HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 11NNNN,N,
100010$1;4***40050,A840040f- fftiluotot•
golly be SencIied by the
.. Wife, Says a ° Judge‘i
spatell from NN* 'Ashin
.s, A woman baa some rx
they inelude tbe searcliang •ef.
theIM m
Court. shows the
sioniari hes in ion:” the court held;
oft shows that she loves you, '
Vie pockts of her husband , 117.
ot love him. You have been in
orrgirt, •
sorne rithAL.r aY!' 'The
defendant, tieorgi-itillkaray; was
•_Arrested on Tuesday.._on wife's
• t
•• „ her head off. and he objected
• is"TsrifiTiliiiiglibTraitliitli-hi• Ii
pockets while he slept. %The defend-
▪ * 'Said they- **tom firtie- got-tt-
-And liOnietiraeS
Stephen Si&Weryda Fo'und Guilty at
•• • • • ram.plon.
'• A despatch iromIlr,araptent Ont,
• Oari,1 4 'Stephen Szwersda, the judg.
0Vt er4,19..}1
takon r ere10464Plice-whigre'
ou tame acta there kept in close
• 0 ;ili
• iitb day of mars, 1909, and
-3 env .
.; of execution,and there
-4011644" the neck until you Are
.dpadiand,May the -Lord *have mer
on your,isotil.'" This was the sen, -
co t .-Xustiee Riddell pro-
- rti-, the.itothfininn- who
guise of friendship eu-
• oung 'fellow -countryman,.
**tram er to, Ca-
. .
Indat d' with a heavy bludgeon
• heat 1, ,paci'-hoy. to death.
rab1':inon'y 'n 1•14,7,_•
reSted: intelf loCar manotat,7, rt
tOrria 'Oro:*
11, ;111
crew .idea in tIe yawL,
UGRTThG wit , Ontario expenditures' 'oti: eolon-
ilmtiwroads 4041)44os this, ye's,
Much 47iicnmt.t0 is Gew7,7*. totalled ahonst.,t40,000,
• Aiarn-Shorttdealtreot'h
/rsop07sod. • tr4 0* unionwere indispensable
•inAllite, of the popular irnpres. the political li!et of tile democracy.
sion to the toutrary ships remote, , Seventy gran trains, with 0,240
oire, the lan1.1_,Are__. 0014941 talnazed car ascdjt1, 41*,
• *
" ,,','
a4:40 ' .1:.:, „
' Olitside", .. :rtlx;te,
o 490, outside .anit
Other cse thw that en nla3 t.. fall aiikep and etpotse- 7c '*04111, ,
4alike. or track, lako ports;
Blulnbered: on 'the march, .,Men to 494;i.- N6..1 extra, feoolof(cred
bavc alePt'whert 'rifling on 'eatileatc ani eveL 7: •
1..Y414000!, ION sleePlog $0E:they:lit, eitra, ..05c to..564ei No. pf 53e. to
along tbo. road, but the moat: A3' yie„ ,
are pases. Vietel., in;, -corn..40.1d, 1730 to 18e, Toronto
dividuals.. . freights, for lib. 2 Or 4 yellow; ,new
'Of the ,famenS father of Medicine, NO. 4. yelIejf, 714e to 'Z?c, Toro
}w dud at Pu hou car heeIs hu1
1.4A1.0..tx; hi'fiwa, Tut
. 9
ri the hog. . thou.
or belp, 6;,per. -loo' weakIi1)W1a-1,08.5 o 14)100
b• Ally atter her and shook, and rapidly 'declined.
• ,
• tanding :rigging, and even parts
-gear:are-now e
r. steel wire, and this substitute
r the old-fashioned "wrap verve*
Oharles,11.. Fowler Of Burford has
•euirt#liirri„with. deith.unless_ con-
sents to be blackmailed.
ii 4. 1 ,
. when the • ship is not , ttted with f08,1 18 the latest reeipleht. of
Such an aid t� Safety. Th electric ,.elt---'1Jand .4erearid-for 'irioneY1..
_turrent_le.2convesed down the wire aecompaitzed. by 'the :.Usual threat. '
Paing an' -react silwze-Ohroug I'lletafemonses'..-f. f I.. .
AbS ves,8ers Metal 4).„1-:. . .Damage lutli that- Messrs. lifackentie ,4$4,
0004# OfitYlrairenrietitlifiatiter4f' ' IfilitteTza----rOtion,,orr4the-RAin .,
' .tzt4 0440 .w:a3i:to earth. Ina Com.** 'ver .Railway at . sixteen Million.
ParaVielY-large..-rproPertiiiii,'-ef '-iii; i-illiirro.: - '"-----.- : '' -.„' ''. ---."'--"•'--, -•:,
tan004110440r*VaArAidati-ptIlia lie.:nnion-,40.-e-cha' - -,- , - --
3 ,lightdidg, that of the Maid Ion P• R. in the west 'hive giien one
quently'-and the-mitzen -least of ay!it. pay:. each to heIp_. their east,
the t. ree. ern -brothers Who haie,det yetirti-at
IreEs serious easualties.Under this work. ' . .- . . .
head occurred to warships and me' -
chant vessels in the .days of wood- : • GREAT BBIT,Allst. .
„ ,
en hulli and hempen riggidg. . . : ,An atatouncernedt was male by
. . , ,„ .
I* -July, 1802,, 11,8 thirteen sail or /1 t
xrenuer Astinith od Tluirsday, af-,
, q$&Phgtakiltvil.,9 'Mint .. alnliAft.•
'mg to round t°""1°4P° in the V1(11114. *Ohl ' :: rt ultrodin
& Bay, honieward bound,;
17w -67 -al -0647-TammittAtetali- -e, i „ u. tutes iii- t ; nutn I”
Vouthay Castle., -*ere- struelr by - eLkite--et.
g nini-The'forifftiast.oreatisii
soon enveloped .ux flames and the _...... :UNITED. . STATES. :
=esti had to be cut awe*. in order. -
to save the.ships and.their 'eonibus- The aeradromei. invented by 3.
.tible. cargoes. ' A heavy gale was: IX1riOur434, A' graduate of To-ron.
'.1ilowing, the. niglis Vara dark:. si.tid to UniVersity, will be tested .at
he --other ships-ot-of ' ' Ifs.trunondi ort - N. Y. shortj ..
werirhove to at the time, were wit- Whiskey in the form of Welt can-
irsistilof this thrilling incident. .
tie st•
NvEti* B HE mtmlo.
4apitit's Fighting Fleet Passed Be.
." Ore the EnklIer°r*, • •
• ...; , • 'tett
,,,.....- - .
air•VO-livair hemerdintry, FRUIT 'FACTOWZ Lial-S,10.-! ,
COWS sold around '$$0- each. ei hoica , !
Neal palveS .. are wanted, 1Sheert •DraPeralln4 Tlant$ 'Criticized by
Nterelt0PAIr And *unchitalged?, 'whiw . the Factory Inspeetors
. , •
lambs were slo*. .ot sale. Select • '
11;ritIlltiV 114- am -...
'Itii* ' ' ' — ' ..--7114t40:2A--'" ,A dzPtI44r
-„..-1--. ....: : „..
.:Givo*T FIEL0 OP -.COPPER. ,
ZLYflO) B.
it the'ir "rtto
ister of Agrri
re,, they- will severely con-
, -_._.the present methods employ7
. •
.ed.in.many of, the apple evaporating. .
1 4 walkcd
, .:i 0, . ie:conat3;Marntolor rit strong ilt. "lie. oYerl,,,,..1,,T.P4.-110...r-Istandp rinn
&long OM ' der Bay blitifet.i. ' ,
e '#. 5,10; Ontario winter wheat ' . . ••• . ' Arthur-ivainete,riplec,hpivin Ontario. - Instances
n manner
these evaporators
' viietiygx, olow,DED V.:0;40* 1)._:•.,t,' for export, -t-APP,!..1, --$P.79: to -$3274 -... 4 4P$P404, 1.P.P1- '-„7Pro..t1_,....-started- -11-- of-pitwts •
' -There 'are 'cases of:the. la-wSr-',40- " .°1111171'lleted' • r'ari, :t$.- -0 to :$20;50' per .:12;e31118°Ivileet (1114tehvGe'rrioill-eolt,41,cipen.:(11sUb 1103,b6r11440 skating rifsks-where
yeratt.AVLR,, jnittiltilAZSlittierit cattaide.;_sluirtao. jai. •• . , . _ “ , , ,„, , •t,theo_10„.a.ITAL.,:tillaite_disEe-
his sleep and forgot ithere-Whlidnbar,- 424-.130-in-bms; Montreal. last levit-days ifour.-v-turts-hopi, oft gard-for anthing likezartiturY ebn.,- , --.:-• --
ated:it-,-,,till; it was shown him -tlyi _ • , .. . - , Isle St. Ignact At the entrance to i ditians,.. T ere have been no littt.
14 wlfei, livIlq, box' w4,14bed tb0 liithWel . " ' - COUNTrti-7-iithgcra.E. . Nepigort. Strait, by pidace Cam,' 1 cr,,,,toniwnels,. UrsooOraTemuiseens44410: aril;
.... , - , f the student who '
.visn't ,to bed tired out, but got .uP' APP10---WPIter et°t• ' lu° e . a*. f:.(Inelzttei°rUludmhlre85t,c Ite"-taictimtn ''griLiti-:1110:0311"1"-exileaitt:P0.8„aitsu'e 41(1143,-V.:,71,.0.1-11-10.,_ilLnblIge,.towa'lki,inovin:o..tv,:._:.,..,.::::
*n-tbe----ntid-410.-4-sthe---Altht aoineiL0-60.1444..t1:-KOA-PA-r0,49-r-- Zoct9, L.
' - ' ' ' ' ' --- V -----cd- t fe""
les. Th.e reports will show that
'his' friends iii. supper, • Plii;ed. iTio .tpialities; .aindit .$1.5b7te ° for winos. coo -lulling from Lamb is. there as been a general
.piano„.41alift-A;40,11..14L-04•414-491k.i_tig-A014100,•APP:-*4--.2..11_-•i•-----...,..,-.., '4tutifklitilitto,'106-it alt
;;-t.---- ;..--•.--,-= :. -=-..------
.or.„...,,r,....... . , .4,..
gara eninsula.
, .. .....„ ....
. ' •
• Lissolved in water, is
,tesseis re „now_fittect. with fered for sale in the local option
. „ . , , ,. ,
ig •tung con • uc ors o approve • . • a , ' u
- Peter Van Vlissingen, a Chicago:
tYpes, lest the -wire rigging Should
. real estate dealer, confessed to
fail to carry. off the electric- cur-
zanta, InMay, 1890., shortly aft& having obtained $700;000 by .rheane
a .severe thunderstorm, a,ccomPart- of for‘,c,d notgo- and tkedoi,-: -40
kit Ityt.:,lightiling, and rain in a de. ;was Oren an indeterminate term
n't the penitentiary. .
grees 'south, 87 degrees east, the . .
P.,•And co. steOnship Irietoria liat a.,.._,,
, itddert. iner.ease' of , deviationt .
14/12Viarl 7 e giurxi 011ASAY:litigSUIne c—on-
-- a
VOLIrgelclral" „ t19 er a
ered that the lightning conductor • War -again' threatens betwe,err•A,u-' PRPVISIONS.
,. • .
• 10 eathet-*As ect-stuf-ihe-
6icasion 10743 otte long to remem-
• bored Notwithstanding the recent
Ytobe oar
his way to the barber front he drove
•. through. streets crowded by several
by magnificent. decorations iii lii,
boner. •
$41art tha tr_or- and his
Ort-tho r
Miiit 'have -been strue
fling during the storm. •
:-. . • -, w:--nothink 01-:--whaV:=-:ife-sair.-y-i8w-tre-40:8F---za-n- 41_. lortmeel
Thei.dellir tth';:l, w-ell-knowit- lu.sta•D'oc..:!lb4unshaeltki - *LW. l'9:. :$.1:°6.- P°1 Cu:teen' 1,,-"..-----44,---------614113* . . --
03120 cure who- nied--to---write-ser,_ Ilatter-4,1mnbs, $25 te_ ,V2,.7 per -
InOna in bis sleep artd read them 'dozen„ and strained, 10 to tic per ' -A-11-AlIMATIt.--ELINA-TOlto--
• . . -
"ttassendi o.uotes the eintollPle' et 11,, lavfarea, '11$ o iielreUrAsifirfh ' ;',1.'he richeat and rao:t eCI:neendeett::;lece;Zin
takes. Ife appeared to use his eyes . • IlaY-Ne. 1 timothy quoted at $11- t esd:
over pritically,, corroctmw, his ma,- pound. . ' • s
1:014:td htekowituasa:1:aiteeii,:::hnsicoie,hoo owfaas, tosOtItal.wr,0_$&6t.5oon to
on .strack th:Lek,..and p./Asansoottothr,:r foorilawalivituTni.in:ostss.a::: W:7 4. Shabby efIrt:he
TipS. With Glee- . - '
.4rd. being Iteld betWeen his eSes No. SI at, $7 to $8. . .
, . . . , Sinks General Maria
' AtirottorlandomOtipiAlakixf,,Istja, ,DIft-go.;,t1r,::t471i'
ties41,att,..,1 Dui, g.a,,,n. ,etatAl., laavitya.:"Isirtnnoz. , , .'' . -
andling yarehouse for
*tiaurtit°4 i's---t,Iltf"t,s4c;eleigstitaualllt-lry--rainettilnthe rnr-to- -.I 44' 0e4--rpeY-r-C--poutiedlis'fowdikr•t-,7.5-s-et4;77-0--8 .,.1) : . e -Et -ilt-Vii:iiik .:-;,t-r 'Ilvirrla"..1- 1--- , 94a' re-n-eritret-l.*.-simplpi'e't-astrbits,1-7-4?-50-*7:17.;__:-',•::
. had in perfect igriorauee that he ducks,' 9 'tt:i.itieOcits‘ii g jeret, -08 it2oxec.4 ilpeeir !iTvt°01i.t401°•1031,v0"i'v:8',4`the'rargwe'st,,:e04-naa,. would wear the shabbiest clothe!, i .,. • '
had ever left' his . room. ' . :Pound; .1 .
• , Another doctor has dasaribed hew 1)01104.. „, ,tract of . the- kind let, in •Ameriez: and nutPY tonrits who InAlted Inv . . :.
•.f.rhe- tanks-, ef, the ww.iterage_war hea_ntiful_chateau at Otani accepted ,
. 1:;(2:71421:°41 tilirnbX, Itetat:::t ' .. ' : . ISE' DAIIIV it' Alt- igt:TS., ''-- bolise wilt b0 01 c6uoret0' and will bis services .as a guide tinder 01_6 . .
house, unleek the Stable d001", aadwr • r,..70,14nd p ints, 23 to, :liave &capacity' of tlitee art0'4stiiiittc4 ,JimPreOsion tbut lie vas ale ef tt,te °
Butte _do; ter nairien bushels and :the esti. :•ikardeners.. He used •to take, thot .
116rEei Itvr:fd°1-11*--- 5).".2 to-V3o,-Cidierior -10 -t6-2-tre a
gallop, and. again 'undress an re- mate ost ou $1,2,5e,o0o. talls--001--$144- •
e and ..bridle h
turn bed; whito tbe case 'is (Piot- 1,JriParnerY rolls,.•27 to 2$0, and -
to , . . , . ..,,,__ _____4_,...a.,”1.4 _ aids 1025Y t:wa2,,..tairorisvicc. i_i_._);., ,
• .
in, his sleep, translate,from Italian 23c per ,dozen, while new laid are
into French, looking out the words quoted at 29 to 30e per dozen.
Cheese-,--Larege.L1331,02 per pound,
•Atbrvati. 11.6 0did not caeekstiozoin abedimatuiount::
, -
plied indefinitely- without 4 refer -
and twins, 1137‘4e:
onto to. the -
. SARVIZIS OF WPIIPTIBM. Pork -Short out,. $23.00 per bar -
Th increased by,the rel; MOM: $19 to $10.00,
.AL-eleint•;itahali. Vemk, attributed tg:„../airrit -18P.6. • ' =
• abrand to half -a -dozen other cau- Longdear bacon 12c to 12c; tons
•011IN" TUB •111,Liit-181'.1...
.• • .
--a *Instil* to
. •.• lee at.Red.
-A : tiSpatols from Selkirk )1!(Sinl,.
- rviar4u e •
Honaod prowling the eenvo. 'Watched her sleeping child kno-ws
Entertained by ' Lord Mayor and
Corporation ot London.
George -P. johnson'ffentenced to be
Port ten Man Killed by Overbal-
tinting of Machine. gto
A 4espatch from Xenon, says:
A despatch from Port Elgin, Ont.,•-
was killed on Thursday morning in 171.8s(1.3AYnki°eurnnidan
Wthehiplemnbeinia7dPortehseflera-Shetlep4eirsW°wrekra; °need andghanged on ,P. Britton to be
-od *AWL vat-iiWir--bet
Wed -
says: Edward Williams, a welder, George F. Johnson was on Wed-
gujoioltYtdoyf 2M8 murdering
-4-gmachrne 41stru-c
vs,5 struc
that he realm
cation of an oternationsi commit. that the presence of sleep is accom- to 17!...10; shoulders, 100 to 103/e;
arra „thitt-bria _
wan,' and his wifs and two
• ten. They Wert, travelling over
the ice by dog train to the mouth
of gut river to. open -winter fishing
• darters, when they: all went
* rotih-s. Weak 'Split*, Mt*. rityt
iad mot herv:Ixttio.h&bi2tak on
o solid ice whensbe went throu
ierzelf,.(itud it was found mhortly
iftetwards, ode *W. sound. The
Aers had bean swepti *Irv. •
A despatch from London says:
The ,King'sand Quert of Sweden, who
are at-prestnt-in Sngland as the
guedis-61--014-tdiraffil-at AViird
paid * state visit to .Londot on
Wednesday and *ere entertained at
unkheon-in the.QuildIia11 the
Lord Mayor and the 'Corporation of
London. An address was present-
ed to_the Iftiro of Swellen in A gold
partied by a. •shritikage of the skin" rolls, to 11Xe; breakfast Ca-
_onferenee._ •-
liere -4" •
tion China,. the adherents of dis.
atn.tzitited claimants to the throne
bin-ifTaisit tett •
-The Kaiser is cancelling engage-
aiiie piiiitt-04--,gilittord Wetly him.
-elf aa -111:ileh as pouible.
. be s -
said _to and
nights erying--:-;--for--- rue---01w---nUr
from whom he has been ,taken Away.
Influential Persiau Mullah.* and
boo I hove
stiAlAir-IgetV -.4firtito ap"bri;i1
Aull.bones of the x itv±,b ern babe, i pickle, lo les than 'smoked.
This slirin age o t cl. 810.11 18 mere y
the outward expression of the -fact • BUSIUSS AT itowprttAti.
, 4 .
. i _ , treio*-. . . N ,
deprived of the rich, red blood that nu/ism wetitern No. 2 white 'oat* Ay esPato rum .6 'or oruuf; * Live Council has passed the bill,em,
brings it the life-giving. oxYgen. , *re soiling ,4t, ,404o *No a it 4530 Ont., says; StuallPox has broken powering W0M0n to VOtis ' at tbki .
soittia„ is;ii-etatiod ItTsyiediejon.-.ttitlitmorir.i.:exxotr. ,.'in..1-1-4,7-.41„usiit-o-41.50„0""A*0-41:111$1:rgitsic;. '1 rdionfitihjt.TAiriniko,ilhuilililrit .:eihtilil?.4..ritnu.,°,01.v1r.ene: had been
eleiltrAtet.ThedIs_tevbileirpairtelviitionet; ,,,, : •..,, , '
°4? Ulan 4M" fift4 Y0,4111 *tcfi, when; white' at 4150, No -3 at 4401 sua lzu tcrb°"°.th c'tuntY° T4re are tight whill0 ' *omen . throughout ..a.' ustralia • '
intoldier.lost,a-pake, of 18 square at 43yo . i*, .. bushel, ex *wits: easel,. 'Ad diiesze Is. said 't° b6 haver now won the right of suffrage
"in-wuitr"r'betrvrh°eit:p°:Ujt:trisie51°;:nc-6h1::lso;n1:::k11;*idbt:thtatijU:tf!t„,tb;tbl:'a:;:::a:r:Tint'e"i:ahrtijv,-rral;1111.ieVtrJkbStEt-$:4.Pndattsh;:$54:t11:;::;:;' °PrIfxv::" 3 1 ca' I) 1 t'°ilisid t1371111e:cd3-)'!Ig°118.ertlittti-1111145-'hr—balitliL'hte- '431117144.°t"'-'11.4CDT:in°7:11-G.:sillitli-Ditit:d 4;t1.- tte* ,,
ent.s, „um,* AV ) secon a A *5:150--; . . A take, charge or rtio,-catii,:. .-----.....,4................;.-
14.14=--405,, 44-‘,..,Amitipt . --,
...*...... ......- Ilrittil'AT isTIC-2---- - -
II-- bnt-,-04.-1100.,, 4f.-.4-144,..nwasicittz.- r
, 11-Wg---11.44.0_-*--'-=-'=. - ---------'''
A des *tell from AfelbOurne, Au- .
• borough County.
jovial party with an excessive,
I!!! red nose entered a railway car.
nage one cold day. "It is not en,
direly due to the heat Oust your
nose is so red, I prematiet" said A
fellow -passenger, • "Alas 1 rick,
replied the now.ttomo_rittuips frank-
"but. 1-zwittletloil tojnettlii*
iitortish you3 once (hank.
nothingbut milk for a whole year."
Whet* WU that, thettl"
to r
'Tea. thousand -foreign 4riifed
troop* have heen..etotioneci m Pe.
- •
id to keep order. There is a' re.
,port rout VII. It has sotosht
refuge in the ;British Legation. .
routteen Distrfete Carry 4414. The cause et sleep may e o
cause soot, but it Is knowri tlust.it• fol. 10 „lc and $ olio.
of $ ,rseveti months the
products. and. Year the imports
, ittifett4 tor totimtrittiod ,302 ts,decte,ftwe of
their Ous,lumnoitu ingenuity $21 . ' i0 to $24 ;- middlings, . $25 ' to : iti7iiiiitsa vilifie skoitilig- Rats. . *.-
-o-tigh $ .0 . 0...,Tround* ' Wi At 11,0211,ii3OrtS, 124; OlitearrIO _Vath.., APIIeao. ,p..• ow: 111* , . ,. a-eslamall,paitoti, from , il sts;141 .ord* ityi0,1: ' : %,.._ ;
TIM :1APANPE, WRESTLERS St; short, ,$24,60 to • $25 per ton. ., 'A Itivitiefi: 0,00viiouvit says: . , r.„ . ornstat M. Wilson of Atwookl,. .. , .
Thur; -
have . oppited t4!.w. - litte*iii'm .86' t# ' --- - - - - - - - - quoted k Iiiiiitielfa ,1114med,Ippei- rItagt of - t., died :. for glanders on , Tours, . .
4 t.±.:„ I...A' `raiinill2hix0686....to VIsqtectiir,ndat temyettlnssi1.1,,,T. orth vimoottvett in, attempting
0 si 0.1:hi:at:tato. preibe; tun . ,, ,
bring *bout snimula 01 tho b
, hy prettiitis tor tut, *Lurie* lit the „to it. Butter -Fined 004111011 was ,
14-:.111diTifettztittlikAjal---114uPr4.-.,lit 10°.-itrir--k- .P:bit!Ird' 1°4' li-nc/-: .44-41111"4*--,..tilivift4 'tk°1141. 'Wed'. 46114:1;liY.' 121-oLP:411eint. ' ' „ 611). ,)nlilluljuille*9:'Utimiol:_"triklt...,t;ittlist.*::._,.,-::-_
.r• ival wtetticts, - •• VTit' 105lccted "28004 to ius°7at 41:: Ito, vtr" tveystifiges.pitl,tice 4 -• Oiler in- ' - grad 'nate tOlititi. 14 t
b to laz were quoted ot s90 to oes. :- tei well mealoiti College., ' •.
• 4. despiiteh. trent_ %Alin ton . loWs'its a 'result of eerfAkink Uttered ' ,
'24, isaYs: The -latest . el. .,..-- ,..2., ..„..., „1....„, .,,,,it ack.AY, is the
,i. ' '1*- ':" theent ill *w. -11* 0 k Wantcu:Ali i v. sleepy v.04t"4‘ c*re" .' :nivel .11 trilriltn' aTI4113.'
urn* give the . Gurernrueutt` 414 roost import -ante(' gots.. cola and iineapollsitlfcrit.•94- Whi
:$440) Atie•OilifttiOn 16; and the,cipos-illi*Iii#:" 401660'.* *4'41. "I'''
Independents; '3. , 'Second: ballets It the tet;e000. Strainitg' of ' eecara,, St.04%.1; No. i ern, 44.-
. will 'art -requitaa lit tweet1:4itti.001-, jitteitition-o
,,, ii, itttie .tig te•,wqr , .-- . . i ti ,,N..tc; 2 xotittiatz•ii ,.411,,, ,,,
trtittieneies. '.. loUrteen ,, dietriete. Ato eub.01140 torttio cure insominss,;'08, to 1.,, ,. 0...$ Northern, $1.. :.
,carried the . onO litentefr' Propttist, s., bruit*. tutor, sua m006tutly 04%- fo,;' ' . ' Olieur-43ist pat- UII
-white •itx..earrirgl'Itt,e**42111-1'00,x3.„ .1 induced tot the iieltinechisaleal thud, *Att., ,-- . - ., 45 es; aectind-: :
toward .. reduction. 'wee ProluDre ‘,0-t irttalluery \and the conitoot thY1 eat*: *.25 to $6.50 t first ,clears, *4 ' .. ,. : :-...
.tionistt, • estioxilit" that at least 160 ,
'-Ottblia- hon.-P*10in." 444004 41:14:11' thrniethe' r're, vt'ur'''' -4 roi:'' ',.,'",'!"*..*. tl,i.3":).,,I*4ifivoitiror.4,,-)co'y'.7,1'.. w.INtsta().,: ' .
ober 01 vatoiewes,..litenst_ elirt. -.' ,,,t ,, - ' , 2 nortberri%" ]:, '. ,„ 2 nosh. , -t°, i.,:,f,r,..°*61
,.:sa. 1, ,... , setriA
t,,o „.._., 0 • $ 4 „ . Is .... • ,•
Pialt2t$V, Vail ' ' v 4 - . .. 0 . -7-, , . o; 1-,-;
•• .4
-- cr
. 6.; , 4 II
, ' 1.01. ' i an
60 to
4„ - S.' L°.••• ''' " ,,rt,P
,,,,,„.„.„...4,,.....„!....•!..-- :_"-,....-; :.:.:11.".----'.,-,s
- ' , -nit ntionteiout oi , ,i : 4;c; 110..,
, • .,. '. 'tilos of ketor-hora'
ort , ILVO.'reitnainta . , 014•414‘7, /
,..U.,..,..,,,..1...44' 4. . .1•00.14,01.4-4,`,..,,,,,,,N.,......h.,., vis;--iaiiiiria - .•
.(i : titia , Ott " . '
ith*Oc 1st Of Lest 'ear as co red with the tome
oolopore . to r 10.0,
Tito totol. It4lue of tiomtttie exports period of tbot 'Miring the to.v.04
for 64 month wst,POsitto,114 '$
40-tmouttol roin *rat Ittre
Oa" nointh last year. t*Orts rie,..coniii*red: • Wit* ir'-'11:00016 last
ceirapaml vfith-111.,41407443 for the 'ported t.6 tht. viaue 0,212002,,
Usual 'products, iette*.led by !year. EXpetts, Of tiotatittie pro 'net*
itmtiriat4" msz-iirhitt Orttorso--#T06V103-01ticed
*44'4 *Mtn aletreaw of $1
411,' At
101 tr )sit
The VertilOt.00Aitiii-IA,C0101/tii
.14* passed order probihitiog the
impollotiou into Canadatit loottle
or tkides from the Sate reitioil.
!itch fell Th t,taIj *4 'or 7 tit toi-tea o&g to
*314001,9014, tit ilocra41#,184k iht
'-'-, '..;:' * ' ' -T-- !,...„.. ...
. *refits:h.°, i*chi.411* 'wnliotitAl;'*itila, thenetion; a' ifetpAn'ot• :PAMB' 16.tAti:SPei ' 1 " •
. CO of the .Cororeeri ' *
' 0 hither tartetions 04 his Intel- ' ‘tOrtto, Nov. " 24.-- Sales ,•cifs the believed arath to: bti,doo to :nit
, .
,fixtrita hi* *yid at tante ort beat: hutthere *tetra *04 'loiter* c*Aittest probably $:'..b, . ' ,
' Whom he itas reSpOnsible to the' tiOigott from0,25 to *4.50 Per vote brought ort 4101 ',0t,,**ertult, 0 ' '
.1*1. tali of auildeit-disth, ' .0 ,. 1 a were sold at '44 to $4.. lion.; The liar' was isto:Sett in the
. .. : . ' Autt uniqst-4,145 to ;IL .1%4;40 lobby:. at 4044 . e
*tit 01) 0
iL Was le -4i et
s was • ,clreas •
"esas _ea ti --
1.7 pr
' Pot
rtstria. Or• 11
tit rak
-- '
b$411 AA A to 100111/01 . •- '
,ittbe l ' ret proltets oflordeniog eteet ,,, .• . ,.
hit bertnitti. ta*:mtlithr:t:, of the
ttlioeofeitt'entriilt411-, .
ith )3sirdaslI and Xfoover and ito.`- --:
tistl::: bati. 11, (*ked;Istlirbt(s)7*etlrol'i°iPeit'iP16**, ' : , , ' '-''''' '
. . . •, „ .,
.....„ -
Si. itrite,.: ti;iitay'l _ Poists..00:vitrs..,.. ,
, a, 4 •
, , , .. ,