HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-10-22, Page 7; , -, t ' wb. reArre * '''' * -** *otiter4: or at I. -.24tootw ,w141 ' 0 • , ',.0.20.,.:Moro !cfl n..,....0* ' - ' 'In, , ,:,,t • - 2 . , :. . „. thd, .. .. ' itHn, iiiirtooto!, . ..,,,, ' _ r,,, , - , , t to n s'' ^ farm early - of ' ' ion °4-14.1ili1;1'CiefSerf*"-;:l'rti'70'3.11nd.!.439:71:11,010:411°' ' ' e • and 4began their , -,,hunt, 'trent after, - r ,., - , ., hour lt , was kept 4111,1; #•;lid,14tto'i# th4, front , pi ' . ,... afternoon efforts'wero.rewa ' - ., , a 0110 set of Qib. Bank oJ la;tes;' * of Stan Ihn of Canada $10 eere41114°‘;'1, 613° Id , 4 notes, �rnxnitted ttui body bng un ' eaQh by the Online f rti°e a • ood* lirOrth /11 , , 111 Red Rive imported nanediatf 049,490 r the first „ boarded and so vern Cut is planto got • ontrom. *nen who saved a Stowart, from drownng were awarded E20 xt#1 to 53e ro; Oata—Ontayzu, t ououtside;kfighboute tea Pit ne,. , pronto\freig87c- to juleek, has boon to-voene a vv. Instittl Lfebozt outside. - tivhi4;thilyooeceu,srstaadtiortoti 4u outside.. outside., The gate' xnoney drawn tickwhea. , 00 on )111*.ne frontier, Prio out 50o lqwel n itheefi an Selcct hgs oAtizine4 .15 por 010, , ony,'44 eiting 0.114t • .- 0 ,Otititure ittelu - Bank t Canada - * toitrif Bank of (Jana 00 tatider hti,---Inercuseit s eltl*" 410.00‘; - from orrA savi r*O''t,be City- ancia Of, the, 'Citfin. th,e Matter of iikereased.r64,'0$ta:tiiIVatitio . esenf year. - The -.report -show,a, •- that the: total increa» in values in x'eal estate for this. year, ,has been an less than $19, 7,57i Thi is (41)1(41000 be iiO4t,rovia.ikahLei, 44 reire 14"iltio‘01$:')"*.lotet Ofle•*: 90Owing to (he Lty's „: 6., »g power noti be- - cotPoration, il1' Ix able t borrw a Inigo" atno.unt on..tbe;increased vsklUtUt,91 r, was very • ed in extinguishing Lo tin 003 -,IPA "...appro r or tleti ‘t Scene •of,„ ' to the fund ry.„ inuomobt:irilii'" 0 will be ipent ozi further improving • ,Ute condition ;Of the: 4-04d4 iaying . ewer, etc., la, . , , , • &a Or Lithor Delays Work on „ • the'T# & 744#‘0# A despatch from .Torento• The construction of the T. .4 . . Railway' ,northward' just *beet- - 14ached tile National Transcontin. 13141 Railway. -At present the work' has practically' 'been 'completed*, to, - . , I 041 . - -viOw toaerAiring- . nous *efforts were made TOrorkto; The wages' offered were $1.*M'atlay, andtml-$,Laliont-44rosto-wald- ' „tafned. In'adtlition, "the- men were, - promised their-fares:bah, WAY* 11 tiAti tilt thud 3 iatod In the agreement. , • FELL P%11.1.‘. AV! STRIP.14.; tedjoilirotiXitoin DentLit ' Of tatoltelt . _despatch front Jthn *\ flower,: Ottawa Atslii" local tiontiAi • dropped -Thltrsday night while, valkiii;illoAft parks ti .,=41413 public. ii,repl'irte r!letarl- ng to Syria,Smyrna, Salonicat and *other parts of Turkey, and 404. - titian; traders at 'U*040,1)14004 hAlres t is afleged, boon th ,atening with violence ' he Wiirkismaintain their refusal 4.,,o bandlo -81-uttristk trate.; Austrian ships C*0111 0,46er einhlirir folvitri4onaox:ri:7".'s,htilbttale;new:rA,cfunac::t'a.lAululu:i:st:tittriiitalnlabu:3;*teatt:44147,:iinth:E6rpouttollasertir; riving at ;raft* 1104 to lattl her own ama • maileand passengers*, A iA1,0'4'atter* JXPLOSION.0fle 'Pie • Tweet Pub, Ho' SOtitot, • - Tweed, Ont tqaA peculiar accidentoccurred at .the Public 'wheel hero. on Wed- nesday afternoon, when the, princi- pal, Mr. Blake,wea•.ectrolucting chemical experiment. Ire was pass - ozone through* gl*** tubev c�n- tzuning logwool in Orderlo, shot* its bleachittiv, powers, when an explo. "ion occurred. . Glass and acid flew ali direbio a• -z - tit 10.11.1A- taw were -17eliotariLwe also more or 4 .zeriouresultmr r 104i:ever, are -anticipated in - 'case. Colin Helin, /ion of )fr. .• Relni • local„ manager of the Bsnk )1itilltrestrair--h- 1 abet, the fact' and eyes. - " ROI% El 0I4DIT Ast,lialiseditipadokoke_ itoeotzttrtrAi::01::4000ttli*Ont !. t ITICI Iiiritittt Sto 'rift** echo sred'ou Ort 'AgizesofmnaIaugh ter jn 000i0etiOn.„.' , tatta!io' h the ivi;'*'e:0001‘bffitzs:°*e.''''C41.1.4t:ion*''ott:*;:°:A::;::s.',11:11:::::1',x,4:1417CoTit:Ai.,11011ti::::.!4':4:4• t. crime 't 'Were acquit• dov� ; slif0.V.1414;04i7;PrklAlag,j4,410 or.'40,tnaurice nag entered A British Ciibtnet, as Chancellor thc 00013,2t4Ot :.L.EgtaOtii#*-Canada's 5,o00,0O0 334 per cent ‘ • loon has 00. 02. at par in Zio:'mabn't and iteorpootoa to go14: 02.0011 u004 cubic .feet of a regi3tercdin the po.nny in tbe sloti me re, and 800,000 for gae. engines; erwiclk,ono ofthe _largest corn centres. the Kingdom, ' report les', amounting to *045.000 last yeart,this being the cectind best re- cord An tWOOt$' 'OM:4# etier "n, aciunftn,was t0no 4,1;,•,1;ii Triflrstroo'nntyg'voi'patellit_ts,!ti,*' 44' scro!,,p.tisprr4itrini.t.°41:41 in t°*: -°m°44 ii 14- * ' l' ' ',°4 Sturgeon ti fatc''e'' mL quieti a 4 nd 0100410 pr *Anti Ia. 0 k .. , . ' . *4 ii 1)tIore - -round coltIO 0 -- - , ' . :44„,m.,.4.07,2),00eyet '- fifite. '0 criagwi ati$: is frivolity. town.ifti Wowhere e of modest mean* or AL -4 Ad. wDe ger rd to have motor river, ,040,net. vaQa ar40 of , olubl 11,1!retrol(whieh, to be ianttriorurtrnrrat bigh speed toof th for that publie, it lives • 11:',0,01, glorification. *, a , rel • oultty—Jtcceipts of livo poni ave been heavy, and. rwe* )ring chic Cosi.live. wt 9c to 1 liyo :welt # to 44,Seto'10• se,*Ii'VO wcight. .41; jot 430 t .ng turkeys, live wt.. I. tall rescd price 2o Iugher: ,Jots; „ visxtedtho camps cer,that thereare etir*” to be ManY. *note richerfifld5an , ' she rt rush into . • ° country 80* a. -01° -/t „Ai*, Xtte his4 'f3evealliernes, have left Port Arthur in the st feW days „ for flelds-• of promie, and n N'e 4 Trkfi, Ourwood, a magasino writer of eit, repor*1 to have been murcieroti the Lao le_ Rouge eountry. an_ Mann, was ..10.1otOd by a *cag-q-grainirltirr onircharge-o Murdering Amoy Gilmore Thorny son, formerly of Toronto and Whip. .Orphaa children Placed" in Illin- ois home* vtisre sowed with hot iron* and stabbed ;with forks spi scissorst awarding to the cherities agent. - --Th*:"41-ithittle; of • rkt,0 WAVAgAtidt at; v on -a anf.ont eight-hour day and an increase of iepercent. in wages - a rite aciinsitiTre. sidont 'Roosevelt of. pitrobasing the suirpott of Daniel Keefe, West - 141111BaP,n1P1:teahcid'ntdlix'Aail:t7:6'recri.sOit'lloilthri)1:1°iPArtl:3:,0',$14011°14;44't°,111111itnittuiinn,:ndde•t'hBref,,tryerix ' head 40 lght; heele lo *:etAslisrtoothuovte returning 'home f c thoy the Ottawa Dental Acsocia.tion ILI191 clorot, th#4 twenty-two poreans friendly to ;fa, pn cation, with thi promise of an un portant Covell:truant position: omtst4t4. The 'war -Cloud\ in the 'Balkan* VOW helloed to hoe pasod away. .Showers ailie4 front 4010*0000 4,0i:lailen on some. /mins. '"" It is '0)51)60441114 the South rican*LOArtnice.,a will Iat-three- months.- - The -Emperor of ,,Germany has in- vtmtert_sk., 'brake reiluratt tn,Tarf and automobiles. the time. He it ;survived" !a. widow eating the ot,ulf and were. sampling Polk mista63-ng °Icon for 3fisurg"t41* and four children. •' it .to its eet4 TO BEAT TIIE 1111,111$0 eras- any Safi to-riall IlerCLIgO as despatch front London *Olt 0 Iron and Steel Trades 1010rilal Oderstands that in 001140citleO00 of llow British tents lsw under *Mar. 81. •Lot bo sold in Great Britain- units* manufactured here, a isyndieate of Mot, At4Orittatio 444 and : •,.:Isti:Ilth‘r.alto.ts)ih;e011°,60.oitme8rzt: .-1:::-,:,.:1410-, itii' ):::::ef- : , bag.°'.rze°11.1,14. tcfcaorts. 1-0.°10. ,ii, ,:.. r.i0:,'.1i; '.....,''-w' : lQcto3 . .00 Win.' - Ito was ' 'Plow' t d' — . '•' . 4 ,tilitterlizietir'died a Irielater Farm* '°f .66±e$ Peliwe'tes#'7- in car 1°18* well-known Apr '- in *Acriculottiral - ' '-- rit.0.111$1°'N'TS 1 *,:itTehleeZili41nAlid ITUraith',00e:*°4poilirs,'4?lit'abgAti.:4ii.:;erti3lte,stsSIthlt°9r,tiol6tsitli),*602":1,5,r' bar - The .•....Letkv--.. 3,.*.x.elookierale,301t***'.......,'.'1W-..!-AiTittc-filaiiblo,--1**-_-.2.- the 'world' Over to boytett the beer' *pails," 140, '.• ' • -- • of the brewers who will not agree.; , Sninked and Dry :Ratted:Meat* , 'to .the demands of' strikers, , toi*, clear beton, lt,?:‘, to 13c-, tont '' Douglas estate, Lord Douglas; ' end. tasesir,. bams;-, large, 123,40 to :.and party, out on Moorhead regent,: .nal cmcill,..-14Xe .“14..kkle41,..baCks*, 41,:shot ttoys brace *rouse,- 10 ,black ' 47go, to "Iiie; shoulders, 10Y40 to ' SAMOA, and 43 hares, beside anipe 14,710i roils* ilg to 11.14q4 breakfast "and Pidert P.1011r. • • - • . ' .• ' on 15c to i .green -meats, out , eaoi'di'4t-,",lrait. ,rio '-''.- vt °being Atteettritt by-V.40'100ra Montreal O.—Grain--0n- which ." linAtir knockc4 him tbrough_ _ri_o new clrop Olits0 e. fenc� A--- tww.noinetylr4 afternoonifri44so140 0, nr air, tottoott.thille, ,,tweith441.ie anallit/Job$01, 06,1a,40 at 43 to rtalite, ild1424"11-45r13 * rop the, corDoratlon were held persons lave attendod the fix st4,41.0.. spin in gal!. Since1800 Over three rejetted at,44 ' "4* Per blts milhion concerto at the Ci —While'ena"in4"1/1"rig the (et Wheat pat/mita, .10; 1 o to vtiotttoherovototmept„th.14:071-00.miditteettuoto:r roollieors41104024,60.10; .04i004044; dot! presentAymg at Cromarty,, tliver74 ,to *Lea. ,roted-410144,0ba bran, named Newton, belonging to Pais, sgi to„,„4$22,;,. tborta4 ,n, Ontario _ley, had- hie -lite, line fouled cintl wool bran, $21C to tom; middlings, $$$ drowned. $. cattitty; count7 41$7yshorts, *Pie tier ton, g hags -'3; PAre grain numille# With, dot rao err e411174‘tee-4.1Cht4le ft -grind -Alb* was 3G years • ,At a .meeting of 1unc1e 014-,Agt Pensions Coreinittote, it was report - 0 that it los likely Omit.** Itest 4000 'persons would apply at onto for * pension, smi that every year -11004r_10(k. ibletriat A*. to, cheese Xn_for.,:white# an 1. Butter $11X.to 1 4. or*6 Of! or IllirrED. STAUB MAIMETS,. Buffalo, Ott, $0 o. 1 Northern, tarloutt, OtOrej • Winter, ateady; No. .01# ,Oor ; A liespaltli front London s&: 4. 4,44.1 to•,,i the •Times from $t. Pato. triburg 'say* that the,;Xtuittiali '43o1,1,! 014 _hat tent a. Ao.te ,t0 flterrist nteurgro. itek\ , thole Interestt at the,fri- , wi *%o4 8 X*1* policy , Pkt A 404441 from, 'Peri* oinyit F A ,41tspetels' Om Berlin . Neither AustrioOluniori nor Atr. . *et 10'rptir Its consent to the dtalictit is nglor the: se of acquiring fotoriei in• nd in whir* 'foray"artieles inn:Britain wfll be ,niana.- .-Amtsold at cool:4440e, Tbe.' *t� wflI ,curt* *`'llootiiit too - 13 o# L. wad win :iotve' I1inga, like the Union* b*klci- ,41 for ever." Tliei - • Jiabylon WOret It$33144 Inc ter we owe antique s�al- say the *up of to ado them having ossfy‘ oeJ tkoitt). w WitO 4 wbate*4s3 to ritty---reed to malting, $0 to 6 $ on track, inc.. '43'71:114rferot eafortim#1)1' tabie):14.116.;: Ulf a ni• 0, north Cit. 41104440, at 1.30 on . Five t tt dr** t rt t4I'e, or nr. leu injur- ed, ,00400,for4i. 4/filearir-of4kgeryeing-thennost-sert.- ttust, ,She sustained a broken *mkt a broken leg *;and other' ittiutio4.- PueAr7 Toronto, had his ti:Weadi1441,0‘Avota't *Sur otherwise braSed; John Potts*, .0011ingWOod ankle hurt. injured. Tho iiiao7tietriviett4u, 4* of.arMbrek. en and trabi nng ouf,2 miles an hourrt-,411, h Do 0 ern Madrid h' 11 d on inodern° ;writer's view is that 'sere is nothin nTabb r OPV:7,dctqerately hard, is inteno01,' interested in , 'thing* and producers, -thinkeyit men of- intellectuatL-sntl aciontfi Itedridf-oortakinly4deea not **orit bo Muclitinterested cit-anytnitig but- 'frivolity, 4' and,: few- of * her greateat *re rnucb tram, onto Tilt sPrik -UhOrito- itigalber ego • Brittsk COusenit..- despatch from Londonsay rails, brnging the calls to. or, he 'fact t 'ste;;Oin.g on the treets To - the Tears t"•,‘70.477. „ • 41146.AdikA AAik Aral e 4 despatch from Ifelhorte, Au. Alimit to roost° Oreyson. Strali*, 40104- Sir Lre, de- liverint, the budget, statement on 'Wednesday', sold the unpreeerIont. alr Urge oustomk revenue of X11,- 0451000 was ettributsb:10. to the new tariff and thIshilvitZPrle,e, 4.4 pro. fain --Ott* - 0 'nthil F1n. AntiMulinirett Society, of *a -; -an condition that**. , Thoostibt4odii:soidoorestingrtiod. thou: uhogirrtes,h,.. . ... -,., . *.f,r, co,: upon theAraitera beilhe* „ • - • GAME. ,..,,,,.4....'" ' -... . .„.. , ..., ......,.... ,giowtew"•,, • Ixtive refused to stian, 4 , - i .-ftilir to._ sto4, Si '" ...4.,,...: ,IN.111:8 ... , th ether *nd said :,1"..:,:tfiat",:it:titchs ertskiff:uirlYtiatii joint:::to:sitiviliottt' ,_,,iii_ _by , slioutioi. and ;aerosol - „:'' I* .'1:11114.11titt:i;P4,1::1:-Piiittiji4u7v7ut*Bidn41111:77:7141;1:114i'lleki:,'!".:'°1:4:::Iilit41:.'1#1144:._*:*.:i4:1.,411th• e -- —nd 1 ' reroiltifOirwworiclurt-tt to win old Banker** tlaugh• 'I'll have to ',work' a, r it Idon't win herr riga theta ** *MA, aa Oar 114 Ireatat.'"' the • for" -wlth*. Bor. *slit a, tlett; °A;$4 Er to Silt to 50 o; **triple, bo e6e. thoosI e»c A says:, front *tato the Canadianzd �r4 A% I .'--f • r has t ifeelitre , ) Viet , 'in; - Piletihts* tho Tnilthh, lit'()reign Xiiiis- tr,nontOk other onto4aniling daims. tll . .„,., . r, duet atirroseny wottlrl ft411* thellte VklttlorS ere' in Inifor of",,ts, I.! A.drpa Or eland 41 414 kdoipti.4 4 ttte4tt, A tiliottrrmt, *r ... ot 'ark of thgra. ,,,,,kti the Iroll 4 #, mesa:it* tl/ke eitnetottion: *re iiSolintod to Mt ' ' ; 'eir cit Aprnnis ersi iforr4.10'i,t,t$4410441,0iii, tho tiotectegrii,irmitt,4 tito stivi,..- ',Av. (4 ' *1044 viikers, A 11,0rilli. II fttk,.1( 41'4*, poz sele... PN .4040, t',0 '''',!!*, . *wez tk0 snore US$, to r., Mr Usr left Yearostver 744.1'Prsot