HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 2o n 13" bi»de stitrffl'mace, 11 , .., *74',11Prik. *.;itotllipp., . .11 .0II t .r (; *., n ,e4ot We, to, t4 -0,4t lunAt g • 1, wer 'Its vogeg , aeross, that they' salads of 4"'flakes'' en•;•• square. . IhttIt 1IV Marjorie '10,,O,Latent iur- lap Inagoltir-th r Urea -try paper in, No on knew yet wto would be -hare .and who henna: "Ted. :rorseyth ought to bare„" said: one bei, “becaufa he gees hunting, a0,41 he • know,. the •-•couptry better than any ,one - 1,40 -ay.- 21/fart,Anithe.r.oughtat11e- saki inally it was deeidell-tha •. leed the liotande, t'at TTE.C"Vitfrall-mr-Gteetio4,13,pthet34 •both ..(7.4Lh --.- The, :roles were...:, -that the boxes hould have ten minutes' tart • MN, of der e thit eonstamPtio torAlinnies- and tlie ,grave. • 'What 'is actually -1vOre' tuvii.,,ed rro . dayi needed to liring back yealtb and andtbe reenai t the regimen . . s . ... stre,egth ,and energy 33 the. newt Wati kept under a An the tort here le no other toil 0" mearcito•,i1600441.14 e lage-411„,..Valeo, r 'eh blood Dr. Williams' Intik-Pills Z4'0.hundreill4elice-1 'jai' fixed bsY raty tho,,„world 6•134ittta nitsresedlo the :mem, of the -•tip) in tired 'of 'telling tl end their ITheutilatiken n mfore the great ,XicineY any others Mr. Frank , tliere and all svho feel weak while five lint,*(irexi'.etiter"Ilelice. d easil; tired should take these raill'44°thes Melt armed rills apt }lore is whit Pills at, once, and :regain new- with rev0 virs, were .posted in -the his endi „ 403.01., . native city, in order to be rettiOri for mid .1)0ddoe Xidney 'Pills 'the Miss Ada Burke, The Itenge N. to quell' any riotitq4 tfaya feel. that I cannot say Forty, t,honsond B,engties..10 beveBert ilgskactich:.01.13101axvees -March.,-1901.1. 1,,V44 Atitrit d-R:nierxxit )001rted t4 I( long, andtopng It Ma with whooping cough 4.11 urett brough e„straii.r. • 14 therle' 4 Y,t,z4,.seara...._ lull me for several jee, the uncrowned •orreflrour...org, pin 1 gave 4.„Aand run Jle wnlked beneath thc standard uf They wereztop_pre,eieus to give hun own.- Alt 8UInn1C?*". • •niore. Air persons Suffering frOM -but when-the:autumn, eame_l_steni- Thc pohce Prevented any-1-(Peee 114--ekttelie-shou1d-u2e-1)oddlOCieneY. d •he completely worn out. For es being inade by the agitators, and KOH ' paper wherever they wen the hounds must t he papeLb trail ittilesis they • eight of their quarry, when they sought eut *cross lots. " Belp..-Otts---a-bounoo-aose--„, .waited. xith the -ti togo -by 'wet° great discussions as to where the hares would go, and everybody seemed to think t tat they would certainly cross Br o At's meadow. . This was a huge, field of pasture -land. In spito of the fact that it was called a 111,31- flOW, , it was half -weeded, and or-. forded many a flee 0114110) for t: haven to relieve each other,- tile raynrirtiarreftetthiritif • other toelc a. shorter route. The ten' mintutes were 'past, an.1 g•Li.• ee be: an. Mi the hoye,.to . 'side the -house, and "eigild-staxo Talk about,' 'the tome -1 was -is weak. 1 had no appetite„. ---my color- aS a greenish yellow.... I had se- vere headachefa and would be almost breatblesirett.the4itteV-exertiob.,,a ok-severel.--hottles c,f medicine, 't iIit ifol-help-titte-au; d y mother got me three boxes of r, Williams' Pink Pills, when I !had Used them I was much better and by the time I had taken an - ether three boxes I was agan:ten. ;eying the best, of h Ith, with a hearty appetite. good !olor and re- newed energy." 11youwant new health and new euth trz.Dblillianne Pink s, tar use armirliteerdive will not disappoint you. Sold by iedicine dealers, o by mail at 50 if.50• flatitee , c flae ean eorporaton.,e . e is Kdney ache,,and Jjt,dtVs outsidetfthe uuive and itirAVT nit,' positively- eure all .,• carriage was !doped. One of the Kidney aches and thousandand ills., ,,s of vete* ' This has footmen was itergerely ilnured, -.a'i on proved .and , ,1311.11.4igoa,P.ettAlealb-At-4_14,4 Agtt dirp-AC411444-r041#V01.4,*11P13-V..ri .10,7419,-,44-, coaehnian. thcm ,yoursali_ask your 'neighbors. 4S-SZ;trag;;;;PITar,4:717, It Itetiins Old and •llakes New Andrew Thomas was , eat IVricnds, --- Time Was when Dr. "forgetter:h ifer forgot to ppy thci Thome& Eelectrie Oil had but a money he -owedt and to give people! small field of distribution, but now back the thiii a lie ' horreseed fits territory is widespread. Those Moreover, he was "touchy" on the who first recognized its curative subject, so that few of his friends qualities still value. it as a speei- liked to hint that he bad any of he,o and while it retains its old their property in his po esion. friends it is .ever making new, It '111,105s.r °Mew rtairee ge in 1u band hand, • t will not he witheut "Where's that five whieh P00,3 it as recesu zed -that if tJils -too eale of. No. 2 stone :could- only be inadowitterproof it would give tro.- Wens durability, inasnancli.as the abrasion on.. this surface s 13crcening, was practically nil: The osaie, in fact,. on an old, road is practically non-dust.pfoducing, :_tout is veryi_ausceptible to disturbanee water'and disruption by frost, e'a le. „ certain relief for irritation tf the throat that causes haeking equghs. used aceording tti.direetions it will break the most persistent col. a ottafen,Atiel4ftor. Iregi'44 There is no ineed" to reemomen to those' familiar with it, but those wile seek� sure remedy a are in doubt what to use, the ioo is -try Ilickit's Syrup. proof.. A tar compound is applied to the 'road- • ina tiquid eon 'kind bartletui among ho,; Sue inter. a . off,„0., ....,..-40."-vi.-clmegiulk1 $.11 oviatuveregkwutz., somewhat ItJa like tet'tilt.:147:21011 *00N mOzsal; Itcrrortn, traid. lettotifidersterm,'-"uth inimmingthirit, VOYCV_If. top of its nest with cohwele which non-conductor tif electricity. t4C-Iiiirrou-ght- Waterpreef and "tt-: i'�a4o treate4 tkrolsir-o 11,„ back- In-factrif-t ems. le „he, imperfectly * s to leave paddles after a rails, the water in the Puddles will not he absorbed by the road and will _,PsA4t-kri..-e-*4P•nrn jingle treatment will. give p esults;for:a quently show good effect much low. ger. Sprinkling is unnecessary and ar oecasiortel cleaning is the only care require.1. A treatment for suet: reeds costs about $300 per mile, and calls for no apparatus except an ordinary sprinkling cart with a special .ad- justable nozzle is pretty well established that nurriatrokv&rtavvrivervvo, -road so well as to more than owe its cost in the renelvel of the stone. • ts no , more, uncertain thau_a: womijon-extept erkether and aroma of aikete. Jt is dirt, air, the surrounding odors and contaminating ' influences of ether goods .as bulk or loose teas are., A teapot test will show the • difference. When a girl yawns it's tip to the yonng nian to get in • the home t retch . Graves' 'Worm - sho:n7ylii15:17 o o evrevestos saskir Pass no • (WY " , THE 1ST tor par Fro. tatidogile 'No. T. B611 Kollo.4%01011 CO., ult. Guelph 03 Ir=Velkir-Vtrifir."; Itt thirty-five windows the en- -tire length -of three ;ides; also from ten large skylights, most up-to-date manufacturing flat in central part of Toronto; 'rental. includes power, attain heat, water, '‘electric light, .4 la per cent. less than tot rates; lowest insurance, rat immediate possession; " KTAt.,111 reason for this was that they two• .•had not been practisinq as theI She -“Do you like dark hair or ,others had for the ehaso, since theYi golden?" Hc -"Dark ;: you can al- • t. had riot known anythin about it. 11 sys soe it quicker in the butter. _ -- Roger tte- one of 'them. Tabletfor myser, 'ar,:eharftte."1174"..(t.:: -s '. o , A FERE S-PRe•Ans bl drr gni", d°69 a* 'years and have found thein Permit ortlior :being (rislierve. .(1"' In " sovemsealso. tko throat grow down !MN; the• • x c lyater, and used from All. ordinary. -,31.4:pisHopity-attit-a7cutitasa:int-w -7 - _ A;- 1 wharf ruu big:n to .cousk 1". not praise the Tablets too highly." 441'1? -1'11g elt'rt; gt"Tig t° IcAter,- - They were several hundred_ra1313. 1111"1:13 - After the second •Bob and • Boger began to, lag a little. The A Small Pin., •but Pairerful. run had been up a road, across a They that Jude of the powers of small steam in a valley, up the a pill by its size, would consider ot_,ner si-deo at: DO% 1 y Ater cette-Vertable---.4..rills-1 beaded, as had seemed likely, for i lacking. It is a • little wonder. Brook's meadow. The sun shone! among pills. Whekit lacks in size brigttly, but the' air -was-stillerisplit. maltel ttp-ill -pot:alley.- The temp. axtd invigorating. 1 cites winch it earries are put up in Suddenly Bob grabbed Roger's these small doses, because they are arm. • tie powerful that only stinall doses "Look !"' he said. "What do youl are required:: ,The full strength of , iie.c, inothig along by that _clump , the extracts is secured iu tins form o - toecs-over -Viereer-towurre-tit . "I see a -white _aap„''-, , 'Goqd gracious, - Bob, it, is AIMnJ It's gone now 1,, . • - “That.'s,,what....41, tholieli •,“ _seid Bob, "but I.wasn't quite eertain."- . , . ,..._. , .E.4,141,4).y..niediine,40aiemor.brinail I. seepy or sticky character to. de-• . evaPYration l- - ' g" . - . -'th. - in _at tir., c ts a box .from Tlie/Dr. '11147 . ' • hrhind the " ack." According to and, capture the hares., . man site can'O t see alnyorje else io a ' Wil iares' Me i eine (70...., roe vi e, ra ok'neist.'r'ated" their abllity to keei)tht, 0 4 the 'reles, they mig. t cut across ri' , 1.0t. , : . road dustless for. a short period:0 Without a word, they noide for a Cron t.l. ,, ,pfi)iet •ri little, beyond. the clump of - t • ..... 41.......not 4, trees. -They calentated-Itat-Teitt-- Tiler int - eaterally peciiiiieit, 3.trA... -Frilli--"Now th I he%ill .14° .fle .1°f. them aim t°' °I' 134" 6'411: .......-....... ' --and---7-4 117 -were goi 4 WiliCh diSsipate titemeeh-es " cngage,d_ yett..-Bridget, I am gditig.'e"e" 10 'Preventing dustr.14r1line home ,noW, and' 7i -hat it r 0 6 gtoinaelt cattnot-be expiefed: 0 , rij-:bt; --. .... , 1) • in . ° _ t er -n lirci , have niuch effect it on the intestine ing in the art •of -waiting on guests, a watbas alsobeeused in _ 1 1 .MT -3- iS coining , liridget 'esult:in' gl, 111'4, 470115:1._. _ ill -ilia -14n them to a little grove of trees b ' i Die' edministered mnst i 4 . it next leo the road ,pear the i tne, or goa • enee the. action of these canals'. ' ndade, mum. Ara • how long was3.33„sprinkling expense. r)cl'' it 1 to seem tight,. but I've just go -• • Andrew rePlied With • dignity, "Did you ever see anything I didn't return?' No, guess you didn't.' R1M*ThTS WWI UQUID FOR PilliNENTION. In the race for wealth -the aver. age min acts like a Lorse of a 'env, eared breed,: Mother-uDid you get that awful cold while out playieg-7" SonRo mother, I think,' eaught it washing'. My face. yesterday irtorning;" owNon 73 Adelaide Street West TORONTO, ONT. • v ry cus tbat her little *Ilea shall he hcalthsi, good natured and bright. EVery mother Can keep her little ones in this contlition if she will give them an occasional 'dose of Baby:A Own Tab -lets, These ' Tab- icts etiTe all stotnach and bowel troubles, ltreakliji col All But Tar Found. to be Esele in Prevtating DutkLon R0144a. The thousands of experiruentslor the Suppression -of dust on ms.eadam reads' which have been made dur. jog the past five years home- now dp. veloped a vast amount of data on th ub•cet birch is summarized ince n as o 3t0-01 I 1' knit& 'tirprotiiisin torn- oulid-S t. -4hielt-irtake.thei/ust.44. ii';I have been tried,. Sometimee t 'Every mothercevery father. Piro it soothes ,,the pan; then its anti. every bead of -every local *optic itsettge4 kill all dises,te germ* art a wound. Then hornet is now given an op ortunit to - -8- it bulls up new tissue %Tethers -have preyed it best "WOWS - . I - • _or-the-delipate_tarlitla is urel her I Lltstrorsvormscncid.fliereel the' finest household. halm e • Jdoodvole ...... t, ..., r elee.'s Vegb1ePilk. ai - st . 44T eo - elaim 31 nade, under the supervision of ex. -9, , o- ---Itiarthir7-roi '' the leisurely . over he rise in ti) intended to opera C 00 C 111 s ground.' , 6nes is. retorded in 'action nut I ,He And Roger stepped out. "We the bowels. , saw you I Wo saw your white cap '.' -thetirsIteute& - --,- . . It's pasy to se e the ble3sfngM of - . The' hares were caught, much t 1 povcity thr2ug1t-tLe eyes - of -a till their own 'surprise. ; "I ought lo Iioiaire. lave knowti," admitted Alleti, lat- er. ' l'Fraidie's-fittle sister widow corns ., Anse intoki&ble pikin, , O wear it before -we starte-1. 110110,1,y's Corn Cute -removes the • _she would make a pretty utile. Try .it, and Seezwhit • rzood liareliei5elf- it she *erit -Fin Terilt-of-pairt is -laved. - - - _.. esently the '..paek" V4Vit* hone, tred nd 'winded. 13ob And ttc*r. bad kept their.eyes -open 4 StiNeit theii, legs, were the, .10s: the day,- and theY-.10,1-er-c-',n.'il' " trintapilant.---14 oath's toliivtovi:, BOY. -- • 4111Cipted the ttier,,"can oy l:eo pOItt&11 in pi 'old you IUDS -to have sem- , copy of •ne Farmer's AA. AU pit acme Magoinel- E ,BEST AGRICULTURAL A HO AP the - Areetican. '.Continent, gremlive farmer can be without it.. •Publiii,h, itrw.O.,•„titit istditt wore,,ttakint the Drop pos'weekly‘cli:idriStor4.14rete-rtionlepstes ' alter 4o about A . third who Null TooPis . ;1464;1 1 ii iVrAci I it; i titadedAr 0.rs s t st. beeome clqgaged to a_ Widower,.i ot. plays the cornet, 'and, has, fo,or t; ' • . , .. 13,0: - , auto,. -what toilla 41*, w(orse,.! Ifentiiiii this " oil .elainted one. "than tour philtiren , - . #1 a tort -tett" •"IS:rothing, 'sal I other,. 'except, Prtil,Ps cI; Urea" and a trondiorte.lk ' ,"the litdest • fo , ;.Is\1di1g lnR1am wo *autC� *rnt o : 4:011710 stores an_ J,. .3: or Of 1 There' are "iri2Ouilt to-tby de- - Artilifiantst, 0 stereied.thti...phii:04.1flitStsigigh, enttisfr- :iii-everythiog--.'-else, -the • and gravities produced froni ejthcr petroleurn or asphalt. Their effect upon the road has lasted consider. ably looger, and a good treatment 4itli oil will keep the road dtistlies for wheels inastnitelt Its it Will not evaporate: but will disappear 401 13,i,- absorption • into the roadway. The serioesdetriment in the use of oil, however, has been -the tad that • 45 OX.IQU$ to p.eclestrians, ir "rid shOes are stained hy it, d the intomnbilists and earriage owners often-Ounplain 1f datnap their vehicles.. • 0 Moreover the 0 -oily dust, which .es arise ionittirues 1 ro:n.411 on, 'irated road is espeeialty dirty and ebnoxeu,, and property' OlvititIA oit rto litIlMettlfiCtor *OutD 4 to Moit liatUnith *ow* *merit:04ot* strodour las ay rrrIti trmitiorroraded by, dolt**, kin Mod swityt„, foe *mot ploothtri, "1 ittit looking for ft r my. children." Maiager Intelligcnce -"1)idn't we u with .0.00 last week 'Well, Madam)._ aceortling her repirt, you don't need governc's. Yon' peed a wild bast talteler.. , . wAr tortt.t „twins*. . . , ' , Pala TOr•YOtt AND.__*::RY 15_1111rItit ' • ituksoitatein "ritOta vvossittre Att.sitaftTa. werriari. .• ' - - -. - - _t sufferings.1 .. -1 wn; , frire ut--thatte,--toly-freerstrest.- toentwith tot instructions', t� any surfererfroin . ' 'a ailments. I want to tea att Wernen abou the ttree-lott, it), reader, for -yourself. s-owdaiughter, our mother.; or your sister. I ...atIt te la you he* to cure yoursgsirAt htt:71f4 without the Itelp.or a doctor. Men cannot un- erstand women's ituirftfloxi. Whit we women know kottt- cdtperiente., we- knOW better- thmV. - = .- ..i.ny doctor. I know that my aotne treatment a sale and sure cure for tat reniaie Weak. res1;:iir'peloctuilaar_si.titir.to n46ttir setr*.. tor\ piet•v_tixfoit tivit Vet if b I etitioely free t4 prose !OlOtirtiliikCyttio: 4:44 cure yourself at ,honteiea, y„,, quickly situi re1y. ftemt. .., . tirtOthititt ti$Elveibeit.inardett*Ompretettiat; 1 '. ite, it Win c -0,t yotts only *boot Is cents a:treek or kli ,ltsenyttneleintrie„soil , • It wei!nt:Jtitt,..cro'WIth rietr '%40E-it,Ocorcuration.'', ti tend leti.me bow yoresorret, irytia wish, to...4 I 'wilt sev: e treetment Cot youse r ea." treiney ritteilits-triale WrApPerc by return' te Is;),' '' yq-a too sit. co4tresOi.is"e - 'V $4$'110** litt1110M, ADVIttift* *Ails ezp'anztory4 Ale.watiiiiii showing 't.-.4,i'y totem. stot..e, 'arra- how- tber:t-raa.-‘,As'ily-it's t ' home.. ,nirety woAtom sItnatd have ti, sod teArts- to:tItink for ',Honig le doczor says- T' Vott rtot%t itavie an OperattOn;". yea' VA* .titc,We .ter tesstsle err wester: bove .ete.eJ themselves wiitt my liorne reinedy. , It lontisit„., To Slotfroel of liaMithttelt, i *14 evolain tionftnee reeler :•h spettli1y tottletUficz513;.tctilre%.P.aintItt Ord Irregular lotenstrestien , Vturnpncssattlt tall') titsb:z4)?'! tOta trOttt itii tii4to Vicr±rrfskt,e,ipii 'v.'s •Istiles et lose kliott -ty, )a4Lie *4U efre. n ite,th.4t.4tS Tratlisatitieal it eitetc d'isre'47145tt:el•s;;;;:jkArtl-A,111110ie, to,day.; ._.. A tna ii:irlilf - 440 1111..30%;ifttelieXlin Altio i ! A 'Ll'Ireu--:4,1 ' , AltPltE ' , halo 6„ , 1 ) ly, pp s 1,11 or , 6016 . -k\* r tO-'t Itik V who hapiie,ll 4 1)0 4 frknd ortiti$4 . loliroty,;" 044thi ;ran 45 yourse cures** n . estment „ S(ffs.c.' a Unit* tiCd DrAtilWr 4 ertitilE44.*r'