowl Den .o*z know" with a nYenslittle • ver 'ride t felt,' reminded Of the action - f an engine's piston; his heart was'. • pumping so, "flon't," he urged. "Please .elon't Loy so.• It woriciswipe out half ihe happiness of your presenee elq-ba libi tireathe-was oo- afrakl. Strugglett in vaih to con. trot his rebellious „tease ffesseied be' had gone too fer. Tried te retrace his steps and found--sss most of lie' 4141.44:/aCktrardfr4 `6211-e--4zniatter'-`diMailrisot ante. .• -t-bittlisteysteriry 'isineskierrarce-÷-havo---domer7tli truth" • "Offended g" — -tt.30.1441 ht c erilt lig t u et had never' found. th,re be»e d he eelkoed bertna ivet'cla tall4;111,4111411t 1°' eatneas in both their voices, in eir whole inflamer...A reciprocated .4,-. • -. Sothc par 01f4I1ert IX• \ - fl$ ¥ns was very full_ thought ot the man who has! tett 4110 -Poi t v" o theu ht_ef t . 'he windows of heir soule: In' the caselof the man t 0 ey,e. ids trained wide open t'ill the asen-flashed-yeillY-before-ti rising sift, VOA* then 'tie' &Cara iT Laterrwhetr-litravroletivitimrevis dent, that a. halo suceeos would* surround hit weather prophecy. Ills prediction of wet tented e)u, correct;V .rained nearly all day, ibedi-11 a Adelathaitztha- Ty of evening eloied down on the. n 0 Jug. gliu'without a ti,ring on her .r li- g u !al . 114g 0 si •to sv eat% 'and."_ . . "Paweed 'ere, perimps. i - "No fear! She knowa :Nat lod- ger's Well-to-do, end she'si workini 1m, fo rail 'ee wuth, as the say* t h.. Lori .shes up to, i,uuty, i to, for necessary in prop r ri: ho tell ;you,. , 4gs ix .was.eaym" 'to Mrs t;'.; c!ivillitiftioboe:°47 tleiriertimAt,zt as •Smith, thisin Lied of women is n to every thing." matter of daily %gist' ._ the-aforern Liza ' 'brae 14"-.' Everyone must be his own over- ,-41-sYthc-. .0_14131a . 11* -1"."- ° eliseglir-t '4414400'Pa . is that - onditions for _ hbox&ii„,beingc eeae. ”' 1 „...unleee these a n to 0 4 eV , ' e ecially trustivorthy, loss and die- intment not, inevitably .mm9, Wornrnratidintle.-Stre•-m400e-oetto ZLIIted than me '' for ,caring for poultry _eye aro no orionty1,1 fitted toiavo the charge pf-t e flock, :being generally cerelets and orgetful4 • ' -There are five- primsese.,essential rOintolor the ,suceeosful' manage - moat' ot u1try. A go 4 houEe Is ' 'Ste4tieli4,i At sAitioultVhgss. that it Can be cleated and wh ° --- fr_44.4....tes:Areieusost..4- s o -verminv-Fol1trys-w1ll--n9tr401.1i° With, Hee. Cleanliness ,fs .angthe iioint-iii"Ponitry7lietePing ofthevery highest importance. Fowl s will rover do -will' in a . dirty- heriece. Warfel*, at .one time.thought to be essentialr,0 otoimb,eifromeaodaeproon,eltiotpreirei: 1d ter3' • ., - 0, ke.ep, (T. Latinos Yllaerge. se:a nd h is not Prepared to bestow aConsiti. erabler,amount of cafe and *Wen. tion upon thetherms' he is under- taking. vittera of thorough' , ro444e71*-.4M14.0404. OA, d r alto pregneAey-of- b uggehtion4 As to Ine worst, io not wnte •stline; vould not read a Paragraph*. Afteethe manner of ,a cesediseatit wilke& up and ' down- men.• then a last he tap, eheer exbaue. Ilia ro‘a-tle.',4;13eilillul aa trned t , -walk only; a -walk, up and down the front.. She did not feel -equal- She spoke shortly. Just repeated tc trustin herself an that *mat his_word, not being in a mood for again. D d not trust, him ----or hei. the making of long speeches; ad, self. ded-• • •A-snoonlight night, a, murmuring “oh• „ Now jet wic be g and a roan :With leYes of greater • ing.,,• * --eloquence than lus, ton u un• •1411tie conversation perchad •on stilts best to airoid sitting wn.. iseemed artificially out -Of reach; a , Miss Mivvino did not altogether reServe had sprung •un- between. iseent herself ; was nothing like so lit'szeseshirlutdebeers+eforeeeTlie • efforts, to he natural. Masters was sweet mouth never parted in laugh..- • 'APpreciative of' the fact that his ter one during all the -wa1I It own were a sickly -failure. .• was a new mood teshim; ime in At her gate sheassumed mArri- hib he could fincT no pleasant- xnent; a transparent, frauduleet noes. • kind of mirth. Said laughing1y:1 one He taxed her with it; something , hand QT1 the lateh the 'other ready, Was Worrying her. Ire would have •.,to_pjace in his-- • - liked lainly ask selust; that - ",An! now, Mr. rronhet, what of might lig ten 'rat least -.4 ziaa -tii-snow 7"deavored to shako offfli. depre • • It *at not infectious, that inert:- riMent of here, She had fallen on - 4,s their good-byes were uttered, the flrot-Subject in Vatapule ---, the exhibited..*- surprising -fertility weather. Staple of English inter- in the invention, of hints af meetings. cdurse, how man ,can deny, it. a again. She, for reasons- known to t of gratitude Common Round o Gail& eroe , not take them,• 4- OW SWitelieTtVi _eonver• t -. were II la eet'9ifc'teirt*''Itifa Vieitifer flIi tehre---qUe 01147.4 was tan way practically un- -touched. -1Ie had lie room for Thy. meal food; be was so very full lust then of mental pro7ender-4ne dominating thought reigned ever all others. What should -could he do I to drink. landlady enrefeit-tepaing tray. Whilst she*Was spreading s contents, the thoughts cense/14v lile,.1.0444-Mats-11.04PAst=‘,.- "Don't go away -for risoznei'.. I, Want to ask you something." ,"Yes, sirl" "Yen know Ivy rottage-.-*-on the front Do you know who_liyea. tliere 7" She looked at him :for a moment fore answering. An autumn rd needs carefulliandlieg;- ir-it -e ti t k� 0Wieg summer. S passed her tongue over. Ike thin, hp,- Ivirained it, said %eat- "Xo, sir. - That ii to say, not their -present names." Memores Anger pointed. out the efer the war our ry 11 n'ahtellittr,nee/41444°. The last. essential pure aix. The oultry house must be built no that erts.,.w,i11.1zet.no,bad,-410,0.7 fined atmosphere. In other words the house milet have good ventila- tion. Whether poultry keeping is carried int extensively or on it small tette, it...wilthe found to be one of 'the best paying bran,ches on the f provided.,it is carried on in usiness-like manner -Canadian pejnepees. • • riini'M 'NOTES. - ix y- egree rereture to which milk can be &et, but the surroundings must be per- fect. • Within a range equal to the • h ht ortrees, the, growth of Mots ea (171reYend ,„ 1460 6 g sort L4reaithg o tile morrow. So was f prbphell ilasuraption of your avoided any open reference tcan. • daY 4-7F' 74 • aniviere The glance made it hardly a lacon- - -reply . . She iftretchett ottt her hand. With the light in her for -zne-no eyes u on, eal. 4"Good-hys tier hand -his retention �f wes-for_,-s,-piniod-eonitidered- Ions er than Is eonsidereinitiite goOti ono 1nlefayfair---he &eked, - "If it wet day -to -morrow, you know -I *Wall imItotte_ziaLika, Th.ose elequeet lashes of he .„.helPedAleptsech-,-11e, 44_01)40 -"It May clear In the lettenin Graeie out in the damp.: But, u lose it rains, 1 shall take my oirri walk in thz," evening." • Even it smaller merey would have Meade him thankful. He enquired • eerily-. • kW. • ringes lifted-,, Itim whit he extravagantly labelled a limps. of Heaven. In the Mewl. light he tom ail the glory ollier eyes,. es aiiikwered-- - *Ws, . • • roomrout o o o de 1 * toms woniesc's voice, at was in )(ha lifiviine Utteran or dist tneivits,ble, • "If you thould Iltd- me Wel n the pared° that time, augate& ist4e*Sed4"' h " pa1.ted. tc oncelte) hirn. JI,e:hed counted to on the meeting; had watched the' ticking away A51 the hOUre till the tall of eventide.; -till eight. O'clock came. 141111.4 evening, all his delicious sinticips- -tion.v -6/ to -night. He felt like one for whom the. sun has set while it is yet day. of worried -himself ggardness---being a man pos- sessed of, strong emotions. Walked hemfrinind44.dett-with fear Ahatlie hsd dote or said -something to of.: failed to find a reeord; gout' ot itiegite what 115t1 been But slumber- was. net the peateful kind. Although hie dretutos Were of her -the -woman Me 'waking thoughts Were's* full of --they were lAirtiteafg, night, • Again, taw fringe in the emit grow into efore he slept. , • flit an e st that mpl-s-st) it loot° on would be a relie Mill deceit and mystery do aseas known to reat es4110 height of the sereeno AF,44Wittft hy 0108t Or0p8) an espeexa y to t osct habieto-beinjur,etibreevere-windsi -reaeon-soentan Arm, re fail tmo zo-the-- is-for,wattk..bf ed suety' eneumbertitees lie-have-raliad-toina -ri lirte of stock, with t 4at a 'loan in a te1liperi -weakens hi armor. There was bat- tle -to -be done; lie meant liaving-s cut before the woman left hie room. er orrec e in g in this place,' bay heardi' -- Exclamation...with vine a shrike of her heid. She wes ing now with,,her mittened h long talk; continued "Ne hear. plenty strizr., -,t,ron know the the :present no, sir there is one just new)", ,In thoing the deo, lines- round her mouth his satanic majesty b surely held the graver!, Masters thought the- metining smile with ve1yMtieouin Ths inflammable enutio difileult for .hini corttftl of -hie ifoito lie found the weather. ott avraknig. go warm that at breeklast he had erred to the .g t tin dug "Muggy.' net 'I`o nly speech -Where lie heard the mooing.. , 4 Tho Iitoieth about listeners' th-'things they bear ofturr -teas* of the op et 'tti" ve I ' She 1§114. • etirerle _ **OW to. help tri z • i'V'es-72' "That I might t„ gid pot teo you' , Iltt Agh tiresr,*0 * *.t. • 'YOU toto)be-stilikeP Sweefes6 ot tones,. tretuulout • nnq they ,lae U1.tn I A , In Or In VarltetY tfrIvtrs 0118 ArUite'd to 'their life, In; t pages' of Mr. Herbert L., Aldrich's "Arctic Alaska, and Siberia?' ie en Account .of genies which he ibund e,lihirn•thosh teitlwisi,67elorngit..(fo,for • re tence, alict it is pleats,* to hiiik that 'where the cooditions of are so htird, ehildreo can still pastimes,,that put them on an f 4,1:1,r_ledtoortvisEekritch,-Akese-AX---i--1--keM titeirie 13� theiworld" •overi, then are. fond of ilteeterine titan ing upon the end oa 00014 mste eiltAng.,..di)er. Another amuze- ment,- • whicli • 3flgsein-a-b1ank Irmr-hitleTiseutedi-antt-th, of skiflis te see who can stand on his feet sled be tossed into the ai tile highest. . Sinai! children - , have . miniature •sleds which they- load with Wee lerts sraTder. oygi-litab ise fP-the ut VIE s the sat of s ou pair !of deerskintrouserS,• Athletics are .also 'much indulged in Ono difficult feat is to walk on the hands,-tEe logs being..,outtade -the anti and held straight out in front, parallel With the ground. ' • Lifting-metebea are frequent, but s t e rawht slicti‘is prac small darn guided .by goose lea thers are thrown with great swim?* at 0-that4borieftegrifiv oiloark thirtyfieet. The faeulty to throw a stone is innate in every ,boy. In fact, the small boy -is the same the -world over,.• Girls \play with dolls eirved (Cut of ivory, which they dress up, after • their own fashion, in clothing of ner-mice- oe_othe heirgam . on ow, -about-the of .4 the ebiect being to keersit in ho 1 time without touehing it with their hands. They also 'tote liebblos-vorrigitil. fully, some being.able to keep six er'seven in the axe e.t.a. time with ene han . They frequently wear are tig0°E0 •tecop, e Cxpre8s ds ftht leulture-ha 1r of in- at work again and the.restilt is an ..interes Te -char The iergest prefits Air,er realized dissertation 4ti cheeses, hew ,thdi jr.tkorikotgt jhourLytho and all details connected with , - "After taking three . : .1.•,,,,'.7.,.. MT:, .s.^ , , , ' :weighed: tblrty . . , , . n , n1an. . , , Sc�ttsEm, # : ,,,,... , V ',.• ' . , ' • . , ,,. , , 6 Em: lSjOil probably .1 , ., ,ried, 0114$.Z.41.1.1401 . seemed to . be just the thing needed, and it is justthe thing needed by thousands crithildrexiestis--- , werfuI - ,in.buiklir.g up the 'freest deli,. .,Child, ' r adult,' u 'euretogetSebet's rorsto -there-ara.se).4nenr-worthless. ' *.gkim,,,,-.1,•,.-.. ALL inwocisrs ............ a Nit 04707 ofMTN etnitli Is Ittlet *4 , *any oumniclo,,slusilAraiturwtmeth,tr ' *at., ocukkevt Our vslusblia iStorsitut. re.. - itsraingthshibas sirs ss, *cow up= TA. 4...e1iat of --t- roux saireek suonuon.241 tut" -- Sant iCia-4-5wie 124 trodasstaik St...W. Tor:outs' • ... 4 • :..tie' I Se $Oitir n' ' elicits:. e just been co.nplet ,a . , ; . - a 40 t of over eai000. ' The. It eg • has conferred the tom .4 eif ICnigiut of the Order of St. trick upon) Lord Pirrie, in room roh .. , ... , in lieu. n' cal Coon e, M. , A. W. rr, „Derry, was ippo4.44ted ,,pria ipal, at a salary of .$$04 ,, pr. eri. cum. • • A' verti et of aecedehtal drowning r e ort that ;the- tart,tbezea la 6 be quarried. • Ttesre 41'w‘oli"t4rthi.erlis e1jJf, Theurae_s.„, son, J.p., •Lisroari House, iuy, a • well known and exceedirtgly popu. tar member of the-Frise Lang kieb Commission,- took ph.ce receutlY, • The Mayor of • Waterford,: at a • .....herel"943_ * b'tlei3ty 4 r, „ tjing tiutt ir •Ste 3 are -crow see, ,iingling_thbracelete,Jseepie time and aecompa-nying the play with a -Experts !lake a tist-et: the- Dine cut Hinds. Irt pro perts at the United States De. the 'from daity..butter by by, themeit-who. are. madei\what they are made o ly their butter to fainilies each 114,-Vnlaneis/says Tho Oma.ht J3ee. and At si,.fiereil price for the .The \ experts announcer in; an Intro; nt ,This rnethod it certainly 'ductory note, that there are 22D the-tnott-'--iittiefectory'.1rA-itariVaHot---of--clieese,and-thatt C. JR COilitttnier Mitt dogend. o reftular ett lutt theY -have' Ini liwrive %ye, If they run *bort and 'find dation- of hese, but the Ili it necessary t� buy a little store Structure May be mede Of. an . butter the tortivitritao only leo* from sage tospittonel'aeOnding them to. a better' reciatiort, of, 11100 the whim of the cheese buil. AtPtlY of , -,good butter of- form al the begins, Milk ictlit,$:foun. quo, xr,YA , ;Wargo der and...the ecnkuiner. -rot: 'see. for *tit -ewe -mount 4ne, ter, and talk deter -niftier. whin. new tustontert.or der whieheier- on,- 1 auu me. He psyst no groter for hand. 1111' article nt ditttb*elt P;tedriet lied can command ti et hilitaftt ttnifor prid4 for it go-od articleub with ebengIng ' Inquisiqon Wes Not In it Witil • thA-SemItleX.t. Iton Specialists. . • The trouble and coons°, writes a. well known, English doc- tor, to'which women put themselves in order to get, beauty if they have none, or to enhance any which they are fortunate enough, to p s • questionvi "Are her loeks rea ly of sun in s te thinks they stet" and, "Is she not, bon, blo-to-forget cultiva the inward qualities which might serve her in good' Stead. wheii her BLitt is wrinkled and her hair rt- ott kr-ha ' Wu aroused,' s ti a it ell toaUe t' „ilea* 111,1, be *Oita COU Sbeep hould bie. liotnstAl * r�u* alt storms. F.:xposu rezuse*- be cbiet trouble* with oft -ca arhst and lung effeetions. Wberii outdoor wintering ,wit roper protedion. for hives it vote - i di, * tolon ill require the vastestof t.b*410, 0 Oa_ Thuie *nd li Jthorte on th eteppee o t and lit, thocottages et, the ail* sante, ifl4 the palate* of rcs and on luncb 0401111teraOt the 0.1'41. ized and semi-eivil eicF world; Age with no out staJe - 04 _9, seie 11.4 e pre y, and it is 0 Jli1tPeoiessional- oite bition, and to ieculeate the doe- rioe-tliat every woman -wholis no • 11 pve the time a mo the must gsackl, rieliffWVer • inclinations to A taro -extent in the iakindpi of -these faeial ch , and this nany seem Sortie \..pistients of mine, mother maid thoroughly trained in the in- tricacies of face massage. They are ladieswitkinnumerable_soCial,dut return from ball or opera, each of them must pectively submit to " -herinsidt the; rsi&gea of the .day Ma paired., • Think ,o 'T•t, be waehed and *teaind, crezined. :and massaged for in ty lon minutest. Who t tired heed 'asks nothing better tti4 bet_tille* Jo_rest._-Thette siir,e- t1 --ilnit- itiFii.„7116 i 0 e 'Spartan' iipiii -1-rtIllielFeMille-iritkiii, 0 ' they would not think the. PM° wortb the candle, ', • . The Mother ' has '".Artt turn, then contt the girls; This, of COUrant •11, - hours before - ' One three , A A Ity .i to bed. Persons:lly 1 tbink 'that iIIy da tooto_for all thls rubbingand 1, tiougb.excellent ei reconv-, It boutIss.' "Beautys ilr MarriMari, rho • for over a quaiter of century was stationmaster at Mittownitalehay, • pa:dtte ewnatisolun.ui h so, treece‘miletly,f)y, all 'classes locally, died ,411140,FAtlirs4441..e.-P,X4 a house, it was state at i- • toe:curer -0-4341Lner of iistittek"kblvitiese_ 179°InIceitl Chen. ildence, Ro One, Ortetelart, Derry, of Mr, James McKuightt Warner, who was inageator of 1180, tional schools, anti had retired..• • Udwarcl Doyle, of lOttirti3t0Vgnis, • vas, at the Ourragh Sessioniqzen- tenced t -o three raonths .imprisond 'merit for assisfjalg Private Iaratii I. hird Drs 00)2111-texclit ou peety of Mr. Thomas Crewd Drontore-, -and 50 sheep,. th4 property °of Coloi3o1 Tottenham, Pm L., were driven from their lauds recently: .- The mainttrainage worko Cleei.`- lly.pxotare tle4r1 About -fOurteeif C ixeCv-Se. structed and -three ejeutOr' etati The • death is reported from New- 0i,sit-Butlerrebritty Fermanagh; -if 11 oldest 41- ). an , w o had a tainerthEre- . ohe Alyea Ori a onet c,n Lough Erne. • As a result 'of the -splendid inteu- gurel meeting of the relfast Irish • the_ coming session have already been • enrolled, y o -thorn-corning from,districtss„ f-40; miles ;distant. • eee -.viceapecla ,Supreine A itioistrative Cpurt, -Budapest, Hungary, ie geeettsed or :having reteived aca -bribe to nee hit influence to obtain• , ali Ice tel/raetite as a chemist for' 'emist'S aitiotant Earned Itor. Mr herself* couiinof M.• koczy,and,*-n eoeya-- ono' Minister of Finance, Charles Iterkspoly. Latigoczy tinder. 'oalt to. eecure thi lieenee.kr_rtest *toctrapped .tMee, money was given him in the .1:001). were. in waiting At hi*. money' and confronted Min Witt the Markt. on the- Isetketey has. been h " but position his .; eter question o . - Iiui --wete kpt till eihtcn,it years .1 re still rnilking \ 0 illy fattened' 1 .` Ou eow that inade A 'very 's reoord at 01 feecling was „, ht to ten pounds fit k' at ilv s oldknd later to twehe 4