HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-12, Page 2our»ei* wt ht, aft etherii d n liei e nor hte& • -tomporary ,lara'nee feather .canie. about in the eveni Masters- was glad he -went to 1 Cottage. Tho bun bul ing NVan., 'curiously situate in its o' 41Mure .1400,a :Orgrass' oa e wort1s-'Vith khidest rolzI" the Anther between h d \hia'own. At sight of what he h he 1 ughed.. ent1cteaLwhidh passed er to,s him. It ould bc he abhorred the parting t. it only Thought per, minute.. counttho re tlio an ,. to the side;. pita - tion the eo. from fifteen, to t Jmn4te and that. of 4 hors out Web* to Atteen Per rePorte in vet et . ii‘e.„ over. o t tiv o other diseas veheen. ed, 111 -0400$,. to spend hou pe tilential air till they 'eti the dies for which...01V soatehed, ing anL could pull thee), from emongst 1- Ile holtir FT; iig t Alt00, te get ,thre‘ fire) , into t . , This" drastic Measure. .seem - o be the only way of '',prevent - the' epidende spreading all over provinee„. Dune% the year tea ,r) Is for gallantry in saving. life tt tea. havo. been awarded by the n -Adiniral itichard Moorman, tlie „ recenq at Eiuoutl in his th yoa r. The value of womout eloihing 'returned into stores each year by . the soldiers of t ie. regular army is 000,000. mission w 'ahltrg dent'm h.ouse agent .=„ he-loWng-of,----tho.4x1s4e-z-harLdo 4Prated it as pasessed of aelltaq- age*. not_to,.bn pst.sSect overligb,11Y. There .*was ono -an, , Oxisupased convenienee :in • the matter. -of not niissing a troart-that.pertainlY was -,,lanletuabht and_ etidenit._ . So cloSo was tli� bac AL•teti•Ility/S11111MI. • rr if thc ceiling bas opened rn a age -to the ti wer o `his 'face sbowed t. To e thc 1 ject-of mirth was---anovelty- n was-glad:that that was r44: Rzt.rixor_ vo1e04- " fan* hit; taik that it WAS not a „pleasant sensa- jag works, seemed to run clown.11 t'°4 t4) exi)erif3ncefr- That_ia Vir-v '4outchow -hoped that she would ittlx..k.-of it -went -ark ,extromoly-joining him Of.VL. --eauld'EttrieenT. ,r44ext withAl„hara e-Of-t/iat-h -de \windows . an preaching vlog wounded11:01-0 of ',was' verytrausparcmnt.so low sof eas -via lis to catch it. visitorno had nothe fcaoiunrtre t; muCh so that there was n ul y - ,•"-tstr front eddoti; . °i'eirgociritte7heedl path te I *tilt why yk 1 is ho evitioduglhesdo , q , Ix 1,0,4.s i : gruptilinilsgeikuhojussnetit3isouwit4tss;oarschete. push of thebell. f. . A trim maid- 1 to mit,enderatanding, ' She saz4 iv thoWord for him! Tio, should servant responded.. }ie enquired-. Isurriedly-1 Miss Illivvins-is she within 1 ' "I hope Ateu do natl.., oh, how Ca , Milli the impossibility of her . . . . olter she looked- at him -closely-doubt- in what L 1311,4 laughing AO' Vel" 14'44111 Ole might deSire to do g to , adeoMPartY 11,ino., -how. The girl started. Hesitated' -43' pC1Lk 44 . asters,* -41"1-* pray don't -4* -m ho ilid-ags $bo W?nt 4 side door 2 bim a Itwa te peqUestolg tolded te be seated. laughing room to whielr-he-1#411-'4110'intr dueed. Evidenced VO.144# in °Yell insignificant little detail; her'gentle touch was 'visible in all things,. go thought of the touch of one woman in partzeutar. Miss Ativvins' spirit seemed' to have impressed itself in every fold of thecurtains; fn all thetplieb harmony of toloring ; in the inbz. • tnisive simplicity of the. whole- Bxpeniive simplicity often stamp • the-Airalitrnt-a roonti-it *way not it be seen -here. There thing cheap about the furnishing; • nothing meretrieious) nothing to catch the NM. Nothing of' the en- , .amel paint and varnish descript.,,ion hat.; eelf to . its r • of refinetherit exiited in Witerilifsea :But -then -he -knewits4oxiginfrAions es WIWI where the-ciffiTicgo • is • xinall and an uneasy chair the only '-etteinpt itt • Be sat some moments waiting. Whilst deing so he tlieu,;_e_ht Alain --the curious way in whicli-tlie Maid had looked at him. P,erhaps. Miss Mivvins was in a" 1es Com, a e -p rice might; Ile hadlodged by 'the freedom she . enjoyed, that no petisible herin. COUTd---reitulf iroM' his visittoher. Ives he wrong • Perhaps that tiecounted for her • )*eZtaLioii, when h had;ugested ;calling with the book. 'What fool he had been, not tt;:..-think-ot :that!Perhaps she would get into tni 1- reasons-othk yjqjt to her employer s house. The more he thoughtof this the more niieonifortable he became. As ti result of his deliberations deter- mined that he 'would make his stay it short and forth*/ 'Otte. There. .h*.tra , accrue_ to 1;4.27:Trout that -4 ' ' The 'rustle of it . worniti's dress _Warned Mtn of her appreateli.. , Pre- - sentlyT *ISO entered./ The moment his eyes rested on her he was airier - she .kati dressed so 'perfcctly. serap of_ color He httd 4 Mere Mittel eye for wo tuluiYS dress -sensible of the tout onstrable, flOt Of detail -a -but he did not &spit" it. Xt seemed fitting' to hbtAliat.lowtsful .woutenShOttitl...be sefully 'attired; • II harmony gr 4. dill nOt itn 4-sheep-houtat-shtelld he airy, with a goodwide tom This efl)lCSC) o cep„one-h f open t thne. For -instance, on toteny (Jaye it you wishtokeePtlie heep in tfitnacer tillop°-lisetfrPacan°-hees 11-9 btow in, --can get in arkr -Ott at wilF jf the top hall V is hut, it revents any 'other . stook that might happen I rem -getting -in -and hnting thc sheep. .Nesti de -not keep thern ett in the shed, except in htormy'weather. Turnips,. with good Paliga have Put iv placards at the clOver:hay be suilleient rationtatvehet corners to forbid them, under ntil the end of February* It need threat /3f 133441* .0` penalty, to, he clover hat 1, as 4,rink this vistor, Tbro is no drainage in aiflL Fet- •. ' 4. into the. never cleaned more ar, and. send up a MOST TE11111.01.4 STils10.0 is soon as the ice thaws tnn -pring. the se$4.* le were workingmeu, cab-driv, ers and Porters, who drink the wa- out of these can ,. which is proximately $103u00. Lho',oldest b7ridge, on id a 1e'Lurcr,- is'eS410e. -mg lid,00-„. Vans t r 0011t1 C•43' t4)/611° •ITAI0t0 avorrit14134.)000:Late,petparzo,oLtut agedcli King ed to Ave impri3000.4 ifeaugl tiora,lutiv_wtio411_..thas„...be_ocen intitdele 4Tiwain. -don • wifo toianIza:fupApetern4s tuort,r0O? room of hit 13°traiA:41011°..ryinir need -of CsliEurefier:1- „,..wh7ace .15.116 England is not more buildings, hut,. . oat released..b to --p010.0.-1q-a-con -raoro---43urivt,t.-K; -7:Thoro-gre-vtEr-an, 141.9P4,;- • suet” '1111h-04t,l Piteeetainga and prospect_of filhing now-a.da bolo. „, t ew erations back, al',03P* The colossal statue of the tate Mr. 1 midi ineklent „would have: Cecil Ithedes., which is to be erected, p sse'd almost unnoticed... in Cape Town, is now being east in r.00n at the best. o o- one, • for .example, thoughbienze in England. " It; 'will,. iiro- vihea ehtilers, *hoe anything the worse of ,Our own King babir, be „ready for shipment to its .0eOrge 1. for testicle/rating his wife, destination before t, tit4iatit.c.oro Sophie, to lifeloriK imPrisonment„ okttAiit Fusiliers, at Khartoum, and the beautiful and talented Princess It is stated at Aldei.shot that the because of.1:ter alleged ,iiitrigue with the Oold34044 believe mb, 1 shall left her face alwaysprize"and her ed wide. She "51148 start - That earnest humble ,litt eeeh 1 of hers did ...not sponge the. suddenness ottaa requests look from his face. In her agqrntelfsi DeStimilem ,00mrc acit.tthhe4..nritturu70°Itiht inn.lite to acquit herself she plaeed her Felt, too, that there was owing. to ,hand an his arm -it was for tbet see. him something ler that unkind MIA"time that day.. Ita a ha Vat ' ' 'UV& of hers. Then there was the 'bit °I. l*rtwlien moved. IV" *quite' trend of her omm feelitigkil, \After 1115estimatiOn, allrOkY744 ailf- the winds; said- ' at- • - . an innocc t gesture; but there was a _moment she tossed discretion to ine nos. '401i-4Irs,- - -She--got ai tar iris- that. Then Stood. at a. losis.for words. She had spoken in such dead earnest tones that it would have ben absurd•to think her lying. Finding -Hier .ahlire..77agallirklurouttratt - ttupitl*3 know, ',Vitt IAA -me -ea .t1 abet' be gla yr) wib it I" " , ;- The words spoken, she was airlA at their utterance, firm ready actiiiieseenee pleased him. 11 'voiced that honestyhe thought precious in her, which "i'421 so sad. wornen. He ansprxted _thatr_a bersexw'ou14 norciy that he will, 01..,„ that you kg over eepin'need , . .. to be kept by 'themselves until the ewes tire • broil, and are better to be kept from the other Oink all winter, POINTERS ON PLOWING'. In low, flat laud that has not been under -drained it is best lot make the lands narrow, so that the furrows may be used for drainage puTposea; Where this is -rteccanar it in best to make a high back fur - ‘row,, this will give theist* th6-Tn,P.- crowniterslope off the water quickly. In Piewhig under manure, if spring grain is to be sown, do not turn it. under too dceplY, espeeially dees this, alt. 0.11 eroiIl and' ore - other owns from e chole a -infected dis trietst Considering these, things, it‘ is therefore, net surprising to find 'that 200 and 400 cases ,Oemir daily, of which at leatt.50 per cent. prove fetat. Erybody who can afford to do.so basfl.„ rom the city. The dreaded' disease has now found its, Way ,into the well-to,do. houses and t etisl-col1eeor-Ther-hes-41 ptal and town ambulances are! quite ilticabirr tocopewith --the-work,1 •eoplejall-down -II who fit perfcctly weli 111, few Minutes before. t ishard to believe that most of them are dent in cabs and public conveyances • to the hospitals, but xr _514 stv,vm.Cit of ge, who .40, up- hia 47iiiirfrtfounteurilimariarstown *.atistle,. Westmeath, and kept her there a *close eaperve for -two-and- thirty years.. Once, the escaped, . and fed to- her father inthibli; ut suett were the exaggerated no- tions held at that time regarding , it husband's authority over his wile, that he handed his daughter back unprotestingly to the.carl, who kad her inuntred more closely than ewer. His death -h-R-night her re- OatesAt- ly, light-hearted girl . had sheen transferine-dlittbertititePit Bis forgivenesS w*sher t1It MO. -The- hat .s e eon ' •ave aug c • a r electric ght; ro .he liked 4btaluti:,.lT61114:01/14-1-slefit-a'*-talitItsi_tyyxs e,rgetttIl. She om110mi to other ,,women's. Ho womaies trielli mostly always Slittle' ue- 'knew 1-8datilri461$47 'Ault When performed a/Manch chrl. .0e .1°16 b°rielf to be' is sitsol:tmolNly!ssinvoisvtvibires: 'fa4ni:ettewina. s.esunts. 4pitlignirT,tty::-Ihrtioths:rpilt;ird not St y013, 1 Id think any thing you if tried.!' She had badly :wanted to hear some, just, such -thing,: But thetat was that in the tone in whichhe spike a that made hef.flus She drew in her breath; drew baek . • so glad!" •sp�koirntuously- nerV(1l15lYut She to be nervous And that, too, in iffeikieg boyish, ingenious individusi. as was Masters!, It was quite too *ali 'surd! 'continited.o- should not like yoikto thi badly nf me." 0110 :W107-oblriroffitilitkIttiot obviousness was the 'svorst part of .t. She kilt* that herself ; knew quite Wes because he he. lieved mn her! Because, he trusted her So implicitly; lad an almost k With all the other men known* on 'whom' she 'ha d the power of her natio 'r woman'S ways aitl 1i1C3 had ncit- 1 fair and fittm They were l,nt art of d understood by 'both tide* of jt. The men '-r2 'men. of the world-,.hor woe oured.agaiust her ritha long.w d got them from the ack:w2thlthanroNer 'her arriti:7 exited '51te lest no time. 1! asshted r to .&t on her .1; Wit; notice thtt vorap.-: o M, with tre winess born"flim* toue z o helped to buttonthe semen lib° , ill againilio 16Nn ti, , , u iliFil (,) miter, "nearer ay tobothr,abeuth In thismaerier-thke ifill lie tem; they w wurtheir-horses* * - very little,loss by drainage into the get away as will AS they set a man iiiibibit i'' 1. WortAttAYU1g,:ori- the. Pavelatat. shed.= in contortions, and the tim is left - lone till one of the.sanitary insper... tors or 4 policeman sees him. When taken to the hospital the patient ired old woman. More shocking still was the ...fate o Ilarriet Staunton, whosp hes- band imprisoned her in the window- less attic of alone!). Itentish farm- tetteos embed to istarvation ifia This aborninabk -- 0.--unavon 1E9 lif("" mil, and- eon Itkon nten'es were aftetivii coil, tiro of the culprits, A 401- , LIVE STOOK NOTES, • If pigs -are very,young they should 1 eve no cornmeal, h the r e growil oro such 'fs,tt "ithottlJ,J4t a' binein - England. "xliou • only, weighs 2014.stone, and Stands ;X, inches, )Ir. W. /3. Ourteen -§tead,, had a flock of 64 pc1igr Suffolk -ewes. They were turn out on a stubble where:they picked up some.of the grain.. This aused • the death of the whoh Ilock. . Robert •Jay, who worked half century on one term, .and is now in hi 07th ycar, walked24;•few days go to • e urg pits folk, more than -hall a mi rom his horn°, to secure a pension. paper. A --fa-finer named Laxigley ,was chaff -cutting at 'DroitWieb wbele Pig ran into the barn and, upset si ii,„ehted lastern. A big blaso result- ed in the barn' its coetents;,and. an o nig the oistinctiop- '!iiiiltel-,1-'6,V--- ftt.-11 •.alto •Mitted for trial at Croyd, mi a it . 'Tho louse iii whieh Sir Iinry ving was born at /Couto!), Mende., Somerletvitt to Presni'ved as a memorial of the great actor. 4 -tarot' laborer digging 'potatoes a field near /lenger came across old witch and 'chain. • The watb wor mg or er. . • and r Railway Company of Falghe olian„,%7 .those theAttrest-Wvaertr- . instead., of is". to- s...v4t6 •thirntinibat '8,hue 3 the:that* atter of the Man, ,ord Itioherteris one of ,Britatte one greatest generals, refuse to t ted,:rather then las 400 pal serving uwler him, aunligtit natural manner, open aiilay. trashed the germ of suspicion; -They leftthe )iou'n said walked *long the.Parade; e-dir tier/ of the.seat at thc T .,'.0 a t he Dut- oit end. I I the xnost rorn&nticof h !m 'ifriean diamonrl fidda. ss than forty - 11 ago a nan' called Armin tt. ied..-bar $ utlitspitti. •tr `one taimd by ding on the right kinl. omihe start. Fattv food s' bould always be guarded against, .eitcetssiveflesh is quite burden- lktr-they-ihottlit have at all. ens sold in autumn do not .feteh litter price; butoagainst that mitst be put the extra, food thereattlurd log Ineulting and until they begin t#. latagain, and alsothe risk they n Oyintc di,iring the critical MINA Ofr04111( f}14:teitifol3 iiirds of two years oz r eighteen Months are very' good Citing, end - save' nearly their. own weight.: of hotelier's meat. If fowls *re kept beyond that age they grow tougher, it are also Its* productive:As 144, they thus tio not give the same return for .the food . theyeat as, er birds would do.. The lcind of foodturn young animal* during the.. rkt et their existenee inilitenee ,ont their chru ter d usefalness in atter life. 01 are reia; fit„deriv try their te1uperatnro1. pereentago of. deaths. Aa fine .hatitissed*..iitior .e to - or- said*, 9f they Ire well they do -and if they aoret; riot triy fault, for I've only one pair f hands and legs.4f, 'Patients suffer- ing from tither coMplallit$ have as. bad a time of it ,as *tmybcdy--not 42,ily do they, got no attention now, but maily of Ilierif have ben sent! away because they must make room for cholera, oases. 8evt'ra1 large, barracks Are also full of .ttherrt--,,b2tl what is t t whew lnindreds felt 11 daily t 'There, is in St. Pcterib'urg a fie pital rruIation to the effegt that v ry patient 1st° dies within two iourstof itchnittariee roust 'be rJ.2 teted. Itis obarecteriab, t.4 Rus inn red tap . that this reon edlierotl, to for severattlnys Ler he Cholera ,Iiroke ,ont, m that Aerating thentrei were pfled d bhs; which no er, ivni 'motel h t r an 4fl7 litr- actor reported himself as unfit for duty. The &Icier, hoWever, thought etherwise, and .oracted 'the noid. 4114°:Ind th:11.Pga::.*.net." Iota to work. Later'on the Eoldier Found himself growing much vcaltu; hy not telt Lord'Irittlr.lertr": I e. reply. Itteit In th of-, Idler feared to 'do, hit the sergeant „wetitatraiglit lEt la the ease before Ritehener. the man-1ire. and fotth rs. 4. and II.,P comminded IC.," without lookIng ip frOf4 work. Tho pva doc-tota ttennir,1 the I) *eat 'la the prteliee of bis lora, and pronounced 1nm to 156 zif- ft'ri ng Oat t,yeasid.f6, ver,,. ad for Little rrltw['li9fM• Were Ifeilge4 0001 Wit .creinoty. oyel hal'alco in the, days. ,of long If ,gencrally had to vradle7, oe•-ete-ty as_withe *_ grand one, for Ettite C.414-49iVAllElt - 10011 vititors ca.ee.tosep,t and 'kiss their tiny 1izid, •in co t;;‘.,r! vbiort Little Varth-tdward tb -etre:of thl,t, Avta to gd r;ear2 eradle,v;.. order signed by b� Rt 1 ad twiv Tornio," awl fciar ;'°- that i% lat4o ors*. joite an cre.000, t4d!1 betfas ar.4istell