HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-12, Page 4lUrkt 4r,k, 4 i ;erYoeaneCtien wl.th tbe Kirk Iethoxt Chttrola were ie1ui, IaE wbiz to eXtelient ermou , era Preached bY !Bev. uttorta or Zotnion. On WrldaY cvcfling . aWl-atipaer vex ILved by . IatUe if .4whicir af • Wu, flei.k It is(W genez411y* T• oellearial that lantonds are tonnod in the* earth. by , 1 extreree beat ant protu. 4.1041,2 ,m*s! . O ti i t ... 711- 47 ----, ._.. u -,.kiwI 6 ate - t -oleo a by popular -vote. The President t.be -People and in fact the names at et:',Varttlidotes-lo-Pre.04,414mand iceaPrealdent- de- not a -War- on-th'e 'baH�ti •• 14 the Alsritea iotate s there is what . clet a nelectoral college, each na-rep esen Th g to population. In the state of Mew York there are 39 representae 'lives in the college and in Pennsyl- tlrettia 31., and so on throughout the *". different $ tates.--Take- for -instance • representailoa: RI -1.4 1.1e1.34-be5 in tbe • „Itvestuage040.„...the...„,„,nramarY„..... Mbich dre bela idni Ijeror-*l- CtiOn.s leach party .selects, , the nom- es's)/ fourteen men to go on tlx0,:bal- , Iota immediately underneath the in. •"Siena of the palry they repreaent. ?These men are voted for and not the Treshicat or Viee,Presiderit, and nose • eleetedi, have the honor of Le- iD raembera 'of the electoral cold • least -arid ao WILh -other state3-4 At- . a Certain time themembers for each t t eet and decide on a re eaW: „ —.4"4iea t44a121141011PAPertst • Convention, bild usuallY t JUDO before” the general elections, as the eholee of Ithe Party for president, or 'they nmy igo in a l'odY (to 'Wash' Inktont. ..... • , 'mach Ineniber -of 'the electoral col- lege, does not receive the taint Aunt- tftr of vote,- aslhany are cut by the meters in order ;to give, preferelMee to some one in ibe other party eel -wan, but it is ,*-Ausual- thing .f eaelt State having •A majority infs.*. Thera of the successful vortica, al l'obeiaglt-there-ariraiotnet-inies--divasi of ithe -members of the electoral cold • lege in some ..states,,some. on, each side 'being elected.. 'Outside ,the Vice- I:President, the ,)nerabers oCt the cab. „Wet are appointed by ,the 1Preaident- and are not) elected by the PcoPle% In the recent Uhited States 144eIec- a iiiiioritt of tiameta- 2_111.0:774,10Mgsrvoittge lyre • --Council-arret--terailtedumlay7N All present, The Black , Cr, lir., , North Drain was reported to be corn- pleted and the same was, taken over well -was , appointed Inspector for the B. O. II...North Drain, under pre- lim:eon of the Drainage Aett -Ate- amounting to $721.3'3.Council will meet again on made, the 2nd day- of Dec., at one p. Clerk. The folloWing IS' the report of S. ot October. 'Names ire order of Merit. • - •.0r. IV. rrieda SchrOcacr, Baler Jr. 114 Sobfeeder llailer, Chris -Se er a tog, a Ss ern ult; Luther: Pre IL dleatrice "Turnbull, ;Sane Charrette, Fred Shuart, Ethel `01iVe.E r, dith alleekteann „ If. iWill:e Itostibella 'Phriff,1 Johnny Ilecicrnann4 Pt. 1 Sr, ALL ert Witther, Adolpb, Average, etteitaance 2. era a if IA041". , r to , , : 0 ......the . : ..°a and ;rotor .itiribeato .POMiloa41P arr: W rici 41SO .arr , IrOnorar7 'VIVI:dent o iXktx)7a..gr , 'tire, izationa. - ne people Of Viktor% and viOini,ty .coultnii't Ace the Or. And 411$ ' family ,rave with -00 STOWing 'their , appreciation .of, the high pateere 101 wbielv they are Ireld, and dn iire, nes. . ileY • evening of last week *hey were „ invitedto Aberdeen hall, where the,' il were greeted 'with a , large asiient- ' blage of their friends, 'who had gath-. reaki.0:laid_At_hein farewell, ' After iflie lie did Itztn. et 'k, gueae. titls4e proPerty...„, N.14" hio found hla, layer o yellow gretutil • run low made haste t ,seli out ta tiro' trakulated. ,‘Otle. Ten ed 7oha haded 1;414',11.; lowing 1140 to 44114) upon 'his, the yellow earthwinch luid worked Saul aorted;. Then he fat:lid. 144-1074a - icaLrogranune.wa ions iarturtetteT-Mea Doom and 'Gregory, interapersed witbdtoteolitabYa.41)(lesartoss4eknaOrr „Sonia, afurraY, Moore. Beattie, Tufts sa-Or. Learning with regrer.of your ale - par ture from' our midit, and desirous -boaxing....aenu.-that-are.iliase-alaara‘• .1,-reairlencee----arrfoliget,Trua during the past eighteen .Yearca we have .asseMbled here•this evening to bidyou and your family good -bps, 'Yon and Your good ivife haVe .end ileare`d YeuriCiVes to the menibers. of ikat'communi*-z4br,-*Itis-tthak---,,Inoz - „gOlia1-,...ang1a:±2.111.4ta alt wborn you leca'-atn . ay arour r a id neas to minister to tbo wants 'of others also by your willingness do MI- sist any good Cause or ebare the einza, den of any and all,tgood works 'that were projected for ebbe :good ofthe neighborhood and Mrs. Varr by the many -genialaaualitiet*=44---Iteart --and Mind which showed themselves con- spicuously to the ineintiers of the among ,whern tshe assoeiated. • In tokee.ALeu. a • ec at• ve„, us-KTiiir, sir, tr. a cep , ,c. tt-litt.t447-itusge.SlaiookAM-iti,fatoe. remind you of (the rapid flight of landat oity ; end as a -help t afirti in • boring the cares and :Lbilidirii-Of old age we present ayou with this cane .and as you use it remember . that .there is a bettersupport than 4. cane of ebony Cr an oral of flesh.. And Ito 'Wits., 'Carr .wes:orciuhl offer this Itea service. Wbea /011 use ',St let it recall, the many happy occasions wheri *the givers and - .yourself en- joycd asoial -tea together and the committee. ever 'mindful of your oco-Mt your --contemplated mit to a warmer -climate, ask ou • 1-4Taii---tuahrellat- as tile Pro,- teetion- from the rays of a burning sun. , • -- --As we now Part our boat NVialres with you for wour future at(ccess in this life and the hope Of Meeting You all in the better life to come. Mire Dr, has Len„appointed to e lberative position In the city of 1;iis „„ _TO es7-CrIt_ ir,71111a71fft-ir_ edeesa.a ixrbrndtedwdjtmond But e item which was sold for 42,000 *eon 43e.tzr, to pay out of the blue. roek anct tiezu ..ulkt-u,o•t-hase-he ri a $40,600 for it and taken the ri&k. b..t hb Aid not hear anything of the tram. action until_the tenderfoot hadbaklEjit and. the _man_ who thought- him - clever had -departed. • • How Tfrek'Can Help to Make To Wholesome Pieces to Live in, illuch iut the line of town iniprove-4 xent ork cau be aeeomplishetl I Women. In" The Delineator a. writor telitt-soine-.-of-thei-things eau-. do -namely: . Abolish I= teary noise. EStsblish traveling libraries and ,ifri * , . of • 1. frour-..dor mob:tie-ft- ke it such of beauty that it will be an mspiratron to her neigh- bors. , See that the health of iher fellow citimas is cared for by securing the appoint.ment of a public nurse 'whose duty is the care and instruetion of' the poor. Secure lighted streets at night and thereby Prevent mimes, • ivied, sidewalks. –ilia— Amu. Set rid of talon b basil" an ever ffpo preVi?* the itijmtice ofb. theatrei ahws and posta strt;ot with window ..4r4141, A. I 6 inontfts, ottt z Dosi who has 'been acting itentpbrar'r place before Christmas., principal of the iaigh School for the Mutt Porte, of Fenton, 411c13. *a- vast two Months, left hest week for rived borne, Friday .tto recuperate Toronto. Ilia. place, Was. ibeen taken after a. month's illness. by B. A. tinsliall, JJ. A., fib+) Ot Warr. • onto, (who it is expected wilLremain 0 arge until ithi) Christmas boll- daysli'-- • 'Martin Carey ,of Ma ' rt ,and former y of Valenti, who has il)een `601116Mitatrair 111 eater_ AWL AMA _ _Meat .aftchigan, was in town for a , few, The onEract for carrying the mails -between Tatman B. 0. and the, G.T. . station haS, been transferred to. . A. Ltoward's mail contract between 'London and toucan has boon renewed for four years.. The Orangemen of this district gave ,• themselves an 'oyster supPetr at the Orange TTall, on William st on Thursday night. 'Oscar 3/eada, of lacitrolt, youngest 501...of..thejakAfra,,LEaraXeada, ja_stLegt_ visiting- in town. . - A - clergeutarv -writes; ---ii“-Preve tics, those little Candy Cold. Cure Tablets are working .wonderis „Mdt ' pariah' • Rreventies marl: 'will eh ok a cold, or „Alia Gri in sa, e 'Wand harmless. No airline, nothing harsh nor CliCkenlingi of 48 at 250.-Soldby W. fit', iffe‘rreP Tickling, tight coOglus ,ctin be sure- ly and quackly loosened. witli'a WO, eaription 1Dittuggiats are klispenaing evorYwhere as Shoopli 1Oeugh Remedy- And it. is no- ..hreq different than coMenen coati'. Me icings, iare_ opium, aio_r' i -absolutely nothing harsh or. unsafe The tender leaves of a lutrraleso, lung healing, mountaindies ahrnb, r. s Shoop'a Cough Remedy. /irate leaves have the purer to calm the 1001044. 04* tressing.VOugh and to %tooth., •Cal ea , --the ulcer lientitive--bronehisch `nietellirline..; -ailientdfor - safety's sake alone. always demand Dr.„Shoop's. It van With 'perfect freedom be given to even /the young eat 'babes. Test it yourself and 13”. Ilit*.11,111doitey,„ .4: X . George gent, an old lucan boyi nOw„ terfth_Greenablelds, Limited, of Montreal, as their Old Country buyer was in lova - Miss Nellie Foreman bvill pend the winter in Stratfords. Owing to the delay in furnishing the interior of the new repiscopal Church, the opening -will not tarot If'you ever had any contracted or hereditary' *blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison, has' been--renseVed fromthe system. You ,may havb had some. disease years ago, but now and then -tome symptom alarms you. Sera polson itiltlbrics in your system. Can you,244,4-44, , to run tiuktisk of mote serious smptoma*Prmr- Ilelgaritattats.#4:.: used discriminatelY-they inay , Twenty years experiencein the spem e es hat tee y cure . disease!' of tbe Worst character, leaving no badalfectSOrithe system. Our 144r 114ethor.ertutt. inentwill purify awi enrich the 'blood, heal nil *linkers clear theskin, remove bonepaina, fallen - out hair ;will grow iryand swollen glands will re- turn to anon:oat labodition, and the patient will feel and leak like* different person. All eases We accept. for treatment areguaranteed cep.' pieta cure It instructions arefoliowed. 4' Reader if in doubt aito your condition, you can teens* us FRSE PE.._],BOWetrevot InComlictont rloctora.AirhalarratcLreputallorsv or reliability._ Drs. K. A& IL have been established. over 20 years. 374/B_ Vsktiocete, Sicturo. Blood and Secret Dleeteatiot-Xidnewsti4110****comr4101**. ConiflUtionrec. irtaffireTte—esittWrlts oragii***Sew Utitlest.litonuriwreatrnsadi- • — ..-Imme...-tiratateforojoining._,the_docit of the practice comes hightr_recom* mended as a veterinary and there no doubt be will in a ver,r short time e nrlear-.hiraselt_Acr_filwr_peoPle. of section as Dr. Carr' has done. , lialif,letiriterest in the public box clean and she has flone tMng And when Wholesome pleesa After arra. byLfdia*, Compound. Bad hier 1 Airs. A. D. Trtt Oiitario, writes to Airs. suffered terribly Irma-uleen - ion of the. foraininit organs' for eig years. r tried four deetors but,go ,rituet attathtirtght twouhtbiaveto "One day. I saw an advertiiit ,Lydis E. Pinitham's Vegetable pound in the paper. 1 Petit /or some and before 1 bad used five bottles 1 vras.ezttirely curd. r hope every auf- frrin woman will take taraavi„ce and * rioktisittre vsgetabit, uodc's thirty yearsLy' ..grAefLeisiter...,inipper- uucler iir1apic*4 tit -the, Weddliiiiii"Z4L. . Ledge.. Was. tittiti _hitt -friittrsttax. tail: and, prolied n decide() sue. etlsq. itddreAses, were delivered bY ltev. 0. P. AVelt. Of Crouton 11.214:,.rtty,4. • tletti of -Mee n. i,f Kirk oit_anil_alr, aryar-lifttiliF`IX - furn:ahcal by the London Ilerpers. , Tha,oe unhappy personswho4uffer- frontnerve:wanes* and dyspepsiaebotild use Carter'S. tittle _Nerve /Ivo, which are made expreitaty, for, tepseria..._nereeuit danipeptiel, ;tonere ere. faC. • Ltfoit tha . Ole htinlidantd 1.13o ell" on Markin's .; farm, Eiliddulpb. -st,enek --a: tatted* fie - int) at depth -of 1i460 feel. elext Rieatieir.,**111 lm 'nor , To5. StalltliC'F•r f4r. 1ut /0hrt Sfordf. thouUr;P.oc. t deal or it for obit* d in* sitiveirettred,th�mancbi- ho btwo boert trottbleitifitit he o 0 1 tet you try it? hesitate to e to Ivfecnbout nrkneM. shevrintreat yont ftrithrtrie and VI Se. SW h .tirst It. does set - "of mot Is used.. * Cult* sitspette et aretsreir food lirtistay eft st as tax ow • es-latt so' it giTZblia*:.st!..0":111;4;4?°:.;!?:.,Lblt 41; 71.4"' eitt;,i; 40.v., stelebtisoil. pastor ; of, thq Preabyt riert 'into 141s, 1, -t in Calgary and !the 4 for the ,paat two Loi- li L 'returned 1tst kJva, 4J• , 1I5t4) ' eyears'agccit WaS difficult to Ilspring wheat ft -our for pastry at any 'price. . • didn't want it-..'-they-were using_ fr nd s •no.reaso,_ changing. But hard wheat flour was• istent, pushed ;and prejudice as been". overcome.. The 4/omen tried it, succee4ed with it and aPPreFla t. To -day IkArd wheat flour ts thc welt as for bead.favorite for pa The ,flour that is doing the -in thc re utation o brand known as ikohitnitr. or any male ever 'II • Years 444 'may homestead' a quart*, seotonj cf *Imitable Doroinion land in - Manitoba, Stakatchewae, or Alberta.: e 4)01cent Must, appear In Peteen - ,at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sohdogertel for the district. Entry WI , Proxy, be had at 'the "sigeney,, on . certain ooriditrons,VY" father. MOtber daughter, brother*, or sister of In tovung homesteader. -Duties months residence upork ant!`toiltiitatierr it/ - 'me -years. AIsorneatienretr mar live. -within-1-0e nilleak-of is homo- -- ao:ely owned rind occupied, by him or father, mother, son, daughter, brother or eater. , • n er am is recta a lame.* es :n, good standing ratiY lire-teolPt sectlen akingeide . his bombe • iifiterad... Price $3. per acne. Outies+ war -rk400-seix. months" it:teach-Of 1•1x,-.. yearz from date of Itemestetd ,entr, (ininuding the time-roataired-t0 tirrs homestead patent) s nd cuitivtse fifty Acres txtra. A.,homesteatler ivh.0 leas exhitusie komeateed right end estrinot natio. tein ir,Treetiription may • take,..* ptspi. thaveiLbotteSteld, f.rt'czrtailytilitriete, !lee $3 per Dutreelailustt 4. *untie*. in treth-"of -Oar cultivate. fifty:10,o and ortot W.• thWasfoi ortatlai e • te ibrWoi ,t IAD4r taiONJ1 tit ti 4 t4t) '4* i:1; 1)2• ,, Jir tte.t4,' qot Aco t