HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 30 „y; had: ecgfl * t latide 1 , o *ee(Roi*,„tat:king lie knew nettliing f thenn w,hose company- be olice toy b • - • Eli:MTV YEARS IN ititT7, Large "'entity of Fine to be Res covered From Illdeatt Lakes. pine in 040Ith3eauLake section has be n ur&I L.y the Ogelitne. u a 0iiPtiTco' e444'..4) taken to Ogdenhburg for u e in I (4,111K-11rc-P1. Ater tett some eighty, years thrframc- 000 an be recovered. . 9.left- while,lumhe , operations were undertaken in tho Itideau region. Ly MOIUU(, better 1930Wfl T 0, tif 1, wa 'bed' on Octobcr _'analiau anthOritle* were 1 of the arrest.' Of ',",POrtla ollicers are,. her itiote -n dew- ' , • I ter:* co anT,,** forged A rich find reL o iron heson of Mo by Ales,sr, iver,. en charges of iolating the -1.. ouor act byselling on election tla DISHONESTY IN PitolcaG f.tV0 beta laid against -one hotel , innipeg. baracter. Plite*riekers not $1101004 beernkse Aetfretede8 4ter),,Taiq "fournath. ha ovate t eti Aosociati bate on peeking and a re Or Mai voked'4W-11/alerts's -diseriso on. sewage Mr Eliner Lick, of fiiharao .ats tto Chan firmed that * than mitee nave at indicted 1-autt-elutrefe t- Months .tor Irquor to a mt t been returie ation of Gudpl • a Meleanee at, th , unk Railway hz&1 the 'Grand 3ur 44,..44• "'•• 3 t ROR 151,44rilir m*:-4eleeeeeeeoseeeseelik Terdsatto Blained. for .ratal Wrier. at Brantford* — . • _ Oh, from .Brantford says: Josephaguire, lato Grand Trunk $ardmai,who vas- held by the emit - :any, as Partially ..responsible for he • recent wreck in which One tritfoirdite -and two Londoners :were kitkd, WAM, en .1YedtteedeoVe tkr-LhtJiih- L on a charge of ,e1a htor ‘0,' tooted made an et 0 :ad )1 press the eaSe- againgt. ut thIci-Orown---).efosedi, 41. TO STA* IN, CAVADA 1ar Otee Das Extended His Term lur Overall Tears. despatch from Ottawa *Yet, It i nderatood that, in cense- do Ly tho an Government;“ the Var Ofce 110 -consented lilarreGeneral Sir Percy Lake to remain in Canada, as Inepector- General of the forces for -another two or three _years, the Imperial overnment prornising to eafeguird of_promotion andeni, reja_serv- „ I strk.* a tka May be Increased. ch from Netton, B. �,. „• sayer,Bpnahirg on, :Taestleset night* Hoe. Frank Oliver deolared that if the five ,bun red dollar head tax would not exclude the Chinese. the Government would' raise it as fast 0.,3 the Ohinamen's wages had late- ly been raised. Similarly; !lindens, althenglietlitertr-fititisli-sublett were not i(ti be admitted_ unities they had two -hundred dollause ' This Wirs-ltiefint to be prohibitive, art4 • it the •amount wag not sufficientto ....prohibitive_it_visauld he „13ALINT/NV8-111-1MER... .1 wet 4t)Plo has been dredged, ti e shell of whici toom., for over 2,000 mentova. *oeuvre. . is large enough to -. ample The Carnarvon, borough rItagi An oyster from tho River Fal 4 AO there have 'been 'this year Tho lawn .at Buckingham Paingf.f, 4 e cei4:44 Ye, ' * • -`7 ersraitii 5trects at cost Of $2t$50- by unernpkyed la - or. Riebaud Peter of tapnces-.7 acker. An applo thou1d*mil:mace, re ed-liket--an-ag it were A stone or a turnip, ae-was 0__custoML.witeh:tbt.averagepaek r. With regard to' character,' he knew that young Men Would not go with the average apple, gait*. or he -;ti,;11Piqva •,. pet et boar - _ • th the *Do -oat arerrtneti, an inquiry into analityo A , .1 rrin ovi t oil being aold in Manitoba, in view o° recent, atel „ crew. And it packing was to he good a grower must employ .men whom be could -implicitly trust. The result ,was,- as-in„,a,-catio he had in mind, where a man brought in 128 'barrels:of apples and got leas than 425 'for them. RADICAL LA,DOR CABINET. Will Undertake the Goterninent' Australia. despatch from ;Melbourne, says: r. ribber, one .of the :radical La- bor leader % of Australia,will form the new Att4tralian, Cabinet. . The Rouse defeated the Premier, Alfred Deakin, on the division. The -La- borites withdrew their support be- cause the Government has not pushed e labor ' 1;004111111M radical enough •tof suit them. Thig will be the second time_ tho Labor party iN Federal Parliament. . O. Watson, Another of the Labor lea- ders, was Pfemier for a -iTiod-tliire in 1004. ..44441400#.11.0. 011111,441140' 4401.0014100 JAPAN CUTS DOWN EXPENSES. be Bud t ShowsWeeding° Out It 50 -WV eveo- budget fur, therXernr-1-90940--rhic' • • t dt • •.• • r` ' 1' XI Thursday, and the inauguration o the new system was (1111/ celebrat- ed. It is reported that eight thou- sand employees of the Intereolonial 'Railer”, have seceded from the In- tornationat Union and formed an it:Woven-dent organization at Hali- fax. Ir. Jhn Inniker, tab1e 44 a as, t surest method of maintaining the world's peace. ,z t,Thi ED STATES Tee United States ,loie a postal deficit of 410,910419 for. the fiscal Year ending' June 39th last. ' In the Year ,ending, June 30t.li last 3,764 rpersons were kitled in rail- road accidents in , the United trt s. * r A ten -year-old negro toy 'has been •etonvicted -of murder-Oeurgia„ and has been sentenced to life int- risoinnetit, Tho strike of the men in the em- ploy of the Innternational Paper Company, Whiett has been on since 4. 1 44 1 bas _entered LD' '14, • N Wienutoba wheat . 08% fz No. 1. -Northern an.d at for. go..,2 Netrthern, ..Georgian Bay .ports.. loee quo id at 92c jot' si Winter, 02e, and No. * mixed, 91% to MO, outside. x Oats --Ontario No.;2 White quoted 39 to 40c outeide,-OW.,tit 42c Off track, Toronto; No., 2,1Vesterit Ca, ada oato (voted at 42c, Gother, at) Ina iOOth Tho Great „Great .-Western ilea.;;,----Lontion and North western, 494-7 iiiires, and the Milt Northern, SO At tho funeral of /dr.. 000rge was conveyed -to ;the' Burglars who yisited an East ober,and got away with are mg, '"Vie. . unemployed and- otuamoblei:.0.,f; watches lett 'a _note Sta, 'Clergy, and ministers (4,411 deno- minations in Willesden have igoited Manifesto to the ladies of their, .itaft congregations,ito"ot,,airav *tir!inithe.:not to fOr admission, to t -he faMous maze t Sam toil Court, Palace during More than „ . The foundation 'stone of 'Britain's foxst, zky, scraper has jug,. ,been.laid at Liverpool. The building will be 300 feet high, and, is being otootod on a' site overlooking the Mersey. Dr.' Greenwood,omedical Officer Of Blackburn, sayS of 20,Q0O !tenses pccial1yivisited - in the n -rec- ently, 11,006 'contained' only two, bedrooirts, ,only 16. *ereto let, n only lerliVro. The- president of -the . Board of Education--has-contented to re° .at an early date a .deputation from the National ljnioa of Teacher* on .the subject of the employment of uncertificated teachers; In -the grounds of Court: • tb-irhas— Antt hefrhropit -hfOrsei--ther-ictie-trust-proe ing:tetrned.: ekatin 777-- .. , xtrZat4to 00,10 iiekwheittO-54H0.7outaid: Peaz-NL. to 86c oul nominal at 804 ou track, Toront root., 13:44444-4434an-e-eartFal;41 - quqtcd a- $19 in bulk OUtoftlo. S1iort t $22 in hulk outside: - • iftitett :03101117M-- $3.be per -barrel for gizied qualities, and at, $1.60 to $$ for cooking ap- ples. . ' Beans -Prime $1.80 to $1.85, abnudsh herd.p_icked, 41.90 t6-41.95 per Honey-4COmbs, $2.25 to $2.75 pel. .dozen, and apiliti0d, 10 to kilo per pound. IDLY No. 1 timothy -quoted at 4-11$0.,isrlonzreeeloeLeke 404 N�. 2 at Si to $$. k Stzaw-$U.50 to $3 on, track., iiizzetiqo s115to 80e perbag-00 time. Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 8 to EN„ -per pound; fowl, 6 to 7e; ducks 9 to 10e; geege_,_ se per pound; WT. keys, to 1231,io per pound. THE -DAIRY” IllAltICETS. Butter -Pound prints, 23 to 240.; tube; te to 23e; inferior, 19 to 20e. Cr-aniery rolls, 27 to 28e, and sot. *dar-25%--to--26 Eggs -Case - lots at storage, .2* to 23cper. dozen, hu1c now laid -. quoted at 28 to 300 per dozen, Cheese -targe cheese, 13Xc per Round, and twins, 13Y4c,. atitt. 4 k Council Chamber of Duldiri City 'flail Was Damaged. • A despatch from Dublin says; 'rho (ituunb-e-r -or th-f-3-infitair) City '-waS gutted by Are on \Vett. nes,day- and the, had Itarroviceseape front destrttetion. AR tbe paintings in the rooms of the Council Cliainber, many of which erg of hittorie interest, including os well-known picture of Daniel werz -destroyed .in the receipts f 545,650,0001 ure inctuding a-Tourplus opo yen; expenditure, 543,030,000 yen,ineludingelndittistensents 1rnade on the epacial war account 11,- 010,000 yen. s P03.1. * 1 1 0, 'debts. . • e31-4-11,-IuSallos too. geapher, attempted on Monday to assassivate the -PP.#114.aiterAll York city, and then temmitted-sui- ides - amount to 14,600,000 n, Preirtie Ira,tatira States that the larger Per- centage of postponements belongs to the army and nary. 'Particular stress islaid npon the amount of fhi deera? ThexpcnthtureM, aniottntimeeterea 000-Iirr (416,e ,0000000). • ffEATII OP INITIII101V. Promine •ethotligt Editor and /12E-27 A deppatch from Toronto says: 'Following an attack af partitygig sustained. on Thursday „the 166 in- stant, Dr, WiUia R With. tow of Mefftodint House, autifOr, editor" and travel. ler,.pagged,-„altay shortile--befortf,--1 o'clock on Thurgday night at his hornet 244 Jarvis street.; A*);), MAU legit in the eatitwilg ot the lofetho- rhst.CIntreli and one whose kindli- nes' endeared him to.ntany_heartei his unripected demise comes -WS" * o k. ei * olorioe thrit out :00 0.4 , v u •ove yt • Rev. %lonely t'e" di baneci wet testis' \Ern ttt "f• thft,. utioo* 41 ' •• • o rt 7ovitich• lig i and fest* to he * en Chine , n r '42tove hinerft,i r. 41$ i itgy in the_trithii , , , war with the ' ,la. ' h Easily will mit._ _ • All t oneiliatiou between , ' 't in the event .6t another th the weAkien tigtioligi,,l* , GENtRAL, A violent earthquake ehock eaus- ed a panic on Thursday at Spa, Belreuni. It. is re rted in Calcutta tit rifles an revolvers are bein ported into:tiengat in eales lab& led: "sewing' machines" -or '4o ton," ' ' As cornpcnsation for the' annexa - OV a Adriatte.• ram ,e-one-of-the-slargest-inaple-sleap.iss 1.4 $1 HOG PitOKTOTS. ,loterLeness i1ir Rbt aming1it L 4nedi1mr14. rs 10 to 101 4 :The offer of three branch bra tetefor-Boltonsbyelkles-Andreette-Ca .at a cost of .0,000, each, rovithoc, the sites be found and tI4e library' "rate be increased- from t4.241. has bee A Ilacclesrfield wedding.- in. had to be postponed 'owing to the bride- groom forgetting' the time of the Ceremony, While the bride was ready at the ehurcht the bridegroom was leisurelse'svashing at home. 11 to 11340,; hacks, le; le to 163,4e.. OM; 131,2'e.' `3101.1.411,11.4. -OP ORZ. DtpOolig niscovere (flosuester Countyg.Tti. R. iftelvirom Ilnuatorri:N 2hat there Ciloute y4triiterat mountain ore, irfa-deficiiit 'eat eight feet in the air and at least 400 feet beneath the surface in vast quantities, is the report brought this -eits---lryl-Mr isho 110 been visitin osits which were tee e ELEVEN WERE KILLED, , 4 Ilear-rod-Collision liiitfta Near °degas:, -A -desPatelt-frour. ew-GrItan says: Eleveli persons are 'tread and o score or more injured as the 1( of Pride brought tiithl"'" a Pic"'s stde 0E.* wreck_ lid weiblesday on , of the or. Ilietiaye that at the pro- be New Orleans • lc, Nottheestern fie." tittle there are etottie- thirty 4 t nit od twelve mett at work ,at the Mink. which i1inilron$ idles, froth Neilit 'Orleans. 'Between* about `twenty' miles from Bathurst. Slideltand Otleang the tr buildingm are Wing bveet are tilted by the Great. 4111dAnC4 twenty tout, is. • Jet, , r Thursday Morning. o far noi the suspects afrested has been tifed 1y ,the,foo;irosurvivors. Chief ..t7i thcir °lives in veunectiun ith the euem ,Tles _bodies of the last two of the six Chinese victims were re- covered on Thursday afternoon. It us said that in -the pockets of one of the drowned men were found the namo etki i (387 Yone street, mo of this vkt- - tit)oataChinamn had,i0 0 , t ireakwaelimw, ltalu at_vrailar uef cn Tinos Ay morning, probably out 14,0,--44 . h --and-the-men- ow to ci agaihnei.a*Atitrs.,:tn.thdd e_ra080 0 0 survivors came through the terrible hours that followed 4(4 mystery, oritwa that Ralph White, a watchman on;the ,• f, t- V.4•44•441.4 f amen, had been Pulled ver th rorics and set doWn to sir1 nd toast..beeide the engine. - The ur, men said they had, come teorn is klOrr..-,,4110.tr,inam'eo: ; 22, and C n Jon, non a ad 42. Pon in - The crew of this Atlas could 'fled •/ c more Survivors, And though they, , ut repeated signals to 00 life -- vim! station, n4 boat Wag Sent ••••, ‘910, in which thc Chinamen had cro 'froxn th Canadiatrth ou.d do nothing whcn thy edi but attenipeed to extrieate eidirste-, hetad-btreir-ben* ten in amonthe rock5 of tho wing -her _ached -11th limit:Alp; thcre 1,7,-ftozen yollow leg, ,And again a bundle of soddea rags and .fiesh tightly wedged in itt rock icrevice. Four of the bodies ivoyeef-db*O'Vered;- store, let..101,4; 'Mantel; firm. Corn Eag4r;ISTe. 3 Yellow* We; No, 3 Corn, 64 to 05e. Oatse-Iligher ; 2 white, 539 to 54ek No. .0 white t.2 to 53e; No. 4 white, 51 to 52c. Itye-No. 2 on track, 80o. -LIVE STOOIC'BIARICET. . 44.4464.014400 era' cattle brought 44,65 per ew while a straight load of choice ea triadle. tirefft - oo e were wor .4 according to weight and finish and podium were -quoted at $3.50 .,to 04. Few good butchers' cows were on aloe market. Their sales ranged at from $3. to $4, per cwt. Heavy continue. in demand at high figures for good steers, These sold at 43.80 to 44 per cwt. Bulls were hold at $2.85 to $3.10. .The priees of good stackers wens quot- concerning a radios,' eanition- of IOU standard which the Govern., latent is pledged to maintain. Tho • ,Prentier informed A,ethur Lee, a Conservative member of the House,.. that the Governmen.t. accepted the, wo-poWer standard as meaning- a eponderancir of „tenper cent. ver the combined strength in card- }WIt''4Y/PO,'./ttlitiihNitinkgigitat•Ly.t. POUTIlir This statentent 444 as ix a ditional warships • of the Dread.... nought ts-pe. will be proVided for in the next naval estimates. SLIPPED IINDEllt THE ICE,. Allred W. Ilarvky Deleened at Saskatoon, Sask. • despatch from Saskatoon, 1 e rom o . per ew Dealers 'report limited offerings cosvie-Cit, es were slow of sale. The hulk of -the offerings were not of extra good quality. Hogs continued steady at $6 per esitfed and Watered-, for selects. narrituan 114 *if -5 3-4 plofe*Jespateli w.dt Ore- *c,n, gays: Ralph Blaisdell, auditor of_the_Harrimae, system of the rail- roada in tho tiOY ,party of friends on, 'Wednesday e.--on-the-Iltidsoree --Bey- slough Alfred W. Harvey fellheavily on his head near an ,air hole, break. ingthrough the ice and skidding for some distance beneath, ,Not knowing the_depth of_filte 'water,. hith- subsequently proved to be on y two. cost, his friends formed ItYlse,91-1.k-1141'------e--e- utes"..dititresSieg-etvork-tiiiceeettecrein - ettliforfhe untatifnate man to -tho i 47; -fluter= • -• to iate Jha_ deceased- was bout. 'twenty-four years of ' age, . and came here some cars ago from UdOU,Efl1dtflLL • -..v4 4•A" A rt1.18111ESS AT MoNTREAL. Montreal, Nov. 17 - Canadian Western No. 2 white oats are sel- ling at 45 to 433/40, Ts.70. .3 at 441A"e, extra No. 1, teed oats tit 44340, and 31/ 440' tario hitt' at 44140. No. 3 at 431ei. and No, ,4' at 43e per bushel,' ot tore. Voure-Manitobis Spring on( •a 5.0; . A " nte •11 patents, 43s2r $4.G0; do., -eitratir4t7.4.-I0 Grit rie bran, $21.30 to $22; Mid- tilinge, 1023 to 420; sliertS,. $24:1X1 to 4.25 per ton, inclitding bags; pure e goo- o es e n order forbidding employes in department visiting ,saloons quer houses for any 'purpose what- ever. The order- affects alitiutt 500 Cl4ployps: Several months ago Blaisdelldischor cd all the worne clerks aod•stenograp r in partMenc-inil' rePlitCiid" the men eu, the ',gratind:that...m. re tficient. • One "NOT tr, s Minitel)* Government Investigating ['trite and Quality. A despatch from Winnipeg says! An investigation •by provincial and 4 )4 au o &lee: 01 'oil, alitrtlie "gdyferat • ol udustry of the West began on eg.us, 'Officers wefit tO Swan , Mitt -et -eight -par - If I e. _Ittn-rough' explrf7-- tritn- 40- whereas is on sale 60-iffireilrolftli t -Forder at lit-ttentg.-- The--- ndird Oil officer at Winnipeg swear ti the priee is 'maintained oy the local guild and that hig roof - if', sets. to thtilii at 12-et/lite. 'rho greatfeature, however, - ig tite .1 being pressed that the oit tlitt-lerosleetandirrdby - 40 ts and that this hag ettuse4 maiay ths in Manitoba recently, I I i h de"- accittir. New • t the New Orleans k /lot/heal...4e e, ore will he limited to Bert fthern, rodiroiteri ,*ta a /0 s. al orn thp.tiopqoit* *Ad shipped.. iirban train of this . o- o i ipeozt that, .cratit. the. , of, a' foal Zrortheatteen i rroln'Itottieittioti: Xiggut, tat.4,koi!.', ,,Ireot .t*allty-- ing 'e, tour rear coat poi., ,, ' '. I , I --" • WI% e r *11 ed 1 . at 0 ti ‘4, grades, $25 to viltiwiens---:httmartletwolts id fat .backs, 423: dry salt loflj bayks,, •Iie; barrels plate $11;30; half barrels .40.4._ v, keompound lard. 8,?.• to 0!:?0'e4 pu l*rds 12Y to .13o ;EA: ksei,tt114rerkatoeir4ced teofl,,litocifriir5e0,8,11,-,4kAtiiinit 5 to cl hogs, 40,23 to tt4,14;10.'t.pcse,r12ciplet. t 7 in rivuuti loot fhbin 'fiates o laid were inade $elee * No. 1. at ir dozen,. 10 t 04. a • MOSS, eltu, A despatch Ltioin London says t Pireinier Asquith set forth in , thc ouse Of Commons.- on Thursday bat wee -meant 76Y:Ifietopower - standard of naval 'strength of, area ltritain,„„and_ hi`s _ atittouricemeo brolight oitt--lica,rty'Weeri triJui iilI t edeg. II to the pteserit. time Ur., Asquith". been lionecommittal 13 to 13 beetkirgSt tOr aloattoir dr te. 'beese,. Butte 0 r , The 1,4 OW* v to d's h whe* V to 4* ea e Ar'r.'s,fr71.." „ • d .orta ,tro h hero vete it the t*n when tht v on e1 th "0 toe it -es adway