HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-10-15, Page 7,
ut niake our .n
lAf°14kI 404
this fathc
re know:
to the lord
us a11, is
f hein
.1i1c a
,Iau the free, nil -1
illicit. zc'cm tosfrti4iheavei
eremarked, "if a
take place the bouso,
1e Lon4on and South-WesterD
forenoon 0
.sueh an es1yx after-
ooii ai tn enable, o eatch a.t..
icturia Station the train
reatej work the bct rewar
iaracter endi mere ,on.'cOL
no h ereetz-
our. ei
ion of life.
0 thinking ot
gainingver is On
6rick cornpetition out o
ry .pers.
n. 'tiled to.
'ditors and explain with
they thought or '*hei
d'. hundreds tamest
Nreiro' ,-7-oerrcling osx
poor verses ei
:o bettei
-in whom
0 -and towarci
b freely
es rnen' .bave been
tee. a. 'th. vine; they are
s '114wers. it have through Oa!
edbPso look at er ' ,,Irrot-,.,4n tt,0
a *MIN .; !‘, tlt
1 his -,g10 es i 6
. •
Lt. tho eeitconctitit
there brnnes- -a --rep
evioe for increasing thc
or newspaper5 should be
fiegaL. It is 'rather late'l
th day Or this xlecision,,.but- it i
ztt so natiess as it scems,the
crazo'for eompetitioni is one that
ovives asain.and nd
-and the -national taste eatered to
stm 4.0a01..,newspapert,--and Wee
•J'Irthe.- report Td-iniandit Ifittt'an end
be put to thepossibility of any
"inorstAystAnicot. oupons,....entrane
piir4s es offered by ''thette
•riodicals to their readers. Even
mpetitionss-in srbich....there-is an
element of real .4i1 re proscribed
the Committee if ass"Ociatitt'with
the moasuro
bestbe es I
'eVe$ z MCA.'
e, out . es N
't 10 0 luto
not station + then t 1
at It 00C9$$M, . lAtOr01 ) .0
1., the Criminal*esti atio par
mcnt, an it w,
1 AS 1 0
Pi Itc-rM
t"Traa 4) liou°rs
e , 4l 0 r nwhile all t
Lth About tho intnite,tit'
f*ves of U- fo 10 ir in waikin:
Ye where mim an wornen.)
e.... chijdren out to
12Py lnu n doing
beliovo the
n •
o • 0
great ongh ttn0 L, 0 bt tO
cor, vita)/ nOre tiro
a*$01,11.46 °I'ali
is es
ssing I in our living?.
ratsto (compareu
e Children of litichir the son
Manasseh , went to Gilead, and
andtok it, wethe
.dre-ilaPc4seits at re
4"ellat h!in.15,41011 . .0
situatedeast of the lortlen nd
Ot flsr. from Mahanaitn, the city
log his. exile from Jcruaa-
hence the are d.
,DarliVe Rindnee to
4 natban'ti Son, 001
ersc 1..1)avidsai
V- dnbbdIrI
18 rifa
at aver taking placo on the
following �aturday but .
At Vancouver the passenger
ou1d again hive several hOuri
loo -
way, for The 'Groat Northern Lim
ited train to;f44. Valli &ten not leave
that port Until 4 p.m.,- arriving at
fil.. Paul the third tlay. at 2.15, and
s *--S.41_1 - lie. fir -4 --few hours -to
3V:ire zu that city un I t, 0 epar.
taro of the lost Northest Limited
tyain-tor-Chic zrrrvrng Widnez"
Atwould board the
Twentieth Century Limited,... the
,famous New -"York CYentrai train,
co that no one diturbcd
or anyt.hi cisc.
-"Somvthing of the si
pened in the Itipper crirnea.
casesof Viet' 'terrible series,thero.
were chte'dcstroyed, wiped
out absolutely, clues, that rnight
ry' easily' leeired, kr u
'woof of thc
greater, antiquityn e ot
1 it Ihat. has
0,A1* AllAttiii. It
. in a Pael between
at Ork,ih Dutch
andowners in Orootia o
one case it waa a cly pipes,
getto thofitifire
themurder the doctor had Itaken
'p, thrown it .into tliaftreplace
4 *mashed it beyond og
urn Another case there was writ-
- chalk on ,the Moot
„..through ipea
Jett long, hot boi
heard a nee ortwenty
young- -r
romii for 13( in ani. of tog the same ending, a!), for ex-
Pafid'S:beiiiing., toward the 114.use arivies* ERII*baal, which 1 Samuel
a -11e4orat-li.--novnttattro
tiorAte tA), 0$ IN the" *WO" 4t 4/4'43' eltrn th
oesiVt know it all.
" feel sorry for the, woman who
It o confidence In tither her hus-
or hrtle sinal5er.
1**Yers have t ast
ttn.P` .toinnion.
rtiOed• in our lesstaritarrailm,
om chapter 01 we learn that at
st 'seven other "Itionediate dtt. tollit• 'le
ear iit-Sirarbesitles-Itop .
sheili-stiiiiied the cortillot with tim
or descendents of., Piaui- David is
laidto have bauded v,0Yer to, the
Ofbeepitei in order that the latter
keasumni_ .1...Lryltr—ongeartee
bloody cruelty; to ,:the inhabitants o
-that city, 0010A p,
ve years old at tlw. time. of
,0 death, and since ot this
'omit ,already had isayoung
0031( erable, period of 3teltrt .fltukt
intorti elapsed; The parallel **count
Chromeles makes' no. reference'
to the' leVents.. u.sere, narrated.
7. rear not_ -In-AtletTer,-40t-th*--
'that, 11,4d be-641CA ':other survivals
nienibers o f mily compare
. r 0r." "What bs.ire yuu got
°Wwarda rtr_i___ ".-15._*ite,, _
it "Bridget, it'''' Always
to e- that tles.tratikiest inifo
' l'etln:‘ the best codices',Cook
irqr, :o On /44 1" b141:46."tiPtiafilef
ciAtitt4o0-*Vt ,, -
ieal "
al AV 1 ft ell-infOrmtd
ts...u.eo tai -
. t* it -on every
water. or wsostld the cost of the i,ourn
orbitant. Takigit-forgrar
ea th t tho unard Line you
'eborg the sante ininiinuta 'rate to
.Cbanntl ports as it does to Liver-
pool, the tri' to
London would
m goolg l.nto proate banal or
*vat e grounds to. arrest a PTihi.
tom London Lo Vladivostok, in-
cluding sleeping car, is *boat $240.
To/ Yobohorroxi ineluding *looping
car, just over (W.
ind at 0Vcc,• and tho
the ruper0
iT o u Icer4-111."-
whicb tutted so, 1on
that tbc peasants... o ,patience
betwcen a force.10 e t
under • tnew▪ • igic, and th
nobles, in 'Which 44 latter 'were vie.
„ o
auntil fort/4w. - -years ago,
e ' inhabitants af Bredovcc
rTs0 cafe r '
t'1ow at last the Court has 1036.40
vcluinc in itself. ,
-. Basing, its decision. chiefly 11Po
,fhe,re4istribution of rands' scheme
gurat&byibe of
*4r 61iffi
,d-"1 C'oirte-'1w I . to do. 'rhose
re, appropras*-14y eirwpg th77th-O.
eat 'descendants of the peasant
der, Matthew O'ubee, .wito
was eap-
$ $ u hiS-1 slays
iiotnib n
.cre for.
Envy is. the habit of'Tr;h9:41glr,:$!::::ott qatut/h60.11:41:Pine.:
ot others. •
depenls on the .length SofPlIi;
• ow -of -th
SalVation is morc than consoi-
marmot; of 001 it
144F •every
▪ uL
.t *cote,
When the preachor .ge $ iou
not his peoplesikit 0 do in
/0 nhishe
he po6fleilow70
if You ,are AllikkUlt for the 'approve,
"t the Pharisee., ,
If you '•/are,..-diSsatisAed-
igion ,,biicause it does not make
Aisk-eis,fire lhappy.st-"-wht. . ther you,
wake any c
Many .A tOill a kick .coming
I nover-reaches- a
Nothing short of :a steam „roller
n-stopa4flidd1e-aged woman*who
Imagines. she an sing.
gsve1a*t ni.tilit4"' g
ton give Your -0*0., nan1 Pio.
en e .th4 investigation of 66
rite end the keeurrng of evidence
hb Ina lead to the detection ut
000r AVE* u
forspect ,h* oft d dog -m -The it lest AU
differet tve4 it0oit eotiteMptible of tobjetttili4000
kin 444111'sti, opporhtnity tliteOtaIg.
*a 0 , „*°rotedt; th e l*nd for 14timhibmatttli's
ft was the inunediate farnily• -0L liiuehoId thus ,,,received„ the royal'
j"entitimii:in 'which tfaiiiirs. $ritereit nc'tion. Yriirn bencer-oro--be a
.does -no" $0111.-t4)"' •serrint4.--2.ihs,
"thfdhrnTheli ,..oita41).?," aoiturboa the t*
ox cl V' or tO- theiandi.which the:, tee
tot or their de. ,,atiret4 h"ti,ifl routtgon.
dolts n stnY t
waY. ' rifte0Aitrotqs-A rather snit,
the 01:41,104_ tante.-autitlier omparad with some
ti tI? Z which ,
'0,! the Old Testament family -re-
gret," t4/*hsve- "
Twenty' servants -41'0m, the .nturt*
ber Zihe's servants itmay
'forred that the estate, of liteplihno.
alteth WAX fit '000AideribtO lase.
i. Meplithoshetb;autos .*.blduni‘g
nut numerous posterity a it s
innns f1
life when
(ter the.
ing Putt.
s tolum of 1000
s„..hotet ext.
hat brings In'W, of course,
thc'tfuestion �f an alteration oft
iaiv -arid- the -reconstruction lit th
oat )' of the Oriminal
too big a questionbe ctt1ed
even disoussed pro
erran Vr9Wri
thoti as. a mock king of the pe
SA 1VrAt, 14 a red'lzot iron trown.
InP ittC0 • T. Ili
oini In Plight fOr zir
t aura,
jor Orthe (erman sr
h*hd tbe
ht acquire for .bir
hh Soni The Iana *nit pe
pert y ;0.,;11)rophiboalotth,, /tit
g *bout him to Th
ASBING •'f..ONDON 0 . .
the dasof illOtaeaba th,
CIrsed• V $ in'Lad-Oil-ip.i-
-ile-in .
pt'rou' clays they nnrnhei
14,000. At tbe end'of the
completed June 00 • thi
stood At only 11„11q. Somi
tor_ omnibus, will entirely
suffer.front their obstrtict
you confess,
eautifil tat :when the
indicationivof st, do.
withbold his consent; 'hat
not now of A, sin le/ sort,
that'fit- in th
•Ieast der.
fl 140' 01
wi�g'cruise .1
hour and un min
4W xAhxflLteOVtlurL
The Wide -Always ;Stands .°
ieft-hand side of the groom dull
he Jews, og tont/twig. save 'among .
h w whett•the is pls,ealts—iniiii
.right hand'.
iifln&ktrt1st iron.
preence of cob nie *Cid, an
ce of tho iron tooXidise 4tki
e MOisturess.,
ndergone by ,crw dur-
heirvoyage over sleeping
tO*110$ and bamett.. They stait.
n hew
cond,. held
amongthe 'Clouds for -n»arly two
hc,urs. 'Both her inotors
at 011-14.40104,i
mpt to mike hechay, btn4 Majur
" A wasjust about around
and turnOtt ,btreo:kermilin w e the air-
t0 1004. forward, ani
o the htot:.thy of the isotirtirtioo
The trew the Y4 were
speeLatnr? of a" area
feet -2,000 below) decl
O. i4I 24
The Itirttirtestt nf
4orten a
41) A
* rem
o the rest *
nw do on Aguf