HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 541*
iny„. - r4. 41
I lAt'istl and, pas7i
lit „ct er -,auddenfleath ..
Itdt"'11,1*:.,:f:' V,i4,:ii'f':
Ont.:Stock is coins e • itt line we r stock of totala Coats will beer
bityestice Selection o ens Coats in „
"Wee -Dark thinadian. Coon, well fuzred inspection. 'NO (aAezn Ammtrao,
froleelr zoll,11104.Cflihia and„skin°. IP** W1414:04‘ lianiZeCtric Seel a rim Lined at
14 !LA --
irk 0 _20001,4X 011 * X
ted .1)7 , Vo 110!i t Ok .. 0
't.,;4„1 , - thtt,
,* , 41 tie' ' tj4 ce
bereavi. ith t --Vitt\two-
1 st:uegliterS, too 4000440 is sarvi 0 . 11,1
4•71.701a,,,••:7,44;:ill e-' litzu: molieot.
tee -iv '1+,44 X4-101it-01t- Ane tio; 'Italtb, -AO& air. Arthti 4- . .
bjawtttleuilitAirti:11VIrbi0105130.011:11%0 I. - ( '• b ',Wee brothers• Sam'. anit 40h04 lf, le
At weeelved /Acre on
owbez .
rformed the bridal part7 at 4o r. SmersOn ',L. ,flodgina in having
radar itinneuncing tho sttocsss of
,..eristall•\ rend . Georg .At 'remit°,
to-0-•cloAnty luncheon. after , ulit 414154 44("iMano, ot Ohicago.r a•.$imon
Mr. and Mrs- W11404 left en theiltir, nerVot otirarty-tum4. ---Atrta - AI rime i? 111 IIII:t OD:111113."DIr.erainediniluttginsi°4-11$ Ettb-ger
*setting „ train frona Centralia* tor 1 v*,.1"441,, (1 VabOrlie a)re *litter.% T110 Ain't
,.y• IfOU f: TIM» 110411130 of -thl,s
fehireltlit:e.tir:r1041:titruncia itelt,tehay4i *wsliolaciPttal(;:cittit,..;;11"xlcalt:t;ovin„.2%),:etitib.din.c*Kluir:kalietn$44004:titienr.eiA:teri:-ys,, Bead * cirtiney shipped a • sax,
carload of heavy horses to Winniiieg
The limes. jolos Jim ninny friends in retwit _liValibliOrn• of Comber, via
•tobtohe - attending um tow, ,44, tiWe lasitr/wleek-rtAitlence' of --l'Ars.... ilhiim
314-1.01Van,.on Ue, -1,44,14.04,;_
vx.t..r.dintr-,-eovvttttdtiionsv.......,..4,,.. A, „ktottn.4srolAtor4ot-Alt,toxotorirt
Iat Mr
it147117-1fiCtii - t*itl''''''''' ''''''''' p uot oftluctroLtiv::::atnitotbittoxix:44.. ,
tt teromott4 ouritfer tt heantitul
A31474,Xti...#,,ketlet.t$9n Performed
and smilax. Miss Maud ;Elliott. of
London.*consitt- of the groonk.played
e g raiiii*: - " ' - ' :---
'4 suns,. iv:moats ovoa OATS, Etc.
reAtuyers4t.01. asi:vol'o,W1. But ,I;4_44,1-•_,,ggje
eit-Apples etc, forivhich w e 'ghat evicts. •
Wii7Shrifi TAVE-Mt-Wf• each---W-EMBSDAY and-TIRT-BSDAY.
• . *Call Solicited
Op ortithity Tjuie for. Mayers.
This week we have received shipments of.Xmas Goods that
are unexcelled and sorte4 up in every line of goods we sell.
The following are some of our leaders, thus:,
Ladies Coats , Gents Furnishings FURS
• • .13-
r ‘3, 33,, 1' " • 3
thIS 11120 and from now
until,Xmas you can ex.
pect bargains.
Dress Goods
A full •range. , Carry
*regular city stock of
therm BightStyles and
ttnialities lowest,
Boots sind Shoes.
Butter and Eggs taken in exclunige.
„ter AvItiCli, s e t wee 1 thrlk
Iiriae7”- - 1-_ibt
The Sunday school of .itletite. i P831 ineans' congestion•-. 1
ist-ebursk,._exo4,194,yo_eta.,6111lor tire semeWhere. Dr.. She.
their Xmasentertaininent on thei e10441110,7-Tri.pbtuit'ust4:,,LIairli4tivrt4-3vPheairne!.,
22x.....4r.iD cem
l 0 lier. . md,__a_egLatjor_ermijan
0 e x atill---0411014
WO. - • .. -----,.
4Z At -Evan il ! Al,s41..---elin**11 Wero-Privi
Ieged last SuAtieTY-nintifialifir-16-"'"Iliz•
ofevt.he .401111.0• 0xlitentoctioolt.i, ittnistst pearrysesen te).t. ,Arrie.bsiecos..:1:1:048.11:t:ente:!P: nisoo--emOurt4.inet 1:;:wt;e747, _iI5n1
.-ixi th.sanizolii--1412`.':It• t' ' • -4-11-
-tenittg--44-otta-of. -the,.._,attlettt. (levities,
-largest-collection-laid-44:Th 41"Iing 'dire 4 60 V- 'W---eaker
plati tit, ai(1 tile MISSreltyr17:nsge, th, spitav 47....;a_ Is_ op:, ilasi,o, llyron .1 tly
_ , _
for said cill-Se la Years*. , pen rack Ateotr e. .cumoil J. 1. Atnder.5on -Rel4e-V-71:t.:11?4-1-settlutieisk*a. tif-Iteaditig. ;Xs...,
°Syba,1 2st qu'uurri ' lavdri asta dr: 1.. 11, tanYpa duLlrtb:S:eultnyi 1 3: 1:11: ail tilSIrClgttrieevelitaCC"te3 eat . CelI'wilt2°"It 11 3: 1 . Ma; arefg: itr: sadtgb3 eY .4 graveditchingl
cingn it O. :4 :pa. ::. .1. ...1„ ,* . ,s 92 -;. oi. 10- , 5 :012: . vai::: I atelnE•dv§can4iLhellois:siri;s1:tvla;eiroleuilicrArcisi.::::::::Ttl::rtil'us:.13GYPIrl:fi'vaith-sl:
Preparations are in, progress Xer the interest of mis,sions m Lilo
the holding Of th annual Xmas ews
tertainment on 'Xmas eve •In tbe. Villte * .81acicier ditching Div. 5 iv re -moved the fence which barred
soil. Ay unkin, .ditobing piv. 6 a.:itinte for the Bay Comic'', recnt-
Evangelic6-1 SkluilaY sch°°11" . $2,50$ 304 wh 1 n 1 f -,. the way to the new road to the Aake
pMenrdinAgibtelrlitt 'SINratVtetsZlit4eletaltas um:Jul:11er buv_iirealrilata. 45,24co.g,Araye. g.ornyalati:(14ex; avoroextiajteeasellh. alitNar.rhtehtitinizec eoaug:010.0 ex_
Mr; C. Either 'left last week for
Tilbury- to ea-aucxe Ole horse Tes.as
Ronnie, for Mr. C. Fitz •who neo-
T1e officers and teachers ortli
ranging tor 1141 el1(itrf4jIMICIlt tO be
situate his labors in .Mt• asant. e av . ern oon, a
Mich. 4,44.1j14 win. Bass:gravel controt N --v when a gang of men were hired/and
. Astrachan,
e 'erclothinr-triTokr-aild-w
640:,to supplyour-every---req4jout,tent.--_- Sununer -rnoy
day of two, but colder weather is what we must expect With few hr
teruptionslfrom now on, and with it comes_all sorts ouall wants to.
On- You wilLexpec a -fin cLzoin
tall on us for your Fall Fla*,, or bring us your hat and we will
trim it for you in the very latest style for very little money.
We have our stock of ren Cojitalloxataitig,kirjapagiaton.0
og. Black ak, Bishops, Horse and-.
prices. A nice line.of Puy Caps, Gloves and .
ufliers' Shirts. C°1•1" Scarfs, • Stoles, Ruffs
Sox and Gloves. Panel and Throws suede of
Vesta and knitted coats wiek.,1 fun furred, ...axe
are very falibi°13able (*Rent quality skins;
'Special wester. Coate funw guaranteed at.
with collar and pockets mocleeate prices,
different colors for
*later sport •
Suitt and Overcoats
New Suits just rece/v-
Fur 'Coats' for Ladies
d'exitletnen. Special_
ices in fur.lined coats,
friar Collar% •
kited 00 Sgest Robes
for men rom -31
$15 00. - Also showing
o1f=-3-ac .-ICerv. -Utter 1- Othe' teOlOra To choose -frOni$1.50
Wks Clotith4 s 1_ _ 4_41itte_ sm,00_,T4tter iz
1/nderweatalerYTIgniatIrtrort-att be f t red
galore. mann tic u
• Complete.,
1 it I
odd irsof ' a En- all sites bought Von:1-w
egular '44.15 for 75 anift.Wfair$2:25:-
Jactctis. 144,A.,e_ithotraaelor
Want 20,000 Tha.
. Highest market price guarantee
11. Dir, 2 451,00, Jolin Sordel. 411.4:Fgt20011had it in place again. A lively Atchn, at bargain
i -lawsuit -wilt likely re- Ah -e- result ivritt:-to hoose'
-F ac n t -........., , 4r14.
e .tn, rep,
Bridge 3 tt 4 $1•00, - 0, !Yircstinan
arob culvert Div. 6 X. 114 $41t130,
Fred Radcliffe keeping light at night
$240, Jac, Drop elievelling, gravel
Div. 444%75, O. Carrigan OPening
. le s riiirrearKiiitaiirairraCt6ats %,17173127" 0
The well knoNvn .. strengthening 1
properties of iron combined witb Revers, Astrachan Jackets. Also the largest range of Cloth
other tonics and a moat perfect ner- ',and Jackets.ever shown in Dashviocil. •
vine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills
which strengthen ths rterves -and
- S4ipka 'Laughlin -cipening gray,e1 *it $1.5'0,1 anuiplexion.
gravel pit Div. ‘,1 $3.00, 1.1410. Die.,, body. -and inapror th. ei blood ,and
ottKe- rd..aAy T.lasWt intwgeewt-,ason- ibnusiiGnoesdse: rie $3:101".c2:5,15-1JrnaLoj.". "1f71l,nliirfobrutnil,,igiactge bizl1
•." , _----.—.--'- Ilighest 4
ower* l::f nii-
TIENAttEDFain :Produce. .
iton, called upon Mr. Fred. Geiser, tract S. I Div, 5 $7.50, Thos. Duf- practiceand proper o r. , c
. . - "tieId spreading riven!' Div. 5 '',50,,t head. of 1.,,ondon, and a former re.
iw toe .
Ur. tJolin Sohroeder returned home Wm. McRoberts 2 culverts Div. 5 ident of Brucefield .
from the Northwest last week .
1 .00, P. ftiddel -work nuroad NP -1.1.
'1The-Methodist 'Cltutclx-intend-hold- Dor.-43..00. Jno• Fox -plank -6-D, Div., 0 i , t
'trig their X030.3 tree on the evening 1 /0.10, Ono. Cain rep. Bridge S. 11.
Of the 23rd of 'December, • Vor- .4 $3.60 D. Westman rep. Bridge
Wedding ibelle 'will soon be ringing Con. "'tile and ditching Dir. 5 $23.25,
I our bur .
e-imeos 0 • 'Wu, ts4rt --ier..1
siding horses ..theie d373. Div. S $1.60: •
Grand Mend were in our town one again an Sa ta ay the 28th, day Of
tia we k. . vein
The driaz ruill-rstarted,---war
e --
hO bat Monflar n brought fit'l
iln 'two filo doer. •
ar and
. nugbint. of Aublirg•
wereilerc -last •tteell vi.iting friends.
and relatives . • .
Mr. G. returned last. week
from the w st, where be spent She
ined to his room for verat eks
1-frighbat .
- tAbner 'fiandford gravel contract Div.' 'Peat three
'tr...., .3
oine- and See- Thera
votaxtraareashowingrepresent, the choicest off
ight,Libliferit --Viet-lair Prete -Or them',
Qwility ie Right too -up to thoThiriblidiu.d. attrayr carry,11
it a liuttior.istli,ielect your good* 110'mi-ire assure --you-Abir-atylev.
et price beyond te tbe I .titrea, price poeeible.
nQwledgellby our-custorn
you, we aie vroua, talkprice at.0 I.
re Ia Anything in Varity. IC tbere le anythzij in Quality.
Anti *tit*
Blanketliteliritatterng,. directItom the Woolen Man, ragin
01:4 Ale: co Jutemeint4vXiseretyAiitilitsokaelties,?ity13.41. 0,
40(todid 11'00 in the', 45?,Y,ribe time, loVele
Rot the right kind of ztY6di th
40'r -to -ansi we certalnly_bsire got
, Only those Vhs) stiffer from
Ilea can know the tigotlY.tho
'Meg painswhieltthissiletent *mo3.
and the Now ittotreekii the eulleter'i life 1
,Zatn.11uk ,e _bleeped by thousands
who used td statfer item plies, but whom
i4 his cored, (hie ea& grateful ptroots
ttrA. Riintheth. Tay ler el theealieed,
Avelino, Toronto. She mist- 14E`o.
Car lotvg year* ttlirereti aesteT ft
tbldingtoies. Doriog thAt time spent
itilttitutO 400104 Of • siatinv on
till get no eat*. It.suit•Illik wits differ..
t itlettritblog*itot lutd tried and
it• tUted inc. Zeal gOtteratittt)*Oxf**
to last bare hevitr liad,ptleSonee *ins**
Leetv tha telro is perinshent.'" "
A tother thankful it Man ltirs, A.
.1111410,4 nftatelit,,,, Tritdt
ere he inteudsttrin the same
The Jadies who driove over „ to Eg.
Downie's Colowal Drematfc* 01,51 mOndville to • attetid the• meeting of
acenito production of Chide TOM's h w
vS' it a
This prodoptitai- far surpa..sse$ that
river rot
of last season in every particular anti I read
will be the 'best -seen here. Special,3 carrying t
attent:on as been given to the tag' tansteir old
ing of the drama and the several new I.
tile effects are said -to-be
nit 4
to near ithe edge of thc
he carryall gave -way,
e ladies twitb it. For.
one •w4a7was
iIn D
st twee veitin hOr brother.
he '01.ve ng 4/1 Lug ice7stene of andCo. coupon irt thisisstie, int?threb
*Itiver;--Ithe realistic moor*
light sceno of Ithe tliey are offering inducemesits to
with house, gardert. cad the ciitton flour.
S • 1M -it plantation',1!:•pnrchaseis -cif their -best family
,field-iheyond-and-the-superb--iratis.4 -
forrnd:�--4e010-• --at -.1116-.6turbt-trier ianor
Jt _ ‘tha ittellejsk,‘,, waste! is no one artitexte_inKste74,(szis
I .or the largest_arkiinizi1--i
; 9tittikwert .m
rt oad.zkr
g tnered together in one COM.," 0110 strengtheni r
The- big corapriny :n.t41:hicgirci etrt461-111311k"Vi ii.irkton-
'th!s Ascalon.
own' twirl te rullman Paiaed tartlko4,,
bava with them LIVo bands .-.r music -4"41`03r Gore and
Geo. onge
11 t
r. C(a r
•. Moot unhappy veraon wbo *utter ; UatIe, Itirk ton and. Exa c Tele
!row ntrirousrgest and dispepou rvikfue Compsnr held last -week
should list Carter's tittla Nervol to lip flot oftieli of present. which
pin% !which are nods exoressiy for the genial doctor ably filled for
nervimis ospeptic auffer,,i ooze -time. David Donis. vas airf-
are. Price 25c. ,, Pointed yreskient, end - Vm. ,Tohns-
-prctadenentiter, for' vier esT
ril tot Ot tilts 11age, I:at now of Col.
urihi Ob10.• was a ,V.Ititor. Ig The
*" burg ,during the past; week. ,
Dr.. Carr. voto• gteromon:e4
number of &flies. dogs„ dohkeyk Inqst lett t slturdaY
little ettrthi edrrisges, no,.tietc., for wilirk°0. wh"b. they
44,11,ite A grand ilitteriotz tit the' '-*c°k sb"tIllov.
street paamde at noon. t.
tr2rdwiti42aiktttrib,e4rme°theetvirtal °
fatuity. to Divili,' was be „finTu
• ,IOflle W4.5k ,,, ds3t• biditng farewell to his
1;.friehdMi. Uetor6 leaog tor Us ',A
; 4% -les, Cilito, wher?tr he well 113
ekerge ,Of a large v te-timitry '
We make a specialty, of Eavetroughing, and Roofing. • We nand.
randfOrtERoofingzatzestanineShingleg-tnalitit.: -
en ways on san.
A snap on some 'age Gates and Fencing
toil and Barb Wire.
Ira *ud Butter taken, lorne and
r brougbout Canada.
_ Iwo to
Mile Notes, D n r Collected at Loseest• Current Rates.
Deposits of $1 and upwarde-eceivecl, Interestepaid,or added to PrIncipa,
tittle** year,
Your money Is too valuable to lesire in the house whereburglars, this
or fire ;rosy take it from you, or to invest in risk* speculations orviitti d
td Institutions that SO Oftel3 In the putt hails robbed men of theirliard earnicl
*Oath-. • • -• -
igtiters IMO moiklitx oitintits isstigti
When . ng money' to any parl.nt Owed* or word, ritnembor our
dila, ansi money order* *1***Ikliehte here, And told at the I -
retie. Our y °rains are payable 'at two at any polnt in Canada
104 polutain the linite41,fitetes And Great Britain.
QOrii Msrtho-.Coairteoum Treatment. No Red Tape.
4t.sti1 1.
burns., to
eta Alt 41'4
:6 it t
• ton*. Dr.
error. "Go to th
atLnir i‘,.rires of the ar
/telt ins:as orin hi
oir r olositie