Exeter Times., 1908-11-05, Page 3ins o the discon
4J u1zt,'
nilto 3 101
*Ito t.krui oo. t.
th. b&rzs �t 10 eryrivito
*00 p 41wilikt law-abiding ctieus. onlv to a
Ide 4t ' .,--1:61-kAt ..'. 0re ;ho badly, .,
umshea 6 eater' • 'iliPai, hcart
a?iian 4nvokit& an 114W4, e , 0 .IfltLfly of OU* OWflCOUfl-
feels ht3433el 111 red '''t 3 o; •
1 ifi .bon e -of, Oet, b e41 0
, live .. around in dire,
every divot" e or b inuirt law jid0U
rlatg1tet t,he. bjct of hs paskp,over Ild ery out ,f0t)e1p for
oiliert a 106 , ,f. ITI(WtzMattragtzliert !•14:.•
t.45.41retgoislriirery *nun an
owe ono ort„vroPfurisVolkiRosop.
rtctIy vogptablaanil 40.aot grips: 9*
by .1)440 gentle 0446;itt 140060162,16' W11
fy ite thirst ' for Wood then thc'479'JjO 11 Otnt
puhlic 43"3 nIt)t.f. C91141efn, IL be; Thev. have genii out into. lifs. full 0
court a do not 04333011, aue4 kpeatid.expeetation, but they bave
tiesi; Must we not" edinit that the fajled their hoes have been.inaer-
sp1of Cam is .ruling overit
all it
iuedicine, they t, U. do 00
know whit edieine to give; crew
fore I away* eay, "You are really
y 11; very Then. they kr.40w
Made myself, • an 1
nee now what
,Most. 41044
If 4t, Man
niixture that.
know by experi-
t eir effect on
c, and
6 .
* 0 r.pubbhed a " I
• b , . '6
of eopied by. hi -
frOni various 0 4 monuments s'eltir-:
ine his long residencein, evota-'
'mire aid'among, these isne in eu-
O On
I Babylon.leri(nli"
The inscription 19 suppci
ritten by_herself and 1
inds. of p&sibi1i
p runeuts, , aid; *
Merely, the ,'elarctilary' of the &cow'
erica of Dr. Aretchnikoft the emin-
out baeteriologist of the Pasteur.
lt!st,' c.f Iife.
ettly labi
1. it is to liirn-we;
of tlib inner mechanisin
le there had hecn
ritcry ever -intone. 1 be-
ived at thz. stage of
ills *re 40 etolto .peg, JOIc
or abases for $ at es ern or ,Inailed
direct 00 receipt eterips by Thu Boa
aey Pill Co. i 'reroute. Out.
quaint trnetores nement
of Itogne$,-.
Sever villages hi the English• '
st le
. .. ..,
f,1 ThqightSnperCliou,e
rnany--parts..e.t 2urop
inary amelig tkeReetpl.*_
ugar in sick -rooms) a Prae-
% considereOzAhitsici
-„- °cent - r4uperstIffai,'
• eeeial nor tia;rmful. -
h lieT
that $ us so UtI
do e
crieth JoUmatle-r.
et the 0
iln w esti-W.4'54-4NA
But tlu
Ler qiiestio
ou sh
.-rsJia, however, de- h'arn3greM
17- -13
ono ' ost powerfulbvItt
to lus
cptzc also cOmpet u
kr (17,10 grains) were, burned'
• • glass , hell holding t•en •
s. After the,vapor had cooled
let typhus, tuberciflosis,',ehol,'
ete.,' were placed,l,
ClI in epee g1aS4 tubes, an
,e'half an hour all the microbes
ther -tntLrderer
re is another side to titi
.old 'eoinraan men
not kill,"is not 0n13•
ri T4losed
set conLaining putrefied meat or
e--eententett• -to • lerthe-e
the disi Toot-
urnt sugar appeara
i‘otn on them an
kriow ii0t; AM m ro.
'ever'?" -There is no nobler
traitthan the heart) and the
eralhand.lfay Gad save our coun-
t ' frolu and'utilke vs true
-owe -4:146-Ivho--Vnto;*in-n
derousworld broil
• * York.,
4 liloelt Attention- Paid by Bride'S
Partyto 1,1r1iligrtioins
pr raWnt in the Bellary district of
India in genneetion with the wed-
tdirig ceremonies among certain
ahmin fereilie$,
feasting, A hideouli effigy.of a, male
figure, fautestilsOy -robed in rags,
• os d to "rePresent the bride.
r Oyesor A
Gehlen Tesi
Verse 1. David nwnberedeo-
ple--Mustered his men, formix his
army into line of battle. Some years
seem to have elapsed since David
had engaged -in actual warfare, so
had came upon Win necessitated a
.bastSr reorganization of smell forces
as bo_could gather on short notice.
2. Sent forth the -People--Per-
b4Ps better,:"DjIticiei the people,"
feat its, into Wile 'companies.
Seab--The famous leader of
David's armies in previous, wars
.n,;',, . !I.'. .ocation'is un-
wii, .`, - ,
. Alititiaai. the on of Zadok
' dY. lailown to ,pe frei,e the, lon-
narkiii ve, of .Our last letlion (13•
VigeNtit47,46,4V4144404410g4A tV44"
Thou Shalt "IlliPt be •the bearer
ithugs this ye4oeb refesesto
est TeLeerir-
v;hch may be iinweleorae , to the
khig(compare 2 Sara; '4. 10).
it.)14 The „"egoltite-Or Ethiopian.
re.044PA a blaok- slave- %tete Tile
hal)js m�rc wihin te:.-risk. than,
that of the priest's'-60ni
' 3. By the way of: the plaie
oitlieg the more directbut also
rnor tdifacult io-ute by :the
vantage of traveling the Well -beat -
..en highway which formed the mei-
topiary route from the Ionian to
Matianaim. -
extensions outward and inward
louter gate were provided. Be-
rton:I the 'city wall an inner and an
•liettle,' of .a sic e adorried(*i
— '
few ytirat during t e'riro-
lia 'feet of theeilgY,. have
to be, -reverently -washed and its
fcrehead decorated • with a caste
ridegr "bride:
oonlis °thee' female relatives have
or -Srfiriier
t te young .,rnaii ei note • ow
throughout' thiS.• eventful day in
Which -the -graveitLinterests. of •tlxe
g w et or
this one 1 know
Of net thirst for knowledge
!And $00ose he-Aieet-
the learned man drew his
oat around hire with One, lien
y thoe .hi Lea.dpQh1th1g
the heavens,.
ith'L I
tr160 .gravity, God made all men
and the physician and the sick man
are. equally His ereation, Then it
certain that if He pelinitsniy ptt.
tieorto die, that is not iny Affair
and it would be wrong ° of me to
blame lThnor to be blamed myself
by -any one oleo."
elfishness is the suicide
of hap-
'l'he divine is not
definition. ,
I Virtue is the moral "'fibre tha
eonutik 'from isoul struggle. •
-Thinking-bitterly .of others 'traits
• blow at my own heart.
-Our neighbors are not lifted up
lei looking up their records.
Be Who Spfeltda hnnself tit prayer
is not likely to risteih it.
turally-label h diplomacy.
always 'easier -10 sing about
heaven than -to serve+earth',• .
Many believe they are eanctified
because they feel -se-iselfzsatisfied.
Square dealing mearis to many
'making all others fit to their an-
ery -great public victory has
kingdom were at 'stake the father's
loro ei;glis' the inonsysh's
meiit , eople heard
tlie.srerierstls in the presence oftt
• 74 The,forest ofphraint.-un
eixie -Ma ried. men are diPlorti.4, 'keown forCat 'or jungle region
u h to hide the feet thort, catt14, not in 41stAtjmitroper, but
I • ' st-ef-tlisiloWan.-M-iteme--part• -or
X201u50 to wet and inclern.nt
orysiffectioh Of the brorairisl-th
' TbsrSyniptQma itireettehtesss *cross
tteb1t,- .harp hue tea •-s. delloolte
1reathn,a eoeretion of thick Akre
at flrat wbitr, but i I
the denser forest of Gilead.
8. The forest devoured more pen
e ---The nature of the ground
maitre' the:----eteares; or-lhe:reuetiles
text to impossible so that more
were slain in thepursuits through
If et his fa
is head alight hold af the
ik erhaps better, "was eaught
st in the oak." thi.t is, as:he rode
perhaps Itt the mine
ne looking haekwastrat his ptir
rk g hough' o not
ac 1 W mg was s, mg:. • ,
, 27. He is a. good than, and tom-
etbIwitii.goost tidings-David7 right!
reasons rthAIT Iostb-- would not
cIioosesto distinguished
saw a great tumult, but I
Arliat it wise4-4114-nieeke '
gees answer was perhaps ,Kompt,
1 fiy-A-deeleirs-aerstesteis
pare the king for tlie evil tidings
whieli he knew, the etesitite would
hortis bring, let _the_
-breaking of Ahie-hsid-nteieveetiterii:
ing Absalom should .overvoltelm they
.oged king. Thisihowever, does"ttet
,,teteive$ the pitsebood of; which' A.M.
4141W-aritd,iehith- -reflect*
not. ao inneli the wiekednessof the,
young nitres_ heart As it does the,
•lightregatrd whieheryboJy-ine
rid uracy. of itateme
reflects the •,still
instinet to Tilde' iiriwaleome,
torstt!i. from. ; theft. lore *kat,
• .32. The
ot my lord Oie
ba.t. X.01114 th#4.ig
necessary to aDeak
or pisinly. The king -toll:, on
:Ten pleeem of silver -Ten the. derstood the import of the tistedse
the valee of which at- tide ) Muth' moved 140 iittorelton..,
ot put forth my iULfld ag*n)st
Lng'a _soil. ri'1y of -th•
the xank tO hi coin -
Meet' indieatest the, dee
with Willett the COminbri
. ,
4ii. ). B; Inflate AA4f,, Ont
t "1: litodand gt 1ggt1eo
Nertirty rifle 'Syttifot toy II t
' liAd litronehiet, ' .her '
'The ehismber: over the g
he events,'nar
"A**, bitte
least ',regarded the king,learning
iproitiittrAl tO/S17ftt :which 'over. tile
4a4 for his word of eitinunand. fed hyiii
4 Ibirt,---iRebre*/ Staics, relrake
SIk)Lt ent, tlistessir o
Teo, young e his .kingdinn.
th for. hik ap
''.the. belt foteresta
is- not -Much-, use -talking ever.
your ',fidelity if folks do' not find you
frieridlyz, ' *.
„e -X, vide_ to All of,
- litititieterininceelieVerto-stay
in failure. •
--Seeing the way that others sit
• is net equivalent to going in the
* It is .always easy 'to make dial -
enigma, in doctrine a. hiding.' pistol
-from AeMande4A
homi' little f*tb in truth •wbo
'rushee Out .with * blanket every
time the wind of critichim Alif$601..
They *ho aro .most discontented
witb their eireumstanees AtO likeTy
to be, best' satisfied with themselves.
When you try tnmageify the die.
thins ---preyere-you..irtia
toe $
- -
isedf her) esista
of-conmonelk kw
f ar Illustriou9 therapeuticft whicl
aro L11 "OV DISEASE.
s III -plea% 10 niko-augmem,--, Isif ,suocemi suppressing
Arinr,taoritte-aril'intiCib TiSgeat °e•ti NA4117:17"--roluill*,831hiSen:SOStte)124,1111da-Theaste„tacoinined-
u g of Bahyion, tlit- ton jlaints4re iten.,
oLler -33:104$0-that iii*tt411° tilne'4'0141,1,;'*rdiOst
diseases and bronchits
• earti=:-A,Or
r estese in bLo 'flhi.
As for me,
d'cluTirhilnIsYriudfsiesriaerleedbW.. eleiele°14.t!r/11-371::dt- '7;1 gisaninIS1)117;'eatni"ig thee' .we 0 10114
deterioratiorisin our
.r.ehe,oujoiltort.sives a.,comoete• ;(0). conisider not only maladies which••
tcf irtirtii: tof another4' ho, in the
etaliet te ex tnt tont tri ttpwhi zer ookiihcoo riwe at tions.pheago apparent,• ittw)eliquids, ebaUt rs S an
yn 1 at s.nhc e, f9e440/
royal reignethat ber,obscqui, vital reshitariee,.we prolong by ;that
r d is w;:f .7, fact the duration of life. The
theArimal eauses
-eyes are liant, "Our lire is limited by a great
Mali organism AS already formula
ed, What is curious is that it is a
• rge-orei.vlio „Sepieies--the--)Tasis"
new epar ure erapeu te
uiber of
eele:erl.1110-,Vetelink,4neSti0:ed,onAcceidno to the "make" estate."1 -know
ties for 1907 the total mortality
among human beings caused by Dthioyneguatatsh°mealtdPee,rainfrkdeticaisnilit.i.,ielleprer:-
uake bite' '6.11001 li.x'"t$0294lo'Swi,laillfi:gii4"Ve..,efar et ar3osotju„Odfgal:theelit :111atttebrerni. thninukt
kiali4n711:3.bi6nnreached41nce. 1W72 that :Certainly in the future we shall
The decrease is eioticeible
41: isi , *Beep' and . Eastern Bengal ossity to
nu"' attain that end it will first, he nee-
-determine in all their
afrnot :48,scisir a'n.wdh2ejoir30:011Eteitotogugs.bletitil..ways the 'tiaises of old age. ' These
atteL,..1,900.respectivAyin...14107. Ale rout,etto4r.:eisnutleaYeAriserTjeet-ilVveidneeily.'
most important increases occurred studied. Nothing is • yet -.certain,
'ft' Madras41dmUr52.7% wdhzerf4othi: and Ivisintind 'inlet he ceetent to,
, t• .10 . , .., '443're1leatite1i.. ._,' --,,-.....,‘,..-------
. ,..._
iog':--21)ite ''-'..1-*-4 . . --2110::etilillriir-r---T'-'';'---1----------:-'..-.7_-.--?.------.7..-.7-'-!-:-L:
• ,,..
. . . ,.
eturne'd in any one of the last sev.t elotir6-1-rtorvw."'10.vxigr'"""" • -
--(1100)--itratlieriewest-Isilt1611.1141rw„..„„03! '0"mewsi,..,14Y-The'i
en years. . . - So .useful has' the .woman tletee-
' Thri'LiiiideieBrunten treatment' of tie proved in British r41**Y-Po-
enake, bite by incision and applies, bee_ work that sev.eral of the ,great
No tmount of goalie :feeling for
the human family' will make up for
lack bf tactical provisiou tor .your
When we StIVVOSApy rich frnitage
oar own lives wortbwhite
The man in the *burgh with the
roing eyes looking Over the bu1h4
$ nose is pretty ture to he strong
cn the doatirtet.
• Alt an' Irony 'on nature that
est 'Sure to bring tbose who
preieri.Iie for the roe' around to
- for nufditirteer
ttunCetone building -is teet
4 8 fee ,t 6 inches diameter inside.
e .wa 171,7r-flfi trer irtiletiricTIM•
The, door of- out. Wctudded
with many largil. 40-11 nails.
The lock is very strong and the
keyhole is covered with an iron
plate, -wirielr-itscif has to be un-
leeked-hy„a.$panner.„hefore the deer,....z-_
.ke3t-can-heinserted, IrAntilation,is --.-----
-aftordetLby-,sms.11,1tolettopunehmt-in -
an iron Plate, 0 inches 'by flue
m.the centre of the door. There i•s
no window. •
At 'Worthington, the next village.,
to Breedon, the old lockup is a
SeVell sided brick. building, badly in
need of restoration., an
for archaeologists which it is hoped
will hot he 1111NSord, Both at Bree-
don and Worthiregton these diminu-
,., .
n' 4.
roadside, adjacent to the pound or
pinfold2 so: that ,the constable had
convenientl side. midsilhe -
cattle any human rogues or va-
gabonds be 'had Charge of. There
are similar old leekliPs• StaiabY
and Tieknall, two villages close to
jan ofpermuganate of pot* and- coinpanies conteznplate an. early ilk'
distribution, of lancets con- create in the number, of *omen em -
It is t,ae• *laxly yet to pro- ployed' in.this eaPaeltYf
, oun With any certainty sui tothe"The woman railway detective,'
..,the„,_„,exorimtuto_ligttaLliigh:AtAel4 ' _of: .oite of :the
umber of favorable reports, have ' southern -lines, "It 70‘ cainpa.TitliAi
been reteiVed, Eight easesare re. reont creation; but in this new
ported from the United Provinces field of feminine -work she hitt al -
of ihr siiceilatiV:---iisti-or Dr.. ei1.-Ti--70*.aiilticiiiiiiiiiiielf reloilifeful and
ettes anti-venene. In two Of elever.: ,Prtetieslly , every great
these' eases .` the pergistrigspite or railway teripIoye several women for
potash treatment was also emplor investigation Ptirl*Strt• • -Their
• ..,.......,-.,,,„-..:..-....,_ ,....,,, -,,, .......,,,,•,,,.._,,,,,, ,s4+4„,,ttatcs: „,,,,.0:: jet the:o
ott:or.:4,,t,..ti,,,,,:e &nary ., tailWay stall, with the e
dy pes-
, leittleV, • * I., , ,/i titTioontiolf,pustivfeawrac4hpiepet itorMactsicael:44.40
. - ordinary. .
. t ._- . *-,
e ! 9:4f count'. - Nig Istpitriiier; to plat
°:ai- Utely nothing to
how ion ' this ' Court.' ex to and therc
tit 1," hat differenee 'doe'i that
Act ajot, o * i in isli her from. the' hosts 'of
mato , 'en, who 'User the Tine -4,44A
eouldn't. teltil,retilieinside0
whileI AlW4* on,the **tick listen.
ru 'ii lla pleCes .of 'conversation
:.. t to 44,..fidtet OAS 4
yl, and with A' ready
0 any irregul*rity on the part
b ' uniformed staff.;
etimes she travels in a,
ng Oast carriage' to sairertain: if
ijit for excess potnents are
crly given arid, sometimes with;
weight of Inggege for the, same
, ditjtitte travela sailor* firstIs -
s' she Jo-urn:eye in * Carti-'
full f thirtf-eiriss •eiteson-tielte
. el1,1:::Ittrhare:ki:etttt'h.:::Tati4anY'
.ss ‘$esson' , when,
hs fl't 'It, one it .the mat'
„ .,.
4141. 0
I h ils wihtiir, l
bottler ,o
.6 irt w}ul X ct trOilt a li 7
teti abtt"
_ -
1,1 • i) OP vti*e I
-0* ' said litth
n g at 1", *dcet1 his
71"Wt $ Iliia,'Iria
hoot .saw TOrilillY Jonea
a 0
, pulled away the chab
sst d',wn on thti
be got licked "ni
and tile
Fones lielcsd me for ,'Y fristito
It Comee as Naturally lind is as
The fear of death, which has been
• se enormously eneoited in dramatic
literature, sacred sad otherwise, is
-10.13e•alraost.without -existence
sickness. Most patients have
lest itcompletely by the time they
become Seriously ill• .
less, according to Dr. Woods Hut-
hinson- in- the Am'ricau tin%
ea Amithitirt
by their approach. It is one of the
most merciful things in- nature. lhat
the overwhelming' majority of tlie
-poisons-which .destrey life, -whether
they, are those of infectious diseases
or tholewhicli are elaborated from,
the botlyris- own " watt products, net
as _narcotics soul abolish conscious-
ness longbefore the end comes. ,
While death is :net in, any isense
analogous to sTeep, 3t resembles it
to the extent that it is in the vest
Majority of instances not only not
and fever seorched patients long for
deeth as the wearied toiler longs
for sleep.
Wilile insoy , of the, processes
which lead to death are eminful
,death itselfis painless, natural,
1ilie . the failing . of A flower or' the
fslling* ,pf a lear‘j.Our_dele_
rlfc uut ou the eliht.tigT
viithout (No, without pain„, without
regret, sae for those they le*ve be, .
hind. When' death
:tough so that we -tars see -the eyes! -
behind the maskhie face becomes
welcome *$ that of' his "twin
- brother," sle'-p. •
L. It. Vevitts13er1s, Got,tettet
knownir perhaps, ss "gesslipoX Bea; .
t bet
for St
rod hy