HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-12, Page 5r�•
selection o Hemaat
' anat tanoon, well
ramie vagi ..
g and 'Fur Lines Call and
dais Stock before 'making your.
inspection. Wsi hi'v'e thein in. 4stg4•c-
I rEleetrre nti-Fur" ned-
bargain pi'icee. E.
.- ar se 03 st res. - -
iVf+eBillp-shipFOWL- ao>x �l� ,�
A. Call Solicited ..z
lititti Fall may- have : deceived . some fol.: But the
(indar unmistakably say's Fall.
U StIO w���
the� �"ss1fi' ;� q� � wave you got
ra. Nicholas. of Lender), visited
tore Monday the guest of Izs..Ilenry
irn'r a few days' Vthiting relatives in
►F.• ' P;da.. .�;< the villages
oat manna given • Ioradas' in
night in the Evangelical Church un-
der the . auspicca of the ladies Md.
was a ':rand s 'Cess.
h hom+c lid man for th...
� r* . ilerrxrr-,y i weiltrur-
r«zzei . Sweitzcr, :sce orn an,
ieci y 'Silber, P„ '.,''ot Credits
' t' 1stweek. for ttiuskokt, to
put in some ine hunting deer.
Th ; aoy's who have returned frons
Satiny Alberta, are, C. '3. S eitzer.
a. ' Matsui', dL O'Rourke,' T• Ilay
ham, V. Swcitzcr,'W . Mat , 1.
r. and Dira. . : Claim",. who
con: dlt an. J` e b ua i►'' bear o
Ser recovery.
r. Ira -Brown Orediton. 14,1bis ' g
crnrast Of ;!�ylm+err,.�aard . '�'« •--;luati,�'tn' f
Credits n utero. tau -_ante of Mr. W. L,
Siebert en Thanks ivior ay*
:'Te friends of the' Misseri '1 ieman
surprised teary ,with a, .household,
shower on Monday evening 'hart. the.
gifts wete pretty and useful. A pleas-.
ant time Was spent .phtying p c ire -
slye Load lei r, after WI) ich y'
n,uriat e'
lcda y to his"'°fatol'%y of a�• 'osxng ;q
daughter . Mr, 7 ci s ,'•t.wo' Ur. Allen Betz spent Thanksgiving
bright- boa -nye �..a_::.i..°i, v _ rS*_ . `
�' boyar 1 i g r; _ ,-us�_� � at. his. -horn: �n :hfllrfi�b�x.rn. _.
which -,he toted.,. Bot -hi- moth ••--ate .,... ., r .. x..
s � -Myr �rrart 5hcare'3o�n. of Ber'clex ics'it,
child are doing nicely. sIrent . a few. days -with hL sisters,.
parents .lklr+ -and firs �ohti p .ir. 3. F. 1,tobe.rtson spent 'hunks_
Dir. Garnet Baker, of .uwea .round, giving at has tome : t ialaa Craig•
spent Sunday _ inaueAlondsiy - a":&tom' , -� -- 1.rn fro w'- vho b. --Breezy--t k.
friends in the village. tag steel: the past week. hes return -
tis .a , -family,..-ot. tet, ' ed - stack iQtz a'c wl I ext iron --
sprnt ,.'hag"►'itb rs.' Mc* ,."sir ,r i. xoa: s ;egad-,
Detroit are i'�itip _ t o- iorzaea
'•1it-. a v4of
r_e ...._ -ua �,». ,..._''arts ;: »�aa_csG�'_.:ra 't.a':• K. t .
Mr. � .. haL M ez>w, - .
n ,oat Qh Mr." 3. Breiwrt, sic iST'ct4aia . has puri
of-- E tur., .�r is . d . f; iettds-_ •s zlz rso -:� i: t3extr" taek;.k , a ea1I
village on Monday, tocol: charge of Taxi busrjuest Inst Fri.
Rev. lobo' Finkbeiner of er t h ,- `day:
e of the mild weather, we have sold many„ and in keeping
Ate* w
styles Ise tight and Semi- ittittg, Have but seven
for 'wo woment a winner,�it.is .a .Rlack;Coatm fit xiaade,
goodof r ey; _Cloth, special import made newest
European styles. Regula $g.00 coat to goat $7.5o.
-ively'Blue, Black and Green in'saine fitting, spec..
� .
int $io., $l i ,� $xz. and thee. t ►, numerous , tendon:
--Coins-tri. and se a nur--iarc .
you want to find a certain shade in Stripe or Plain in Venetian, Ohiffon•
Parlairtea, Poplinettee,. Satin cloths, Broad cloth;etc. Come where you have
�a �ea1,o-cl`i Pram,
` Tie; :pricy for
sant two weeks' visit with friends
here x eturned, Tuesday morning for
.his home in Johnstown, Penn.
The shooting natcchheld last Thurs-: I erstks
day at the .Royal hotel was well at- Slogan
tended and some good_ scores'made, of
Following is the result ol<nab shoot.
ae �
t 0 i eon Jo .,n'_Tar e'h.
.tat . �
1 i r R R
R ,
Bert Clark, 7;- 3, --Er. fiOt ntelorl,7t Ezra
.,. Second event. 10 . pigeons, W. E;
Sanders. 0, F. Kerr, 8; 3. E. Cantaelon,
8; BertClark,8; 3. • Trielnier, 7; Wm.
Yearly. Sanders took Borst, -money.
Tie shot off as follows. miss and out,
YKerr 0, Cantelor, 1; Clark, 0..
Third:,event,10 pigeons.. F. Kerr, 9;
Bert Clark, 7; ane. lieitxel, 3. Kerr
got fret. Clark 2nd. - •
Pink Pain - Tatblets. Then ask your
Hector if there is a [better • one.
ure somewhere.. Dr. Bhoopr'rr - /Pink
fain ..Tablets "heck .: head: pains, woo.
manly pains, ' team anywhere. Trp.
one, and nee 1 -20 for 25c Sold by W.
S. Rowley. ,
Why on sbou-d- not ase-- tbe'hest kitchen: Range&
1. 4,
... b Made. i
�.Th + --bakepert+ a yrsaveluel.keep fire--day-and
iu ht,.- delight evert'' user. Mao of
th(-; 'et p nlat6riai,aad_•
guaranteed in.,
;,:ever: res.
r c e ^r ria ,026.4 • 1V't tr k alis t
�3 #rye a
To say' that the : Anarlive:sati eye
tas b>xra+ y an Vaday were the
best' ever attended around . here, is
not over estihnat:ng 6,t. 'Bev. Fred
Langford, was . greeted by a Iarge
congregation at both , services and
the way the 'preacher unfolded the
scriptures bids fair. 'to show that be
wilt hold a 'high osition among our
able pulpit orators in the near fu,
tare. The aflerrints on Sunday were
very large and' the Cowl supper on
Merida :was lar el attended and
enjoyed Ito tttr; utrxtost t►r Fpreseni .
Tbe prroa rant was exceedingly good.
The recitations • by Miss Bart, of
ens` i a'Irx` cT mac speeches Urthr, iu=
iste,•„rs along with 'tie, unsurpassed
singing by the'Lyric Mak Quartette,
of Stratford, put - the crowning ,fea-
ture ori the entire proceedings. The
receipts were nearly ciao.
} y A
" hlOf
`bc fetid vin is ' 1t a rt.,,, s .
or --11ny or c:tho 'month of Oct''-
ir,err. Names' are in. -order of merit
V..: Milton Oestr`oiohev : Sr., ,TV, +Capra
.IV. Susie K1i+enf`eldt,
T�17e�'111E9x' , Or.._.
e ►mss 9r» ill. Luella
r f !e �" Q h Len : reixtn-.
nex, 1ke1'1 vorhoi caa`
ick;, +lr Itf:. ithe :nholc1 Tiller, Fer-
dinand' iifil.ler', Emily' Schroeder., Ed-
[viu I art aicarrri Sr. - 1. ert�ict 'Wiel-
Wieg-and, Flora I licnicic t, Tillie Dunt:;,
of orr. i•1Ior la Tes ncr m :ll
lti+i'fl3 d'� IQrt i �"' i om er, Cilia rile
�'' � . lzue; y
liornias: lllie~nfcldt; Sr,. X. Clara
, end►.
Decker,' 'Ethel IKlie nfeidt, ierberrt
Messner R Ir. 1. Mary liner-, ;Nora
Miller, Betthlu \V"iegand, ,i11'ic Brod-
erch, 'Clara `Kuntz, Tillie Messner,
..* ristina ,Becker.
'toward 'I'riueiarier`r, Ch.
Agnes �llart'ran. Number on roll 37
average 33,2.
A. C. Milligan,.
• Miss `Lily Play tle b spent the
Thanksgiving holiday with friends=
. •,•• • • v 9iifi CYt81C'.ltY;dGA:"ItV"3+J4fbK...;:;Wdi::� t! -1t, w... 'Y5Li.T
on;4 -coning , o�Rf� ..laweek'!.t'• week'
a pleasant surprise . in the shape of
a household shcawer and surprise
party by • the arouog 'people The
evening was spent in progressive
games, every ono had a 1 titric.,
Found -Last week. in a young ' mai 's
,rocket, '.a ladies • ,handkerchief. The
,Young lady q having Ieft the same
there may
remove It by applying to
the owner of the coat. ,
The X .P. ,A. of (the Evangelical
Church held its snort ilg• business
men i Nov:3fil. at which- meeting
twelve 110W tuenabers were added ter
their .membership.
Mr. and -Mrs.-.Oestreicbea' have -
turned from a pleasant visit ;with
friends in Berlin. 1Vhilcs 14bere the t
attended the 'Forward iovetment.
�.. . ..._ kir, unci htrrs.:Datvid Parkinson anis
if �- > ... Il�en. ot. Vit; w glint' lr, td-'
�1C�C�8#��t -' lGtoprit els 1I A1
4It A
y �{�.,y Mr .`:.h�ii moon 'a. d .doughtors, rime
., .._.. a' lima. mr:.---A r.-_...�. err spin- i # Lb II, , 1 • , .3 i i µ. 44'_.
• ,15;
s : ,rt' - Kr�»YiD _.. a4.r.Yr ... _ - _ _...
! •�.l.R'u'c-:....a-..W ...... t. R...._..�:....�-..�� .. _,..._1.' �.. �'.'1'.: � � _ _ _ - : _ - itak
'LICA. .. .....::_....�__._.�___.._.�....._,.._ . X.i.,�'..4-74-0_..,..... ,4' ` ^"l' '-_ .-r' 'i •-• - "s%W itil " i�i�% tape
Mrs' r• Vga e"r ' o I tona.is t tt of Thornelale, 3liss ,Ethel ,!Allison, of .n aectc lit lti `.2Toronto-= lame=
guest of Dirs. W. W. Item I
At"t �y
.•:.:->•p�51 n!3� .'�. ,,�,�» ,,. :.,,rv,.4:c
ready, to supply your
every Su
nt.. ne�.
r may come, for a
day or two, but:der weather .. .
r evil ether t�, -whatwemust -e est with -few ins
teruption4fromigtow on, and with it comes all sorts of fall wants
'.V t*t' = d..wi - r _deuy, _ .
CHILDREN, don,t ,t oft the gues-
'on.. You will e
pcct� ta..fxnd us ready .and _, cru- ' s�
all'au us .ouirFait4rlt; or brt ndsyorir- hat -and 'Wilt -=-
trhr -it-f you-innt a y-lat stylefrr-veryiittle.
We have our stock of Fur Coats now ready for inspection. We
have them in kaon,{ Dog.' Black Yak, Bishops, Horse and'
Astrachan, at barglin prices. Anice line ne of Fur Caps, Gloves and
Mitt to choose 'fotn,
ccrnx...► �F a
Recvcrs, Astrachan ' ackt:s► tie tar t . .
..w ".. r7�- •.•5npu.. ..� ttr 'r . ... ....:+:we.:.r.w::...,�+ tar
..,.5 :. l.r. .>. • ..,]c. �na nw'�!{i-b!.L�. � ww
at�td' WOW& v f�wn
�"� lti�as woc'd',
highest rices paid for Farm Produce.
Corner Store; DASHWOOD
!' y�.�
.: �nu ibex' frotx>; "hci ie z;ttenc�eLLtiie Orville iiiowctiffe, of St. ,Marys, Mfr. �:aencii hail it zio.t' been for ZameBuk,
and Mrs. Noble ,Parkinson and Mr. Mims' , Martha 'Green, of 9 Claremont
Ernest (Parkinson, $ IA ' llrysuston,• lt.. In taking a pan of :bailing fat
,spent the Thaaksgix:ng holiday with from the oven spilt it over, her right
• frie nis and relatives In ;aril. around -,hail.-.."`.T.txe-hoiling fat rran-into :he
Here. palm of my Ihastel,:/ rrlin' szty, .;'.'ural
Sir. end Mrs. J. V. Willson spent over all my- fingers, 1 ars "tidiest
n Th n
thetmutiny wild with ,Jhe Ort - :.
' the -holiday a tend ng a +orrne o ev ` _,• awe a�vlten. on large blisters'
a + R a .
7�i,llsan, I;�ingsviXle!. formed all over the Balm and along'
the fingers. For over a month I'
PitNiT Ili' TtEQiias unablt,
ax , e o owing 7 a • a a %ail vied several kinds of salves and
in a bottle, and take in rteaspoonf:u liniments.: but the wound aeernedm
doses ,after meals sect at .bedtime. - 'Varentllr ne batter. It ,was aItogeti,
-F! 2,+t- Extra--bamtet:on; on-Iri1t-er too -severe. for - T'-prabpairatiorjr
ounce : Coinpouni Kasrgon, one to heal,
.ounce; CowpounalSyrup Sarsaparilla .&bout tide time I was :advised 14
three -ounce A--lotsti druggist --i- try' Zsinvilac1'r f stop set using nli
the authority that these •..fruiple, other preperrnttona and ttpirlst~d it 1a,':.
miry ", , x' r . obtsin.ed: alsleade.;Tits-^,*rarery f ` y,p 1icat
t- ' I? 1 s ro tr tom: ccL. ora
tiatrt :� out ;the aro and infl hirtmttion•; atsd.
..._The .m!xturc a Cal ' -to' ,..#;tea se' as lis t 'yicig•- . uk h
anal- strengthen the clogged ati listens gradually dried up and dis-
tuctive z
rits net's. overcoming (pack- appeared.. In a very short !time the.
• u achec►rle
. bhcid` wakness.and rrx><r�-. aic ' ale wits healed oOrpletair:"
.Zurich tiry trouble of alt :kindsif taken be- This fs but gone instance .of rite
fore the stage of Might** di+sedSrk uses to/whichZrtrn-lliiic tsut. be so 'aad-
Those► wllo have tried, this rsay• it vauntageoasly applied. Yt i;e' a nail
:Ciro oil Wednesday .Voss ively overcomes• pain in the effcctliot. f or triaraus, . grits« brrcltes.
11 ou tr .:
1"oro a t 1"
• e; 'ot ttr
clears -Abe "urine- at o ..
k, he �ar,c�-� Ott seek s. as
_ _ . t'!I ,riled.. aa. i
oke 17 ittsca+�� Ta
r c-,
tial i_ t'� � tri ti;f �t t b I lacy
� � st 's sl rx
� ��� C t'Y t r c � 1 . ctires' eczema, ulcers. '' . sates-,
't a r: m .-. 1'V au
Weft, a rang ,even the t aril 1r.i cl, poisoning, tr'trrptw'orrm, sash
*rinser bladder tta knee. - • P sores. thronie : Wctunds.,' • blackheads.
Every trmn or- woma . here av'ho . lm 1 s c _..l
� � ,, . n c - : p ,p a ,.. o d srdi'e!s, • cnaplpLel hands
f It -t 1tilt. k ltt,y *re not afirong` and -Alt skin diseases and cin uriea
r aoti ,. I. : a1t .._ .vier► Rubbed C
o crit six „ aY �c �� ., mit er weir op I!o tll+c clitstt, in ease.
Wit mix Lbs prescription :tt, of Bold, it relieve* •tiac :tcliing. a;: i;c
i dee. raid :gd it a ari*k a;s tt, i?4 truithtb's. :evil : r .c
,..., ,� s . :_._ ._.. <�.. �.�, .-,-�- �. __ �_ .._�.�,�. _, ..,� _ �_-.fit; .._.. �_�.�?it�ai:' ��s �IEF� +�1",it�21#
said to iia wonders lag many: persau.s;r oat an tt rtnres.,, rhe=htmatisf i, ,vla:tica
neittal ia,' etc. ,All drug&fists au
ttterrca sell at .. i'r, .)64 A 'h'or, er ;lost•
ret. from Za rt-Buk Co.,,' Toronto
Torr .reepipt. of price. 3- taxes 1 r
$1rt'5r. ' - - ' o
fowl supper at A `balcii' `on .;Monday
aright and all report having had
good time.
Mr. ,Wm. •Bell, a OhLoagn :dote tare.
and. a former' resident' of this �vi�pin-
ity;, is -visiting relatives here.' It is.
over thirty years? since 31r.. Bell. left
,Zr and bins. AV. C, Medd and fain -
y�pvi i_tiyng_*id's-tather a.a
friends in 'London, '
Sir. _'.ilii=-li rri. a n Coward are vis-
iting,. their =..daughte Uag# n
other -friends 3n Essex and Comber.
Mr: and Mrs. Win. Delbritdgo' bad
their Thanksgiving_ Moiler with, ate
and Mrs, Prriclhttin, df ftttss+eldailc,,
r�y'y e . a iyt/'-glYacC O 4arga u �1
urn for tbn,, mone7 as NY t !ZOO(' ...per
Carrtor'e Smart "t'V+od and f3sllaidOpna
,i lip:
l : i - .t#on: to call asiara `ee alae 'newr Suiting',
e:> xtd to n _
t ch . .,
r *hotting n the ol+csset 4 +oar
1 ..
1 e!arei 'we
'are reale +od,
lx , ';�► ,g
leis fa represent .
tont lend Garr -, pinta- at:="t
acre Fright,, they ate_ l:rtc u� , , '' .. per_ �:
ght•too •upto't - iigh• standee we ntwisy's,rcry. • 1fyou
Ale) '
or. fall select �y ourr g+ t_ bbte We, ''vacua' Tou ,-the style,
'',1 . 'lit,
, • Ibe to het = . it CI Tblaaa Ts
gond a di�irt, erre �gxto�a :ASO,
, .� .tCOM � �
N' .,a torn9
Out r< . rti:Od lay Otte,petitcarFha: ° -A
+s irk r�r 'ter bow the siieveg+ da�r ist4 talkprlee at11 then
x 1 C' 7t
�.T,«_ +,w;..ra..«L,.:.,+y-, , ..,..wYeww.w::.•.y�,.�,�,,. h ,+. .i--•- 1�. ,., .N.a.
,X:.. y-,• ' : �' • ' .rl�.K¢+sA,.k1Y,�.�",.�G'f rn+�:f'"-.aLSC.M�p�d.af :ars'lY�C � -:.ems ..�,u� d�,*M�
here itstaa
po l Vitiate*. This eho(i
qt patterns, direct from the *ooteri men,
n ut and. Best' enkete,
A barn belonging to . it r�`« • il, /lade
our, on the 1•itb can: was. destroyed
Thar trtiste;cs, et the Ilrotisor;rt :Ie'
$$0b001 tiro .:lockingf'or . 4 trrrotfuea'
tesolw, , dress Tbotnpeon, diet pry
ell Id*ehic ...1L :. entti"reat.._ 4e.r.
resigttnteoat 4o take effect the -first
of tie yeah
Ith. Ii`a1t►f'le><seln. of BoolCe►n+o,
%a vx intbiaf r4r. - *11
flaisclu.. Thin le his, first . irisitkms:
i seven years.
Mr. John '1 ►caner, �Yr.:.has pur;ch
0-a a 4'�`crre-l'art'olt: I4 .. front' , Chas
Wolf. of CJecliton for1: 0`.
1 NO ilkl 4TO• 1.08 0:
Those svl'ae Irate eater yet. oriler+ecl
The .'h''ainil 1i rnld and Weekly' Star
fa iMroutreat, Vat next .year clic tiler 'ala
arm, talo. It ist 'said there Is >a
liiager fru 11 orf . til rrxrr ptiatts than'
eve ,moi -ye r� .rsa+ie sit k ratblia�rF _
ai°c eaaa :ne tfy .oir; ens ei prcc lr t
set'iliezas ▪ to review ,st ons hefore
the J)voxr�a , J tntxarrMmuaib. M>
atories : sr fo« cot y
stlr'it so:. difficult to atrengtsian
tk -stomach tbisr if'
e i of tLi :
11esitt and kidntli; Thi rulel fa .
koncd wary nE dos'ug i stomach ref T
rkong4.l)rr. l!h ofr 'fnrst ro tt
erre � `'Szr tea the cak e oa* i
tit'ahg.. o v o =thee otg- ret
=.y--'�'-•--`-^�.z..... �- --'ewe - - �.x:.Yr.x e�
f Eavetrrougiiing, andoofing, We hand:_
• Total Asiseitl .$1,86
thrr ughont-C rda:
Matt Attentions i liven to •Faruters Kusin it
e Nott;! iliacountr or Ili
...._......-R r..:..+�! _..'tom at :ierett Current 'tttaeir
1EI' -
' posits a $i and to rr ,ards:votive-O. Interest paid orr', tad to'
or tint at lay"'tak 1^^1;.
foil lnetitutlen, t a'
wealth. r _
fl l AND itOltitir ORDERS zsattErt
Virben *Ott 'r uney to ahrnv� pct of Canada °rile ,
. .. .. , t here, ,. ►rear, t'
draft* and mousy ordxt are a�ymilablo,h�t, antd *Old at the lower
rte,,.. -:Our mote orders are payable at par' � any point in pisnad
in - United the n E
� � to
Great �tat'lro
ec .s4
reatarnteigt;,i No Ilea Tapes
stilable to leave hitt riot vsh wrte bit
you, or to1nys1on, or to invest in risky *peculation* oer
ten,in the past have robbed men of their
Must eureit ' `d
frit#'h ls, 'ftlieig
�hese to a3irst>r
r. shook' Beate
tesrt4. r� 2ill ttirets. ell l 13
lrvetosalii0lial. Vs«