HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 4iLTFORNLt ,.. .41XJXICO, E4OttIDA', e • *0 round Jai tourist tttCFl in 4 40 'priaeipal Mute Ikort. ' ftls4ftalstailktals. routs, ete:', - all ,.. to _, a Agent, a .o. v I • '"*.,' • vPtgal.; no I rotor s absolutely0 ,.,-00.,.4*...habO.... or ,9A0g. Ps irrora,'Pressing 4- The tender leases of a armless, Comb and 'lung lung *healing mountainoua shrub gives the curet Ve properties il:o Or. V. C' -'--ND; . S 4., ' I ! I I AMMO, and . ' h0 ' t0 moat aensittve .;brenchial menthritne. T./Others, should for sissisisfoltriirt., ra.,,ja safety's sake alorie, alwatta• demand 11 Virr atlitiP Ara IS tt 4011VA *Ito Di.'Shoop's. It can • with ' -,perfeet s bar work, loytt Seotta., laying out *avexat risitTes. `afid- -"SsattAtrru twill consult with the depar.treent as - la the winter a in tbe summer. tho Isestafficei'urtment 15 ready . to xeeteive applications from any group Lfaxmkra alopi_ersty established Mail route. antirilist en receive anst e atsesslUsesestnkRyser the Xtvaltg to ro set • isto--ithe-coatt4bilatior- rt S favorable the free- delivery tu started as coon as climate Conditiotss permit. The deferred lections for the 'louse of Commons in Yale Cariboo and Esotottay,11. C. were held last •rItturs043 and resulted in the elec- tion ef two Conservatives. • IITQW OWE MINTS ARE MADE '"-mrsfOictsiiisalsessitsgestiveltssf.estassttittenials make a Isolation ot potassium ferri- oartatialskssk ,40;r4r+40-5--CratteQA-RE,NO2- • Cr atso "gattnill,lifft100 ounce of citrate of iron and ammon- ia to 5 ounces of wa;.er. _These two wolutions Will keep indefiiii.tely jieparate battles. To prepare !the aper. -take eaual parts of the ttolu. • titans and mix them. The -mixture is 'sensitive to light, and the rest of the tvrork must te done in a feeble light With a swab dinped in the solution !saver the paper bY passing across in parallel linos, mad afterward cross - Wise of these, so as to have an even or, sd ,ness t ‘. silo .ba0- atttiotoons watching,' the, .cittls. iiren of the tWtilttrtillieS-a.ttdlhtf Out* blacks at, play. , It Wee then and there that s'ittria, 4S•! Tpy , _ tvassa. 1'1 et ebonLsitutest that in fa nre unrecorded way Owe to - - be one, et the piccartitintes perched on the portie's of the Overalter mansion in Now Or eans,where thw. family had freeelorn be 'given 'to even Abu timings, a winter home, or hung around the est babes. Test it yourself and tiee.tquottors eau errand or played with lotions TO vii ,L1CI1 11 Iittl(?dart- .ttAczi.rietesies-Ittiti ..-4-erarats_1004, ofsnese that .1"that limb' was past-- awattaal,„...;kwkas a teaspsaneet at tog," and So ehe was left among the ate fOilOWifli.t --inisitiSteststftersalesclesSfielsisluussiss,who Werestoi.swor meal and at bed f time ;theif freedont there on •the Planta lan r4741.# 01,10 -bail But OW PASO of the Oran, ctluCe;•rompound- Itargialf,•-oine bufle WineerwathiPpeittesiste the-.-synipathy Compound Syrup 'Sarsaparilla, three, of Mrs. 'Stowe'a- neighbor, and the . These harmless ingredients Cap be, placed in,the family of the swag pro. -et Lt e - is ss itissor to trained •stos • and are easily inixesi by shaking, thorn It must be confessed that the effort well in a bottle. Belief is general-. to develop' her into a reasonable be. Iy felt' from the first 'fewdoses • , itlr; Wwas not a shining .sueeese. Joan . irbts prescription 'forceS . oluffss --for that was thesreal itatas,- -Ittt --tirt-Er-itito-t7hc litiandoira stir,fitutit a FA,4rain-Itop-PmAlti, oil-kl/R-PtiiinatiAlle--74puLlutlgiEspetv4t,L ores- _onaaassessiti-a-essaaasee...„...anirsitsiossentilisshossformerstriiiiilsTiatsthes---aasoa - which -oaasee - Ititeurfiationur As Itheurtiatisin is not only Inc , Mae% Strit oleo he of the "stt'bebf. most painful and torturous disease, servatioircroculty, was at service in b u t dangerous' to I if e, * this 'simple the same familf, but ite will las beet recipe will AO doubt Ito greatly vat- • remembered by the act of patting the ued ikty many 'sufferers here at hotne , lesschnut tinder Hialey'S saddle when who should at Pn°4 Pr9P4r° the mix" Lure to get this relief. • they Fere about to start after Eliza- I It is said, thot a Person; 'win) would °th'elxsrasn°101 taftle0:11p./311 fry luint24 were of Lake this prescription. regu.htrib a In MO Dr. Stowe had- dse or twoaecepted . daily, or even a e hIC '.p.rofessorShip eilowdoin. and wag times a Nveek, • would tnefer ave ja ismaJaintaw filieliaitif‘Orsitltae04.44ila0,4 , or Itheurna tisints. v Art 01 'Cut thie out, and preservo it. Oredd Tbig., was the "sattriftliesisitifitiftlititrss-Wielisrar sefl ly. relieve . aro scarce, indeed, and writtt' somethirs; "which shoUld h• '1 when You need it, You want it badly. up t...itivery, to the world as a dramatic. s resdity:" s *a SI )°, tvaa then iu the WdatePf. •heuvY. *mum" • 14e Worked on. Floor. domestic cares, with a young .infaut, Iteir Hardie, labor member of the pupilin her wrty of s "British -Parliament; hi rioted for the and family to ith a wipa,tsan She was itriparting carelessness of his attire. Not long lessons daily willt her own children, . ago, when some repairs Were being , done to the House of Commons, Mr. but the story was so much mor' in- tense reality to her Omni any other Hardie was lounging in the library, earthly thing that the weekly instal. when he was accosted by a friendly jted_to___teeognize_t_rseot forBaile 'IA National Era sess-seet Mute for Castor 011, Paro. coutahis , --1*--rglettaan later Opitimp Ittophino nor ober cotie Stlbstattee. Its ago fro its ottaxantieb,' Et clestropt Virorinst and. *flays reverisbnesS. It titres Diarritoon and 'Wind Collo; It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation antr Pbituitny. It asslrnilates the rood', t late* tit° oav " throughout Canada, and In the tilted States an posits of 1 and upwards are received Ira interest allowedAt urrent tes. Aticounts may be opened in the names of tw...eatore e1iiff1fliiof the number or by the sufrivor. - 114 :Exeter Branola:7-GW. Harrisola Manager. ranoh atop at exedttom- - ypar %INAS patKie( final fire which set,tha and _yet not enough to flow or drip. trhe paper is -hung 14-zi Nit In -the 41ark, to -dry. It is then ready for After print,ing in bright - *Wight. ihe texture( Is developeWby , :nuttingsit tanderpwater: Wash thor- oughly the 'White parts of the --Vieture -are--eiear.„4 st, GOOD STORY sAs---sgstistststPsa's-thats---ssills.tnan - With is- 'better tor yoriCtitin -:&11.ars wo-ifh oT doctors me 4 rifirzt-eleren-complete-sterie - ‘ "UYfluctd and Weseke ilf Btar, 'of Montreal, this week. •trbere 'win •le one complete story aos_41JF_sue for the next three months, -and-thxt,---rhears-irran#41.--g0o 2,4 e ---',iiiiira)-Vaiirtfirriregrarittyteartrti ' N./intertevenings. A subscriber to ' *hat fsik -weekly certainly gets value for his -money. The paper only costa • one dollar a year. and the amount • of -mural fistbrreat;on given in • r ear's reatikkg. Zgt , marvellous. The g g him in his somewhat shabby clothes. "Ifilo, -matey," exclaimed the 'mart in blue, "are you working 'ore?" "Yea," replied Mr. Hardie, laconically. "On the roof?" "Nos': said the labor lead. er, with a quiet, smile, "not on the roof. I work on the floor of, thJa house." was to publish it, Wrote tb not to to make fl too long, :is the sub- ject was not .popular. Mrs. Stowe replied that she did not . make the story, that tile story made itaelf,, and that she could .not stop till it was done. This feeling inereamed in intensity those last day a of her lifesshe ,had IIIS -dietatillisiTz.Tappilicott Clearing Auction Sate. PARI1/4t STOOK ANDIMPLEMENTS Mr.. taoseph Wiatto ,iwill sell tbi_ea . ., - -tic-IL igoi4ststoorttyouldomtibosrliksi ' ILOT 5, COM 10, II.SBOttNU • , of Woodh?.,tet: ' &WEDNESDAY, DEC 2nd 1908. . Commencing ist to • o'clock sharp the follotaingcs STOCK.- 1. 'Clydesdale adore, 0 'Years sold eligible for registration. 1 Vercheron 'mare 9 years 13141 Shire mare 3 years old, 1 liaciratey . mare 3 years old, 1 draught :yearling, -,1 IlacInney (yearling, 1 . Clydesdale suck- er, 1 Welch and Arabian pens. suits . able for saddle or driving.. 1.43 Fat , C, t4 . c t ' sIsseellarsssii_tas. . 1 6 Cows due to came in in the aiming, t olitisteuriferr-dtthrbstintai, Feb Mar, and Ito v. ,.g Mk IL' 1 1.14. Id a April 8 Calves, 1 Shorthorn bult 3 months rand Septct • ' old; 2-year1ings,-:11- store thogs,-2 felt ....... p • 2,, 4 Bows due to .farrow. in Joey. . EMENTIS .-, !Massey . Barris. w.4• 6:114t16;00t talaost4rcliolder:vaerna it notit rgeqadv; teldileeE;r: 21iDerlerV inDgeer.m04.ngw:esreeed, wdzroilsit, Hay Mrs.„ ,..Wal. ,iparAtt _of 11..ondori, _this. bar_t„.. _riorts__set.....c elAtootit_thr. or cloSin0 uP- * ' . Wood 'horse rack, m.:74,w2 singlo JP10:11,4 24 • .-Atuel-bfbli .ttrisitioir." -' -•Crae-ki-litaittiM.--irset-''-dItt)Trattit ------.._._—__.---=.-----------•--- - - - aolfw-a,lv,.-1 -41--.11,Ule.-ooId-Job.n— - highs. derrio7g44:_at, luliastainuttgas--fastnitto goal Amk.A.ottotfirons.--- 7, siterrs-jimostreliola•t,irs _.14:11.iblowar,,_gritaleiActiffier,a.o!lets fox tv:e ty d�Uars The agricultural •• COIttmorsof the Inner are regatated _ as the Lest in Amer;ca. The Family lilereid --and weekly -Star ,should snot JaeLtatitsest In aitynadian tome. Blyth irecl quite 'it start on bakiiflgevening1nifl15 when firetaiTI in helo•nAlog to the Mt. nu'proprriim diet west side OfIfitia- bitteotranin's tailor eliopo ad before Itzt ermine could pe got fore anione conk]. open i� d�ocs,,:boriet, were destroyed, sklris it„ feed, etc. 9 • s Mr. %rehe Cousens, of pi:ft ton„ n-off-ticoot illy while fzipzrating machitie. •Do was ri suIsier when las lovecangbt in t be togs of one nf vkcers, ctus10-** the accident. ays a writer in .1sondon Field, -if you have to turn back and get something that • yoa Jove forgotten. you are sure to i-es-tilissots-notNlitrestVatsaifays--thit--- it am inclined to think the west Colin- - try folk, right herein. The disap. pointinpnt, the hurry arid•the bring- ing of wrong things always act pre. judicially upon what ought to be the unruffled, even temper of a success. . sse it las y am resits most often with ill resttita to -his baskets---Iisthe western highlands it bcurrently believed that if you LYDAE inediclzio Iia been_ so__ atteceisfui in. rehoving tho.luiroinr• of women or reeeived io many gen., nine :testimonials as has Zydis,E. ,rinkbanesvogetivbio'comPoutid. 6 in every community yon will lhid vontert have been redo o health b Lydia E. Phildiara'ot Vert htable rootmd. Almoat-enzr one yoii lneet has either bembenc- llted -hy1t,vr has friends viha h - Iii the rinichant Laboratory It Lynnrasanywornaninydayinzty s containing over °no rnLlm 11011 one Ittlailitti thrt118Alta letters from, Irernett seeking health* au „there. aro tho htter IIL tthielt the ojnIy tate: over-thrirtarn 1)7 Lydia : • vi I -alte out roo i4 and ,w• It1tMt tIru,. and Is whole. . ss. Ivbse Lydia blo Cornpo 'MR(4Ut 1t ‘'d.tatte- it ilst.; s 1;., t t- th e irtiltilll at [present, stud- rinsttoc,ount 4. ' " 'e"-rK-rl--w '°"e"Atess. 1" °lir. s of ---bis age 'being considerable stitrooder, 2 dozen sap t IbuOkets, al, r 80 and of living alone, the may n t 130110r* ' 13 cauldron kettle's, pig end recover. . , 1157 rack. iron stone boat, bag truck, *-4-liure llue"liaiiiretti'''—eTli gravel--.440x,----sot---01 -8Prrilgslite _ .... • atbt arrow, yllicii rcr0-5Vrie-aiitre 0 s. -- \\.11ors.-- . - Oilier -has frt iished fixing see v artless. set double harness' np the dock or this year. TV ifence slats, 800. Ws emit, 140100 • . Mr. Ounce Mallard Lae imprOved. corn in stook, a stuantitY • Of hay his premises by a new coat of paint timothy and chi•ref, tgrind 'stone. on gas residence. . some flagging stone, t3adies , side returne t me r a thr has sold ,eighisl°m11:4". "latidle'. -s, . e.eks.v No reserve '.bas the proprietor visit twit') relatives of , Windsor, Ilene ativer, Port .1Iuron and other Tunms..- and undef east), ver that_ alnotint .L1.1 months,crellit te 66e e°1t with 161 1)34,11* to Y°11 wl?ft -PlaIcatevival Cervices are Icing _AsAr- on furnishl g approved joint notes, er tatting sinstlintsteitits. - exenssiOn itis- the wienit of lucks tobe* tricceoded you hear calekoil ItEM.Clitaklast- — • Thaekeray And..-Archdaltnes-- Thaekeray got into troubleby copy- jrig, soMis Of the ch-arrieteta too clysely Vona rife, notably when In' put ° lies -Wend. Arthur ,Arehdekno. into "Pen. &Anis" sts1 the ever delightful Harty rolcot. Although Thaekeray meant no Arettriekne never quite -night, - just -atice Thaelteray had delivered his first lec- ture On "The English Humorists." . Alislatlekine Met him at tlatt Cider • Cants club, attroanded by a eoterie itho were offering them eartgratula- thia„ *olito* are you, Thrielt?' oried - Archie. or "iv at - show te.41ay What it lot tt 8w11syu'a bad set But though t it wro- dial! I Wilt tell l'els ek—yoa want a piano." non. k to count long do you think it ou to .r1O it? A billion, Iie Prettelt itetatiOh. r, Jit -thoizsand - Id 0 you n stittretess man. - this iirttee, by the tiastor Mrs Stead. 111 't."48ft i to IW*NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN tONSENT. .0011tilled. to His. Home for Weeks,' gra 1,, work, Tar **IanWben , kilarll habits fard the ittijoueb bro saioroiand kvtas rasa Ism tor it weca at *GT r told clt0 anonaration ,wiut n37 °WY blit I dreaded savers'. es. Med* toldlint my co • ItounsdNasbohad tit thWirttre •Uaroandliatifitut.1 wrote them ' t soon foetid out •wanted trata, , • i work so and n. 31e a .& ken himself ir Nair month* tresitroona was sonniirtait dlicounted: ROM • I 4iottr, tinned trestnient ter three months longer and was a complete Cure. 1 could ofilyearnSo it week ina =tains p foretmena, now jam esmInglisa and Dever lose it day. wish earmitertirsimerrotzettr. vslueb!,,,trestment11EatC. - totstim. - HAS .YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? - /. itt001M ISO'S ire the roast teavaisittamermoit serlorti disarms. • Thespian the very lite bleed or the fdetim, and unless entirely eradicated *mu the sYstourt will cause sorlowt cittalottlort% zirwoue' 01 Mercurr. it only Wuttpreesee the symptom -our NEW • Az:KALOV cures an blood disease& YOUNG Ora ALIDDLE AGED MEM pt itch! Or labar edroosseatairo broken, •over, FIBER ,orrablotretimt ctilargertir hope" ..Ase You tending to Martin-. IiitX bean 91,1t iNtW 31.14110 •arrwilituhrititheildettaioThelka Frei. .No matter who bow trested Yuu, .write for an bont opinlQti lirs of Seeks Frelo-‘01he Owen moniter,,, unuetrateoosiDiseasesamon,, NO . tiolstErtsur) wrratkur Wit117211 Wo swam • *a Untie or • Ilk=is 00.064001 TlyartiatMt -.111=110R-1:10 - TIS4PROV'tD machinery A will not; of itself, -pro- ucepiairftbar; \You. may bt an excellent Cool:4,UL you :cannot, pro:. • • wholesome' baking unless the'llour you use bathe kind that permit3-- such results, • So lirtfitinjIling4-tnac alone1- not pt ace f n wit air, dirt or fordo with.. carton. Codas otos and stroolni-444 14,--brittla -.totJotertl4sut softaad 01146.1... -*W4t, *soh iukave4rntM kaow the taWiti- ift .01:419juitiltinti46": int: 'tat it .a� Mst roik-Iho-Wdio tha aatity of ISberir,u4 .4Mi oqiislly isistesetive! tette 'it Set si the' optestlits. There Is that toist real test toe yeasetalot it iint tq It for oonod of time. ". .Cstfory 4401,4 soak makia Carbo razsis— L2t it"tdgrade tourist tud4taily tbrootintoa #400-itsailitiluittoapitt-Iflothattoolot.otowntrimutwillaio !ts. ttML iluio flatthtrlioand tk. Cub. 14 -rasor ilati asd*KO It * sottatkifit tas i( tic TcatpeXlag ?n ex' — mils 01 lile Goilililiilil Neimla • novnieralatt nuntriwrioss.21 AnY 'Person who is the sole -tnror-any-nmit-over ' are olA mar homestead a quart* ctoni of available DominIon land in anitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta. • writ inu4t appear -in-person•- - ; noy4ort-12441ottiot-E41tr1 'proxy may be bad at the agertcy„, o str ytbriiothe 30 Atighttrrii-lirtythtri-vr-iiistera home.lteader. and cultivation of the land in eacb. f three years. A houiesteadot may live within,,nine miles 'of .his hOme- god, on. tin dam of at least 80 Ores. own'ed and occupied by him or Vs Dither, mother, 'ion,dau ' ter,, brother or egster, • . ss-ssfa-T.Sestatins diatt4trtssit-hotatea *.it goad standing tatty tareseMpt ' • v 3rwr seeen ectagsple tio home* rc-d. Price i$3. per Acre. Ditties -r s 1.os:de s:x,months ineach of AIL care from date of homestead entry (nctud:tag..the tintsa rkicittired to earia hpmesteed patent) and .eultirtut Ay acres- et -r44.- •• A.*1...*toader wile hs x1ieted 1iot4V5t0:34 eght nml tatinot eft- "Pre-timPtioi MItialre 1 pur- - homdltinot jMtSta 4-1,.*. tic?e., `res rilontbq 'each of threw yars,cultivate :Mr cro: and .erect ,3 worth $300.0% w. w Mir, d notitishin that begins tc u t cif option, i)t ow 4.4efore. the drL4 lin 46tif)t-6 sTatittaryl t s „.11,XCIP/st/Y;, *ark