The Exeter Times, 1880-9-23, Page 3Ir SEPTE91'13I'lit 234 WO AN EDITOR'S DREAM. Tho editor f it aeleop after a time, sad ll;!, he dreamed a dream. And it Beamed to hitt] lit l► vi 1077 that httvillg armed himself with certain papers' and books he tented his steps once more towards heaven and kneeleed at the gate. 'Bolin, is that yon aemitl ?' said Peter. 'What do you wish ?' 'Lot those persons again ague forth,' retitled the editor, alld Peter made them all pees through the gate and 49 tat d outiidn, They came as uefore and uttered the satne °ries as before. \t by didn't l o1 nntioe the big egg sent you ?' yell{ d the fir,tt. 41t was rotten,' replied the edi- tor. 'Why didn't rots write np my 8U(171. fppnntein ?' cried the d n„giet. Ite'Y n had your tickets pt'iutccl at another office,' calmly replied the local Roan. • 'Why diel you write about old Tem• ikon's hens and never speck of my new gate ?' shouted a third. 'Ohf T,.mltnson paid for his adver. tieing and you didn't. Bore's the bill,' euid the editor. 'Why did you spell my name wrong in, the programme ?' groomed the local talent, Tette a ]eok at this inanusertpt of toms and see for yourself,' replied the editor with a grim An,iIP. The rest of the company ye)letl their (!�It:pla317t7 ill tudsor-, and the editor .o''''nly sorted amt a pile of Lilly for un- paid snbseriptiens and t resented each with one, and it was so when they re coir d them they all tore their hair and rn.hed violently down a steep place to the sen, and St.. Peter t•akiitig 'the edittn calmly by the ':arid, led him witllia the gate turd Raid : 'C'mno, friend ; these ehap,e managed to ((its through here in spite of ua,,but thaek: to the press, we now know what Port of fellows they are., Conte i,n, and ,star ; need t► few such leen as you in flee e.' MOLE WIFE TITAN CQc TJNTIr . The teller night, soon after a wart' meetltig had nestled, one of the elec.- toes 1': °et'ut began edging fox the da'nr as if, he rnennt to leave the t 1aee. Iia n seen etoppod by a friend, who, sa iV: 'D n't• leave ne now ; I want you to hear wheat the see:titer is sayin! . Hear that 1 IIQ says we nmet triumph or the aviary is tins.tued,' tt•Y9R. 1 know, but I've got to edge alorg toward hrnne,"was the Reply.. 'Horne', treat heavenP, how can yoga talk of 'bile until he has finish- ed that sp eeeh 1 T'lere he goes Apia! He a-ks if yon want to see grass growing in rho streets of our cities - our fertile tarme returned to the wilder- uPss.-our families crowding the poor- lien=es until there is uo longer room to receive another ?' 'No, I don't know as I would, b it I guess I'll sort o' work my way out.' Wait fifteou minutes--ten-five- wait until be flni-hoe. There it is again 1 Ile asks whether you are a freeman or a Glave ? He wants to know if you have folgotton the nano - tic principles defended by the blond of your gra1uleires-if you have forgotten the sound of liberty bell ?' I do t't know as I have, but I must go--reelly I must.' 'Hear that -hear that !He says your country wilt, bless you.' '1 can't Hay as to that,' replied the man as he orowded along ;• •but I tun dead sure that the old woman will if I don't gib home in time to put this codfish to soak for breakfast.,' 'trent guns 1° but do you prefer cod- fissll, to, liberty 2' exclaimed the other. tk don't kuot'e es I (Io, batt I git more of 'Anel you will see this country ruiu- ea-see her get to destruction 2' 'I'd be kinder sorry to sec her go down hill,` elevely nb:4ervel the deii,n- ciuc'nt as he reached the door, 'but : f; yon had a wife who could begirt jawing tt 1.0,o'oloe.lc and not lose z minute un- til daylieght, and then end n4 with a grand smash of eroellery and a fit of hysterics, you'd kindoat sti,nd off as I do and let this glorious otd reonblic egueeza through some0miehtyt5no. knot ,holey.'' SIXTY DAXS WITHOUT' VOW. A citizen, op Case avenue was smok- ing his cigar oret the gate the. other eeening when a 'go, -ns -you. -')lease,' who looked unusually thin came saut- eing along, and halted andasked e ' you, keep, posted on bbe news ?' `S,'es,, X think so,' was the reply., `Know all+ 0,0.0 tele, TeAn@K qua', don't yet; ?e 'Yes.' 41 ane down in Indiana dnrirg la,i;a first ten dayR, and since that I've Loeb tiracl of hip.„, Lid lto hold out forty 4avo 2; 'Qhet),a� 'Stood it right through, ltd kle2 'Teti.' confidently remarked the trail') as 1(e came eleser, Ado you know I begun to fast the sante day as Teener r dict ?' 'Dili you ?' 'Yee, and now it is over eiity days ++ince 3. touched food. That beats 'tiro by over twenty (tat a, and I could put in :mother tem :s well :a not. 813y ?' 'Do you think each things aro of any real Huic'nti11c value ?' 'No.' ''.Phttt'e ,j 11At nay opinion. I can't y08 where net' holy f• t. is te.84n a cent's ivor'h of p. notice! infottilnti011. Do yon thii.k T.►77nor will ever bootalio President 2' 'Nor I either, nil: I havou't Rey 110 p05 of mlyi"'lf. Do yin tbinl( it will upset any established theories con- cerning the treatment of the human system ?' 'No.' 'Nor 1', either. Stly 2' 'Drell.' e 'I've been thinking this thing all over, atm I can't tree how it pays 111e to go on With this fastiulr. It wouldn't prove a.nythiug if I bho.nld put iu 100 successive days.' 4N„.4 'Then I attests I'll wane to the oou• otusion to slop v.' There wee a long and uneemfortabie silence. Tt1e trail))) fi71t►11y moved off, but 11111'0,1 and retut ted and said 'Say, if a man bed feet• d for 100 Ptraight (111378 ill this town you woulclu't offer him as much as an old crust when his time was. up, wnnld you ?' 'No sir,' was the: deoided reply. 'Nor yt u wouislu't give 'aim any of your Old clothes 2' 'Nn,, iii•... `Nor lend 'aim ten, ccoiis to pay for lodging 2' 'No, sir.' 'That's fast the conclusion r had reached, and I'll be darned if I delft fast my hundred days out just to show you that I can get along wiUiottt any of your a8Rletenete 1' And: the indignant faster walked off with his head up and his beefs having a firm grip of the pine pianko. BA,S BALL ,REPORT.1411,'S Ike liad been the base ball reporter, but dai,ring the fftrst game of the seaann he lo.'tt cue eye, four fingers from bis left hand, and was eo all kind of broken ftp that he didn't seem to be good for mush of anything else than a drama'ie orit'e, Of course he had to bo utilized, for it wouldn't do to have him lying around the nfyioe, so he was sent to write np Neilson when she was playing Twelfth Night. When he ,brought in his copy the dramatic editor appeared cold towards him, and from the yawn- ing depth of the waste basket comes the reason of that coldness. 'Neilson came out as fresh as a daisy, and by the way she waltzed np to the bat it was plain to be seen that she meant to play Twelfth Night for all it was worth. In the first innings she muffed 1t once or twice. acid when Rhe Came out elle had only one strike and a goose egg. On the second inuings she tallied three on hut' grounders, while the woman who played captain of the other 0100 looked sick. The third in- ning was a rattle. Neilson come np re the : crateh as flesh as an temple, and made three iiaWes on a foul ball, and when'ttlitivolfo' went to the bat site crossed the house -plate and scored ' There Was mora but the infuriated editor tore off the lower et rtion in order to light his cigar. THE BEST REMEDY P0I1 Diseases of the Throat and Luna 21YElf0 In diseases of the pul. monary organs a safe and reliable remedy is invaluable, AYER's CHERRY PECTORAL is such a remedy, and no other seemineutly mer- its the confidence of the public. It is a sci- entific cientific cambinatiou of the medicinal princi- ples and curative vir- tues of the finest drugs, chemically united, of such power as to insure the greatest possible 1 efficiency and uniform. PECTORAL. Ay of results. It strikes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's. Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca. tarrh, the effects of AYER's CHERRY Pao. Tontr, are magical, and multitudes are an- nunlly preserved from serious illness by ita timely and faithful use., It should be kept at hand in every household for the pro. Notion it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping -cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so. efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are inducements to try some of the many mixtures, or syrups, madeof cheap, and ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain no curative, qualities,. can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment; and itis dant. gerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with,, become deeply seated or incurable.. pee AYER'8 CHERRY PECTORAL, and yen may confidently expect the best results. It is a. standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power,, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it in their, practice. The test of half a century has. proven its absolute certainty to cure all pul-. monary complaints not already beyond, the, reach of human aid. Prepared .by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,, Practical and analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BOLD BY ALL =EGOISTS EVERYWHERE. HALLOO, MIKE 'Where dill you buy them brick? W,.1' Jimmy, I bought then/ from :tlitchetl, of coarse, lifts he many of thein left? Why, yes, thousands of thein, and first -elms too. lluty tines ha st-]1 ,h,'m, lake? well. Jimmy, lie sella then xo tsitu411, that I was not to tt l,t, but if you want any ,lust go right there, for he says he is boned to :.,11 us camp as any in the eouuty. iteutciubor, 1u' lives south side crtslliton Gnat el road. J011N 1111Tt.:UI I.L. ore ifton, Feb. 24,1,48 I,4ondouThlo st (2 William' N W 1/5 '4 8 4' 4' 1/5 44 0 Aulle 5 E 1/5 " TOWNSIIIP 011- COLBORNE.. ,snicking (tart bl etc 0 I'ril,cos salt well part black tl Mrs. McDonald 40 P 'it'll 4, 5 40 1 OR 0 5i 540 108 604 555 108 008 55 86 2 40 58 20 14 00 1 35 15 05 TOWNSHIP OF GODEUICIL pt 4 iMaitltttxl ( Pat'd 1 83 1 00 2 33 • TOWN81I1P OF GREY. N W 1't t3 . 4 h .1 Pttt'd 7 00 pt 5s1' ail " 04 05 VILLAGE OF U1,,Ne'RIN, 1N GREY,* 13 j Para 14 97 1 11 TCOWNSIIIP O1' IUAY. 1 18 810 2 60 07 25 W.1 5 Stil • 2•, Pat'd 10 75 22 Beath ba'y 1011 " 25 53 1 40 18 15 1 00 27 13 VILLAGE 01? ZURICH, IN HAY. 57 1/5 Pat'd 02 07 1 80 TOWNSHIP OF UOWICIi. 11 1st 100 Pat'd 4 41 VILLAGE 01? GORItIE, IN IUOWICK. 208 1/5 Pat's 710 TOWNSIIIP OF 11-CLLET. N E pt 10 4th 33; Pat'd 7 55 VILLAeE OF MANCHESTER/, IN IlULLET'C. West part of south hall, bounded on the north by a roar running east matt west, across nearly. the centre of said1 lot, and on the ea8b 't d, south by old; highway, runnintr• east and north frons old bridge, and on, the west by road al- lowance along Bay- ( 112 field liiver,assessed, CAUTION. EACH PLUG Oi. TEJ1 My11i Nvy 1 IS 1SAItKED IN BRONZE LETTEIIS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. 'TREASURERS' EOFL FOR TAXES. COUNTY 0? IJUIt0N, • X''4rtue oft a Warrant under the hand of the War - To Wee : den of the, County of Huron, and the Seal of the said Cennty, bearing date the, third day of September, A.D. 1880 to me di- reoted,for the o"llect on of arrettira of'taxes doe otithe undeibientiouetl lands : Notiee is hereby given, that unless the said, taxes, together with all lawful costs and charges be sooner pelt:, T shall ora, Monday, thin Thirteenth, LT QQ De; ember, A. D.1880, at the limn• of TWO o'clock, P. Ii., at the. COT 'RT HOUSE, in the Town of ' GODE.1tICIi, proceed tosell by Public Auption the saidlands, or so much thereof as may bu, esnfl]cient to, dtstelearge, am)), aireare Qf, tas,;ee t}n!, chargee t'..oreon., NAPO: '1 O:�VN;SIl1P 0, ' „mumps.. , - to 0 •I;;qr 0it,rAnT.o10 Lel L1r.Yeliesxn?r• Apulia1p+ pi: AMovu,' -4a GU fer1;EEr W q17 TAZE¢. m :ti! A. P, Go v: N;' pt of 1L• pt 4t 2nd E D 50f Pal'dt 3 r 88; 11 801 34 03 N, p112.. 14 tlaE D, 1 11 501 14 001 2 50 N, pt of S; E k 1; Atb, W, D, 34 /1, 9, 55 1, 20, 1(0, 75 VIfrJAGE 033' PORT ALBERT,. IN i%S'HFI +'LD►. Tarate Strb.divi.Pinn of Park,1o4.5.4,G 11 London Rd E 1/5 Pat's G 46 108�6544 1'�i if 441/5 4d 1 0 6 6Y it, ',lime of J. II., Gairdner, Jolie Guunloalr, 60 i Pat'tl 1 t8 VILLAGE OF BAI-FIELD. E'k 219 N. 258 1. 381 4. $m'ile's OA 1. 1 pt. 5 Bayf'iehd con 42, Pat'1i 44 VILLAGE OF MUSSELS.. 91 92 93 pt. 100 John street 322 T'srnburry 4t k 4,4 4 Ola 5 15 2 91 1 05 5 4;1 1 13 823 113 803 1 00 2 5 1 115 1 08 1 1t1) 45 fl 23 3:r 8G 14 3. 55 83 (i 29.00 1 70 30 7s, Pat'd: 2' 29 1 00 2' 29! 1 00 ''• 2.29; 1 00 290 1;05 0, 50, 1, f 0, TOWNS131P OR' M011:Ii'1S., :L;,, of Si 4 7th, 50: Pt►t'd 7' 01. 1; 1.3 YILLA.GE OF BT,,UEVAJ E., IN; M0148,, 3 29 3 29 3 29, 495. 7, CO, 9 01 18. Gars p9y 1i pat's', 1; 911 1; 00• 2 01. 1> " j "• 1i 91, 1 00, 2 91 TOWNSII1 Oi? TTIS BU-RRX., 1)1 29, Q 313; J t'dl MIA 1: 35. 116: 51t ."IL:LAGE 01? BLUEVA1 E', I:I1: TUAtTBstTii;a;Yi`.. ' 84 Duneans s'ta'y Mardi 1; 084 07 2 00 VILLAGE 01? WING HAe11, IN: TURN131 IIItYee Park lot 58: �;illege act 180 ''20f;, 21,1 215. ' P11t'c11 1;11 22, 1v 25, 12 47• le '''• 1; 72: 1, 00, 2 7;d:, L u. 1; 72, 1 00. 2 72 4 4. 11 12 97 2 09' + ", 1 121 97 2 09, O Fishar's.snrveyt 1/5 "• 7, 28, 1; 13; 8: 4,11 TOWNSrI,1P OF EAST WAWANOSHI.. Jo114_ ¥g0ire0,or N E j 38. 'And 50: Pat'd, 1C, 35, 11l t 1;1 58; VILLAGE. 0? EXETER.. Tay4lpr's, survey 80. .Tohn street ?,3 1;1at'dt 8; 53; 14 03; 4' 53; tt 1 E 1/1011150; 44. 12 4i2. 07. 2 89' T',raneistQwnesurv,'y, 8 1<I:nin street 1/5. ". 7 12'. •1 13 8 25, 20; ,", 4. 1,/10, ",. 1 2,y 07," 2. 1,9, TOWN$Ir1I OP STENIEN. N:} 8 19th ,5J Pttt'd County Trdast rer'R filiieey �. Gpderial', Sept. 80, 1,880.1: a 27 80' 1 68; 29 11,3, It BOSS; 110,4sur,,