HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 12boWling a r
• milf,erd
;pdercb .
CUIle f
lU Qt. be ]ugliter
rrefl,,' ;, t 1 0
)Ifl, 'ij4verzd r,
I ':, 11,13-Z11.2:7
, ;other Toilet art!
. ,
1%Ls AND
rowniugs Prig'
44Vet ,1 • le. 0.1 ion 4
!rat '440: secondreading$ and it la.
toW, 110 to tthe voter*to decide
til'Or !want it t� L otflt 1i.v in
• tOwnehip.. '
en_fent....for_ the trete
ore ton of a new grist mill .and elevator,
• laolleriolt. tbe idea being ,to look,
atter the trade that has 'Amor). tno*''
looted .sluce the destruction by fire.
4•4140 *
iThi-mernberie•- -4
Lie called to moat' Ottawa trlrots",
4407$ Weeeinivr ard.
IA Mae Cotiservattires'of Kent'itaV4740'..
.-eIded kik protest the election of Xt.
le le -lir
Mfr. C. C. Matins -of
iatAthe eleetiorks by
Mayan C. Bosse Ites *been appointed
Ibursarof the hospital for epileptics'
3ArOcdstock, in succession .tto
-r lata--Jqb*-Itrtnark.
���-,4 •
e runswic , curious Joon.
,Vition--ists..--Its-tho result of threlli
sweep lir Aber
sure wore the 100aVectiservAtilos of
Manning. . that two of • theme ,Xon.
11), Odorrisen and 11.1. Frank Smith re -
Signed their seats • in the local, but
twere defeated by Mir. iLoggie, and 51:r.
Varvell for the Federal,' and now.
. *hero is a difficulty about totting.
• • * ,
°AF the request el Sir 113Tilfrid,,Mr.
ous etrengtbening plaster, such a
Carter's Smart Weed and telladoena..
The ti.ineartlinc &Ago horses got,
fent-hi:ailed nierich- one- 4114 last
week, and ran away. film stage up4
act and fell. on Oho (driver, ovlio
_Tatung:0k ,esc,allett. uninjured; Prm
stage was somewhat, damaged.
• 2dr. Wmli
: anson. one of Irullar.
914 o mos lir— "1—ifireVrel-res.
Idea's diod-
bis tlOth year. Vile deceased tad been.
a 'resident of the . township for up-
wards of CO Yarn. Mrs, .D. =ills. of
Exeter - is a sister--of-the---deeceeciie
and Va. coupon; in this issue. in 'which
-.b.lgzindimreett ,tzf1ze,
purchiSeett heir b st m.
Accoiding, to the annual report of
'ithe distreau, 'of industrios for 4900.,
.just issuedo iluroir (pays the • second
nighest amount in taxes as: a county,
Middlesex paying 1.'141034, filurcut
$88,880. .the next isighest being Wel-
lingtop,' *774K bito0,0e - • -072413
Islorthilmberland and Ofiritant.
rftcnnsidercd his decision 0 4eo1ine Moffat the gippin .grain 'buyer - and
' gg,r1,14Q441, 1 tor of 'Ars,
/Jen AlticConnell of .03riaCeti= wre
ttnitpd in marring& jest tWeduc.shY
evening, the .ceremony ibeing :per-
formed In Beaforth by Rev: Mr. Lar-
kin. The hap.P1 Couple who bore the
heart,' good Vishtil Q tho alihole
cotaratinity, •iviti take uphousekeeP-
ing on the J. Aikenhead, farm winch
Moffatt bag ...rented.
',A change in the personnel of the
*facers' at • the riederich d'Ianinte
Mills tee- IAA.. ayes :brought 41 bou t
the past week, by gy Welt dames Ouch:-
Menitras im erial coirtmis-
(Xlier 1 o the in ;erne. unto
lum confirWnto at Shatti.1,--
Junuary,,&r. King vflt oceetirthc
missies. lie 'will sail from Van-
couver on Dee. g, and . will be. abiepe
Mail the latter part of Feb.
. •1 • 0
Sir :Witfrid has Pledgeil himself to
s CMOS%) front office any and all
Zais wee mite iberenrek etuiltypf-
ietreng-deiUg. Thatrtidi will be -done
is an absolute certainly. miipi Vrem-
ler declined to take any steps. Until
0400 pro u e rt
!this end the CasSel's 10w:emission is
tiONv invOatigithig. 1j1i Governuient
was stroort enough itto stake this posi.!*
tion:previous fUo tho elections. and
's etrong enough Ito ithe pledge'
- made In thit,regard swhen ithe proper
• montent arrives.
• • is • • •
It has theen decided that theact of
.".r.4-1f-tar-s-ftirdi-Trrape-f fin g the e 0
▪ TetenteTeraedtraineeeF-esbaLL-eone_in,
•. table chloral, - aconite, ergot, stri--
Chnizio,--or-au .•
-• bu1rt�r traultraA44-trirbitr fir
be aPPrOved 1,j experts of the deVarte
Merit, of Inland revenue or bear a
drug in the preparation andthe name
of 'the drug, '
0,S 0 • *
• I•
h..4.14.44144e1 • . . '
En Olin d next week from New ;York
and will b absent until lIanuary next
ir. rieldi g, Who was one ofi• ths
-------PiciIiPoien "tries -of
negotiation of tile Vierice:Conadliiii
trade. treaty last year, is crossing the
Atlantic to consult with the fraper-
• -lid and Drench governments withre,..
titygoi-oto- Ito togrisa-otlthc-troats!
which, thonot 0 pproyeit by the ,par-
liament of Camila Mid by the. Preneif
Chamber- .0f Devutioe...ltas enet evitir_
oppesitiorein:4141, rebeh-seiutter-it
lis litipeirtliar-With-11-Itirflier-o6110-Vr
• t
treasurer of the Compalny, rotirCe
trout the businese. 'lie eon, !James -
Buchanan. ir., who was formerly
Manager 80 secretstrY of tile COM.
'pany, biktfooks' -now president iinft
manager, and 3ohn Mowsini takes the
position of secret ary.treosurer of
the Company. •
On ibiesday 1110111itte;ot lest 'week
have.. stiuck i boulder avhich • Itere:
•ft hole in her avatar amttarti lfitle
lre----vessel=so9- --tAil-nrtP147ttnTl&r.
not 'reduce the „inflow of water. A'
lighter watt telegraphed for and (ho
_loot _aras_-,re..leased tbe iicxt-40y#
-7141tieksertqa'T irTe.ifeitieetiiejt)te
-ctl Orr the 3ireokweater a couple
the lake and likely caused vibe tion..
.Alherk • h 1eccnzcd. • .fLvc
Sons and five *laughter*. of -"shore
survive two, sons end two daughtere.
Ir .1°41.14,10n 'le was a, Ueithodi4t' And
.-pfultacs 4 V0i;ervative, and was
vet,' .,Ifiroa and pr nouneed in his od4
herence to •betit, As .'a ,tfricnd 'and
neighbor 13e Una ,Ovor kind end oblige
.ing -Ana lvas gvitat la termed i!tt !young,
old man7 for ..tright. up itlo ....With= a.
'week or so o! his death he IWO YCX
• ' • I
i--4ut. mut ibe ssett
off our street, where -he, Was. a well.. „
known and figure.: The
funeral Service Was , tcondueted by
bis tpastor,- flev. T..trau, t
ltothodist church, . iVirednestiar
afternoon last and twits sluite Ter e
attended.. after. st,hich the. retrial
_wore interred in dite
4 tiv
NTlilt Every faeilitY.all'orded to farmers
others•for the, transaction of
business. ' Sales notes 4111 be cashed or taken for coUec
1 1
ithel4I1/1..Ea_ to w
1910 lor •One Dollar. • If your .tnoigla.
the TIME.S. ,gindlY tell there Of this
• _ ve. or
numbei,-of.y,ears 021 the Sauble Hill
died at his home in Cleveland on
:Monday of last ,tweek. ,
. ZIrs. Lintott , died at the Itesid-
(moo. of ,her granddaughter, Mrs.
iflenJe (Langford, in this grillage.. an
!Tuesday morning of last tweek the
age of 83* *ace Wilson also of thio
„place la ,the (MAY ,ohad•
.410hert Smyth, Ad. fondly, let leat
e0ife4tiere.4 ineeYeermeiecs,
forma. -.after a two-usontle's Visit
with his mothere
1iome in. 12 ,year.s.
gais_s_Ajtart-01.-1Bottalos. 1s. .vis1tin
at Wm.
tilerold Jarvis and Xrs.. folato!, ol
Detroit, are 'booked to 'appear hero
in. the Stanley Opera Souse on Now
vember 27th, under ithe 'auspices Of
the .•froucan *4[0' school. •
BOnert Stoddert, 3.3, A., of Einge
.ston, assumetl his duties as perrnan.
tat prineipal of the- Lucan7high
schoolon uesday morning. .
Who curios met eat Friday, ?algid
the following- .offrcers fOr the com-
ing winter, lion. pr4identt ilYfe-
Zwen ; !president, C. W. Jlawkehaw:
-vice-president, Geo. Ilawden .4313ap.
-Rev, A. -Carlisle; secretary- treas.,
A. $1'101. 'etttith „managing committee.
• W. ward, V. ll. Woe. W. Gibsetz
and J O. Downing.
Airs. aNY. E. Stanley returnett. :op
With her daughtir,:gii., ChasSoUt
'day from iDawson City id reside per.
.reanOatlyi.inX)ntatio. -lir. ...Quigley
gXetei'*ang34,-;4.7.8ff..'llarr4on,' Manager
•• firma* S.:10,0 at;_Xtrediton. _
Alr-",114coUnts tntt—rh; e open -CA by mall;
ri " • loonies deposited or withdrawn ill
has dope remarkably well ,dultng" his formed fer him one community, in the
seven fictive' sojoprs ‘in, the ItIondike, heart of Ayablre-he Iss.s. able, to iFo.
mho 0. oh club, bas en/aged the struct the world. He did for Scotland_
Tony VI to, orchestra for e big hop in what Lafontaine in a More centiplewye
the Stanley' opera house on itdondat. Otto, though, really narrower ,aPheret
December- 44, *044 for Prance in he..seyenteeth- con,
Wm. tOowns is still at Victer a tuey. Vitt draw up closet tol„the_ohe
IfosPital. Menden, ;where 'he (under, jectoor hiattaok tban evert Voltaire
• " **if
nerall the
Ava'steixitial Seutf:.re_conside. rabic Ps1.0 SO4
J.3_111doparture from
-chased Abe property opposite Ora �. Mauchlinewhi
Ifossacks on...Muir street, and twil1, antly. Hence 1
er4At. a handsome me.*t professed a ra
s •
'natural and human
t -at -o
touclied him ui3pletts-
.passiont - True,. he
otudistie philosophy,.
zolux arc:raiz,: proprietor of 'dbe- from the the - tidoratbinaltriturirendoh
wrtLenl . es ern .hotel. ,stumbled :and fop jos ;tut a htige moulto.0 iii irjewit
"et liame 1°1°5 In his *cellar 'alt. ribs
Week, and fractured twe of bilite originated tn his oWn-fixPctle006
bits ribs
_wee. elev. At 'Carlisla-autlifeve M wietist roeeeripaiii feeltric- and- witilir
and ' of edurse they were vitalized
Segiei, of 4tt. 1;140 eV rch11frondont wi est isse?‘. fr us !le g
exc ange -Du Am • nude.? testa • t
BURNS TI1R, SATIRIST, Mosibtiscratesir.e*aslill'bknritrer isitsitn46bejresc"tsanilld
As to the issue between the poet on fellow. Ayrshiremen• flJie tuidenlahle
the one band and Scotch religion on virtues of most of them ;were present
theth oer, no traveller: in Ayra ire_ls In his mind, along :with their odious
permitted to remain indifferent. The orthodoxy. . Ills own shortcomingsconvictien grows * upon- one that the tots, made,it impossible for hit; Bob
greatest song -writer of modern Woes, the 0,44er, to -set up .t* a qUito
perhaps of ail time, was scarcely losers. !serious Judge of :morals. IICACO,
imarkable-as,A ,satirist. These flelds good nature. And -on -the
hors and sports, the comedies and tr
edict Of Ityle-Abialittic diattlet-Whie
svete---m-frenct, not . eery, - pet -
Vials • • aoria-tigSielfezt..oevAa0.tPitte
-0.160 usteatiCAIIIffitA
- .1dertettn ifarster, in ,the Owlet:nes
fleribeeffs , • . .4. •
Rs. -K.,* it.--esTiAnusisED. to -NEARS
9tiesifon Wank
• for rime
Actle,nyouvevriEcK ritoaup.r tviANHoo
W. Guarintii to Coro oll Coribto CosO of Sfrtofdrot,.Vorio0011#0,
DobliWillood-Polsonsi- Vital ,Wsakttatitos,
Edit g BlatkdOr god lidos 11$11111$0ts and AD
soasos aou ,ar o on !nT411101----or
Dou't Wasteyour time =4 :toner 60 thcaP, daustercutt, experimental tee:Amen
Destreinaestuas at your own cootyoursofferings by being experiateated ch with mo.
which theyelatut ro balm just disseovered: ).tat come to In apaiktontei. We wilt
yollonocienuouldr, booettly and *101y..... teeter* the itiusetot po
*Mks tiros with the Islost-nsedicirs and 'tv Z5clrebb0 kb
treated ofitholgroPtotattiodicate. OurrtieW Method Igorigi and budtbotefee
e 1C
and the treaty ratified at the pres-
ent tiessien or the seiette in Voris.
01414.11,I0 PriOVINCIAL Fait.
$2,40` to Guelph and return from
Exeter Via Grand Trunk Itaileioy
liAllstern. Good gong Dec.. 5. 44 7. 84
likr end -410v-, -IteturzFlimit---Dele-
.14th.. secure tieket* frorn 'Grand)
4$104ts •Lydia
'pound cum femil
ilungtt of LIfe..
Airs; Letitia Blair Otunato11,4041,
rites to XTA. •
4.1 itva.4-stoic 114,. Ontiloe.
„told nut it waa tulceratlou, and lib.
lot, it waa a flbrokl tumor,
and , aitvised* 0 Ion. No one
•:Morra 'what. 1 auffeml, and the tear.
inir down pains *ere terrible.
"1 Wrote tom sister about itandishe
um to take Lydiat,E. Pirtidnito's
lite,tetithjet7.4aro '
h* enret ne d alt ny troublis,
ilia not
o to anybodypocket.,
omes 1.ack to you.,
It is tnc difference in inoney between
are sure of and gout youare not.
It covort the Cost ofinspeeting he en
crop 1 the eon nc! 5deting thc 4oic
It pays for advanc,ed mitlin
leanlinfts, for purity a
- • .
novo Ms toltials *it yoursotals
.Deoe'ttists salvo tisislumatisigoost.
tiost **What shall / tiro Ids
trtw.*** Okrtit tat' * MILO. its'
practical osough t� ir.t.a
.4titi41 turitt-44- tolowil ti.'0:
4th.t*tt'vElki‘lir virtlitYtiltiniestrie;I:_•felirr doe;
1 .wittrofitotaibticiliroli4aird tthot-
Wien yost, 'bey' is precis** inane
slither' steak an eacptrt to tilett.
will _usroashtiosislir stotrari.let _
its *Salty; -11*.vor soot twolites etti
,sect; tars=„10.--.014‘400,----.4,---Ariri*k -
we thee.* pree,ietsst.4.tit 116044..
•Tik C440,14itlisetit,,rszot 1a* afl
trorost„ArtilItIts rviru:tir Oboe* boar
witk tlicbstroyaato tat it, 0*4
fitie'rszioseihni As & Cerionete.
ea wire ries* lectisse joy
tLl tostt,
tuty OntgitItir NO*
un*ondISIonafl vitae
tad'CArIss aottatne,ROiritoe. AAA
4 ealgi o4it4.tiz1sfigoontd
" siridisytottaripsro.
. Any mrseit who is Atte sok hei4
of a 'family,or any reale over 15
,years od may homestead a quartet,
Sectonl :of available potoluon lend .
'Manitoba; Saskatehowitn, or Alberta..
The applicant =at 'appear iit person,
tiAe 1)OMitl:011 Lands Agency or
Sub.akericy'fOr the district. ghtrY by
proxy may_:Lbe hati„et theivitetmy,„_03,_
crtajri conditions, 'by father., mother'
daughter, brother, or sister,Of
intending homesteader.
tx-inontbion 'cif the lath, in ezk.•
Iive within ninemiles:
steed on. a Corm of ntcnst 80
. togelY owned and OccilPicd: "bY him
•",:hie father, rootheri son, . Asnfiliteri
brother or eister.•
In certain. distriets aheftiest:ea
in geedstanding ninY 'PrektfraP
, Price tia. ,per 2Lcr4. filotttieit.t •
'Haat reside ts!X fl1o1i&ba ineach QUA*.
• year from date of hornestead entrY
nchtd;ng the t!tne rt4nited to tin*
• ltoteettesd 'patent) and ettitivtaie
. • fifty acte,s, extra.
• it 1:ocie5tel(ter wha
otuesttcit *flit .
tfre.etept,mi maY takey
miiP' tote. Dattot.
ex tzenths jiitat:t Of thr
tiv.ate t'iTtY *ere*, onit re
orth $300,0i. *
Zeistif ef Q.elititsitter otthele*
Ho 71.i o o
-are.'iiiit re4t I. 1?
Do no '.:,oq aroinves 1