Exeter Times., 1908-11-19, Page 10
until tho Holiday season Is over. We are filled
up with.the..\ good things to make you or your
friend s happy for the Xmas Season. Come right
and let us. show you an our go iii So it
do you g�od.. anct do ns.go.O4 to 3ee you
Triabell*‘ 1o; a
,Stone Martin he 'Bea.. -
----.-----Virarn4eck , Ruffs
e most comfortable 'Pre.
sent you can buy Alaska Sable
•Isabella, SableIsabella Fox*
Slack bink 'Stone Martin.
_ure topleaaeco
.,Fancy* White. and CO10
, . .
Yroni c.
up ▪ to 50c., eac.11.
Fancy Silk: Wraps
'Nice fancy silk. Be go ,
'Writes and Facinators ,tpr
Evening wear. They al:A*1117'
901 m k
For a good warm comfort-
able garment the Fur Mind
Coat beata them all., We have
the best in the land and at the
very, lowest prices. Call and
'get our prices.
•,---.,...,-4.- ... t.,_
-a-Ladies Fauci. Collars.
.. ,
• Just arrived* The new 00i.
largo they are swell, all colors
and'shapes. We have the low ' .41. :
ones and the high, ones, .right i,*
• g to your exult you wish. . ;I
, Ulf, '
.wlom, uyvt tletr(atbr.,
Turnbull-Wila' t nnett
*ithoutibeintr •narroW, ,)111, XI 4,04iien
attilletiente,* IIe has 'bee* for =env
ears *member et Abe Th tate Xto 4
, A
a meniber of Independenk Order
f- Foresters.., '10 WAX A Man Of lin.
oatentatleila diapositiete -never in,
trailing. Ade views . or oPiniOnS u..0.04
others, float when idutfedOulawkw" ot
the 'wee 'asked, to give his advice. his
'views were recognized AS phareeter-
z level-beedednesse thorough
Ciait.IN4pmattlidisliatillc- .
Ai ITANyAs ser carcZUl
to it tittliWe'tillitA-t/Ons;:ttuit
tboSA- plaCed ex.
lIcfl O "fidOOs.410-- MS ,work. ile
TO ' d'Alwitionok-Ltitor Anoite,
ant0g0 Ot his neighbors in his bus
Dates' -deallitite Nvith: them, but was
4711447' Wititnir *t 4" 111..._&—,,,..11,11/Ing 1341)dr xtoter- tally reeovcred,- and- on• ecte
and-Oonai ttts‘e. ,-..
trestvolitcy, - The high este-era - In
'whiLtai he, WeS 11414 /WAS 01,41lifetikd
by 00 Yen? large -ponceturee °User-
owing friends and, neighhe_ rs r011 If; ir
, ay at the funeral, :Whion was con
-ducted by his Pastor, :the Ite____*. Colin
Iletcher„,_assiated-bY RAY& W,......, M... -
ti • 4,- Uri. acKevit-.4,---e"---
h .pillebearers.'were litsw71)rothe
'W. A, Turnbull. of ITsborne e and
I his brothers in law, John hackney,
. Detrolt.-Itev. 'Gee. liaOhlicY, gristol.
1: •Que., Chas. hackney, Exeter and.
Robt Gardiner, Usberne.
Fartitlhar .
• evAeOf ,
Muel. r 31P'' ton hey Wade their
... , .100403 il ovioroAr. t e
11",6140;1.411`',101t .44., , ' 414bgloo .12.1 the Coungl regt40-the '00004 of
'vet eNcacer days. , Thirty-nine yeare ..aniii$10 ONO' Oyellue' to. connect'
o ler. huslbanit ;akftel?. 'a ibrief ine With his property
flUe'*i*fi*t4i*ogt*i*tikOgti.t ' blittWf.4,014tat . ,-1fPgr.,
. .lveldolt ,aeith-:*11e-chlidrenit-hrreveir ". it.--Oit4aii--ttiiii '-'7e8I1 104
iy ••she took ..up,4the ,e0,4 .tasic alloted the strcot„to horth.eide of Mr;Gulis
la' ' ' ' :Zitre,cr 4.444. se:04II-taX''''h&r-lit,',411' *4
Nott, 014.111-dobborhoodit .11-14r, children Vile f urae-in attendanCe „of
With steAdfast teuat in God. 'She lieanianeeKnight,, that the reeve
famlln and the noble' manner 4n to procure the Propertir neccessarY.
Which. she 'reared them and. /provided Varried „e e *
benoefotli., idevoted ler lifeetio her arid' Councillor Johns be a, committee
for them ;wee reMarked avert bY the: Johnse-Enight, that council piy
iter, maintaining . the. terellY rater, Pr..0, P. 017e -4 -Carried; - •,- . '"
ie:e. . rric.,
tion, Yes; slot to Make frierY hilt . iStf
..,. 04
'Ind, .0)4-..11,r(ti,..-- She, epent several • Regal eating of trial
years Vitter7,0c1r*:-Itoitr.4*.. 501 *.;-10341:61* ,tit:elitthilteef -;Elrotere il:1:/wIne. e.
e r-
and five Year*: ego .. was the subject bers ierteep%
.01 a severe 'stroke from which she *Rev. IX W. tlenieee- aoreesed LIic
'the res141911 In referenee4e--theilinesi
ering tosome exteutt. 111 Nov. atb.
.she Wished to ibe dressed and up
3reo,...----oreame„ tees _tee canabt ner
:beart 10110(1.• to (10, 4140, Work
:ebbed aviray. Der: heirit tobk its
flight' on NOV. 6th Three sons and
-ono-deught4resarvive her,.,,Atoeeph
1000 031.—Wiiii-7-orloux:----arrac-31-,
4-lisakezzill,at be
was in bad eireurustanees - and assteu
that the council help him ai the
and life Ad E. -l'ukc, that in tho nitter of
buying the roadway for the Gilhis Co.
ae passed, at the ;special Meeting
ef of the gout:fell held on the sth.
recoruddered-areIeth action -
_taken' ftt---Alie--Imeeting.be eancelle
meeting. 'Seconded by johns
and carried .t • .
tPer IXnight4lerunan, that the
council purclittee the Land ,and con-
tinue the Street te the north aide of
the brdoertir as IG)01robaa0d hit 'trio
Gans CoMpally. Fuke that the
council purchase the land and con-
tinue the street to tile sonth side of
the Girth; propertY., The motion de-
clared. curled.
-1'',4Tihrftrlievi4Vrieccoror, taeeera
dared paid„, Thos. White street water-
ing $53.90; ,Thos. White; labor. Meet'
Jones. $4.87; Geo. Cudmor
`2,50 • Sid Sanders, 46.75; 'Alf. De
Bd. Davis, '$2.7:r 14.Vir,1414"0:11issett„ pt.
salary, $03.00,: Exeter Can-ning and
-Preserving Co, gasoline, •$, 845 it 0.
Cross, salary Cemetery, 1$26.00:
W. 'vale, labor •at 000)0torY, $4.50:
Electric 1.ighting Co; street lighting
$106.08; do Town Hall, ,$3.601', The
motion for $16.00 as passed at last
meeting for nurse in attendance With
• Baskerville was rescinded and Made-
rieirgitie as $15.00.. A. E. Fake actin
.e COUI11 o e e -
ter met on Friday --Nov, 10th, at the
office of the, clerk. Ail members
present. The minutes of the meet-
111"1.11alvy!Idallewet, -'4111:1-41Vo. 8'.13.°19.1'608,1:'eadiaZor-i-e'41)4ing
levying and collecting ot 'the ii.Viuni-
dents Scarfs
Christi -4u Ties
The best we h ever
We are ortunitte in havi
ear. 14teeetin show "yen the -
0W - 'Natty Stuff. Nothing
better has ever.beert.shOved in
Eieter. .*
Browns- and Greys.' .Also
.1,411. Bleat' and Whitest. .
Pricers Wei; 'Mc.. $1.000 $1.25
Boys! Do. not fait to both these lines
Turkeys - .tc..lb Dressed; Chic6
ressed; Ducks 9o. lb. -Pressek_,Gecoe .811,Ab._
',Mat Citsli paid one.cent less than above. •
- tut farmers of that vicialtY, and Mrs.
Joshua johns, of gliercille* with
whom, she spent tho last tour years
0t ter life, and frent-twitose reaidence
the funeral leek place on gender
Nov. t•he Othe her alimeins being '.1n-
terred in the cemetery.
Mr./Ley'd Aldweith' of thayfield is oilar".aallibuttitrIttalteicekost (11.0C.rtcadraltryit oor.
duoted'ithe services in .11 very'iinpreste-
Litoitrimer 'In ithe unavoidable eb-
rice ofIreetiliffOl-711WIP '
Deceased, was o consistent member
of 'the M4luelist Ohureilt for more
thivrt fifty /ears, and for •ter death
With r
visiting friends .here.
Turnbull returned to ;his
%tr. teeter 1Gardiner.: cif !myth at.
tided the funeral of his uncle t he
.late .Alerseider . Turnbull -on-leriday
last. •.
Mr. and • tights last Week.
. Mr. Edward Pack. left dui Tuesday
to visit friends in ,England,.
IT. -Douglas thee - s'ecured
the urvicoa ,V00aW0tk(or ettid
fit aie'vr prepared to -do. all kinds of
wood . evork.1
Mr. Mart rtnadlo Nebo hes- Oeen
orking Noe Mr. 4t. Itundle has pur-
chased i'the "farm of Mr.' A. Fuller,
neat W6olueete,„• • 7 .
Miss' Mend Dearipbell a Exeter,
tlat end; familiar passage she
oftimes quoted r't hive --learned 'with
Paul to goy, in 'wItitsovir etete am
I have learned therewitluto be cone.
tent°. •
rhe lAjnliVe.ragith 'Services at Dethe
dit 'Church held 4i3widay and Dane -
da ' Were the Most feeceessful evele
given -thy t c tiro e procev
-Ir" *9' 'Th4c11". pt. 44111befi:4 -mn41. of -Mlle tea ,onw, ounday night 'being
. jo,11, Saelrney, of Detroit, at* *60. ,An interotting proarata was
tended 'the funeral of their brother
in-laW, tAlexatielerefrurnbullvilast -litriet-dieettet mete -*wow by- Revs.
4 flare
given Monday evening, :when ade
day. * ' • mgeasereti:! Elimeillet 'lied Collins add
Ni I..spent (Saturday to Monday. vie -
Mr. Join i and Vaster Kenneth WC. , en 63„ avietalsenteusrl, evniao,larsoitivicerko gainv(-1
I .xetier_
ate_metion of W. Johns, seconded bY
IX:MfitrtWienqIs.--,-,::-..----=- ---77-7-77; .-,_-:,:t7777—, , , , second -and , third' time_ anl d -Vilely
„ :iam. es,,:t_i_iIr"aii;--77,1xL'Il.„ .71__Sttimeturi; _ ..
-Water -grirl-arr4veiltaiiertieic7f 014-4r7e.-40i0g1E,t_ _ , tanriir- , IR--XaMEt,-
:and Mrs. Lawrence 'Fulton, on -here are women who ,OrilionielY. —
The committee re-purchase-Of:the
Frida-yeleet. , , ,._ _flat be careful tow the latter ' riest„LlerieLfer .roi1iV0.1*- in -the
preen Led:, . The . council 'repo ted
having: *toured , the land frora .ifte.:
ilawksbzw at 60 dollars per acre
and the lot from Mr.' Knight for 25
, Th re are women who lire truthful* -3.-11-
, ,...ers *. , .,,- c • ,. ,-.- -
. .. On request of the (Reeve, counen..,
.ler 'Iceman was Moved to the chai
*whits* atm vigsseproporttootislowrass
01.4DMAN siTANEttimr
ENS. Veterinar
•„- Treats WI 'domestic a
••on moist . approved prinair•
dat attention to..dentistrs 1,0
aui8a'totc11itarnlofl Main *trod.-
tit a Peterflawden'sresidenee
11 n80, D.
-.1).43# llorsor graduate of .Tororcto
r. *.
•-:--Dental-Surgeon-- -
Office over aladman Eitaribur *10
Maio etreet-41ramot..
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
* 4sr11
0100, M*hi Strect. Jxeter
ILLIPS, nxirrnu. L10 I
• lied,Auctionetir. Sales con
ducted In all, parte. Terms reasonable i from the ties
OM be left at the TistEs Office
rattorde '
10.74111419.0174Tafirrs- havereWit-',"—
from Ttrantford, oket. pleasant A ,TOAtilT wOMBLv.
• 5pnvenitl.
*.st .Hurcin
wph Gatia.rd's
Modern jeweils
taatlbors, Pipes, DeXoPer_00
GlaSSiO ..Nakis, Sinks,. etc.
We make a speciaty of •Eavetroughiag, Roof--
ing:and Plumbing all its branches.•
CaU and be convincbc1 that it is the cheapest silt in town,
Itaranctobriv 101110tiver *ad -11110attor Than
011ielt ream diel6ust. with 404 Ail,NOw Bi Company, Itstosenstirt$
diner,' 'off aarys,- attended the There are women se. -tint arse- health)**
funeral ofl their *melee, Mrs Alex, There art. women who are riVetilthSt
Turribulllast week. There are women whoafweys
'item their way. '
There are women who are youthful,.
atitchtar_olt, jar Olasite=e ever any %venom :who
m Was inaivied 'won:toff_ who are sainted ,
VrtRONNINtli M. D.t IL
* Graduate Victoria Vo
ersibyb oleos augk rosseteaspoi. . Vetniatee.
Atiociati COnlifinr of Hatt*, .
130SSENEilta8ri ZURIOB
Liceneed Auctieneer. Sales- tort t
t' In Ali, tad*, •:,Terms reasonabl I
tisfaction guaranteed •
on- WednetditY Nov. the, lith;7till-Sli:-Tliere are 'Women vihe ere
, Ches. M. Mitchell, 'IA -prosperous There are %women (who are wortb
young termer of their :weight in gal& -
The. --ceremont-----wes-Pelfortsed-tif Thee- are-tvoinetr-e'ller *re -tender,'
Rev. W. 11. Butt, in the presenes of There are 'women who ere slender,
• titAtikL,Attal , ..frbtret are women veri IttegO, an
O 4dins-(11000t _
ollowed by 0, ttnitiCal Tile& are Women
gram. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell ldt on There are ivoinen who have tarried',
the afternoon „trainon a sho Ion- There are women Who cruet, talk
On mo on Q • 0 00V0.5econ
by W. Johns,the report of the com-
mittee d* submitted Was .eilepted.
Mer tile Iteeve etconded by. II. J.
Knight 'that •• the ne*- road ibe grave'
elleir Iii-tlicTliot ill -stile of -t1*--Oillie-
property, - .
AIL.ereeolineeritJay _Councillor Iluk
-lrfii-seuth-tilde of the Gillis
per ty. •
Coii-ati:71:vid :iittoiti7V
:,---,-..,---- ro .y.,.aii-d-Iiad Ittoti7tht,rogit.._ -
tIst , .,.--.._„,
2._ . r.rgxinins briii. )1 tufa an, .-tiiia-iilita'111-6-ciiiiiiiii-
pe!,f.tio lie, fritbOrne. Cit . . OrhisT 'Contractors are tendering' on tile 80:10: mlifitw-11 ch4Intlesdlatralmeortinoilotst.okia at
November I.3th. to Mr. arid Mrs. new 'priest's' houso at Father Vets -
Lawrence ritIton, a itoegliter., . . Carmel. — The 'tenders sui asked fpr. by it
Eneeleeid,..,..In Serrate, ' Sundae' Wert, ter 84 'Pill i '
15tb. it0 Mr. and Mrs. 10)rt T. 40,
land. It in, z' • , '..:.plie4eeviteho:foor wgbraltV:l.:EitOdr, vt.th'eelot7, : ostaril4et.
Were opened as, toilette . W. iGillee-
ford; . - ,_.•
CANN-In lisberne, anndav, Nov..Iti: , • Ilia # Vittg 11444 kiwi
VAT4E.-Ao. (Ste_ter Tneoelay, ,X0Ita 1
'Itekrar. ti"« an, d Mrs. Nif::.Taiir.i,,t:t- Alevig :: or ,,_/4
I colt,:eeed..itioeteite'4it-lhetitnaill-V, tilifht the
4tetider,Ot CredOiLik dlandieirdsite '3
„per. cord, 'Wing the lovrest, avas ac
to Mr. and Mrs. 3ebn Cann a son iniu *Pi suAl wale niWa
Ye -40 .Steph.en, YrhiirsdaY, iNev., r
' J. oingric.
--12the to Mr. and lifts,4;„18,,--,4011 =a
Nnto$, LAAVSONe-At the home et
litAII,TtlEtt ‘'
INotte 9 TOM'S
p• ii. 0 .
dtrooter... . - • i
-, At this ti;"-
Nvedrios(tor., • ,N0r. .ittil.. fit4dfic
( 0.61;6 IlIt:Itit:
+he. awl/tee Parellts ja.tePlien ' on e
is mured, (,ii ,
'titt**),t4,4 to M. 'Thos. 4,.. Wilettit, stre°rt:MttteiitIii:e,t o e. v.iiie Coltitdia
(laughter of Mr. entl Mr's, : JGeo,
of Exeter. II * , 0 0 it new `pitterial ,,iress ,with Up.to.
*tellit11441-yolls:m ,cvntri:10+ *tato, .mttlioilff .rtotifttlir AspIayed
or;,11. Charles M. 1.Mitebdll to ' hrOughtellt .its ''. half doaen.. tet.
* nit 21t.. . ',OA -Aglitter of tilr4. :andjudging from -the bex eittte receipt.
M. 4CO3,, IlitYrihani, both of ' this, toMpany",..,ffilittee :for.
-DID 0 7.0n , 4• il • 00t- Imr,t1ritttil*trpre:144, • ' ' *
.., _
Nov-. ) il titAte' 10,10t
,,, _ell- , , rseatetl -if*"111 to4Lti,..
i t *etex Godixilt ii, ed ii eilloWhiliairl)r-dta dat.le,epet cel . ,,erg'it,te* a , rel„fema
t , uartette%.,t land 0t Mabam* Pi ,
Ither of the
only, $41Ltttrdsr, o
y Nov., 23rd -Inst, TJ
date s only ,we wjlI 4;re'
't our,i3nuyt Drift miff rlour
and 'this onupon. *We. have
itly equipped our entire nu I
th latest .,linpfteed ralchiner
our &or. Drift 'Mai isto
to our 'tiroa fleur ins
rekit delfrort4In-sur
s Es a
te angelb!* Thflo0