HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 9ISIMPfeznYilt0004,,,41,404,AW;Aito.4.
away so
itart .to soon to make oni preparations.
o thin of, presents.to buy, and agood
• This will be found the toy Stke from now
until the Holiday season is over..,
witi the good things to make you or your,
friends. happy for the Xmas Season. Onle right
in and let u$ ShOw aU our goad thin 0. It
on gowl. and do ugood to see yuu.
rt twa von
he 4ay. At tite
he it Wei well
eye 1
°it:. ifs Meals- .00;
Awboani:IU. IWeLh
.Alralter ..ilArestcott $4.12: Ed.
Co0 be. t7.00: Sidney Neat • 1.85;
e1ectng jurors, $4O0; 1A.
nior• seleeting•Jurore• 15ain't
spimTownc,gall cblmney
• 41.4.:;..by E. trek
.•• . , ,••
,Tbe (tunnel shock 0
piece 'there on .fliursday ot last: tweek
anls‘lta.,:attended- latge,--crow4
courage -41, fauttt-On-th
spot:iv° *idea captainctl bj Chas.
and Dn. Dew. Instead of-ebtietitgl
to ec which -side.-avotthi-lart-tor the
supper, prizes •Jeettsisting nt 4tUrkCSva-
dUOlCtgi, ,ete4; mere 'given to be Avott
'by lb* three hest shootert.on aeli
.high mon, -,Eatior`
C4and, and -kr rilt floss *hi
•Vaser--2X--an 4 4 3
3rd. Atter the shooting he -gun*
sadjourned to A. Willard's home
where abountiful ,supply of . Oysters
were "prepared tri4 after 'theme ;had
.1,7retatidihie,st:eisceauliT:gt' tstioci4tnrou7git417"1"7.441107ena
The mont cOnsfortabli pre..
enty�u can buy AlitskaSable
Ieabella Sable Isabella. Fez,
Blank Link, 'Stone Martin,
Bear & Persian Lamb,
e t the Fur Lined
Coat beata thein all. We have
the best itt the land and at the
. west priceih: Oat and
get our prlces,
anon to an o o
all the way,
1 upto50c each.
alloy SiJk Wraps
-Xice-featey --Scarfs,
W'rape and Vatinators for
Evening weer, They are Yorr
awell oixls and %Vedic* make
rout 41 to
JOAO arrived. The new C�l
faro, they are swell, all 'color°
and shapes. We have the low
ones and the high onesi-righ
' up to your eara if you wish;
mmilut Rvt
'sopa Sale of allMillinery
caw, --Eamattlouria
;eaaon is not ninch more than half over. But VO•46tOt
n wnit.Ing.until thelait Week to-Maltinr- tscountg°1
aiitcd .by Mr. Ernest Moule. 0_,
don. • 00,--og Mr. •
3. "n, , wbo twas unable to heA
* 4wixig *.,404,..14- gr. •, I
a0,0 ata eliMelleur° irapresS104
his Bingzng. 111 the afternoon ,
fflRU tllectinft ,,was lteld in, the au-
tlinCc room and evis addressed by
ticUamutit ;the to
Mer rezcitting tbe Robent Itaikc,-
diplomas' Ito those of the unduy
School - Children., whose, al), sanest wero
003.- *
avalier C04 orth, • '. ket°,
years, "7 months, and ,9 days,
4$5.0,;;.•Ite::.ontered the
lirenCh •Ils Wort AU
This union •Wite-Itl 4;4 Slat tw0 eonIC
and $4140, tiaught4.41,,, three ilegittlters'
'011artott*,, Tott, .and Vecello, 4144 In
their infon0It *Ise .‘garger.4 Mrs. IL
*rigor' ..died DON kite'lOtb, 3Q3.
: April 1801 itheY.;ImullgrateA to
.xater *Imre, thel" lived until =ugh
OM (when lite'y meted on the home-
teaditt. ••, the of •thotaltrock,
united, to, eted,' at Exetor,,. ttn#'
the labor-'ef Itet• Wan„-.11O0pari.,•p
tor af the 311410..',Christiart,,olutr
frOtui Which he received a reseal
iota: attiluioit 'fillOwer oti
Food • and Meat Choppers - 4,, . • •\ • • • .$1,35 to $2,..00
Cdal iiads .• . • • ...... . • . •, • . • • • • • • .• , • • , $ to6o
Lanterns. large size— . .... ..... • .... 65 it) /.00
Stave It lit, V**. • !ft... t oto I.
endon, ashore ' he iatendpend
ss,. 10;14. oo; anue
e wint- Grandt-
Au ing
-to-T-take a....OWnwerol -ahandorietAutusekee a -
, p -.. ity,
0.,_.,4•usilu .eso_vullege,:-1,,,Cd NZ LALI. __ hi° Oln1.4ren_...,'at.,:,Caysilier
VT, tta*ter nil 4.•04. Ilan. ,1,741e, aiat4,44004 Patti*, Ana • tosna,„
V* 'it/120c. for Movehnitt an Pro*. 'alwaya :• uniting with the
trio.- • church represented in the locality'
Vile licensing kill has been 'carried
r#1.401,11400itg, .,
he enormous majority Of •k
* Ire tier interest* are relying upon the
oustropl%4 s' to „amend it itt.thei
0 t . -0 it out. .If r
.,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,„„.t,
LS Soarf
The best We bave Enter •
ving *hown in all theneW pattrnae
Browns and Greys. Als0
Plain'lliaelts and 'Whites.
Prices 50e. ,15e. .$1•00 1425*
n the
eivrty stuj*thing
better bag ever been ihowrt in
The MIAS from ne* tilr,`.41*14ry
1910 for ;OneDollar. It $Our neigh,
rs or friends ere not novr*etting
tlie MIMES, kindly !tell thetre rot Oda
Oellent offer_ h
itton,2 ii ,oult In our vis. !Methodist 4.114 the Evangelical,
it • -.One% Mrs. S. Fried, Airs.
eek 'Tom -
re, •Schrader and
.111r6-140r1Pairatir-tittle-b-7-4, 41140,1111
renee, 'who were looking on. ane' three great grandchildren, also
Peter.hic.l'hee who sPept tb,e, Iclarge number of friends. •newas
past-sever:4- month. in the nortIo. Pr._°Ircinont church work --and ;was
west...bat •returned homi
e. .rcA4 to Perform his
rs. liamtatt is. visiting her Par of the church work faithfully
parents at the fiend. . Ile sbq mimed by all avho kneitIf
:,:try7,,i,,,i,...4tatzw...luwe "(id° '"k.,,,,s:.e.bselnlItt*Entrora:17.thite.'7:1ildbree.13-3301:
at the parsonage. C on;,.srea, was a kind 'father and a wise. Conn-
"ek la
• marr#.14,..A.gan„.4414,40444) ak.OtoltiOty,
30shtta of old... "Choose, Yen thi
re day whoin Ion will Nero, but as for
e and to$ house we *will serve the
ird.' Ile is now at mule ella a
e Zvangelloal c�meter,near ,the
....0 on 0 wat di t e
resurrection mornimr•-."-"The choir.'
sang some-sppropriato hymns •atthe
stervioe• Tb a undersigned officiated
using for his text. .Job. 5-28. 'Waal
the good ford grant them all a, happy
reunion in Ifeavon. 13. 31. Fischer.
ttlAtalitit brown ha [ter
CeremorethIT-Tonn e. • t on
* honeymoon trip to Chicago, sen.
ton liarber, Itersey, 'Lansing,.
troit and ,Other points, and on their
return will reside at Ithiva.' Their
many fliends, wisit them L happy..
and ptosperowt wedded le.•
• We make a specialtyof Eavetroughing, Roof-
ing and Pluinbitig inall its 'branches.
d be convinced that, it is the cheapest spot in town
A. A
Pleaded gatityram Mr. Colwi!1 of entraIin. and
t eating, Ato
hi It to a utaa 4anied
ek. living /tear London, twos latitilatar•
41.4 senteitOod to three years in the
• Kingston gpenitentiary.• . •
, •
Zatter, tiateirdxtr, Noir
• son.'
Do 13,,, Pxuov gPidiltito of trorcbtk.
to...ttater Guartnan
NE14, Veterinary; Sur.
esor to E. nem -
domestic ant.
ntion, to dentla
e vrtszon,$ANDEBSAV Exeter, Nov.
lOtb 3r, 11. lg. Creech AO Xisa
. lGeo. Sanders.; .
•••uit &towagealitonton, nit t
desdar—Tiga..w-H. rh-t Le
--,w0t,,A0 :miss .11sTora A. VIM*
ArOttegavVOrrzsa t tbi
'Paraortatte, ,,Corbettt, on eduesda,y
at, 1 ills**. Steadman- the
'youngest .daughter or Mr. .14.arntel
: Sweitzers Shipka to Mr. David
0_ be vioinity ou booking *Ter hia
tock oiie morning •tteoexttli alsAcvet-
ed tbt,hia fine flock of turkerShatl
tbecu atcicu during the alight. He
immediately commenced t looking
around 416-prernisee for BOUM marks
or footprinte in order 4'.o .get a ialue
to the thief. Ile had looked 4but-„,a-
abort. ltime.--attlierr be --isainve-eotoisa-a
pocket 'book_ Jeonts.inin
loiner of ,the turkeys. The farmer
etls that ----10 bns berL welt -repaid
or bis lois,sibut the wner of the
11r. . and Sirs. Itobert Mennen, of
Watford, are vital:4c the
brothels, Rev. W. 11.
'Andrew Benham, of lainuiota.
Man., happily' surprised his Parents
Mr. and Mrs. John- 31epburn list
artier.- 31e pas,uut peen.in this idol
inits.ior seven year*. but Ida stay 1,0
fit011%littort on account of IlrerAr4.1
itt Ottawa is Kr. 1? A. Aciand avir3
has been the secretary ur the do art -t
edulesit:r t•otirthsreccortinc""-Tto faloe-be-wfstare iyarawr:
and lately its western correspondent.
Ilis lournalistie work was of A high:
order& has always taken. an
terest in industrial vroblema, and
wilL 1,.a6
make a. comi)Oent succes9or `to
• vifeY:y, ng WAS IVO MT
ilea at the hentel of AUL Thee. San-
Ame •Theradkt ...uftertioort., at_ ,Ihree
o'clock /when ber ldest daughter
•Edith !tot • united in marriage by Rey.
Voir to i5/11.... no N. croseb,
it.or ot the.Advocate. After the cere-
Maul was over & wedding. Was,
xerveaafterwhich the toup*o.
thevenLrain enAV
sodding a- few s with his moth.,1 - •
0.4 ars. -Amerson.. IC caring Auction Sale
'ars. itersitavs, of Daroit --
1, .
Divs ARIUM. 13"SoTso7hICWAltiNteDIWIIMPli se14:61111YEralit
lgr- and Km V. Irt‘in C11 (=HY, tic Auction for Cdr. Abner ruller on
orfisifitincti 4.0ber,414.ralirrntscrlt 0.11 itUr.rcaniel4a 5,seaOrttwlikts,litSiillt.ORNB412401,
4 ca.
the itu,tire
miser vf-''.young--,Ii-diet; were
being pleastutit entertained' at the
hotne-of-Ar.:AnsVaIrs. J. 'Wood ••••r;
Monday ' evening last sv-hen they
we e'-f'*iiturPrisell la' number-of-IYoung
meg calling. no remainder ot the
.evening was enact/ea b7 411.
19If for One DaUr lt ,your neigh4
boz'3 or rrids . getting
ot .
With the Y.ukon still tocar
from 1:1).e:- ztui'1tiig`ia
the' *text-Mouseand 111
Chtt*tcQiiebecP A.
Vo SOi : It'
NOV' grall.SittiC,;• re Yee
Alanitotet tr.;r0-
rl tsh Collar -tibia
itght,'11;-lt;-$t, ;mud
*S., HoltOr Grousite oronto trap
tivoleitoreokIent p1ysIdlan
itotdo, Agate
1. cooed AuctiOnee • Saisi con
40 In *11 pants. •Terms remonshis
derscafl be left othe TIM8°ince
11) • -13
u e
(laughter of lir. -snd Mrs., lienrY
Rader to %tr. Edmund Waver ;our
Ot :Thlahx-Pc
DT Duhw'ootla
, '146- Vfit'
3 montbn and -13-11014-
" It - petrel( hospitatt on
Sunday. Nov. 122, Nortiasn Weiner,
aged la Years • •
ltOulrOX..itt Exeter. kloyeinher. 10.*
1908, Wallow, Dorton "Ow
Coattattctra 'aretendetring on 'the.
'jeste ttre aLIrether irorts•
, out now tille,lanuar
fiends are 'not notit gettin
le TIMEso kindly.tell them ottbin
excel/int offer
terite_.Shest, Who se- kte
e ---
,1§01a-- t tO
-t000tu 0Pa vrits arriale.l dif art
iTing-AttY When he wen -t etter
modes, was „on. Saturday sentenced
to three yeX, re. in the 'Kingston vent,.
l*arsOns ond ' our aar
• little
bie -14-orkInif wonitio' in '
risk* *entice surety Wil
. nt--AU 'Gr/PPA.' 111 -
very few ours 'And 1'reientiO6 are'
sato utl .harmloss. N� fluirtine.
notbig uri,ti sickening Mei
for everialt - restless obild • -
at f.04.,0014
Tickling, tight cOstgltacart
and quich.ly. Wooled' With
Uhtutglats are.
eyen1wheri ILS Init. ',Shoop** oub
Ana..it‘tx iffr yery, er3
differettt than ,oetagtor( *duet meal
Icin. No oPittu4 no chloroform
aboolutely leg harsh or unsafe.
Tb ten-cler beaTen • Itartelese,-
, altrukt
than what thry ha*
-time• At • -prcent.
tte force af Melt end Wtanik
tg IioultrA, *hits it take*
Ons t� Pack and look titter
.1 Ilicortifielil; the. So -ring irs
nCCAsd• of taking .$08. "'from * trato-
il • tined. .Wm. Gilmore, ,ort lOct
as. tried 'be:fore . judge
at oiu,rcb Wit Oridasti.,
,PleadrA guilty' 10 the charge atitt.Vtroa,
toted th ituottet tutit Was Xet go /t014
the 4itaire aftera.loud 400,(it noviss.
ne,d, on 1)relititting toabstitin Oast'
11140r ,Sad_ fUrrtiattitUt ,ft*O. 4tUret1es
r geoit hdiaiar. It latsikopi
it -6.114toto ;ea. 140W/it
entiiiisk, *44
*4 hired
ld Wee the--rg, u1gued the kb;
oisng J3lootpfiehl
-1017: tr:41:45,-**
thej cvcning he jini
• all `Volne up ye.
MclFOfl Itjtkit is.*
having 4Secured a lucrative Ipsition
Iris-se*fradTtirtret14-11te'lre-cito**114-..10r_lr'hi'grer /YIfle
two .y.simitmears• Our photientisita Alhei7sertatualt
will do her test o eep up g
tandard of ibe choir. Shedeserves
ell at the hands-elethe church,
10431 evening Was held en
day by itte ritt+Wort.li
the storm alitt:,17. 17,
a an
int an
residen u
bort but Variec
Oki; .0.rm
s returned
and ,r,tisx- -
S'eS 'Ilattdlettl.Ort 25niid.t
Mr. lartte8 41,44.041(0111 tint
Miaa Alattit ,Xigtoti
the ifollow1n4
old.. eligible far • reglakratiOuto_
1 l'ercheron mare 9 yea s, Shire .
src- 3 -Years- old.- lArairrisll
3 years old,. draught. yeacling,,
-llatknttrIrearlinM Clydesdelesttek- -
_cr. LWeleh dna:, Arabian- pon,.i- suit,
able. for saddle ....at -
cattle, 5 Steers, 1 Heifer, twau
Ilelfers due ito come
hi at Christmas, Feb, d1W-a-an )aia-:
0 Cows' due to come in' 'In the spring.
8 Calves, I Shorthora bull 3 twain,
old•ryearlings,,,J7 *store logs,_3 fet -
pigs. 4 Sows -due to farrow in
indev, stew Deering seed
• odder. Altering mower), „ Vrost
n Vockibutt plciVrgo-Ett- -diaraort
harrows, set chisel itooth barrows.
cultivator., 41 wagons, tirity* set of
itdty..200 frilkee"
-born in' steek;.--et
moilly Mtdcl
9- reserve' 4-11
g eri-ilaeor
• -of scales.„ jncubator,
brooder, 13 ort--eap-4-,buckets, sap -
; Cauldron kettles, pig and
1ity rack, iron stonbpat. bag truck,
1:dozen hentelo,' apple evaporator,
• vel (box', set of , springs,". who
hes*: harness:sat doable baize% • •
b4S. salt,.• -swot),
Ver„ grind stone.,
tte, *ladies side .
ddie. •
the proprietor --
as sold his torn
• TERIA3..-40.00 -and under cash;
vet that *Mount. 12 Months credit
• rurrahInst apProvol. Joint nolvt,
Aimee/its .ter veto,
rir 311 -
for cashitt Liett of - note&
•441 if AUN tat ("L tit
r • ,itureoner. Ptirtqo
en. '
tined, n t