HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-10-22, Page 24 AVP40 0 o 40400 itcif. hin , o ell' b 4# sharpeni.ng kniv 't iirpoiit t , 'aehcd to f1 eitAtIt WI ne.folt even o corrscieint. il led to reumed snd too vna 'come outwith - I 1f that e u ti little4 vi on .the nrngzc, , pen 0 In the . DUt graduauly roverlibil-women love men's -.Approbation.Somothing ottheieel • ing-witliin- ave -evidence elf to terse eyes. lli4 atton- tive y-.7-des • 1 if ... ere _ • -P' i* x. . vitt, ._ wasineUned o-txtritidortfil„, e .044. Anyway ion'- ru cauied—. "Como, Oraciel - Taking the elkilel'Is little hand in her own 00,01.Y, glovedc.Onest she, sp44ke, the womislii turned, 0Viciont.' Itsr intent on Walking:00k in the di- rection, *bent*. ,slie hitid,e0Me. Thitt,brO 'Wit Masters -to hisfee ow . "Uolir ' ' Aslialt op 131 IreAtTri“ .4-- a criraftia ,,. was his character, 0 . ssed an instinctive totirte$ tietY s uu*ritiMi, d never .-Sgurod $* at 4 rcxi. 1$U1 the1 nativ terror, owing to the fact ti le -410 u ce1Lnt :.4001,00 ci L. 'at.pre en ;re t!!* h s vi - * 'f. Lo 4sb)o time xincl caiset ricnt of r OAto, .ine .m,s , • ., all spi00 In. It it ,ss* , , ti'bing, ani thoughtn xis t as 'bee winter,rughtto -7*-`o sbort s tninOt t ante water For a second nue -the c away (r�m hi INOrici- I6n1):* Re led AS he spoke. lup from hie book as he did so. in uting a note of doubt in his enquired youu$ Quite!" 4 ,48Y taul,attes anta neaveio:11 rere , t o , region in May ast --ii e a 808.11 VIII 000 reason' ' nOlke the same: ople could no V 11 ." litir. " t afraidWow 1 " tthtioi eshe n ingIy turned, tho 0 4intlia 41 Pray do not lit me drive you Possetsion may be nine nts Of /Ole law*, but we 0,4 4ercoatielv04 beyond the pile of Its riotusto litre.• It, as 1 hear.,.< ram iris • ra 0 w re 4 wou .bt abssurct to '4004-4W thit it rousidered., your sett",,t,hit smile was net an unpleasing opt,— poss-Totininer-E3torfered withthe - owner's1 use • of IV'. "X* that pen you are using," in- Gr*O10 $nsidenlip *prOpos of 'thing, "one of those you put the ink n at the wrong -ettlesin 'trickle ' blended. ▪ tore . fake, mo 11 47t r $0 1014earl Iittle still,the went On tie anti 'iv an -411 one once statement as that sure ouldliot'fiiii to truth a inere user f the pent 'Seeing' that astQnizn- ment expectokpf r auumed an sppropriatelook oi sur- weArAilLof it_ le_p_i_ised her mightily;• '. , . . . .. _ ... . ir t;',i.". he trti " • ow-monId like to xnake quito 'sure you to a, . . o, eh 1 Would you h The lugs . eyes brightened; sho was at his tide, in ,*; M.61110 tit,* it readily overcome tuininert bare no Trustfulness a. tb _k_P!i -,..011,.q --" fi , t 610* WO; ther from‘ti t. altogether . 4 it ha Iitinctiy good. Tifl ho l�o3 "iltIi"*Ihsvr en,!131heo E7‘nrthenldc itin '' unfinished 'eh* tei-% -, no a1tr*tion'' in h vex- i ad been * good day.4 (To be Continue et ThaLOrgutc to « r mg to 1'rofeaot an bo beatod ieparate 08 it p 88$ s of cake rcq ent tornperatures or grin work o ating he, most be obtained lustan e * ani er 04va0"4":e10.14111itbors treampry where- they Could e :ono tine& 48Weejt* but they g atisficd'aucl wanted' to know would'fake their ere** twice it.wee they.if eturned, bringing theii 0 an 04 on, y se 14nt* 111 another a man anU two iris, xund 10116 ravii4The 4:re:4ttifill***rn"' coin:t are n driven tO . prey -npon *01,4011 by h4ngert ating ntina lvvre not often ed this -region. Iciest lions z. electrie e'in bis new yacht and Ono in hi5 tr ors as to the ied gt- aiit ttic'th:seolle,entOvi'IS 40011 -were Oft ng 04 0 e uman with :the ,restilt 'that many hotels — ' these catering bet better e itoplo, put them in their kitchens. establishmentt gradually tot. ev rtiegultiessreit ingot/tall ntlotser# swattlit not Tito*" ° (k141.11 4/40 latiVel, hel guno 4h69 • 0i sg111 Intagniai vtl lre ;t0 Stitsiocg t 0: ataiLhunintrin# le -wound it-Iturt be M44.64 i is e . gin i bet( hi Bealtiot Iastftsition 10114 On Door. .into,,the uter ofcin , en ear o _co that de not give; enough butterfat. pay for their e believe -I the' time will co'ne wbcnbutter will: j be so cheap tisat.tIse best tows wit not pay, and the farmer will, forced out of: the dairy and'the btitttermaker lookug jo1in some other lino of work, un it has not an offleial ort: t the .mper ae opies ` history or.art elve -to pages 'long. It el .known that the, morareli, t " 1 makes' his 'token leaving*out tho wel s4t hat4iiis ite fortars, row - :010 zbesto 0 1 • - POULTRY TES. - 1tuiyhens -are not nlyt'4.1wilost egg producers, but their eggs the ,best fertility. In , orde at Alive( strew the floor of with htyor straw a tin in- this. „ tothor thochi rd:ear1T Gel oost as-eiii1Y-7it-rt-oitilb tou h 'roosting' ee ifut 1111 ine tra uzt,810 tenderness ntlsteer_i nixie are 50 roinineritly its the *Or (1, -OU As the author -leaked down at the ito.frem his six -feet altitude, the look 04 .his foot was an irresistible r titan. er 0.. posit to a toy ,terrier.. ."You bavc toenrately,.„46scribed little *omai' horan$Wetetto, ut . '..,,aiwtsyti•Vrtokhr When, you wsntit to—though it gen orally does when you don't" . _ 'Ark • 'ap1anat4ott Muter* ksd from One aferite her .41j amIe' l3ut the 4,60M4 through Would. have been .rery high up t fool ado indeed hadshe fauted It ritalli was 9 paront an utterance. When t it **crated on the altar he becomes vpio!..on csae ta sandiii 7when—if weethis it it *Pt to brush" .terost up its refreshingl,y as a gust Of country' - • Turnin the leaves of his book till:lie tittle 1:0 s an page, es- ter* twisted and rested the cover on his knee. So the open leaf was levt el with the int.nding--eyes-spark- ing-with-exciteznent-writor. bo g*vetbehild hisi - She drew a * tzl imais to a prophecy was made in yrotestor Plexner, res.' b Ifektoen belore the siologieal section of the Anieri ri ittocittien for rit of Science. - 00 Tile* Or 0 tionlinvetead thit kip Of exPen inentation,, ,account of maintaining unimpaircd the -ii - but . and to .e u'cl 30_, r!--iiityl issor 1.10Xne netsi0iii$ ansplico o goints_. are „Midri- b t hod of Vese 'ton, - tictsr-Lbiso-o 1 :44,Av67- reir 1 00aulitiOnts, *hick niay eans. reiernble Or .pr at* ose .believed to gilte rise, n... thol Mtn and to o • 080 ,* long land. Iler. 111 .011'11' sti *�oznpassed litur. of onecntrated she got ,through with There 1gured on the 'words ' cover. `indgettl het to t *tit; made tlrivi!r inipu1siely; hurriedly. r h t with4everything in one at desir Re in * "t smiled as be 4t, s. it InLO p o K.11 ffeton-earr. sho in ay e diamonds. nett li ngs lease in the time of 1 ar1jtlfititai *win. Ion tieriath Once ore Master little , by a ting ,petetl to eosist teoula• hay ed look 01*40111 olapping ef ban and Ott. 0414 daneei he or* on the trigantia railroad eve, a .131304 latfernic‘n atop% "salt two •Alt. thait-1,11tr 060044arrto tur ordinary lien into" one, of th ,08 ng $or UV or un • taste for human 11041. ,firiit feed on the„reniiini, •man '0°4x that amen ester -st400tt.21io,',1 t. main kind is **it to ki likely to ..ettitelc mon,'wo ..thildtertin...,preferettco.to an; _ gainio that has been his food lis hecomes * num Nati term t the. 1St -fond, * init Ifitation* door. knock•rd Me meal *nil 6 ytelf, when lr run * lin4 the in- whoever entersl:sty tbat le wilt and X - This is the elit4r0 -in tho present Sittl*ti areIiona --reein e&t�rs. Of court this Skate o fair* hist incited the colonial au- thorities to make every.otott to, 0 - *trot the lions, 1, _0 ,, _el at is trine* - ill do to i e ro * d t $ ezUrpat- '2 - n 0 conditions erstor re for 'The. Emperor veli bS(5 his lcttern himself ne1ai1 14, and absolutely in, full; thc see never wants a titl ic emoii•ErhetspinYdielliite‘ and ebori notes t� the generals Of hie. Wit tho vitity-of the 1etter ire .ft --rested to • 'Protestors anc , inuticians, in view of erest 1/.its . „ is, is .rprovrt the prodominant jetty:takes •‘- ii. these letters the' Zanier to': varlet* short, pr word* his views oretent-4* -Chickensexinnot be healthy. that ' ;Idled up in a tiny bit of * brood, coePr sweltering in the hea ol ,tho, Atmosphere, as w11 iis that: of theif OW -ii -betties.- nothing wiI dis- w_e„, theget, hitt good etre, list,* ymteroi care, A*. :common sense *in.-00in.. *41y:dictate pinfttr* wifl tetUxil St good *oft on thb, tune .and money, �pondcI thereon4, 11,0fileetecl„, tho' will pioduce iwtlung but, 1')0 isappointnient, as they: -- Guod lxiyr will ' be found simuitg solttrost i tb lgttoioreatein tliem an appeti''one Ana inuitjmu, 1 rental -X -6u' *Al visitor, 11! am grecting that h Many *it whe plagua was rotting, 1 was in cut* and sick, 1 NIL and with Joug ;in a Oxi ocM, • ons 'WelI," ho 1 'or yout" "1 ani int luth.4,4" - ''What do / want ith a. slit" growled the busneu 4eittet you *ittio'rm I "Your. likdro " 6)3441,,, wkieit Make arrzngemeflts for. fattening alt birds, either e#-1rfls or old rketed. ou boo g crate Oc two. iig up an old taking boa. tte-bet. ler:141,11. have *. good -solid rote slast ,you for years. Give the.'tevelii--plenty."-of 'fresh. ' * g how nitwit Ater. is .anti where they :to find it When This is otpecitlly true OMNI 011,..0 ! off, the nest after red to the by d 'deep, the muscular lifering eggs. t technic*. knowIege *"4t-tIout 01- msn frecj c o OW letter*, the endit—to „ with inarginnl notes, - this works annaval fts teen sketchet done by the Emptrot the sheet simply:covered in *11 :di- rections with abs' partj detign for .the mechanism of automobiles,. and p1sns for the interiors -and ot *14i ever "i - bittog* Ore. ant it. the mg en , Atte I" "T, his thi!bst when eomul mfr KO drumt long ii.; produec ut 'forth the effort great mwtkii takes plteeto-prow* tho, toe gy, dePloting the tis,succor **ter. So do*,,,4210it riegled. tIlb 'water. 't 41i46,4**4 0;44 give , pid ttrisTrirpersent, c0.01:1,4645v,04,,, flot-r4 t‘i;rtolvtire$ o r know- kdgby .the , number, of '14i7:1111!°eYili::Ati'hn6347' '.1160iN:et113:11:1.t-iV4.1:11!;r1:citiocrilrittlitetion to .him in reality, althttugh: 'honor and fame were itoorded to the *rt. iEt 'who carried out the idea." --When -'t.lie._tbsL.Pais.,,xiper-ist-tzviilliviir es the telegraph t great deg,. iattntis 14 ._64VAliture4 in that ilt but tletigeiV:ern gt:ttltborlogthAgtviht5rifilP% f,* r *so* SuelvvriVit6 letters r 'Gertnirif (a lieutenant of Chtlitteurt of, the (rtard), t teyol. to Ott eapital with loinatio tiOrreeponriertee.", The+ 17444perorie *very fon ,t3rs potteir44, "1,nil. *hen 0444,0 Ifiglselvffe yet*" 'irtt.ilriltanu:rrifomalotIelptortisinticiketoicto ng t.terlin itoolttrt:. In hi study lisit numbe tt'r sent Inas 4Vhe4 in terib4447,4ti,,zeilit.t:slreassii pIemdid ltsiaer, tie art t. „lug $011 n On itrc Attentlon dive