HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-10-08, Page 7iober *d
01 the zzwst
ktlaWri *mot
-cry polieemen,
0 CC oii the' pa
144Q that the lan
out n either
At , •
OW fl. Win
an nflo
•wed to Iaug*
• policeman with a ebecry
without aretntirtt,'S
ban be
Or,' 0 0 f
•Al -
he is'ortly vi1& worm
ratilitonei orrna,..
it re , writ
ie Londo. 0
stIval71441:eiatnbijnestiu e 140aily give. 00
ou stay 'Ong )ugh'ther' is
to be a timewhen there ar no
ants, no. znilk, no vegeta
meat 'bn., 4 , ..4,,
e u sts
lishm Sud
1 tio
ur ilp.very protra-
iavc-neerepat failure and -r-
. , new . ,
tini,t the love that b
or greatnese,
TDICS5io -o:
eedy rn
ut ffence
eating(' ts
los rur
been given t
,an yet, re'
the life that g
WLII 0 o
se *11 kiduelse
. a e e
, *tm-init•
we might make,it
Tbc• godly life is
w ingoodliness,i
reality of, the
iiitc being may b
tin to thc b
t reaiizing bow it
afternoon. an
"t% .w• enetn
er the front ria
FJ waUcecl r arid
Uoxt 1rtQrma
-these are the 10arlingltntea af lite
vcry Awtrt1ian ;eeuntry. house,
One morning -'after a moonlight
or--your e ay .
ets cod. The- $0
bt has h&ppenei
and up on theiro are no
efraid of being in litidua
an he counted and who can be
TkAt WA* the glory of
tbat 041 40 13'n's iit'TerTh C"fl
two"2:Zen: th
4D nq TintotiGii r
It was a st,piczu pr
be ht ffsintthc
do not wake. Sho r $iuust
be 'fiVO 'times*, for when' you wake
tott fi!,i4 A*4-, cups Of eeld tea
'andUngii ajoir On your bedside
v 2, flC
:auc it lifted i e o
2 e. ,It haseeome'wo
.• . d by. bocozniug luPte
a lives becau
io if anyOW
Ace, who had
of the investigation at
tune of the robbery, had -dela mea
while,' but some of the subi6rdinate
who had *assisted * were plaeei
• leged.-being--th
bad concoctid evidence wilful'
^ AU.
I A.
ic d. 'After * longtrial
•1;lenolent• of
• er,
flhiilg U) .
his :Means of ntrance. Ilowever,.
femer.thoeght it best to Wat,'.:
place for .4 while . to see if,a.
g' out of way Might OC6U
short time later*. ernerging fro
ed as if settle one had spoken to
Be s, I have my ,key this
*5 -hat -and walkcd
ben .4..theriaI owncr of thc. $
thathis first suspieiOns, hek.
cerrect, the well.dressed•str
er had walked off with the jew01,,r7
41-„everytiting of .ielite'.77.....that „he
'tild 14yhiCitid-giOed: heads
Although' the iletectives of Paris
are known the world over for their
pr 3 ses 1' t
t• t on rtiI)t
Doiw Y. 1
.......214 tali s,,,. which. iendlubhe
over''the names of tbiugs. at
•, e hiele always, stem to be • ex.
ac e opposite of what. they •ard,
...., if t. lot esnit if* ii01.1rit Promise to Oaviil
oy., 0 0 -Golden- Telstit* .1*.iliTtta- -8., -46*.
dia 'Upon. 'whic.i
a On n entployeA tct!
painter .
, . . . t
t..the boait &1ngszde. called,out. . 0.th... ,
1.-!!... eanirtg •
. o r he tai 4- pa „' ..,,
e'rybody ' hould'know .that
' tygott 'inter is the.. rope which
..._ ,. .
1. Davi'd dwelt it hi
I'n, irantt, ‘3Y -yr
M. r
t+r,przp1Tho t•
dviter and -eounsolor ''ug
This promise, of Jehovah
stands in c1cr contrast to
OPE es in ludInient, o the pait
he Pace.,
e Taurville, onc 0
v. thelitirope
, • ,.„ shwa' for.a long tine
twee .of the MistaIc0 of a detce.
David ve•.•• The 'death of * 'woman.
rborotigh,. by What De Tourtille
charger vo nvest
t'n'yli*soTnt,4-,Y Tsebee alnilhosvPl'ir°1isell'obt thelt ebout o oduetratour theand
letedimg ludaverseitmla bteinto llmhe_osoutishinegerw,jmas aeppearanrc;,
son and 'successor. IYAX• tO,
man of ttioauso 01 her 1-1474.1-thirtzwtalisestilynsot's iedorne that
established kingdom *
d 4ttirLIS 4-,largq portio
rot . 10 relitTo-ir lirlsra-th-or• -
David wa/in many; respects simi.
Jar to- that which tiatuttel, bore t
house of 'cedar -Cedars of di*,
-Lebation_liad been _furnWitet,
Jiraiu for the ruat mansion of
h ; b
4 said tbot'
g tot u ie •
thder urtVut ' ti a temporary
d Studies forIn
' Y a
- -o' pice7, -A ,t a 61ciair, -0-
• # 4' It (‘ it i #WW*1 .-...".• ..., , 0 .
-.,-- 0
i . Forever—We 6 th *hum
onicler uses t 0 words of, Analll a found that,* fro*Mm4110111-
surance in reference' .to David's;ing herself be accident Ishe had
# t
ell in _a Xeseiartie,ienee,•_wherearitio murdered_ h m
e author of 7Second:-:.Siniuerfdirs had shot her 0 • st t
i directly -'to David himself a. glight examitiiition wouId have re.
m 'ellte.parallek-smxrunt--i
thy hear
arently David had not yet ex-
re'sedhis' desire in words, but
then rightly giteased **bat it wai
;nd deir., to
1. It cam The prophet -'a
due toa tural sym sr
.ngecl communion -arid ---medit
htartof the ;king tgelitei u
ott .rnarveIon* PrOlitisei
of Je-
boiah ,to' himself and hitt ,pOste
Sarnuel (t. lei 20)' reed*: "And thi
mall' thin in thine cye
h' erune badtern 1 re
the time Do, Teurville
ifed.", free, — •
which is eattilY
the climate, the large amount
of meat' eaten and the abnormal
enat/2tities of tea eonsumed.
e ;hours from jSydney, al.** Many
beautifulou houses, moll
wis her at
and thcn -you can go iiding asion
you .04000; •••••:- •
-'D(iM4 YOU L
is the only 'recognized order of th
day. , There will be golf,• tennis,
vortuet.,....„4t.o10_, Inaroo, hunting,
tOW114' on toe •eree no
bie. ing, rnoonlight rides, biUytea, and
for gayemL. laughter* maple .= and
iroun' where Sydney Peor P
.ebruary and' March to get **IV
rozn the di-00AM heat of the city
e harbor, jtndbereyouill
o once behaved so 'had
lionSeful of gaeate,
a"Dyspepsia," said
otters- -';."Iiihat ---1-eu need
chcerful company, bright converse.
two and laughter!"
."Then •I'll 'run t
ortyteun)bieh.ot;': saidv
• re„.ar,r
f ill-m.11er came sometimes.malte
The pollee in ,a.
town'of 'Prance- were aroused to
Von * short time ago oY a c
munitation •-frOni, quart $.
4batA of. six photograph vials it 41,041intrii'itthn-giOnirnutre.t-thg-4041
tios04 41,t,the coarnii...4tientuni_oeatitolitiost,44.4twitlititittniT:1:at;t1;:vewbo ritilAtge„re *11
stiug danczngand bridge, night and
day and -day and night. And all
ay long there Will be tea. Tea at
seven; tea for breakfast, tea in the
sitting room or veranda at eleven,
tea for lunch,*tra with dinner,
The 'gentle' of untiring coffee
nt o ock lunch
Lc 4,1 ,curnoe sj.je t;amee4.,r4;tton
ring.array of. gorgeous.
paion rulti:OneappIes, grapes,
'guava custard apples an Intlons
heaped up on enittmon$ "d” Oa,
'There may or now not . be -*um.
'robnt1y french -And
n wines aro prohibitive, and
liens have not. yet r.dopted that. ..,
a e. law of drinkilig "the whit). of
e country, and patronizing.fhoir
• clarcLsWnd
ill be limp nice, and leinfln t‘iru
n 4t,iikey !AA ainiliffie
sideboard all day long. _Dinner will
bo at 7, and then. chompewle wi
I ,cheer Me up. .
ed at 'hii izittf'hous'
in.,'a. wiolerrt temper,
re, e niart,..the lio.rsea,,the
rden at th.‘e dried up look of the& f drtink -The ladies rill all dress
e• Tikr?dd:;yriy. there
_curriesand a pigeoii -pie to ea
the table. •
Paris M
U.upded se, ter
the. little town ti
eeded• in landing
21d wre MUT to e
ve of the men
pturelho sixth
* • ow
turing the night's coniniurnofl with
o4 he' teme to look upon the inat-
in another liht, and retognit
that. the building of si temple rn
*eh:in house the ark would be
radical * break With the tim 11:
itrt.ot; tweet-,
cttange. 1 come about
Fut nut --
Brou up lute-Referrin
to the' exodus fr
for great o a
ter,. after the' manner of meat 0
-rd Ielloveh 1 And what can Da-
d say more , unto thee!' for thiAt
k.""trweitt thy,. stervant, 0 Lord
h "
ne'. in thf
earth is 'like h;rifeatio:zikais
And who, is like -h
-1 ni4I-014
which & murder .h
ted to see that not,
e super
�e' found tlie,
',amid ;yell melsii
aed slow-
aule t
- Aleck Brown, 1 o rk.
in tailor in Edinburgh, wu *10
character in his Ivey. On -one °c-
um-- he --attended . * temperance
ting-irtIlia...01•*.t.Y4..-And during an
addre4a given„ by ay *hobbit .diess
"Order, prd- hea
thiir prolonged opplau Aftei
ono of Aleck's outbursts the- apeak-
cz **illy, "Will that", gentlmai
plow Inform rae whet kind of or
der he, wants 2" "Ohs." roll
Aleck, quite undaunted,
toT a decent auit o' clot.
for-dionre*-12;u1-=',..L.,:aArlurbdr-Neteill- --
too but it ,121, man or two appear in-
mornins_eloti.to one will he i
leastth distur •
a 3 ritivriet a'olr
urgently- hidingtheir ]nc'litv .471- 1°41-Wir-e —*1001E rt iiU-c- Zh entire
r ando 'Aeslier grew the si.
7-fib:t7etaddbilitielywl- *hr„,;tiflitashi.:tb,anhigteblazing witT - indignation. -- -- Lt,dyoeri,
and talk, can't you
yen be cried.
But n0 1:Yen s reh
you Canna, gibe Pe ut.t0 _ehPt
ful e0nyeesation. sot isughtfer*
Breakfast,: when ood many
ealco and,,,thops are is at
baif - sit eight, hut you
te as- you like- It ialt.es
-thatou eetne down to Isti
varttii–ste-busy wi
land, but ncv'r do.4.-022 find a dish -
.of rabbit on an Australian ,country
htinie 'table, Another charaeter
alv opposed to an English one will
be the r'niarkable absence of letter
rierl among the guests,,
geffitt-beaw altsor°3tbirmrpriitvil
eAtt'd yet there will il*syibe more._
rle than Married Women. Glee in
set abound in a country house, for
Afutstroalisgs !2„srvet:oomtibitien:nitIlit the lhaner!i_
Kerrie less ver it.
he a
baton snit Ogg and m401 tr
NO one -Will it Ir Anytliie
untd 18 tomcgo'vt.
and you rna.y .taker what you like
will have to help :rash up' After.
Ye* 1_ :Z.xell
u eerteatt .44ua
'them On
-for DtAege
. of .11eir.'tt
1* po1e'
Le the 'word list: thou
* be establisfrn'ever
id grateful'
on 'width
to Sydn tr., t
a - linw
glad sheWas to get ba4"k to,, hal .
n Australia,".el
left nut of
was married It wa ,,, hei-
who st** sake
chance -1 -did -go
somcthing to ea
wkil. *11
get -back ta'It&ly, litt n marr1'
orn 1 ty II
tbil front tkorwill start
1 in ,,are ncer 1,„Vrit
er usturn
_ • e to;
zn to
the doe
toid the .
liushartd beat/
4ther day*21
tha eliok and 'IF
o secs polt .#4,70r