HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 13-„ + 4.41:04, r. Ste *4Q'tatitet 1.3• '4;0 ' Wit rom2 to $op your Ii ve a large rczgof.Ohlti „an -411100e Coata jn, erertt C11otb5. We offei them at,thexery ciPaest OriCest.tcOM1S2 1 be pleased to"sbow our ;lc or Poets 04 jiwite ourii Our Ettk"40k iaconetejn thUlini3"w� bay° a nice selection of Ilene emits in sike Dark Oausidlat Own), well furred atehediskins. Dark WallOY jaDg and Fur°14ned, .001 and ThW Stock . before making Your stockPot-Latliefr Coate -frit inspection., We lave porn in.Astrac, kora pletrib Seal and ;Par Lined ,at. baran prices., ., .tosVe juBt 0 n 0 .stock.017Read . ado0 li We bave x Moat valtieel es-Sal.X8;., , ovos. b . -witablkpleast4 tRe o au oir:winter *toot and 0 WyOu*PitilIPAYou 'equio for the SU' ...:-.---,,....,......-- - - •-:,- . arObtlyistal a -mover -4a moor Seed, OW/ BOW', ggle, anil ritAingritetIZetOltivliclik:r1P:Allyz.the beozWe Ship LIVE FOWL each WE1?NESDAY an1 TEURSDAY. -, tuntty i fo erS. This'll** we hive received shipments of Mau Oooda that re unexeelled and sorted .up in every line of goods* we sell. e folio • are some of our leaders, -thus: Dress Goods full 'range. Carry *regular city otock of them* Right stree and qualities itt. -lowest prieete 74714:111 - 441. r -abaltle, viands. Gloves .11;rriderwear andlloslerv I Thatliriiear and I ----galore. fli,li,s;:,AIRIP*1 Fe S Received 4. nift.obip. • meat of •"Xttnae, Mei, ' 011"Ing 6 t°11 Ira! 6 111-001,004'ShiTtSi't ihktit''' `4-464-4/na1415.'ltira ' 'Et• spxrand.oloves, aucr _ oarteadrren,.. rt3otictsi .leso, adRodffact . Vestoiltml--knitte#coits - Thiact; -p-m--, f a, ex - are very fashsonable keitelit „Inouye, okino; speci0 Sweater -C°Itittt . tuft gi'l'aiazi-"ea at tirt:e. *lib. collar and,POckets moernteptraskt. ha • different colon for ... t . ,. , 'winter 8P°It', • Fur Ocfat*.tore„ Ladies Suits ettOverioati : anditietitleraert-Special NOV/ Suite instweeiv- ' Pritze:itinfutut. ed.coalsi. . ed,_..n.g,„_. • Over4.0448 in black -1'4°124'r °V. C°. lia".., Alm showing . °It auv" v13. vu''' w . ''' Best'Robes . am Latt rittn_siat ,3 14s4re ," en . and as a result lxaS • 'Sorkor a C0110,0 o1cbys. • „v,V4it‘Arang=-1134 164CA ge On$34' 040i M*414141/114tittdr's are tIad to Sec blinothil street, o 31....farnity Aliso:Craig., Visited *fah the former mother. Um., Jae, Clark. over .13Un. day. Rey. 11. Ilicka delivered two .• verr lete; -4-alue. and instructive Sermons oa •iti the evening the cliturCIA ' cl:owded to the 'doors. • VII- now i 1 Janu 1010 Or One Polio, It r.onr negb bors or friends are not now gotti g the )11101S,, kInlly tea them, ot tlis excellent otter • • The ttnolversarY ii connection wjr tlie-E13navil1e ' church was a Illegals •••• a • rs.' 6baI, cL CIiffot, wh0°. pen, 'visiting lief sisito'r .W3n. Ettlers,„returned to her home fin Thursday. ' ' ',„ • ' ;14.fefter ' end slaughter Mile fra7t133^ -34^0tv.,...isitinge: re4ttvet1' terieJ, M as Milli; Triiirtteirpcut at 9.•.Xo er; very pleasant event took place on. Wednesday of lest week when • 1. iAles Melinda, eldest daughter of Wr. 4..ww. 4•NOCK limier was married to Ur...Edwin Velper in the prosence of About 2001 guests. Tb e Cererrion teadtiet- cd hy ttev. U. Tbnn. T1ue bride wore , r fn o,ts and"Shoes" Butter and tgos takenin exc age. .,-teTt." VAIeIle l . i line n nia 0 .-• , 1 , ' 01 41'iiii 4w1 •Alrbat- 101.011-t-Lbe-Ve Prf;004-,,,a• earl 'congregation Was large. . Rev. -cba 'ott stunts! •of boner, The groom pus acciders,t occurred one tuaY last 5.1iiliard1 of llirr, was the preacher4 was assisted by •Mr. 'Louis ',Rader. At- '-weelce-^"While.-11. Clark and Mhos. •Edand thepeople of tiiis vicinity. %sill ter the ceremony all sat '110Wii , to 3 wards ivv,ere driving south they Met hereafter have A high opinion of suulptuous Wedding dinner. "The gifts Andrew- 0411(en1i-oltt7Tosit -V...-- urm ht-s---.abFlitr. HTtle^-^choir .--rendere big amith.and in Sena* .Way theta ec-4crit Isorviee-ulld are Ilesgr1414 tlif the' liiirl11111 etrte_en174171"-:hrcl? Yt..,.i: _.114)43:1-114 illsion---en31.---both. igs wero .ora..;#praise-thatt-thei....teteixee... • opie„..areze.„.1333,10.- -„-...ne.Y....I.V.I.u.-,sea,u nablerahly dam00k_j_ft, ta fortu means a good deal, or cacririce'.az d own on (he' groom's fine farm Just e that the : horses stopped at once a* ir !o it---3H-F6' 1731737-3111"gi I If nor • . - , - We haVe 4 larSe Assortment in AlaSita* Sable* iSahella Sable, Ameri I:0: owereotsi.erlous daMAgo Might have , to week and those who 0 O to Make gretulations. 1:1°"14 . have bait) done. _, ,, " j our ellndaY . services' interestillg, de- Miss fLitiie Eldersi 'W)YO II IlderWOUt .E.4abie; itimbena Oppollum, etAv etc. at spews, orice$. • MeSsra• ThOso APPiek4n and 'Alriturserve more aPin'4,102a006 owl credit a !serious operation a few weeks ago . . Smith spent Sunday with friends in" then they receilte. _ • . The servicv . is at ()resent improving_." ,ttinoly. ---' ttOte AVAS-4---mottitw-Ot-the'-xtrow'rveal--1104-'1041 j .1e---thiit,-tettollu,3ha4,40--, ,ein,•:ittelici.r-se4e34-Ek;:t41.ing.til!teeeenii6wp‘italon..1 ' .:a-nd. _1.1.3-4rEtkin.1L.19,1 ht,'9fr..„,..fir,14, for-140b44,0"LP.1”70,-t P-V-419AM .W1.1.13(k riotinten - "0" •paYors • of tile --villager-on •ilifenday ' witir -Makin-sr- titeni attractive, :-.- -a a the trustees e-apbot to have the ed'. corn! over eyerYipirlig Jn this line if a pike will sell -them, Calf:eeriy no se ,tteve * .-liztvAllau,--- AbetY.----Atn.:- -e4sPastio,41.0,-.401g-,•,0-`,•,§gr:c ice-ottepth:-_,Ear.s.exxirt#,Alt.2,GIY.S9,...4- ..:9,;.,. Ili!" i,e of _t_P,,5"!1'.g,-31". y'liandke 3 els n anisy-ly_ :-....arti.,,,,, ,.--;....t.c.u.:-.-,--;.:-vi ii-...,...-.....i....-..1,4.:,.......--hrte...---7, 4 opartmont-au camilLit t•Ldtp_...,/potiolnkLILILIgterzitiottt, t vo. ..L...1._...........- • l'r litgo'iiiiiiiiit:iiiiiEB' cuss 'her important business mgt. and will therefore be absenF---TOf The newWiatre-batri 4 --tilir e0T6-tiTirrx.wsr-a-tuieirdewm-rrwii-nszriTi57--Tliiy-l-r-varpease you.- - that day. i Mr. and tits. Sam1. Drown even" Itev»..1. Hart Wilt. preach. la t Elba; , I bboep. Cardigans. Rubber Boots. Felt Shoes. Valley Eelt Shoes and 'Slippers, itactItsaPras.s.,b71-ettdol'itattss tBSeautritra,7 web° ' 'lei,* ville triat au 11(13Y ev.e*"1". 43314 in during the past week, • .111 it isn't ma ditfisult to strengthen' ifuin:hearanlerillbsY. 11"ri7cu al:1.4°1;01k Ic't' e_Eerf: Also all kinds Of Boots and Shoes in leather for•Ladies and Men. our prices you will find as low as the lowest. Satisfattion guaranteed. ' slowli recovering.. ° • ti. tweak stomach if One goes at it vice will Commence at 3 o'clock. 1:13t By. f,A.Y. Mist, P.E. preached a ^correctly. And this is true• .of the English service will "be * conducted Christmas China powerful 'sermon to a large congree ileart •and kidneys. The- old., lash- by Bev. S. • Ex. of Pisherville, On 14tritetgation. Lisonlvisvion Zion Evangelical elturch; toned way of 'dosing, elm stOcutell or and the Gerloan by Rev. V. Schrader. 4,4SIT? ust reee' ived a. consignment ()tom driest:Wench China,. These_,,make 1 v 'Iltittiftatitr'Inr-rxrirortrain 0 .. dark hours based on tile tex -itS Yin surely wrong Dr, Shisip.first rein a in g Rev. ft.. ,Eircrt. f 1,0ra aic allte blear% paney pbh4tee. cam 104 sancoe, Dinner sew, Toilet,sato. elk. etc, Matthew 27.4546. ----- - - '''''' - .- - i outlhat'etror«--”GoAo.-thir weak -o ' -formerttpastor-here.,.. tAfilf. . haVe ,_,.„-.........._-_,......,,,-".1,-...--- - - -: - ,..,_ ' . xmas Groceries. 1 _ ,. _ _____ ..., Mrs. liornhoft, -whose mind .'„basj ailIng nerve:a of these organs. said pharge. of the service. -irifiali -etym.!! ,. , b to t) Oa deranged for speie.Ain10 was' be. Rath inside organ his its Min- inenets at. 8 o'clock. 'Music will be i.„,.. , , i ...„, , ...., g or _.,„„i"aci itierv0...„ _mere oNLed.....by tha........Dasinneed ...ante-eea./..... ii.eur-ssoele-es alitkITer1114--iin ' taken to the asylitto- Taondar-itaaU ' trollin New Figs, Dates. Shelled Almou'da. Shelled VValnuts and everYthing you re. 'The following paragraph refers . to these` nerves fait then thaie :organs istock choirs. the lcath Of Mrs. John , Gould, of Must surely ' falter. trials vital This !week it is our sad ditty te re- quire to make your Xillas Cakes. All sold at dose price. Every.body is invited to call and take a iook through our large. ellerneice. Mrs. .Gould was a former, „truth is' leading...denggists ' evert- tord the death of Elizabeth .1tratt. 'citizen Of Crediton and has mani re. where to °dispense and erecommend widow of the late Lewis 'Craft, .51-rS; litives and friends in this .viciniti. ' Dr. elioop'S Restorative. '' A few days Kraft's- Maiden name was Diclie.rt. and well assorted Stock. It win do •1101 good arid do us good. to, see 1 It is with deep .x.egret that two re., teat will, surely tell! Sold by W. S. She ',was born in }lessen, Darmstadt.. you. ' Cord 'the death Of les.* John Gould, 1 lleivrey. occaeional. use. Highest prices phid for Farm Produce. Mareh,.5th. 1.833. and came to Canada of Pernei0e. :Deceased WAS one Whose 1._ with her mother, brothers and els-. . _ iphYsical-„*PPearance . manifested nat. -ARON. , terin119u rind c_ettleti in numb= iratitiOnkS of do1ioti43t.. and 817120st- The 'flMESto;nnow 1111 January where she was married to Lewis KreayTriiiw_dr____________In .1853. 01.6_. tote akit p Ito, you Wean mullet us sh)* you thR poi Dress Goods the latest shades aniOlOth leg have to Cro • t ri weft, solkeveribOtly.;,.....,....„, „Lad'ies Coati.tan _az ets. Vire have the best and at the Very lowobt p o. 43p4tal, 1343rgains will ettin.Ladiesaur-Coativand-013443433ek4s-to-elear: 0.Poneti on Sunday, pee. 13th. ITU the 00t Sh.oe Department rrilieolIclitechke teLnundsicetn-acde 3447;041--Eiboe Store is full t.3f nil tbe needs for as inter comfort, in Rubbers, Oyer. good. Some three wee s.. ago su ors or friends are not now getting was !stricken down With fever which oeturs-..-40-43ave effectivelY1--we •- the TIISIES, kindly tell them of this . her sotto, accompanied by henunor. excellent offer ,7•., liege and tienrisy. .Though medico 14r..W333.• Marlock tiad the mistore aid avaseprocured and. ever: Cm:weir, tune during the past week- to lose Ole, attention given. the deceased be- two of his cattle: The discease is came weaker, and on tWednesdaz uncertain. . tiovemben 4th, ileaccurabeod, D- Mr „illtittsia.mr..01.10,eszl,ci 1._ J,1-t3411,..47,t.1.0"3v3,4kc,i:In.I.I17: . - - .I, ...... .• ear*, *having decided for +Christ ATOM- IrcstIO-iiii-trffairligure, - 1:WT'•---b--"21-.,, ,., kte'therilr,iisfrs, it- el144'744314. fi4„puuzk,-tkn4_Jxgtyggzii41r"d""g_ to: Irolg" --tiocitoe-iutilreenhigniitifiz,Rvmezzi, -- - .--:--- -- - life, and ,b3. which the bast exerted en ,t eAlas.tAr33.3strong. of „Exeter .has blitienci3 for "good" in ' Pitifirloluewi.-been• engaged --as-scilootteadher hero or " ext ,year. • ' ..... .... - 3 e p a ry anirb-ivelar-trt-r-t.a e ' hove--,Ti,i'---r Tftr"---"rt, -tf.t.:...131t, Proatb. which -reflectes) honor. to the' London, where he intends taking a tropie„ , e...iteutt.,:litr,Acat,„:• 'hnsittes1 Course. Ilia 'many friends aistent--ChrifiaileiertanT/00 „ • tion and untirinteoeal for the ciaise fr. • cities Kestle. who has been 4., -.1--•••"- iit tiglirettimacit- tail to Irtrre'ell 'ibid. ill for Arcane time. 'is nat.t to.mnprrsovi• tnrg_ tug impression on individual dives. YerY' raphll • tiii* was le n ' e Wboot.eaitirtozrbiltettilirodna4iiisrlit:ocoantillofturanilte'Veviltuatostiieribt:1, Tonitnceosrroetercondieoirit ,awtorsellsit esaulploal; Lboot corresporulenee I Coneys... " ast-nti..±totsti.7of,-..iitir desreister"whos - - ' efforts "waft to 4 great eXtent the. .e.._ -determiriing factor whichla to• -t1*--..."- Anctile "1111P" *°elvitcs!rd w.,d1loposurtroeg motion of tht, w church at Berefillon nervousness neiee, . A itoken 0 (1,0VOtion to should nee Carter's Little Serve. ,411,„„03,0_40,- Pills, which Are made expressly. for t of he es6.1 -organ at . tat esetit in lase, a eetOesse-ffern-drif-drilimpttir-soff Thert.:moral, look .‘ taco on. igtidays era. Priets 25e. .. anent& Chute - rite.,,....se.r4Cit:W-03 was? Two Very SpeciaL1teins 1. Just received ntfi Odd petrk,of *NO Pants in sizes bought from a Iszkrnpt whoiessielltoticat it_titIOce,..These are all be" totags and , -Worstrgadtritnd-rdlty-patte egtitar$8.15-fortrudiftAfffor-$11. - earusztax_ selt-themtrithectrarte,..kr$2A846-7--- '1040Q0 MS. of Poi-Ttift;y-WDec.15 rket rice• teed,. 1 . . , , ____ - ..„,_ - .„-____-____ _ . it will tay you to come bete and see, how swcll we can fit, 1,oil up a D T ,cp$,To..- , We will certainly pubour-evy»effo41 ith e n 'iii retteailii;:- • where they lived. 51 years, ber bus- ybeaanrds hriagvoin. gThpreyseleuc.cearesedbiebs:orti kut r twelve children, nine daughters nilA three sons. . One .daugbter died some time ago. *Mrs.- Kraft seemed to be in the h2st Of health up to Tuesday evening -Nov. 11th and went 10-1,0edp.as-usuAlit,at-bar.41.444 home. Mrs. "G. Zlerner. She was ia4 rt. tumble -be the. eause7.0Ch,r Ir.---shirsq13yTh, and 13 days old. She leaves to mourn her lois three -to -di and-eiglit daugh-1 terse--fewty-one---grandchildfen-...tet dr eral t ook place to the -cemetery,Ea •'clockr-At-ev;----fftnur-tiftiera _ The 1.31aning 'flail is' being kot ver buey, new sod!** -towing- in every day. 4+ 4 +=4:.' SAID pro ,riE-rtsg .v.ew People Imre that.you can icare 4hat.. dreaded :American disease Uheutradisvai--,-mtith , 0.9minon, eversday drugsfound in any drug store. The prescription, is so simple that anyone Oen prepare it at hams :at ainall cost. It is nrde up. as.foli. ,from- exit go.' Pretatiliaa iglarMaci one-half o .tica fluid aist-ttstirdelivii„ one -ounce Compound nezthren sinuoac S%- nip 'suPari1lae-151is by shaking -in to . pink ..,,n ur,- .4. 2110VatirlitAl*S- A edit 0 a .. a a a e a AS ''-busbUldit t e0113 Ix" :tfile . 11,108TONlilt 11EAVED r each total szil at hidtinic. trhota 9 * ItY ZAZIIIIlti all !droplet ingredientiOnaking an id ter, alto her and Moth-, • A nuniter. of friends oi *Tr; W., ilt.. 1 ' 24/.141'littibic plloal.elle°3-nielle- eiletleteeall 1 441 teeoisSi:b a r 41 le" h4144 reilli4 4Jvfo4 . tame is . 1= 1:1r4?-"VsLtIN44veletirt. cilV 131;:ettelisaint • la the highe3t 1t1t30°1i at 111°4 -Qrne sAlSiptrtfitSraoi rerea'fliftlilit7s,It i g tYtr* "MoriOck's birthday -A de. °E tb° late" 1),____41t4t1.1111111netinktleyeA,e'lltevott: it 4t 11 pro.cured. by the. Vann 0 kty 'r 4n flora . 1 d he eel other rti whiCh ifnot St* r . • either a tills urine of throug , .,"orpr)C-1"1" ft ill Lontioit.lit't &bid coministiope $•• , /I- i4 itiso dionn Ott **in torea4 routalas in the -Mood. u'r ,:„ I ' .i., of the Itaptilst OftUrch in lierWick. dc0411zPokts Ana fOrros• about the ure,,. „,"Wieekeeweder ,..tii naugo.ef. / ,t, .. , • ..4 4 Ittbare lit n ete. throughout the county .!it ,k):t1t* and oltukilcs• csossing- Om 1.1** u * ,,,,*11,2ViiiiittgALtilit Central ' --lit • told sutterin ,and defertniq et then in wog :.- •-difficteitt-tOt I exceptic'nal 14 1.11102941 it u 0 la ' a- a'tow-Wilt-rwIttrt-X.011 s , i k ,petternte Wooten gr. tb , rd liOnte4 " ..:.. .-,1 t 0 11 known a Vailt ' t Vrediteti: II*)7, atta at 1114 Zinnellatt androlfere 3 . 34, 1 P.rert°11:1:Mtatka;:tdit:;:ktiirdlictEt1P;;;i41::11 Safe itirt4Irttalthe:ibt14111.4.1ttskcl :41:11' fa' i Ilirlt : lk'it:Int:iiiivli cUrl' c IFItIts . tatt i 'effille, where tberivili in 4 ii 1 a Itt his i MITTB AND titan Weiner, Ct.-Detroit.,ite5tmc tack be lied 1 .12 /leafing* ettartiibit .thri Dirt the b * lie b 0 411,tetgetd,chlg„Pc,::,„,„ti .wrIctAk„4,1n.g, iiii,,:ii.ii,,,,,i°1 Ct.htiliritt11113,'it4irtA.1%ItrACC*ZI:OttiO:'nlititti""Olter bleill* , bladder' and tirinar.Y.,tret* hackielta. ' . . ',Ittreber of Wears. "where.islie retail. • ,,t. el ' in Ittroit. eged 11 Jtafte 0 1, i t trade a. s .f . 4., a and fri.:Itds here. 'The reni , twas,a, sllock, to 14:s, man . Isedl 1°61141,1bt'utar.00tpe.t Ili ititr- - 0 il lakett . *elution • Wiri.:00ithoti-s. Penton, *t 1 UIL i 1.,, 1 0 . t knit ulna* $ttra„, Ilatat '1s amp ea, eters. ,tra,,r*:.0.sturand titat:tion titt.!fing , It , "trot rfoothert. a I t. t, bete oll TqeSdArt b . 31 h t - , -. 411Vrefo cont)' Mac Po.reitteffi. ^alto the evening', wan !spent s Finkbeiner. whO ano. t'itegsbor Of the Dorsi, OtAch001 Ui,eri avor e ee e GtiziintePiiteS n s o repair wor one. Come an at soc., ysc,„ and $.x� eithet Fleocad Lined' O an Wool; Men*s-Combitiation,Snits at $t.so and $.2..50, floy's-tyiltat, ors soo aflcl 6. litny'it and, Men's' Mitts, 45c. Sod'and t.00 pet pair , • ,12,11_Aterettes. w Orange 011: 4,- us.wceI • itCflin-p1trs i telY I 104' my . .' EcatiOri Of 0 tivill laad oUu'r zTfrera• .,itT shoUisf.,,,' „. '1a1. Far itat- Or n*thirig to ZtitiC t liars Istht. nrl* are not ziow Witt* d1$ ftfl theii iLtkio ilif littet lf *1 itteatLan est t 410 „,