HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-12, Page 70
IseSolf for $1104 'Whe*
Nee of
ins Edward 'passed through
nbugb the tkr
sotisehe braid
most popular trimmings.
Itibbon oreaMents of all settle will
ht used en:fall aucl winter
The empire 'style is iteatilly
• eetore ‘rwmphant 4,40
rent and back..
Slack and white )ienbrorm some
ofthelsmart'effcts in het, leather
Tlw season's gowns, suits, and
bats demand a 'great amount o
nd..needle work. •
The-sasit is -worn -with- ail 6ortsof
bell gown. _
Short gloves the _two 'butte
kind ---are essential with the' Ion
_sleeves ott sturees. _
L r , kets aro'a feature of
- -the--nesv-separate,
Ori -the b
fhaished with flaring rovereof vel-
vet- and some of cntr&8ting fur.
Touches of lingerie are found adt
ded to waist's of silk in ruffle* and
collar with good effect.
A new *detail of the rich .sealskin
coat is, 4 standing collar made of
ends tliat cross over oach other in
, the form of a cravat.'
gt4kuy$1, tlulg) kat
'lave el( velvet Whigs,
black rtilitavo_other the
l31ue serge le se adairtabretim
few wemen are without a suit of
this becoming and serviceable ma-
Prophetic milliners nay that the
midwinter will bring in smaller
hats, though nothing yet points in
that direction.
Slack taffeta or peau do soie se.
.prate waists are elaborate; with
ks and are- -4-nriade open-at-tlie
f They have long sleeves.
g that is colored a brilliant
on one side and /an acqually
to the autumn hat..
- Paz .tho ]est. -coats are complete-
ly directeiretalthough they aro
adaptations of the vogue of the
alghteenth -century
the It .
- aro increasing -3n size,
t fa'Shionablearrangeinent,
next to the Psyche knot, is flat,
wide, *ad bap at the back..
The sealskin coat, vettiran of
Jaciany_..A _Season,_..was_imver
fashionable than this autumn
sibly because the Price of tea nea
is just now almost prohibitive.
Some of the big black hats of h
—season, -
off the face 111 front onenide
Aria taught lack with two or thre
• ostrich tira.
Though never oht naively fash-
• ionable, thfrgrays-arovthe- choir*, o
nutnY really well dressed -women
partieularly for evening dresse
that-4Tb tolielle-orif-ofte
--rashiotiali_ tirpicture
of-vilvet.to- niatclr-ths-
with which 'they are -worn an ar
triirtmed only with longostrich tea -
them i
all Carried out rt- then&me
uaint accessories rule with the
renaisance gowns-suelx things
Dtted- bodices, laced in
.skip tight sleeves, buttoned the
-*hole length, old brocades, , big
mantles, etc. •
II -IAA -for general wear 017
dently deitined to hav,e as great
vogue as lttst year, and black cloth
wfar with furcr-vcIvet jackets are among the
st of -all flie-t,eW
Favorite millinery trimmings
clttth' 1iiy tinted 13erritek and
fliliatd leaves quantiges oflpstriCh
featVers, studtlar,geshapely point
wings in brillian't colorings..
$oint. 1 trj.d lieintentze
tering, but with no.effect.In faet
la,tt trouble v4s getting worse, 041
1Y knee joints grew o atiff,tt
they would 'snap if 1 stooped, anil
ould teareely straighten up. Al-
. ,
r 'hi' r,
w)ticli oc
I learinere.was-
0und ozi the • boaJ.
;tell* Anstralial arouzui
oso nekwa fastened a bit ol
metal, on -wbich bad been iterate
* French:
"Thirtcon Shipwrecked \mon too
refugo upon the Crozet 11ai4Is o
August 41 OP."'
.be new wascablcd around ti
ustralt 4,t
iuiter.of Marine at -once 'ordc
the transport Meurtbe tolea
a a
enrhe returncd, ..fre
1)r Wilhiams
lie Pins stea
'two year
10 turn. of
Pilis. .1 took
or a 00010 of
esti** Of Lho
. • That s
as I have Iizid
itb fe1 iafe
-hat afflt humanity are due
s Dr.
flow i to take
Xt., 'al
iir d "
of e leadthg doctora of To
onto to Mr. ' 33Idtrarde.
11.0.0. .4.40.101P. .
B., ,tlie, Volk
Tho use,
Ediriburgh We V(Ilt 214
and it was lin
statement that forty earri
hen he came here as the' Prince
ot Wales, shortly after his apPes,r.
pee in the - celebrated ltordaunt
voree pips
lc,vcd to ay, jnred,.hims, If
"1 wa for , 4 -.great i,t1Stritt' Eric -
atisi L.-, .
3tfit03. 4 all dihrougt.
colt4 .but I'got so my head aslied,'.
was ' nervous my limbs . were
tan'', I had a drtgging ensation
across inly lOillfi. and I . VAS totalls
unfit te do anything; •
"..Iteticling about woraleilful eures
by l'odd's -Kidney. Pills '1,td mo t4
Sho found beings
he Vrozete,. but dantevi
deuce that one of tho four islancis
heol reeently been %envied, and
under a heap ere
putt on."401711.rehaWYO4attOptil"rel UoI)
intenatett0 WO.tbe 101:4;
1010 tiettO
Wroth sta41 bid
14 in
s tSonstg.
auother. Atter-ale
he also:tola in that: opiorationwont
be, geometry. That teglit,,,/ 1a -hod
tha4co_aadan4 it on sotua-Ziiis.
t litthisieot 01 thy. fira
i57:0‘ZT-4rDi tir
and the,ailinents ofgiri-
and womanhood with all their
distressing headache*, backaboa
and irregularities. Sold by all me-
dicine dealers or by, mail at We a
box. or six boxes for $2.50 from Tho
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Out.
Archdeacon Colley, rector o
Stockton, Warwickshire, England,
st the close of & sermon on spiritii-
alufm at Manchester the other nightf
'5* -
exhibiteda series of what he called,'
spirit photographs.
One af them taken in March
last outside his residence, showed
the archdeacon's 'mother, who died
fifty -years-ago; and his
died in 1601, aged 81. The mother
IN.a4 never photographed during
life, but, her likeness had been re.,
In the seiond photograph, taken
alf Sr minute afterward, the father
d motherhad changed places,
this a, double fp.. rerertal_ble**Ies,„sh__
t he -Tills his anti.Sit duce.)
"Seventeen Years in, the- higher
• ” tat citheAradeaco
work -for --ineking-my--itther
the spirit photograph look some-
rwhat younger than in the negative
-took .of bini three-14am -before-14
'departed this life.'
looked, ts
the archdeacon said like s chic
g, ut in t o nudSt of the 'lac
Ptch could u e clearly decipheredwile arcbaio- Greek character
ebiiLe moi. in
-the crew. Tbo crew had lived o
the island for nine month, and,
'their food being skichausteds. they'
were about to ,set out for Posses-
This island is eighty Miles from
Cookouts.: , The . tleurthe at once
went there and also, to East Island,
hut Vinod nothing, and rthe Cat
It was„.
• .healt'‘,;
e poor leillOws never dream-
t t eight days before they set
out the bird they sent over the
waters had finished its wonderful
flight and told the world of the un-
happy situation. The winged mes-
4ehger had 'made a journey of over
2,000 miles with few chances to res
or. the wisy.; Naturalists and sail-
orss have told us much of the al
tress's remarkable powers and en
durance on the wing, but no testi-
mony to this fact will outlive the
story of the bird that was the
hat poo astaways- ut the waste of,
southern waters sondy needed suc-
ea wept on
b- , -to tot*w7
story stio4, Jo* few days I put airsay
the slingand in a few weeks %b.* finger
.00egat as.* bell anal Me°
,toes -feet and. .pot t
C°144' swr" "
a It'
o inburglt et
sin.all part of his
• v
kliberato Insult to
co tish pride, for he 40*May is
iy Edward L of Scotland, and
titlo falsely implies that Soot.
If all' men could Make money as
easily 'as *hey can lie, almshouses
would soon bolon to the has.
C ass.
The Most Popular Pill.—The pi
is the most popular of all forms of
medicine, and- of pills the most
Tilis,,. because, they. do what it is es-
rf .1
they do and are hot put
esteel ence.
.g tut ear-eYeAtad
rosy skin is a blessing not celly to
the little Oriel' but to mothers .as
Baby's Own Tablets is jut
iiuch * medicine. They cure all the
loot_ ailments of „childrers-and
iriake thent at welt, sleep well and
aro use eze.uswe.
thottatinds of _homes when a
child medicine is needed. Mrs. G.
Minns Ifirkella Man, sa
lines some' microscopical writing "Baby's Own ets *re the most
which, the archdeacon said, con-tatisfsetory inetrieine 1 have et
tabled a message from* friendwho ._,tiotid fOr 11111' YOunig
had been dead for twenty-five They are an -good as a doctor in the
yestrs•--The,--Grek-dtaratterti, inter hold by media/A -dealer
preted recently by Sir °Aver �r by Mad at 9.5* a box from The
LAO* lvdte it" quotation from St. Dr. TATillintne /tiediein,0
arc tioaco ithout * camera. 1 Mrn. McGrath—Sure, it *or *
went -to -a- sri 4 -house -and paiuisza dontist Oi...thoughrt.w&stint
out three plates and put theta into to; '
envelopes. I initialed there, sealed molght hut bin
them, and retained possession of • a painless dintist whin Oi win* t, but
thera itt toy forntist-' and- ,wo.Tsout 'Ife----worn,t, Whin Cri lift him
tottehed them. 1 took one plate, be- A
en the palms of my bands, my You can make tither, moreffra-
d clasped my bands and * lady grant, more delicious' tea if you use
her bands *hove and below "Salvia," • bne teaspoonful-1*es
friend then went into. a two ,ett Steep five minutes;
In a shhirt ,tittie' said: *
reer pr -• ovir e�tish,
Givo the Children a Chance.,
$panlking dot's not enre-tbildrets.otbed.
arettiag. Theeo is a COOstituliOilai tiLISO
for this tenowo. lifts, M. SUMMOrli. 110X
to3. Windsor. Oot.i"wiii seed free to any.
*Other her sueFessfol home treatment,.
tfiWittA 4,110.ti,
%Ito heetb4day , your e en troubla
out -ILA is way. Don't Ws, et the, chili/.
attneet also cures *dims mid aged
Pio troubled with urhie difficulties by
dayor eight.
Among the factories in the
Wandsworth f.district of London -is
no devoted exclusively to the mak.
mg a ',dolls'''. clothes.
Mother 'Graves' Worm Extertnin-
ator has the largest sae of any
prepfirritica sold in ttani,adli.
It always gives satisfaction by re-
storing health to the little folks.
Iti has, "aeon estimated that less
xertion s necessary ttrride"--fifteen
miles on a bicycle than to walk
T tow t) Vili
oil ilt.ill YOOt 0.1titti and &la
'Mak vouttaotottakingolcorrthipao tho 04,
Oat& it wW...billa yoga. up loskikir
- •
xes made me we1l.
ver since
upleteleured. ---:Dodd's -Kidney
Pill,gaves-me healilt.and I ft -Alike
4-1.34:zizte3tf ke.ep:Lottyvo‘u-7,0. ttXttid.on'i cevyetir_4-'---str-a:or4 •
Ithefureitism or Oravel.
Dodd's .Kidney *Pills never 'fail to
iabithje woi1
enough tci o.
. 3 r
or pains in the points and iirnbs
and for rheumatic pains, -neuralgis.
and lumbago: Dr. Thomaiv'Eele0.:
trisOil is without a peer. Well
rubbed:.in, the akin absorbs it and.. •
it quickly and permanently rc1lievs
ti3e effected part., . Its value lies in
its- Weigle ,property' of removing.
Tom ---I ate some of the cake she
made just to make myself solid.
- you- suc,ceed-7-- •
Tom -4 eouldn't feel any. more
building stone.
731/45▪ 64TSfh-delt31111Vais
xtunit, cub:One
ni wee back
3. the
wirier, 's,;vas aotoin' 1
oftviletre;7:nieaor:u„,:::"ndeift, erva
I thocht • eveni
ri is only necessary to read the
testimonials to be convinced that
ClOkii`-eitre is utzequAlied
etc. it. Is A complete extinguisher,
aorziev4VatritiVIIMICP2MITZawa—triraMilr' att,
The lsTnrse---'*Yos, we kepi ou
sang lean
loor.,i0sat la Lou trg
_ , _
.110061-000 RAW FIJI& -WAITED
'nowt prices 1414. writ. for Wee Aadrea*
SUIrr„ani Ikaithaws, apip amok, AnaapaasCiKea.111.
AftENOWSICK-7 tAllerwrZtals2
remodiev. Sara cure in every caut4 29 yaw
• 17.1211,nets=1* itanirdiartislaital:
• IA4114 Ontario. -
-40$4,Nriwit114144414 Vrkris
(i P4'4$11404th Ud wpm*** $41.,:edz.
alive for three weeks on milk • Miurt 4".4
punches. and, ",bri,n4y." The Pati- wsi, 1. Wsstot
ente--"Just my luck; and I watt WV.
nOnscious allAhatttime."
StOirril Arran ge,Irrn WI attoins. an
opm. teu lobo your throat. Axe pou aware
Oda 'TOP a atablairn d lourn011ectod .141
IOUraill wIth AU.ns bpg HaMani t coujs. and
arrs 101404 •
Johnny„ eget1-four, went into Ix
------ —
near -by grocer's shop and Asked
for a box of canar seed. "
or your mot er as ed the Kr:),
--cer.,-:.„14Tot course,not,!.11 replied
the little nits for the bird."
Manitoba, although the smalleSt
rairie provinces o Canada has
stilt large areal ori
f vaciiiit land for
Milk$111 Or aid ntassai 541 Callriaa And
Dalai Plal101all 01. imi5a:
o no nauseal , an
hey give relief in the. Most atub-
born-cases. •
L7 alt! world •::viliert you
d a7snti-'014 *wad -when
Nw Zettlan.d ii*s he try'
t ttihalsittirits e Fortunate
P" ‘`Tlict ettaff 6
an 'Vim Wonderlin
As tinly over
ber, great results'
reta the * lafrorestation inovemen
w in progress.
P0 not let cold settle oh' you
lungs. Resort tit Itickte's Anti
SU *Vb. SOUP' At, the. ilnt 111
t of irritation in the thro
and ent disease from lodging in
tho pulniona.ry °Titans. 'Neglected
col(l5 are the cause otuntold suf.
fcring'41.—rouglioilt the country. all
oE telt &laid have 'been' prevented
1)3 the st littetierk of this, aithplc
edieine. The price
it within the,. tttit4
fcet,T'said showman. al'
that T" asked a spectator. "Put on
his gloves," ipnwered the showman.!
Signets of Danger. flare you losti
your appetittil Have you a -coated'
taste in the Inouttil , Does your
heed ache and have you dizzinessl
If so. your stomachip out of order
do -wadi
not like medicine,. ,ne
hit, but under the eurcuinstances
the WiSo Man Would pteourn a box
of kiiititelee's Vegetable'rills-and-
speedily get -himself in health, and
rive to *op 'IQ.
The 014U W110 0411110t go to curch
without has -st reniarkablc
ower of keeping his eyes open at
political meeting.
took E3rokArs and Financ)41
- commission. - Correspondence invlt
1. 'Orders may be wired at our ex
• ,
An o1 tsbermaq4 -while flshing
eno day,•• Was Surprised *tittering
awl on looking up he saw
thit his visitor, Oil a stranger, and'
his, was the eonversationt. '
•‘Stranger..-11:41W's luck, old man?
Visheonitn-L-Well, pretty rain I
c*ught 47yeittettlay, and s-eventeei
- -
Pu,k .11!6*.„--*
41; darling, said 4 mother to
her ;In* child,.",tlio doctor ssYss
mustn't read to $0:)tt." "Then, in*
ma," liegod the little -girl, ,*;Won
you, please rcad to yourself out
Heat EIetrIo LI It
yiestettio Lwest 1nsutance
LOCati011. PourLare%
ht elevators.
ons, 1341 Adelat
hen ),•otete trnptcd
bink • of your wile 4
wh*t drives me to, 'drink.°
'itteti 4
'44 Ea:
nr,d4r to Make r o Ist 4
044 its it hag just.