HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-11-05, Page 4'01 10 ttArday �gX
he ,exoeptoq ot ew. gat
ere lett 4* grido
or 4 ea a -hunting SXPe
ditiwi. IIe ill be , ou twa ,weeks,
rs, 'Ihker yiiited-. 1 st
Majrity 154
oitoqug Um complete list of
' Ditteet...titio
Ueitreirr; tylt
'flyer& t tWo
bat _the majority
Majority Tot Xemie
ut-460 obtoolzu
t a
Turn -bora
Wroxliter .• 19
East Nawanosit 53
Inn* ite pre t price it woubl at ti
o c 'hoidere4 SoOd'vablei 10 t's0t, it is.
t, oucha wiper that moat . hornet
i would have at isnyprico, It coto hat
one dollar ia vears and one*co,4 't go
net he without It
' - -
SOXtiitt ith1
Wm Tinncy, 01 the ,fourt
„..., .......„: ,
Nuo Ali' 0;4'14 -044,14,1',0
jr3r for chisholin, OS which fies 'was 'feeding 111414 isticumbeti
4g.-1413,inJurjcs a Aieflasitliate
• urday., lEs ..remaina .were -interred
theExeter. cc1ngeyy on $1040,7,
Tor Infants and Childiezi.
Thalind YsuilatrAloitilo
131,gnatnre of
•0.-1 1Iuron
--;1 take flits weans of . thanking
you ;for • the honor Wou lave done
.me and the coefidenee you - have
• re#0tsed in me by re‘electing me
as Our representative in the
DominiOn Parliament; I also Etc -
are, especially to thank .y07 el*.
cerely and 'heartily the noble 'band
I of workers in vay behalf in each
iMunicipality and to whom the era,.
it is very largely due for the oPloet.
• did . victory Ave have achieved.
eetrek...* eniemUoMielerefteaseliPettfteS4Ped,
1 shall endeavor to consider myself
the, representative of the yahoie
a . 0.7
any Of rOY 'friends, ue -Hier
oral or -Conservative- a legitimate
service. I' shall consider it my
duty, ets it will • alwaysbe : my'
pleasure, to nerve them to • the
very best of ivy ability.
„Agate *thanking you for the tharlo-:
or Tau have dam me and the con-
_fidence expressed, 1 tianonly nt-
sure YOu it will be MY- continual
endeavor to 'Welt- and • Noithily
kindly placed in my keeping.
Your obedient servant
Ti,t1.4044,,,,,VT es...,.... 9,411. 6......,......---.57,tr.saUnsaor.na...........-
• Tt1ocgic8MITH
No' 1• 70 31
• 2
3 ' 51 • 23
4 ' ii:17
569 30
0 72 2S'
the ;sympathy ox the cin'tit'e commusi4
ity in the death of • their infant
funeral took place en Monday
pen cixindt was tiuld last Sunday in
the Elexseuith churl% by the /auto;
1tev, flrt.: .
Mr. ond Mrs; Mph KuIbtIeiob;
of Detroit, are waiting *their ' Part
cuts here.
.ireter Pottier, who item ill
is Tem:Tering.,
On Sunday' St. 'Peter's Evangelical
chursh celebrated the ititniversary of
the' Reformation. . • .
Mr.. D.. S. Waust. was in 13eriin last
.weeattending- the Vorward Move-
ment cojiveiitLon..
'Alias Olive Vireslih has . secured a
poei t ion j..0,stelem,41144411114,1st,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ICaereher, sit
te,-.1.4no-lett dthireiweele-for
borne Iwith their slaughter.
• It isret ao difficalt to,strengthen a
weak stomach if one goes at it cor-
• rectly. And this is trait addle Heart
and kidneYs. The old fashioned way
of dosing the Stomach or stimulating
the Heart or Kidneys . is surelp
wrortzt D. Shoop firet pointed Out
•this error. "go to the wreak or all.
-411 nerves of these or ens'•led
o it
Drops a get up
contalns neither plum, arpitiue nor other liTarootio
,substalaCco ItS (age is '10 Pt:liktee4, • It dcate Venus
allay.e. isorerislm0$0.' It 14 .4 'Whit
nwh; and mole, siv.flag healthy, and, natural, sleep.
The Obildrou's Pamtoom7-Tlio Mother'A ,
Paid.up Capital, $10,000100
Reserve 5,0000304
; IO AT Ma FOLI;OWitio nines
•"' .$5 'is d ueder ..... 3 cents
etsee:ee_e_*e_e_i*Lgxce:edirtgAt0__„, (Levee
-e---$10- • tents '
1S cents
ersare paya4 at per at every office of a Chartered Donk on
tTukon at the rh-leiPal banking points an the- United States.
are negetiAte $4.� t� tito 4tocirovei Ghatbeyfonn an e ellentinethodoEsemittingszoaleaunteeeeuexereeethsitesereiet
sney txeter iiranth tt.W.• Mama erT
O. at 40reditOltr
n Use Pc$r Over 3� Years.
cirue Nut,O�HV. tit 111111.14111At *TAX ffillt onv.
"141:Ear& yoiizjiaginei
buys razor bearing the wantCarb
Magnetic...it Is unciMditionall
Most housewives judge the purity
'• of a flew by its whiteness.' White -
•somehow signifies purity. But while
pure flews are always white, white
114 Carbe Maggie* nit* WO.
Is the only neve Makin tempering in
history ofehaeirig.Itlitthenrctical7
and mechanitelly perfect, beig
ground, stropped and sharpened by
the Hamburg proceis....the finest
'known razor manitietture. ga.
The, secret process or accurately
measuring and applying electric heat '
has resulted in sectiring the highest
rcentage of carbon ever knowa
ac wet OrgU as ts contro lug
• or "inside see , When these
nerves fail tbeiz those organs must
surely falter. This vital 'truth is
leading dreggiste everywhere
Pease and recommend Dr. Shoop's. He -
:iterative. A, few elitYis test will
eurelY tell I Sold by WA B. ey
(occasional me.
Royal Household- Flour
is the whitest flour thet is milled.
It is also the purest. Wu may think
dieliow you are whit is aboiti as
white as fioni. can be. Yet if you
place it beside Royal Household.
hea jczELAit
heTarnt wbibbo ice/fatly rented,
Mr, Christopher earthy, who 'went
West en the summer, has returned
here for the winter.
llalloween :was celebrated by the
Younger .peop/e i.n the burg and nanny
small gates were 'removed.
gra. J. were in -
London London last week attending' the m
seonary -meetings hold' in that city.
The .great beet of the elections is
over Anfl... .the ..rsrel4or .201. rather eget
Mit now., • . g •
•.P111111P Ilern is taking iin a large
consignment of fowl at the ton it
-The anniversary •of 'the +Whalen
Methodist church Will be observed
en Sunday Nov. Stle When .sermons
1411 bo Preached by Boy. P. W. Lang-
ford, oil. A., of oEttibro, at 10.30 3. in
and 7 p. m. On allosiday v. hot few.1
culiPet will be Served it the base-
ment Of *the -church fr4tre five to
eight alter Twilit* tar excel
ram- i'siL1 be IZ1Ien. M1160-4141
.tette. Miss alert, of Masan, gra1-
T4X) late for lase weak.
liflra. Roland leckell left last Macs-
will Join her husband, who left lasI
spring for that place.
Mr. andta.!..1_12. J. Armitage, of (W-
catiover Sueday.
lift-. and Mrs. Altos. Chinning, ifirr
and Mrs. John- Brock, .and Mr. an
Mrs. Aarest 'Dottie nAT110 &aye been on
extended . tribe- through the west Mrs. Tifer and familY bay� rov-
have returned home and ere mileh ed to Greaten and Mr. Denham takes
prea$e(1 avitk their travels. peesesion of the farm.
'Proitz OA committee deserve 21r. Samuel lunnizIz gave a. birth-
iletatiCiitdt '414 Ciletbratiol hL
ar on gives te ty, out
life' to steel, But at is.perfect fuel
and hums quickly5 hence when too
liberally supplied at le consented by-
re tempering before MI* fused.
The =brute saw -like teeth of *
f /I, Or edge ekberbecil,**entoosotto
or break, whim, too bar .
chaving edge wortbless for cvttag
your beard. The recubonizngofail
Carbo biegnetic ritsor Wades does
awa with both of these difficeitles—
It is a. seltatise lea esteeesese
beyond cavil that every razor requires'
. isceasionsthatre
thou will Pitli —between 1them tiny
soup partiries-gwfoielz; *Ws water,
make tits lather. ThisIs rernOred by
the: stropplai. Haulm end artioothet__
• Excesses aud Indiscretions are the, cause ,
Of wore sorrow a. d Gutter lug than an other
v -ous an every mow the allow,
pimpled face, dark circled eyes, steeping
tome stunted development. b ful me
c tam to all e *Or. Is oily d tee to
le cures ail weak men by Oteracnntog awl
• remove* the glean Of former iettiseretions:
and excesses. it stops all drains and quickly
restoresthevIctim to wbatnaturaleteaded.--
neannyaadtapPyrcaavdtb PbYsicalt
tel and nerve power Complete. .
01 ..trarftrt°41Ith*VV1170;1417tIseuttpc••:*411
aissaaes of moo and woman.aum.Athat
ioN worItylrart a Poen% to sec;OuT-arath cettii-ufg't
• ale eetablished phystetanawhO depot bore tO,
experimeet,0137ou. • • t-..?2,4t.,,ea
, •
We Ns. 11 wall% to calls Irlits tor". *
*(1sCotiou.S3ault for gomeIttatusetit.
or beat teem • _
ieselea MOE Inset in you: own
Duot.t.bie k. _this emeostelftioseally
boase your barber sae it **
Drop its *'potal. or 'better lei,
_Pete Is and leo *sand 'wawa;t ire -
,jos our new proposal** for having.
these nacre tested without Oblige,
ves-tzuroiresssor, repulse:4'11:w
Oa* bcoldet ‘!ituts ettr
ff, •
Return•• tickete-at single, between ell
al.0401:10 partad'a Good going Nev.
eind-Oth.- retturitlintft-Nov.-- loth:14a
Sheffield:Choir Concerf
Ret -urn tickets...,aLeIngle„.. fare.. front
ter•to-Londot .
ilth. return limit Nov. I2th,-
The attractive route Is via bhicago
and St. raw, Minneapolis or Duluth,
&Titre copy of timetable entitled
“New Route to Winnipeg and West.
ern Osinlibt via ehtcsgo" from Cirand
Trunk Agent. •
• n9mEeertyin TIEGIILATiOBS.:4
Any pewh
rson o is the sole head •
Otja- tomil.fr or any male over-- lite
s old -may homestead a quarter
sjCto 1 evailable Dominion land 'Lis
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta,'
-The-applirttat-nrom-01.4Wth perisigie
at the Dominion "Lands Agency or
Submagerley for thedistrict. Entry Li -
proxy may be ha.d at the agent% ens
dertain conditions, by father, mother
son. daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties: -Six months residence trpoto”-
ainti-psvetriiirrinti -t-tbrai
-- steed -air 'of 'dart:xi-of -at-least -,80recrtia
solely Owned and occupied by him or
, father, mother, son, daughter*
' brother or sister.'
• i,i ditric�mnjac1dr
, In good standing may Dre-erapt a.
quarter sectionalongsidehis hotne.w•
Vriee- $O. -per .-aere. ilkttles
• lust re.shle.-six-raontits itteroph 'of siz
years from date of homestead entry; .
(inItYluding the tine .re/toired to taro
tioin es toad - patent) .c rol cultivtalt
fifty atres etitre. . • •,
A homesteader v ho hlo,,exhausted0.
horne9tead r:ght and cannot ott..t
taln pre-emption• may take a per-
4itezi,1*.1 hemegtead„iit terta,"4: districts
ir ith n eaCit threrip----
Years, cultIvate -tifte` ares and eireet
hpiose.., worth $300.0%
• ow. Vt. CORY.
Deputy of the Blatt* el thip Wolof
13.—Arritititlittriatd **IOW!**oIllshr
•rOattt *ill hot he paldlor • •
theively; that a woman's feminine
one 8111* remedy
whieh speedily remove tho eit
and Wittthe feminine ominis:
A. bilibekteiof'.34
et, Quebec, -writes to Mrs.
us cried the
d neigltbor came to tlic res.
with st7 bottle of Ayer's
Vigor. A' e 1iafr was
Tills was because
dielne4 F*lHng hair is
d by sv germ, , and
completcly destroya,
«ror stlx years 1 have been doctoring, .
or AMA& vreekrieseAelkti-and nerves, ,
irer and kidney trouble; but in Lydia
Pinkhattee Vegetable Corkimtel
-an aafely Say thieve found *cure.
"I WAS OntinroillylAithered 'With the
ost distressing beekiteheS, 'headaches,
Mr bearing down pains, and X- kept
wing more end More' nervosa,
aunct relreved MC Of MI these'distrese. . •
r‘' 'young-eroaig„
only thing thing can do now is to take .the flnger oorapletogy aft
said °het of the leading doctors of Toronto Mr. W 0.1Belwards,
the well-known Vritii4,417 Society leader, of Peter Street, TOroilto, •
cut the middle iitiger of his left hand very badly and blood pobson
•Aootor haa been treating him* but lit, good had resulted, and this
ow the final deoisiOn. A fifiy-oent box of Zatetatult eaved Mr.
'idwatdo from life-long, mutilation.. ivhioix =tato, -wergild not -
okipoutated him for.., %.,He Eels "The bloOd poison • from the
.nger weed, up my lumd and Arta and Ciletteett MO' terrible agony.
dter, months! :treatment the doctor said there was no cure, and
tnptitatioi 'would have to talts,plitite . lntended to Salto the
, My hand,. at that tinac), was all., swollen up and diitoolored,
4 X haato carry it in a sling. r left that -doctor.
another. * • ,
After 3 .Teli Weak' treatment he also to141, me that operation weulj
and the linget, would -have to be opened so. fiat the Who totlid be
" went ,s,way, to conrnll('r. wi
riot& wbo avised InC to' .try Zottn.;, nigh
•, wound .ofid•apitt aa sorne 1 ilk. - 1 i '1 for the it
. for MAO rughts.• In the , i I , *DUO i gett to
, ,
Ont-ilitehatenertevin,4110- i heafthy
ok. Weil,' to cut a tong atiry ahort,in a. few days •
aling. and in ,os fevevreiceltos ;Os linger * Neely. To.
. a ttattittl. M 4 II Bit ili*e it to 7Ara-
--- 42 4,00,vock.,,,:, .r,-,riik •-4 '
• It..cannot otherwise• be. cur
oat a year before, Mr. Paw anis
enzo3ed, For tisk moOtis the
. Wives end anothere ehould ' knew that
'gron..1lukis the 'finest, safest end surest
heeler yet known, itis it herbel halm
*ItieVitietisliko stogie in liegieg, Wrote;
cute, poisoned wounds, etaeke'd lauds,
chapped places, et/1AI sores, eczema,
ulcers, festering sores and ell skin, die -
tapes. 00 pure is it tleet it can be ap.
pliodto *liege 41111,1totbitbrf.,•4114
— ttbstaretoiroundure
010501 and urea bitt. Ittootheo the
arnof piles d kepi tto bleeding. It
is angood M 11 eines theatt 43 many,
0505 ibf'u11s. ruggistaand stores
or post five front
Toronto for riN.
Wed V
• bride's parents, IUCI
" Eketer,
November 41b
,:larke, of Us
CES.s-- In Parkhill
fictobor 18th
1tLL to Mi
gty Ayitvel