The Exeter Times, 1880-9-16, Page 7ar,?'I Ml;1lt 16, MO A raw EIGHT DAY'S FA.SX't trRarton rIiz: xr:1 wfOnrAT nu, ?Amin— Tun ? Ieelott :NA or S' ARVATION. Anii mere the f>tmnntr faetinsf women of I1 ttI nri'1 pretteu41td to have lived for night years entirely without ford, A. 'Watch Committee wee tappoioted,tvhich detected the frond in a very ingenious nihnner. °i'1)e heti anti betiding, with 'the wmmen in it, were plated 17.11 It de- licate eeiutlitto' ltdnchine, wirier+ ret:ult- 'e.l i)1 the iuevitabie expn,l,ro., At the expiration of the moth clay of this ntriiit watching. being warned tlntehe waa sin lting, pile Acknowlediged her int• posture, end nitudittc•d--which is an i'npn malt foot --that, an h)ulc lis 1110 r,'ll1%11) tl nOrr her wan hilt imperfect, her d,iughtt+1' had 0 )ntrlverl, when %vn.shing ?1elf um, to teed her every meruing by 'using taw'(•is n)adovery wet with gravy. milk, and other nourishing frnuls, end had also while kissini her contrived to )uvey small portions of solid food from mouth to month. Guilluerne 'lrranet, a prisoner at Tf)I11anse, rtaort- ed to 8tervetUOn to avoid 1)U11ishlue lt. For the first seven days the seenptoms were not very remarkable, After this period be was c011)pellod to drielt water to relieve his raging thirst, and after lingering on in terrible agony he died in o0nvialsions on the fifty-eighth day. The case is reported by Van SttWen. There is no doubt as to its truth, and it 'shows that np to the present, at any rate, Dr. Tanner has et the most only clone what others have done before frim. Veterbi a Coreioien, condemned 'to death far the asssasinutinn of Fredt- auia, resolved to eta) ve himself to death. Ile dic+a on the twenty•first clay. IIe too, oocattioually moistened his mouth with water The medical details of his (ase, which ate very bort rible, will be found in Paris's "Media .Tnrisprndeuoe." Of accidental starve, 'tion, The most remarkable example is. 'perhaps, that reported by Dr. Sloane of Ayr; "A man, some 65 years of age, of a spare habit of body, and un• oinnonly vigorous for his time of life, Was accidently incarcerated in a coal mice for 23 days, during the first few of which:he had access to water, strong. ly impregnated with iron. He then became nretble to move and hall an fortunately fatten some distance from thy- water. 1n thin. instance, Dr. Sloane thinks that an impure atmos• phere, by lowering the vital powers, .night tend to slightly prolong life an - der eir•oumstances of pri$ittion. The nr?•happy man died on the third day after his removal." In 1866 eiept t✓asa.y, of the Jaynes Lowden, passed 58 days iu an often boat withont food or water. Io contrived, however., to drink as much rain as he eunld 'e•)lleot and it is possible, of cuursn, that he may have chewed fragments of his clothes. Thus, then, so far as ascer- tained oases go, life has actually, au one occasion, been sustained for fifty- eight days without food, but not with- out water.. Referring to cranes which occurred storing the Irish famine of 1847.. Dr. Donovan says ; "Thee described the pain of hanger as at first very acute, but said that after: 24 hours had been passed without food the pain subsided laud was st2•cceeded by a fe,ehng of weakness and sinkit,gy experienced principativ iu the epigastric region, ac- companied. With insatiable thirst, a strong desire tor cold water, and a dis- tressing feeling of coldness over the entire snrfaes of the body. Li a short lame the face and lips became fright• fully emaciated ; the 'eyes acquired a most peculiar stare ; the skin exhaled 'til peculiar and offensive toter, and wee covered with a brownish, lllthy•looking, almost as indelible as varnish. This be was at first inclined to regard as in tornsted-filr.h, but further experieece oonvin'eed him that it was a secretion poured out from the exhalants on the ser'face of the body; The sufferer tot- tered in walking like a drunken elan ; `stns voice become weak, like that of a pe;soa in cholera ; he whined like a +child, and btl'rut into tears on the slight- 'f}sf ereeasio21. In respect to the men. tel rfivetherei ;tb'o r ptostr4atiou kept pace watts lite f;earortt'l wreck of bodily power; in Teeny these was a state of of imbe- �i17tw iutbec+''ili'ty ; in eotrte almost entn- 1)be'he idiotism ; bet in no instance was 1 heir al'elirtznin or mania, which is often 'described as a aconsequen'ee of protract• ,ed tabstin'enste sanlong shipwrecked mariners. The I''rovinoia1 Synod of the Clinch of England in Canada, tenet in the Sy- nod Rail Montreal yes'ter'day, The clerical and lay delegates from the Ho- ran diocese are as follower --Right Itevorned Bishop Alford, Dean Boom. er, Archdeacon Ellwood, Archdeacon Nelles, Reveroned •Canon Innes, J. 13. lfiiohnr(lson, Canon Mocks, Bnral Dean Smith, Rural Dean Evans, W. 13' Ottint)bell, Canon Caufeld, Itarel Dean Ballard, Metiers, nudge Iiingeinill, V. Cronvn, it. Crotty: 71. 13. .heed, W. Grey. It. Ashton, W, I1. Eallins, Judge Meier:then, .fudge Davie, E. Bayley, 0. Goulplin, \V; J. Irulaoh. VALUL 011' WA)Ltli it. An extraordinary exhibition, as all out readers well know, has recently been made 'in the City of New York. A venal: has undergone tt complete fast from food for 40 days and bas succeed. ed in passing lhroughthis revers ordeal without any f emus damage, furthur than a lose of weight amonuting to nearly one t)nitud It arty. Whether it has troy 11)'portttnae iu a pbysiolouival gen tlr) or an aid tr.) medical seismic meet not hole he discussed. One thing in mine)cttoll with the trial is 0uque>i- tih,ltubll instructive. This is the abso• ln'e necessity of 17 titer and that abso- lutely pure, which has been proved by it A fow dais' abstinouce from water brongItt the fiteting num to the verge ++f death. The oxo of the impure city water itumediatell after his abstinence causltl 8 deugerons nausea and fet'orlsh symptoms, rl't)e lops of weight duriug this ab:'ltiuenoe was excessive and ala t ming. After nine days it was clear that without watt r the Tau would soon succumb. With the use of pure water, procured from a spring, all the disagreeable sywptorus disappeared end a notable gltdu in weight was made daring the next fow days. The fact then progressed to completion, and at the end of forty deye the faster took frequent )Teale of milk, beefsteak, waternielune. penelme and apples with impunity. The lesson that concerns u l 18 tilts : pare water is an absolute nutriment and sustains the body for a time even )n the absence of solid food. flow seldom is this fact considered by farmers ; and more especially that part of it which relates to the purity of the water used ? This lessou is applicable not only to ourselves, but to our do- mestic auhaiel8. It is certain that we ale too negle.ctiUl in regard to the water supitly for our lire stock. The majority of farms are deficieut in this regard, and if water is scarce it occa- sions less cougern.that if fodder is in short eupp1y. Bat water is of more impel team than the fodder, and the greatest pare should be taken that the supply of this iudeuaable nutriment should not duly be ample but excel- lent. PUT'TIN:1 JOHN IN. The trial of an artist who under- takes to paiut a picture "to order" are many and vexatious. it is related of a well known portrait painter that he received an order to paiut a "family group." The family was large and the happy heard of it wonted them a/I in eluded. After many consultations and weary intervie.vs a3 to sittiuge, the order was finally given and the artist breathed freer, but hardly had he ord- ered the canvas befor the paterf unities arrived bleaahless at the studio, aud auuounced that he had "forgot al. about 01111." 'Well,' said the weary artist, 'and who is Juhu ?' 'Aly sou, Julia,' said the patron, 'as went to the war. 1 want ilio. put in picture.' The artist proposed that John be sent to the studio fur n sittiug,to which the patron of arts responded: 'Nell, 1 forgot to tell you John's dead.' Despite the gravity of the in- formation, the pnivfet smiled and ask- ed the father to tiring a pho(ograpb or anything that would giue him ,an idea of hie lust sou's retnoual appearance. 'John's' psrest scratched his heart stud said he wou:d go home and tell 'mother.' 13efore the artist had lighted his aft- er -breakfast cigar the next morning, the fond father made his appearance accompanied by ,+ big buuclle. which, being laurelled, displayed to the eaten. idled eye of the artist an old pair of blue trousers. 'Mother said she couldn't find no photograph or uothia' of Jahn,' said the perplexed parent, 'but she run agin his old army pants and tbonght they might give you an idea, and you could put Juhu in uniform.' It Never Fiiils.--Dr, Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry is au nJfail- retnedy for all kivde 0f bowel cum - The Fountain of Life is the Mond. Keep the fountain pure and all the tributaries of health are in good 0011. clition. Burdock 13lond .Bitters will oleuse the blued from 1111 impul•ietes, expelling i crofnlia and tail humors, tones up) the debilitated system, regu. luting the liver, bowels and brings health CO the aided. reesse•. TINS smoker who utas not yet tried the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco has a new pleasure before bine it) the nee of "the weed." Au i)1F•eetr118nt of twenty cents n'ill fu1'litsl) hie) with the means of giving it )a fair teat, Let us advise niui to melte the exi)nrireeut, he will find the tobacco to be all that its thou. sande of friendri claim fru• it, end they are far from stingy in their prairie. THE TIMES .. xeter IN orth FLOUR and GRIST IVMII,tL, Being Izt goo tdworking nrd++rgivos ((very ac coil. nation possible in :;rt.ttllg'tea 0otn•I11g, flour awl mill fowlltotivorett to ,lart)ON loavlu? their orders rte tore,. 110 o'eintok at J. li 1'I414'8 Bakery, o)• O liY1(N K d CO'S, or at mill same day • TERMS 0.&SHz. V e 2'S WiO EXETER 1"-0. r f[AY PUMP WOI1IiS. G. BOLTON - 'RG?RIETOR. E:aving added to my pump maohalory, and 71(0 euro,l a large quantity of first -eines pump logs, I am 1>ret>areCd toolrer au article Superior to anY factor in the County, and at prices that defy competition, Wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice. Before purchasing call tithe Ray Pump Works, t=a.Sbop—One-quarto mile wort of Exeter, T.onclou Road. Hae 1 GMAT CASH SALE. Raving disposed of z• y store, and baying to vacate the stone, I will dis- pose of my whole stook at and under cost. Sale to commence Wednesday, Juno 4th. My stock comprises the 'est goods in the trade, and this is a rare opportunity to procure bargains never before offered. Call early. Goods booked will be charged regular prices. All outstanding recounts must be settled in Juno, W. 1). MoGt..Ot*HLON, 186 Dundas SI..London. HENSAL.L.l PORK PACKING HOUSE' Dominion Owns and Pianos,. The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, 140x100 faet. Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AT CENTENNIAL, 1876. Do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1877 GOLD MEDAL AT PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1876. HIGHEST AWARD AT MDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1870. We are now manufacturing Square and Upright Pianos,, Best in the market. Correspondence solicited. Send for I1- ustrated Catalogue. Mailed free. Address om.inioa. Organ and Piano Company, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THIS IS NO 93Oi1SBAST 1 Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, c--- Thorefore,read.purchase, and enjoy itabargains, When lsay 1manufacture my own furuitere3 nun prepared with my proof -sheet that the people can inspect at any time by calling at my Ware rooms where tlioy will see a superb dis play of Furniture in All Its Branches n()nnfactnrod by myself and my columned artistic st ill,wita good workmanship. I der .rare uct usatistying the people with a class of Pucnituro that cannot be equalled for duality or price inh Eseter,a11 blowing to the oontrary,uotwithstanding, WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE L BRAWN A GAIL Nearly opposite Iiemp's Tobacco Store,Main Street, Exeter. Having commenced bnsinessfor tee Fall andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder stuck, twouty-five cents. If any of the bong gut is left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No porK will to bought at an price it warn], We want ail Hogs Cutting Aright through breast to head, and Hams opened outto tail. 0- & J. PETTY. f: ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIASL;r REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore, Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the tanxe behind, as is tee case with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allaysirrt- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILT) CHERRY, with the signature of "I. BUTTS" on the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH W. Fowrn & Soss, Boston. Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. This greet household Medicine ranl(s among the leading 1)0C0nf(ttrie8 oY life. Those famou .'ills purify the 13noon, mud that most powerfully yetsentttingly on the Liver, Stomach, kidneys, and Dowels, giving tone, energy, and vigor to theseroat mil in sprieg•t of life. They are con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy 11111)1 erases where the 00nstitttion,f1'0)>) whatever (those, has 1)1,1100)0 i,u)Jail'0td nr woatl000d. Tho)• aro wonderfully ofdrucions in all ailuxt+nts int). denial to temaios of all ago; and as 0geno)a pamily medicine are unsurpassed Itssearchinu and 'healing properties afro known throughout the world. i`or the cure of bad ittgs,bad breasts, old wounds Sorosand'Ulcers, ilia au it,fa1181rii remedy. If e3Yectually rubbed uu the neck end Ghost, as salt into -meat, it cures sore threat, Hronciuiti5,0oughs Colds, and oven) Asthma. l+or 01an1101ar Swel• Hugs, A. 110, 5815, Pries, i'i-tubas, Hoot Rheumatism and every kind of Skin Disease, it 1w.s never boob known to fair. Tho.l'ills tud Ointment are )nan- o fnaturor; only at - 1180 OXFORD R'r7l';T, LORDON, And lire sold by all Venders Of 'Medi nines through- out tlu, civilised world; with directions in almost ovary Inuguego, The Trude :Clarks of these1tcdicincs are regis. tared to Ottawa, 1•%oner, any one In the British t'ovstisli:nt7,w/1n,na 1(12011 the klttcritsan (10101- 11.1)411 01tn- 11u Y Its for (((1e, will be prosecuted, ft -t d+tncll hsery should )n,111 to the Lam m1 the I'ot4;;and Boxes, If the address Is 11086;38 Oxford Street Loudon, they azo 81)0:(011 A Protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, Is as easily digested and assimilated with th;' blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the use of th•:r PEXUVIAN SYRUP. It cures a "thousanO ills" simply by TONING, Tar, INvloor.ATING, VrrAtrzrso the system. Tile enriched an..1 vitalized blood permeates every part of rbc• body, repairing dnmages and waste, searchin out rnorbid seeretio^t ),pini; f,, c disease to feed upon. .t 1,15 ,r tin; secret of the wonderful success of this rernerly in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diat'rhlma, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, And all diseases originating in a had s:8 1' .7' the blood, or accompanied by debility. or a l..•v state of the system, CAUTION.—De sure you got Vitoe E U fr1AN 8 Y (Top." Sold by druggi> ++ nt rthy, remphlete et•nt ;tree 11) r)0y a' ` SETH'811, FUwt•T. & t)(105, Pru1)riutnr+. a: ',ea, risen Av.:vac, Boma, Moes. •