HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-12, Page 1, The,tel 0 all -thin itueoMing for the: next fe*nionthL YOU rnust be pparetfor the teMiog weath . e;, andgannet 4e better thanco, ,..e to usfor your *inter coMforts • Our gook was 'never.la better. .alatipie to saisply ou .With talW warm Underwear, geti*y„..eleeep,' and Mi„anne ette and Lovely warm 14100kOtfrei' Red' Oomfortern, Fur. Ooat and alt- ether neccuary.goodis to keep not 04.0)101 wagon to `Z.Xeter tor ;gime lnmber and 4.vas drivOnttbome wb.ea death overtook 1014 40, 'WW1driving steno tb.elrhames Itoad and when. in /rent or wattle 'Browses farm WAS seen to fall .from Jij Wagon. , The iho'rses winch were walking at the tinae, con- tinutil homeward. Mr. Brown slew Mr.wornbull fell and immediately ehed 40 his .asidetatece. It was gbLthaL -he wasunconcIau3 -and was . torment as bang 'the OlAn tLCtd ot stealing rhe terse TuestlaY nigh of last week from, Mi.' of Centralia. It appears the horse was taken from a field and was lead by the thief' eolith :towards Londtm, and .1,troinesday afternoon' Aold to (4,a Wan 033):10d 4940V19111; liVing neat London for $100. As Anderson did not taws, enough money in, his how 4terneen,"4tt10 advaflced ng o yearz 1441 4' O3oat-40; tenfle derar4: 9 o)d .ago.being the, canoe of *leath. timettl*de.teeiteentt.O.4."-ta ' bcd or the Vest; four montliltVid-:bi death did not* came unexpected. Ih -July he mede a trip ;to ander-Oh-On *w_,_blte there' Lwalk,ed, 00001' milet out in itne coenyrr-eo see te friend. ' The 'exertion Of the' wa1k as 04-7=0 for'114e 4404 voltam= end on his . return' home 'Won vonlpelled to take l01314 "belt Ile WO born in A1frehir 004041.0-41--4-, rank first eeltlint aduds SOUvenits Canad4 Steel, an leg ..1 17retirietth 00 ten Chari. - c from the beetadllein Canada.They u. Blankets with Blue or Pin o ere. Peieto _ 1,1entlett30411e.nkete of the Beat quantity reweizer-lixten h arrivc1 at t1ic iao wh.eretb 'Man 'was' lying he Vinod' Otion-exam- ° ination that death bad ,overtaken J-7 itekrt faiture-la 4 ibis death. Ste horses had been, • ,r......IKurribuilts-:-Ix) as taken to hia home near FarAnhar by _kind 'friends. ciebe_ AO -ceased . 14V -a in bis 52nd year Ant W35-born-vo-411,e- rttrin Whore he resided. Ile :was a man of robust frame, etrong and healthylooking and biz death came, as a shock to his many friends. . esides...his..e.orroeitingieeviciowe * -survived by InIne chledrenreeven Us and 'two daughters. Mr. Turu- It -vas beelaf-tles'PeriTilhar lodge I. 0 V. The funeral, be bold Friday interment being in the Exeter cemetery. Have you betin4th:.-our Un. ,derwear Counter -this fail?' If you have . you knewsome- thing of our variety. ''Better . than ever; ‘and weights' d'ind ea to auit alt taatee -A-- 11 Msotmeflt of -fleeced and Fine . W001 En, natur- al 'Met- WC. :$1,- 40 natural wool Underwear VOW and Drawers 111.00 and: ' $1.25. n extu-kinti-that— look and feel wenn, Made Of nice floral cloths and filled with good batting $2 to $3. blue, red or ;white. Ringwood. Catth mte r Swede gloves s In all the new • „voters 25 to 50 cents. . Long. or . short Kid gloves $1 $2.25. For genuine style tbesii $1.2.60 coats compare favor- ably with - $1145---ebe., where. Braided over shout - der. dOwn front andback with Semi -fitted etyle with .vel. Vet colt:ill natural all wool ersey- tot- talloringand amarb fit Lhat is feature of eve c On Wednesday morning Mr. ,Aatiattatadzik411."044ane11 oral opt on people. received a mole - age from Osgde Hall. roroxito, that e Court of Appeal had dial:Wooed Mr. • vrorth's'appestfrornrthe-desta .of Chief justice Melock,, who u held Ladies Ffititined Coats. itig dieplsy ofilacie'favorite winter garroen' ta than what was/ ahown laat winter is what we haverre Styles ete more hatideorae. quality is: higher, iirb te values .. surpass all Other seuons„ Do net miss eeeing the _Viet ones we Orin - - go oat for VA, and better for $0. $65. Chicks 70. lb, Live 9c. lb. Dressed. Rens 5c. lb. Live 7c.lb. 1)ressrd, Turkeys Lin) Soettsh Oc trade Dressed Do cash lotrade. Dressed D esse eese rte'yaw was car - tied by a vote of the people of Ronan Mr..Coxworth and those oppoeed. to local option commenced an action ainet the Village to hay° it upeet. The Council took. up the defence of local option, but it was diecovered be- fore long that they were playing into the hands of the liquor interests to de- feat_tbe.bylam_Thutenarteran. pie then decided to engage a le.wyer themselves. Mr. Stenbury was re - 1 Lajpcd -4nd ha*. ucciedei ln .-/etinning at every stage of the ease. Ile first succeeded in having the defence of the taken from the ;Village Council, \ Then when the motion to *lash was made before - Chief Jus - tic afulock local optlon: was 1111°. missedtraeLit a -Anderson's-, Innue.-Ntliere4t---k eeverrel a,tui the .London Police -1w, :tifiedot ' * rene y ,4In eflc e o Wooer last Sataiday but 0.vldeotls- put--tbe-oaatter-o0---uUti-l--tlaoni Monday, morning he Inted n hors -atia haggy—troia Vin. -flIS5ett.-Iy iflg he Wisbed Lo go - to ucan. He arrived at Anderson's boom- in. tile afternoon. for -his money. Andersen siald be 'would drive into tondon.,and pay shaw there. Shaw drove._ On e r.,..iand,41'.141*Villita,%w::=:fastarRn.harsa, tban kinlitsoni soon -left -bita-behind. ,A4,1„lerson then called up the Lon- don .001the the Man and as 'ShaW droire up Tel* 'bot street be was placed under ar,' rest. During the afternoon, Mr. sett received a telephoee mcskege 'from tendon that Shaw was arrested and that bie horse and buggy were being held by the police mouling the .artilval of, some onc to take them home. • - u 0as pear.- wor lug at different times with farmers in the vicinity, but lately- be worked at the uning-tfactorY 'Lion. closed. down for tl e"seakon; 4 t - 41 oi,„ g . vas rio Go c upon as a suspicious character. He .always 'seemed to !lave pleetyof money and gave 'the impression that be was well 'et Ile cjjms to have been born in Araherstburg of French parents, although he UPpeats to he part Isiegro. IWhen he was luite Yonne, he claims,- his pareute died and be Was taken by a family near - ice fourteen years of age has fought the battle of life 'alone. lie is, a tverY Illiterate- lad, 41eitig-..-4m4143 -to-read or write. .1f6' was. remanded by the Loudon authorities' for *L' weelq 41" . ve . •-Th� -ohililrcii se are -4John T.,- of -the Themes Baad.; APArn1Y-„ntulf-of-11 _ Williaol. Regina': tMrs, .I Hibbert; Mrs. WM., Outline' _ CJer- water, 411fra. kco. Monteith, Thames Roado Mrs. tient. Kidd. Vs Went, and OP, C. Barrie, of Regina The. late Mt. Attlee:in was a Statille inerabeF of tile Presbyterian church and IA-:4ZltlWqk,YAVft-.4cThsrt40;:P„ hert'ithr. thi'nfro Rbad postoffice was establieheir Mr. Which office - be lied up to the time of 'hie death. The funeral will he. held ThuredaY, Interment being in the, Exeter cetueterr; Petitiralla ailiss Irate 1fantleoelp,, • Of Toronto. Was' the' guest ot liejstcr, Atte. W. -Arettiistt. and Mrs. W. Spenccr Strat- ford . orient Thankegiyhig with her mother Mrs. Aaidtrzon. Tbanke - 'virtg Under the tal SterkBoar4�jj, 81borksPiposekDatnperie, ete. Setentert HARDWARE AND STOVE ST Jobbers and Dealer's in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, 011, Glass, Nails, Siuks, .etc. .021V7przutyPtirmrgringssMoPatNaMilamtr*Marmaritm We make a s%ecialty of Eavetroughing,- Roof: • jog and Plum m all its branches. "11.0VM.4" ing for Detre% to visit his eon there he oleo *Went further west, to pontiac r. to rose* Old acquaintances- , Anstin Duplan Of tomtit - School. spent Thanksgiving- with his a parents . • •• - • Miss Xedu Heating', of Exeter open. Thankiettiring with relative* here.' M. Lanni" Bett,rendered excelleni - • • appreci y a ,crovr Londeobora Monday evening. Mr. Oluts.Clark, editor of the "Com- ber ffetald."-visited at the Metimdist. Church last Thttrsilty. Ric nt. Orme s the guest of her slitter Mrs. Dyer of Detroit. Mrs. Clarktif London, is the guest of her Oster Mrs. Ntrgott. iilisatilad a Sae of AlrnaColleje o drord and '¼ughter aaters edict -6161111tiese 1144.14K CAIRNS, Vett!n Bu iF1ornesth on roost approv lal attention to dentistr7. Office motet old sLsn4 en Main ettt,et, bt cal/ at-Peter-Bewdetetresidence, eRNEsT etttoT • • *vtvanei'ACCOleite •O1Y e.iest st: fattes4 Ms*. 601; W0014046 St* 0111C9i IOW Street. tattier S.PHIttJPS tozgtatt. LI. tilted Auctioneer.' Sates co tictid In ell parts. Tertue rational), )(Orders cart be leftat the:Tilting Ofilee SENS fleer. fn all parte, Term* aCtioicguaranteed b ve g in confirmed the 110- aw rals-rel --of-Goderiehr-;.--an ZefelCenzie, A, off Toronto, eted-iforzwenth, . Vollowing is the result iof the shooting-Atatch-Thanksgiving-Da Event* I 2 3 4 5 0 :7 Birds 10 10 10 10 10 P. Kerr , - 4 7 S. 'Webb 7 6 3 0 * 8 0 D ifurdon 3 2 3 3*, Ilissett 7 0 8 fie rrlebner 5 Dental Surgeon T Dioney Office ver Oladmen & tanburre, Wood 4 Main a Ite!risst. Vir &Ander* 10 Sweet Victoits,TYn tmitearsorretlice.szeireae. Dsmalaloa ASsOciate Coroner ettilini4sk: . . -919119lika- i91999990111014 "-aaaliamovairoi-• THIS WEEK. cr re showing some Cheice • Stock , Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of freraworth, ttetided the IA -ate -Carling wedding on ,Nrilit-esty7. BOON $0,INETA1.0...A t ' the Goshen Line. lliy . on Oct. list. to Mr. and lilts. David Titt38,1YINItIt....At the Gothen Lnc ileY, on the 6th int, to.lifre and airs. D. Trurinarr, a son. 111144--.111 !Toronto on November 5tb. to Ntr. Xrul Mts. Prod 3. UUI a 400*- Stepheri Tuesday Nev. lOth to Mr. and - ton. 8W8ITZEReeln "'Creditotr. Sunday Nov.. 8th to Ur.. And Ur* ileary Sweltzer, ct &dig:titer; '4 • • mARP.111) Er'ter. or Wedrieeds,,y, Nov. llth,,by 'the nov„ ckaliti$f:Fiareards 'third,.daugh- ter t the late Isaac- Carli'ngt' to *r. 'WM.' D. Mae'. of Witatiptig, .1)Itt) 0 "qt ° ▪ d• d bethoel teb:le 1+1.' at.ike,Iomaritthelit - Ibis third, daughter - IFlorence, eves lunitad- In the. - heti tends _of _matrie. %tem jOf Winnipeg, • At high tio0n.e .r becomingly attired in a travelling - *nit carrying e white prayer !book, en- tered the. :drawing ,r0ora .on the arm of her brother. alr...Leete,ift.„ - to the Strains of Mendehoebn s Wed. .played UT: Miss Pauline' Elliott, of :Norwich,' a edece of 'the y 'Rev. 4Valter Collins. of Lbo T vitt 'Memorial Churehrunder en arch Or '-Obrhointhemumi -and-------Aretricen vet! +Hems ty roses in the prekence of the *It.h. immediate relativesof Or contract- Non. Grautotti Mt. and ltre..Chu. Eupi 004W014040C1 ited.friendsein-tctriatit Paolo)]* and Mait Just to hand the 'largest all tie sto-ek- ui irt eve shown irt to We have received the Fal London . -.1, Too late for fleet week. Ihe'°btektinatiPiOviltilithere Tues. cliky evening Was st-great,sueces*. The auppeewestall-that could be attired and this .rogramwe was excellent in beautiful .voice ""Iteleeed it is Morn." After the cereinony the guests prOieded to the spaeloUs din- ing -room Which WAs 11104- piro(Utelr Chryteinthemunts end .;bridal roes where- -a UMW--weddtng-74.breekfilist was iteried. -eWith the best •4.iaisbes and -Oongra ulatiorts of titer mariy fr;iendif, $11...--riteriVtrerMice-let on the tyriniti,V9tratti for a /tour of Che ecintinent, t1be groora's gift to thebtide wat aletketrit_ 01, -,peer andarnethyete while Orr bride .pr sented each of her neices 00/00 pearl brooehee. • Mite preeetits were iboth namerous and costly ifl- cluljngcut glints, china .sad The ifees j�n,n oengratiallititiri*. _.• .ogtkr_tgio_rmittc„it w teOrg( .tnet iwith a Crign ar alicident whieh.tiroVed, fatal, On the farm of (10orge, lluroa no4a, steer Vodririch, 11,tevy. who . worked lot 41Wrir ilistett, was Milki9gititt before daylight, and the caw nett to the ;one he Ws* milking kicked out •ortit striking Ifievy tarried him forward. The enituat then JUMP*4 On /him, and it is itild 0116 af the 7.f.67110 -*'7t014 4ft ,Jr, • lark 'Were,',.'rtieklyeett :hart efli:t **a Iterajtinit ' ' reit 1njurcl. .04$4"i'.:t.iti. to 'tb rghtanother into to - he• .6001 hire 11 Sfl ofeitette, 0. .the. -broken' „ Ab6, Wag, sotat . ncl tbst 'anothefT .bad :bro. eeeegairist the '• Ititteit tettg 'vat Of, ' or a' E*eter Ontario err' A. FefIr,. excellent Illeks and 111 Esiery. grand alio, rend - teat by Misees...11-utt boruea by the choir. . )Ien froni Ws T. Colw lion Mo Wm. Oke and niece Marjo Heidrun *pent Sitailayand:MondaY tchelk 110 WW1 r of thuilith-bia .pentTbanksglylng wiEbher .prenti id Put singo aa a 0 • and the _noun lialf_of101 _la Ilsborne;" ' con 200 oia obieb ibtre is' erected a rick k1We11ing large 'bank *titbit and .-te! This. property' Atilt be eel in bkcit or in part to suit vurebaseri term." of ;pa • Wert The -attractive route is -vi and St. Paul, Minneapolie -or Dulntb. Secure ropy: of timetabia entitled "New Route to Winnipeg pd Wet- "avia •rand run Agent - 3. 3. ittlIGAT, Depot Agent. , or write 3. D.L.ACCMONAX,11%, 4.14sioa Deppk-Torratta-flate, J.G.I " di of,Adleld„ visited Metbodiat gerhurialay. Mr. Frank Boyle of Rotel* • spent bank.glvlcg wlthis mother here. U1st. Alice Witeon returned bora IttELIVe. Joy'able t there., On uta of We pastor's absence *.ltestie of :Exeterorruplek-the pulpit In the morning and the teen in soiree* was taken by the gpsrott League who rendereda-fib* long *per. tr. til. IL 11:cicti Alm for 1909, reedy OtOv. 15, 1003i ever5ent oat, , ihotutitui - (rover, colors, finc portrait cif 'Prof. dlieks in colors, ;sit the old feature' end eeveral. new orie' a la the -iboOk. The test astreheiniea.1 year took dna ib only one tantaining -the 'brigina IIjCkj 'Weather •Ireirecsets." :lly rnal 0. Vhia,, farm coal/eta of 122 acres eite.. 6,_st.t,thc...1.411,,P1141.111,k0.24 aryr faatei -roa4*, .etkavenien t to neva store, blacksmith shop end et minutes walk from the Methe eliorch, one mile from publie Chit Pat :V0901100 of 100 agreeswith Oleic houSeo. Urge hat n with'.'botarmentitlilfemidied; ereher 10 crqm c_ithundtinee-Leit.Le*te Tb otbcr Ceeitstaitilid-22 Wee. r house, atne stables. 'orchard 11 All good “Iria4 in good state iltivation. TYou.seIon "Oven For terms land 'Other A pnrticnlars pit on the (pretaisits. Proprietor. ' d, tt end Street,' OW ea it to n kid to Vitt. Iliekt XerceaSts. he'eXeoUtOr rL!' at d nfl1 It.stri;rtt14414tieritt,14,rviloot:intrliste ceup3ng &be rt Iseeed r�n